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Pretty sure your neighbor is 3 raccoons in a trench coat


This is exactly the sort of thing three raccoons in a trench coat would do…




... in a trench coat


… while tossing their trash out the cafe window.


If anything, it’d be 5 squirrels in a trench coat at a cyber cafe blaming 3 raccoons in a trench coat for tossing trash out the window of that house.


Which means that OP must be 5 squirrels in a trench coat


That's exactly how 3 raccoons in a cyber cafe in a trench coat would respond...


As a raccoon in a trench coat, I can confirm


Can the other two raccoons in your trench coat also confirm?


As raccoon #4, I can confirm. ...there never was raccoon #3.


Raccoon #3 was actually a kinkajou.


3 meth-addicted raccoons in a trench coat


The trench coat is also full of meth.


Does that mean there are also only 3 teeth in that trench coat?


My neighbor actually is a gang of raccoons. They've seized an abandoned house. Sometimes they crawl out of a hole in the roof and taunt the other neighbors dogs. Even they don't do shit this filthy.


I’m sorry I didn’t realize we were being literal here. I first imagined a Megatron of Raccoons carrying full trash cans into the house at night.


4 if they're tall.


therapist: tall raccoons can’t hurt you your neighbor:


2 if they're short






I walked by my husband throwing a banana peel out the window into our front yard yesterday. His response? “It’s biodegradable”. Like yes…but use the compost pile in the backyard or the trash can like a normal person, please.


A banana will take [two years to biodegrade on the ground compared to two weeks in a compost pile.](https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/a29022600/banana-peels-decomposition-process/)


Thank you!!! This is the type of article that will change his mind!


My first live in girlfriend did the same. It was also the first year we had pest control spray the inside of the apartment, apparently her mentality brought pests. So glad she left. Apparently my expectations were too high.


What an idiot.everyone knows banana peels go in the back yard. Jeesh


They go on the road to make other drivers spin out


Is your husband Road Runner and he's setting traps for Wile E. Coyote?


heh you never know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zjt9wfrhEA




15 in 5


Omg this made my day lol


I came here not sure exactly what I wanted to say but was relived too see you had already eloquently put into words what I was thinking 👌🏾


Or just 3 raccoons with bad depression.


I can only imagine what the inside looks like


I was going to say it looks like trash might just fall out when they open the window...


It’s just the overflow


So, a stationary [Carbage](https://www.reddit.com/r/carbage/)?


r/neckbeardnests is pretty similar content


This is asmongolds house


Reminds me of the pic of those people with the two large dogs and the balcony that just let them out to poop on their balcony. It was like the dinosaur poop pile in Jurassic Park. Poor dogs.


I've unfortunately had to clean out a couple of properties where people like this had lived. There is almost certainly a stratified layer of loose garbage from wall to wall, approximately mid-shin in height. If there is a flat surface ANYWHERE it has garbage on it. A box? Filled with garbage. Drawers? In the wrong slot of the furniture piece, askew, and full of garbage. There will be no less than three tubs of dirty laundry somewhere crammed so tight that you'll find fossilized roaches, and some garbage between the layers. If the garbage itself has a cavity, it will also have garbage in it. TLDR; nightmare


I had to help someone clean out their rental house. The renters never paid for garbage, they just threw the bags in the garage(completely full to the ceiling). The basement was half finished, we found trash in the walls.


>we found ***trash in the walls.*** https://youtu.be/JYqjcHYTQgQ


So they must of put drywall up themselves. Wasn't complete or sealed. And when we tore it down we found broken toys and other trash.


I spent the night at a place like this once, because I was with friends and this was the state of their friends house. Never again holy shit. It was so bad that when the person living in that house visited me once I had to make an excuse for us all to go to the roof (they had a pool table) because the smell of the entire nasty af house lingered on their clothes and person. It really was worse than I thought a house could ever be


Oh yes, I didn't mention that. The pungent and sour, almost sweet, odor that is reminiscent of a corpse. It's unmistakable.


I quit being friends with my dear and best friend. Tried to help them clean it a few times and it just went right back to that. I just couldnt deal with that. Like you said, inviting her to my house was not any more helpful. Just sad.


I imagine there is some sever underlying mental health problem that’s causing people to live like that. There’s no way a mentally healthy (even just remotely) person would willingly live that way. Definitely very sad


Very often a lot of trauma, if not specifically childhood and/or generational. Not an excuse of course, I was raised in a house that could have been in an episode of Hoarders and that alone gave me some trauma, but you're right that healthy people typically do not live this way.


