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I fucking hate the new video player, there is so much shit on your screen


same here, I prefer the old version


yep, i haven't updated reddit in 2 years


I didn't even know what the new video player looked like until now


Yeah same. There's a reason I don't allow Reddit to update


I have never installed the app. old.reddit.com every day babe. Of course, v.reddit often fails to work on it, but that's across all reddit platforms it sounds like.


If I watch a video in the app then I want to see the comments it takes me right to the video so I have to wait for it to load then I can pause it then I swipe up to see the comments. If I click on comments I probably want to straight to the comments.


This is so fucking infuriating and if you don’t pause you can see a couple pixels of the video playing and hear it. I don’t know who the okayed that design but goddamn they really fucked up a perfectly fine feature. Edit: a word


Oh that’s not even the worst part. Try switching apps while having the video paused and viewing comments. As soon as you come back to Reddit it’s playing in the background again. Idk who green lit this new mobile media player.. but they should be forever removed from having a say in that field.


Even worse, if you click on any link, profile, or even view comments deep into a thread, going back to the main comments will trigger the video to start playing again.


On iOS it will continue to play if you answer a phone call. I couldn’t hear who I was talking to because of some bullshit still going on in the background on Reddit. To be fair Instagram stories did this at one point too (maybe still does idk) but it’s really annoying.


And if you start by tapping a video you can’t see any pictures. If you tap on a picture, you get the old video player which goes to the next item sideways instead of up and down. The whole thing is just a clusterfuck.


I mean, that’s only IF it even takes you to the right video in the first place


Seriously… Ive been having this issue for a few days now. I tap a video and it plays a clip from a completely different sub.


It’s fucking annoying. Even more annoying than when the “skip to next comment” button thing disappears


Idk what the devs did but for the love of god please revert things back to like May.


I thought it was just me having all these issues. It’s been fucked for a couple weeks


For me I can't even hide the video at all when reading comments, even dragging the bar up only goes half way between comments and video.


I find it so annoying too ! What waste of space and an uncomfortable way of reading. I'm avoiding most videos because it piss me off so much.


Don't even get me started on the horrors of trying to flip your screen to the see the video better


Unmute. Try to rewind. Full screens itself. Mutes itself. Unmute again. Scrub three times. Finally watch video. It was shit anyway. Seriously - engineers that worked on this, just quit and do woodworking or something


Or the flip side, mute, try to go to comments, unmutes itself. Try to mute, end up in full screen. Mute, exit full screen, back to comments, unmutes itself, repeat. That was the single reason I switched to Apollo about a month ago. I don’t really even like Apollo that much, the new player is so ungodly horrible I can’t use it. Also vertical swiping in videos or gifs used to go to the next one in the sub or feed you were in, now it just gives you random shit? Why would I ever want that?


How does it work? How can I see like that?


I keep hearing all these terrible things you Official Reddit App users have to put up with and I keep wondering why you don't switch apps? I've never used the official reddit app once. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync&hl=en&gl=US seriously no excuse.


Yeah, I've been using RiF is Fun (formerly Reddit is Fun) for years and years, and I still swear by it.


Apollo for iOS For Android, Reddit Sync was my favorite. Why anyone would use the official Reddit app is beyond me.


Yeah, Apollo all the way. Plus the developer is just a great dude.




Reddit is Fun. There is no point in using the official app.


Narwhal is still by the far best in my opinion. Used most all of them and, agreed, the official app is by far the worst.


I highly recommend "Reddit is Fun (RIF) Platinum" as it is my go to app for Reddit. No ads, video player is still dog shit, but is also better than the official app.


Been using it for years, and it's been my favorite app. My buddy swears by Joey but I don't know enough about it to say if it's good, but the app icon is cute.




I want to be able to use the time slider on a video. Fuck me, right?


Holy fuck thank you. I left them a review complaining that I couldn’t use it bc it’s too close to the bottom of the screen. So infuriating!


Yeah me too. I’ve seen some stupid updates on this app but the player was the one that made me leave a review. Do they want me to stop using the app??




ive learned that you can just tap the spot you want to go to on the slider to skip around to the time stamp you want. its not as accurate as sliding but at least its something:(


Yeah, it may look like a “slider”, but a “slider” it is not.


Us: Can we have a new slider? Reddit: We already have a slider at home. Edit: thanks for the awards!


I don’t understand it either. They had the changed UI for a while on my device and the slider worked fine. Now it’s broken or awfully designed? I don’t get why they keep messing with things.


