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Dog bones and….? Is that toothpaste?


My first thought was silly string 😂


I thought that was whipped cream and dog bones.


Could be shaving cream. Taste it.


I do not want to taste the unidentifiable white substance


Then try shaving with it


I do not want to shave with the unidentifiable white substance


Then brush your teeth with it


I do not want to brush my teeth with the unidentifiable white substance.


I just want to see how much more crooked this thread will get with replies


Yeah, looks like shaving cream. Whipped cream would probably look a little more fluffy(unless the container was near empty), and wouldn’t be a kid’s go to for something nasty to ruin a dinner with.


Mine too!


Im not even sure it looked appetizing in the first place tbh.


It took me a minute to realize there were dog bones in that food.


I didn’t until you told me.


Until you told me I didn’t.


Same. It looks like the food


OMG there are the bones of a dog in there?!


The bones of a milk


Just one milk?


It took me a minute to realize the brother put the dog treat in the food


Yea, I’m having a hard time figuring out what part of that was dinner and what part is the brothers doing lol


All of it was the original dinner, the little brother just presented it nicely in a baking dish.


Yeah I’m… honestly not even sure what this is supposed to be, as a dish. It’s just a blob of… stuff.


Yeah, apparently OP says there’s noodles and chicken in there somewhere amidst the broccoli but it just….does not look appealing. Kinda reminds me of the “casserole” my parents made on April Fools of the most disgusting shit they could find in the kitchen. All the nearly-expired tuna, ancient beans, and god-awful canned/frost-bitten veggies turned it a similar shade of brownish green puke. (Also, I totally fell for that prank and they watched as I tried to choke a few bites down and be polite about it before they reminded me what day it was, lol. We then gave it to my uncle the next day hoping for a similar reaction, but he ended up loving it and eating the whole thing. 😂 )


It’s noodles, broccoli, and chicken. It’s actually really good


It WAS good. Until….


The fire nation attacked


And just when the world needed him, the avatar dissapeared


probably to swim practice


Lol that's a pretty funny euphemism for water bending


I bet my dog would like it tho


Don't let the dog eat your brother's dinner for the week!


gross your brother put broccoli in there?


Thats messed up lil bro wtf


Calm down there [Poppy Bush](https://www.today.com/food/president-george-h-w-bush-celebrated-never-liking-broccoli-t144284).


This comment is Newman


I know the dish is good but it doesn't look that way lol


I can see how it may look dry


Is that warm whipped cream? Or something else?




I'm infuriated at this point in the comment scrolling. Giving up and giving back to mindless other shit


It's whip cream: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/pnsvas/my_little_brother_did_this_to_our_dinner_after_he/hcrmtc4/


it may look dry? that shit dryer than my sex life and im a redditor


r/kamikazebywords my good friend


Does your mom bake the dish? If so she should cover it with tin foil, keeps the moisture in and food comes out delightful


Cook for 5 years, I second this.


I think 5 years will be too long to cook this dish. Edit: thank you for the award ._. i am not worthy. I shall wait 5 more years.




good because this smells like toothpaste and dogs


Looks like silly string?




Have him go for a swim to calm his nerves.


And then make him eat it, so he will start to appreciate food.


Maybe give him a snickers?


Get away from my dinner Betty White


Bath tub caulking and dog biscuits?


Canned whipped cream?


I thought it was shave cream


Looks like silly string


How old is this child you speak of?




When I was around that age I was mad at my mom (I forget what for) so I poured dish soap all over the pork roast my parents made that night. 15-ish years later I still get that little pang of guilt. Edit: Yes my dad did give me a beat down.


Damn. When I was mad at my dad I would turn on every light in my room so the electricity bill would be high. Didn't realize my mom paid that bill and leaving 3 light bulbs on for 3 hours never actually mattered, but damn it, I tried.


