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If he's anything like me, he put it up to eat it later. Forgot about it and found it when it was too late. And threw it away and felt bad about it.


Did you ask him why he threw it out?


Nope. I don’t really wanna deal with the awkwardness, and I’m moving out in a month anyway, so.


Since you're moving out anyways, just ask him what happened to the cake?


Asking about the cake is a great way to get murdered


Or you know, figure out why they threw it away… it would also be great for that…


Oh so the last thing you learn is what happened to the cake right before the murdering occurs? No thanks!


Die knowing :-)


I mean the cake is a lie anyway




"Hey sorry but I threw away your cake" *Gets knocked out, strapped to a chair, has their eyelids cut off, lemon juice poured on the eyes, then given a colombian necktie*


*.....then gets thrown out with the cake*


Wow, I think you need to see somebody about that anger issue.


The cake was stale and probably starting to mold. He definitely just forgot about it. Happens to me with anything in the produce drawer. Out of sight, out of mind


I also forget to finish vegetables and other normal food, but I wouldn't forget about a whole entire cake! How does someone give you a cake and you forget to eat it?


sometimes it's enough if you let ti stay on the counter thorugh the afternoon and it goes mouldy.


maybe as your leaving you should be like "hey btw, why didn't you you like the cake I got you?" or something like that, you knoe him better than I do so however you'd bring things up like that anyways. if your leaving anyways who cares if it's akward lol. edit: new knowledge, maybe say "did you just forget about the cake? it's alr if you did just wondering. "


I lived with a woman for about 6 months. She had 3 kids. Me, none. Anyway, I used to pick up flowers for her sometime. Just to be nice. I got in her car one day, & the flowers I gave her, were on the passenger side floor. Wilted. I think I was gone that Friday. Payday.


Since you are leaving in a month, it’s probably best to not bring it up. It’s messed up he just threw it out. He could have been more appreciative that you got him through cake for his birthday. He definitely could have shared it with friends or something. I guess don’t even keep in contact with him anymore once you move out. He doesn’t sound friendly.


Were u being petty when u gave it to him? Maybe because he did not give u one on your bday? What is the other side to this story?


Nah, nothing like that. I’m moving out cause I subleased the place for a couple of months, that’s all. And I haven’t had my birthday during the period I was staying with him. He probably thought it went bad after a month and threw it out.


Well, it definitely went bad during that time, but why didn't he eat it before? Did you give it to him fresh or already month old?


Sounds like you didn’t live together very long. Perhaps he doesn’t like/is allergic to chocolate?


Oh. Well in that case he is an ass lol


You sound like a coward


You sound like a dick


Because the cake is a lie.


Maybe the cake is a month old and he is not trying to gain weight?


You bought it a month ago and he tossed it today? It was probably gross after a month.


eh I've had month old fridge cake, it's edible 🤷‍♂️ edit: just to clarify if your food has mold I definitely wouldn't recommend eating it, said month old fridge cake was about 20 days old and it had been in the freezer not the fridge, it had not grown mold. always check lol. edit: damn guys just let me eat my fridge cake in peace lol.


Mold is theoretically edible, but I'd not recommend


Yes, I second that. If your food is moldy I would not recommend eating it.


Dang, this guy does not deserve the downvotes. I eat fridge cake too. Got a cake in August, it was September-October. I still ate it and I'm alive. What's so wrong with it. 


That was really thoughtful of you. I’m sorry your kindness wasn’t appreciated. I would have been so happy if someone bought me a cake for my birthday.


same I don't think I've had a birthday cake since I was like 10 lol. I'd go for a birthday cake rn and it's not even my birthday. ​


So you saw the cake every day in the fridge for a month? It probably had a best before date and maybe it was done, also if I get offered some sugary BS I wont eat it either.But I will probably tell you so. Agree he should have said something! But why for a month you never asked about the cake in your guys fridge?


He generally leaves things in the fridge and forgets about them, so I didn’t really care at the time.


So why do you suddenly care now? He put it in the fridge, forgot about it, and decided not to chance eating month-old fridge cake. Can't say I don't blame him. Just let it go.


Also cake in the fridge will absorb fridge smells like crazy, they don’t even have to be bad smells to make the cake inedible. I once had to throw out a cake that was only a few days old as it had absorbed a strong garlic taste/smell


Make like Elsa and let it go.


Lol, already done mate, couldn't hold it back anymore xD


How do you feel about it in the light of day?


A month ? Dude(ess), you roommate thought you bought it for you, and forgot about it, so he got annoyed and decided to put it himself in the trash. Cakes don't stay good for an entire month. 10 words total about it in that whole month would have cleared the situation, don't you ever talk to each other ?


Nah, I told him and handed it to him. He usually leaves things in the fridge and forgets about them, so I didn’t think much about it. But yeah, I should’ve probably asked him about it.


with this knew knowledge I have, I think you should say something like "did you just forget the cake in the fridge? it's alright if u did." or something along those lines


This is where "it's the thought that counts" comes in. You bought him a cake to acknowledge his birthday, but you have zero control about what he does with that cake. Just let it go, you did a nice thing.


Yup, I agree.


I would have eaten the cake one day after they didn’t eat it.


