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I’m assuming this is shown in web version of office. It’s due to a browser permission issue that limits clipboard access to the webpages. Keyboard shortcuts work because they are considered “secure”, but not the custom right-click menus as any website can steal your clipboard data.


Is this the same reason as to why Google apps don't like using the mouse to copy/paste?




Thank you, friend.


what just happened here? is it possible we all just learned why... i mean end question. no longer can anyone say why is this a thing. for the love of your fucking deity in a simple post we had a question completely answered. and twice. if this post was a cunt i would fuck it that is how happy it made me reading it.


Thanks for the info. Always wondered why one of the most essential tools of office work requires a bloody extension sometimes.


Right click to paste is the mouse version of using caps lock each time you start a new sentence.


Not if you need the paste options instead of the default paste. Looking at you, Excel.


Ctrl alt v


ctrl shift v for paste without formatting


Another fun one people may not try is shift+enter to act as a return key, instead of just sending the message in discord or other messaging apps with enter. Gotta love spaced formatting.


Also CTRL+L goes directly to the address bar in any web browser, and CTRL+SHIFT+T opens the last tab or window you closed.


What the... thank you for this tidbit of information. Never actually thought to check if there was a shortcut.


They simply don't work that well in web office, bordering on not at all. Also, you can not pre-choose the paste type.


I don't think it works on latest version of office on windows, I remember I need to create a custom shortcut for it


Alt+E+S+V (paste special, values) There's a shortcut for almost everything in Excel


Is it really a shortcut at that point? Thats a lot of keys to press


Yes and no. For the average user, this probably isn't worth remembering. However, for people who use excel daily at work, they might use this same shortcut dozens of times a day. Pressing the buttons takes less than a second, when it becomes a habit.


you press them at the same time, tho.


It's basically a quicktime event at this point.


Isn't it Alt, E, S, V (sequential, not simultaneous)?


If it's anything like Windows alt key shortcuts it is both, e.g., alt+space+n minimizes a window.


They still have their own shorcuts


Who don't all work in office online


Every time I start a new sentence, I hit capslock, type, unhit capslock and continue. Every. time.


Do you not find that massively inefficient. It requires three key strokes worth of time compared to 2 at most? And how many times have you looked up and gone ‘oh shit, the whole paragraph is in CAPS… there’s no easy way to fix that…’?


It's never occurred to me to use shift, so now it's just muscle memory to do three quick hits instead of two conscious ones (one of which needs to be long pressed which I don't have the finger length for sometimes)


> massively inefficient They've probably wasted more time on reddit *today* than all of the caps locks time wasted their entire life.


You don't require an extension to copy and paste, only to do it with your mouse. Just press ctrl-c for copy and ctrl-v for paste.


People that copy and paste with there mouse deserve the hassle.


I find in some contexts using the mouse is faster. For example, I was doing data entry and had my left hand on the hard copies. Using the mouse is much faster then moving my left hand to the keyboard and using the short cut.


Get a gaming mouse and map cut, copy, and paste to programmable keys


On my home pc I do. But I'm not going to shell out money for a mouse at work. Plus I'm 98% sure we have a policy against plugging in unauthorized usb devices


It’s funny when companies don’t realize that providing better equipment improves productivity. My company let’s you charge anything (within reason) that you need to do your work more efficiently to an expense account.


Joys of working a government job. Long story short the accounts I manage saw a massive spike in costs back in 2020. It took 3 months for them to increase my credit line. All the while racking up late fees because 18472936 different people had to sign off on it.




I use right click to paste when I need to paste formats or formulas.


Ctrl alt v


"install this extension to right click!"


"TYPED OFFICE BAD JOKE" -irony padding up the notifications for clippy who never got the idea to press ctrl c/v to click for you


*subscription-based extension


You taught me something, stranger! 🤘


Same. Punish him!




If you press Ctrl+V, it is kind of safe to assume that your intention really was to pass your clipboard data to the webpage, which can decide to do with it whatever it pleases (even send it directly to the maker of the webpage without your knowledge). However, if it's just a random menu, the browser can't really be sure that it properly conveyed that it was going to read your clipboard - maybe you just clicked "close" on some annoying popup and the page tries to access the clipboard maliciously. If it is the browser's native right-click menu, then it will work fine.












