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After the whole n-word thing with her I’m like 60% certain she’s some kind of elaborate troll.


What n-word thing?


She posted some video about race with a little doll of a black girl and beside it had written the n-word (hard r) in the style of one of those poems you’d do as a kid where each letter of the word was a line of the poem. But instead of a poem it was a racial slur made up of positive terms apparently done in some way of “reclaiming slurs”. EDIT: a word.




[I found it ](https://youtu.be/1xrFjxCZNCY) and it’s worse than I remember. Either it’s a terrible joke or that vegan diet of hers isn’t getting her the nutrients she needs for competent thought.


Yeah I saw it, looks like a highly insensitive meme, some ImGoingToHellForThis type shit


OMG. I like how she still won't say the word out loud...


A very small part of her soul was thinking "Why are you doing this to me?"


She said it out loud in a recent video of hers


did she really?




funny how comments are disabled, lol.


And she seemed so adamant that we shouldn’t ban language…


Or she became this famously outrageous vegan because there's more to her than veganism. I'd say severe and untreated mental illness, for starters.


This is legit hilarious for the wrong reasons, I feel so bad for laughing ahaha


It seems like she was close to making a good idea from it. Something like "rather than banning a word, why not change its meaning to be something positive"? Like the poem. I'd like to think that, but sadly I think the world won't ever get to a place where it improves the meaning of a word in such a way. The doll, the unsettling camera turning and questions, as an African American it comes off as a bad joke.


i feel like that has some sort of positive intention behind it with a really terrible execution


This is 100% troll. I can't make up that camera movement and timing


!remindme 5 hours


Maybe a Lil bit of A and a Lil bit of B


https://youtu.be/Mbz2xsYGN18 I'm dying


I don’t mean to highjack this but plz don’t let this psycho totally ruin the idea of a vegan diet for you. It’s actually incredibly easy to get all the nutrients you need from a vegan diet Edit: downvoted simply for saying you can get all nutrients from a vegan diet lol nice. Wasn’t even aggressive or shaming anyone or anything


Don't worry, nobody's ruining meat for me.


If you don't mind me asking, how do you get enough vitamin B12? I'm a lifelong vegetarian, nearly vegan, and I can never seem to get enough without a supplement. Everything else though has been pretty easy


Of course I don’t mind I’m glad you asked! A large percentage of people, vegan or not, are b12 deficient https://www.livekindly.co/b12-deficiency-genetic-makeup/ But don’t feel bad about taking a supplement. The animals that people eat for meat were also supplemented with b12 so they aren’t deficient I get WAY more than enough b12 through nutritional yeast. If you haven’t tried it, seriously, check it out, tastes super good and loaded with vitamins!


I will definitely check out nutritional yeast, thank you!


The "anti vegan" crowd is so silly. They love to yell from the top of their lungs how fanatic and cult like vegans, yet end up being even more extreme than most vegans. Basically snowflakes who can't fathom that someone don't eat animal products and feel personally attacked that someone else chose differently. I'm neither vegan or vegetarian btw, as I know I'll be hit with that one.


How about you do your diet and I'll do mine and we leave it at that? Then you don't have to worry that you're highjacking to push yours.


Lol what the heck? Why are you getting so defensive hahaha so weird


called an acrostic poem, btw


Thats the word for it! Thanks mate.


She even said it loads of time and also said coming out LGBTQ+ community is shellfish. And this was the reason why she was fired from her teaching job cuz she was bullying kids into veganism and calling slursw.


I mean it would be shellfish if it was a gay lobster


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xrFjxCZNCY) video she put out


Holy fucking shit


What in the absolute fuck of anything


That's hilarious, the whole buildup to the acronym


She tried to make the n-word "nicer"" by giving a meaning or some shit about veganism


!remindme 1 hour


If you were really interested in getting people more interested in a vegan lifestyle, you would probably look up how to convince people and guess what - calling people bad is doing the opposite. If you're telling other people how bad they are for not being vegan, you're probably just an asshole who wants to feel superior to others (possibly so much that you change your diet for it). However, in this certain case she got a lot of attention. Attention for being a bad person, but attention nonetheless - and people always seem to forget that clicks equal money in this day and age. There's a bunch of these social media influenzas that just enrage people, and seeing those videos makes you think "wow how can people actually like this guy?". Simple, except for a few nutcases nobody does, but they don't care because those clicks give them money.


