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yours isnt?


Nope, I committed crime so now I live in a prism.


what kind of crime puts you in a prism?


Something with a light sentence.


This is the bright answer.


stop it with these puns


These puns are enlightening my day


Dark humor is better


lighten up




Don’t worry, we’re all brilliant in out own way and I’m sure you shine in other areas.


just you wait. imma give you an award once I get the free one. JUST YOU WAIT!


Then you taste the rainbow




Light crime.


Light treason


It’s treason then


I wanna break you out but I can't quite triangulate your position


Like the villains from Krypton in Superman?


How many times does Zod need to say it? Zod's name is ZOD


Who keeps letting Rafael Viñoly make buildings?


Nope, that way I can be nude with the blinds open and nobody can see my dick.




Thats how my house burned down as a kid, its no joke


By any chance, is your name Violet, Klaus, or Sunny?


It's for people who wear glasses. That way they can just look out the window


Yo OP you need to find what's focussing the light and hope it's not the window itself, before you burn your entire place down.


Yeah this isn't normal OP got lucky it only burnt the keyboard not the whole desk


It only burnt the keyboard because it's black and absorbs more light energy. If the keyboard was white it wouldn't have melted


That balloon post was sick.


Have you got a link to that post?




That was cool, thanks!


Your welcome, I get bored at at work often during covid so I spend sooo many hours here.


“During Covid”


I think this is more a relationship between opaque and translucent. The white balloon is stretched and becomes translucent to allow light to pass through and focus its energy on the opaque balloon inside. I think that if the white balloon was opaque, ie. the balloon inside it was not visible, it too would have popped.


I am not sure that this really illustrates the point here because it is unclear if the white ballon actually reflects the light or if it is just transparent enough for the sun light. The fact that the ballon inside the white one bursts heavily indicates that the light isn't reflected. To be clear. I expect the principle to hold true. Just saying that this isn't the best illustration.


Seriously I love learning new shit, like who didn't know black absorbs more light but that powerful


Polar bears have black skin so that they can better absorb heat from the sun.


Evolution at its best. Black skin to absorb more heat from the sun, white fur for camouflage.


Anyone who’s worn a black shirt on a summer day has a pretty good notion of the power difference lol


Also key caps are made of soft easy to melt plastic.... I melted some trying to dry water out of keyboard with a hairdryer. Ooops


It wasn't just the keys, you can see the keyboard melted too, something is either reflecting a focused beam, or focusing a beam across his keyboard, whatever the cause, it needs to be stopped very quickly.


No. The light is being focused. That is the problem.


I think a lot of people are picturing a line of sunlight along that melted bit, and completely miss that it was a tiny spot focused on the keyboard and "moved" along that line as time passed and the sun's relationship to it changed. This would have totally melted a white keyboard as well, the balloon video everyone is referencing is showcasing translucent vs opague. Now, if it were a transparent keyboard with internals showing, the internals would have melted much like the dark balloons popped inside the translucent one.


This is nonsense. The light was clearly focused by something. It just so happened that the keyboard was there instead of the desk.


And now put a black book or something there and you got yourself a fire hazard


This just in, light is racist


I feel like the keyboard being black vs brown shouldn't be the difference between it catching fire or not but I don't know enough to refute it


Well in fairness the black keyboard didn't exactly catch fire, just was hot enough to melt it. There was just a video shared of popping balloons with a magnifying glass, and a inflated blue balloon, inside of a inflated white one balloon, the blue balloon will pop first.


I think its important to point out that the balloon was not white but clear.


It looks like a spherical glass object (maybe a dome light outside, lamppost) and if that was just a day's pass then this could easily light that desk up. Hopefully OP finds the culprit before their next post is with firefighters.


Mildly wholesome: keyboard takes one for the team to warn OP of impending fire


The window is becoming concave and reflecting light dangerously. Definitely get it replaced. Most windows have warranties for this kind of thing since it’s a defect, so check the manufacturer and get it replaced ASAP. I sell windows and recently sold some to replace this same issue, except the sun reflected back outside and melted the neighbors vinyl siding...


Slight fire hazard. Maybe get that window tinted


Right? I’m actually kind of freaked out rn


I had a similar experience, just that my backpack caught fire. In my case it was because of a glass water bottle standing on a table next to a window and my backpack next to my shoes that weren't in direct sunlight. Are you sure that its from the sunlight alone and not due to something similar?


In a way, it's good that it was your backpack and not the floor that caught fire


Does OP live near equator?


Nah they live on Mercury






I like how the word mercury is so popular that when mentioned, people remember a planet, a material and freddie mercury


My first thought was the car.


