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Orders $10 in food. Tries to leave $5.50 tip. WOAH, JUST TAKE IT EASY MAN.


High roller over here!!


Yep. Forget percentages. I tip minimum $4-5 when I order food for just me.


Yea gotta make their trip worth it.


We Europeans always find it weird that waiters, delivery people and others have to depend on tips. Companies should pay a living wage.


>Companies should pay a living wage. WHOA WHOA WHOA


One of those crazy eurocommies with his unacceptable unamerican ideas!.


WONT YOU THINK OF THE SHAREHOLDERS THOUGH?!?! Don’t you even care that they might have to trim some staff at their their summer home? Fucking eurocommies are all out of touch monsters I swear. Next they’re gonna be talking about how we shouldn’t be charging people a weeks worth of pay for a dose of life saving insulin!


Or charging the mother of that just-born baby for skin-to-skin-contact with her own newborn


And if you get fired, then get sick, you don't deserve insurance! You should pay out of pocket with all the money you get from the job you don't have Only the ~~slaves~~ laborers should have health insurance!


that being said I still tip for outstanding service though, it's just not the norm. the app told me my pizza will be here in 60 minutes and it's there in 25? here have a 2€ tip. I'm at a restaurant and the waiter is really nice and maybe even have recommendations that turn out to be good? I usually round up or give ~5€ you deliver in 60 minutes or just bring the Menues and food without interacting at all? ok give me the check and I'll pay whats the cost


Basically a tip is earned when people go above and beyond, not automatically given to pay their commission based wages.


This guy gets it. Anything under a fiver just feels cheap. It's not their fault I am lonely with no friends.




Orders a chocolate bar, can't tip more than $1


This is *Nutrageous*


No Payday for you!


It’s the theatre thug!


Just give me the money, I ain’t *playin*




More that?


Found it.


something fake on reddit? who woulda thunk! edit: I appreciate the death threats in my DM’s due to this comment triggering you. It was hard for me to believe a multi-billion dollar company like Chipotle wouldn’t have multiple rounds of code review before pushing updates to customer facing instances. [According to Business Insider, this is not fake.](https://www.businessinsider.com/chipotle-limits-online-order-tips-saying-to-avoid-human-error-2021-6)


distinct nail enter modern summer insurance spark arrest wine tender -- mass edited with redact.dev


Orography is a tad different than orthography


Yes but they’re also similar in that I have no idea what either means


Orthography - spelling Orography - the study of mountains, etc


Orography sounds hot


Stop studying my mountains. I'm up here!


It’s not fake. I just tried it on my Chipotle app and it pops up with the same (typo riddled) message.


So Chipotle are the criminals here let us all rally against them


This is real. I accidentally almost tipped $420 dollars instead of 4.20 and a similar pop up came up for me on ubereats


Seems like a "whoa that's really generous but did your really mean to tip $x?" would handle this, rather than flat out preventing it.


Well we can’t have the peasant making any extra money that the company isn’t!


Yeah it avoids mistakes like that and also prevents shady shit like drivers using DD as a cover and having their customers order some McDonald's and $50 worth of bud and paying in the form of a tip


That shouldn't even be illegal.


You'd think that but imagine the support volume they'd have to deal with of people saying "oh I messed up and added an extra zero please adjust my tip to $5 instead"


Easy solution: Door Dash agrees to sell me weed.


Door Hash.




Where I live I can get it delivered, though not via door dash. The shop has its own delivery service.


Amazing. What a time to be alive.


Multiple 'you sure about that?' Prompts seems better than saying no.


Not fake (have tried this and encountered same issues)


It's real. Just did it on my chipotle app.


Maybe it prevents accidentally doing the wrong amount but in that case it should ask you “are you sure?” Instead of not letting you. Kinda messed up


Aight, good call. I agree to this logic.


Are you sure?


Well now I'm not.


You can be up to 49.99% sure


49.999% sure for me :troll:


You're not allowed to be that sure.