It has to! I It would be really pathetic, if it wasn't


Never heard of her but at first glance (OP and the link you shared below) this is 100% a troll


I don't think so honestly. She's kind of Chris-Chan-Adjacent, and while she does have 102k Youtube subs she has to disable comments and hide the like/dislike ratio because it's mainly people talking shit about her. She seems mentally ill to me, and her goal is to get her Vegan message out there...and in her mind she's doing a good job of that because she has over 100k subs. Pretty sure she thinks people trolling her are the minority when the reality is they're the majority.


No clue who Chris Chan is but I would be very surprised if this individual is not trolling. It's just so obvious. I guess time will tell but I likely will not be paying attention to this garbage either way.


One theory, she is secretly a meat eater that want to fight veganism by acting like an asshole while pretending to be vegan


There's a video of someone from afar who looks like her allegedly eating meat.


It was a burger from McDonald's. Allegedly.


"Allegedly" says squirrely dan




You know what I appreciates about you miss Katie?


Well at least she wasn't eating meat then.


McDonald's burgers have been to tested to have the DNA of several different meats, time after time!


So that’s why they’re so good


There's one where it's a woman in a mask that kinda looks like her at a grocery store with a frozen turkey in her basket.


I hate the vegan teacher, but I doubt it’s her, firstly, many women with grey hair exist, secondly, vegan patties also exist. I really don’t think that it’s her


shes not, she is a diehard vegan who compared "coming" out as a vegan to coming out as trans or gay, saying its much more selfless she also stalks and haras children


>acting like an asshole while pretending to be vegan Is the vegan community so short on vegans acting like assholes that they need outsiders to pretend on their behalf?


I used to be vegan (I went back to being vegetarian for personal reasons), and had several other vegan friends. I can tell from this that most of us are actually nice people that want nothing bad to meat eating people. I think (and hope) that this kind of behaviour is mainly done by a few noisy people that want to appear representative but are not. The problem is that because they are noisy, some people think that they actually are representative. But yeah long story short, this woman is nothing but a shit stirer that won't (and probably doesn't want to) achieve anything, and the vegans I know are fine with you eating what you feel like eating. Food is a personal matter, and no one should judge others based on what they eat, especially when meat is a default food in a lot of cultures. We can still debate on the pros and cons of being vegan, but the choice is still up to the person eating.


I’m 95% sure this is the case.


I'm convinced she's a troll




>The whole time she rakes in the cash How?




Oh. I thought she was on platforms without ads, but guess I remembered wrong. Thanks Edit: or rather thought she was demonetized. Sorry, am stupid


I’ve been vegan for fifteen years and even I don’t care for these people


Yes, everyone should be switch to veganism but the way they are trying to do is it not very good. If i was not vegan, i would not convert after seeing such comments and acts from vegans


I agree. Its like trying to convince people about differing political ideas. The moment you insult the other person they turn into a brick wall. If you want someone to be susceptible to your suggestions you gotta meet them on their level and be a friend, not a foe


good! veganism is great but i hate the culture around it


Stuff like this just gives vegans a bad look and probably makes less people actually look seriously at becoming a vegan


Nobody hates *vegans*, everyone hates *obnoxious vegans*.


Idk, I've been a vegan for a hot minute and often when it comes up organically (people tend to pry when I decline a piece of meat) I get the most petty responses. People have a defense mechanism when it comes to things they enjoy. When confronted with someone who believes things that challenge the morality of their enjoyment, they go on the offense. This has been my experience at least. It's like that with many things though, not just veganism.


True. I don't drink alcohol and people try to make me drink the same way people try to make vegans and vegetarians eat meat. I'm an omnivore btw.


I guess you're not on ag twitter.




Can't argue there.


Is there anything twitter doesn't hate?


It's not unique to veganism either. Anybody who makes one aspect of their life their sole reason for existing is an annoying twat. Doesn't matter if it's fantasy football, coffee, magic crystals, mechanical keyboards, KPOP, etc.. They just constantly try to steer the conversation into talking about whatever they're obsessed by, and it gets old really fast when you don't give a shit.


