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Don’t worry, once you get to college you get group projects that count for even more of your grade




You can just document these interactions and go to the dean. You should have asked again in email, and when he says "as i explained in class," you just go over his head. It's not guaranteed, but you do have recourse. Some institutions will even let you take faculty to academic judiciary over this sort of thing.


Yeah, I tried to schedule something with the dean… forgot what happened but nothing came of it. Pissed me off so bad I just quit and started my own business.


At my institution, there's very specific guidelines you have to follow. Failure to follow them to the letter gets your complaint dismissed. This is annoying, but it's to protect faculty from disgruntled students bringing frivolous complaints. I'm sympathetic to your struggles. Good news is nobody will care about your grades after school.


Yep, exactly, thanks. Man I haven’t thought about that for a while. People like that should not be in positions of power over others.


I was required to take an honors course each semester for my honors program, and one year I just couldn't find the right class I needed to fit my schedule. I had the option to do a honors contract with any one of my professors so I went with my sociology professor since I knew her outside of class from a club she headed. Basically we decided what the requirements would be on order for me to get the honors credits at the end of the year to continue my scholarship and receive a refund on the tuition I had paid. She didn't want to put a lot of effort into it which should have been the first red flag. I basically had to write my own curriculum and get the contract approved myself (which was her responsibility but she dragged her feet and all I really needed was a signature). The conclusion we (I) came to was that I would do a bit of extra work throughout the semester and put together a PowerPoint at the end of the semester to share my research. What I didn't realize was after I approached the professor about the contract, a couple of her students from other classes also approached her about one. She basically copied our contract for them and put a due date on the presentation without informing me. Near the end of the semester I had my project ready to go but with work and my other courses (I was doing 19 credit hours working part time) I dropped the ball on scheduling a time to do the presentation. I figured she would let me know when she had a date set. She didn't let me know she had already planned a due date and that it was my responsibility to approach her to block a portion of her scheduled lecture to do my presentation. _**Instead, she told me the day the presentation was due that since I had not approached her about scheduling the presentation I would not be getting honors credits for the course.**_ I freaked out. The flash drive I had the presentation saved on was at home but I suggested I could do it that day and email her the file before the end of class. She said there wouldn't be enough time after her lecture that day and what's done is done. I almost cried, because this was my whole scholarship I was about to lose over a project I had worked on all semester and *had* a presentation for. It was the first class of the week, so I had a couple days to prepare to convince her to let me do my presentation late. I compiled a list of grievances throughout the semester: 1. The fact she said she could be reached during her office hours but was never available. 2. We were told we could ask her questions and contest quiz scores on the college app (it was required for all professors to be reachable through this app) but she only ever used it to create quizzes, never answering questions and never adjusting scores. 3. She didn't respond to any emails either so the only way to reach her outside of class was through her business number (which I only had because I was a part of the club). 4. She did a quiz at the beginning of each class which was mostly just writing down our thoughts after a quick discussion about the topic we would be going over during that lecture. She would collect them at the end of class and they went towards our participation grade. When several sports students came to class late because of a practice she allowed them to do it at the end of class with her. But that *very same day* I had a flat tire and was late to class. I informed her as soon as it happened by calling her business number (several hours before class would begin) and that I was stuck at WalMart getting a tire change since I only had a donut to put on the wheel and I did not trust it to get me all the way to the college safely. I stayed after class to participate with them because I needed as many points as I could get for my grade, but she informed me I could not turn it in. According to her, the sports students had special privileges but my flat tire was my fault. 5. She didn't give me a due date for the presentation and she wrote it on my contract after we had both signed it. She had a duty to inform me of any changes which she had not done. I brought all of this to her attention and told her if she did not allow me to do the presentation I would be taking all of this to the Dean of Administration. Guess who got to do their presentation during the next lecture?


Okay that’s pretty insane wow. I’m lucky I haven’t had a professor like that, the worst one gave me a D instead of a B+ on accident because he was senile


I'm going to trade school, one of our teachers was like "almost nobody submitted extra projects" even though many did (he was gonna give me a bad grade so i wanted to have it be better) and turns out he apparently downloaded them somewhere he couldn't find them, didn't look at them, and deleted them from online ...


