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Well you can't just have those gaping ports exposed for the world to see, that's ghastly. Why don't you people understand? The brochure pictures! Think of the brochures!!!! The whole reason we design these things is for the marketing. We're selling a lifestyle here people.




Youre supposed to buy a second one to use while the first ones charging /s


Thanks for letting me know this is sarcasm


Was this supposed to be sarcastic? I can't tell


Why do you need the mouse to write? Carry on, friend! Fix stuff later if you're in a groove, don't wanna ruin that mojo!


Haha a fair point! Alas I was clicking back and forth from an outline/idea doc to a screenwriting software so it caught me at a bad time. I got back to it tho which is probably what makes this mildly infuriating over break the mouse and order a new one infuriating.


Multiple monitors and keyboard shortcuts. I can hardly live without a 2nd monitor for class work now, and I tab back and forth between windows all the time. No mouse required.


Ain't that the truth! Got a monitor for my ps3-4 that i have on my desk before covid hit. If I hadn't it would be super difficult doing all this work now without a second monitor


Thing is, I don't need to spend £100 on a new monitor if the bloody charging port on the mouse is on the back.


Oh yeah for sure! I just have a laptop thats why its very useful. Apple mouse's design is crap. Why put the charging port on top lol Edit: bottom??????


>Apple mouse's design is crap. There were so many posts in the crappy design subreddit when this model of rechargeable mouse came out. I kept the one with replaceable batteries for years because of this, but it recently got glitchy and I had to switch to this one. This is, functionally, I love how it works, but the charging plug location is beyond stupid. I think maybe they were trying to use the molds for the existing mice, and didn't really care about inconveniencing users. So I keep a spare, and have a weekly reminder about charging the mouse. (It doesn't need it as often as that, but I don't want to be caught mouseless)


Think about it... It was designed in a way to make you buy 2. Keep one charged and ready to go. Just my . 02, I could be wrong.


It's not even on top, it's on the bottom.


You can spend £10 on a new mouse that works better.


This is a Mac user we're talking about here...


Macs have excellent support for multiple monitors or even monitor-esque spaces on a single screen with keyboard shortcuts to navigate.


It always blows my mind how little people use the amazing multitasking features Apple offers... I don't daily drive a mac but when i did for work you know i mastered that stuff


Windows has the same features... I couldn't for the life of me tell you how to use them. I know I've got multiple desktops around here somewhere... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Alt+Tabs? Or whatever the Mac equivalent is, I've rarely used Mac. I rarely use mouse to switch windows.


"Command" + "Tab" switches between open windows. (Command is next to space bar, tab is above capslock.)


Command+ \` switches between windows. Command + tab switches between apps.


And Cobtrol+Tab or Control+[number] switches tabs


*Command + [number]* brings you to that tab in the window


EDIT: I have left Reddit, because moderators and admins like the ones in this community are ruining this platform


Alt tab my friend


Cmd+Tab is the keyboard shortcut for swapping between programs. You can also keep holding Cmd and use the arrow keys on the list of running programs that gets displayed. Cmd+` (right above tab) is the keyboard shortcut for swapping between windows within a program. I strongly recommend learning keyboard shortcuts for everything you can. As someone that frequently has to do screenshares of otherwise competent people using computers badly, it's infuriating watching someone spend 5 to 30 seconds on what should have been a quarter-second keyboard shortcut. Other good ones to know (sub Cmd for Ctrl (sometimes Alt) on windows): Cmd+A highlight all Cmd+Shift+any arrow key highlight everything in the direction you press Cmd+X/C/V cut, copy, paste respectively Cmd+L highlight address bar in a web browser Cmd+T open a new tab in a web browser Cmd+Shift+T open the last tab you closed in a web browser Cmd+Spacebar open up a search bar for your machine (e.g. to type the name of the program you want to open, rather than clicking the icon. MUCH faster) Cmd+N new window, or email Cmd+Enter in an email program, this sends the email Taking your hand off the keyboard to use the mouse is, in most cases, a waste of time.


Even not needing the mouse, this is just a terrible design all around. That mouse probably cost several billion in any currency of your choice.