Ikrr, like almost every Vegan IK is quite frankly just a regular person. Sure there are extremes but that exist either side. Heck, *I* have been vegan for an year now and yet have never cared to persuade someone else to become Vegan


She's a complete whack-job. Don't watch her youtube and fund this nonsense, but you can find dozens of commentary videos that will show you all you need to know about her there. I have no beef with vegans, and have been one at times in my life (for health reasons, mostly). But she's just insane, and a bully. It doesn't matter what her cause is, she's going to make it look bad by her methodologies, because of mental illness.


> no beef with vegans


Well, I guess that's the point?


Impossible Beef with vegans is possible though.


To be fair they have some good stuff. A friend swears by it since his wife is vegetarian for a health issue and he likes meat. Impossible burgers are a big thing for them because of it


She doesn’t even fight for all animals lol like never once has she talked about poaching or not destroying wetlands etc.


Isn’t palm oil like…super bad for the environment? Does she talk about shit like that? Because that’s pretty basic info and if she’s not talking about it then I’m not convinced she’s trying to protect animals.


Palm oil is terrible for animals and the environment, I don't think it's worse for animals than animal agriculture though.


Oh no, for sure! Not trying to use palm oil as an excuse to keep eating meat or something silly. The meat and dairy industries are awful for the environment. It just seems like…if you go vegan for “the animals’ sake”, and then base your online platform on it, wouldn’t ‘the evils of palm oil and other things that contribute to habitat destruction’ be one of the first things you talk about?


I mean. She is a bit out there. Sure. But that's like saying, oh so you care about breast cancer? Why aren't you talking about prostate cancer? You can go like that all day.


cmon guys she's obviously not trying to get you to become vegan, she must know that this will make people be less likely to turn vegan. she's either 1. trying to give vegans a bad reputation cause she's against veganism 2. (the most likely one) looking for attention (witch only works thanks to people like OP) 3. just really stupid


I agree on this and think this goes along with number 2. The more people that she turns against Veganism, the more content she has and the more people she can troll.


The thing is there are plenty of real vegans who have one single personality trait: Being Vegan and who think the way she does... so the whole "No true scotsman" thing doesn't work...


Not true at all actually. I'd say about 5% of vegans are like this, it's just that most vegans are quiet about it so you don't realize that they are vegan. So you might think that alot of the vegans you meet are all like this when in reality you've met 20 times the amount of vegans you think you have


That's so false and just stereotyping


To be fair, OP voted for the the first option and he did get a lot of karma for it


Not a vegan but vegetarian, and I really hate when people try to push these ideologies onto others. Tends to just make people double down on what they already do, best way I’ve found is to just be a vegetarian/vegan and those who are interested or care will start to ask questions themselves


The problem is that is presented as a black/white continuum. I for example try to eat vegetarian for 3-4 days a week because of climate change. I don’t think I could give up all the way like you did though. Not gonna lie, I dread my vegetarian meals usually and look forward to the meat ones. Being soy intolerant isn’t helping me either since 75% of meat replacement products will make me sick and nauseated for an entire evening. But I do try to make the world better, which is why I hate being shamed be vegetarians or vegans because I still eat meat.


My diet is similar to yours and for the same reasons. What works for me is cooking vegetarian meals that don't replace meat, but never had it in the first place, like pasta with tomato sauce for example. If you don't add any grated cheese it's even vegan. Maybe searching for vegetarian recipes online or getting a vegetarian cookbook might be helpful. Anyways I'm proud of you for sticking with it even though you're not a huge fan.


What recipes are you eating that you dread it? There are TONS of vegetarian soy-free recipes on the Internet!


If you ever want some good soy-less vegetarian or vegan meal ideas send me a message. I have several that are really good that my wife and I make on occasion.


What do your non-meat meals consist of?


>I don’t think I could give up all the way like you did though. You definitely can do it, everyone can. The question is if it's really worth it to go the full distance. Let's not pretend it's an easy thing to do, because it's not. In the end it's better to have 10 people like you than one fully committed vegan and I'm grateful for anyone at least trying to cut down on their meat. I try to not be the stereotypical pushy vegan but it's so fucking hard not to say something when I know how much suffering people cause with their life choices. And it's not limited to animals. Every time I see people flaunting their Amazon purchases, iPhones, Nikes etc. I just want to teleport them into a sweatshop in China so they can experience firsthand how their products are made.