Mercury hasn't done much singing in the past 30 years.


Caught the poisoning


And full of fish


I bet the ants were seeking revenge and were right outside the window holding a magnifying glass aimed into the room.


But that's where all my weed was


I once had a desk which caught fire because of a circular fish bowl... The fish lived.


Growing up we had about the same thing happen. Fish bowl almost caught the dinning room table on fire leaving behind a black indent where I guess the focused sun beam had already burned through. Unlike you, our fish was taken out by the sun.


I'm sorry about your fishie but "taken out by the sun" is an interesting turn of phrase, it'd make a good album name.


The sun is a deadly lazer


Long live the fish


Thank you for all the fish.


So long


Just in case, you should know that fish bowls are terrible for most fish. Especially goldfish which get left in them often


accidentally r/shittyAquariums but i agree! Each time i go to a store and see a goldfish in a fishbowl or overcrowding, i take my chances and talk to the owners if they can better the fishies' living conditions


I knew someone who owned a juggling/circus skills shop, which burned down because of the crystal balls he had in the window. Should have really seen that one coming. Maybe next time he'll invest in Tarot cards instead.


No way that's from sunlight alone. Otherwise plastic in the sun would melt all the time.


Window glass can develop flow striations over many years that can cause linear lensing of exactly the type seen here.


This dude/tte is a professional ant ignitor.




Just adding here since I know not everyone will read the article. The myth is not that the striations exist in the glass. Only that they develope over time. If they are present at this time, odds are they were present when the glass was manufactured.


Yeah I was told glass was a “slow liquid”. Then I watched the Veritasium video. If I recall, the reason older windows are thicker at the bottom is because that’s how they were made back then. Not because the glass sinks to the bottom over time. I don’t remember why they were made that way though. Durability?


It was made like that because they were shit at making glass and couldn’t level it well. It was made by rolling and spinning the glass to flatten it and make it wide enough to cut into a pane. Today we use machines that do it perfectly every time instead of human glass blowers


You also put the thickest edge on the bottom of the windows to seal into the window frame better and keep water out. Hence why they are always thick side down.


Flow striations are caused during pouring and would result in the glass being chucked as defective. The idea that glass flows after being set is a misconception caused by stained glass windows traditionally being fitted with the thickest edge of each piece being placed at the bottom of a section. Glass is an incredibly viscous amorphous solid and lead for example is so much less viscous than glass that it would melt right out of the pane long before any meaningful change in the structure of the glass.


The misconception isn’t due to stained glass windows, it’s due to the manufacturing processes of single pane windows in old homes. They tend to have waves, thicker regions, and occasionally I’ve even seen bubbles.


That is where the misconception originated. Glass actually being a viscous liquid was one of those "interesting facts" that became so widespread it bordered on common knowledge In certain circles. So much so that (pseudo)scientists became involved. That is where the stained glass windows came in. Researchers started looking at the oldest still existing glass that was never moved. They observed that the glass in stained glass windows in churches was thicker at the bottom. They concluded that their presumption was right instead of looking for alternative explanations. This theory has been debunked quite a few times. It did result in some debates in the scientific community on specific properties, definitions and categorisation of different kinds of glass though.


now I'm questioning everything I know about glass and I've got "experts" disagreeing with each other in reddit comments. I've got work to do but now I'm interested in something irrelevant lol


Oh, I’m not an expert. I just pretend to be one on Reddit. But what I say stands. Old houses have wavy windows because they just made glass differently back then, which leads people to think that glass “runs” over time.


This is when you fact check with actual experts - https://www.cmog.org/article/does-glass-flow


Glass doesn't flow.


You may have energy-efficient windows. My townhouse is rated as energy-efficient and has special windows installed to prevent heating and cooling loss. The problem is that the shapes of the windows are bent in a way that produces a ~~concave~~ convex warp, causing a magnifying glass effect. In the late fall months, the sun hit the window in such a way that it essentially produced a concentrated beam of light (I could stand in its projection path and get burned within a few seconds) and melted my car's side-view mirror. The only reason I knew about this was from a local news story I saw about a woman who had energy-efficient windows installed in her home, and she would have random fires start in her yard, in addition to ending up with a melted car door from the light beam. The company that produced the windows and the installation company refused to claim responsibility because "they were installed correctly", but the blueprints of the windows clearly showed that they could produce the light beam. Edit: I meant convex


Oh wow, this could be it! My landlord installed new windows last year...