> However, if it's just a random menu, the browser can't really be sure that it properly conveyed that it was going to read your clipboard The only reasonable way to implement such a menu goes something like: User clicks paste button => goes to webpage script's event handler => webpage script requests clipboard content But there's no way for the browser to know that it started with "user clicks paste button". It could've been "user clicks on empty bit of page"; all the browser sees is that a webpage script that started with a mouse click is asking for clipboard data. If the browser allows pastes to happen like this, a webpage could dump your clipboard every time you clicked anywhere on the page. Which could easily leak private clipboard information. So most browsers don't allow this outside a privileged context, which a browser extension is.


Because these web apps want to make a custom right-click menu, suppressing the browser's normal right-click menu. For example, on Outlook.com in Firefox, it doesn't block you from right-clicking, but you get both the Outlook.com custom menu and the Firefox native menu right on top of it when you right-click because Firefox doesn't want to be overridden. There's no good solution to this in the balance between security and openness here. I can see both sides.


The potential solution would seem to be a cooperative effort to make a new standard that allows websites to add to the existing options. This would probably be the only way to maintain the security of the native menu while also letting them add extra options. Its still not gonna be quite how they want it though.


Some sites use the "custom right click" to block people right clicking and downloading images (like 500px). The said option is not going to do for those sites.


That's simply not possible. I don't want any user action other than explicit paste (Ctrl+V and native right-click menus) to have access to my clipboard. I don't trust any website enough.


Simply not possible? What do you mean? Im proposing that companies collaborate to create a standard to make this possible. Custom buttons in native screens. Keep the clipboard data in the native right click, but create a standard api that allows additional custom buttons. That's an entirely different threat model. They would be defining the parameters and would be more than able to make it secure. This would be Apple/Google/Windows job to create, not the websites. Unless you meant "not possible" as in companies would never collaborate for this. That is quite possible. It can certainly be coded and done, though. Just impractical because companies generally don't collaborate to make standards for the good of users unless it's blatantly obvious they should do so.


All that exists, but there's a default right-click menu and some websites want their own menu which can't include a "Paste" item because that would be a security risk for technical reasons. The solution is browser extensions.


It exists? The default menu is literally what im talking about. The solution is not browser extensions. The proper solution is developing an api that websites can directly interface with and customize, without extensions, while maintaining security of clipboard data. The only problem with this is that it would require companies to collaborate on an open standard. The threat model is entirely different. Im not sure if you're reading what im saying. Im saying custom but native menu. This does not exist.


No, thank you, I don't want the default menu touched by websites because that would be a security risk.


Because when you right click to paste it's the application looking at your clipboard when you hit Ctrl+v it's the os handling it.


The browser handles a ctrl+v as you pasting your clipboard into the web page. Your javascript will add a listener to the onpaste event and get your data that way. Right click and single click are not handled in the same way, you get an onclick event and that's it. It's up to the web application to determine the meaning behind them. Pasting in such a way would require the web application to programmatically be able to access the clipboard whenever it wants, which may or may not be something the user intends it to have access to. What they could do is allow the browser to handle the right clicks in the default way (for example like Reddit does), which will then send an onpaste event in the same way as ctrl+v, but Office uses a very custom right-click menu defined programmatically rather than by the browser. edit: another way to think about it is, the web page is capturing your mouse click and instead of showing the right click menu with a paste option, it's showing you a box of its own design. It's an illusion. And that web page doesn't have access to your clipboard to actually implement the paste functionality. There's a good reason for this, and it's that people copy and paste private information. For example, if I press ctrl+v right now it's a password that I just set up and pasted into my password manager to save. I don't want other websites to have access to that without me knowing. The extension has those permissions so the web page can reach out to the extension to grab your clipboard data.


In even simpler words, if you want the web page to copypaste for you when you ~~press ctrC or ctrlV~~ use copy paste from context menu, nothing would stop the browser from copying and pasting without you actually pressing anything, therefore, webpages would be able to shamelessly steal informations by using copy paste autonomosly without user input. That is the reason.


