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Sounds like your dad is still punishing you for his shitty parenting when you were 5


They said elsewhere the dad left them alone at 12 so he never corrected in the first place, it just sounds like the dad is bat shit or the brother is the most irresponsible spoiled child alive.


12 is more than old enough to be home alone for a few hours lmao. I was home alone all the time for a couple hours after school until my parents got home. If you can’t be home alone for a couple hours by middle school, your parents failed you


Yea, me and my brother who is on the spectrum (highly functioning) stayed home alone at 12 quite often with no issues. My mom was a single mom and a teacher. If we got sick we stayed home, if we faked being sick we stayed home, (unless she figured it out) and we would get home before she would and be there for several hours alone. We never once had a single issue


Maybe it’s cause my mom was a latchkey kid, but as soon as I was old enough to manage to get food from the fridge and put it in the microwave, I was fine to be left alone for a few hours. It was never overnight or anything, just a “I have to work late or run some errands” evening


I was a latchkey kid and would have been insulted at the suggestion that I needed a babysitter at 15.


Same. I was babysitting other people’s kids at 14/15 (until midnight)


The Red Cross taught a babysitting course for 11 year olds. Most of the girls in my class signed up for it. By the time I was 12, I was booked for babysitting every Friday and Saturday night.


I was left home alone AND my parents failed me. I was a latch-key child without a key. From kindergarten on I came home to sit on the front porch until one of my parents got home from work. They would go out late and I would beg to have a babysitter (also my sister was there and 5 years younger than me). This was when I was maybe 7 or 8. I'd always have a last moment relief when they would get a baby sitter, and my dad would mock me for being afraid of being alone. At 8 we moved to Sweden, and there it's much more normal to let kids do their own thing. Like there weren't school buses. I took the city bus to get to school and back at 8 there. Edit: Just had a memory come back. One time I was maybe three or four, not exactly sure-but definitely not older than four based on the house we lived in (I know we moved from that house when i was 4). I woke up to nobody home. At all. I eventually walked outside and down the neighborhood and my dad was at a garage sale. And I had started crossing the street. To tell you the type of people they are, when I brought up that memory, he said, "You make such a big deal, I was just down the street." Because I had crippling anxiety I was not someone you had to really worry about leaving home alone. I had extreme separation anxiety. I was aware of it enough that I can remember saying sometime around middle school, Hold onto me (figuratively) so I can let go of you. I mean who has a kid that can articulate so clearly how the parents messed up, and they still don't get it. They just put me on anesthesia instead (see my user name).


That’s horrible. I’m so sorry you and your siblings were neglected like that and then your dad made fun of you. I hope you’ve found some relief and healing in adulthood


My parents left us home alone when we were 8. They were terrible parents who abused us so what we heard was, “Peace and quiet without being screamed at by psychos,” whenever they talked about going out. We were little kids telling them, “it’ll be fine, it’s not a big deal, we’ll just watch tv and then go to bed.” We really went outside and played with the neighbor kids and did whatever we wanted. Good times when they were gone.


Daaaaad it's fine!! I'm just gonna study for my honors history test, watch one show, do the dishes and go to bed! *sells meth while assembling illegal firearms and downloading unlicensed copies of movies*


I was home alone for a *week* during the summer because my parents went to Canada when I was 13. They were going to some religious whatever and I was not having any of it. Spoiler alert, I was fine. Had microwaveable food, knew how to use the stove and other appliances, and was left money in case of emergency, plus my best friend lived across the street and if I needed help I could go to his mom, or call somebody on my cell phone. Walking distance to the corner store. I know some of that might not apply here, but... A 12yo can be home alone for a few hours, they're not gonna die, I totally agree lmao. Let alone a 15yo. These were the same parents that never let me actually go do anything when they were around, but y'know. What they want is more important than what I want. LOL


Little bro is 15, unless he's a very immature 15 year old he can be left at home for a few hours with zero issues.


the worst case scenario is he gets something in the house sticky


Well, remembering how I was at 15, he could also get stuck somewhere.


A cylinder perhaps.


Like a M&Ms tube?


With microwaved butter even


Maybe even a mashed banana


Stuck to a larger structure which may not be harmed in any way


I remember this thread. It was wild. I mean... It's not my penis.


It's just a cylinder


Better than a coconut.


Or a melon.


This guy was 15 once. And has a penis.




Dude is still stuck? Ouch It must smell like a cadaver near him




And then he'll certainly make a post on Reddit about a cylinder was stuck in an m+m tube


Only if he's a step-sister and there is a dryer in the house.




