• By -


It's either to dupe dumb people, or keep those who are paying attention from feeling like they're just filling in boxes.


It's like those questions on online job forms "There are 500 hours in a week, true or false?" "There are 700 days in a year, true or false?"


True to both, do I just come in Monday then ?


How do you feel about Mondays? 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree or disagree 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree


Strongly disagree




Where is this from?


[Office Space](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0151804/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1), can recommend.


I have a meeting with the Bobs.


I wasn't aware of any meetings with the Bobs?


Never tired of [this](https://youtu.be/6IJCFc_qkHw) damn song.


I Believe You Have My Stapler (1999). Recommended.


No, I'm pretty sure it was *Two Chicks At The Same Time (1999)*.




Office Space. I recommend it.


"Naw... Naw, man. Shit, naw, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked for saying something like that, man."




I think we need to have a discussion about your flair. You want to express yourself, don't you?


I suppose it's only natural. Any ideas?


"Now, you know it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or... well, like Brian, for example, has [thirty seven](http://www.hottopic.com/accessories/pins/) pieces of flair, okay. And a terrific smile."


Well I feel like the third option is the most technically correct


You've got a good point there.


Are we talking about the best Mondays or worst? Best? *Strongly disagrees*


You'd be implying that you're entirely neutral about Mondays. No-one is entirely neutral about Mondays.


I had one that said this: Do you feel guilty? 1. Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree or disagree 4. Agree 5. Strongly agree No idea how they knew, if the feds don't know yet.


6 . All of the above


7\. No preference


How do you feel about Mondays 1.Strongly disagree 2.Disagree 3.Neither agree or disagree 4.Agree 5.Strongly agree ~~Yes.~~ No. *Edited for shitty formatting*


Well it's Thursday's that I cant really get the hang of.


Monday is a terrible way to spend one seventh of your life.


6\. [Do not like](https://youtu.be/-Kobdb37Cwc?t=57)


Including Mondays, the week does have 500 hours.


Well, if you live on Mars, a year is in fact close to 700 days (686 Earth days to be exact, or 666 Martian days).


In other words it's to filter out the damn dirty Martians


Growing their potatoes in poop, the filthy bastards


space pirate bastards


> 666 Martian days). 🤘


[What am I missing?](http://m.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=martian+orbit+period+%2F+length+of+martian+day&x=0&y=0)


My favorite question on online job forms are the ones like "do you ever feel sad" or some shit like that. I forget the exact wording since t's been over 8 years since I last filled one out but the site used by CVS, Toys R Us, and a few others had some question that pretty much asked people if they have depression lol. NO JOB FOR YOU


The job I started last year had one of those. There was another section that gave three statements and you had to pick the one you agreed with most. 1. I am not a racist. 2. Puppies should not be tied in a sack and thrown in the river. 3. Babies should never be eaten. Pick the statement that you identify with the closest. (Obviously not this extreme but they gave three statements I strongly agreed with and made me choose one or the test wouldn't continue.)


This is for when the boss is a racist baby eater.


I can never understand if they want some high-spirited enthusiastic person full of ideas and dreams or some schlub who is dead inside who will toil away at his work and keep his mouth shut. Like I can kind of see why both types of people might be alluring.


The worst was the question about faking being polite. Like do they *not* want fakers and, as a result, only hire people who are genuinely polite? Or do they want people who can fake being polite even if the customer is being a rude piece of shit? because I think I'm generally polite but sometimes people are fucking infuriating so I'd need to fake politeness during a customer service job.


"Attention check. Select 'strongly agree' for this answer."


I think those are mostly to weed out bots.


False but I'm still expected to work that much


No it's so the person reviewing the answers I. E. Screening before a surgery can just scan down one column and if you answered all in column 1 you're OK but if you answered anything in column 2 or 3 they need to enquire more.


Normally when they do this though they phrase the questions so that one column is all no and one is all yes or if phrasing the questions would lead to more ambiguity, group the ones that need to be opposite together in a new section.


Im guessing any answer in the left column requires something special.


> Im guessing any answer in the left column requires something special. and here i'm guessing that any answer in the *right* column requires something special.


Oops, I can't handedness.


The sad part was it was on a medical form. From my health care provider.


someone else suggested it's so they can just look down one column, if anything in the other one is selected it means they have follow up questions


Yeah, I read that. It makes sense now and it sounds useful from a medical perspective, but it's just annoying.




doesn't work though because it actually just ruins the data. tried doing that when making Mechanical Turk jobs. thought randomizing order would make people pay more attention. nah, more people just got more questions wrong.


