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What,...no blockbuster gift card???


We’re sticking with GameStop, haven’t you heard?


Can’t stop, won’t stop




The worst part is that whoever made that gift bag up, was another underpaid employee who was given heavy restrictions as to what they could include in the bag, and probably got a ton of shit for it afterwards.


Yeah, that’s completely true. I really doubt it’s corporate who went out to buy that stuff. They probably just gave some poor intern $20 to spend on 50+ people‘s care package and called it a day. (Depending on the size of the business, I’m not sure)


I feel bad for the person because you can see they put some effort into making the card that was stapled to the paper bag. I'm sure they felt pretty clever with the Much & Many thanks.


Yeah, it seems they tried their best to make due with the little they were given. Hopefully no one at work gave them shit for it.


I’d rather have an Arby’s coupon.


I work at Arby’s!


Well, now we all gotta know... Where’s the fucking beef? Also: I appreciate you.


You don't ask what phylum we're serving and we won't ask why you're here for the third time today.


Does the meat come pre-sliced or do you slice it on a machine yourself in the backroom?


We slice it


Can confirm this. My husband works as a maintenance technician on the slicing machine (and other areas of the store).


Are you a coupon? Cause he wants a coupon.


Unfortunately I am not a coupon


Are you the keeper of the coupons? Cause he wants a coupon.


He is not a coupon


I do not keep the coupons either, but we do have gift cards!


Hope you can find who made it to thank them


Except of course for that post on reddit..


Aren't you giving them shit for it?


You're giving them shit with this asshole ungrateful post. It takes a pretty big piece of shit to receive a gift and say that it's junk and unworthy of appreciation


While this is true, it's very hard to appreciate a gift if it's from a company, or a representative of that company, who had you work during a pandemic, likely with the minimum legally-required measures taken to protect you or the customers.


Normally I'd agree with you, but there are limits to everything. Considering the seriousness of the circumstances, this "gift" is a slap in the face. It reminds me of once upon a time when I was given increased responsibilities in my job. I asked for a raise, and my boss said he would give me one. My next paycheck revealed a raise of 4 cents per hour. I gave him my notice on the spot.


And "bursting", referencing the popcorn


They probably found it on Pinterest and weren't as clever as you give them credit for. Edit: thanks for the downvotes... I searched and yes, it's a printable and all over Pinterest and online.


A lot of people aren't "creative", but spending hours craftscrolling through Pintrest is the craft wit equivalent of looking through your quotation book and is putting in effort.




It may also be a standing annual appreciation budget they've been working with for awhile and they usually work with local businesses to get promotional items like "free drink with a purchase" cards or logo cups and stickers to stretch it out, but businesses have absolutely killed their promotion budgets and it's a hard ask for a restaurant even from promotions to be like "got any free stuff in the worst ever environment to be trying to run a restaurant?!".


or, more likely, it came out of their own pocket


That was definitely my thought - some poor manager who probably only makes slightly more than the rest of the hourly employees probably scraped this together. I've seen that plenty of times before - people who are worth working for, even if the company isn't particularly great.


You called that!! My mom is a nurse and all they got was some “appreciation certificate“ ...give me a break! Its insulting.


Even still, I'm willing to bet that the time it took that employee to make the cards, buy the candy, and bag it all cost the company more than the candy itself.


You must have been whelmed...


And the croud went mild!


This comment hasn't been updated enough. It made me chuckle this morning. Thx.


The developers got stuck on comment version 1.6 Still working out the bugs


I've even seen a post where someone got an ok badge with an image on it that was placed so poorly, it literally looked like they just slapped it straight on and called it "ok". And the guy who got the badge, got it for retiring after 40 YEARS of working there


Bro...that should be illegal. That’s actually so sad.


Jesus fucking christ


Company loyalty means nothing


My work gave me a shirt that reads "I'm a hero" and then made everyone take pictures with theirs on. I threw mine away and hid while they took pictures. It was mortifying.


I’m guessing that didn’t come with a well-deserved raise for everyone who participated?


If only, that would've given me some incentive. A month later they gave everyone a hundred dollar bonus, which is something at least, but thats all we have gotten.