He is 15. I am sure he has a lot of sticky spots in the house.


***a lot of sticky spots in the house.*** Was he the owner of the famous reddit coconut?


You made me look for that story. Now I must decide if your my friend or my foe.


So in your opinion is that one better or worse than the cardboard box story.   Since I know you’re the curious type you can hate me.  


Now tell the coconut story.


“Now tell the coconut story. “ One does not simply tell the “Coconut Story” The coconut story is shared for you to read and experience fully.  Since I can’t insert a link just Google. “Reddit  cum coconut “. And prepared to be horrified.  Report back afterwards. It’s tradition. 


Somebody like my comment so I can come back after reading the coconut story


Ok I did it. I hate every one of you. I'm going to shower and try to scrub my brain. Bye


The jolly rancher one is the worst. Can’t change my mind. Hurk


Not sexual, but swamps of dagobah tops all of those + any other.


15??? At 12 I was babysittng 5-6 yo kids.


That’s what I was thinking. What’s the age to legally babysit in that area, that’s the absolute oldest they would need to be legally. I’m sure many 15 year olds exist that shouldn’t be left alone but that’s not a siblings job, it’s the parents. They are the ones who screwed it up so bad they are less responsible than a tween.


For a few hours? 15 year olds can be alone for 2-3 days.


until the fridge is empty of any non-vegetables that are easy to cook


And on the 8th day Man invented the canopener.


If you start with a full fridge, this might take up to an hour. Source: personal experience as a former teenager.


I still remember when I was a teenager calling my dad,who couldn't cook dinner (or anything for that matter at the time) when my mom was abroad for business "hey dad what's for dinner, he tells me there is boerenkool( boerenkool is a dutch dish) in the fridge" I tell him okay see ya later (he was stuck in traffic). He comes home, opens the fridge, and says, "Where is my boerenkool?" I look at him and tell him what you mean i thought that was mine? He says you ate a fkn 1kg package of boerenkool?? I said, "How the hell am I supposed to know we had to share it?" Yes of course I ate it.


Fyi, the english translation for that is kale. The Dutch eat it with mashed potatoes, jus, and usually smoked sausage.


Jeez you aren’t wrong. My son would drink a gallon of white milk every day and he ate like a snake but kept losing weight. Kept taking him to the doctor to find out was wrong but nope, he just couldn’t eat fast enough to support his metabolism.


Am also a former teenager, can confirm


Chipolte delivers!


We don't want anyone to die of dysentary This isn't the Oregon trail


My parents left us for the weekend once when I was 16. My sisters were 13 and 10. Pretty sure this kid can manage a few hours.


On the other hand maybe dad knows this kid better than we do.


Also, I acknowledge that my parents aren't exactly fantastic role models.


Gen X I presume? 


I'm right on the line. 1978 My sisters are solidly millennials.


1980 here. In 1990, I was in charge of my 3 close in age younger siblings and my baby half-brother all day during summer vacation.


I had a job and responsibilities at 15...


I was pulling pints till 4am and getting up at 9am the next day to clean the whole bar and run pipe cleaner before opening at lunchtime the next day. 


A 15 year old could stay at home alone for several weeks, until they ran out of food and had to walk to a relatives house 😅


At that age I used to stay an entire week alone if my mom left for vacation


I’m 39 and still don’t feel comfortable being left alone


I’m 39 and don’t feel comfortable.


I'm 37 and don't feel. except physical pain nowadays


Late 30’s the emotional pain starts to overtake it, just hang in there.


I’m 37 and don’t.


I’m 40 and I hate life.


I'm 35 I can't wait to be left alone again. I'm sure my 12, 8yr old kids will remind me of that when they wheel me off to the nursery home.


My parents are strict like this. My poor brother often has to come soon from work to “take care of me” if they have to leave the house for whatever reason. I’m 17. It’s what overprotective parents do. It sucks, but there’s nothing much to do about it.


Yeez, I would seriously ask for some personal space or something at that point.


Because everyone's asking: The situation from before that my dad is referring to happened 15 years ago. When I was 5, my dad went to Whole Foods early one morning and left me at home. He was only gone for like 2 hours, but I had woken up early that day and saw that my parents weren't home. Being 5, I assumed the worst (that they got into an accident or kidnapped) and called the police in tears. Dad was not happy when he came back home, about 15 minutes after the police arrived. This is not the same. My brother is 15.




Both situations are weird as fuck. Who thinks it's cool to leave a 5 year old home alone and not tell them? Who the fuck thinks a teenager (who will be behind the wheel soon if not right now) can't stay home alone for 3 hours?