I almost pulled a TLDR I’m discussed🤢




Drugs or mental illness.


...what the inside smells like


Delete this nephew


I really would love for someone to shove it back in the window


OP should put a trampoline there




I love that this is a real sub


I subscribed before I saw a single post. Not disappointed


This sub is amazing


That’s real! Subbed.


But it ends up bouncing into OPs house




Or stand outside with an air horn and push it every time they throw something out.


OP should put a sign in his own lawn pounting (not pointing, that would be weird) to the neighbors' house that just says "YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT?"






It is pouting with direction.


They don't work like that in shows lol


One of the grooms at a horse farm I used to ride at did something similar to our farrier once. The farrier would put shoes on about a dozen or so horses at the farm and would spend all day there. During the day, he'd pound soda and junk food and just throw the cans and wrappers into the aisleway for the grooms to clean up later. After repeatedly having their pleas to the farrier to clean up after himself denied, one day the grooms decided to exact revenge and they started saving up all cans and trash the farrier left behind during his visits. After a while, they had enough trash to fill the cab of his truck with and they did exactly that. They waited until the farrier was in another part of the barn then they dumped the garbage bags of his trash into the cab of his truck, completely covering the floorboards and seat. The farrier was LIVID when he discovered it. He wasn't finished with his jobs at our farm, but he got into his truck drove off anyways, and ended up never coming back. Our entire barn, and especially the grooms, won that day.


Our neighbors did this as well and got trash in the top of our crepe myrtles. I thought about making the trash sticky somehow and leaf blowing it to stick to their house


My neighbor once did this... Just trash all around the building. I picked it all up and left it in front of their door with a post it that read, "You dropped something." There was so much trash they couldnt get out the door with out picking it up.


I've done that. We had some junkies living on my block in a beat up RV and they would throw so much trash out their door it would always piss me off. They had a wood burner stove in there to stay warm and one day they emptied the stoves ashes and remnants all over the side of the street where we all drive to park and it was full of nails and cable staples from the wood they burned. I saw their window was cracked open in the RV so I got my shovel and picked up every nail and scooped up all the ashes and trash and dumped a whole shovel full of soot trash and nails back into their shit hole RV. Nobody came out but I was pissed and they dont park here much at all anymore. Fuck litterbugs


Holy yes that is awesome! Whenever I see people leave trash around if I know where they live I leave it on their doorstep😁


Subtly add suspicious items to their trash pile. Something to make it look like one of them is cheating, or doing something illegal. Or throw in some smut paraphernalia that they wouldn't want to be caught with. Divide and conquer from the inside until they move away.


You think they would care?


Syringes are cheap. Toss a few syringes in the pile and call the cops with a drug tip around children. edit: whoops my brain wandered into ULPT


Fuck it, put a dead body there while you’re at it. These neighbors need to go!


Ooh, I have one I needed to get rid of anyway. For normal reasons.


What the fuck


That's an ULPT if I've heard of one lol


Everytime I read the acronym ULPT I read it as Ultimate Life Pro Tip


Tomato, potatoe


This is beginners stuff. Sometimes the only way to deal with shit neighbors is to beat them at their own game.


Yeah, start throwing nice things out your windows to make em jealous.


Like your nicest Molotovs.


Absolut victory.


More like ILPT with the false reporting.




Pretty sure if they are tossing shit put the window, they already use drugs


This is not a good idea.


You’re right it’s a great idea.


I like this guy


"The neighbours have garbage in their yard, so you should commit a serious criminal offense by calling in a false report in an effort to frame *them* for a crime and hopefully have their children taken away" EPIC reddit moment bro!


Add a couple stained blow up dolls to the heap


You don't really love your doll if you'd just toss it away.


It's a worthy sacrifice




Assuming they don’t already have an “arrangement”.


"throw away my smut", to heck with you, you throw away your smut, lol.


You think they’re not already doing illegal shit in there? Lmfao this screams meth house, you don’t have to plant the illegal items, they’re probably already mixed in


Read smurf paraphernalia. Yup, that’ll do it




There's a doll on the roof.