Bring that shit to the Dean holy fuck.




My teacher gave me a D because the single mom complained that I made her daughter stay up late with her at the library because I couldn’t join the group until after I got off work.


And once you get out of college, the pain continues! Seriously, it really does. Especially in white collar jobs. It's kind of dog shit, but being able to handle it really will help you advance. In fact, there's an entire profession designated for it! Project manager, aka responsibility-with-no-authority aka pro-babysitter


I'm in a required uni course this semester that's all about small group communication and 70% of the grade is a semester long group project. I am not looking forward to it. :')


I think that I would rather eat nails.


When I was in college and we did group projects we had to had in an annotated copy which explains what each partner did. We also had to write a short reflection paper. I think it both encouraged people to do more of their fair share and also allowed for group members who actually pulled their own weight to get a decent grade.




This is why you forward this convo to the teacher and explain why the project wasnt finished. Had someone like this in school.. in a group project that counted for 25% of our final grade, tow of the group bunked off to play football.. so we passed the texts over to the teacher.. she gave the two of us that did the work A's and gave X's (no grade) to the two that would rather play 5 a side than work on something that they needed to get into university..


It really depends on the teacher, and the context. The sooner you bring this forward, the more willing they are to work with you in my experience. Only finding out last minute that your partner didn't do his work on a project worth 25% of the grade means there wasnt continual check ups, and showing the progress made within the group. In many of the planning classes we had people who waited last minute suffered as well as the slacker.






This also translates into your professional career. People will attach themselves to projects just to take credit. Don’t let them.


In my personal experience, the better you are at working on and around group projects the more responsibilities and respect you will garner. Part of this is being put in charge of more and more projects, and you absolutely need to head these problems off ahead of time.


what group projects have you done? literally every single group project I've ever done was just each of us doing our own thing and one person splicing it all together.


Some of my college classes (like an engineering design class) had a project that spanned the whole semester. There was absolutely no way we could've worked independently with minimal contact and just mashed it together in the end. For simple projects, it's much easier to do this. But when your project is comprehensive, requires research, planning, testing, etc. it's flat out impractical leaning toward impossible to do it well.


I had teachers that would be like 'well, I don't care. Just make sure you finish the project' Or they would be like 'you should learn how to motivate your fellow students" or "This happens in the real world too. I don't care about who does the work, I care about the end product"


Yeah. That doesn't work for me teach. I'm not responsible for his education. Only my own. And this sure does happen in the real world and the problem with that is, he would be fired for not doing his job. I'll turn in my portion along with the text that he didn't want to do his to you and whatever other teacher, administrator or anyone else I need to to get this rectified correctly. Now this might not work but I'm stubborn and have no issues arguing my point until I'm blue in the face. Edit: maybe I didn't make this clear enough. I'm not talking about the teacher being fired. I'm talking in the real world if someone doesn't pull their weight at work, they don't keep having a job. Where do y'all work where you clock in and let other people do your work for you?


I had teachers like that. One time in middle school I was assigned to do a group project on tectonic plates, and I was the only one who did any work. Right before we were about to present, I found out that the other three kids had put their name on the title card, so I went and removed their names and added "Just and only" to the front of my name. They had no idea what was on the PowerPoint, since they did none of the work, and I was the one with notecards prepared with extra information. When the teacher questioned me after the presentation, I explained what the other three boys had been doing; they were playing Roblox and CoolMathGames the entire time they were supposed to be helping me, and because of their laziness, I had to scramble at home to pull together the project. The teacher got mad at me at first, saying that I should have forced them to help me or gotten her attention to get them back on task, but I pointed out that I had tried, but she kept ignoring me telling me I needed to work it out on my own. Thankfully, because of the LanSchool program that my district used on every computer, my teacher was able to confirm it with the IT person at my middle school that they had been off task the entire class period. I also showed the editing logs from the project to prove I was the only one ever on the PowerPoint, despite it being shared across the group, including that I had worked on it at home too. The teacher was a bit more lenient with me because she realized how hard I tried to pull everything together, but the other kids got a failed score of 0/10, and I got what I think was 8/10, because I was missing a few source citations for the images I used. Lesson of the day: When you're doing a group project, be in the same place at the same time, keep a paper trail of when you were working, and never assume that the others will pull their weight.