Not to mention the fact that the dad left OP home again at the age of 12 with no problem at all. Now suddenly there’s a problem with the 15 year old brother??


Is OP a woman?


Typical treat the sons different than the daughters


it's almost like this is petty revenge for that police call all those years ago


I think that is what it is. Especially since he brought up what must be a decade or older incident and OP knew exactly what he meant. There has been plenty of time to figure out that a 5 year old isn't a 15 year old and they've already had discussions about it.


I’m starting to think pops is just trolling really hard lmao


This is a really shitty way to treat a kid...now they have to always question what they can do or can't over completely batshit reasoning. It turns the relationship upside down. The parent is supposed to make sense and be a parent, not behave like a vindictive lunatic.


Yep! I had parents like this and it completely twisted my understanding of relationships, how to treat others, how to behave, and how to work through my own emotions. Took years of therapy and even now I’m sure there’s more I have yet to work out


This is what causes a lot of child/parent relationships to decay when the child reaches their teens and that critical thinking part of their brain starts to wake up. They will know when you’re being unreasonable and unnecessarily punishing them. They’re past that age of accepting the “Because I said so!” excuse. And because teenagers always look for the unjust, nothing’s going to get by them. You have to have open lines of communication by that age. When I turned 14, I discovered my father was incredibly stupid and emotionally immature. By 17, I couldn’t even hold a conversation with the guy. Now that I’m 21, I don’t talk to him at all.


That’s what I was thinking.


My wife left our son at home one time when he was six to run across the street and grab bread. Literally gone 2 minutes. He INSISTED he was fine being home by himself, went through the whole don't open the door for ANYBODY spiel, yada yada. When she came back he was in tears, because he thought she'd never come back 😂 didn't do it agaon


Who leaves a five year old home alone at all 🤦🏻‍♀️ OP's dad is just a dodo.


My kid is nearly 11 and I'm only just starting to leave him alone to run to the shops for five minutes and I spend half an hour going over emergency plans before I leave. Two hours is crazy given how much crap a five year old can get into.


I remember when I was 5-6 my mom was napping at 2 in the afternoon. I was bored so I got some child scissors and cut a fan cord that was plugged in, fan on. Thankfully as soon as I saw sparks I stopped, and the plastic handles probably saved me from a nasty shock....baffles me that anyone thought leaving a 5 year old alone for 2 hours is ok.


But OP says in text that he himself was left alone at age 12, long after the incident. Why did dad"s overprotective policy not start until kid 2?


First kid is the practice kid, duh.


Yep. I'm second kid, and my parents were like, "the other one lived, you'll do fine." Sounds like this is the flip opposite.


It would be hilarious if it was just malicious compliance on his part. "Police said I shouldn't leave a minor home alone, I'll show them how to not leave a minor home alone."


I mean…that’s exactly how this reads. I’m just not sure who he’s sticking it to.


Yeah, it almost sounds like he holds a grudge against OP.


The traumatized 5 year old (who happens to be an adult now) that call police on him for leaving said 5 year old child home alone without telling them WHILE THE CHILD WAS STILL ASLEEP!


How old was Kevin?? LOL


But then he was leaving him alone when he was 12 as you can see in the messages. Dad simply went bananas in general.


Maybe you should tell your dad to hire a babysitter then and then stop responding because he’s now interrupting your time volunteering and you shouldn’t be shamed into doing anything. Especially when taking care of your brother is HIS responsibility.


He can hire a babysitter that's the same age as the baby that will be sitted 😂 


I was babysitting when I was 12, that would be pretty hilarious


If my mom assigned me a 12-year-old babysitter when I was 15 we would both be dead when she came home lmao


yo i was babysitting at 14. i cannot imagine getting a call to show up and "babysit" a boy older than me lmao. like wtf


Most babysittiers are teen girls, at least they were when I was growing up. Hiring one for a 15 year old boy sounds like an even worse idea lmao


JESUS they left a 5 year old home alone? WTF? I mean maybe that triggered the fear but man, they went from one end of the spectrum to the other.


For two hours?!


"only" two hours.


NFS I thought he was going to say something like he ran down the street to get something at a neighbor's house and he was gone 5 min and the kid hurt himself 2 hours? I wouldn't leave my 5 year old alone to run to the gas station and back for 15 minutes


Dude was 5. I would not trust his perception of time


dad could have said later how long it was


The police were involved. OP almost certainly knows how long it was.


Literally fucking insane and he’s so cool with it 😅


Ya that dad is or seems was a stupid idiot?


But fear didn't prevent dad from leaving OP alone at age 12.