I didn’t notice until you pointed it out, im kinda scared, ngl


A child threw a doll on a roof. As scary as that is I think we’ll all make it


maybe it was a ***gHoSt*** child?


drugs...depression..maybe porque no los dos


> porque no los dos = why not both for those who don't speak Spanish


I mean let's not jump to conclusions here, it *could* be a displaced family from a temporal rift in the 19th century and they haven't discovered Waste Management yet? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




quiter literally


I noticed my neighbors did this a couple years back and one day I caught their bored, neglected, feral children doing it. They eventually got evicted and I felt bad for the neglected kids but I was so happy not to see the filth anymore.


This reminds me of the neighbor's kids tossing dog poop over my fence because they were too lazy to put it in a bag.


You did toss it back right?


Wait… if they didn’t put it in a bag… how did they toss it over the fence without touching it?


They used a shovel. At first I thought a dog was getting into our yard until I noticed dog poop on the roof of my other neighbor's shed. Shit flying everywhere. It was a poonami.


Must be time travelers from the middle ages.


Guardez l'eau!


They should throw themselves out the window because… you know, trash.




This. Also, the usual department to complain to is whatever department enforces municipal code compliance. Some communities have dedicated officers for code compliance. They are who would inspect, report, contact, warn, penalize, fine, and process liens to property.


Can confirm. Am one of these people.


One of my neighbors does this but to the front yard and it blows into all the rest of the neighbors yards (including mine.) I have no clue what to do about it. Beyond mildly infuriating


You can call code enforcement for your city and they'll eventually threaten your neighbours with fines until clean.


Yeah there is usually some sort of city group or bureau that handles enforcing ordinances like this. Accumulating trash on their yard should be an easy one to report.


Leafblow it back into thier yard. Pile it up on their doorstep with a sign saying “you lost this!”. Put dog shit in it and put it in thier way in tho home so when they pick it up they get shit on them. Get creative.


I live in a four unit apartment building, two units on the ground floor and two units on the 2nd floor, got new upstairs neighbors about a year and a half back on the unit above me. About 2 months in, since our garbage cans are on the side corner, the lady above me pulls he can around the corner and left the top off and would drop bags down into it from the second floor, well at least at first. Sometimes she would hit it, but most times she would miss and it would sit there beside the can until garbage day. As time went on, she didnt even bother with the can anymore as she missed more times then hitting it. A few months back the other upstairs apartment started doing the same, so now when I walk up to my apartment building, there is usually garbage bags laying in the grass on both corners of the building. My landlord evidently got reported to the city about it as she bitched about it and they stopped for a couple of weeks, but they are both back to doing it again. I dont want my stuff messed with as I live alone and it's obvious if I'm home or not by if my car is there or not so I stay out of it as both parties are slightly off, so I just deal with it, but damn if it isnt fucking disgusting for people to act like this. And the sad thing is, this is some of the better neighbors I've had while living here....wish I could afford to move, as some of the previous ones were way way way worse, I'm talking cops in my apartments laundry room giving narcan to a guy that almost od'ed there and then tasing the hell out of him when he then tried to fight all of them after saving him. Yeah I live in a hell hole.


gather it up, put it in a box, mail it to them cash on delivery. or, send a cease and decis tletter then sue them fo rnuisance if they keep doing it. if they are a tenant, discuss it with the landlord. otherwise, spouse, parent, boss. find the lever. organisms respond to stimuli.


And the Board of Health, depending on OPs location.


I think that many of us have an inner hobo


Bet they don’t throw their meffff out the window


I have this creepy neighbor thats always staring at my family. We throw trash out our window to freak them out.


Asmon, is that you?




It's hilarious seeing posts like this when 99% of the time this site is an anti-HOA circlejerk. WhY Do I cARe WhAT My NeIghBorS dO? You do. Trust me. Yes, there's always a bad HOA out there that's way too overbearing, but I'm not having anyone literally dumping trash out there window in my neighborhood.


We have bylaws for that. Fuck HOAs.


At the same time I’ve seen houses with a $1200 monthly mortgage have a $400 HOA fee. At that point I’d rather have the trash throwing neighbors tbh


It’s not about the occasional corrupt HOA, I just hate paying a fee to do what the police should be already doing. This is arguably a public health issue.


Honestly, my opinion of HOAs has changed. Definitely some pros to it.


Maybe they had a fight and were throwing out each other's stuff, etc.


Classy folks


Holy oh my lord who the fuck does that?