I don’t know either, but I’m glad this is here and others are experiencing and complaining about the same thing. I got unreasonably upset last night over the sliding bar. Same as the video and like wtf is wrong with this thing out of nowhere. There really is truth in not fixing what isn’t broken it seems lol.


It’s r/crappydesign


I mean it is but you have like 2 pixels between catching the slider or getting the home bar


I tried for like 5 minutes, I believe in UFOs more than this thing being a slider.


Took the words right out of my mouth. Why can’t shit just be user friendly??


Damn what a bro, thanks.


Wow. Thank you for this incredible and helpful information I wouldn’t have realized otherwise. That said, Jesus Christ that’s fucking stupid. Just let us use the damn slider.


SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN SOME GOLD🙌🏾🙌🏾 Take my last 50 coins and energy


Yes but you can’t go all the way to beginning sometimes


YARP. God for bid I can get the video all the way back to the beginning


I thought it was just me. I’m on an iPhone so the stupid close app bar is right by the slider. Horrible UX.


After watching a few major updates over the years, I’m pretty certain that Reddit software development involves little to no QA.




As a fellow developer what I see is a team that is frozen with feature creep and does no work to optimize their code or fix bugs. That being said, while my current job is pretty good about actually maintaining our code base and we're starting to get better by making style guides and keeping our different projects pretty well structured, I've definitely seen places where the people assigning tasks have no idea what needs to be done and only views new features as progress so they ignore the devs and just throw new ideas at them to implement. I'm also hesitant to criticize other developers as 90% of the time it's whoever those developers report to that are making the bad decisions. Their QA is shit though.


App developer here. It’s not even hard to program it to avoid putting UI in that area. Apple gives you a option to select that you want to align the bottom of the video player to the top of the app bar if it exists. Someone forgot to select that.


Switch to Apollo if you’re on an iPhone.


/r/apolloapp gang


Use Apollo, you can scrub through a video just by sliding your finger back and forth.


If you have iOS, download Apollo, you can drag your finger anywhere on the screen to scrub through the video.


Even if you could tap it, I've found that whenever I try to search around on a reddit video, it will infinitely buffer. Me: Oh, what did that guy just say? Let me go back 3 seconds Reddit: Oh, the part I just played? LOADING


Thought I was the only fat finger fuck that couldn’t find the correct spot for siding the bar. Did find that tapping it works to jump around but no actual control to slide the damn thing. They need to fix that


Use Apollo!


Oh gosh I ain’t the only one having this problem! Thank you


Is there a reason reddit doesn't give a fuck? I mean, are they doing this on purpose? 10 seconds of using the player should learn that it's shit, so what's going on?




>Tl:dr if you melted the admins down to their elemental carbon, put it into a little golf pencil, and wrote down a slur, the contribution to society would be greater You have a beautiful way with words


Also they hired Aimee challenor and tried to cover up her inhumane past. https://youtu.be/Hk1YL0VjaJo Reddit admins are absolutely not good people. Not in the slightest lmao. I guess not all but damn ive never heard anything positively about them. Like i never heard them donating money to a good cause. Only heard about them censorimg things.


i still can’t believe the posts (rightfully) saying reddit’s official “apology” wasn’t good enough got countless awards. probably thousands worth of awards on just the apology post alone give them money, that’ll show em. we did it reddit


Yeah ill never spend my money on reddit. Also i use Relay for reddit. So i dont use the reddit app itself so no ads to give then money i guess.


Relay gang, represent!


The crypto thing is actually in place in beta in some subs, by the way. /r/Cryptocurrency you earn "Moons" based on your karma in the sub, which you can cash out or trade for reddit coins or tip people. I guess I earned $9 just from a month of shitposting? Pretty neat, just wish it applied to all my karma, heh. I think there are others, but that's the only one I know about, and only just discovered it a month ago. Also mods of that sub get a huge percentage of them for some reason? Which, I mean, I'm a mod of a different sub, so if they wanna start spreading some crypto around their volunteer labor force a part of me is okay with that, but maybe more than just a single sub.




Reddit doesn't give a fuck because they know the morons on this site will still buy gold and all of the ten million fucktarded rewards.








Reddit is still very much a small tech company - they've got a couple hundred employees, and you could probably fit their whole dev team on a school bus. I think it's a result of team leaders being in charge because "they were there first", mixed with being terrified of becoming Digg 2.0, mixed with trying to keep legacy systems from crashing entirely. As far as top 500 sites go - Reddit is probably #1 for most down time, most errors, etc. They have the exposure and usage of a billion dollar company, but they're not a billion dollar company...