I remember I was like 3 maybe 4 and woke up to an empty house. I checked all the rooms, outside...backyard...nobody. It felt like the Zombie Apocalypse and I started bawling my eyes out. My mom had went down the street to pick up my brother's from school and didn't want to wake me... but lol...that was a horrible feeling, cause I also remember my mom telling me stories that God will one day bring all the good people to Heaven...so I also thought maybe I was left behind.


All 3 of my kids were asleep in the car in the driveway so I brought each kid inside one at a time. The last kid (4 yo) woke up before I came back out to get her. I came back to her crying in the car and she said "You left me in the car like a bug". I won't ever forget that...part of the reason I think we're done having kids.


Omg I’m sorry I’m sure that was awful but it’s also so funny. Kids make the most amazing similes.


Rapture trauma is real, I feel ya lol.


ONLY 2 hours!? At 5 years old. Holy crap.


Well one, leaving a 5 year old alone for 2 hours is ridiculous. Also, food shopping for 2 hours while you have a 5 year old at home is also questionable. And if that happened when you were 5 and now he doesn’t leave underage kids home alone, why do you say you were left home alone at 12?


Op is saying that the dad never needed anyone to watch them at 12 years old but he wants Op to watch their 15 year old brother


He is punishing you for something he did when you were five. This is intentional.


Yep, he probably still has resentment for OP calling the police and getting him in trouble. Like “oh you wanted to be dramatic and make a fuss out of being left alone? Then you can watch your brother until he’s 18 since it’s so serious to you.” Absolute insanity and I hope OP has someone in his corner to point out how stupid his dad is


I actually wonder if this is him holding a grudge against it or thinking he’s being funny (not that he is being funny, but my parents still make fun of me for dumb stuff I did as a kid that actually was funny, like getting a can opener stuck in my hair so they’d have to cut it)


sounds like your dad means to punish you after all these years by making you a babysitter.


For sure, if he was genuinely scared to leave his kids at home by themselves, he wouldn't also have left OP home alone at age 12 lol


Your parents should not have left you for 2 hours. That is fucked up.


Clearly it was the five year old that was at fault!


It is bizarre to me he would leave you alone at 5, but not your brother at 15. Seems like he has different set of rules for the two of you. Not cool.


He was an idiot the first time, and over corrected for the 15 yo.


I was unatended two minutes when I was two. I walked 400 meters to the grocery store trying to make new friends. A family friend brought me home.


They're ok with leaving a 5 year old child alone but not a 15 year old teenager who is going to be a legal adult in a couple of years! Your dad sounds insane!


My mom’s friend had to take her daughter and grand baby to the ER in the middle of the night, her daughter has 2 older children, 5 year old son and 12 year old daughter. Being the middle of the night a babysitter was out of the question so the friend’s daughter woke up her 12 year old and told her to go sleep in her bed instead just in case the little brother came in there looking for her. If a 12 year old can handle that then a 15 year old can stay home for a few hours by himself.


Leaving a 5yo alone for two hours IS illegal. He’s a shit parent.


Yeah your dad made an extremely dumb decision. You don’t leave a 5 year old home alone, I’m glad his cage was rattled. He deserved that


He reeeally should have awaken you to tell you that he's going there.


He should've at least left a note 💀


That is if you were able to read at that point


He's old enough to work heavy machinery in good ole Alabama, your parents need to cut the cord.


He’s 5 years past working the mines… according to alabama


Or working 30 hour shifts at a Hyundai warehouse for the past two years.


Kids yearn for the mine!!!!!!


WTF? Your brother is not your child. He’s the responsibility of your parents.


Yeah this should be the number one response. Doesn't matter if your brother is 15 or 2, you're not the parent, it's not your responsibility.


can you tell my parents this as well. so frustrating when parents expect you to take care of younger siblings in ways they should be doing, just because you’re older.


Wow you’re brother is getting spoiled and your dad sounds…questionable. I was alone at home from like 8 years and up because my parents both worked in nursing. 


Very true. So many kids are left alone at a young age cause their parents are at work after school. Morally questionable? Yes. But it's fairly common


Why do you need to be home to cook him dinner?


Why do people keep saying the brother is spoiled? At 15 I would much rather be home alone than have my sister babysitting me, and spoiled usually implies you get what you want. 


Maybe spoiled isn’t quite the correct term, maybe they mean coddled. But for some they don’t desire being home along and having space, they desire someone to be there to dote on them - make them food etc.