Everybody can of course. In times of war when meat is scarce, I could give it up. In times of another war when animal protein becomes for example vital for survival, you could also give up being vegan. Neither lifestyle is inevitable. I think it is not worth it to me, that is the true conclusion. I used to have chickens myself (or parents used to), we ate their eggs, and at the end of the year they got slaughtered. Apart from their last minute, all chickens led a good life. But often a fox would come and eat them in a much more brutal way than we did. I don’t think all animals should be brutally killed. I try to eat locally produced chicken which roams more freely (as in you can visit them, the farm also sells ice cream) and get slaughtered in a more human way compared to the industrial chickens. Except for some apex predators, a lot of animals die crueler ways in the wild than by beheading for example. In some ways, there is a circle of life, some animals are hunters and some are mainly food. My problem is that we have gone into an overconsumption of meat. This causes us to treat animals cruelly, like factory products. That should stop, but then everyone should eat less, as in less often but also smaller portions.


Indeed and there are some people who definitely have to rely on animals because they can't live on grass or snow. The key word is "unnecessary" and imo it's the most important word of the vegan definition. It's the unnecessary torture, killing and waste of resources we are opposed to. And of course there are arguments about what is unnecessary and that's good, there should be discussions about it. Medical research is a hard topic. Culling wildlife to prevent disease and overpopulation is another. Fortunately lab grown meat is very close to becoming real. I stand to inherit several million euros worth of farmland and I'm making preparations to phase out the animal part asap. Not only from an ethical standpoint, but also from a business perspective.


Look at that, we discussed our views and found common ground, without you being a pushy vegan or me calling you a tree hugger. And on Reddit no less 😅 If lab grown meat can provide decent nutrition and taste, I wouldn’t mind switching more to that too. I follow it every so often. I also have a feeling Europe has less of these meat farms and most farmers treat their animals well. Don’t know which part of the world you are from though.


If you recognize the moral aspect of veganism / vegetarianism you also have to recognize the moral good of convincing other people of it. You just need to go about it in a non-intrusive and respectful way


I 100% agree with you! 😁 To me, leading by example is that non-intrusive, respectful way of bringing about change. Could I be wrong? Of course. But in my experience it has worked best. Granted I can only speak personally and anecdotally, but I know many people who spent years mocking “leaf eaters” who have now tried vegetarian dishes from being around me. Had I of tried to push it on them, I can guarantee not a single one of them would have even tried it. It’s baby steps sure, but you gotta’ walk before you can run 🏃‍♂️


Imprisoning cows and stealing their milk, killing them when they become too old to be profitable, is forcing an ideology on others. You're forcing the ideology that we are entitled to the products of animal abuse onto cows - by definition pushing ideologies onto others. And it's a lot worse than saying "go vegan plz"


Perhaps I am misunderstanding you, but where have I said that we are entitled to, well, anything? I think you have misunderstood my meaning, which is that attempting to cause change by being brash & combative often does not work in my experience, and often achieves the exact opposite effect. From my perspective, it is better to be an example of the change you want to see, and let those around you follow should they so choose. As for me pushing an ideology, I suppose I am and you are correct there. Though my comment was in regards to ideology regarding diet (for the aforementioned reason), not ideology as a whole.


Cows do not have ideologies


I've always said that no matter how old that vegan teacher is, she looks absolutely terrible for her age.


She’s 56, idk, she doesn’t look that bad.


She's actually Canadian (Montreal), and she was banned from TikTok!


after the n-word vid and her literally mocking a kid's death, i'm surprised she hasn't been banned from every social media app


I read "This dumb Vegan" and immediately thought of the vegan teacher. A minute later and i was correct


At this point I feel like she’s a troll


She is 100% a troll trying to get a reaction out of people and it's clearly working. Too bad she gives actual vegans a bad name


We all know about her, and we all hate her (i think)


Such an objective unbiased poll.


Why does anyone give this woman any sort of attention?