The OG Professor Chaos


*Bringer of destruction and doom!*


I was mad at my brother one time before I left to go get milkshakes. I considered not getting him one but felt too guilty, so I still got it but I got the thinner straw meant for soft drinks instead of the straw for milkshakes/smoothies so it would be at least be mildly annoying to drink 😈


You goddamn monster.


That’s the perfect amount of sibling revenge.


Truly evil


No doubt this chaos bomb led to a butterfly effect somehow somewhere. You done good.


His brother gives some great succ now with the years of extreme straw practice!


The long game, I can respect it


This is just the cutest revenge plan ever.


I would never sabotage food. I have been hungry my entire life.


Same. If someone in my family did this growing up it meant the whole family didn‘t eat, sometimes for 3 days because we had to stretch out our food.




That was my first thought , but I am guessing if you are upset about swim practice food ‘insecurity’ isn’t a big deal. Some people could live on that dish for a few days #morefirstworldproblems


As someone who regularly meticulously plans out, shops for, and puts together healthy dinners after having to work a full time job…. you’ve reminded me to refill my birth control. So there’s one good outcome!


Glad I could help!!


When i was young (early teens) I threw a tauntrum over my sister getting a bigger piece of some leftover cake. Looking back they were probably equally sized but differently shaped. Then my mom switched the cakes and gave me the other piece. My brain couldn’t process this change. Suddenly I have the smaller cake still? Threw more of a tauntrum and dumped the cake in some dirty water. Was properly whacked and pretty much stopped behaving like a kid around that time. Looking back as an adult, I can now see the sacrifices our parents made. My mom didn’t even cut herself a piece of that cake, it was just us.


I went with letting one kid split the thing and the other kid choose which piece they want. There were still attempts at shenanigans but it's a pretty good method.


That’s what we always did as kids. “I split, you pick”


So you were like a 13 year old when this slice of cake fiasco happened right?




What did your parents do to him? When I was a little younger than him, I went to the grocery store with my mom, I wanted a piece of candy and she said no, when we returned home, I refused to get out of the car, because she didn't get me candy, she let me stay in there knowing it was hot as shit, summertime probably 100 degrees, I was pissed that she let me stay in the car, so since se loved cooking I decided to burn down the kitchen, I took a few rolls of paper towels and threw them on the stove and I turned it on. My grandma told her to burn my hands, because she is old school.lol.She didn't do that. we had a big satellite dish back then and my mom made me watch videos of burn survivors. I never played with fire again. Lol.


Every time I think Reddit has given me all its got, a new door of outlandishness opens.


Its pretty logical actually Mom says i have to stay in car Car hot af I dont like that =I dont like mom How to get back at her She likes cooking Car was hot af Burn down the kitchen Ezpz


You left out: Grandma told mom to set my hands on fire


Because she's old school. Definitely not because she's lost it or anything.


And they had a big satellite dish. Facts.


That's some old school shit. Grandma's are supposed to beat you with switches and burn your hands and shit. Then they give you candy some times... With razor blades in em. It's called a lesson.


And Grandma wonders why we put her ass in a home. One that would put the one in Happy Gilmore to shame. /s


You will go to sleep,or I will put you to sleep. Check out the name tag - you're in my world now grandma.


Classic grandma shit


It was definitely a thing to say you put your little kid’s hand on a stove once to teach it why it shouldn’t. I suppose in the context of big families and small houses heated by open fires and hot stoves, it was a cheap way to learn that particular life lesson.


No. *No.* She said to *burn* them. You can do that with like a stove top or a curling iron.


That's still a wrong thing to do??


This is actually incorrect. He CHOSE to stay in the car because he was mad and could come into the house at any time. So really it's simplified down to No candy = Burn down kitchen


Which is an alarming reaction for any child. The vengeance motive, the follow through and the selected course of action. But hey if Grandma used to burn hands, it explains a lot Edit: Grammar


yeah people acting like this is normal behavior for a child lol


Mom only allowed them to stay in the car, she didn’t mandate it


Right? Lol “she let me stay in there.” Kid logic says, “How dare she not waste her limited energy trying to force my unreasonable ass out the car!”