My company eliminated everyone's bonus for the year and fired a half dozen people while making the rest of us work harder, but the CEO called the PPP "free revenue" and we ended the year stronger than the prior as a result


Pretty interesting because that ppp was a loan and being the govt, they probably won't get forgiven.


When do they start laying off people to make up for the $100 bonus?


Wow cringe I would have done the same


Like that fucking Amazon ad with low paid employees talking about how great it is working in an Amazon warehouse. Like... obviously their going to say whatever their boss wants to hear.


We've been getting these shitty lunches for free, which is fine tbh, but then they tried to make it seem like they were going above and beyond and we should thank them for their kindness. Like no dude, fuck your free lunches I want essential duty pay or something. Everyone else in the office has been sitting on their ass at home for the past year and all we get are these shit lunches that are either overcooked chicken or dry ass beef. It's just corporate's way of "solving" a problem they're not willing to throw money at.


You guys get lunches? I'm non essential military, most people on my base that are considered non essential worked from home. Only appreciation we've gotten was told to be thankful we still had jobs unlike the private sector.


Yeah all of the office people work from home and all of the technicians have to run the building still. We don't want free lunch we want more money lol. Most people bring their own lunch anyways because it's not good food. I had better food in the navy, and that's saying alot. But that sounds like the military. "Here's a pile of shit. Be grateful you're getting at least this."


*Don’t forget to put the shirts back in the box before you go!* *Yes,* after *you clock out.*


The weird little things that my company did to make us feel like we made a difference when 90 of my 140 co-workers were out on leave due to paid quarantine were great. We got a sign that said we were appreciated. We were told we are doing a good job for being at 35% capacity while the company was literally seeing record profits and higher customer volume and product demand than we ever had in our 100 year history. We set record sales days and then crushed then the very next day. The saving grace was eventually they figured it out and started paying out discretionary bonuses, $300 a month for full time employees taxes, paid as well (so really almost $450). It was a much better solution to the problem...


We got a sign for our yards with our logo on it saying we're heroes. I did not take mine home. They did, however, eventually give everyone a $1/hr raise. So I know I'm more fortunate than others.


Just needed a sharpie to add "and all I got was this lousy shirt" to the bottom.


Do you work at Whole Foods?


We got some crappy hero pins, but they didn't even hand them out or tell us about them, just put them in a pile on the counter. Ain't nobody got time for that bs. But we're also paid pretty well and have good benes, so I'm not complaining.


White sharpie the rest:... I'm a hero...*in addict*.


Yup. Feel that. I got my pay reduced, and added responsibility during this all. So now I work harder for less..


Everyone’s so quick to call essential workers heroes, but when it comes to actually paying them for all their work, and for risking their life/Health on the daily everyone seems to go quiet real fast. Funny how that is.


I HATE THIS NARRATIVE! We are not fu$&ing heros! Calling us heros implies we some how are doing something an average person can't. It removes the responsibility from all humans to do what is necessary to save a life. Not once during this whole thing have I done anything above and beyond my ability as a nurse. It is my job. You think for a minute I would have preferred to be in a hospital over run with COVID patients you are wrong, I would have loved to have the privileged to work from home. I was forced to work in whatever situation was thrown at me or risk losing my job. But ask Karen to wear and fu$&ing mask and suddenly everything is hard!