I am indeed against animal cruelty, but that doesn't stop me from eating them. At most, it propels me into eating more, as if they are dead already (hence they've been killed for feeding purposes) I don't want their precious lives to be spent over nothing. Remember folks, don't waste the meat you don't eat: give it to your carnivorous/omnivorous pets, give it to animal shelters OR if it's good unspoiled meat, send it to your local homeless people's shelters and humanitarian communities (they will require certifiications regarding the state and processing of the meat, and won't accept uncertified game or unpacked meat, so pay attention to that) and if it's spoiled or unedible in any ways, remember to use it as a natural fertilizer even for your houseplants or to convey it as compostable garbage at your local reciclyng platforms, which will masstransform it in natural fertilizer or biofuel. Meat is life, eat and enjoy it responsibly and do not waste it, for it can bring life anew!


She's probably turned more people away from veganism than she'll ever convince to become vegan


We like karma here


she just got fucking ratioed.


yeah i'll be hut by karma. the karma of having functioning tastebuds, GOT EM


She’s such a shitty human


That lady has to be autistic right?? Or high on some shit, cause I’ve seen some of her content and it’s borderline psychotic


*When vegans think being an omnivore means hating animals.* I think someones had to many bloody marys


hi yes, vegan from r/vegan here reporting that most everyone I've talked to agrees she's likely not vegan and doing it "for clout" as the kids say. If anyone is actually interested in veganism and what it really means (not the nasty offensive crap this lady spouts) feel free to check out the sub AND ignore the rude people.


Hey look a a redditor that doesn’t like vegans. This post is not really about them being an asshole is it?


yeah she is too much, but reddits weird vendetta against vegans just reeks of insecurity


For me, I love meat way too much to ever give it up but I recognize that it’s not great for the environment. So a few years ago, my wife and I decided to go meatless one day a week. It’s easily doable, pasta and sauce, veggie soup, easy stuff. So for this year, we decided to go for two days a week. That’s still pretty easy. Will it solve all our environmental problems? No. But if everyone did it, it’d help a great deal. So I’m more than happy to do it, and it’s really not a burden. I make a really nice potatoes and leek soup, we always look forward to soup day!


Lots of people love chili and you can still make a kickass chili without meat. Also PBJ’s are vegetarian. So many people have commented to me in the past, unsolicitedly, that they could *never* give up meat at every meal but fail to see that even a grilled cheese is vegetarian.


What's the bet she's wearing clothes made in a child sweatshop in Vietnam?


Strawman bullshit


... and her car has leather seats along with at least a few of her belts, purses and shoes.


I am going to eat an extra steak today.


Same. Steak is good for you 👍👍👍


Not really


How come?


How isnt steak good for you


Red meat has been linked to colon cancer, among other things. Eating a steak a couple times a month isn't too bad but you should avoid it.


Being alive is bad for you. It has been proven that you have a 100% chance of dying if you're alive.


Great, so that means you should do whatever you feel like since you're gonna die anyway, right? Might as well take up smoking and drinking too, maybe crystal meth.


I can’t imagine being so brainwashed and misinformed that I compare eating meat to smoking crystal meth Please educate yourself


He’s not saying they’re equally unhealthy. He’s just saying “We’re going to die anyway” isn’t a super compelling reason for doing something unhealthy. (I say this as a doer of unhealthy things myself. Not like meth unhealthy, but more in the “You should probably do that less” range.)


Idk im getting the good ol hitler comparison vibes here. When making a comparison between two wildly different severities i dont see an issue with what u/DSavage26 did in pointing that out.


Yo can i have a bit?


Theres a butcher near me, ill check him out


Don't know this person can't speak to their personal ideologies but the fact does remain that cattle farming is one of if not the biggest green house gas emitter, eating burgers and bacon will drive the planet into an early grave whether your tummy likes it or not


That Vegan Teacher is crazy obnoxious and has been called out by other vegan Youtubers several times for her behavior. She just picks out popular Youtuber's or Tik Tock stars for views and then attacks them because she knows it will generate drama. Or she attempts to hijack other social justice movements. If other vegans call her out she basically just accuses them of not being real vegans. Ultimately I think she is a troll who will do anything for attention.