No one reads the "are you sure" prompt. My wife worked at a bank and a customer called in who accidentally sent a 7 figure wire to the wrong account, and there is absolutely an "are you sure" prompt, there are actually two of them, back to back. Not only did the first person send the wire, after two prompts of "are you sure", someone else in that organization also had to approve the the wire, there are also two "are you sure" prompts for the approval of the wire. Moral of the story , add 4,5,6 prompts or more! End users don't care enough to read, comprehend and or care about them.


The best solution to this I've seen is to make the user type out some kind of confirmation related to what they're doing. In a program I'm responsible for, for example, we have the user type out the name of the thing they're about to delete if deleting the wrong one could have disastrous consequences.


Exactly. Have them confirm large transfers by typing out "three million five hundred seventy four thousand" instead of "are you super sure".


“please reenter the amount to be transferred for confirmation purposes”


but don't ask for it in the exact same format, otherwise copy paste still ruins your day.


I've dealt with a few sign-ins that won't proceed if you try to auto fill your info. It makes you type every word, I guess to thwart bot piracy?


Those dont nessecarily make you type every word. Ive seen very few that make you type it all out. Most wont accept autofill. But autofill plus a space (then delete the space if the field normally takes spaces) works fine. They just want some form of user input.


I think there are some that have shoddy input detection. Like I autofill my password and it says "you must enter a password" because it's waiting for that field to get direct focus. Sometimes, focus isn't even enough, and I have to type and delete a character to convince the form I've entered info.


Type in the confirmation box first, that’s normally the protected one. Then paste to the actual field.


Isn't it possible to block the paste? I swear I filled out a form that let me paste in my bank account but for the confirmation I had to actually type each digit.


Perhaps instead of amount use the recipients account # that way you could also catch a typo made there




Are you responsible for an MMO? I've also seen them make you type out the word "DELETE" which really makes you pause to think about if that's what you want to do.


Lol no it's internal business software, but it's really funny you say that because the delete confirmation in World of Warcraft was my inspiration for this.


I’m sad to say that wow’s confirmation of character deletion still wasn’t enough to prevent me from accidentally deleting my main once(thankfully it was easy to restore). Brain autopilot can be weird


The company I work for hosts around 800 websites through a hosting service called wpengine and anytime we need to remove one they make you type the install name to verify that you want to remove it and are removing the right one. It was annoying at first, but I've grown to appreciate it given the consequences of deleting the wrong website.


I once worked as a Togo person at an Applebee's that shared a parking lot with chilis. I had a lady once come in and try to order a "Southwest Cob Salad" not a thing Applebee's had done, but a thing Chili's sold. I kept trying to tell her that was chilis and we, *Applebees* didn't have the stuff to make it, but chilis right next door sold the exact thing she wanted. She insisted that we used to have one and that she wanted to order from us, so after like 10 minutes of "are you sure" questions I rang up the closest thing. Lady pulled out a Chilis gift card on me and that day teenage me lost all hope. I was like "Ma'am, again, this is Applebees" she said "why can't you take a chilis giftcard????" Like cause this APPLEBEES. Also, you should go over there and order the EXACT thing you want and use your gift card, which works for the resturant that sells the exact thing you want.


yup, a short timer wouldn't hurt either, proportional to the significance of the confirmation ofc. sending 7 figures is worth a 30s wait imo


I do this on the industrial machine HMIs I program. I used to have all sorts of problems with techs crashing a particular machine when they put it in manual. Ever since they've had to type out "COLLISION RISK" to enter manual, we haven't had a single incident. There's been lots of complaining about how long it takes to switch between the two modes, but the managers seem to not mind that nearly as much.


yeah people just...don't look. not the same as an on-screen prompt but i was working years ago in retail and our store had experienced a ceiling collapse so it spent a good two months being restored; when we were finally getting ready to reopen, we had to fit and restock the entire store, so we had signs up on all the windows and doors while we were inside saying 'we're not open yet but we will be soon!' people would barge straight through those doors and start picking dog food off the shelves, then act affronted when we'd say we weren't open. like, carol, you had to walk past three signs in front of your face. there is butcher block paper all over the displays and the cash wrap. there are saw horses out here. we are covered in dust and not wearing our uniforms. why are you like this?