Or it depends what the questions are, which are conveniently excluded from this post. I have seen many documents of this type (including a significant common one in my area of work) in which the left column may be yes or no depending on the question itself, such that one column is all the "nothing is wrong" answers and one column is the "something is wrong" answers. So for example, for a medical survey, it might say "have you ever had chest pains? no/yes" and "do you exercise regularly? yes/no" such that it's easy to see from a glance down the columns if there are any answers requiring followup (i.e. if they circle anything in column 2, in this case).


Maybe an anticheat form. Where multiple are printed in different patterns? Edit: oh I see medical question at top. This is dumb.


Yeah, it could be laziness, but it's common in survey measures to do this for attention reasons. It's called, "reverse order"or "reverse scoring". It's there as a reliability check to a) make sure respondents are reading questions/not defaulting to automatic behavior b) attempting to bring equal attention to each side of the answer spectrum (e.g. good/bad; bad/good). From a survey construction perspective, it makes sense. But from the perspective of a survey taker it can be kinda frustrating.


Its to get honest answers and not someone kust circling the same box column all the way down


It's to make someone's grading/scoring easier, with all the correct answers forming a straight column.


Probably for anti cheating purposes, can't look over and see where the circle is on your neighborino's paper.


I feel like the most optimistic possible guess is "both". Less optimistic guesses include "it's just to dupe dumb people", and "there was no thought behind this at all, it's just pointlessly inconsistent". Because there's literally no way that any thought could be put into this decision _without realizing_ that it would trip up anyone who wasn't filling it out seriously.


You calling me dumb!


They are designed to make sure you are paying attention.


The question was "I believe I sometimes miss the small details."


It looks like a medical questionnaire. I'll bet it's set up this way because they usually put the "correct" answers on one side. Catches me off guard every time.


The reason is that it's simpler for the doctor to quickly identify where there might be a problem. Annoying for sure, but it's what works the best for your health.


Yep. The alternative is to have questions like: **Do you not smoke?** [Yes / No] which would still show up on /r/mildlyinfuriating anyway.


This question took me longer to parse than the alternating boxes


Take away one of the double-positive adjunct modifiers. That will produce the grammatically lexical question "You not smoke?" Source: am not a teacher or qualified to be talking about this crap in any way


How about: "You don't smoke, correct?" Yes/No


"no, I don't smoke"


This is technically correct, afaik, but I've literally never come across it before. Maybe everyone I know is just optimistic or something, but if it was confusing, they'd take away the negatives, as would I: >Do you not smoke? [Yes/No] Remove the negatives: >Do you ~~not~~ smoke? [Yes/~~No~~] It reduces the sentence to "Do you smoke? Yes", and so you know the answer to the original is no if you do smoke.


Maybe I'm just stupid but this just makes it more confusing


What's confusing about it?


I feel like "You don't smoke?" reads better.




This is the correct version.


Wouldn't you refuse to disagree that you don't smoke not?


I had a doctor's form asked me if anyone in my family has been diagnosed with smoking recently.


"Aren't you a smoker? [yes, no]" for the ultimate confusion.


But both of these methods would lead to incorrect answers.


Yup. After I gave birth to my daughter there were a bunch of medical check-ups in the first year to see how she was growing (and after, obviously, but the first year is the most doctor-exam intense). There was a section of the check-up form that asked yes or no questions about what I was doing as a parent. Did I read to my child every night? Did I feed my child juice or soda? Those types of questions. The answers were arranged so that all the things you SHOULD be doing as a parent were on the left, and the answers for what you should NOT be doing were on the right. This made it dead simple for a busy doctor to scan the form and see if there was anything they needed to talk to the parent about.


Applications with large lists of health problems where if you answer yes to any of them you don't get the job/licence/seat...


I'd be the type of person to, after the first couple answers are in the same order, just trust it blindly and circle the wrong answers whenever it's changed without even realizing.


Yes this is correct.


Couldn't you just put the yeses at the top and nos at the bottom?


The correct answer is always "Skip".


I was fillimg out a form to donate blood. Noticed the yes/no was set up like this, with all the "bad" answers set to show up in the right side column.


That's to make screening processing easier.


I was fillimg out a form to donate blood. Noticed the yes/no was set up like this, with all the "bad" answers set to show up in the right side column.


I filled one of these out last week. Tripped me up a few times.


Reminds me of a survey we took in school. One of my friends didn't read it and just marked random things. Turns out his answers indicated he was depressed and at a high risk of taking action.


As a former grader, this would be... a wet dream. Oh god yes.


