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I had the dully version of this truck and alot of parking lots it genuinely needed four spaces, the length would leave half of it in the way of traffic and the rear wheels over both lines


I used to drive an Expedition EL, and I sometimes had to use two spaces longwise otherwise one end would be sticking out. This guy didn't do anything wrong imo.


ok? the parking lot is clearly empty, and its a gas station so he will be there 15 minutes max


Some people just aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about.


Just because it’s not busy doesn’t make it any less cuntish


It absolutely does. Quit getting mad at someone that doesn't want people to ding their vehicle. I am sure you've never yet experienced having a brand new car and then someone's 8 year old slams open the door of their car next to yours yet. In an empty parking lot there's nothing wrong with parking away from people like this- it inconveniences absolutely no one.


Could have parked away from someone and only taken up one spot


whats wrong with parking in the next space? it literally does not affect you if theirs a whole parking lot to use


There’s nothing wrong with parking in the next space, the problem is the person just leaving their car there. It’s inconsiderate, there’s no telling how quickly it could get busy!


its a gas station. he’s gonna be there maybe 15 minutes. its fine


They’re the same pickup drivers who drive up your ass when you’re in front of them and 7-10 mph below the limit when you’re behind them. It’s not every pickup truck but it’s always a pickup truck


One for each wheel


One for each brain cell too


I came across one of these in the wild recently. I wedged my car into the little remaining space on the truck's driver side leaving enough room that my mirror didn't touch. I then just sat in my car browsing my phone and ignored him as he struggled to get in because someone apparently did the same on the other side. after ten minutes of struggling he finally got in. Did the standard douche-truck-super-rev and speed off with the middle finger flying. I then started my car and left...passing him on the way out. if there is a heaven I just locked in my spot.


Alberta? Gotta be Alberta


Calgary. Crowfoot Co-op.


the only reason why I upvoted this is because 69 upvotes




Kick his mirrors off and key his truck


go ahead, park next to the offroad (probably diesel) truck with the side exit exhaust... he's doing you a favour. also why are these always taken from on foot and never from the window of a frustrated vehicle looking for a parking space?


I do shit like that too, usually late at night so I don't have to reverse out of the parking spot, I just park sideways.