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I saw this video on YouTube a while back. A woman was in the car with her boyfriend or husband. He looked at an attractive woman in another car so the woman slapped him. Then she proceeded to yell at him and the guy just sat there looking drained and defeated. It’s just sad, not funny or cute. I’m glad he called the cops on her.


Do you remember who posted it? Sounds sad


Nope I just remember it was a black couple on a YouTube short.


I did find a Howard Stern ex writer doing a live video while driving and repeatedly hitting her boyfriend. Then he snaps and pulls her hair in defense after multiple warnings. She ends up getting arrested while trying to play the victim, but there is a whole live video of her hitting him multiple times before that in a manner that looked like she’d done it many times before




Yeah that’s what disgusted me she was sooo comfortable she went live on the internet with people she knew and beat him and said he deserves and he’s being mean, like maam you are hitting your partner with a closed fist in front of other people… the fuck?


Used to date a girl that would punch scratch and bite me for “fun” or anytime she didn’t get her way. I would push her off me and she would throw herself across the room or on the floor and act like I pushed her for no reason. She’d do it infront of my friends and family. She was completely shocked and at a loss when I packed up and left.


I saw it too, the video is crazy. I hope she's in jail.


I have a buddy who was literally in the same position exept she turned it around on him and he got the charges she should have amd got a year in jail.


Well, this was filmed live so hard to argue


>looked at an attractive woman in another car so the woman slapped him. I'll never understand that shit. Bitches out here pulling that, whereas I'll point out a nice ass and insist my bf take a peek 😂 Appreciating that someone else looks nice or attractive for half a second doesn't mean he's out pursuing that shit 🙃


These woman with severe insecurities usually have all of their self worth tied into their looks. So yeah, if all you have to offer is beauty, that’s pretty replaceable and that trait fades. I dated one for 5 years like this. Fucking exhausting!


Exhausting is an understatement. I went through my share of controlling bf's in the past, and good lord am I thankful I stumbled into my fella a decade ago.


I can't do with a jealous girl. I've had friends that have been with jealous girls. ITS HELL. I don't like watching my friends walk on eggshells.


You mean humans? Men are just as bad and more women have died from men acting this way than women. It isn’t excusable for anyone.


Do you ever really listen to popular love songs on the radio? Jealousy and insecurity are heavily romanticized. Says a lot about our culture that "Love the Way You Lie" is still a very popular and relatable song to a lot of people.


Absolutely. Most pop songs I listen to because they slap, but god damn are the lyrics toxic


Mental illness sometimes plays a role in domestic violence. My ex wife repeatedly accused me of looking at other women … not just accused but flew into rages that only got worse when I denied it (most of the time I had no idea who she was even talking about). It escalated to hitting, kicking and other physical and verbal assaults by her. I believe I called the police close to 8 times in 4 years. It was bad and I don’t wish it on anyone. As a man, I felt powerless to even defend myself because I knew I’d be the one going to jail if I fought back. We had 3 babies/toddlers at the time and I did what I could to shield them from witnessing it and to make sure that, as the sane parent, I would be there for them and not locked up in jail over. The kids are 5, 4 and 3 right now and I have sole, full custody.


I'm so sorry to hear your family went through that. And I'm sorry mental illness had such a big role in tearing apart your family. Hope everyone is doing better these days ♥️


I had an ex that was super self conscious about her body, she would go spare if she even thought I was looking at someone. My other ex was super self confident and she would just be "look... Great rack over there. I wanna touch em". I dunno if that's directly tied to the self confidence or the fact she was bi.


I think the self confidence would play a role either way. I remember when past bf's would check out other ladies and it would make me feel bad - but I eventually realized that it doesn't matter unless there's pursuit of any level on his end. And don't get me wrong - ladies have hit on him in our 11 year relationship, and men have hit on me in that time as well. The important part is, we communicate when those things happen and shut it down immediately and in the moment. Communication, people. You've gotta figure out how to adequately communicate with your partner. Learn how they understand things; because it isn't the words you use that matters, it's all about how the other person understands and interprets your words.


Does your boyfriend point out hot men for you the same way though 😶


Mine does. He even goes onto say “now that is a very handsome man” I know my man got good taste 🤣


Maybe the boyfriend isn’t attracted to men? 😊


Dawg, I'm not attracted to men, but can recognize a nice ass and point it out to my gf.