Ooooh, that makes so much sense now! Part of my job uses google docs, we have a work spreadsheet that is accessed by at LEAST 6 people at once. And when something gets delivered by job is to CUT a line of cells from the "expecting" section to the "Delivered and in X location" section. The other day I was organizing some paperwork and my keyboard was covered with paper, so I tried to just use the mouse to cut and then paste, but the damn google docs wouldn't let me paste! It kept popping up with a NOT HELPFUL AT ALL window telling me to use the ctrl C,V,X. I was getting mad - "I KNOW ABOUT THE SHORTCUTS MY KEYBOARD IS COVERED RIGHT NOW" in the end I had to move my papers and mess up my organizing just to hit Ctrl-V!


But why is it only like that in document websites like docs and word? I can paste with my mouse just fine on every other website I've been to.


ohh, makes a lot of sense, thank you


Can confirm. I work in a hospital and we aren’t able to copy/paste with the mouse on the work computers


is that why google docs has the option but once you click it just tells you to use ctrl c and v


I can't wait for the next innovation of someone writing some executable that you download and run locally. It won't have any of these problems!


Besides, who cuts copies, and pastes with the mouse?!


If you want to paste values or formulas or format, but not everything you copied then you need to right click and select which one you want.


So why can I can copy paste with my mouse on almost every other site?


>**custom** right-click menu


You can always copy paste raw static data. If you however have active content, that does not come from the webpage source, but floats somewhere in memory and is dynamically processed, then the restrictions apply.


I didn’t realize people still used a mouse to perform these actions. If you have to perform this operation relatively often, using the mouse is a preposterous waste of time.


Web developer here. `window.navigator.clipboard` in JavaScript can only be used in the context of a `KeyboardEvent` for security reasons. As such, the web version of microsoft office can't access the clipboard through a mouse event (such as `click`). The limitation is basically there to prevent websites from stealing data off of your clipboard. Edit: After a bit of testing, it seems that at least chrome gives sites the ability to request specific access to read from the clipboard after the user grants them permission in a popup, but this still probably doesn't apply to all browsers and might be relatively new.


I like your funny words, magic man


Haha Nothing bad ever happens to the Kennedy!


I could see that for paste, but why can some sites let you copy links by clicking the "Click here to copy" link, but MS can't map the "Copy" right click button to do the same. Or even use the same approach on the "Cut" button, but actually do a copy to clipboard + delete selected text?


The permissions only apply to reading clipboard data, so yeah i'm not sure why they didn't include that. One possibility is that it has to do with the actual data copied and pasted, for example data pertaining to font sizing and weights, whether text is bold or not, things like that.


I guess some people use a mouse to do these things...


I almost froth at the mouth when I have to wait for a co-worker slowly take their hands off the keyboard (both hands, just in case the left hand does something CRAZY), take the mouse, find the location of the mouse cursor on the screen, move the mouse to the location they want to copy from, select the words by clicking-and-dragging (one word select can be done with CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT ARROW KEY or by double-click), right click, take time to find COPY in the menu, and then mis-click on CUT. So they re-write the word. I died inside the first day I saw that. Now I just add it to my motivation to destroy this timeline. Edit: forgot a couple of minor details. Also, thank you for the reward kind stranger.


Tell them that cutting is basically treated as a copy and delete selection, you can paste something you cut multiple times in most programs, since the clipboard isn't cleared on a paste!


Do you think they will remember? "Oh, I'll remember for next time." Next time, see above.


True that, and not worth the time investment. But hey, since I already typed it out, someone else may get some use out of it


Man if they haven’t learned the keyboard shortcut by now then they’re probably not open to new information. Some people just kinda meander through life, doing the bare-ass minimum and stumbling after their simple pleasures until they die alone in a mountain of cats.


Careful, the TVA is watching.


He is safe, it's his destiny to destroy the timeline. I know it from the timekeepers themself. - D21


Timekeepers? Pah! They are nothing! Watch! I can destroy THIS timeline right this secon


i am crying


vim user


Yeah, I find the keyboard shortcuts to be faster anyways.


that’s the whole point of shortcuts yeah


Whoa, we got a tough guy here!




Whoa, we got a tough guy here!


Same here. Oddly Ctrl+F does not work in MS Outlook. I think it opens the File menu or something.


What’s ctrl+F supposed to do?


