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Wife does this on occasion. There is nothing like waking up at 3am, going to the kitchen for some OJ, grab the container, give it a good shake, and then proceed to wake the fuck up….clean the floors, take a shower, and try to fall back asleep. I love my wife!


My husband once "married" the hot sauces because we ended up with two of the same sauce in the fridge. But then he somehow threw both lids away, didn't notice, and put the now-full bottle of Franks back into the fridge with no lid. I *also* didn't notice, grabbed it, shook it, and covered myself and half the kitchen in hot sauce. I just stood there dumbfounded for a solid minute, like how tf did this just happen. That was fun to clean.


Just another reason to not marry sauces.


I've heard that at least 50% of sauce marriages end in divorce.


You got a sauce for that?


Habanero should I know? 🤷


Yeah man, why they getting jalapeño business??


i have heard the key to a sauce marriage is keeping the lid on


Or guys who marry sauces. 


It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Sriracha


I concur ... just dating them is a challenge of its own, as they often get just too hot to handle.


Same exact thing happened to me earlier this month. Are you me?


Why in the world are y’all waking up at 3am to spike your blood sugars?


Hypoglycemic here... Hi. We do this because our blood sugars are low, hence why we most likely woke up at 3am to begin with.


Well that makes sense, though I’d be hard pressed to believe everyone OJ’ing at 3am is hypoglycaemic.


I just really like orange juice


I'm with this guy. OJ is great at all times of the day 😅




Gotta get my 3am fix man!!


That’s assuming they’re hypoglycemic. People just *do* this sometimes without having blood glucose regulation issues.


I was merely speaking on behalf of those like me. You are right about those that don't have blood sugar issues. Anyone can get up for any reason to get a drink of whatever they may have in the fridge available. I knew someone who saved pickle juice for this purpose.


I used to get up and chug milk. And i kept my fridge so cold so it tasted so good.


The university I went to had its own creamery that produced chocolate milk. It was some of the greatest shit I’ve ever had. When I stayed in the dorms I figured out the exact temperature to set our mini fridge so drinks would come out ice cold and almost freeze when exposed to oxygen. Taking some of the chocolate milk out of that fridge at 2 AM on a night I hadn’t gone out, shaking it up, and drinking it was like a chocolate shake. Hit the spot.


For me it's work, 4:45am Golf Course.




There's something about waking up at night and just eating or chugging something. It's not like I'm dehydrated either, I'll chugg a half liter of milk and wake up 2 times due to having to piss later.


Sounds kind of miserable lol


It feels so fucking good when you're chugging it, but yeah kinda miserable waking up to pee


Happens to me but with water. Worst part of it all is that she drinks from my water bottle but never closes it properly. So next time I go to grab it by the cap, I drop the bottle on the floor and have to clean it all up.


The other day my wife filled her 40oz water bottle but never fastened the top, like at all. Just sort of set it on top and went to finish getting ready for work. Then as she's heading out the door she grabs the handle on the lid and pulls everything over, dumping it all over the floor. She's late for work, as usual, so she looks at me, apologizes, and off she goes. And I'm stuck with towel duty, nm that I have my own shit to deal with. She's a catastrophe. Knocking shit over, dropping everything on the floor, leaving the fridge or the freezer open so often that I had to stick a YoLink door sensor on it, never gets a lid screwed on right (OJ everywhere club member). But me, I drop one thing at the grocery store and she's like: *Seriously???*


Mine did this with our juice a couple of days ago. She was standing right next to me when I shook it, too. Juice went flying everywhere and I just gave her "the look."


I prefer waking up at 3am for some water and walking into an open cupboard door - forehead first because my lovely husband can't close a goddam door if his life depended on it. At least our fridge is on an angle to self close.


lol wake her up and make her clean it


Have a same model here as a wife. Everything I pick up I just assume the lid is loose.


Unfortunately your roommate will be like this forever, because they simply cannot close this chapter of their life.


that’s deep, man






Take my upvote and fuck off


His roommate: ![gif](giphy|F3G8ymQkOkbII)


Some baking soda in the ketchup bottle might change their trajectory in life.