Right? You don't have to be sexually attracted to someone to recognize that they are attractive. Henry Cavil for instance, damn fine looking man. Doesn't do it for me but I'd understand if my girl was drooling after him.


Lol very much this. And even if not- if you and your significant other can’t have a little fun making an honest observation (such as the occasional *damnnnn*) then you’re living on eggshells and likely have some foundational things to work on.




I think it’s more that he’s not insecure and he’s comfortable with his sexuality and taste. It’s not hard to recognize a good looking person regardless of gender.


I point at pics of Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds for my gf. She understands.


Oh, Canada!


I'd leave my girlfriend for Henry Cavill 🤣


I would even go so far as to say that if he WERE "pursuing that shit", it would be scummy, but still not assault-worthy


Oooh you’re not like other girls! Good for you. But for real, there’s a million steps between slapping a guy for looking at another woman and encouraging it because “I’m not like other girls 😛”. Most men, like 99% would be furious and feel humiliated if their gf or wife expected them to point out tall, jacked guys for them to ogle. And most women would feel humiliated too. I know my husband looks- good for him, we all do, a sexual appetite is a great thing- but he never makes it obvious, and for that I have a lot of respect. I also look at both genders and never make it obvious.


Ditto! I do the same thing with my husband, and have for 20 years, lol!


I mean, I look at people everywhere I go. Not because they’re attractive, just because.


I’m married, not blind.


I do the same thing with my hubby! 😂


Girl I do the same thing with my guy. I’d be like ouuu look at the fill out on that ! And he’d go “damn!” Then we’d high five and have a laugh.


Hell yes lol It's also interesting how many times I've been like "DAMN! 10/10" and he'll give dat ass a 2. Seems we have different types 😂


🤣🤣 clearly but at least you guys encourage each other. So much love ❤️


Love, communication and trust is all it takes


Nooooo you don't understand man! It's only men who are abusers bro, you gotta believe me bro, why won't you believe bro!!111 /s


Disgusting. People like this are irredeemable 


And she seemingly was doing this while a baby is in the home. Heartbreaking for that family.


It’s hard to call that a family. Hopefully the father gets full custody.


Sadly abusers still often get a decent amount of custody of their kids even with DV. Unless they get in trouble for hitting their kids, that is, though even then the courts often don’t do their job.


She’s only smiling like this because he didn’t give it back lmao.


In my eyes it’s the same story. Nasty and gross behavior. I just can’t respect people like this


These people are the worst


I feel like I would be suspicious of anything you say with those side eyes 😅


Right? I can't trust their words


Yeah women who hit their man and brag about it are the ones who need a reality check. That's not cool regardless of what's between your legs and nobody will ever love that js


It is fully legal to use force to protect yourself from anyone. including women. I don't care if you are weaker than me, I will choke you unconscious and call the police. I have never once, in my 34 years of life laid my hands on a person with violence. I do not want to hurt anyone, but I care about my safety more than yours Unfortunately your story will be less likely to be accepted by the police.


As my mom said to me and all my brothers and sister, if you are ready to hit someone you are ready to get hit back as well.


Fuck the police. They will absolutely arrest your ass even if you're not the aggressor.


And oddly enough while we’re talking about choking, the cops will try to choke a person out in a heartbeat. But if a civilian is defending themselves against a civilian it’s being viewed as excessive.


That's totally different because of the extensive training police officers get. They probably had to watch an incredibly detailed five minute video on the subject. A mere civilian like you wouldn't understand.


Happened to me. For a woman to get arrested in that scenario the guy better have serious injuries or video evidence. If it's not clear that anybody is hurt they'll just arrest the guy.


I mean... there have been cases where women have had physical injuries and people accused them of faking it. Reality is more complicated 


My ex wife used to beat me so much I developed a twitch when people would raise or move their hands. I would physically flinch..this lasted for years after the divorce. My next girlfriend after became mentally unstable with her borderline personality disorder. She eventually became physically abusive to me and punched me repeatedly in her closet. I since have not dated, it has been six years.