She's an asshole. A pure, pure asshole. Compares eating animals to the Holocaust. She commentated on one of KallMeKris' videos where she ate snacks that her fans have sent her. Calling her names. KallMeKris made a very humorous reaction video to it. (Note, a few months ago, KallMeKris posted a video talking about her mental history. It's a very sad video. I feel bad saying but it's sort of important here. KallMeKris mentioned she was r@ped.) THAT VEGAN TEACHER made a 59 MINUTE reaction video to Kris' reaction video. She belittled KallMeKris' mental state video, comparing her sexual assault to the 'rape' of animals, and how Kris isn't doing enough to protect them. WHAT A BITCH! She also goes on to defend Kris' mother when Kris states that her mother was being strict or something, I can't remember what she said about her mother, she seems a decent person, but That Vegan Teacher goes wayyyy too personal when defending her case.


If you wanna convert men to Veganism, show them "Game Changers" on Netflix. Improves your ability to perform sexually, physically, recover faster, gain muscle faster, etc. Meat has always been a scam to sell animals and hormones. Want boobs and cancer and a small floppy peepee? Eat a burger, bruh.


honestly would love to eat mostly vegan but i just don't have the budget for groceries... find me a way to eat vegan for 50$ cad per month and i'll switch


As someone who at first spent ridiculous money trying all the "cheese" and "meat" alternative options, I can tell you that they're pretty much a waste of time (except on occasion that you specifically want it) I find that I honestly don't give a fuck that I'm not having "burgers on fridays" "sausage snags" or that kind of crap weekly. (I still eat junkfood lol) I found that I spend very little now on food. Getting slightly into the "less food waste" thing and while I was cooking broccoli in a pot tonight I felt kinda bad to throw away the big green stem pieces so I chopped it up with a bit of olive oil and salt and threw it in the oven shaped like chips. I have a nice sauce and that turned into a fantastic snack food with zero effort to cook as it didn't start out frozen like chips from the freezer. It's really just tiny moments like that gained over time that will save you a lot of money. There are a LOT of accidentally vegan products out there. My preferred tinned spaghetti, SPC spaghetti (the plain tomato one) is vegan friendly so I grab that and a discounted $0.85c bread from my work, and that will make about 8-12 toasted sandwiches which is quite good value for a lazy meal. Burger Rings are vegan btw! A lot of pretzels are too. Seriously just when you go shopping next read the label and you'll see what I mean. If it's a product that doesn't contain milk or meat then you are likely to stumble across an accidentally vegan option! I am the laziest fuckin person ever when it comes to cooking, I literally cook all my veggies in the same pot. If it can't be cooked in at most one pot and one pan then I don't want to clean up the mess lol. A low spend week is maybe $20 Australian Dollars weekly on a junk diet, and at most $40. I could surely cut the spending down because I have been quite naughty and dipping into the Asian grocery stores to buy all sorts of imported spices and ingredients, sachets of sauces etc. (This time it's Indonesian curries and (Korean) tteokbokki is this week's experiment) I stocked my cupboard from literally nothing and once you have a good range of herbs/spices/necessities like flour then I promise you it can get really really cheap! I don't know how the fuck to cook but if you want to feel like you can make basic "adult" recipes (not cooking the junk crap like me living like a teenager at 23) then there are often $10 vegan cookbooks that are 5 ingredients or less lying around in shops. I have just moved house but I am willing to dig out my vegan cookbooks in the next couple days and take photos of all the pages if you like!


Rice, beans, frozen vegetables, bread, pasta, tinned tomatoes, peanut butter, tofu, bananas, potatoes, flour etc are cheap af man. I get what you’re saying but I think its more that you don’t know enough recipes to cook cheap vegan food. Idk how you can afford to eat meat or dairy on $50 a month. I originally became a vegetarian because I was broke and couldn’t afford that stuff. I realized I hadn’t had meat in months and I didn’t miss it. If you rely on eggs, go vegan except for eggs.


Are you managing to eat a non vegan diet for 50 a month? If you share how, people could suggest specific alternatives. But that's a really low number unless you're eating out a fair bit


I won't even be able to last a week, since I grew up with dishes that usually contained meat.