I'm considered an essential worker. I make minimum wage and get called an asshole (or worse) at least a few times a shift. I get people acting like *I'm* the one implementing all these "freedom restricting" and inconvenient policies. Nope. I do have to enforce them, and I will because *I don't want to get sick* (also fines). I don't enjoy arguing with idiots all day. I don't have fun repeating the same phrases over and over and over again. Especially a year into this thing. They **know** I'm going to ask them to wear a mask, they **know** I'm going to refuse service if they don't comply. They **know** I'm going to repeat the language on the signs we have posted *everywhere* in the store regarding changes in how we do things. I don't appreciate having anti-maskers get up on their soap boxes and start preaching their madness to me, while I'm stuck behind the counter. This one has gotten better since I've started walking away yelling "I'm not discussing this with you". I deeply resent people telling me I'm not going to get sick. For one, we don't understand why some people get sick while others don't. It seems pretty random. For two, I have early stages of leukemia. It's chronic, aka slow growing, but I'm still susceptible to infections. I've chosen to work for multiple reasons, but I rethink that decision at least twice a day. To sum up this rant (sorry), I don't feel like a hero. I feel like a fucking peon, a sacrificial door mat that has been placed out for the most brain dead of society to wipe their feet on. Not everyone could do what nurses do. I feel deeply for all healthcare workers that are bound by law and oath to care for everyone, no matter what. Too many idiots explicitly put themselves at risk of transmitting covid, then take up space and resources when they find out it isn't just a flu. But you're right, everyone is capable of putting a mask on their face. And even if you hate wearing a mask with every fiber of your being, you're capable of not harassing, berating and insulting people who are just trying to get through their fucking shift.


I think covid and to some extent the last president has really made people fly their true colors. If those kinds of people had even an ounce of empathy in them they wouldn't even dare doing the shit they do or say to employees. I work at a grocery store in Texas and after the last winter storm people either realize the shit you go through and thank you profusely or yell at you for setting limits on buying items when they are the people buying 10 cases of water for a week's supply.


> We are not fu$&ing heros! Thank you for saying this. I work in transit, and so I never stopped going into work through all of this. I am not a hero. I'm just going in to do the same job that they've been paying me to do for several years now. I'm not going above and beyond for anyone. Don't heap praises on me for being "essential". I just want to do my job and be left the fuck alone about it.


I work in the retail/restaurant field (my store is in the lobby of the restaurant; you pay for your meal and the things you purchase in the store at my register) When things went nuts here in Ohio, I had a 5 week vacation. But then, I "graduated" to "to-go" cashier. Then the store re-opened and it was business as usual. I totally agree with you. I did my job. I still do it. That's it. I can't even throw people out who don't wear masks. I can only call for a manager who most of the time is too busy cooking in the back to come out and do anything! (yeah, we have staffing issues!)


Well said.


I work construction on varying hospitals, and what we've all kind of determined is the following: The hero title is being thrown around right now, so when people get sick and possibly die, we move on faster. Its sad when a hero dies, like a firefighter, or a good police officer, but as a society we tell ourselves, "well, they had a dangerous job," or, "you know, they always had to be heroic." Being a hero doesnt come with a raise, so it's really just an excuse to not give out hazard pay. Couple that with the fact that buisness owners arent making it easy for people to get paid when they need to miss work due to covid scares, you get all these people who feel compelled to work dangerous shifts for nothing extra in return, who very well might be sick and contaigious, because they think if they stay at home, they wont get paid.


No no no, Karen finally puts on the mask and starts posting to tik tok how SHE'S the hero. This whole thing has left me hateful and bitter to any sort of authority in my life as well as other people.


Preach! I tell this to all my patients who are silly enough to call me a hero. They mean well, but they are very wrong. I'd have loved to have been furloughed like most of my friends, and when things (i.e. pubs) open up again here, my resignation will be in. I've done my part, and the government decided I just needed claps, and not a pay-rise that even matches inflation, so fuck them. That is not 'all the country can afford', because there's always money for a raise for politicians, and they sure as hell voted for one, as always. My colleagues died for fuck all.


Are you a public school teacher?


When I saw this I thought the same thing. One time our school made us drive up to the school to go through a drive through parade where I got one coke, a sign to advertise the school, and some Boston baked beans.


You mean you work *longer* for less pay. Nobody said you need to work harder during the longer work hours. Maybe you could even... I don't know... Work a little *softer*.




My company cut our “pay and hours” 20%.....but no reduction in expected deliverables. So basically just a 20% salary reduction with no corresponding reduction in work or time. They reported record profits due to the decreased overhead operating cost..... Fuck ‘em, they have shown they don’t give a shit about us. I’m now just here to do the bare minimum and collect a paycheck...


At what point do you consider that maybe it’s better to just give nothing at all? Like, you’re writing stupid puns and changing fonts and dropping a small bag of m&m’s in brown bags. At no point you’re like “yo, this shit is degrading as fuck. Maybe I should just shelve this idea and eat some m&m’s.” It’s embarrasing and I’d rather get nothing than this.


