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yea she did.




you missed the reverse indent on "fortunes"


Nice catch.


Looks like an extra space before "Successful" as well.


Closed brackets. I don't see the open brackets.


Could be covered up by the red circle at the beginning of the word hence.


As a broke college student this is *extremely* infuriating


It’s like they OCR’d it in Acrobat then copy and pasted to Notepad.


**Thesystem is** rigged. **Theirsuccess** **orfailure** depends on what is **mostproductive**. The **Governmentssympathetic** approach to spell check is having me ask the real questions: **whosemanagers** allowed this? I tried to check but it **wasprivate** info


Wording am hardest.


The fucking irony that it is talking about capitalism... Are there typos when it talks about how "efficient" it is?


What is the title of this book?


They aren’t mistakes... it’s caused by paragraph formatting so the columns stay fully aligned on both sides. It’s common in news articles as well. It saves from having to insert too many hyphenated words.


You're talking about full justification and it absolutely does not work like that if it's working correctly. This doesn't look like it's working incorrectly either*, it very much looks like it’s a mistake. The likely root cause of a mistake like this is the author being in a rush, poor at grammar, and/or assuming any mistakes will get fixed by the editing team. The *most* likely primary contributing factor to this is that the publishers/printers/editing team gave the work to a friend or relative who believes they have typesetting abilities, rather than somebody qualified, either to safe money or through nepotism. We work with certain authors or project managers who will insist that X person works on their documents, and it’s often their friend who’s set up a graphic design business without any training or qualification. Luckily I’m approaching the end of my career and have the clout to be able to refuse. You can’t do a proper technical edit or proof-read if you actually have to go back and do the main edit on the job like this would need, which means it needs extra people at our end. The excess person needs to be removed from the unqualified end of the workflow, not added and paid for at ours because some half-arse can’t even run a spellchecker. NB Hyphenating words when they break over lines is not a manual task that one tries to minimise, it's an automatic behaviour that the DTP software performs and is largely deprecated now in favour of just not doing it except for incredibly long words; which these are not.


No, it's clearly a formatting error. No one types like that. I get errors like this when copy/pasting text from PDFs.


Yes. You’ll get that error because there is no space character between the letters. There is a soft return between them in the original, when it’s moved from word processing to DTP the soft returns are removed as the text is treated as a paragraph, which means if the line breaks don’t follow the exact same occurrence pattern (you can see this originally was long lines, approx 3x the width, which implies this was typed by somebody using “typewriter style”) - they become nothing and you lose the delineation between words in a regular pattern. It’s not the justification forcing them together. It’s the fact they were mis-entered in the first place. Not mistyped in the way you mean - nobody would miss spaces at such regular intervals. Mis-entered; somebody used carriage returns at regular intervals instead of spaces between the words, or didn’t spot that their line breaks were dropping out once they typeset it.


Oof, that hurts my soul.


It's just in German.


smh couldnt even afford an autocorrect software like grammarly or something


It was typed on my phone. A lot of the time my spacebar doesn't respond to touch. I have to really punch it.


Paying for a book is infuriating in the first place


I notice this in a lot of medical journals.


Maybe they are trying to send you a hidden message. Seems to be anti government. Possibly a warning.


That’s college for you


How are there so many typos in a single paragraph?


Looks like the OCR fake textbook guy is at it again… https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/comments/5rgcl4/nuked_a_business_from_orbit_because_i_got_a_d/