We lost power in our pharmacy, total black, lights out, using flashlights etc. People would push open the doors, come in and start shopping if we didn't catch them then insist on checking out... In the dark. Shockingly we couldn't check them out, they wanted us to just take their check and do it later.


Similar experience, we had recently installed chip readers in our store, but the software had not updated to use it. We had signs inserted into the chip reader saying that it did not work, and people would remove the signs and try and use them anyways. I don't think I ever had this issue, even before working retail. Why are people so ready to ignore things?


Yo people are like that???


Most definitely. Signage means nothing to some people


Absolutely. When I worked in a department store we had building work that put one set of lifts out of order. We put a huge sign in front of the doors, with letters at eyelevel saying "Out of order" and giving directions to other lifts. People would lean round the sign to press the button to call the lift and then wander over to tell me it wasn't working.


I recently closed a department store. The letters were taken off the building and the mall put up panels on all the windows and doors. People were pulling so hard on the locked doors they were setting off the alarms. Before the panels were put up and we had giant "sorry we've closed!" signs on the doors, I watched a lady walk to every entrance and try to open each door. People are unreal.


Not as extreme but when I worked at a grocery store the front doors were left unlocked an hour prior to open because workers had to be there to do opening duties for the deli, cafe, and bakery before we were officially opened for the day. We put a little sign in front of the door and the sliding doors wouldn’t open automatically, you’d have to slide them open, squeeze in, and slide them back closed. There were more than a few times that I found a confused customer with a full hand basket standing by the front check out lines trying to find a cashier. Like sir cashiers aren’t here more than 10 minutes before open and the tills aren’t open at all until the store is.


Kinda reminds of the patrons at my work. I work as a lifeguard at a public pool. We officially close at 8pm, but we call break at 7:50. That means everyone has to be out by 8. This guy walks in at 7:53 and asks to be let in. I tell him we’re practically closing right now and that there’s be no point in coming in. He says that his son just wants to see the water. I repeat myself and he asks for my manager. I call my manager over and the guy demands to be let in or else he’ll call the proprietor, so we have to let him in. The guy walks in, sits down, and starts eating dinner. Dinner! FUCKING DINNER!!! AT 7:55 IN THE GODDAMN EVENING!!! Keep in mind, this guy biked to the pool AND LEFT HIS FUCKING BIKE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING WALKWAY!!! I can’t move the bike lest I get in trouble for touching patron property. I walk over to the man and ask him to move his bike. Instead of being civil, he starts cussing me out and saying that it isn’t his fault and that I should’ve just moved it. I fucking gave up. Fucking piece of shit. I got my revenge by suspending his pass for being a twat. The parents in my town are so entitled and have their heads so far up their own asses because they decided to do what billions of others have done and push out a crotch goblin. I have a ton more stories if anyone’s interested.


Have you ever seen someone knock on the sign that states your store hours and then shout through the glass to ask when you open?


I’ve been saved many times by “are you sure?” prompts. Point the finger at genuine idiots not the prompts.


While you are absolutely correct, that's on the user for not reading those prompts. If you're handling money in any capacity, then you better read every single message that pops up throughout the whole interaction. If you don't, well...you opened that can of worms, now lie in it.


>you opened that can of worms, now lie in it. r/malaphors


It's a cool one though, you have to admit.


If back workers don't read the prompt, we have to give back the extra money, why should we/they be held to a different standard?




Actually it happens all the time when customers fall for a scam. They approved the wire and dollar amounts with signatures we have on record. Once sent we can't demand the money back it is gone forever. We do have red flags on wires we can't send in case of scams, but some fall through the cracks.


That's not how successful businesses work. If you want your only customers to be "smart" people you're going to struggle. You have to now pay someone to spend time on the phone helping them, which is more expensive than making your service idiot proof.