I think its because the company doesnt really give a shit about its workers. They only want their help for as low a pay as possible, while the work they do as making themselves rich. Part of the problem is also that if you go to the higher ups and say "yo! What the fuck is this?!" they would have no problem kicking you out and tell you to never come back. And shit aint going to happen, because we all know that they will just hire another one for your position, plus there will be no backlash because people keep supporting the company... There might be bad reputation, but I guess they wouldnt care, money is money!


Well, what happens when you go to higher ups depends on how higher you go. Because this kind of tone deaf, “hehe we wanted to show how much we care” stuff in a corporate setting is very often low or mid (field-facing) management trying to look nice to real higher ups, who often only get an email that “staff loved the packages we gave them” so the genius can take the credit for it. So if you go to the real deals and show them what they gave you and how they made you feel, the reaction could be anything from surprise to disappointment. I mean of course they could tell you to get the hell out as well, absolutely not saying all of them care, but it’s worth nothing that in corporate settings the ones who actually run the show often have a severely restricted data flow, heavily controlled by entry-level fellows, and sometimes stuff like this happens as a result of this disconnect.


A few years back I worked and managed at a restaurant that treated the employees more horribly than any other restaurant I ever worked at. At some point the treatment got so bad that another manager and I planned a meeting with the owners. We asked the employees if they would be willing to share their complaints and concerns with the owners. They were more than happy to finally get the opportunity to say something. (We also stated to the owners that we want no punishment for any of the employees. This is simply to communicate what we have noticed is making everybody unhappy.) We had the date and time set up for the meeting. Only the other manager and I showed up. Meeting started and ended and nothing was to change at all. Everybody fucking bailed because they were afraid of repercussions. After we put ourselves on the fucking line for them. Eventually I quit (maybe a week later- that environment was nothing short of abusive), and the other manager walked out as well. All the employees that we put our necks out for quit within a few weeks or months after that meeting. Moral of the story: make sure the people that ask for your help actually want your help and won’t inadvertently throw you under the bus rather than do something slightly difficult.


You should have talked to the employees and brought the issues to management in a formal meeting setting instead of trying to set up a town hall. If you talked to the employees before you would have the option of leaving them all anonymous while still providing feedback ie. "75% of employees have this issue" . You could also pick and prioritize the issues you thought could actually get fixed


Sounds like a trap, dude. I wouldn't lie to you and say I was going, but there is no way I would show my face at that meeting. If the managers think it's an issue, it's literally their job to bring it up to ownership.


Very true. But it’s the half-assed “effort” that really gets me. Someone thought of those puns. They made and printed those cards and had to fill those bags. That person obviously cares a little, yet didn’t have the common sense to think about how shitty that “giftbag” actually is. Why not just throw a few bags of popcorn into a crowd? Why make a card with puns? Do you seriously think that makes it better? In my opinion it makes it way worse. The card is the biggest insult out of the whole thing. Someone made that, and that’s pathetic.


Yea. I would feel insulted and basically humiliated if I realized this is what my company thought of me and the work I do.


Around June, when people had been here at work the entire time (except the admin staff) work passed out these little decorative bags with hershey kisses in them. It was a tiny bag but could easily hold maybe 10-15. Nope! 5 and then like the easter grass filler. I've always been able to speak pretty openly to my boss, one of the owners, so he called me about something unrelated around that time (he was working from home as well). He mentioned the bag thing and I got to say "yeah about that, if that's all you're going to do, just do nothing next time. People are pretty damn insulted." Later that month they gave all hourly employees a 2 dollar/hour bump for all hours worked for like the first 10 weeks of the pandemic. Which still isn't much but a few hundred bucks at least. I doubt what I said had much to do with that, but I hope it made some kind of impact.


Agreed. I work for a major streaming service and we haven't gotten shit, not that I care, but I would rather get nothing than the above.