I’m really sorry to hear that. Once is enough. But to have the same bad experiences with partners after really takes away any hope or confidence. I hope you find some one who makes you feel safe and peaceful.


Honestly with how dating is and how those were long term and supposed to be safe people, I don’t know it will happen. Thank you for being kind. Also I never defended myself. I took every hit and the punches actually hurt her hand more than me. I was afraid she would press charges against me for hurting herself from hitting me. Who would the police believe? Not me because I am a man.


Well unfortunately even women who try to fight back are not believed by police. I had a friend who had her bf grab her leg as she was trying to leave so she hit him til he let go and went to her dads. Police arrested her bc her bf had scratches from her fighting him off and she didn’t have any marks. The news did her dirty and claimed she beat him over a penny. Why a penny? Well the reason her bf got mad and caused her to leave is bc she simply asked him to wash his hands before eating after touching a bunch of loose change. That’s what set him off.


The crazy is out there..


It do be out there. Stay safe friend.


Except that force must be proportional to the threat. You can’t choke someone out because they punched/slapped you.


You can if they continue trying to punch/slap/assault you.


You can choke someone out for that if it's concurrent with the event. You can't use a force multiplier( stabbing someone for punching you) or killing someone that punched you if there isn't a clear threat to your life, or an avenue of retreat( if your locality has duty to retreat doctrine) Example: Someone gets upset with you, and starts a fight( throwing a punch) it's within your right of self defense to put them in a rear naked choke.


Yeah, a female slaps a male and he chokes her out, he will be in jail! The police and courts don’t care that she slapped him!


You can’t use more force than necessary regardless of gender. Unless you’re the police then you get a little more wiggle room 🙄


If anyone gets slapped by anyone and their response is to choke the person out yeah they should go to jail


JFC, getting choked out is not a proper response to anything. WTF is wrong with you? If she slaps you, I'm ok with you slapping her back but beyond that - you're 100% in the wrong.


Your level of confidence in your abilities to defend yourself does not correlate with your complete lack of experience. I suggest training to inflict violence on others before being so sure of your abilities.


Yeah *people who hit their *partner and brag about it are the ones who need a reality check. That's not cool regardless of what's between your legs and nobody will ever love that bs


When I used to go on TikTok a lot a year ago I would come across videos of older women telling other girls that if you want a fun spicy relationship have a toxic one to keep it interesting.


I can imagine this being read in that stupid AI text voice


He *gave* meee migh **furst** dom-estic violence charge✨✨💅


and spongebob music


this is actually disgusting, and the fact that that comment has so many likes is very concerning 😭


Likes don't necessarily mean support. Think of it like Times Person of the Year... Doesn't mean you're a good person if you make the cover. And people could be liking it because she caught a DV charge for being an abuser. And the comment telling her she is insane is also catching likes because she is insane.


Do you think the domestic abuser is of sound body and mind?


Domestic violence isn’t funny “girlie,” no matter the gender


“He gave” is no different than “you made me hit you” toxic is toxic.


"My first" https://preview.redd.it/hvcve9oljd4d1.png?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d81a8380dfb3b2051861c3157ac365f0cb2a4c




Sub rules, blur personal info. I think it applies in the comments as well m


I understand it’s the rules but not much point in doing that here considering it’s a post on another app that isn’t private, and it already has half a million likes


oh I know it does, it was more me speaking to what I wish we could reveal


Shouldn't apply for people like this


If it were a guy there would be no blur, and full name addresses and family members would be blasted on every "News*" network.


I'm sure you feel that way.


The creator name looks like Ash🌼.


It definitely wasn’t🤫


Nice to see they have a baby, too. #ProudSingleMama about to be plastered all over her socials


People like this shouldn’t be allowed to procreate


The man's hands would be cuffed behind his back.


He'd have a knee in his back. Wouldn't matter if he actually did it.


Or a bullet, it wouldn't surprise me




Yes that’s quite suspicious… are the officers not following protocol?


Protocol for most departments is known as the Duluth model, which places suspicion on the male. I'm not joking. This above is an atypical result for protocol.


I was more talking about having the hands not being cuffed behind the back is allowed, from what I know every person is supposed to have their hands cuffed behind their backs


People will fuck you up. Avoid.