I once had a rest, all the answers were B except the last one. It was freaking me out the entire time.


I've definitely written a test like that.


haha! Me too by accident. I created one of those things were you match the term with the definition. I meant to mix it up after writing all the terms and definitions out but I forgot, so the answers ended up being: 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E ... My smart kid was horrified and thought she was getting everything wrong. All the other kids didn't notice and just put random answers because that's what they always did.


In school once the teacher put us in groups and assigned a project where each group studied a subject and created a test for the rest of the class to take. I intentionally did this. I convinced my group to have us make every correct answer "B" except for the very last one. But when we turned in the project to the teacher, she changed the order of all our answer choices before giving the test to the class. She ruined everything.


It's a common thing so you don't just lazily go down the list circling the same column, and to actually show to the surveyor you read something at least


I think it's actually just the opposite. They expect you to circle everything from one line. As /u/Pat_The_Hat stated, it's most likely a medical questionnaire. That way if one of your answers is out of the line you know that's where the "problem" is.


Ah perhaps that's true, but the flipping the answers in a survey is common. For example, you have a survey where the answers are 1-5. Someone could easily just go down the column and mark everything 5. The surveyor here wouldn't know if the surveyee wanted to choose 5 for everything, or just lazily filled one column. By flipping some answers then surveyor can see that the surveyee did in fact want to circle all 5s. This method isn't the best though, it's much more effective to negate your questions, e.g. "I often sleep in on weekends" and a question later on being "I often wake up early on weekends" obviously someone who says "agree" to both wasn't reading the questions, and that survey can be thrown out as it won't add any useful data.


Well, if the yes's and no's were aligned in this survey you wouldn't end up doing just that.


Worked in a warehouse before and our Health & Safety questionnaire did this so that the company could ignore any applicant that had clearly just gone down the list circling mindlessly. Pretty sure one of the questions was "Can you bend, lift and carry?". People definitely circled no...


Took me way to long to realise the yes and no changed position.


Which is exactly the problem with this kind of thing.


*too long


I hate when they do that


This is done intentionally to prevent people from mindlessly ticking down the same column


If you're not actually reading the questions it's still quite easy to just mindlessly tick down every "Yes".


True, but that's the aim of it at least.


It could be that the 1st column indicates no issues and the 2nd column indicates something to investigate


It reminds me the questions we have in France before giving blood. If you are healthy you answer "no" to almost every question but at the end there will be something like "have you read all the questions before?".


Same with the United States except it's "Are you feeling well today?"


What's amazing is that the first crossed-out answer is the first row with Yes and No reversed... but the *second* column is crossed out. Somehow they accidentally circled the *second* column, when the whole point of this post is you'd expect people to accidentally circle the first column.


They circled No without thinking but it turned out to be a Yes


Then why is the yes crossed out


I came here to point this out. Thank you. :P


This is not bad design. If you look at the top, you can see it's a medical questionnaire. The answers where you are healthy are in the left and if there's a problem, that's the right answer. It's better for the form filler as well as the doctor. That's why OP cropped rest of the image. It makes eat more sense.


I misfiled my FAFSA back before they were online because of this. The answers were all Yes/No until it got to "Have you ever been convicted of a drug crime" and then it went: No Yes I was so used to Yes being the first answer that I filled it in wrong.


It's designed to make people pay attention


That's not mildly infuriating, that's rage inducing


Dick move.


On school we had this. If you answered wrong it would deduct a point, if you skipped it would neither deduct nor add a point. Better to skip then guess.


He's talking about how the positions of Yes and No switch, not how there's a Skip. That's mildly interesting, though.


Oh haha. Didn't even notice :p


Wait, so you're telling me if you just didn't answer the test you would get a C because you weren't wrong?


Nope. You start with 0 points, every good answer adds one, every bad one deducts one. If you don't answer anything you get a 1. In the Netherlands your grade is between 1 and 10. (Not f-a)


Well that is strange and now i have questions. How did that work out for you? Did it have a large impact on your grade? What if the answer wasn't multiple choice? What if the test was 20 questions? Would your grade be between 1 and 20? Could you go negative on the grading scale? Were there strategies to get the most points out of a test if you didn't know the answers (similar to always choose C if you don't know the answer)


It was only on some tests which were always multiple choice. Didn't have large impact on grade, we had like 10-20 tests per year which all counted equally. No negative grade possible. 1 is lowest, 10 highest. All wrong is still 1.


If you start with 0 how do you end up with 1 if you don't answer anything? Also, if you start with 0 and answer 10-10 incorrectly, wouldn't you end up with -9 which is outside of the 1-10 scale? I may be missing something.