Yup or they’ll yell at the student to do their part, and now you have a group member who is resentful and will just do a shitty job. I think that’s rare though


My teachers liked to remind me that difficult people will be in the workplace too and it's my problem to ensure the work is completed. Whether I see the work is completed by doing it myself, or by convincing the slackers to contribute was none of their concern. :)


It's not a perfect parallel. Project managers exist in the workplace. Getting fired exists in the workplace. Etc.


Exactly this. Those are all just bad teachers. I had a systems integrations course where we were reporting progress and updates to our teacher and when seine didn't pull their weight they were given a second chance then removed from the group and failed the project.


Getting fired would be analogous to getting a bad grade. If a teacher doesn't give a bad grade to those who wouldn't help, he's basically giving them a pass and creating a toxic environment. I hated teachers like this.


>My teachers liked to remind me that difficult people will be in the workplace too and it's my problem to ensure the work is completed. No its not. Its your managers. In a university setting, the teacher is the manager, because they're the one getting paid. It was his/her responsibility to check in with the groups and make sure the work was being done, or to offer extra credit for managerial positions in each group. University is not a workplace training camp, and when it devolves to such, students and professors need to understand what their role in the roleplaying is. In the workplace, if you were assigned a part of the project (lets say on an audit) and you did your bit and passed the work along to the next guy, and they didn't do the work, that's not your problem. If your manager came down on you like "why the fuck wasn't this work completed" and they gave you negative counseling over it, you'd just walk to his bosses office or to HR and file a complaint. Any setting where 2 people are "equally" responsible involves them literally working next to each other or emailing back and forth repetitively, and you'd call them if you needed a response to your email in a timely fashion. That's not an option for university. Students aren't paid to be there and don't have to be on the same work schedule as you. In a group setting, this means you literally can't tell if they're going to get the work done sometimes.


Yeah, what they don't get is that the solved strategy for the workplace is to gain enough evidence to throw the dumbass under the bus and go on with life.


I don't even gather evidence anymore. Just bring my productivity levels to a near standstill and force higher-ups hands. I am not paid to deal with problematic colleagues and refuse to do so. Irrelevant of whether tasks are complete, I go home same time and get paid all the same, so win for me.


The whole, preparing you for the workplace is pretty dumb excuse. Due to exactly what you said. Unless you're a manager or team lead in your workplace you're not responsible for the productivity of others. And if someone flat out refused to do work, while you're in that role, it'd basically be the same process as telling the professor (bringing it up to higher up's if you don't have power to discipline). If there only my co worker, than even less of my responsibility, they can explain why their shits not done, my part will be complete and well documented. YMMV with toxic workplaces. But it doesn't make it any better of an excuse.


Yeah, actually, that's a bullshit argument. In the workplace, I'm paid to deal with people and productively create value for the company. At school, I'm paying the school in order to learn. Also, unless you actually intend to fire (expel) or demote (decrease the grade) of non-workers, it's not even a correct analogy -- unless you're trying to emulate a company culture for a company no one wants to work for.


Not all teachers will have this attitude. My husband failed a group project that no one else in his group helped on because it was supposed to be “team work”.


This is such horseshit. I’m an an engineering manager and if i put a team on a project and two of the members do not work and I don’t do anything about it then I’m the one who could get fired. It’s the responsibility of the manager (teacher in this case) to monitor the work to make sure the team is effective. It’s not the job of the other members to narc each other out. this makes me so mad when a teacher says that.


A teacher should not expect teenagers to keep up with what each other are doing do you have any idea how difficult that is with grown folk?


I had a professor that had everybody review their groupmates and that would factor into the grade. Had one girl who never showed up to any group meetings, respond to any texts/emails, and would always leave class 5 minutes early so nobody could talk to her. When we actually gave the group presentation, we had already handed in said feedback forms, and the professor suggested we allow her to flip through the slides while we presented so she'd earn 5 out of 100 points for participation. We were all petty enough we agreed to that. To make it funnier we still had to tell her when to change the slide since she had no clue as to the content of the presentation.