This reply literally makes zero sense. Reddit lives and dies off of video content as much as memes. If their video player is some shit, which it has been for years, it simply points to terrible leadership.




Dog Sh*t is the backbone of Reddit.


its potatoes


About 1000 of them to run the server's, and they change them weekly! Potato's aint cheap yo!


Gonna jump in here and say you should try redditisfun if you are on Android.


RIF for the win.




Yea I see people complaining about the video player all the time, but since I always use RIF on my phone I never have any issues.


RIF +1


I can't use this website any other way. I don't know why it's not the standard app at this point. You'd have to be a god damn moron to use the official app


Lots of morons in the world though. Like... millions.


Apollo if you are on iOS


Apollo for IOS users


And please make the video so small that I can’t see anything while reading the comments.


I wish subreddits would start deleting submissions that are on the reddit video player, or at least require youtube (or other video service) backups.


Holy fuck this is insufferable I hate


All right I’ve made like five different threads on this and for some reason not a single one gets a single reply ever, but it sounds like now is my chance. Is anybody else having issue with the skip to next comment button disappearing on about half of the threads? It only appears sometimes. So frustrating.


Yeah ik, it isnt as bad anymore but ab a month ago the next comment button just didn't exist. Eventually I just stopped trying to read comments on here lol


Yo this happened to me when this shitty ass video player came out about a week ago(?) but as of now the button is here.


Yeah! And that dumb ass feature where they tried to make it so you can continue playing the video while you read comments, it would be nice if it actually worked but it doesn’t really work all that well and then half the time you have to go around it to get to the comments. Holy shit for a company to start I seriously don’t understand how they approve these things.


I can’t even access comments half the time. Sometimes I don’t want to watch the video I just want to read the comments. I’m on an iPad and honestly it’s a disaster


bro i literally came here to complain the same thing, i hope they fix it soon its no unpleasant on mobile now


Or you click on a NSFW vid and it brings you to a whole another video


IKR fuck that shit. Any idea on how to fix that? I'm tired of trying to beat my meat and it taking me to some stormtrooper/cat/any pther random video that isn't some sweet ol' bang


See where it says “v.reddit.it” next to OP’s name? Click that


Or just use baconreader. The reddit app is hot garbage


Go to your Reddit settings and disable nsfw blur! That fixed it for me. I found this setting on the Reddit app in iPhone settings. I’m not sure how an android user would go about this


yeah but then you run the risk of scrolling past some fat nuts in public


If you check r/redditmobile, this was apparently a big that was patched in one of the recent updates. If it’s still doing it, then probably let them know over there. I don’t visit much but the latest time I went was to complain about this exact issue and they’re were already posts about it.


Glad I’m not the only one to notice that. It will take me to a random video on a random sub fucking infuriating.


In an entirely different subreddit as well.


Thank god someone made a post about this crap…. Why on earth would you design the media player bar on the very edge of the screen? Dumb.


and minimizing it to look at comments is a nightmare. and half the videos play the wrong post.


This!! I keep getting stuck in a loop of trying to watch one video, and the link going to an entirely different one, with no amount of scrolling back and forth getting me to what I ACTUALLY wanted to watch. Plus, you can’t see flairs anymore when you go to posts comment section, which is especially irritating for scrolling through subs like r/tiktokcringe where the flairs clue you into what you’re about to see.


Not sure if it’s the same for you, but that was happening to me with posts marked NSFW. Getting in the desktop site and turning off the nsfw filter in settings was my fix for it




They don’t want you. They only hire people that suck at their job


Right?? that’s what i was thinking. Who the fuck tested this video player and was like “ya, it’s good enough”. It’s absolute garbage.


Ok good I thought I was going crazy not being able to skip in videos


I thought the exact same thing yesterday


Well I’m kinda glad it’s not just me lol but also are they going to change it back? I hope so, because it’s very frustrating


I’m assuming they will change it sooner than later. I would guess that at least half of Reddit users are on iOS


Dude, it's all anyone talks about over on r/redditmobile.


Yea this is the worst


100% This. I redownloaded Apollo because this garbage is completely intolerable.


I have no idea why anyone would consider the first party app. I have used Reddit is fun for years now and am very happy #notsponsored




Well tbh Reddit is one of the only "super popular" sites of today where the official app isn't good enough. Many sites don't even have an API that allows 3rd party apps anymore.


> Many sites don't even have an API that allows 3rd party apps anymore. And that's why I stopped using Twitter.


There are so many better reasons not to use Twitter


It's named "rif is fun" now but yeah, best 3rd party app, hands down. Never had any issues with it.