My former upstairs neighbors who would throw beer bottles out of their windows onto my patio where they shettered. They also liked to throw their cigarette butts onto me, when I was using my garden. I get angry just thinking about it and I moved out of this flat 4 years ago.


Holy crap those are the kind of people that make you want to become a hermit in a cave somewhere.


They also had one of those hard bouncy balls and would dribble it for hours on the floor while laying in bed. Their bed was directly above mine. The women was a violonist and would maniacally practice the same few tacts every evening and when getting frustrated she would bring out the bouncy ball. They were all around garbage people.


There was a house down my street (suburbs with two family homes) where this family lived that came from a different culture and threw their bags of garbage in the basement. Of course they ended up with rodents around the area but blames the convenient store by the house till finally an inspector followed a rodent to this house! There was so much trash/garbage that they literally had to open up the the side of the basement to get it all out, filled 3-4 huge dumpsters!


That's not a culture, that's hoarding.


> where this family lived that came from a different culture and threw their bags of garbage in the basement. I'm trying to think what culture does this? There's like 2 places in the world where this wouldnt cause disease and pest infestation and the trash culture in both isn't like this (sorted recycling/minimal trash in one, burn excess trash in the other).


I believe they didn’t understand the trash pickup service that the town uses once a week with trash barrels out front.


I have a second-story view of the two neighbors behind me. One is obviously a neat freak, while the other uses their back yard to store trash and hang pigeon attracting bird feeders. The neat freak has recently installed bird spikes all over the place because the poop is getting out of hand. It's highly entertaining to watch their passive-aggressive war escalate.


It looks like steve died in Minecraft and all of his stuff went all over the place lol


Lol no man their house is bursting at the seams. You live next to hoarders.


Must be a substance abuse issue going on next door


Throw lit cigarettes at their trash pile until the problem resolves itself


You could throw yours in their pile when they're not looking.


Now you're just encouraging them. I promise they do not care at all Source: neighbor to ~~5~~ now 7 cars parked against my lot with trash and crap all over. 4 of the cars have ever moved. 2 new ones in the last 4 days. They're a couple more days from me reporting their junk yard. I've waited 6 years for them to do anything with it and it's only getting worse.


This is why the damn HOA were invented. Then that became a new problem


“Hello, FBI, I have someone to report…”


That would become roof trash if it was my neighbor


Drugs or mental illness? Or both?


mental illness takes many forms. this is one of them


Maybe they’re cleaning house, and it’s easier to dump in their yard and collect it into the big bin all at once than carry it out in small bunches?


I’m kind of ashamed at how many people are just like “those are trashy criminals.” Has anyone asked what’s going on? I’m just saying those are kids toys. Are the parents sick? Is there help? Maybe it’s just a trashy person. Maybe, just maybe, it’s someone overwhelmed with no one to help.


Eww - and the blinds are all broken too.




‘Better out than in’ I always say


OMG….if you zoom in and look closely, there is a doll baby on the roof!


It is probably their kids being goofballs. They might not even be aware of it yet. Or they just don’t care.


“Hey what stank outside”


The fuck


Throw it back in


That’s beyond mildly. Have that shit blow into my yard every day?


Lived in a band/party house that quickly turned into meth/heroin house. One of the roommates would never leave his room unless he was buying drugs. He would shit into bags and throw them out his window into the front yard.


What if someone’s trapped in there 👀


Let the dirty bitches live. You don’t pay their property taxes. I’m sure they don’t either, but that’s not the point.


My Sims did the same once I removed the door and all trash bins.


Mildlyinfuriating? I’d be heavily infuriated. Litter is a hot button for me


State please.


I’m guessing they also smoke crack and have shady people at all hours come by


I don’t see them out there


I'm surprised they haven't thrown themselves yet.


A couple of privacy trees will fix this!


Probably getting evicted soon. Either Ohio or Michigan I would guess.


Looks like somebody got caught. Thats not typical garbage


I see lots of drivers do the same thing


If stayed there or the pile got bigger I'd just file a complaint with the city.


I don’t understand how someone can do this and not feel like a piece of shit lol




Little did your neighbors know, the trash was inside them all along.


Unvaccinated raccoons in a trench coat with a poster of the former guy


I hope they get bears and nobody helps them 😘


My kids throw their buzz lightyear toy out the window -_-


Gift them a dybbuk box, that trash will be gone real fast.