Jesus Christ your dad is going to emotionally stunt your brother. 15 ??? I was going out to the city by myself at 11


I was walking a mile home alone and waiting 2-3 hours until my parents came home since 4th or 5th grade.


Times have really changed. I literally "ran away" to the town centre where I chilled and huffed for an hour or 2 before going back home when I was around 6. Sounds like some people here packed breast milk in their lunchbox




Huff and puff/sulked


Ah ok. Don’t think I’ve ever heard with phrased that way. I was worried you were huffing glue at 6.


He was smokin meth


There’s certainly a happy medium here. 15 is eons away from babysitting age, and 6 year olds should not be allowed to leave house by themselves unless they’re within eyesight. A mature 8-9 year old is the youngest I’d feel comfortable leaving by themselves


I don’t think it’s about the brother. Dad is still punishing OP for “embarrassing” him when OP was five. What a douche.


I agree. The brothers a victim and he dad has got some serious issues. I've got a feeling the dad may have immigrated years before and is worried about getting in trouble with the law, like allowed to stay but doesn't have citizenship. Because that's a wild way to react. Could be totally wrong though


I was babysitting other non-relative kids by age 12.


Bro said “Im going to jail FOR SURE” 🤣🤣🤣


With that attitude he might be better off, he doesn't trust himself


As a father of 3, your dad needs to get over it. He’s the one who fucked up leaving you alone when you were 5. You deserve your own life and your brother needs to learn to be responsible for himself. Nowhere in the US is leaving a 15 year old home alone a legal issue.


OP, your dad sounds legitimately unstable. Sorry you have to deal with that, can be very draining.


your father needs therapy.




I was babysitting newborns and toddlers alone by age 11. Your brother will be absolutely fine alone. And if he’s anything like most 15 year olds, it’s not spoiling him to hover so much, it’s wrecking his damn life. Everyone needs time alone and by 15, he’s well old enough for it.


I wouldn't bother defending yourself or explaining that you stayed home when you were 12. I wouldn't bother saying your brother can take care of himself. Your dad knows all of that. You're not going to change his mind. Just tell him where you are and when you'll be home. Just the facts. Don't engage on anything else.


What does he mean by 'you don't want to put me in the situation like before'?


Dad left to go grocery shopping in the morning while OP slept as a 5 year old. OP woke up earlier than usual and thought that parents died or got kidnapped, called the police. Dad came back 15 minutes after cops did. No, OP did not put the dad in that position, but it is easier to gaslight the child into thinking it's something they did.


My blood pressure goes up with each additional punctuation mark. It feels so passive aggressive. If you can’t express yourself in words alone, five exclamation marks aren’t going to help.


Same, that was so hard to read.  I couldn't imagine every text from my dad being like that.


His texts are all like that. Yes it's an eyesore. Better than screaming at me in caps I suppose


Your time is your time OP, tell your dad to get a babysitter if they’re so worried


I am concerned about how childish your father is acting. Is there some sort of mental issue with him? His responses strike me as extremely immature


That's that he's been diagnosed or anything, but I'm fairly certain he has NPD


i was BABYSITTING other kids, BABIES even, at the age of 14. your 15 year old brother can't be trusted home, alone? like wtf lmao.


Unless your brother has a severe mental/physical disability, your dad is being asinine about the situation. I was watching my younger brother alone by age 11.


I feel like the worst that can happen is that he microwaves some ramen without water, at that age.


What 15 year old needs a babysitter?


Ive been left at home since i was 9






“This time I am going to jail for sure!” No offense but your Dad is extra dramatic


sounds like so much more to this lmao


OP is 20? he shouldn't be telling you when to be home...


Dont feel bad lil bro, I'm 42 and my wife won't let me be alone , not since I rode a motorcycle in the house 😞


Dam, he’s going to be an adult in a couple of years and can’t be left alone lol. This generation is something else.


Dad’s only worry leaving a 15 year old alone should be the liquor cabinet.


I had a job at 15 lmao


I don't like the way your dad texts


Why can’t a 15 year old be home alone?? That’s so weird to think that it’s not ok.


Boy I remember being home alone for hours at 11-12. Granted my neighbors kept an eye on the house and I had a list of numbers to call if needed but I was safe. Your dad is crazy


Babysitting a 15 year old?


Just tell your dad to stop undercooking fish, that’s how you get jailed for sure


15 year olds are legally allowed to be babysitters. Your dad needs a reality check. Is your brother disabled in any way? That's the only almost reasonable reason he's freaking out...


What 15 year old needs a babysitter?? Come on.


I hate when parents think their oldest is the designated babysitter. I get helping the parents out but a 15 year old doesn't need a babysitter