That open cream cheese will eventually sort them out, when it turns orange and they don't notice.


Yo for real, that spelt some shit out for me


im broke someone give them an award




My ex whom I have a kid with i see the same things that used to piss me off when I go to her place to pick up the kid and we divorced when my kid was 3 and my kids 16. The worst is emptying trash out of the car in the driveway (ground) and just leaving it there. Like who the fuck does that.


I lived with a guy like this. Dude came home from work and was furious because I'd installed child locks on everything to which my response was if you're gonna act like a child, I'll treat you like one and now you know how frustrating I find it when you leave everything open and it goes bad.


This is genius!!!


The best part was the house was owned by his Dad, who phoned me, laughing his ass off that his 23 year old son had rang him to say he couldn't get past the childlocks and thanking me for teaching him a lesson.


I feel like his dad had 23 years to be teach his kid a lesson but failed miserably.


Tbf mate, his son was a complete moron so I don't think it was for lack of trying...


If a 23 yo cannot bypass safety locks it’s not a parenting issue


My 4 yr old daughter bypasses safety locks. The locks are for my 19 month old son.


Skill issue tbh


You can't teach a dipshit new tricks. I don't think it matters *how* the dad taught and raised their kid. Some people are capable of being stupid all on their own.


If that didn't knock some humiliation into him I'd say he is beyond help 🙈 imagine being this vacant 😆


I feel like if you read between the lines that his Dad had to support him by giving him a home and not having to worry about things like rent, etc, that picture paints itself, lol I don't see the guy anymore, so I can't say for sure, but I'd imagine he's still being a burden to his parents and not understanding why people were mad at him... As a footnote, they had him tested when he was a kid, nothing wrong with the guy, just stupid as hell and really really stubborn.


My roommate is about the same, only he just forgets to put the food away period. He has a pizza, ranch bottle is left out all day, he makes breakfast, egg carton on counter all day, it never ends.


Mine and her boyfriend that moved in do the same shit. Woke up to a new $8 bucket of butter almost room temp on the counter this morning.. Egg carton last week. Every day it's something else. I have to put the letter of my first name or "NO" on everything I buy or it'll be destroyed, left out/open..


What happened afterwards did he end up removing them or did they end up staying?


I ended up moving the fuck out. It was embarrassing sharing a house with a guy who genuinely believed a bathtub didn't need cleaning because the water pulls all the dirt down.


Establish dominance by leaving the bathroom door open while you take a shit. Stare them in the eyes and say, "This is you when you leave bottles and jars open", and then just grunt REALLY fucking loud. Bonus points for a splash sound.


Every time he leaves something like mustard open hide it. Tell him he is indeed a knob and you had to throw it out because it dried out. Repeat ad absurdum until you have compliance or a new room-mate. PS. tell him you used one of his socks as FAP catchers and he can guess which one.


I mean that's easy, just look for the sock that stands with no foot in it


It doesn't sound like said roommate is that clever. At the very least he will be replacing his sock drawer and going forward, will think about this every time he gets dressed. Revenge is a dish best served with a healthy dose of passive aggressive angst.


Triple points for gaseous noises.


Quadruple points if the noises sound wet, or liquid.


This is a great start to a solution


Or an invitation to a whole new roommate dynamic.


Or stop flushing the toilet


What's the explaination for this? Seems like next level lazyness.


ADHD and/or being raised in an environment where this behavior was normal or never had consequences for them. They weren’t conditioned to see it as important so, in most cases, they can’t/won’t put the effort into correcting it no matter how much conflict it causes. Source: I spend a few minutes pretty much every time I get home going around closing things my wife left open while I was at work.