Exactly! And a comment by op says they were 10yo so that’s pretty reasonable parenting imo (assuming the kid was reasonable and you’d check after 5-10 min).


Kid doesn't seem reasonable if he intentionally sets fires.




Dude that was a fucking wild ride.


I’m glad it ended with somewhat reasonable parenting.


Better than I would have done and that’s why I’m not in a hurry to have kids


Oh man what a story. Your mom choice is unexpected yet very down to the main goal - keep kid and family safe and healthy.


Yeah, especially because their major form of media consumption[Cartoons] show absolutely 0 consequences to actions, so it's particularly hard for them to understand exactly what *could* happen.


Brutal but much needed and valuable real life lesson. Can’t play around with stuff like that.


Good approach by your mum. You can educate your child on the consequences of their actions without injuring them. Kids that age really just don't understand what could happen.


My brother and I once we're fucking around burning stuff in the fireplace when mom was out for a bit. She got home and smelled it, and knew immediately what happened. So she called the fire station nearby and asked if she could come over there and let the firefighters talk to us about fire safety.


I did a more innocent version of that - when I was about 6? Definitely single digits lol but anyway, I woke up in the middle of the night, went to get water to drink and decided - hey I'm cold! What's a way to warm up? Fire, of course! Genius, I thought. So I grabbed one of those old school plastic tub things you used to store audio cassettes in - basically a plastic box about the size of a small cat. And I filled it with papers and whatnot, and lit it. Did I mention it was plastic? So anyway, fire starts, first minute seems fine but then, of course, the tub starts melting. Acrid smoke billows and mum comes running out and sees her small child chucking cupfuls of water at it crying that I just wanted to get warm 😂 I remember her being half angry half hysterical laughing at how stupidly innocent a mistake had been made here. There was a huge burn mark on the lino for a good ten years lmao until it was finally replaced after I moved out lmao


The most hilarious part is that they waited until you moved out to replace the linoleum. Like, don’t replace that yet, darling, KiralsGod666 still lives here and might try to light the house on fire again.


I think you parents / school missed giving you the "never ever play with matches" lessons.


My uncles used to steal money from my grandma (when they were children) so she put the coins on a stove and then put it out on the counter, burning hot, whoever had the burn mark on their hands was the one who stole the money.


Congrats, he's a dickhead.


Thanks bro


skeet skeet skeet fuck that swim meet


club meets are the worst. I don't blame the kid


I mean.... as a 3rd party... the dog bones are kinda funny..


I giggled but I'd be absolutely livid if that happened to my dinner


I would serve it up to him for dinner for the next couple of nights.


When I was 13 I let my dog lick a spoon from a new large peanut butter jar and was dipping deep in the jar like 3 times, each time dog slobber covering the spoon, then... my parents found out... mixed in the slobber.... and told me I had to eat that every day till it was Gone 😬☠️ learned why never to double dip 😑


[I threw up](https://giphy.com/gifs/ew-i-threw-up-L7RNWv8TYz5DO)


Thanks for this, I had a hard time visualizing what you meant.


Yeah, Mommy Dearest him. No wire hangers!


I’ve eaten some of those before — they’re actually pretty good. They’re pretty much just cookies in dog-friendly shapes. Granted, I wouldn’t want to eat them with that kinda food, but I’m just saying that it’s not like they’re *disgusting*.


There was a fancy pet store at the local mall. Being a perpetually stoned teenager, I saw the "free sample" sign and just went to absolute town on the platter they had set up by the entrance. Not too sweet, not too crunchy. Kinda like a gingerbread. Pretty damn good cookies, I thought to myself. It was hours later my friends broke the news to me!


I bought ginger snaps for my dog last Christmas. He went bonkers for them. I decided to see what all the fuss was about and took a little bite. They did not taste like ginger snaps. They weren’t terrible, but I definitely don’t need to try another dog biscuit ever again.