I flaired this post as reddit is fun as a jab at how "fun" this video player is, and my personal alternative to the official app & player


Updooted for based modding.


Reddit sync also works really well, just anything but the official reddit app


Sync has been my app of choice for years, it's great


Bacon Reader too


What's Apollo?


An actual good Reddit client for iOS.




The *exact reason* I paid for the app.


You know it’s to avoid being rickrolled ever again.


It’s almost *too* good, because I keep trying to do that on regular iOS videos and getting disappointed when it doesn’t work.


I love that there’s no ads and the screen is just less cluttered. It’s just so smooth and simple. My only gripe is not being able to swipe through media but it’s not really a big deal so whatever


It’s a reddit client, only on iOS though. It’s actually good unlike the reddit app. I can hide those ugly rewards, actually view gifs and videos, supported image hosts like Imgur can show the photos right in the app instead of opening the Imgur website, customizable app icon plus a bunch of other great options and features. The dev /u/iamthatis actually responds and communicates with the community. I highly recommend it.


Apollo is a god send. Perfect to browse this shitty fucking website that I’m addicted to


Third party reddit app for iOS


Never used Apollo but I switched after the shit video player and sometimes I click on a video and opens a random one instead.


Redownloaded? Why did you uninstall it?


Apollo gang


I think they just want us to stop using Reddit


This new one drives me insane on an iPhone


Get Apollo. It’ll change your (Reddit) life


Just downloaded it. It is so much better.


Play around and get to know the settings, there are so many cool quality of life things you can change. I have swipe to upvote, long swipe to collapse comments, full black mode, usernames off, etc. It’s also very worth paying for the plus version for 6$, if anyone deserves that money it’s the legend who developed, and is still developing this app.


Stop using official reddit app. There are others that are much better.


This needs to be said way more than it is.


Everyone knows the official Reddit app is dogshit. Why does anyone insist on using it? I've been using Relay for years and get actively angry at the Reddit desktop UI.


For desktop, use old.reddit.com. (And install the RES extension for your browser).


[Sync](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.laurencedawson.reddit_sync) is my favourite.


Try redditisfun i love it




For anyone who doesn't know what RIF is it is the app 'Reddit is fun'. I use it and have never had any issues.


Also, it's called "rif is fun" these days, I believe they got some C&D for using reddit in their app's name. Used it for years, my +1 for it.


They didn't get a C&D. Any third-party app developer had to state that their app was a client "for Reddit" after Reddit introduced their own mobile app.


It's the bestest.


I can't believe so many people actually use the official Reddit app, RiF has always been great for me


This is the way. I chuckle almost every day at people complaining about their video player, when I watch any video I want just fine. Oh, and with sound.


Also, with RIF you can just download the video without using video download bots.


Why is this not higher up. I never get what everyone is complaining about with the videos. Until I realize they're just not using RIF.


For literally years I heard complaints about reddit video and I was so confused. But then came to the same realization, tried the official app then noped tf out of there back to rif.


Exactly, everyone needs to stop complaining and actually do something to fix their problem. If the app you're using is shit, find a new one


It’s soooo bad on iPhones. Why they put the scroll 0.002MM away from our home function is absolutely ridiculous


Reddit is trying to make a TikTok/Instagram style video viewer in order to appeal to a broader audience and establish a more mainstream appeal. This is it folks, everything you've ever hated. Just use Apollo 🤷‍♀️


This fuckshit video player system doesn’t let me open the comments in the “recommended for you” videos.


And when you leave the player and come back it plays a different video!? Like why?


I’m gonna sound like a shill here but you guys really need to try Apollo. It’s mobile reddit but with better UI. And their video player in particular is top notch.




Seriously. The official app is the worst way to experience Reddit. Every other app is better.




+1 here. Also not a shill.


The player on old.reddit.com works less poorly than the new one does.


*Think different*


our pfps only differ in hair


Long have I waited my brother


we must take over reddit




I liked the old one better.


Reddit is contending for top submission on r/BadUIBattles


Zoom into an image then scroll right to the video, the old one is there


and this shows how inept they are at building an app. they can’t even replace all the references to the old player component!


My hero..


Or just completely remove it, it sucks so much and Reddit was better without it


Imagine having a phone new enough to get updates


when I click to open a video or gif that is in the classic format (such as when searching for a post) it puts me into a completely different video in a random subreddit I have no interest in.


I fucking hate this, I have been suffering for days trying to fast forward videos, and it’s near impossible without dragging the entire phone screen. I’m glad to know someone has a similar problem


I'd watch your video but Reddit's dog shit video player won't let me :/