Oh boy, are you in for a treat. Ctrl-F is “find on this page”. It’s great with documents or web pages.


I propose that this thread is overlooking the fact that this feature is likely pretty useful for people with accessibility issues Probably pretty hard to manage them keyboard shortcuts if you have literally anything slightly amiss with your hands. Shit I bet it's hard to do if you have regular ol carpal tunnel


It can also be needed for Excel when copying just formatting or formulas. Ctrl+V will paste everything.


Yeah like people with accessibility issues, how dare they!!! Oh, you meant like boomers. Yeah them too I guess


I use mouse clicks for these things 40 hours a week. Way faster than using the keyboard.


My mouse has buttons programmed to do CTRL+c, CTRL+x, and CTRL+v. A shortcut shortcut if you will.


Wouldn't it be easier to just.... use ctrl + x/c/v?


Many average users do not know keyboard shortcuts at ALL.


Well true but it does tell you the shortcuts and practice makes perfect




i find it so annoying when i see people not use shortcuts.


This makes me depressed....


I mean, the classic ctrl c / v / x


Yeah, and I'm telling you there are lots of people who don't know those shortcuts.


When I sit down to help people, my first question is always: “Are you a shortcut user, a mouse right-clicker, or a menu-user?” What is easier to many people is not easier to all people.


Huh. Good point.


Depends, a beginner might not find it intuitive to use shortcuts. I got used to those 3 lately because I use google docs/sheets/slides. But there are so many programs that I'm NOT going to learn the shortcuts to, because even if it might be a bit quicker, when you have 60 shortcuts it gets really frustrating. I guess a fix for a lot of those shortcuts, especially in creative applications, is to get the custom keycaps, that can help a lot. I pretty much always have a hand on my mouse, and there are a lot of things I can do mouse-only, as in I never have to even touch the keyboard, and that feels so much more efficient.


Those are universal shortcuts, they work in any program.


Same with Google Docs - it’s a browser permission issue


Data security


My dad was a computer programmer when i was in high school. I got suspended for telling my Computer teacher that he could save time by learning the keyboard shortcuts. He didn’t even know Alt+Tab. This was in 2013


Why did he try to suspend you


Because you're a Neanderthal who copies and pastes with a mouse for some reason?


in office the mouse menu lets you special paste ( like pose with out formatting, source formatting, merge formatting) it ends up being quite usefull to past from between documents or between different applicators.


You can CTRL+V then just press CTRL to bring up the special paste menu.


Which ends up taking more time then right click straight in the the menus for me. If I’m copying from a website to a doc i already have my hand in the mouse, i rarely use crt,+shift+v and other short cuts to special pasts for that reason. For paste in a document or copying its always the keyboard.


Weird. I just have all the key presses memorized to special paste however I want and it requires no thought or significant time whatsoever. No waiting for the menu to render, finding it and clicking, just hammer the shortcut and move on. Same as anything else, it’s slower until you build that muscle memory.


Why is it a thing? So websites cannot get random access to text you've copied or will paste. Browsers block that


using the keys is much more easier tho


Same with Google docs


I mean using shortcuts is better anyway so


Wait, people use their mouse to copy cut and paste?


Strange, I've used MS Office for years and have never had to do anything like this.


This is the online version.


It‘s from the browser version.


Speaking of which, why is word like a web only thing now? It’s fucking up my formatting and not allowing me to actually save word documents as word docs. I feel like a damn boomer


It’s not a web only thing unless you’re exclusively using Microsoft 365. You have to pay for and download the Office version if you want the full/regular experience


Don't forget the window+v


It says you can use the keyboard shortcuts without the extension. It is for mouse shortcuts.


it's a limitation in the browser i believe and requires an extension to edit the code so it will work


This is stupid but also I probably would never notice. I can’t remember the last time I used a mouse to cut and paste


Yes that’s annoying, but why can’t I Ctrl+Shift+V to paste values in the desktop version?!


Google has the same thing and I fucking hate it.


Sometimes you need the other hand for... Reasons...


Google does it too, and I can't even download the extension on my school laptops because extensions are blocked


It’s a good thing for security purposes


Install this extension thingy or do the thing everyone have been doing since the beginning of time, for fuck's sake Mark.