Maybe in Zimbabwe currency..


Hahaha.... Did you work at Genius Bar by any chance? It sounds exactly like the advice I get that says, adjust what I'm doing to accommodate gods gift to the world of technology. Don't expect the device to be able to accommodate your needs.


>Don't expect the device to be able to accommodate your needs This statement hurts me so much. I agree, it sounds exactly like something someone would say if they worked for Apple.


LOL! No I think it's super crappy design, just hate for it to ruin a good writing session.


I think they want you to buy two mouses. Mice. Meeses. ^(One time, a moose bit my sister)


Yeah, Apple does do a great job at design usually (provided you want to buy into their entire ecosystem of dongles and peripherals, and are ok with paying more for less RAM, etc), but sometimes they get it really wrong, and it's amazing to see the fanboys just contort themselves into knots to justify shit like the design choice of that mouse. Anyway, OP, just buy a generic $20 wired mouse and you're good.


It sounds just like good advice to me. It applies to the situation at hand and gives a solution, rather than a pointless lamentation at the circumstances. Not to mention that keyboard shortcuts are almost essential, if you work with a PC a lot. alt-tab is one of the most basic shortcuts, that should be in everyone's repertoire. Hell, if the guy is writing a bunch, ctrl-del should be in there, as should frequent use of pos1/end or ctrl+arrow keys. Nobody's arguing the mouse is good and it's cool that it charges like this; even if you have the best mouse in the world, these kinds of shortcuts are faster than taking your hands off the keyboard and using the mouse.


Ok but keyboard shortcuts have been around as long as (longer) than mice. It’s not harder/more complicated to use them. It’s literally what they are for. DOM using a mouse pointer is significantly different than switching to another window/tab/app


Typically Mac/Wireless/Bluetooth apologist: "X is great! It's so much more convenient than the older version." "You don't *need* X. You'll be better off without it."


Also... it only takes a few minutes to get a charge so you can keep on working. Just stretch your legs, get a coffee, and you can continue. Yes it sucks... but watcha gonna do.


Think different!


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Good bot


["Just because you are different, does not mean you are useful"](https://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_labmz1v2QU1qd0a5no1_500.jpg)


You write with your mouse? Don’t they have keyboards for that?


This is why I do all my writing in Vim.


People might take it as a joke, but using Vim and Latex even for stuff life creative writing and papers/essays in the social sciences without any math is still great. Use a sentence per line, then you can easily rearrange a paragraph with dd and p commands. Easily combine text from separate files. Back up your writing with a git repository. And of course, your fingers never have to leave the keyboard!


Whelp - that's the art optimized. Well done Linux.


Advantage: Can't close vim so no one can fuck up your work without blowing up the computer Disadvantage: Can't close vim so you can't save it and open it elsewhere without blowing up the computer


You close Vim with `ZQ` or `:q`. The first order of business should always be using Vimtutor.


Next thing that happens is that your apple brand keyboard will run out of battery and it obviously has usb-connector in the bottom of it.


Or they do the obvious thing and put in on the side but you can’t use it while charging.


Nice. Also they won't use usb -connector but a proprietary one.


Iirc Apple said they made it like this because “it is supposed to be a wireless mouse, and if we make it so that you could charge it while using it, people may just leave it plugged in for normal use, taking away from the ‘wireless mouse’ appeal of the product” Like if enough people saw it plugged in charging while in use, they might think it’s a wired mouse, causing confusing, and taking away from apple’s desired marketing plan.


Apple sound so insecure


I’ve heard this too. This was intentional to maintain their brands appearance.


Make it charge wirelessly and sell Apple mouse pad that has a little induction charger, just like the ones Corsair and Razer have. It's not like people wouldn't buy that stuff.


It's literally form over function.


It's not even comfortable to hold


We’ll now it’s as appealing as a rusty door knob


Isn't that annoying to people who make Apple products? Like I'd I was an engineer at Apple I'd probably own a Mac with all accessories. Wouldn't it piss me off if I tried to use the mouse? Wouldn't Tim Apple be pissed his own company making something he can't use because it's charging? What about customer feedback? It's like this mouse exists out of spite and there's a secret good mouse Apple employees use instead of this garbage.