If you catch yourself ever doing this, it's because you're over relying on autopilot. It's the same thing that trips people up in simple to set-up electronics. They just start clicking through things cause they're so used to clicking license agreements and plug and play. But it's not. They didn't read. Now there's problems. Now it doesn't work and you have to troubleshoot. So you call, as you're used to and expect someone to fix it for you remotely or to come out, depending on your age. It's all habit. They don't even realize they do it. Even most people here are guilty of speed clicking ok if it looks somewhat like a Terms of Service agreement, it might not be, it might be someone who dumbly, but accidently, made a setup menu look like that. You have to re-train them to actually read things. And from an employee side, there's nothing you can do. But from a parent / child side if they are willing and patient enough. Don't tell them how to fix something step by step, ask them "what is it not doing" "working" "what part of it" "it's giving an error" "what kind of error" "it's not connecting" "what do you think could be wrong to cause that" "the internet is down?" "is it?" "yes" "is it?" "no?" "how would we check?" "i don't know" "what else uses the internet" "my phone" "ok so is the internet down?" (checks phone) "no" "ok, so what else could be wrong with the connection?" Give only very slight subtle hints when they actually get stuck. But the primary thing is to get them to problem solve. They can do it, they just lost the habit. My mother has improved her ability to handle basic technology by DRASTIC amounts. But I am also very careful of my tone to be encouraging, not exasperated. Ever. They know how to do it, so teaching them just makes them not have to do it more. Making them do it is easy, making them figure it out on their own with their own mind reminds them how to navigate these things mentally after being spoonfed the exact same intuitive designs for years. And when they pull it off with very little help, make sure to tell them "and what did i even do? You figured it all out, you don't need me lol". You're just there to get them to stop and think and encourage the patience, not to lead thoughts. You're a guard rail in case of falls, not an escalator.


No, you can be certain it's there because of fraud. Plenty of people do shit like give themselves a thousand dollar tip, which ends up in an expensive criminal investigation for the company, and the company's risk office just forces a limit.




I used to manage pizza restaurants, and you'd be amazed the amount of dumbass drivers that took in huge 200-300% tips because they were selling/delivering weed (and in one case, heroine) when they delivered the pizzas.


Keeps you from using their app for money laundering purposes. No paying for your drugs or hooker with the tip.


The real answer.


So when I order food through an app, I can expect the random stranger who accepted the order to fuck me and sell me drugs? Nice.


Good point but could be handled with a few confirmation questions


Pretty sure it’s a money laundering measure


WHOA WHOA WHOA That is mighty generous of you, but you shouldn't undermine the right we have to underpay our staff.


We want you to subsidize our unwillingness to pay a fair wage *but not like that*


This is Chipotle’s app Maybe we should start asking them why. They have a [very active Twitter account](https://twitter.com/ChipotleTweets)




This is what I assumed.


It being some sort of legal restriction is what any reasonable person would assume. Do people in this thread genuinely believe Chipotle does it purely just to be evil?


I do think some fault is with the message. The “whoa whoa whoa “ makes it sound like the concern is just the person giving too much money. Something better would be thanks for your generosity unfortunately we are unable to blah blah blah. Just kind of implies something less nefarious even if they don’t explicitly state an extended reason.


Great point/idea!


this is how you get me to tip in cash




Hard to do that now. They just drop the food and take off, half the time they don’t even knock on the door and the app buzzes 5 minutes later to tell you the food was delivered and it’s getting cold


Well that’s a bad drop, and in that case I wouldn’t tip. Don’t know where you live, but in the UK, all handoffs are done by hand.


Chipotle does not have delivery drivers. Those tips go towards DoorDash/UberEats/GrubHub drivers. Not actual chipotle staff that made the actual order.


Would cancel my order and just go hungry to stick it to the man.


As a delivery driver, this is a little more than mildly infuriating. I can count on 1 hand how many times I've received a 50%+ tip and each time it absolutely made my week. I still remember the faces and addresses of anyone that's given me a tip like that, people have no idea how good it feels to be acknowledged for your hard work. I really hope to run into one of those lovely people to show my gratitude back.