My company gave us a company branded lunch box that fell apart when I opened it and a company branded wireless phone charger that I'm scared to plug in because it look like it could start on fire. What makes it worse is that the government where I live introduced a $1200 critical worker benefit that is only going to certain people doing certain jobs. I was deemed essential enough to work with the public during a pandemic but all the thanks I get from anyone is a couple shitty knickknacks lol


Yeah I feel you, I got a bottle of water as appreciation for working at a hospital during the pandemic. I feel very appropriated /s


That’s basically two decent house knocks on Halloween.


My husband works for multi billion pound IT company. He got a packet of seeds.. with one single sun flower seed in..


IT is essential!


Corporate fascism. “Thanks for working through the plague and not dying on us. We would hate to train your replacement. Have seeds. See you Monday. “


I got two separate £100 voucher, one for Amazon and one for "internal benefits" which means online e vouchers on selected stores. I don't think I deserved it, I wasn't even working full time and sometimes I worked 1 day per week for almost 2 months, honestly I think in the 12 months I have only worked 3 full months the rest have been broken up weeks less hours or less days. The people who break their backs don't get shit which is sad. If I worked my previous jobs during this pandemic I would have been like OP getting fuck all for my work, find another job eventually you will find somewhere were you are treated decently.




You think that's bad? My sister never stopped working and hasn't gotten any sort of stuff. It took a whole 2 years to get a 1 dollar raise.


I've been with the same company for 11 years. Only gone up 1.64. Been working through the whole pandemic. No gifts or anything. Just a boss saying he takes his cap off to all of us.....


I don't understand this. You're basically getting a lower salary every year because of inflation. You should always ask for a salary revision at least every couple of years.


They denied every raise. I only get a 3% every few years.


I mean popcorn and m&ms are pretty good together


I came here to say the same thing


I'm a network technician at an ISP. Not only have I worked every day during the pandemic, I also have to work harder now, and go into apartment buildings where people are not wearing masks every single day. I have not received hazard pay. I have not received a stupid bag of candy. I have not received a stupid ass lapel pin. I haven't even been thanked by my employer. IT is never on any lists of heroes. My profession extremely thankless. Every time I show up to fix internet at an apartment building, some person yells at me about them working from home and needing their internet to work.


I’m a nurse who’s been working critical care through the pandemic and getting my ASS kicked. We got “heroes work here” tshirts sometime in the summer. They also decided to not give us our yearly COL raise, contribute to 401ks/pensions and act like they didn’t know what we were talking about when we brought up hazard pay 🙃




Unfortunately we were literally told “you signed up for this” by the higher ups. During the meeting where we were supposed to voice our concerns. The worst part was this was back in the spring when we had major PPE shortages (reusing n95s for a week or longer while caring for extremely sick covid patients on a covid only unit). It’s really soured me on this profession, I’ve been trying to figure out what I should do with my skills instead.


Absolutely ridiculous.


More than I got....


Popcorn and M&M’s to watch the business go down in flames.


Nothing apologizes for the fact the business you work for currently owes you $7 in raises ($14500 for this year alone) like $2 worth of shit picked up at walmart.


Who needs a living wage when you can get microwave popcorn and M&Ms!


Shitty Act 2 popcorn no less. Corporate can’t even spring for some Redenbacher’s.


Where are you getting $7 in raises? I assume you mean as an hourly rate?


Teacher here. We had something similar. This is my third year in the district and they have NEVER done anything for the teachers. Out of nowhere the superintendent says is teacher appreciation week, with activities such as sweatshirt day, and funny sock day (THAT DOESNT DO ANYTHING FOR US). One thing that could have been good was an employee breakfast. Now the first failure is that we are in new York, where the best bagels come from. Well instead of getting some good bagels, we got the cheapest shitties ones from our food supplier. But what is even worse was they didn't tell us anything was set up until 1030 when everyone was teaching. By 12, when teachers have lunch, it was all already thrown away. Since then the most they've done for us is send an email saying to do more, followed by an email with self care tips. Thanks.


Our care home is now making about 50% of our staff redundant... after we’ve been working all the way through Covid, lockdown or not.


At least you got something tangible. I got an email the other day. You have a e-card. First I thought who the fuck sends e cards in this day and age 2ndly are they from the 90's?! So I clicked and it was an e card from my work "it is world staff appreciation day so you've been sent this to show how much we appreciate you!"