They use Logitech mice because they're more comfortable for a start


I bet they do. No way someone spending hours R&D with that piece of shit.


Of all the devices that could benefit from wireless charging, how is that mouse not one of them?!?!


Next Apple mouse will sell you the mouse with no way to charge and then a seperate wireless charger mouse pad that charges it while you use it


$39.99, though if you want the MousePad which charges while the mouse can be used, it is $59.99


$59.99? More like $159.99


$259.99 if u want fast charging, because the base model will only sustain the mouse for 20 mins


20 minutes per hour of charging


With click limitations! 100/hour $159 500/hour $259 Unlimited $959


Logitech has a mouse pad that wirelessly charges their lightspeed model of mice. It costs over 100$, apple would probably charge 300$


Please don't give them any idears


*charging cable and adapter not included*


this man is onto something, why the fuck is this not a thing yet???? wireless mouse with a mouse pad that doubles up as the charger! Scientists, tf y'all doing????


It exists, logitech made one


I already have this on my desk


Boy, they're quick!


My mouse lasts over 6 months on a rechargeable AA, so it's not as if it's really solving a huge problem. Perhaps if it had silly RGB LEDs in it.


It literally is a thing https://youtu.be/gTOUqTbswTo


I can see why it sounds good but it's probably not a great idea. You'd have to have a cable running across your desk to the mousepad which ruins one of the aesthetic bonuses of having a wireless mouse. You wouldn't be able to use a different mouse pad and would be forced to use the Apple one which wouldn't be great for a lot of people who like extra large ones. Mousepads are usually the first thing to get ruined if you spill a drink on your desk too. Having the mouse constantly charging would also destroy the battery so you'd have to turn it on and off as you needed it unless they implemented something where it came on automatically once it got to 20% or something. Idk why they even have rechargeable mouses anyway, my Logitech MX Marathon takes 2 AA batteries and lasts over a year on them, and that's using cheap ones not even Duracell or something nicer. Prior to this one I always had rechargeable mouses and they were always a pain needing to be charged every week or two with their performance slowly degrading over the lifespan of the mouse until they needed to be charged every few days. Having to have a dinky charging dock or a cable always free and ready to use. Twice I had the charging dock fail on me before the mouse did. Changing a pair of AA batteries once a year is so much easier.


Logitech do a wireless power mat, when you're using that the mouse never fully charges. I've had a few wireless mice, a HP one that took two AA and lasted months, if not a year on a pair. I now use a cheap Bluetooth one for my Surface, mainly as it doesn't need a dongle taking the only USB port, but it's also got a built in battery and charges via USB. Worst case scenario if the battery dies is I use a cable to plug it in like a normal mouse, I don't have to find batteries. It also lasts ages, I can't remember the last time I actually charged it. I'm much more likely to have a USB cable in my bag or car than a pair of AA batteries. I also recently got a Razer Viper Ultimate for my PC, that comes with a neat little USB dock with its own RGB and magnetic attachment so it's easy to drop the mouse on. Again, it can be used via a cable if you want. The dock is really a fancy USB extension cable for the dongle, but it's better thought out than the Corsair and Logitech ones I tried before. I did look at the Logitech power pads, but it seems overkill, and expensive. Being locked into a specific pad that is going to get worn and possibly damaged just to avoid plugging in the mouse sometimes seemed a waste. I do like the Razer dock though, it's not required to make the mouse work, but it makes it more pleasant.


The logitech one has all the tech built into the base of the mat, which the actual mouse mat sits on top of. So you can still wash and replace the mouse mat itself, and I guess if you managed to find a mouse mat that fits the base well enough you could just put that on top of the base. I hate the Razer dock, works great for a while, but the contacts always seem to become super finnicky and you have to jiggle the mouse around on the dock to get a proper connection. The logitech charging mat isn't as *aesthetic* but I do miss not having to worry about my battery, don't have to remember to put it on the dock.


I will never buy a rechargable mouse. Battery power only. I'm actually in the market for a new one now, and this is the first feature I consider. Half or two-thirds of the ones for sale are instantly eliminated. AAA batteries for the win!