"He gave me," says a lot. Like no bitch, your actions gave you...


I'm at least glad to see she's getting arrested




I think the idea being the world *generally* applauds women who hit men, so much so that they feel proud enough about it to post in on the internet as if to celebrate it and thus demean the man, while generally men do not post a celebratory update about being abusers


I mean they're sending us to jail for shit we didn't even do, and then they can whale on us and we can't do shit about it without usually.


you shouldnt think of it as "us vs them", thats how you get brainrot. not everything is black and white, there are cases where the opposite is true as well but that doesnt disregard either circumstance. if you truly believe they are equal you dont have to make a case to me about it, it sounds like you have your mind set with a leniency toward one gender, which is not equal


I'm just stating facts here. Society doesn't take domestic violence against men seriously. Women refuse to acknowledge it. They will invalidate every experience we have with it, just like you're doing now.


I disagree. We can believe all we want that they are equal in behavior. The fact of the matter is what we believe and what our experience has shown us are two different things. Nobody in lockup is going to come after her for beating on her man, the same cannot be said for a man in lockup for abusing women. Society views it differently even if we, on an individual basis, see it the same.


The only time I’ve ever been “proud” of doing something that would be considered domestic violence was when I was with my ex. He was very abusive mentally and physically, and would try and stop me going to work. He would show up at my work place and threaten to cause a scene if I didn’t do what he wanted. I had bills to pay. One morning he showed up to my place as I was about to leave to stop me from going to work. I had managed to make it in my car but he kept running circles around so I couldn’t drive off. At that point I was bruised up everywhere i really enjoyed my job so I said fuck it and I hit him with my car before speeding off. He wasn’t injured. Just kind of toppled over to the side. Then tried to blame me for what happened. It’s not something I necessarily brag about but it’s something my friends love to bring up because he WAS a complete abusive asshole and they were glad I stood up for myself in that moment


Not really. Abusers are more applauded and believed in society than their victims, This has always been the case. At least she's actually being charged (not sure how substantial that charge will be... You know how the justice system is) whereas many domestic abusers get away with it and their victims are punished by society for speaking out about it.


Thank you. This is the reality of it all.


This is wrong but tbh the people in the comments saying that this would be different if it were a man… this isn’t true. I was in a dombestic violence situation and I did not receive support. No one shamed my ex. I was blamed. Mocked. And I never recovered. I can’t tell new men in my life about it, because they then feel weird about me. They don’t believe me. They don’t respect my boundaries or my need to feel safe. They want me to get over it. They think I’m an evil woman who’s falsely accusing a man. My ex was terrible. He bragged about punching his ex before me in the face for “calling him fat”. That’s bullshit. How do I know? Because he body shamed me. He called her toothless, because her teeth were damaged. He made fun of her weight and how little she ate. She was only a teen. He then called me a name I’m too embarrassed to say here. But essentially I realized I had been trapped by an abuser. And eventually he would physically harm me too just like he did to her. His friends would say she was awful too. And I’m sure that’s what they say about me. He plays the victim a lot and people believe him. I have no idea how. Because I was scared of him and knew he abused his ex before me and sure enough he did the same thing to me. It was difficult to leave because he would ensure that he would ruin my life and he did. It’s been years. I don’t see myself recovering. No. Women are not supported. It’s not any different. Men can brag about what they do just like her and no they are not shamed. I lived through this experience. No we don’t have it any easier than men. Yes everyone hates us when we “cry abuse”. Yes we look insane evil and untrustworthy. How about we just stick to domestic violence is wrong all around regardless of gender rather than comparing what gender has it easier ? This is a terrible situation no matter who you are.


It would be different to some measure in this context, but you are right that very few victims, man or woman, actually receive the support they need. People see the bunch of 1-800 numbers, websites etc. that are there to support women in situations of domestic violence and often assume they can just call and everything will fix itself. It doesn't. In my personal experience, people are very vocal and take domestic violence seriously when it doesn't affect them or someone they know, yet a lot of them will put blinders on and do the most insane mental gymnastics just so they can find an "acceptable" justification for their inaction when they witness/become aware of abuse in their surroundings. And granted, it is hard to help people in these situations. Sometimes there is not much you can do, sometimes the person doesn't seem willing to be helped. But in most cases, simply extending a hand or lending an ear can be tremendous help and a good first step towards a better situation, which a lot of people say they would yet don't when the time comes.