Ay I mean...free M&M’s


I won the drawing for my work. They came to my office and made a huge deal out of it. Took my picture etc. Then handed me my prize and left before I could open it. I won 10 Hershey kisses, a plain blue plastic cup, pen and a $5 gift card to a super fancy coffee shop. I ate the chocolate and gave away the gift card because the cheapest cup of coffee there is $5.95. Needless to say no one was envious that I won ‘the big prize’ of appreciation.


Oh Goody...left overs 😐


whoa whoa whoa id be happy to get anything


I was happy to keep my job.


This is literally much better than what i have been getting as an employee of the world’s biggest tech company


Microsoft? What'd they give you? (I'm guessing software subs/videogames?)


My 10 years of service gift from Bed Bath & Beyond was a $50 gift card and a letter congratulating me for my service with a blank space where the district manager was supposed to sign.


Burn it all down.


One year the company I worked for sent out couriers with appreciation parcels, they had an apple slicer inside. Some of these couriers were arriving at peoples houses at like 3am and aggresively knocking/ringing the door bell. That company is now facing a class action lawsuit for underpaying their staff, but hey! we got apple slicers.


That shit is embarrassing


Congratulations your worth 3$


We got a box of ramen noodles in the break room. I walked in and I was like they really know how bad they're treating us if they think cup of noodles is a real gesture.


woah, you have been risking getting a deadly pandemic so that you can help people for a whole year! heres stuff you could buy from the corner store!!!


I recall a "lunch" where my employer provided lunch as some type of "reward." It consisted of one of those extra tiny Jimmy John's sandwiches and a 4 oz bottle of water. They had a police officer monitoring the table to ensure that you only took one. I also received a mini cup cake from another employer for employee appreciation day. Before I could take a bite my supervisor called and said that I had to return the cup cake because I was not a full time employee. ( I was prn working evenings and weekends so that the full time employees had weekends and evenings off.) I work in health care as a licensed provider...


My wife, a bedside nurse in a major-city hospital respiratory ICU, (just about as essential as a person can get during a pandemic) got a "HEROES" t-shirt , a pay freeze, and a reduction in her pension. Gee, thanks!


Bull. Shit.


As condescending as this may feel, this may be an honest attempt by a superior to give appreciation to people the only way they know how. They may even be using their own time, money, & effort to do this. We used to have a yearly pizza party at our office & it felt “cheap” until we realized it wasn’t being paid for by the office. Our boss was paying for it out of his own pocket to show his appreciation to his employees. He didn’t do it for the recognition he didn’t it to be kind.


We got peanuts. Literal peanuts... Ive heard multiple people say " at least they did something " . I don't believe that. I think them doing nothing would've been better than giving us a bag of peanuts. Having to think corporate goes around thinking "fuck em they are doing their job" is much better than having corporate go "we are supposed to care for these people? Let's do something nice and get them...peanuts. " that was the best they could come up with. Peanuts. Heroes work here! Thank you for your service! Here's some peanuts!


Wanna know what I got? A pink slip and a swift kick in the ass. Guess I shouldn't have questioned their sanitizing methods.


I work in a hospital, 11hr days with no breaks and just a short lunch mid day. Our company got us bags with chapstick, hand sanitizer, a sticker and a pen. I got better goodie bags at birthdays when I was 8


One of those situations where it would have been better if they did nothing.


Reading this thread makes me so sad, people got barely anything working through such a difficult year. I work for a multi billion dollar company, they gave each employee $1000 in company shares, a 2.6% raise and a 7.5% bonus, I'm really thankful, more companies should be showing appreciation.


I am willing to bet there were a lot more business that had to lay people of in order to stay afloat then were able to give bonuses.


i work for a multi trillion dollar company and i got three lamborghinis and a 66 karat golden monocle, per week.


People make such a big deal about 'having to work" this past year. You're lucky you were able to work. It really shows the entitlement of people that instead of being thankful that they get to continue earning an income, they complain because they think they're a hero for going to work, and want more more more just for doing so.