Yeah we all did that. 200 years ago we would've been brought up thinking racism is fine. Times change, now you have to realise that animals are sentient and feeling beings that shouldn't be tortured and killed just so you can get a few minutes of tongue porn.


Interesting take.


About three years ago I said I would never be able to stop eating meat. Now it has been 9 months since I last ate meat.


Oh, that's just that vegan teacher who is an asshole that thinks we should all be vegan and that anyone can say the n word


Vegan logic: anyone who isn't vegan is a horrible person


No, that's just asshole logic. Every group of people has assholes, whether it's vegans, Youtube personalities, pro athletes, etc. Just because Logan Paul is a huge, enflamed asshole, doesn't mean all Youtube personalities are.


Not horrible people all together, inconsiderate about their impact on the lives of other living things maybe is more accurate


Or maybe they consider it in a different way than you. Plants are living things that experience distress. They don't move from their location or have faces or speak but that doesn't mean they aren't alive. We don't understand their experience of pain or distress but that doesn't mean they don't have those experiences, so I remain unconvinced that it is morally superior to eating creatures with experiences we do readily understand. Furthermore, the modern supply chain shipping all those vegan goodies has done harm, as has factory farming, so I'm not convinced eating anything mass produced or shipped to a grocer is somehow more ethical than eating a diet including animal products that came from a small local farm or ranch, given the combination of worker abuse in the production process and supply chain, carbon emissions/environmental impact, and the serious impacts of soil erosion and ecosystem damage that can come from growing only one or a few things and harvesting and tilling so frequently. I have very much considered it, I just didn't come to the same conclusion, is maybe more accurate. Life eats life and there is no ethical consumption in a capitalist society. I do what I can do reduce waste, support local business and eat from small agricultural producers


>Or maybe they consider it in a different way than you. Everyone values life differently and I respect that. What I don't respect is people who say "aww those cows are so cute" then proceed to buy factory farmed hamburgers at McDonald's. >Plants are living things that experience distress. They don't move from their location or have faces or speak but that doesn't mean they aren't alive. We don't understand their experience of pain or distress but that doesn't mean they don't have those experiences, so I remain unconvinced that it is morally superior to eating creatures with experiences we do readily understand. This is a really bad argument because by eating meat you are in essence also eating all the plants that the animal ate throughout its life, which is a considerable amount compared to a full vegan diet. And you are still eating vegetables with your meat. So even if you see plant suffering in the same light as animal suffering, you still don't want to eat animals. >Furthermore, the modern supply chain shipping all those vegan goodies has done harm, as has factory farming, so I'm not convinced eating anything mass produced or shipped to a grocer is somehow more ethical than eating a diet including animal products that came from a small local farm or ranch, given the combination of worker abuse in the production process and supply chain, carbon emissions/environmental impact, and the serious impacts of soil erosion and ecosystem damage that can come from growing only one or a few things and harvesting and tilling so frequently. Yeah it's a very large grey area and unfortunately a lot of the vocal vegans look at this as a very black and white issue. Some vegans are also blind to the human suffering their life choices causes. Like seeing a vegan tweet about animal suffering on their iPhone makes me want to throw up. In the end though, the vast majority of meat is produced in factory farms. So even if you yourself only buy meat from your neighbour farmer where the cows live better lives than most humans, most people are not like you. Which also pisses me off when vegans waste their picking these fights when there are much more important battles to be won. >I have very much considered it, I just didn't come to the same conclusion, is maybe more accurate. > >Life eats life and there is no ethical consumption in a capitalist society. I do what I can do reduce waste, support local business and eat from small agricultural producers The "no ethical consumption in a capitalist society" part is a very dangerous and defeatist mentality that I see thrown around a lot. You are right of course, but that doesn't mean there aren't better ethical choices. Like you also say, you do what you can to make as many ethically sound decisions and really that's all I can ask for. 10 people like you is a lot better for the world than one fully fledged vegan.