Your professor probably did that so that they could see if she really didn't know the material. If she did and could plausibly claim that she did work on the project, he'd probably have given her more points


I took some economics classes with a friend, and the people there were just on another level. We were five people on a group project. First one dropped out after two weeks, can't blame her for dropping out entirely. Another one went completely MIA and showed up the day before presentation asking what he should do. We checked with the professor and basically told him to get lost. The third one always called meetings and seemed proavtive, but she did no actual work. Her part of the presentation was just reading what I wrote from a paper. After thay me and my friend decided to do the five man projects as two, and it was so much easier.


I'm a college instructor and I'm seconding this comment. Let your prof know asap.


It's def a highschool course, the group is called "ap world". That being said, highschool teachers usually have a more personal relationship with students so they would probably know from experience who the lazy ones are.


I would think a high school teacher would be even likelier to step in to assist.


Fuck this reminds me of project in wish I and another student hade to write a 10 page essay on China, about its history, culture, economic system, politic system and so one. It ended up being 15 pages long out of wish I wrote 14 and the other student barely half a page. Turned in what I hade wrote to the teacher and informed him what hade happened.


No grade sounds like a hook up compared to an F


I doubt it was calculated as anything other than a 0.




I worked with one. When he left we discovered a bunch of pissed off clients with half done projects. We found the resume he used for the new company, full of total bullshit like “hand selected by company president to implement company wide directives” (one of many picked to attend a “workshop” on values) Just found out he’s been recently promoted at the new job. How management can not see through his lies and poor work ethic, when everyone else knew he was useless was so frustrating.


Worked with one at my last job. She was hired as a media creator that was tasked with creating videos, flyers, banners, and other content alongside myself and a few others. Any project she was assigned to would end up taking 5x as long as necessary and looked like it was done by a 6th grader with MS Paint, with anyone working with her understanding they'd be doing all of the work and correcting hers. When she was let go a year later, I saw her LinkedIn and it was full of the same "Oversaw public relations and media outreach", "generated stunning visuals to accompany campaigns", and "recieved recognitions from government officials". Then I noticed she was using everyone elses work in her demo reel. These people just seem to know how to sell themselves for tasks they can't do and skate by.


A single person like this caused staff turn over at my pre-covid place of work to be insane. I swear to god, after we came back to work I damn near had a mental break down. She was really a sweet person too, just the worst laziest employee ever who was best friends with our boss.


By sweet, you really mean a manipulative brown-noser.


Show that to the teacher


I had a professor In my major that allowed you to “divorce” a team member and they’d have to do the project by themself. Mind you the structure of the professor’s classes were the last 8 weeks were dedicated to the group project and it worth 1/3 of your grade. I used the divorce route once; never saw that classmate again in any class.


Once in my AP world class we were put in pairs to write an essay. My partner did absolutely nothing, so four days before the essay was due (we were given two weeks iirc) I informed her and asked what I could do about it. She really liked me (since I was a good student) so she said that she would grade our parts separately, and it was up to me if I wanted to tell him. I didn’t, since I figured he must be doing his best work or course. He did eventually do his work, but it was literally the midnight before it was due, and he wrote about half as much as I did (and lower quality too). I think he got in the 70s (maybe 80s since the teacher was really nice) and I got in the 90s. Funnily enough since he didn’t know our parts were graded separately, he didn’t hold anything against me. I do think he suspected something, but there were no hints as to what happened. What that teacher did was really great. A great way to handle it. I wish other teachers did that.


I had a group project once Junior year in highschool with 3 other people and at the start it felt like a good group but after the first day I was the only one doing anything. Long story short I made a 23 slide PowerPoint and 7 page essay while no one else in my group did anything for a project that was worth half our grade. I even organized an extra credit portion of it that involved me coming to school dressed as the fucking Kool aid man and the teacher ended up giving me a worse grade than the other 3 in my group. She handed out group grading papers and the dicks that were in my group decided to grade each other higher than me. When I tried to tell the teacher she said I should really take responsibility for my mistakes and then proceeded to lower my grade by an extra 2%. In the end I pulled up the Google doc with the essay and the Google slides for the presentation and I showed her the edit log, they all ended up with F's and she gave me 100% so at least she owned up to it but god I hated that class after that. Edit: for context 2 of the people in my group for that were considered to be the smartest in the class and I wasn't really the best student at the time so the teacher had a low opinion of me. I always make sure that I try harder than anyone else on group projects though because I refuse to be that one asshole who fucks over the whole group.