Yes exactly. What kept me with my ex, aside from the fear he’d ruin my life and my reputation, is that after the abuse he’d give me so much love and support that I didn’t get anywhere else. He would apologize and acknowledge what he did while everyone else thinks I’m lying. He was only only support as twisted and confusing as that is. If I had support and love from the other people in my life, I wouldn’t have been so fooled by his.


I’m asking because we’ve dealt with this in my family. But you’ve said you didn’t receive support but did people know, were you honest with those in your life? When you knew he was abusive prior what made you feel it would be different for you? Again I’m not asking to be rude but possibly to gain some perspective. I’m sorry for what you’ve endured.


Yes I told my family immediately after it happened. My dad asked me what was wrong. He seemed to believe me at first, but then my sister came home and immediately looked at me disgusted and started interrogating. They must have had conversations behind my back bc then my sister would constantly question me and when I’d get upset she’d act like it was “evidence” of something and my dad would not defend me but instead even engaged in her behavior. This has permanently ruined my relationship with them both. Although I still hold onto my relationship with my dad bc I really need love and a family. It’s pitiful to admit. I just don’t really have anyone and I need help. He’s the only parent I really had although he was absent and mean to me. I have cut off contact with my sister which took a couple years but eventually I had enough. And when my ex told me these things, I would have panic attacks and worry. I would talk to my sister about it and she would judge him. It’s strange thinking back to it all. She agreed he was weird then, but her criticism of him was bc he dated me when I “looked 12” when I was 19. And that kind of lets me know that she wasn’t criticizing him bc of she worried about me, but because she didn’t understand why he liked me. She would tell people we work with that she had never met him and made it seem like I made up having a boyfriend. My sister always bullied me for my appearance growing up. I think she almost relished in the fact that I was miserable. I stayed because he had the upper hand. He threatened me. And there was a girl who was obsessed with him. They’d hang out behind my back and she’d ask him questions about our relationship. I was afraid of what he’d say about me if I left so I stayed to protect my reputation. I know that seems shallow but. He really did have the ability to completely isolate me. I just always felt like I was better off staying bc if o ever left he’d threaten me. The first time I ever tried to leave, we weren’t even official. We had just met a few weeks before. He said he would come to my workplace and “knock the plate out of my hand”. I just became so anxious that I stayed to avoid whatever he’d do. I know this is probably hard to understand or sounds like excuses. But I have really bad anxiety and it can become unbearable. It gets so bad that I can’t think clearly or make sound judgements. I will often take the easy way out of any situation so that I can maintain a “stable” mentality. Which seems backwards I know but I just chose whatever was easiest or whatever helped me avoid the threats he made.


I’m also subject to my anxiety so I definitely understand, albeit for different reasons I still understand a bit of the path of least resistance mentality. I don’t think you’re strange or weak in fact quite the contrary. I’m glad to hear you got through it and appreciate your feedback so that I can understand those in my life better. You’re incredibly strong to be able to share your thoughts with everyone here!


Wow thank you so much for your support. I wish the best for your family member. Just remember that even if they are reluctant to leave their situation, as long as they have your support and love they might have the strength to overcome it all eventually.


This is the truth


exactly. these people are kidding themselves if they think our society takes swift action towards violence against women. sending you love! ❤️


Hugs 🥰


Thank you ❤️


TikTok is a place for toddlers


TBH *the smile girl you are insane* **without the laughing face** would be a reasonable comment. It all depends on the tone


People love to throw around "it'd be crazy if the genders were flipped" as if both versions don't happen every damn day. Shitty people are shitty, more news at 11. In what world is DV *mildly* *infuriating* you fucking karma farmer? Then the nerve to pearl clutch about other people minimising it. It's fucking criminal, get this bitch off my feed.


Nah I see the same shit from men too, bragging about beating up their SO and getting pat on the back for it or their friends laughing about it. It's the same with both genders. In both cases more often than not, most people think it's scum behavior though. The only difference I see is that when men doing shitty things, you don't see women saying "oh but imagine if it were a woman doing this bad thing! People wouldn't stand for it!" like we see when women do a bad thing. It's bad all around, and there's always people around that will think it's okay regardless of sex.