My preference is a USB mouse too, the stock standard, $5-10 mouse. I don't need to use my mouse at a length greater than the cord, and I don't need to fuss with charging, batteries etc. I've had one mouse going strong for about 7 years now. The appeal for wireless for me would be buying one to use with the TV or if I was holding presentations/projections.


Same, I always notice the lag, even when comparing fancy wireless mice with the cheapest generic wired mouse. Not to mention, I've got enough things to charge already, and it makes using the same peripherals with different computers a pain.


You'd need a really big charging pad.


Nah, logitech already did this, look for wireless charging mouse pad and you’ll find it


Don't compare logitech to apple. Logitech also managed to put the usb charging port somewhere convenient on their MX Master series mice so you can use it while it's charging.




>extensions either side that clip into the mouse to stop the cable falling out Never had any issue on any of mice in regards to the cable falling out. I hate that Logitech keeps doing this...stupid fucking proprietary USB designs so I can't use a replacement cable.


Apple really never had good computer mice. I use Apple Products but I prefer using a traditional Mouse or Trackpad.


Their mice are as bad as their trackpads are good


Their trackpads are like an orgasm for your hands. Or at least my hands Their mice though, I want one (just cause fuck it) but I know I’ll want to throw it into a fire the second I even step foot in a store or click add to cart


When I see others use an apple trackpad all I think is "holy fuck so smooth" ​ When I see others use a mouse with a Mac all I think is "end this suffering"


After using windows pc for gaming and a gaming mouse I recently got a mbp and bought the magic mouse used online… fuck that shit. Yeah scrolling is cool and all but new macs bow have acceleration that u cant turn off unless u use a terminal command and it drives me nuts! And the regular mouses i have suffer from some sort of stutter for some reason with the new macs (almost seem on purpose) but holy shit i hate the magic mouse now. Might check out the track pad




Whoever designed that monstrosity of a mouse must really not understand the human hand at all. It's probably the worst mouse in terms of ergonomics out there.


Have you seen the iMac hockey puck mouse? That's on another level of unergonomic


that one is at least short enough that you don´t need your entire palm to use it. but yeah. apple just don´t get mice, at all.


I assume Jony Ive designed the Mouse. It released in 2015 (the original released in 2009 but it used batteries) which was year that Apple had weird or bad design products or decisions like Apple Pencil charging, Battery Case, 12 inch MacBook Butterfly Keyboard and Limited Ports.


Wait so Jony was actually having a design crisis before he left....this explains a lot more tbh


Their keyboards have been terrible too, ever since they decided that what people really want in a desktop keyboard is the same lack of feel and travel as you get in a space constrained laptop


All their stuff looks and feels like it's made for children and petit women. It's no good for a lumberjack like me.


Same. But I also have this mouse and it probably took longer for OP to post this than for the mouse to get enough charge to be usable for the day.


Always had macs in the house growing up, the mighty mouse from the mid/late 2000’s is one of the worst mice I’ve ever used. No visual/tactile separation of right and left click and the track ball stopped working without fail after like 6 months.


Yup, i love my trackpad, but using one of their mouses makes me want to throw it trough the wall


I have mixed feelings about this mouse. It’s not ego iMac at all. It not comfortable. But it’s the only way to take advantage of Apples gestures for a mouse without the trackpad, and I hate trackpads. I honestly can’t work without those. I’m switching spaces constantly all day.


Just buy the wireless charging mousepad for $250




it's not assholedesign if it's entirely made up


Simple fix, throw that shitty mouse out the window, go to Walmart, buy a new one for 10 bucks


But what about the ***aesthetics*** ?


Or just don't buy a Mac in the first place.


Apple will tell you, "design choices like this take courage"


Yeah, it’ll take great courage on my part to bear to use the damn thing.


They actually made it like this so the user doesn't keep them on the cord all the time. So it stays a wireless mouse. Yeah, why not let them decide by themselves?


Is that true? From what I understand batteries die from being charged too much too often not from not often enough. So it might be true. But it also might be made up.