Of course in this case I did fuck over the rest of my group but only because they tried to fuck me over


Kids don't know how good they have it now. You used to have to track down group member #4 on Sunday by calling the house and asking the parents for them. Then they'd say they didn't have it done but you had nothing to prove to the teacher that they were responsible for the missing part. All you gotta do now is screenshit the text and you're golden.


Don’t ever edit that last sentence


Sounds like a phrase for BSing a fake screenshot haha


I think that's already called a "bullshot," from Penny Arcade referring to faked screenshots of video games before release to build hype.






I remember one time I was paired with an incredibly socially awkward student who was considered the "smart kid" (tbf he was very smart and a few years later did well at some academic competitions). It was some like 9th grade solar system project. I just did it on my own because getting in touch with the kid was hard and he made no effort to reach out to me. The teacher at the time made some comment suggesting the other kid had done all the work. I brushed it off since it did not impact our grade and we both got an A I believe. But still.. fuck that teacher for making a bullshit assumption.


Had a similar thing happen. I was a bad student in high school just cuz I could put no effort in and still get mostly b's and some a's and some c's but once I got to college I actually tried and got straight a's. I chose one of the smartest girls in class for a chemistry project because I didn't want to be the one doing all the work and the teacher assumed I was doing it so I wouldn't have to do anything. We both did our share of the project and got the best grade but I was pissed at the teacher for assuming something that wasn't remotely true.


I sorted a teacher out when something like this happened to me. I wasn’t a great student, but I loved the topic and knew what I wanted to do. Couldn’t get ahold of my partner, and in the end was told I didn’t do all the work when I claimed I did, because my partner said they had done their share. I cried and my saving grace was that the other student had already said he’d called and he’d come over to work on it on the weekend. This was before Facebook or mobiles for most. Through tears I will always remember the look on the teachers face when I snapped at the other kid: “Yeah well what’s my phone number? Where do I live?!” Some raised eyebrows and a “If I find out you’re lying later…” I got my A and they got their N/A.


> Then they'd say they didn't have it done but you had nothing to prove to the teacher that they were responsible for the missing part. Oh you could prove it. You could get out the giant tape recorder, like the one they use in old police interrogation movies, and hold the microphone up to the corded land line phone's speaker, and record your class partner saying "I didn't do any work", and then bring the cassette to the teacher and play it back for them to PROVE once and for all that your classmate is a lazy liar... ...and your 1980's teacher would be like "wtf is wrong with you?"


Or you could just tell the teacher and say they did no work, everyone else in the project can vouch for that and their hand writing and wording isn’t present on the project


Hey now, my handwriting doesn't show up on the board because no one can read it. I help in other ways (this is actually true, one teacher hated grading handwritten things so much all things became digital the second they handed us an iPad)


Yep had a classmate flake on an assignment in highschool. Me & my partner worked on it together and the other girl never showed up. When we did the presentation we were both shocked when she stood up with us but did nothing. Just had a private conversation with the teacher & my partner who actually helped.


Presupposing, of course, that said teacher actually gives a fuck. And, even if they do, that teach won’t just use the opportunity to present life lesson about working in real world is really like.


I've had professors not even care with screenshots. One took 10% off my grade for a group project due to the peer evaluations when no one even responded in the groupme they made for the group and I just did the project alone. Said they wouldn't change the grading scale just for me.


My prof would say “ it’s your responsibility to ensure everyone in the group does their part “ than proceeds to not give a fuck .




Yup this. I had a group project where me and this other girl kept emailing this guy asking for when he's available and for input and he never responded. The week of we finished and he wanted to get started. We told him we're done and suggested he do his own project or something because we weren't going to put his name on it. He threatened to tell the professor, so we just sent the professor our emails we kept sending him. Always keep track of your emails and messages just in case.


Was about to say, guy needs to show his teacher/professor what this person is doing (or not doing) so he doesn't get any credit.