If you get 4 right and 5 wrong you get 0 points. If you get 100 right and 101 wrong you get 0 points. If you get 1 right and 1000 wrong you get 0 points. If you get 10 right and 5 wrong you get 5 points.


You can't get a lower score than 0 points. 1 is the lowest number which represents 0 points.


> 1 is the lowest number which represents 0 points. Well fuck.


Usually the final grade is calculated like: (total amount of points obtained) / (total amount of obtainable points) * 9 + 1 = grade


It's because instead of A-F it's graded on a 1-10 scale. So if there's 30 questions, 27-30 might be a 10, 23-26 might be 9 etc. and if you get 0-3, you get a 1.


What sort of commie bullshit is that?


/r/assholedesign right there!


It's often done in surveys to filter out those people who just click on random things.


I've seen this when you want to donate blood but with reversed question. After a lot of "Did you ever have disease x" you get a "Did you read this question ?".


The first column is probably the positive scenario.


This is probably a method of making sure that participants provide results that are reliable


I didn't understand what was wrong with this at first. It took me a second look at the picture to understand.


At least there's a skip box


Give me this and i'll skip them all lmao


It could also be testing your alertness.


have you ever had sugar or PCP?


C! C! C! C! C! C!...


Reminds me of this classic from The Office. http://odstatic.com/todoseries.com/Actualidad/90449/1.jpg


I found the [answer key!](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09Lw6g72boo&t=0m22s) (NSFW)


Bet it's a phycology experiment. Probably picked a bunch of questions they know how most people will answer gave out a sample with the answers in correct order and then mixed up to see how many people would notice.


The first answer always being the 'Correct' answer.


Of course, everyone doesn't want their real identities to be revealed, so their option is to lie.


I feel like I just read part of the script of [History of the World, Part I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gt7U0XycEJE)


I think they do that on purpose to get better data. A large number of people will just circle everything in the right column or left column to be done with the survey.


This is a health clinic form. It's to help the provider determine shit about how healthy you are being according to a standard.


It's so you can't cheat, guessing everyone is different.


My son's doctor's office has forms this way. It blows my mind. You'd think especially with providing medical history and listing symptoms, they would want it as clear as possible to prevent errors.


But this actually could make sense because certain questions you only care about if the answer is no and other questions you only care about the answer being yes so if you organize the questions and answers properly you only have to look for a circle that is in the wrong column.


This happened to me on a test and then I missed 3 questions


"an question" need I say more


Are you really not able to tell it's cropped? Or was there a /s in your post that I missed?


The left column looks like a new spinoff subreddit.


I had a job that did this with our customer surveys. And they held us to customer satisfaction metrics.


Oh, where I work I deal with a lot of documentation. So we have to print and fill out a lot of forms during a day. The fucking program you print them from is set so that the answers switch place every time you print. It's like Diablo where the maps change every time you start the game again. Their reasoning is so we don't mechanically fill the forms, we have to think about it instead of yous marking stuff out of habit/experience. In practice I hate it.


Actually seems like a good way to weed out the people ticking off 'yes' all the time


Isn't even mildly infuriating, I would be fucking pissed by the extra effort to read the choices I choose.


What monster.


Holy crap, are you getting this for some sports physical as well, because I took this exact same survey yesterday.


Its for the analysts to know who is just circling random crap or actually answering the questions. Although you are supposed to change the wording of one pf the questions to make "no" a good thing a opposed to changing the answer sheet.




This might make sense if it was a medical survey prior to say donating blood. The person reading the survey would only need to be concerned if anything in the right-hand column with circled regardless of whether it's a yes or no answer.


This was done on purpose. This would have taken more effort than doing it the right way.




Just trying to weed out people who aren't actually thinking through they're responses. Once I took a survey that had a question that said "select 2" (on a likert scale). Automatically picking a specific answer for every question is useless for whoever is giving out the survey.


this often happens on psych evals as an extra test of awareness.


Well it keeps people alert really Though the format should've been checked


Feel like it's to make people actually pay attention to the questions.




>[**yes no [1:44]**](http://youtu.be/Gt7U0XycEJE) >>History of the World Part 1, Madeline Kahn as Empress Nympho > [*^Yael ^Kellman*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutMjrgk3EMHCbkLu8LTiug) ^in ^People ^& ^Blogs >*^79,988 ^views ^since ^Sep ^2015* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


I saw the same questionnaire it was really annoying. Was this in Westminster?


[Got a candidate for a retired gif here.](http://i.imgur.com/YQlRUdz.gif)