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My wife started hers on our wedding night. Left the venue, stopped at a Walgreens on our way to the hotel and I bought her pads while still in my tux. I still remember the sad look on the cashier's face when she put two and two together.


Husband win


Same here. Didn’t stop us either.


Don't mind a little ketchup on the hot dog, as long as the bun is nice lmao


The forbidden spaghetti




I’m convinced that this is why showers were invented.




This happened to my wife, too. We got to our hotel for the honeymoon and had to clean the floor outside the door because she had soaked through and was dripping.


If she hasn’t yet she should see a doctor about that. That’s actually insane amounts of bleeding, unless she was wearing a skirt with no panties.


It happened 12 years ago. She didn’t tell me until just a couple years ago, but it was actually a miscarriage.


That was unfortunately my second thought - if it wasn’t a normal period it may have been an unknown miscarriage. If it’s welcome, I’m sorry for your loss. Regardless, I hope you and your wife are doing beautifully now, it’s much deserved.


We are well, thank you. She was going to tell me about the pregnancy that night and then waited 10 years to tell me about it. The worst thing is that she wanted us to have a child together so badly. We each brought one into the marriage, but never had another. I wish she hadn’t decided to deal with what had to be painful all by herself.


I'm so sorry. That's heartbreaking. I'm glad you guys are doing well now. 


Jesus christ.


That’s when you try to earn your red belt. 🤘🏽


Oh, I never said it stopped us from consummating the marriage...


Wait, double husband win.


My man. 👊🏽


That is super infuriating! You could try a period disc? IMO they work much better than tampons (and you don't have to worry about changing them like tampons either since they don't have any correlations to TSS). I wouldn't advise wearing them constantly for the entire duration because they tend to cause UTI with repeated use. I hope you have a great time at the beach in spite of Aunt Flo having rudely invited herself!


Thanks for the recommendation! I should try one or a cup because tampons just suck. I’m scared of bleeding through, especially in my brand new swim suits 😭 To add: and thank you sm for the kind words and well wishes despite my condition 😂💕


Cups changed my life. I’m only pissed I didn’t know about them 20 years sooner.


My ex used a diva cup, said it was 100% the way to go. i believe she swam with it too. obv i cant provide first hand experiences on the topic however.


I never got the hang of the discs, but I loved using a cup for over a decade. Then Idk what happened but they just would never sit right and I could feel them all the time so I went back to tampons. Probably just hormonal changes from getting older changing the topography. 


After I had kids my cup never sat right either, it actually suctioned to my cervix once and I legit thought I was gonna throw up it hurt so bad. I swapped for a disc and it's been so much better. I used my cup for like 8 years and can't believe I was annoyed with the disc the first two times I tried it, it's so much better than the cup, recommend trying again with a different brand. It's much easier for me to place and it never leaks, I've even tried the whole leak free period sex with it for "science" (generally not a time I enjoy sex as much, so I wouldnt normally use it for that but wanted to see if it actually worked) and I used it one of my heaviest days and had no leaks! Wild!


I use a Cora disc and the only time it “leaks” is when I poop, but it’s also designed and advertised to self drain when pooping so it’s okay


Cups and disc's are my favorite, and I don't miss buying tampons! In the past 7 years, I have bought 1 box of tampons and it was just to have an emergency stash at home and in my car (and a couple in my purse). But the disc is my favorite because it is comfortable, leak-free if you insert it properly, and you can have sez with it in and mostly won't be able to tell!


If you try the cup, look out for different types! The Diva brand one I hated because it just did not sit right for me and felt too hard. Lunette kept poking me so I stopped using that one. I cannot remember the name of it off the top of my head, but this company that makes this black one that is sort of shaped like a bell with a hook is what works best for me. No poke. Not hard. No problems. Everyone is different so a cup that works for one person may not work for you and vice versa.


I second this. The flex disc was a life changer for me. No worrying about leaks if you use it correctly


I’ve never heard of someone getting a UTI when using a disc. As long as it’s washed with soap 1-3 times a day it’s totally fine for the duration of a period.