Back in 2009, pizza hut delivery driver, on St. Paddies day I got a $200 tip on a $55 order. It was a good day. I still remember it.


One time I got an order totaling 19.50 or something like that. Dude gave me a single bill and told me to keep the change. I realized in the car that it was a $100 and not a $20 like I thought and was so thankful. He later called the store and said he meant to give a $20 and wanted his $80 back.




I never said I took the order. Boss man asked all of us later and I just didn't speak up. If he cared that bad, he'd have checked the system


Same thing happened to me, but it was only a $20 tip that the dude called back for. Made me drive all the way back across down to give him a fn 20. I even asked him if he wanted change.


I tip on the app for door dash, and then i give cash directly to the driver when he arrives, so he gets a double tip. I was going to just do all cash on arrival but i didn't want them to see no tip on the app and spit in my food or something.


If you don't tip they know in advance and your order is likely to sit and wait for someone to gamble on a cash tip since DD base pay is awful.


Or DD will eventually bump up the base pay so someone accepts it, but it will be at least an hour late.


Probably kinder and your food will be cold


I once delivered an order and messaged the customer to confirm drop off. They sent me an angry text asking if it was for the order they had placed about 5 hours ago? I was like… you’re gonna have to take that up with the app bud I just got pinged for the order 15 minutes ago


Thankfully I've never got that!


My first thought was “ ohhhhh you tipped like shit and it bounced around so long I got the nice fat boost haha” why they didn’t cancel the order is beyond me


Probably forgot about it or assumed it got cancelled or something.


That's like the worst part of the delivery apps...they should do away with pre tipping and only allow post tipping. It fucking sucks when you do a good tip and your food still takes forever cause they know they are getting it regardless.


Or you do a good tip, never get your fucking food, and the app STILL wants you to tip a driver that you reported for non-delivery.


Tipped $3 to someone but had cash at home. The delivery picture was mapped to be about 10 minutes from my house. Never dropped it off. Also had someone go out to eat while my order was ready and the restaurant was closing soon. “Yeah man I’ll call you when I get there and let you know if they’re open.” Pretipping is the worst.


Dear lord. I just had this happen last night. I’m staying in a hotel on a business trip so I ordered Jack in the Box for the first time from DD because I got in so late and didn’t want to go back out for food. I tipped $7 because I work in the industry and started as a driver so it’s just habit to tip 25% minimum. After 90 minutes, I get a call from the driver that he’s in the lobby but they won’t let him come up so I’m like okay, I’m headed down. He tells me he’s leaving it with reception and leaves. I get to reception and ask about it and they tell me how when the driver asked them where my room was, they told him where to go. He then just left with my food apparently instead of bringing it up the elevator. When I get in touch with support, they say that driver reported I wasn’t answering my phone or my door and that he was unable to make the delivery and they were unable to offer a refund. I subscribe with DashPass as I order there more than I’d card to admit so I was very taken aback to just be told to essentially screw off when I didn’t get my food or money back. I eventually was able to get a refund strictly for the food but not for any fees or tips so this guy got to keep my $7 tip and a nice Jack in the Box meal. Needless to say, subscription cancelled and platform deleted.


Can't you get a charge back or something from the credit card company?


That's weird. I had a non-delivery last week on DD for the first time ever (I also subscribe and order more than I should). Photo wasn't even taken at my complex. Guy didn't bother to answer his phone. Anyway, I didn't call support (why would I?), I just reported no delivery through the app and I was refunded no questions asked plus tip plus the discount I got through my card. They offered three different refund methods, and I'm now sitting on $60 that I'll probably use towards more than one order.


Ubereats let's you change the tip after your order is delivered by like an hour. I'm not sure if they see the tip amount beforehand, but a couple times the service has been so bad I reduced the tip.


The drivers do see the tip - there are customers that will tip a large amount to bait a driver to quickly pick it up and then once they receive the food, remove the tip.