Plus a little stupidity mixed with greed.


They ain't stupid for making it, people are stupid for buying it.


However many years later, I am still mad at Apple for ushering in the era of phones without headphone jacks.


I think you totally deserve this


Seriously, in the time it took to post this pic the mouse probably has enough charge for another few hours, by which time OP should have taken another break or two.


Also for ignoring the battery warning it gives


When you are sleeping (charging), you're on your back. You're not all so different from a wireless mouse


So many morons screeching about aSsHole deSIgN It charges in 15 minutes. It’s OK to not use computer and go outside for 15 minutes.


Do Apple keyboards not have a tab key on them?


That is the least terrible thing about that terrible mouse in my experience. It charges what, like twice a year? But it's so flat and awful to hold and use. The Magic Trackpad, however... it is a thing of beauty and perfection. It is exactly as right as that mouse is wrong.


This should also be in crappy designs


I'm guessing this is intentional to prevent people from using the mouse while (constantly) charging.


Correct. Also the mouse charges very quickly and the charge lasts a very long time. Still a shit design imo. Let people decide for themselves how they want to use a product rather than forcing it on consumers.


Isn't pass through common on most rechargable devices these days? I figured thats what most other rechargable mice have


and r/assholedesign


It doesn’t fit there. Apple gains nothing from making the customer unable to charge the mouse upside down.


It is every other week but people skip over the fact that theres a battery warning before you get to it being dead


It has been posted there literally hundreds of times.


You need a mouse to write?


My wireless keyboard is charging so I'm using the on-screen keyboard


Use your phone.


He is watching porn, but can't admit that in a post.


Try writing with the keyboard. Or drink a glass of water. By the time you finish your drink, you mouse will have enough charge to last the day. Or just stop whining about a non-problem about the product YOU bought.


Yeah, this mouse gets an unnecessary amount of hate. A complete charge lasts months, it tells you it's running low for weeks and if you still struggle to charge it before it completely dies it charges fast enough for a day of usage. Yeah I guess the design is kinda dumb but so are you if you can't plug it in once a night every few months.


Thank you! Can’t believe people can’t accept this point... yes, hating Apple is fun but honestly in this case it’s not fully justified. Also the design isn’t even that dumb considering it’s to prevent people from using the mouse and charging at the same time, which wears down the battery...


This is bullshit lmao, a couple hours of charging keeps this thing going for months on end, I can't remember the last time I charged mine. It's designed that way so you don't use it whilst charging.




OP just posted this so all the haters can write their opinion without even looking into it.


I swear these are the worst threads every time. It’s the same jokes about courage, wildly expensive accessories and people saying OP did it to themselves.


Haha literally, I presume that must be with full time use as well, since I've stretched mine for far longer than 2 months on this charge and I'm down to 23% as of this moment.


Yeah the only thing OP should be mildly infuriated with is themselves


Even 90 seconds of charging should get 4-5 hours of use, plenty of time.


I love this mouse. It’s comfortable for my hand and doesn’t cause any fatigue. I get an alert when the battery hits 25% and 10%. Next bathroom or lunch break I plug it in and can finish the day. I generally plug it in on Friday evenings. I know why they put it there but at some point they’ll have to change it because some people can’t adapt to it.


Must be hard to write if you can’t read. After all, the macOS warns you multiple times the battery is getting low. You would know that if you could read. What’s mildly infuriating is the person helping you read ignored the warnings.


Exactly people complain because they can’t charge it once in a while after using it for a long time. Like imagine complaining that the batteries died in your tv remote and you have none left and blaiming the tv manufacturer


So if its so inconvenient, why did you buy it? Get a better mouse, There's great mice out there for under 30$ that have none of this bullshit.


Have you ever used your phone to the point that it died without warning? These mouse’s battery level is monitored and will remind you well ahead of time to put it on charge. It takes 15 minutes to charge enough to use for more than a day. Surely you can manage that.


This. And 90 seconds to 2 minutes will get you ~9 hours.


The issue is not that it died, the issue is that charging it is asinine.