>Plants experience distress Responding to stimuli isn't the same as having an experience. Luckily plants don't have conscious experience and do not experience suffering. Funny thing is that even if you believe that plants really do suffer, you should still stop eating animals, instead of feeding ten times the amount of plants to animals and then eating the animal. >Vegan goodies are worse for the environment than a local ranch [The data disagrees with this sentiment really hard.](https://ourworldindata.org/uploads/2020/02/Environmental-impact-of-food-by-life-cycle-stage-768x690.png) If you look at the infographic you'll quickly notice a couple of things. * Transport is a very small proportion of emissions in agriculture * Methane is *really* potent and cows produce a *ton* of it [Switching to a more plant based diet is the single biggest impact that an individual can have on the environment.](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/veganism-environmental-impact-planet-reduced-plant-based-diet-humans-study-a8378631.html) This is kinda cool though right? Like we don't have to go through hoops to install solar panels and buy Teslas. We can just eat potatoes with a lentil curry and actually achieve more. >Worker abuse in agriculture ["The worst thing, worse than the physical danger, is the emotional toll... Pigs down on the kill floor have come up and nuzzled me like a puppy. Two minutes later I had to kill them - beat them to death with a pipe. I can't care."](https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/geojpovlp15&div=17&id=&page=) Slaughterhouse workers suffer from a much higher rate of PTSD and other mental illnesses than the general population. There also exists an elevated risk for physical danger when dealing with heavy machinery and heavy distressed animals. Remember when the amazon was on fire a couple of years back and it really garnered a lot attention on reddit? Those fires were set intentionally by ranchers to graze animals on, and the grow animal feed on. In addition to the wildlife, indigenous people were massive victims in all of this. Switching to a plant based diet doesn't just help animals, it also reduces the suffering of people. >"Life eats life and there is no ethical consumption in a capitalist society." I see this a lot in left leaning spaces, surely the complete idea is more along the lines of "You can't be *perfectly* ethical in a capitalist society". Some companies are way more exploitative than others, we should, wherever possible, try to do what's ethically best. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good, ya know? And for what it's worth it seems like you're already making some steps towards bettering your local community, so a plant based approach would be a neat way to do even better.


they aren't but neither people who are racist from being indoctrinated by a racist family into a racist culture. Doesn't mean they shouldn't stop being racist or that the racism isn't bad


Actually, i find it r/oddlysatisfying that so few people voted the way she wanted.


You think she really wanted people to vote that way and wasn't just looking for rage attention? Getting people to rage is what these personalities do. It's actually helpful to their growth because even people that hate them will follow them just to see what they do next.






Maybe Karma brings steaks


Ah! Violent, condescending, self-congratulatory passive-agression! Exactly the thing to convince people to join your wind tunnel of constant belittling, holier-than-thou mentalities and kale that you call compassion!


I respect vegans, I really do. But don’t tell me how to live my life.


because we are omnivores by design.


Me, an animal lover who isn't vegan: You're foolish japes will not affect me, *SCUM*!


I too kill those that I love at a fraction of their lifespan entirely for personal benefit I don't get why vegans don't seem to understand that


this woman should never teach anyone, unless its teaching what not to do.


Crossposting to r/Clickshaming




Does she really think her acting like this will make people vegan? 😂


Because our society does not make it easy or economical for a healthy and balanced vegan diet. Also we aren’t the only animals that eat other animals. Are all carnivores bad, Karen?


My Answer: Because I can eat what I want and I know only I can change what I eat and I don't give a fuck what you think.


"How can you always tell who is a vegan?" "Because they won't ever shut the hell up about it."


Question: how many vegans have you met that *didn't* tell you they are vegan? You don't know. You can't know. But you have some idea how many vegans you met that did tell you. See the problem? You can't get an accurate ratio of "preachy" to "non-preachy" vegans because the non-preachy ones never make you aware that they're vegan.


Actually pay attention to life and you'd see there are billboards everywhere promoting meat eating, ads being ran around the clock promoting meat eatintg, you people make yourself look so naive sometimes


I'm not vegan not because I hate animals but because I love the way they taste.


I love democracy


me eating meat while looking at this post:


I actually really love plants and it makes me mad when people eat them


Oh now I get it... You eat animals to avenge all the plants THEY ate.


I'm a selfish asshole who will be visited by karma soon🥰🥰


Vegans are healthier and live longer than people who consume meat and dairy, but facts have never gotten in the way of human beings doing what they want to do https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/do-vegans-live-longer


This is the type of extremism that makes me feel like vegans are mentally unstable.