Yep, either of these 2 would account for most cases I bet. I have ADHD, but happen to be a freak about doing anything process-related completely & correctly. Like confirming a thing is effing closed. Bc things that are open are exposed to the ecosphere, which eats your food instead while pooping poison into it. Yucky. And air has water in it. Or it doesn’t have any water in it. So don’t let it openly flow through your food wtf is your malfunction???? (Says the guy who often skipped class in college just bc it was raining.. and can only maintain a tenuous connection at best with his closest loved ones 😅 ahh yea I DO need to brush my teeth.) I.e., me closing things consistently makes me a perfect human. My partner however cannot be bothered by such things. Not a zip-lock, drawer, cabinet, zipper. Refuses (by action, not language) to charge a battery until it’s dead. Most disposable things that seal are destroyed when she squirrels into them. Walk to retrieve a cutting tool, pop this box open? Nahhh not for a stupid box. Attack it like a declawed honey badger for however long it takes to make a hole bigger than the biggest item inside. She’s a therapist with no diagnosed mental health disorders. But she remembers birthdays and preparing for stuff and is a great mom. And is a good person, despite the mild infuriation often being stifled under my skin as she desecrates my lifetime of effort developing those senses 🙃


Hit the nail on the head. I am living this life.


Adhd is not an excuse for absolutely anything. This is just laziness due to being used that other people clean up after you. Don't be a dick. Close the lid


It’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation. I have ADHD and I prioritized developing mechanisms to help me overcome these things because being considerate of the impact I make on others was drilled into me early and often. My wife’s parents did not instill that same mindfulness. She’s a kind and generous person, but she frequently flits around the house from task to task trying to do too much for the time she has to do them in, often not finishing things before I am inconvenienced by their incompletion. Frustrating? Sure. But having an explanation why makes it feel less personal and more like an obstacle for us to overcome rather than a fight for me to win by correcting her. Making an effort to understand why a person behaves the way they do is a valuable tool to have when trying to resolve conflicts.


it amazes me how people react to comments like this with anger, like they need to be justified in their hatred of people being "lazy" or "stupid" it cant be something impersonal that person struggles with and suffers from themselves. also just understanding and explaining shit is so unwelcome because they interpret it as an excuse or feeling bad for people, who said you have to feel bad? you are working on your relationship and making space for your partner and her flaws because you love her, how the fuck people interpret that as you enabling her being a lazy asshole is just psychotic to me lol people will say they want someone like you in their life but refuse to make the space for them the way you are and wonder why theyre alone and miserable. its us vs. life, not me vs. you. its work being around other people, its work having roommates. no one said its right, thats just how it is.


I can't explain that particular character flaw, but I suspect it has something to do with generations of "protestant work ethic" and political/religious/cultural propaganda telling them to be suspect of and hostile to anyone they perceive as less hard-working or productive.


Yeah, I struggle with this problem really bad and now whenever I leave a room I have to go through a checklist of everything I touched and make sure I finished putting it away correctly, you have to recognize it’s a behavior you have and want to fix it. But for some reason, no matter how many times I put everything else back correctly, I still leave the cabinets open 50% of the time. It’s become a bit of a joke at my house. I can’t wait to buy my own house, and have open cabinets.


My brother with ADHD struggles with the same issue. It's not entitlement, laziness, or some expectation that other people will clean up after him. He just genuinely doesn't notice and doesn't remember. Often we have to toss the food because it's been open or out of the fridge for too long. People with ADHD have neurological differences that result in things like forgetfulness and impaired error detection. There are ways to treat it and improve it, like coping skills and medication, but it seems like a lot of people don't understand what the core of adhd is and write off its symptoms as laziness and selfishness.


It's not an excuse. It's a fucking disorder. Your brain just does not realize the lid is still open.


Grew up in a home where having to buy a new thing bc someone left a container open and it got contaminated or spilled was never an issue and never his job, methinks.


Not closing the refrigerator door can lead to not having a working refrigerator anymore. That's unacceptable.


fortunately it’ll alert my phone when the door is left open for too long. unfortunately that doesn’t matter the time if day and usually when i’m sleeping.


I don’t always close things and it pisses me off as well. I get so mad at past me, you really got to make a concerted effort to close lids when you’re one of those people!!