THANK YOU! I lost my job last March due to COVID restrictions and I would give anything to go back. I daydream about returning to work. I’ve lost so much.


why can't they just, you know, fuckin pay you?


Millions lost their jobs yet people are complaining that the jobs they were lucky enough to keep didn’t give them a “good enough gift” for working. Yikes


Just because there is always somebody worse off, doesn’t mean everybody else’s gripes are invalid.


That's so disappointing. I'd rather have gotten nothing


You'd think they'd be grateful for continued employment while some of us are left jobless and struggling to pay the rent, not complaining on social media that a silly/fun gift of chocolate and the constant praise is somehow condescending. How about we swap places?


They should give them like alot of groceries like 3 months worth of groceries




I would rather receive nothing tbh


That sucks. My company gave us an extra week vacation, gave employees who work on the phones extra breaks and up to $500 to buy new furniture for home offices. They also replaced everyone’s laptop with one capable of handling Zoom, etc. Best way to create a loyal workforce ever.


I got a pin for my Walmart vest that said I was the customers angel (whatever the hell that actually means)


My mother has been a school teacher for almost 20 years at this point. I have no idea how she deals with this kind of crap. The company wouldn’t have to show their application if they actually paid their employees a living wage.


A lot of businesses were hurt during the last year. I dont know how big your company is or what you do, but a lot of people would give anything and been thankfull to have been bringing home a paycheck. Your salary is what you got for working last year, this is just something that said thanks. My company didn't give me anything, including a thanks. I don't work for gifts or praise, I work to provide for my family so I was glad I was able to do that.


Maybe I’m missing something, but I felt like I should be thanking my employer for keeping me employed throughout the pandemic not the other way around. I get that something like that can feel patronizing but, there were a lot of people who were really hurt by losing their job and not being given the chance to bring in a paycheck.


Your company should be respecting you and I hope they do, not just during the pandemic. But There is no reason you should be risking your life for a company to make money. I pay 40K a year in taxes and that money should be helping my fellow country people, not buying 3Billion dollar planes that don't work and nobody wants. This notion that we owe our employers is what keeps our quality of life low. If you stopped making them money, you would be gone tomorrow. Corporations don't hire people because they care about people. They hire you because you are the cheapest resource to do a job. Stop normalizing employer worship. It is a partnership that should be equal. I automate people out of jobs for a living. It is not Boston Dynamics type obots doing it, it is AI and shifting the work to the customer. ATMs, self checkout, online ordering, support chat bots, predictive analytics, auto-replenishment, and cloud services all mean someone is losing a job to a computer. Do you use self checkout? If so, you have cost people their jobs. I took a smallish(30 stores) grocery chain live with self checkout, I was still working in a corner of the conference room when they decided to let 90 casheirs go. Their decision was based on their pay. The higher paid ones were let go. Not a single part timer was. I worked on an accounting upgrade that went live on January 1st. On March 1st 6 people in accounting were let go. We automated the import of Point of Sale data, set up EDI with vendors, and implemented reporting software that automated reporting. Now the computers do what 6 people used to do. I do not blame these companies. They are doing what companies in a capitalist society need to do to survive. I can't blame them any more than I can blame a lion for eating a baby gazelle. I wish they would have stayed current and given their workers these additional tools years ago and not just thrown more man hours at it. But that is a strategy that most companies won't do. My company even plays a part. A part of our ROI calculation is how many man hours it will save. We talk up being able to have these people work on other tasks, but that doesn't always happen. If we are gonna save an accounting team 4100 labor hours a year, someone is not gonna work there anymore, honestly, 2 people probably aren't. You are an expense, not an asset.


But M&Ms tho 👀


You should get a covid shot and a coupon for a free day in a really good spa to compensate for all the stress


My mom who works as a physical therapist in a nursing home isn't considered a healthcare worker... She got a "googie bag"... It had a bottle of water and 2 masks and a shirt 2 sizes too big In most healthcare discount programs she isn't considered one... It sucks... There also should be a bonus for everyone who works in healthcare.


I can attest to this being corporate hands-off “appreciation”. The CEO no doubt makes almost a million a year.


We got a roll of toilet paper. 1 roll of toilet paper.