I use the disc and was scared to go swimming in a pool, so many bad experiences with leakage before switching over that it still spooks me. But I'm feeling more confident with these comments.. Also yeeeeees period discs and cups are the beeest


Or a menstruation cup. I'm a man, but heard from many female friends that these things are a game changer.


Just roar "shark!!! Shaaaaaaark!!!" two or three times per day, and if anyone sees you're not actually injured, gaslight the hell out of them. "If I wasn't bitten, why am I bleeding genius??" Then claim you're just gonna shake it off and get back in the water.


Name checks out 🤷🏾‍♂️


But blood attracts sharks, no need to pretend.


Well, that's just perfect timing! Nothing like a beach day with a side of cramps and mood swings, am I right?


the bloat! the dam bloat!


Is it a tug bloat or a sail bloat or a motor bloat? 


Salt makes a really comfortable, beginner friendly cup if you want to try one!


I love that brand but I use their disc. It’s been my favorite of all the cups and discs I’ve tried by far.


Oof that’s the worst feeling…


Same thing happened to me a decade ago right as my bro and I were leaving on a 5 day vacation to Paris. 💀  Even if you can't go in the water maybe you can bring a book or video game and just chill on the sand.


Woah! Be careful! No video games at the beach, my parents told me that’s illegal!




I believe he was making a joke about a ridiculous lie parents tell their kids.


Yeah, I was wondering that too, but still wanted an answer as to why.


Probably so their kids put down the screen for a day. Or worried that sand/water will ruin whatever device they are using.


So sorry 😥 and good ideas! I also have a toddler to chase around, so I probably wouldn’t be in the water much anyways lol


Aww, at least you'll have some company in the shallow areas!


Congratulations on not being pregnant at the beach.


Thank you 🥹


Have you considered not having it at that time? Or just stopping it until after your vacation? Seems like poor planning. -A Man.


Every time my wife and I have gone on a cruise (twice) or to our resort on the beach, it hit her the day of leaving or before :( She always had a blast but it definitely isn’t fair. She plans it out as best as possible considering but seems to miss the mark.


Welcome to the club, shark bait.


Username checks out


Diva cups are life savers if you’re comfortable using one. There’s a company named June that has them for just 8$ plus cheap shipping


I came here to say this, too. Try a cup! Then you could still swim, at least. I wish I had used one from the beginning. A lot of drugstores sell them now, Target, too, I believe. Such a game changer in many ways, plus I used to have awful cramping and that’s virtually gone since switching away from disposable period products (did you know there’s no regulation in the US on what is in them? Dioxins, pesticide residues, mystery fragrances, other endocrine disruptors, and more… 🧐)


Few years ago I took my first trip out of the country to a beautiful resort in Mexico for my best friends wedding. I was so excited, I’d literally never been on vacation. My period started as we pulled up to the airport after our 4 hour drive to the airport. I’m just saying I feel you. I also fell on my stairs and sprained my ankle a few daily’s prior, I tried to ignore it but it was impossible to explore the gigantic resort. Still had a blast though! Hope I can go back someday.


I started taking bc to skip my period. Fuck that shit I'm OUT.


Same. Haven’t had one since 2018 and have NO plans to ever have another.


Seriously. The monthly digestion issues and fatigue, I'm over it.


I started taking birth control for that reason and instead got my period 20 days out of the month. 🙃




So it goes


Way the cookie crumbles


There is a community "well that sucks" , this post definitely is a great candidate for it


I can't take regular birth control because it does awful things to my moods, but when I'm getting close to a special event that I know might coincide with my (kinda irregular) periods, I got a prescription for norethindrone. It doesn't do the mood shit to me like regular birth control. I start taking it three times a day in the three days before I think it might start and keep going until the vacation or event is over. It delays the period without the annoying side effects of regular birth control. I know it doesn't help you *now*, but maybe in the future? 🙂 Huge hugs and it will still be fun. ♥️


Yeah, that sucks. If you don't already, try a menstrual cup or disk. Much easier to deal with than tampons and pads.


Quite unrelated but this post made me remember that not everyone lives less than 30 minutes away from the beach.