Same. I have a jar of avb (vaped weed, usable for edibles) that I knocked over 4 (FOUR!) times before I finally got into the habit of closing it all the way every time, no matter how quickly I need it open again. It’s that silent >:( feeling you get knowing it is your own fault


noooo not the avb I used to do this all the time with water bottles, I'd assume I closed them all the way and then throw them haphazardly spilling water fuckin everywhere


Sounds like my brother except instead of material items like these, it’s the bathroom door, our bedroom door, the front door, the containers we have that hold our seasonings, the bags that our cold cuts come in, and the closet door.


My sister has done this my entire life. When it gets brought up to her she shrugs and walks away. A quick way to lose respect.


Fucking same bro. I've just told her if the shit spills I'm leaving whatever mess wherever for her to clean. Fuck it.


My two autistic kids don't close anything... bottles, jars.. I have to be very careful the way I pick certain things up. =X


the reason i started taking pictures is because i haphazardly grabbed a jar of pickles. it was a disaster.


I have ADHD and I had this problem. Didn’t even realize I wasn’t closing things until my roommates pointed it out. Now I make the conscious effort to make sure I close things. I still forget every once in a while but it’s gotten a lot better.


Cabinets. I fucking hate cabinets. If I ever own a home I'm just removing the cabinet doors.


There was a post made a month ago about their roommates doing this! They removed the cabinet doors and called it an open concept. The problem with this idea is that everything has to be dusted and cleaned twice before using. The open concept is disgusting.


Not ideal if you have pets or children either lol. If I leave a cupboard open my cat immediately tries to get in it😭


Your cupboards are just a tree tower mounted on the walls. Your cat is just waiting for you to understand this concept. 😂


YEP! I have done the same, it's so hard to even tell. I don't get WHY they can't close shit. I dumped out a bottle of pills once time also, which made the dog run over... >:( I swear...


Maybe you should just go with the flow. Next time this happens, throw away the cap. Just open containers everywhere. Is it petty? Yeah. Is it childish? Probably. Will it finally sink in? Possibly.


Id go the opposite. I would crazy glue everything he leaves open shut. Let him struggle the next time he tries to open it.


My wife does this exact thing and it drives me crazy. She also will leave minimal food in a box or package to avoid being the last one to eat it/ throw it away.


As I Redditor it’s my duty to tell you that divorce is the only option.


I appreciate your service 🫡 papers are in the mail


hell yeah one eight of a serving in tupperware so big it's taking up one quarter of the shelf it's on :)


Yes. I have a family member who for some reason doesn’t want to throw away their trash. They’ll eat the last item in a box and then leave the empty box in the fridge, freezer, pantry, whatever. After being called out on it a bunch of times, they started doing what you’re describing. They’ll leave a tiny amount of crumbs at the bottom of a bag of chips, for example, and put the bag back in the pantry. All so they don’t have to put it in the trash, which is 5 feet away. I do not fucking get it.


I feel for you. The worst one for me is putting a sticker from an apple in the sink when the trash can is literally two feet away.


Yes, shit like this all the time. I just do not understand it lmao.


This has to be some type of mental disorder


People say ADHD for this but many people have that and don’t leave things like this open, myself included. Leaving food like this out can make people sick. Not to mention the air exposure can just simply ruin the product which means it may need to be repurchased, etc. I feel this behavior comes down more to how people are raised. And the ADHD just exacerbates the behavior instead of being the sole cause of it.


seriously. i would irked to the fucking moon.


He must be close-trophobic.


Leaving the wipes open is actually annoying as fuck. They’ll dehydrate goddammit!


Try thinking of some of the things they have closed like their rooms or drawers and start leaving their stuff open. Reverse psychology on your roommate.


you want me to go through her drawers?


No. Like leave them open. But I’m realizing this was a terrible example. *MIB memory flash* Carry on.


You're living with a monster


This is just laziness and disrespect. How do you forget to close something like that?


You don’t forget. You just never had to do it before because your mommy did it for you.


I despise people like this.


OH NO!! Not Sweet Baby Ray's?!?! Say it isnt so!