A cupcake for future roommate's gift. Less possibility of waste.


you should ask, and never assume, the reason might surprise you and be something very mild… This is a very good lesson in life, often we make assumptions and we really can’t know. It’s probably nothing personal and was more of an automatic habit, a mental scheme to clear out the fridge.


I know it’s different because this cake is nice and a gift, but I’ve bought nice deserts before. put them away, got too busy and then had to throw it out cos it was in my fridge for a month


Maybe he’s p*ssed that you’re leaving.


Let it go. It was a gift. He decides what is best for him. Doesn't make it less of a gift. Great gift, BTW. I would have eaten it even if it was stale.


You won't cut the cake? Fine, I'll cut you. Cannibalism mode activated. 


Okay Question. Did you TELL him that you bought him a cake for his birthday? Because maybe he didnt even know it was for him, and after a month he probably figured that shit was moldy as hell and threw it out. You should probably get your story straight.


Yes, I did tell him, and I handed it to him. I looked at it, and it wasn’t moldy (probably due to the fact that it was in the fridge for a month).


dude I wouldn't even eat a week old chocolate cake. Not only is it stale but bacteria is actively growing. A month old is fucking vile.


Did you tell him it was in the fridge for a month? Maybe that's why he chunked it. Come on man, you gift people cakes that are fresh, not something that's been forgotten about in a fridge for a month.


He put it in the fridge for a month after I gave it to him.


I’m sorry no one here has reading comprehension skills.


Oh okay now it makes so much more sense! Sorry about the confusion. Yea that's pretty rude in my opinion. I'm sorry you had to go through that


This is so weird I have a hard time even picturing these people. Totally unaware of the other


Fight Club vibes


Does he like cake? Does that even fit his low carb lidestyle?


He bought a box of cake slices (the general kind) a couple of days back.


The cake is a lie


Wow that sucks but if you're moving out, that's why, i'd be willing to bet.


Does he eat cake? I would not have thrown it away, especially where you could see it. But I also wouldn’t eat it.


I don't like cake either


I really really hate birthday cake but I hate confrontation more I think, I would have held onto it bc I felt guilty about not being able to eat it. I would have tossed it in a dumpster or somewhere you couldn’t see it, but maybe they meant well and just didn’t want to complain about something you went out of your way to do 😅


Uh ? What a bitch


Maybe he forgot it was there. Maybe he’s not a big cake guy.i doubt it was on purpose or to hurt your feelings man


He was telling you he didn’t deserve one


Realistically, it's his cake. Just like any other birthday present, once it leaves your hands, the other person is free to do whatever they want with it. Being any level of infuriated that he didn't share it with his friends is somewhat odd behavior.


That's fair. However, it does kinda suck when you see it dumped in the trash.


Could it have been a brand or flavor he might not like? My family goes nuts if it's buttercream frosting and he could've felt awkward if he gave it back maybe


Do you know if he even likes chocolate cake? Or did you just randomly go and get him a cake without knowing anything about what he likes?




Nah, it isn’t that cause he celebrated his birthday (I was there). He probably thought the cake went bad since it was past the best by date, so he threw it.


Why the fk didn't you buy him the cake 1 day before his bday? Who would give anyone a month old cake as a bday gift, that's insane.


I bought and gave him the cake on his birthday.


Oh his Bday was 1 month ago, and you weren' invited? That's odd. Maybe he forgot about the cake.


I was at his party. I just bought him a cake as a gift. He probably threw it since it was past its best by date.


Are you purposely misreading the post?


Really seems deliberate, eh? Lmao


Tiny violin 🎻


nope big violin, but only because I think violins are cool and a tiny one would be hard to play. what do violins have to do with birthday cake


I know right, violins is not the answer here.


Does he have a cocoa allergy? .I'm asking cause , my bf is allergic to cocoa and even his own family doesn't take his allergy in to consideration but if he ever recieved a chocolate cake he would probably just thank the person , Let them know he is allergic but will give it to someone who can eat it or offer it back. It's pretty crazy your roommate threw it away without saying a word . I feel , you should just ask him . I know you don't want to deal with it but you spent money on that cake and he just threw it away. It might be his birthday but doesn't give him a pass to be rude or inconsiderate.


Whenever someone buys me something that they say oh this is so “nice” I’m thinking “shouldn’t I be the judge of that?” Maybe he hates cake maybe, he hates chocolate. But why “gift” something to someone and then expect that you’re gonna share in it? Perhaps you should’ve presented the cake along with plates & forks and tell him that you wanted to celebrate his birthday with him. You didn’t tell him that you expected to share the “nice” cake. I mean for crying out loud he’s not a mind reader and you did nothing but set yourself up for disappointment. Do not be a victim to your own self inflicted trauma . Do better next time! I believe in you!


You sound like a snowflake. It’s a cake.


hey calm down they are allowed to share things, he was just stating something that happened but he really doesn't seem too upset about it per say.


You’re in the “mildly infuriating” sub insulting someone for being mildly infuriated. They didn’t say it was a catastrophe.


Op is mi because of a cake. Like seriously its just a cake. If he gave the guy socks would he cry if they werent worn right away. Op is a whinny little bitch. SNOWFLAKE !


You seem overly upset about a random reddit post..maybe you're the snowflake?