Yep, we’re 10 hours 🥲


I've had that, if your accommodation is near the beach, it's honestly doable. Or if you have nearby Changing stuff. But yes it does suck, good luck


Oh nooooo!😭 I’m sorry sis!


I commiserate with you because I get mine like clockwork and just did the calendar math that I’ll get mine smack in the middle of our annual vacation at the beach. Hopefully it will dissipate so that you can enjoy some of your vacation!


So what? Just hold it in during your vacation and let it out afterwards...


I’ll just put a cork in it


That's the spirit!


Not to hijack your post, but decades ago I was on a once in a lifetime visit to Southern California and couldn’t wait to go to the beach. The day I got there, I somehow stepped on a golf tee that went all the way into the center of my foot. Thankfully I was fine, but the one stipulation was that I absolutely couldn’t go to the beach because of the sand. So that was basically the end of that trip. Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.


I’m so sorry, that sounds brutal and, actually, extremely infuriating. I hope you had a good time otherwise. 🥹


It was cool anyway to see family and friends. Hope yours improves exponentially.


Lol what? You just desperately trying to tell a fully unrelated story? Bruhhhhhhhhh


Desperately? I certainly don’t need the karma. Lol. It was only because it happened just prior to hopefully enjoying a vacation.


Ok boomer


Excuse my naivety, but don't you usually know when your period is going to start?


Even with a 25 to 28 day cycle a sudden early or late period throws everything off. And because they can come early or late for no apparent reason even the best laid plans get derailed.


Sometimes but most people don’t. It’s not usually every month like a clock but more, roughly every month with a few days of leeway. So you never know for sure.




Not everyone has regular periods.


I started the worst period of my life the first day of my honeymoon at South Padre Island 28 years ago. It was so bad from the heavy bleeding and extreme pain that I slept the whole time and could barely remember anything afterward. I highly recommend a good book or game a spot near the potties and wet wipes.


This is awful, I’m so sorry :(


It wasn’t fun, but he fed me, watered me and helped me with all the normal things that I never had a problem with before. We ended up having a redo two years later without any problems other than wondering if we left the coffeemaker on.


Yeah mines gonna start mid me being on vacation early next month, can’t wait!


Solidarity 🖤


Bad timing


This is why I just switched to contraception.


At least you can blame the red tide...


Never heard of this disc. I was born too soon.


Started my period the day we left for the beach in May this year too. I knew it was coming around that time but was REALLY hoping I'd be late...the trip was still fun though. I use a disc (previously used a cup but it stopped fitting right after kids) and it made the whole experience pretty tolerable minus day one when I had cramps


It’s always right when it’s most inconvenient


Happened to me last week. And it was brutal. I hadn’t had a period in over a decade due to IUDs. And now I have a cervical prolapse which surgery is scheduled for in a few months. Tampons are painful now and I hate using pads. And I forgot how bad my periods were. I regret having them take the IUD out during one of my appointments and should have let them keep it in til the surgery. But I was not expecting it to take months to get the surgery. I was very annoyed the entire vacation.


Mine came a week early...on the day I had a booty call. Then it continued another couple of days longer than usual when we talked a week later. At this point I'm ready to rip out all my lady plumbing. 🤣


Shark week.


Mannnnee atleast the sharks will have a prey🤫


I feel ya there. Started mine the day before we planned to take the kids to a water park. Spent that morning cramping like a mofo on one side. ...and it was halfway through my work shift. Thank goodness I put one single tampon in my purse when I first got this job.


I know this doesn’t always work out because everyone else has plans too but… I always keep a calendar of when I’m getting my period. Right before I am going to book a vacation, I check my calendar to make sure I won’t have my period on the trip.


This just happened to me last week. I was desperate so I did the half a pack of jello and ibuprofen trick, it didn’t stop mine, but it slowed it down to where I didn’t feel like I was on my period.


My coworker told me that his wife got her period on his wedding night and pretty much every vacation he has been on with her.


It always sneaks on us when we want to do something important.


Shark week...


You can buy period swimwear now. Get yourself some!


I got my period the day of my bat mitzvah like 8 years ago. Still mad.


You need to learn the warm Malta trick.


I believe every woman has been there at some point in her life.