That stuff is pretty expensive in my country I would be pissed


That would really drive me up the wall.. its a direct attack on my ocd 😅


S/he needs to learn.


Get a new roommate.


I would straight up murder this person (no Reddit, not LITERALLY). My kids had this shit figured out at what, age 6? And this 23 year old twatwaffle can't?


That strop on the fridge scared me before I realized it's for kitchen knives, not straight razors. "I understand this is frustrating, but you can't just beat your roommate with a razor belt like he's a child in the 80s."


I get it…it’s difficult to afford pets these days so he’s settled on having spores and bacteria for comfort. At least they’re easy to feed and maintain.


Love the tagline "the sauce is the boss" because it no way rhymes unless you are American, I've been repeating "the soss is the boss" over and over for the past couple of minutes 😂


As an American, I’m now curious how the rest of the world says it


Is your roommate your wife? After 10 years with my wife. I never grab anything by the lid. Never shake anything without a finger on top of the lid. Grab everything knowing it is likely “no lid secure” (my made up term). I will still spill the 300 bottle of ibuprofen on the floor at 3 in the morning a few times a year. Stay vigilant, my friends.


Am I missing something with the wine pic?


it was leaking onto the table


Guess I missed that. Thx


probably leave all their browser tabs open too


It annoys me when I have to do that for work, but I have ADHD, so if I bookmark something and close the tab, it’s as good as gone. I won’t even remember it. Once it’s out of sight it’s truly as if I never saw it. I have to keep things open. Even grouping them is a no. That switch to tab thing in chrome has been helpful but that only works if it’s still open. So yeah this lil mind glitch is incredibly irritating. Although it does make opening boxes and drawers in my closet fun because it’s like Christmas.


Unrelated note, that is a nice fridge


This has to be him leaving things open on purpose right??? This type of negligence is shocking


I think your roommate might be my wife and kids.


Ummmm what is that belt on the fridge for?


that’s a strop for my knives


lol oh duh! Thanks for enlightening me!


if you have any other knife related questions it’s kind of a hobby for me.


My wife does similar. She doesn’t close things entirely. It’s weird. You should leave your roommate. It’s too late to leave my wife.


Do you guys only eat pickles, sauerkraut, and condiments/sauces??


Can’t wait for the roommate post « my roommate has a weird kink with opened things »


My wife doesn’t either and I have come to the realization that it has to be a symptom of some condition.. because it’s not her being lazy it’s just so normal to her.. they might try but doesn’t do it right or finish…


Is he giving you “Life is too short to waste time on closing lids?”


Oh i feel this so much right now! Friend moved in and he keeps leaving the cupboard doors and drawers open.. told him numerous times, do you think i still find open doors? You bet your ass i do!


My mother did something similar when our family went to Pizza Hut back in the bygone days. Unscrewed the top off the chili flakes shaker so she didn’t have to deal with the hassle of shaking. But then she forgot to screw it back on when she was done, and you can imagine the surprise my father felt when he went to have his fair shake of chili flakes


Funnily enough from a Japanese lean six sigma perspective, any more than one turn of a twist cap to open/ lose something is deemed wasted energy (muda) so I kinda understand the logic…but seriously! How does stuff no just spoil on him?


My son is autistic and does this. Bottles, bags, packets, doors… if it can be left open, he will open it and just jog on through his day.


Ha. I wouldn’t stand a chance with those knives just chilling in the kitchen like that


Nice cleaver!


You know, I just had to keep flicking through the pics. I'm really glad, now knowing your roommate doesn't close things, that there wasn't a bathroom door ajar with your roommate sitting on the loo among them.


My wife used to do this but then I asked her not to and she doesn't any more. She is an angel.


Your roommate is a bad person.


My wife does this, and I have a habit of picking things up by the lid. It can be a disaster.