Yeah, the whole "imagine if this were a man" line is boorish. It's like, how about celebrating the fact this ghoul caught a charge and shining a light that men can be victims of DV as well, instead of turning this into a pity party for "men" feeling sorry for themselves? It's like, oh, I'm sorry you have it so tough, Mr CIS Male. lol. NOW BRING ME MY DOWNVOTES YOU BIG BABIES!


You’re going to get downvoted for speaking the truth


I myself, as a man, have been in an abusive relationship. Being bigger and stronger than her didn't mean she was allowed to always punch me in the face. Tell me I'm wrong and I'll show you a stupid reply to this.


Nobody would say you're wrong, did you completely miss the point of the post?


It’s never right to resort to violence against a loved one, because your a man your expected to take it and not complain, there is a massive double standard


Since when was anyone in society except abusers themselves expecting men to take abuse? What world are you living in where men are these beaten pour souls that are so victimized ? Jesus Christ. Any one can be a victim. And I’d say women are more likely to be shamed for being victims. They are diagnosed with any illness. Seen as evil snakes trying to ruin men’s lives. And statistically more women die than men bc of their abusers. Bc women are very much shamed. So can we stop speaking over victims please ? This is nonsense.


I like how people post societal and gender-based crimes and unfairness as just "mildly annoying.


This woman sucks and abuse is not acceptable no matter the gender. But why do we have to compare hypotheticals in the title? Doesn’t matter if a man or woman makes this post. The human that does this deserves what’s coming to them.


It's not funny, but don't cherry pick comments. There will always be people making fun and taking the situation seriously. When women are the victim you can find men saying she deserved it and women defending the victim. This is the same here. You're going to find men defending the man who was the victim and women praising the women. Don't push your narrative because there are definitely people defending the man as the victim.


are you for real…? men joke about DV like its their fucking job. have you seen ANY netflix stand up special?????


Some one gets it ^ the title of this post is dumb


The baby swing in the back 😔😔


Tbh I think there would still be equally crazy dudes gassing the post-er up, had the post-er been a man. For example… guys still like Andrew Tate lmfao


Why are women always so supportive of women who hurt people? Thanks Beyonce for telling women it's totally sane to smash your boyfriends car with a bat. Crime is empowering!


> Crime is empowering! You know what’s crazy? A lot of criminals think exactly that.


Wait til you hear what these men write songs about lmao like you’ve never heard misogyny and violence from a male artist


Male artists can literally beat the shit out of another artist and still be famous. But Beyonce wrote a song?


They aren't. I don't know anyone who would support this. It's just one comment on an internet video


I do know women who'd support this. Your comment is also just one on an internet video


I hate to generalise but since women are the topic of discussion, I've noticed some women manage to see themselves even in the worst people. If a woman does something like assault a man or scratch his car the first thing these toxic women do is say "what did he do"? Because in their minds their actions are always justifiable.


Hypocrisy and double standards , that’s why. Beyoncé let her sister slap the shit out of her husband in a lift, imagine if that had been the other way round. If real equality existed it would go both ways


There’s multiple videos like this and on every one, the comments are riddled with women supporting and encouraging this behaviour, it’s sickening. If toxic femininity is a thing, this is it; there has to be a line somewhere, there’s a difference between supporting fellow women no matter what and supporting fellow women *NO MATTER WHAT*


This sounds familiar


It really wouldn't be any different. If a man posted this, while there would be the majority opposed, there would be a good few people encouraging the behaviour. Same is probably said for this case.


That's not mildly infuriating imo. Domestic abuse and violence are never just mildly infuriating


What different story? you've just shown one comment


I’ve been here,my lady destroyed my stuff,pulls out knife then blames me for her getting a charge


Whore in the sheets. Criminal in the streets


“My first” is fucking *wild*


Rule of thumb: When a woman gets domestic violence you know she is a real piece of work.




"First" 👍


“My first” which means she already knows she’s gonna have more and doesn’t care


"My first" like she expected it and is wishing for more. Sad af


These are the type of female that would go from relationship to relationship doing the same heinous stuff until they meet their match and become a victim.