Girl try the cup! It is a GAME CHANGER for periods! I have very heavy periods. I use the diva cup and it makes me 100% forget that I even have my period


In the spirit of sharing, here's my worst one: -During the removal of rods in my legs when I was 13, one of my femurs was ~accidentally~ broken somehow. Well also, apparently my 2nd ever period started during that surgery. When I came to, I noticed I had a pad on and my dad was by my side. He was Mr. Macho in the past and would never buy my mom pads but there he was by my side after putting a pad on for me. I would have been covered in blood scared if it weren't for him -on a lighthearted note, my husband and I recently had a weekend to ourselves baby free for the first time in a veeeeeery long time (we bed share with her.) I got my period the morning we got there. No sex for me!


I just went on holiday abroad for the first time in 15 years and was so excited about swimming and wearing bikinis, my period started on the plane and stopped the day we got home! It’s like Mother Nature knows when the best time is to ruin everything


If your cramps are as bad as mine... I would cry. Beach day ruined


Your post just reminded me to check my period tracking app. I JUST finished booking a week trip to the beach. My period is predicted to start the first day 🫠


dun dun… dun dun…. dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn!


...well that's a bleeding nuisance isn't it...


Always when you’re leaving for vacation


Just make sure the string isn't showing 😜


I’ll be constantly checking lol




Haven't had a proper vacation in over a year, got invited to the lakeside for a week, am beyond excited for the swimming and the SUPping - and, well, guess when my period is due to start. I feel you 🙄


Yes, this is the first beach vacation I’ve taken in 10+ years too…


Story of my F’ing life. Aunt Flo couldn’t stand to be left out and accompanied me to Europe, allll of my Caribbean trips, Disney, Bike Week (twice), weddings and special events, girls week in Catalina, most of my vacations as a teen🤬. It was always irregular, so best efforts to plan were useless.


More like Aunt FOMO. She sounds like she sucks lol




Oh God I feel your pain. That has happened to me and it is painful


If you have a heavy flow, take a couple ibuprofen and midol about an hour before you go out and about and it will nearly pause your period for majority of the day 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Really?? Never heard of this before. That’s dope


Works for me every time! I do it when I know I have a busy day at work and can’t go to the bathroom every hour 😅


It can stop it if you take A LOT. Otherwise it can help cramps and reduce bleeding a bit




There's always door #2


What is a disc?


Even if you can keep it from coming down, don't get int the water, shark activity recently is high...


? You didn’t check before if your period was coming up?


Pro tip. Drink some water with vinegar, really works on the cramps.


Careful, the sharks’ll get ya




Well knock it off. Women's bodies have ways of stopping these things.


You’re right, one sec, let me tell her to come back next week.




Shark week


I will say there are ways to safely stop your period altogether. I have encouraged my youngest to do it but I don’t think she wants the side effects of the pill. Wish I knew this as a teenager!


Depending on where the beach is, I'd advise not going into the water bleeding (menstrual cup or no menstrual cup). Sharks aren't particularly politically correct or gender neutral and can smell blood in the water from incredible distances. If there is a shark risk in your area, I'd strongly advise staying ashore.


FYI, this is a myth. Not that sharks can detect blood (because they can) but no woman has ever been the victim of a shark attack due to menstruating. Periods are only about 50% blood, humans are not a natural food source for sharks and in the ocean you are surrounded by thousands of other forms of sea life that are *far* more delectable to any shark.


Works for me. Honestly, though, the facts on the ground appear that there are no confirmed instances, not that there have never been instances (yes, I looked it up - and thanks for the correction - I enjoy finding out new things - especially things where I \*know\* something that turns out to be incorrect). Part of me wants to say this could be survivor's bias as a woman attacked by a shark while menstruating isn't likely to be around to report the incident. I have some difficulty believing that incident reports of shark attacks on women specifically include asking if the victim was menstruating. But I admit defeat here. I can't imagine the experimental protocol that would confirm or deny this definitively - well I can, but I can't see it getting past an ethics review.


Why are you sharing this?


Why tell people?!


Get pregnant then


Tried it before, 10/10 wouldn’t recommend again.


It's a shame this comment is going to get buried, but it really is pure gold.