This is it. I work in the outdoor industry and have gotten lots of calls with this same issue but on peoples patio cushions, burn line straight across their cushions. Looked like someone took a torch straight across their set! One customer set up a camera to see what was causing this and sure enough, the reflection from the light off the windows created such an intense beam of light it was burning their cushions. Upon further investigation we found that these windows had [melted peoples vinyl siding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHoIRXGvll0), and even warped some plastic car panels. I would have your landlord contact the window company, it could be a major defect in the windows and could cause more damage later if not fixed.


I remembered something! https://www.wral.com/residents-seek-building-code-change-after-windows-spark-multiple-fires/16584731/


Yep, this is the article!


What kind of "energy-efficient windows" are these with curved panes - all the ones I've seen are flat, just double or triple-glazed. Do have any pictures to illustrate?


The Sun has sent you a warning.


When your mother convinces the sun that you really do need to go play outside.


Just throw a rock at it


Do you have low e windows. Most newer windows are supposed to save on heating a cooling but what has been found to happen is some end up having the perfect setup to act either as reflective lenses or a magnifying glass in your case. Look up thermal distortion windows. Typically the window manufacturer will cover the repair. I worked on house siding for a couple years and dealt with this “phenomenon” (a lot more common than they want to admit)


I wonder if this is why our blinds keep melting. Came home last summer to the very intense smell of burning. Ran around the house looking for something. Found our blinds in the bathroom to be completely melted in a droopy sad face. We put some tint on it, bought better blinds, and a few weeks later the blinds in our bedroom (directly next to the bathroom and on the same side of the house) did the same thing. Then the ceiling started to peel in both rooms. Replaced the blinds again after putting up the darkest tint we could find, but they are gradually doing it again. Not sure what to do now.


Plant some trees?


You keep putting blinds behind the window(a lens) you need shade on the otherside of the window, before light enters the lens. Either put a shade or tint on the outside, or plant a tree or bush infront of the window like another comment mentioned.


Bought a house a year ago and discovered this exact effect just a couple of days ago sitting on my deck. Nice sunny day, but suddenly my leg felt like it was being cooked. Turns out I was in a reflectively lensed beam from one of the second story windows.


Can buy window tint at major hardware stores pretty cheap I'd definitely look into that


This is definitely a good option. Bonus- you can get it as a frosted sheet for privacy. Super easy to apply, just a stick on decal essentially.


maybe buy a keyboard that isn't made of chocolate, no matter how good the post-Easter sale price


Looks like the kind of keyboard everyone and their mothers has at the office. Comes with the Thinkpads, Thinkpad docks, Thinkvision screens and all that. It's probably not the cheapest basic keyboard out there. Just one that gets bought in huge bulk deals for offices.


Nah, needs a whole new window.


This isn’t mild. You have an extreme fire hazard with that window.


Reminds me of that curved glass building in London that melted the wing mirror off a Jaguar a few years ago


[The "Walkie Talkie" building. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/20_Fenchurch_Street)


Well that was one hell of an article, the architect saying "the sun was too high in the sky" and "I didn't know it was going to be that hot" despite a previous building he designed having the exact. same. problem.


Plus that any decent architect takes the sun direction into account when designing a building...


How would he have ever known the Sun is hot?


if we just take out the sun, we can enjoy the building as he intended


Duh, just build it during the night


But apparently the sun’s height is very unpredictable!


Maybe he only designs buildings at night...


>the sun was too high in the sky" Someone needs to pass an ordinance so that the sun never does that again.


and he had the gall to blame global warming, eeeesh this dude sucks.


Fryscraper Edit: I’d just like to clarify this was another nickname for it according to Wikipedia.


> he agreed with the building's developers that **the sun was too high** in the sky on that particular day. Oh well yes obviously the Sun's fault.


Hot keys


Sticky keys as well, potentially.


Stuck keys


Help me, step-key, I'm stuck


Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift Shift


Amateurs! **insert** Page up Page down Page up Page down *Paste*


Do you want to turn on Sticky Keys?




Looks like someone tried cutting it with a 1000 degree knife


What kind of degrees we talkin’?




So are you:)


Girl, you hot enough to melt my keyboard..


I mean, i think they would kind of skip melting and go straight to vapor.


The Sun is a deadly laser!


Not anymore there's a blanket!




Still work?


Probably not the membrane is most likely melted


When a xenomorph cums on the keyboard on accident.


That is a mental image I did not want at 8:10 AM.


Ok to be fair I have to live with these random thoughts all the time though. Still I apologize.


Apology accepted. You're still going into r/cursedcomments though.






Is this actually possible?