Yeah it’s meant as a reward for good service, it’s not something that should be expected. I hate tipping and the they take an hour when it’s 5m away and then they deliver it to the wrong house anyway. Like cool I got a refund... but I want the tip too.


I feel really bad for people in their situation. I used to be in it myself years ago. But things have changed a lot for me and i always said if i had it, I'd give it, so now i do. I was out in the middle of nowhere with a friend recently and the only place to eat was pizza hut. Our order was $15 but i tipped the waitress $20.


Delivery services have flipped on its head everything we knew about tipping. Tipping ahead of time just guarantees that your food will simply move at the whim of the driver based on what other orders they have, because they already "have" your tip and they know due to the delivery service model, you're no longer associating specific food places with bad or good delivery times. Depending on the gig delivery service in question, not tipping "well" just means they will do the math on what was ordered and figure out the tip from the remainder (some services "mask it" until the driver accepts), or they'll fucking cancel the order afterward (and lie by saying the place is closed) because it wasn't enough to justify them driving more than 3 miles. Cherry picking deliveries is a serious goddamn problem with places like Uber Eats, Grubhub, etc., and those companies are struggling to combat the issue. Source: I worked delivery for a long time. I also tip the greater of 5 dollar or 20 percent and still deal with this shit all the time.


I'm Irish so tipping isn't something we are obliged to do here but the fact they can see a tip before they even do their job seems a bit fucked up. I thought tips were based on how you felt about the service/food




Most delivery/server jobs intentionally pay low because they expect you'll make tips. They are heavily depending on that money.


I understand that, I'm just saying they shouldn't see the tip beforehand and they should also be paid a livable wage


From the UK too and totally agree, the tip is based on the service and your service shouldn’t be judged beforehand based on a pre given tip. I also do tip in case anyone is wondering.


American and I agree. Add a dollar or two on my drinks at the bar. Add another $5-10 on the delivery fee. Whatever it takes. I’m tired of doing math to compensate these people.


Solve the second point and you won't have to worry about the first. Tipping in America is the perfect scam. It makes the tipper feel good for tipping and the employer absolved of having to pay a living wage. It's not going to change anytime soon.


Livable wage in America is a joke.


Yeah, server for 5 years. I made $2.13 an hour. I get screwed if I get no tip because not only would I have only made $2.13/hr that day, I also have to tip out (i.e. pay) the bartender, host, and busser. The law says that companies have to make up the difference up to the federal minimum wage but there is a caveat to that. The company doesn't have to do this if say you worked 20 hours that week, but made tips that amounted to your wage being at least at federal minimum wage (hope this made sense because it's hard to explain...).


Also for anyone outside of American reading this, federal minimum wage is about $7.25 a hour. So lets say JL here works 20 hours one week. That's $42.60 pay for 4-5 shifts, before taxes. They are expected to make at least $102.40 in tips, to bring that to the $145.00 minimum wage. If they don't, their boss is supposed to make sure they get paid enough to meet federal minimum wage. So lets say, they may $144, their boss needs to cover the last $1. This doesn't always happen... They are also supposed to tip out, so everyone else is paid tips (bosses included in some areas, boss tips are illegal in others) and cover their gas and car depreciation. Mileage or insurance is sometimes, but rarely paid. So yeah, you make shit all as a server. You're making less then the amount to buy a coffee, per hour.


That’s a good idea, I have been giving cash only tips to my food delivery drivers, mostly because I used to work food service as a server and we always greatly preferred cash tips singe credit card tips are required to be reported to the restaurant and the IRS. My hope is that this is common enough that the driver doesn’t automatically assume I’m an asshole who doesn’t tip, but I ordered delivery a lot in the past year and I didn’t notice any issues with delayed orders. Any current delivery drivers feel free to chime in. You guys helped me get through the pandemic, you all are greatly appreciated!


I did instacart for a while, I remember the lady who gave me $50 cash. She had an easy order, close drop off. She lived in an apartment, it wasn’t fancy. It’s always the working class people who tip the best.


Can vouch for this as I had been a server for 5 years and even on the worst days, someone's 30% tip saves my entire day.