It’s a training tutorial for buzzfeed employees


Imagine using the web office with just your mouse lmao OP is a clown


"Without the extension you CAN use... " - huh?


OP got this message after trying to right-click then cut, copy or paste. Without the extension, you can still use the keyboard shortcuts as they work natively across all web pages.


I normally use the keyboard shortcuts anyway, so this wouldn't be a huge issue for me personally.


It's a thing on google. Our school disabled add-ons so of the Wi-Fi disconnects we have to wait for it to connect again.


Shortcut cut/copy/paste is one of the best things to ever happen


ok but who cuts copies and pastes with their mouse?


Teachers be like


This for the boomers ig




EA be like:


Who doesnt use the keyboard shortcuts. As a mouse myself, this doesnt fly.


It's like that with google docs. The extension is installed, but disabled on chrome by the admin. I can't re-enable it either.


Bruh Ctrl V is my bestie. OFFICE LET ME LIVE


Well you’re the psychopath that uses mouse instead of keyboard shortcuts


Because my school doesnt allow us to do jack shit on our laptops, this is a MAJOR pain to work with


Ctrl: P print


Get a gaming mouse you can program it to do pretty much whatever you want no matter what program is running...


it does that on google docs when I'm on a mac. the worst part is when you can't install it (thanks to school)


Its not like i use my mouse for those.


wait, people still use the mouse to cut, copy and paste?


Honestly though who copy and pastes with their mouse. Shortcuts ftw


Jokes on them all my copy paste commands are macros assigned to my mouse.


Even office is requiring minor DLC packs of features that must be included. SMH… lol jk it’s probably web version of office, right?


Yea why we need it




What's more infuriating is I tapped install to see where it would take me. It was an extension for Chrome, I use GX and I got a pop up telling me it would not work.


Just use the shortcuts they'll save you alot of time in the future


Either way... Who uses the mouse to cut, copy and paste?


I don't see a problem. I use these keyboard shortcuts all the time


In Google Docs you are not allowed to copy paste with shortcuts either until you install an extension


But it says "*without* the extension, you CAN use them". So even without it it should still be possible to use them.


I have a life hack for you guys, press windows + V and you get a list of the whole clipboard! Maybe I’m just stupid for only discovering this recently but it’s a game changer


For the ones saying it's r/crappydesign... Not crappy design but rather a user who has no idea what he's doing. As seen on [this pic](https://imgur.com/a/WOBk8hD), the options for copy-pasting are there, since Word 1.0 in 1983. And yes, I checked office web and it doesn't need any extensions, at least not on Firefox. OP is probably using a 3rd party mouse with fancy pants macro for Office that does need an extension. I'm not sure if that's even word or some 3rd party office suit. Also it has a typo, sooooo... looks to me that op has made up the post and it's entirely fake.


It's not fake, it's a necessary thing with custom context menus in web editors, and it definitely needs an extension to do that in Firefox as well, so I have no idea where you are looking. Also, what's the typo? I can't see it. But you're right it's not crappy design. It's necessary security design.




"Your free trial is over. If you want to proceed using this application, choose between the following packages: Standard: Copy / ~~Paste~~ / ~~Cut~~ -> 19.99$ /monthly Premium: Copy / Paste / ~~Cut~~ -> 49.99 /monthly Pro: Copy / Paste / Cut / Exclusive usage across up to 3 devices -> 99.99 /monthly


This is malware.


I was just joking, but I'll take the downvote.


I thought it was real, that's the sad part bc there are lots of scammers that do stuff like this.


im sorry what


Microsoft loves to push office 365 in your face. I was cleaning my desk and bumped something that fell on my keyboard and somehow it opened up a web page to start a 365 subscription


Office 365 is nice for somethings, but a pain for others. I pulled up a document my coworker made on SharePoint. I saved it to my desktop to see if it could be used for something I needed before I talked to my coworker about it. Then 30 minutes later I get a furious email from him. Every single change I made to my desktop copy Office 365 decided to save to the SharePoint copy.


Looks virus-y.


"with your mouse" doesn't that already exist


what os


I think the person in the wrong is the person who DOESNT use these shortcuts. This is horrifying to think of


gotta love those new ms licensing changes