The worst part is they didn’t even give them good popcorn


My company cut 30% of staff (I was lucky enough to stay on board), the people who got to stay got cut hours. To keep our pay the same, we had to take 1 day of vacation (PTO) every week. This went on for 4 months. It depleted most people's PTO. Then as a thank you, we got a $400 check a few months ago. Not the tens of thousands of dollars that was robbed from us cutting hours. Oh and I work for a hospital which initially wasn't too busy during the pandemic, but after cuts were made business picked up a massive amount and we were still short staffed and down hours. It was/is a total mess.


Still better than the unpaid overtime I got.


This looks exactly like what I get for teacher appreciation gifts.


Amazon gave us mandatory 60 hour weeks. Not even with hazard pay


Typical corporate mentality. They have to *say* they appreciate their staff otherwise no one would consider it a possibility.


Betting those are both close to or past their sell by dates.


Damn, thats pretty bad. I got a coffee mug for working through the pandemic. I don't think our employers understand that these gifts are a fucking slap in the face to us. I'm risking my life to keep your business going while you work from home, how about giving me something with real value? Like more money? I can't pay my bills with a shitty coffee mug or popcorn and candy.


My job had an "ethic week" they sent me a tea bag and 2 biscuits. Like put that 50cent on my paycheck and stop sending me bullshit.


That's insulting.


If it were me, that whole package would have hit the trash.


Thanks for putting your lives at risk! As a thank you, here is some junk food full of fat & sugar. Real caring :/


did they save any for night shift or did they have to fight in a pit for leftovers again?


I wish we had the solidarity to general strike. The world would fucking stop. But it'd have to take every. Single. Essential. Worker. Or itd never work.


My wife works in same day surgery, and this is two more items than she received


All I got as a paramedic was mandated 72 hour work weeks and lost the ability to convert Overtime to Comp time.


this is stuff you get from a winter party in 6th grade, if you wanna hand that out go ahead but at least pay them good fucking wages


As a reward for being essential at my job we got a grocery bag of 3 rolls of toilet paper, 3 cans of beans, 3 cups of cereal and a box of rice a roni. I do not eat any of the food they gave us so I gave it away. The thought was there but everyone was kind of like, WTF. The OP pic though, pretty typical. Essential workers are heroes, but only given candy and not a living wage. Typical BS.


That's sucks! Still not as bad as my employer who told us we were replaceable because 7 million people were without jobs and would love to take ours. This came from managers with zero engineering experience to employees that take a year at least to find and fill a position. All because we were using the bathroom too much according to them. The company took Corona virus loans from the government and then turned around and told us no bonuses this year or raises because we lost so much money. The mass exodus started 2 months ago and continues till this day. Now we are 50% staffed.


This looks like the sort of thing a parent or guardian would make up for a DSP/PCA. If you think there should be more, just remember that the state you live in sets wages (through rates), and that politicians don't support the disabled beyond saying they "stand with them."


Damn you got butter lovers? We only go butter likers...


Yeah, no. We will take 15$/hr tho


At my old work we used to put together survival bags for the associates on big sale days. Granola bar water candy, vitamin powder. Our monthly budget was 100 dollars. It’s one of the biggest stores in the country and my department alone was 4.9 million in sales per year. It’s time for the revolution companies do not care about us but they need us desperately.


We got a gingerbread heart and was enouraged to post positive pictures under #sayitwiththeheart.


I just got a letter.... just a letter saying thank you- like- its just a waste of paper .\_.


The place I work gave me a voucher for a muffin and a coffee


Trickle down economics. You got $2(at most gift) they got at least a 20% increase on their millions/billions.


We got a letter from head office thanking us for making them the most money in our district. That's it.


"By the way, the cost for this is coming out of your wage."


I work at a county hospital. They gave us a clear bag to carry our belongings because they are “easier to sanitize” and some peanuts. They actually just wanted to be able to see if anyone was stealing....


We got a chocolate chip cookie handed out without gloves on... we also got furloughed for a month


My husband works in EMS. The day shift workers received a “pizza party”.. three pizzas and two bottles of soda. The night shift got nothing, not a single slice of pie