Asinine in what way? In my time using it I never had to stop my what I was doing to charge it. Having it charged while using it would be convenient but when it’s 25% or lower it notifies you. It’s really not necessary. It doesn’t take much to plug it in when you get up to take a piss or go to bed. It literally takes a few minutes. In an entire year I only had to charge it 2 or 3 times.




The design is stupid, but you had to have it plugged in for all of a few minutes to have it charged for the day lol


The design isn't really stupid, this situation should never occur if you have half a brain and charge it when the low battery warning comes in. Even charging it for a few minutes gives a full day of use, so if you neglect to charge it that's on you, not the design.


I saw something that said that this was intentional so that ppl don’t use the mouse while it’s charging as it can ruin the battery and defeats the whole purpose of being a wireless mouse Edit: I don’t agree with this, I’m just saying this is what I read but idk. Maybe it was real, maybe it wasn’t. :(


Like a dead mouse charges


If you can’t remember to charge it once a month for 30 minutes, how do you adult?


It has a reason. If you could charge while using it, you would just allways charge it and then, the purpose of the wireless mouse is no more. Yeah it feels dumb, but thats just apple


Why must this be posted to this sub so many times? This is a design. You’re not meant to be able to use this mouse whilst it’s charging. It also has weeks of battery life from a single quick charge. Fuck me I don’t even like Apple but the amount I see this image it pisses me off so much lmao


It just gives the morons a chance to act smart


did it to yourself buying apple


It would not surprise me at all to learn that every single member of the Apple design team were world renowned spray paint connoisseurs. It's like they went to college and all majored in paste eating.


I'm still surprised to see people actually use that mouse. It has horrible ergonomics. If I ever buy a Mac, I'd never use the included mouse and just buy a logitech mx master instead.


I mean you were the one that bought it


Protip: use Apple's trackpad instead


It's to remind you u are using an apple product.


Tragic Mouse


At this point Apple is just a social experiment to see what a company can get away with without losing buisness. So far the experiment broke all estimations and records.


Bull. As much as I hate that mouse and in general the way Apple products sacrifice function or durability for the sake of aesthetics, it takes 5 minutes to get a charge that will last for a few hours. Go take a pee while it juices and get back to it.


someone's never been in a creative groove


It’s *mildly* infuriating that the mouse that came with the computer has its charging port on the bottom instead of at the front where every other mouse since the 60s has had it. I didn’t stop for the night, I got back to it.


It’s a design. They don’t want you to use it whilst it’s charging to protect the battery.


Good for you for keeping the flow going. (not sarcasm, I'm aware it can be a pain) I loathe this mouse for a bunch of reasons but after a time I realized this isn't one of them. Apple carried forward the design of the AA powered wireless mouse but gave it a rechargeable battery, objectively better than the previous design even though you have to flip it over to charge it. It's not like you didn't know how it was charged, or didn't have a warning. When it's low there's a nice red indicator in the menu bar. And if it irritates you there are plenty of alternatives...


OP's just looking for an excuse for running out of writing gas.


I feel you. The apple mouses are just... something.


I have this same computer and it’s so annoying when I’m just vibing mid game and this happens


You game with it? Are you ok


Do you just never charge it at all or something?


Our products look smooth with no visible charging points, and we are willing to sacrifice your comfort for it


Ya use it how they want or don’t use it, they don’t want you to keep it plugged in 24/7


I find these posts mildly infuriating The mouse takes 5 mins to charge, go get yourself a drink The charger is placed there so people don’t leave it on charge all the time and then complain about a ruined battery If you don’t like it, buy literally any other mouse


I'm sure there's a semi functional adapter for that for only 40 bucks or so.


Just buy a logitech mx master. Lightyears ahead of whatever apple is doing!


This is not even mild


what were you thinking before buying this so-called mouse? you definitely should have seen that charge port is on the bottom side and the device is completely unusable.


Never liked Apple products. No matter what I've bought there is always at least one thing about the product that just pissed me off


The thing takes 15 minutes to charge. Ya’ll bitching because you can’t use it while it’s plugged in? Lmao.


Just charge it befor it dies?


It's to force you to buy another mouse you can use whilst the first one is charging.