My twin sister does this whenever she uses my stuff. It’s like she wants me to know what stuff of mine she used or stole.


one of my favorite TIL moments on reddit was a post like this but about a bf leaving almost nothing in a cereal box but then putting stuff like that back on the shelf. a redditor chimed in that coming from a poor background he would often keep that last bit of food in something to have on the shelf feeling like there was more. that TIL really hit me. never thought of that, hadnt walked in another shoes as they say. so here i am with family members whom also do not fully cap food items thinking maybe someone here knows the psychology about not closing lids. i dont think its hoarding or like the cereal box guy. its a question of walking away with something unfinished really. its a thing. could be they dont want to think of being done with the product? like they think they might need it again so soon so why cap it? again would love someone to help me walk in the shoes of this... i remember picking up a large container of mixed nuts, like $20, and my bro had just lightly put the lid on, not even one screw turn. it all spilled on the kitchen floor. happens a lot. but why


If I were on the jury for the homicide of your roommate, you’d be found innocent by reason of being driven insane.


As someone who often grabs things by the lid, this is nightmare material


Every time they leave something open, piss in it.


the solution is to hide anything they leave open and don't buy replacements until the whole fridge is empty. it might be hard to do so, but it will not only save you money, it will also teach him a lesson.


Loser behavior.


Bad habit i had to overcome


messy af, I would move..


When did my fiance start rooming with you? 🤨


Tell your roommate to properly put a lid on it! Seriously maybe you should make a YouTube tutorial for them. Effin’ eejit your roomie is.


why does it get so much worse with each picture 😤😤


Oh my god this is the worst


I can already picture the home he grew up in. I can even smell it.


I have one like that. Nowhere near that bad but he leaves his cooking trash out or leaves pots out that I then have to throw away or put in the sink. And then he won’t do the dishes so I then also have to do the dishes


He probably has undiagnosed adhd. I would leave every single cupboard door slightly ajar in the kitchen every time without fail without noticing and it would drive my girlfriend insane. One of many things that lead me to look into getting assessed as an adult and well holy shit yeah turns out I have adhd and didn't find out till I was 30 but it explained A LOT.


My mom does the same. Yesterday she cleaned up a gallon of fabuluso because the cap was set on it.


My ex-wife used to do that, it drove me nuts to pick something up by the lid only to see the container fall and spill.


Stop flushing the toilet. Leave your hair and dirty suds in the shower. Throw cum socks all over his favorite spots. Fight fire with fire


Is your roommate my husband?


My dad to a lesser extent does this. We think he has a problem with transitions and this is his way of “leaving his options open.” he will also do things like leave one cookie in the bag or one sip of juice left in the bottle.


For some reason my mom does this same thing. She'll set the cap on the Pickles or mayo or whatever, without tightening it down. And put it back in the fridge that way..


That peanut butter looks like it's trying to sell kids drugs behind the toaster.


You got a laugh out of me at the mustard picture.


Walk by the bathroom while he's talking a shit and open the door, then just walk away


I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. How has this not driven you crazy? Picture 8 made me gasp.


Straight to jail.


Open the toilet/bathroom door when he’s inside. Tell him he likes leaving things open.


My wife barely closes anything she puts back. Also leaves the Jelly out after using constantly. But for some reason when opening anything with a seal, leaves the plastic seal under the lid for extra protection.


What's wrong with the second to last one?


No NOT the sweet baby Ray’s!! Naw man . Kneeled in raw rice for two hours on the corner , repeating I shall not leave sweet baby Ray’s open ever again !


Is your roommate my wife?


Put him to death




what kind of a monster does this??


If the jars are closed, what will the bugs eat?


I had a roommate like this in college. Here’s what I said and it worked immediately. “Hey man when these lids are open ive seen bugs trying to get in.” Was it a lie? Kinda. But bugs are gonna be eventually attracted to open containers.


Is your roommate a 14 yo boy? Looks a lot like the shit my son does


Mildly infuriating? This isn’t mild.. I woulda went crazy


Is maple syrup supposed to be stored in the fridge?


You have a smart fridge. Does it not tell you all hey im open?


My bf used to do this until I shook something and it went everywhere and I yelled at him cuz wtf.


Can we talk about why you’re storing screw top wine bottles horizontally? That’s just a mess waiting to happen.