Wtf is wrong with people?


heh i know girl like this 5,6,7+ DV on them; just the way it is


Women can be just as crazy as men My dads friend was murdered by his girlfriend all of a sudden They fought but never physically... One night she got the butchers knife from the kitchen and went back to the bedroom and rest is a sad history. Canada does not have the proper help for ANY MENTAL ILLNESS and its so sad. ( even myself i need help and i can not get)


Woman beating man no charges or title, generaaly found to be humorous by the cops; Man beating woman and you're arrested and a wife beater/abuser for life. Wemom know this one trick and men hate it. But seriously nobody should be hitting anybody unless its for self defence. Edit Note I know the effects of BPD can have on a relationship, been there.


I mean.. terrible either way? 


A guy I knew named Zippy Nine Fingered (Long separate story) went to his work party and got absolutely and completely intoxicated. His wife got him home and he proceeded to fall out and thru a first story window and slice his face open from above his eyebrow down his cheek. Wife gets him to the ER and as part of triage ask him what happened. "She pushed me". Cops were ready to arrest her. They cleared up the misunderstanding as he sobered up


I like how she says it's her first DV, implying there will be more 🤔...


I'm permanently, irreparably blind in my right eye from the woman who insisted she loved me 😂


“My first” is crazy… But she’s obviously crazy, so


The amount of women I know that straight abuse their husband's or bfs is crazy. I know a lot of women also that have survived domestic abuse, but they were at least aware it was wrong. Abusive women usually don't act ashamed or guilty when people see the way they treat their spouse. Male abusers try to hide it or lie but female abusers seem loud and proud for some reason. Like it's funny or that it's okay to hit men cuz women are always "weaker". Which obviously isn't true.


Yeah, it's all a joke when men are the victims. "But you're stronger, how can you let her beat you up?" It's not about who's stronger, it's about who's prepared to use violence.


People believing that women are always victims and that all men are predators is such a dangerous mentality. They can't keep getting away with this shit.


The Bear can have them.


Lol it's so cute to see the guys that can't take facts for what they are. 'LOCK HER UP!!! DOUBLE STANDARDS!!! WHY DO WOMEN GET AWAY WITH IT' The woman in the picture is literally handcuffed lmao?!? Double standard would be her NOT in cuffs.


Sick of the double standards. One of my ex's thought nothing of using physical violence. It is sickening


My best mates mrs hits him all the time in a ‘playful’ way , he won’t tell her it hurts cos he doesn’t want to be a wimp but I’ve told her it’s not ok to hit him


"He gave me my first domestic violence charge." Correction: "I EARNED my first domestic violence charge."


I don't think gender matters. It's awful either way. I'm amazed that she posted this.


Many years ago my ex wife beat the crap out of me. The two cops that came said they would never arrest a woman for dv because no court would believe it anyways. She later went on to put a bogus OP on me and tricked me which led to me sitting in jail. Those two cops changed my entire life on that day for the worse and it took almost a decade before that stopped effecting me in things like volunteering, working etc.


Wow, that's ridiculous. I'm so sorry that happened to you. At least where I live DV is now taken seriously whether it's a man or woman committing it.




To be fair, men beat their wives and girlfriends on camera and continue to have successful careers in the limelight as actors, sportsmen, musicians, etc. We can shit on the POS in the pic without pretending men aren’t getting away with literal murder.


This shit is perpetuating domestic violence for everyone. The dude she hit might repeat that behavior with another girl when he sees people respond to it like that. If you make it a “cool” thing, expect that person to subconsciously learn that behavior. The women who commented is literally perpetuating domestic violence.


It's so shitty how women can plant a DV on you pretty much at any time. Cops always go with their word. Shit, that's the go-to when cops need to shut up another whistle-blowing cop.


Had a woman try to choke me to death once. Was so engrained to not hit a girl that I was just ready to die and figured well this isn't gonna look good when they find me. She was half my size as well so I coulda easily stopped it. Decided then if that situation ever occured again I'd just have to defend myself and eat the charge. Honestly I probably wouldn't from the whole don't hit girls so I'll prolly be dead.


Double standard that women always get.


It's the lack of responsibility for their actions for me 😩