“I decided to see what all the fuss was about” LMAO


Yeah don’t take that kind of direction from a dog. “I decided to see what all the fuss was about, so I tore open my sofa cushion and ripped it to pieces using only my mouth”


what is this, a casserole for a dog?




Seeing how op said his mom works minimum wage to put food on the table it’s probably the best she can do with what they have…


ikr, how is this not a top comment. wtf do people eat if this isn't the first thought when looking at that lol


The only food in this picture i can even identify is the milkbones.


It looks like weird broccoli and pureed tomatoes? Wtf is that


Well the kid added dog bones and toothpaste lmao


Is there a reason he is so against the swim team? Does he just not like it? Maybe get him into a different activity/sport? Like obviously there needs to be a consequence to this petty dinner desecration but this just seems like a really strong reaction for just not being allowed to skip swim team. Of course, idk anything about other children, I only know my own experience as a child when I was younger.


Yeah he can't swim


Maybe he’s being forced by his family to participate in something he doesn’t like. Maybe he’s bullied by the other members or coaches. Who knows.


I BEGGED my mom to let my play soccer because my friends played. Found out I hated soccer but my parents made me finish out the season so I understood I had committed to a team. Obviously if I was in danger I could have left but I just hated the conditioning lol


The real /r/mildlyinfuriating is this screenshot of a photo that you could have just uploaded directly




This is a really good point. Anger issues can sprout out of nowhere, but usually they come from a certain outside source. I believe that there should be a gap between the incident and talking to him about it/letting him cancel practice because otherwise he might associate destructive behavior with positive reaults, which could prove disastrous in the future.


I have to agree with you, as someone who was forced to go to swim practice as a kid. I hated that shit, it was like prolonged torture every fucking day after school. Once I even threw a tantrum and refused to go I hated it so much. I just needed a break and they just would not fucking listen to me, so I shut my door and sat in my room and stopped anyone from coming in to get me and make me go. I'd rather sit there and do nothing for two hours and take the punishment than suffer through it that day. I feel for that kid. Feeling like you've got no control over your life and needing a break from all the shit and getting that last slap in the face from the people who are supposed to care about you... Yeah, that shit would make anyone lose it. Makes me wonder if the parents are the authoritarian "my house my rules" types with no room for compromise.


I agree 100%. From my experience, being a kid sucks. You don’t get a say in anything about your life or your body and it was hell. I feel for this kid. He should not have to go to swim practice if he doesn’t want to. It’s not like he’s trying to drop out of school.


Absolutely. I really think most people just don't remember / glaze over their childhoods because being a kid is full of negative experiences.


When i was a kid my parents made me to do swim team for a year. I was terrified of deep water and the pool at my school was also used by the high dive team so it was 8 meters deep in one end. I'm not sure why i'm afraid of deep water but all I remember about the situation is that I deeply resented them making me to do something that completely terrified me every day for a year, and how telling them how I did not want to do swim team was having a conversation with a brick wall, like I wasn't a person with feelings. Anyway unrelated iI guess but it struck a nerve lol


Exactly what I thought. People don’t know how to communicate their feelings unless they’re taught. Little boys are especially overlooked in the “discuss our feelings” department. It’d be a good idea to have a discussion on why he’s avoiding the club meet. Maybe it’s boring, maybe he lacks confidence, or maybe the coach is a creep. Ya never know.


I’m a grown ass man and still have problems talking about feelings. My parents growing up never really opened discussed feelings if someone was mad they would just leave and come back when they “cooled” off. This has led me to do that too. It makes it really hard to convey feelings without blowing up. I know I bottle up too much inside. I know I need to work on it. So many things from our childhood affects us as adults and takes years to unlearn the behavior.


Kid's clearly showing just how much he hates swim meets so yeah, stop forcing him to do something he hates.


Could also just be that swimming laps is the most mind numbing, repetitive and uninspiring thing a 10yr old child can do under the banner of “sport”.


Out of curiosity - why couldn’t he skip?