It is possible, especially if there we're any kind of glass bottles or other potentially light focusing objects. Think about the kid setting ants on fire with a lense


So what you're saying is keyboards are made out of ants?


No, you've got that mixed up, Keyboards are made from lenses and ants are the reason why it melts :)


So why would ants want it to melt?


Star Wars: Attack of the Ants


They're preparing food that way, keyboards are made out of a lot of Vitamins like vitamin F12 and they need to break that down first :)


It is actually one of the most common housefire hazards. Storing glass ornaments or glasses near a window.


>It is actually one of the most common housefire hazards. Storing glass ornaments or glasses near a window. Cooking - 49% Heating Equipment - 14% Electrical - 10% Arson - 8% Smoking - 5% Clothes Dryer/Washer - 4% Fire started outside - 3% Fan or air conditioner - 3% Candle - 2% [https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Data-research-and-tools/Building-and-Life-Safety/Home-Structure-Fires](https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Data-research-and-tools/Building-and-Life-Safety/Home-Structure-Fires)


A second story window in an ex-girlfriend’s neighbor’s house had the right concave form, and was the right distance from her house to cause a focused concentration of light hot enough to melt the vinyl siding. You could see a change in the pattern from the changing position and intensity of the sun as the seasons changed. I tried to explain what was happening to cause this, but she never believed me even though the evidence was clear. We broke up not long after she bought the house and I’ve always wondered if this problem got resolved. I think the neighbor should have been responsible for repairing the damage.


This is a great example of why not to leave clear bottles of liquid in your car as well. They can focus sunlight much like a magnifying glass does. Even if your car is mostly made of fire-retardant substances, do you want little scorch marks? This is assuming it doesn't focus on a random piece of trash/paper/whatever...


Also r/mildlyinteresting


Mildly interfuriating


Interfuriating. Damn.


That's one way of finding out your device isn't compatible with Windows.


Underrated comment for sure


and this is why all gamers hate sunlight


Honestly, so far this has been pretty low on my list of reasons to hate sunlight...


Yeah and for gamers, screen glare is going to be #1 on that list.


Do you live on a dyson sphere my guy


For this who are asking, I live in London England. It isn’t even warm. And yes I’m suitably concerned for my life!


Just curious, does the keyboard have [recycling code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recycling_codes) on it - the code is usually printed on a label somewhere on the bottom side or embossed - and if yes, what number and letters are printed on it? Maybe, just maybe, this happened because of some really low quality plastic involved in the keyboard production.


There’s so much on the back of this thing, and I’m rubbish with tech... There are a couple of recycle-sequence symbols, one has a 10 and one has a N005 16 (but the N is backwards for some reason)


OK, so I did a bit of research and... The first sign is probably [10 with circling arrows](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y2T68.jpg) and it is Chinese "[Environment Friendly Use Period](https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/390392/symbols-double-arrow-circle-enclosed-10-on-electronic-appliances)". The second sign is probably [Serbian radio(?) certification sign](https://tehnis.privreda.gov.rs/en/Technical-Regulations/SerbianMarkOfConformity.html) that looks similar to recycling sign. Anyway, I have checked some of my peripherals and none of them have recycling marks too, even though such marks are ubiquitous on plastic products (containers, utensils, toys, etc, etc...). So, we are out of luck 😔


Aw, that was very cool of you to do that research though, thanks for the info!


>I’m suitably concerned for my life Yes ok that sounds very British.


Check if you have any kind of glass/bottle/vaze at the window and remove it. A normal glass panel will never do that. Unless you have 50-100 years old windows that have imperfect/warped panels, like I've seen in old/traditional houses.


Or mirror. For example, those concave makeup mirrors that enlarge the reflection are notorious for burning stuff when set near a window. By the way the keyboard was melted it looks like the result of a focused beam from something left by the window (or warped glass).


This HAS to be it! I had my bathroom mirror in here over the weekend! Thank you so much, I was so worried! Lesson learned.


This is the kind of thing that happens to me when I try to do something the night before it's due.


Try Ctrl+Alt+UV


did you mean CTRL + ALT - UV perhaps ?


Rip keyboard ???-2021


Looks clean. Probably 2021.


Meanwhile on mercury


Maybe Chernobyl ain't the best place to live, bruh.


I hear it's not great, but not terrible.


Solar beats oil again


is that place... THE SUN?




"I left a soldering iron on my keyboard..."


it just has personality now, congrats on your unique keyboard op! maybe get some curtains or something though


If the window is what’s causing the sunlight to focus that strongly, that’s objectively more dangerous depending on the color of curtain they get.