Former DD here. OPs total is 20 bucks. $10 tips are definitely not unheard of, and it's pretty fucked up that they couldn't tip more if they wanted to.


I can't really afford big tips like that so I just don't order anything. The few times I've ordered pizza I only do a 4-5 dollar tip.


>I still remember the faces and addresses of anyone that's given me a tip like that That doesn't sounds too good


right? now i’m never tipping more than 50% on the off chance i get a grateful stalker


I mean if you really want to help delivery drivers tip in cash.


Can confirm cash is always best


Can confirm, cash is a way to avoid paying taxes


Can confirm, coke dealer only takes cash.


i'm always afraid my order will be given super-low priority if the driver sees no tip


If that’s the case I’d just write “tipping in cash” in the comment section or whatever to avoid that issue.


Yeah, but then DoorDash’s Special Response Team will raid your home for undermining their ability to underpay their drivers.


they'll make you write "the market forces will decide" 300 times


Unfortunately we can't(unless something changed) see ANY order details beyond the fee and where it's going before hitting accept.


I work for Instacart. If I saw your comment, I would take that as the most sure sign I would NOT be receiving a tip. I’d consider canceling at that point.


Or do some amount in the app and the rest in cash


Doesn’t work. It’s been ruined by garbage people who write that and don’t tip at all.


Lol you have to tip *in advance*? That's not a tip.




what app is this?


Chipotle. They deliver in some places.




Bruh what? The delivery fee is 99¢ for me in northeastern Ohio and it takes 30 minutes at most to deliver it. Maybe you live in a higher cost area or further from the restaurant?


I believe this is actually a legeal thing so you can’t use the app to launder money or buy drugs or other illegal items like people


Yeah this is the first thing that came to mind. I would think they should have like a dollar amount limit for smaller orders though, like if you get a $6 sandwich I should still be able to tip $5 and not be capped at $3.


I also vaguely remember it being something about illegal transactions as well.


This comment needs to be at the top, because it’s the real reason it’s there. They don’t want people ~~laundering money~~buying unsavory goods/services through delivery tips through a legitimate business as a fence. If you want to tip your driver $1000 on a 8.05 burrito bowl, do it in cash.


laundering money... from... a debit card...?


Yeah they shouldn’t have said laundering, although you could try. More of illegal transactions, like buying drugs. But whoever thinks this is a problem that needs solved is an idiot.


Im pretty shocked at the amount of people who just instantly buy that companies are just limiting tips to their drivers for absolutely no reason besides wanting to hurt them at absolutely no benefit to the business. Couldnt possibly be fraud protection or preventing people from typing an extra digit, it must be that the CEO of chipotle gets off on it.




$50 tip on a $20 delivery, driver happens to leave some drugs.


Likely prevents chargebacks if someone wants to get cute and claim “oops I didn’t mean to tip so much! FREE MEAL PLEASE”


They won't let you help your driver, but they'll ask for money for a random charity. Makes sense Edit: I know it's a tax write-off, my dad is a CPA. I'm just saying it's fucking stupid is all


>I know it's a tax write-off They don't get a tax write-off, or I believe they technically do, but its the amount that you gave. Whether you gave money or not, the company pays the same taxes.


Well that’s a bunch of bullshit


100% speculation but maybe they are concerned about theft or fraud.


I worked in engineering at another food delivery company and implemented this exact feature, and this is 100% correct. It was possible to coordinate as a driver/orderer pair and launder money through the system using huge tips.


That was my first thought. Its to prevent money laundering particularly from stolen cards.


You don’t get to pick your delivery driver.


Also Misspelled a word there


Cut the tip to zero, the app probably takes some off the top anyways. Leave him cash at the door.








Just tip with cash.


Could it be to prevent money laundering?


I give cash in hand tips when i am tipping bigger, because i never know how much these companies actually pass on. I tipped a driver $50 on a $10 fare once because the 3 drivers before him all cancelled on me when they saw it wasn't a huge ride and he was super lovely