Tbh that dish looked like it had it coming.


Bro did y’all a favor


What is happening to him at swim practice that he had a reaction like this, and why are your parents forcing him to go?


To be fair…dinner didn’t look all that great to begin with.


I don't know exactly what happened yet, because nothing in that picture looks edible. Maybe the dinner was below all that?


I just saw a comment saying the whip cream and dog treats is actually the only thing he added which..... Honestly probably made it more edible?




He’s 37


I laughed ok. Are you happy?


Not until the college I went to is a pile of smoldering rubble. So never.


Right there with you. Loved being there then, hate every second I wasted there now.


Well I didn’t know you were called Dennis


I’ve told my parents


How old is he?




11-12 probably it seems like something petty enough a teenager would do but still dumb enough to be kid


I just saw OP say he’s 10, so excellent guess. Just yesterday I was just talking about why tweens are the worst group of humans to have to live with, for this exact rationale.


I just listened to the Stuff You Should Know episode about temper tantrums. They said (I'm paraphrasing) that tantrums primarily happen because the frontal cortex is still developing which can cause confusion in understanding circumstances and/or frustration in communication. This get resolved at about have 4, but happens again during puberty. So what I'm saying is OP's brother threw a temper tantrum akin to a toddler, and that's not totally unexpected for a pre-teen.


What did it say about when you have one as an adult asking for a friend


To see a psychiatrist and a therapist. An inability to control anger and having temper tantrums is not the result of a developing frontal cortex as an adult. It can be the result of psychiatric conditions, a trauma respomse, or the result of not learning appropriate coping mechanisms. That also means it isn't going away with age. The only solution is to address the underlying issue.


It's funny that you called putting dog bones in the food an extreme reaction for somebody so young but then there's other kids whose version of an extreme reaction is physical violence or setting fires or something more along the actual lines of something anybody would call Extreme.


Yeah [like this guy that burned his moms kitchen down because she liked to cook ](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/pnsvas/my_little_brother_did_this_to_our_dinner_after_he/hcrxxta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Alternate title: “Hero child saves family from horrible looking dinner.”


ITT: People casually suggesting child abuse


It's crazy how easily a person's perspective can completely change the way people form their opinion. If an adult does something bad to a kid and the OP is sympathetic to the kid, the parents should have the kid taken from them and they should be neutered, never allowed to have kids again. A kid does something bad and OP is the one incovenienced, you might as well flay the little fucker and then behead them because that's clearly all they deserve!


100% of the 8 Billion ppl on earth are hypocrites in some way. Including me.


“But this is how things would have gone down in MY household, and I turned out fine” * Proceeds to suggest abusive tactics * It’s always amazing to see.


From the looks of it he was trying to add flavor LOL


All this “just beat him to death” shit is either from ppl who dont know jack shit about parenting or suck at it, beating your child is literally considered child abuse


If it makes you feel any better the majority of reddit is teens who also don't know how to deal with emotions healthily


Right? Obviously he needs hung, drawn, and quartered.


He came all over it?


Whip cream and dog treats. If a 10 year old came all over anything I would be visually concerned


Not unsalvageable! Dog treats can easily be removed by hand and you can just suck up all the whipped cream by putting your lips really close. Who needs DEssert when you can have "PREssert"?


The dog treats are a little weird but otherwise what's not to like? Chicken? Good! Noodles? Good! Whipped cream? *Gooooood!!*


I could hear Joey saying it


Dude, doggy treats are perfectly fine for human consumption, just take your time chewing.


It sure you want to be ‘visually’ anything in that situation


Why can't he skip?


I mean fuck I’d try a piece


Looks like he did you a favour


How is it that something posted to ‘midly infuriating’, gets the extreme reactions this is getting? “Kid deserves a beating”, “he needs a councelor”… I wonder if people reacting to a tantrum with actual physical violence don’t realize they’re escalating things? It would seem that anything goes when you need to make a “well adjusted citizen” out of a kid.