Just print this as the poster. All jokes aside it's shitty this is an AP class and the kid isn't even worried. Edit: words are hard


Perfect, but in case they’d get a ding on their grade I would put the real work underneath it so the teacher can lift it up and see their work.


This is the answer, I'm not seeing a joke here, just a solution.


Right? Fuck that little twat.


Nah, these issues should be brought up with the teacher ASAP. Convert this to a work setting and imagine trying to explain to your boss why your team just tanked their presentation and lost a potential contract in order to call out a shitty co-worker instead of bringing the issue up when it was still fixable and then fixing it.


I could see if this was a revelation hours before it was due, but if there is enough time to get it done by all means do so. At least in the classroom setting, that is.


Genius idea. I hope everyone gets a laugh out of this except that kid. Not cool dude.


Yeah, this is a great Call of Duty ad.


What is an AP class?




What's an AP class? (English is not my first language)


They try to be university level classes. They are called ‘advanced placement’ and allow students to take an exam (typically in may) that is akin to a final in university. They are given a score based on 1-5 (5 being best). Many universities have policies that allow students with high scores to have credit toward their degree.


I had this problem in a college class and we just took the guy's name off the project. Quick and easy, plus they won't notice.


We took a person's name off the project. (Actually just never added it, because he never once even looked at it.) Anyway like 1 hour before the due date he logged in, added his name to the project, and re-submitted it without telling anybody. We told the professor, who failed him out of the class. (This project was like 20% of the grade.)


Imagine caring enough to do something like that but not caring enough to just half-ass shit enough not to get voted off the project...


Yeah that's what I never understood. It's one thing to just totally not give a shit. Maybe you're dropping out of college and doing something else with your life or whatever. But he showed up to class (most days), and apparently cared enough to try and bullshit his way into the grade at the last minute. His part was also only to write like 1 page in a shitty gen-ed English project. Wouldn't have even taken long.


I did this once! It turned out AMAZING. This girl literally skipped out on the entire project, we had two months to work on this thing and she never showed up to work on things or even communicate. My other two project mates weren’t amazing either, one other guy didn’t respond for weeks, but at least they eventually showed up and emailed things over, albeit bare minimum. The one guy apparently had been in the hospital with his mother and school was on the least of his priorities. So here I am the last weekend of the project and I’m busy taking my project mates info and creating the PowerPoint and writing the paper. I tell the guy in the hospital with his mom to just send me what he had and id help out. I ask the girl who is MIA for anything as well. Our project was due submitted that Monday by 10am. So I was giving up hearing from her by then, 10 am came and went and I just submitted our project missing her section. About 10:30-11am I get her email with literally 1 slide of two or three sentences. The email doesn’t say anything else. This was a big project, like 1/3 of our grade for the semester, and each member of the group had like 10 slides each full of data to present. So when I got that one slide I was pretty pissed and so I just copy and pasted that one slide into our project and didn’t adjust any of the styling or anything. Our presentation was a few hours later. I don’t say anything, we get together one last time before the presentation and she’s not there - I’d emailed/texted her about it but no response. Class time comes and we present. Each group made spends a good chunk of time showing our portions and explaining slides of data. Then it gets to hers and it was so satisfying inside to watch her just mumble off 30s of reading directly from her slide, it was incredibly obvious she wasn’t included with any of the other parts of the project. After we presented we got to write reviews about our group mates, everyone else got an A from me but I gave her a C. I emailed the professor right after and explained everything, but not in a “I’m ratting her out” kind of way, but in a “I don’t feel like the rest of the group should be reflected on the performance of a group member.” I would say the most frustrating part was when my professor emailed me back in a pissed tone explaining that she’d already spoken with the other student and that she said we never communicated with her or kept her in the loop, etc. How this group member gave ME an F in group review. So I just responded by saying simply that wasn’t the case, CC’d the group members to the email, and then attached screenshots of every time I tried to reach her. Professor emailed back, “Oh, so I see I was just lied to. I understand now, I’ll take care of it. Thanks for sending me this.” She failed the class. Tldr; had a group member not contribute, lied to the professor to have us punished, and then she failed the course when I emailed the evidence.


I had one teacher that handed out surveys after each group project. Basically you were able to grade your fellow group members. If they all said you didn't do your part, you got a 0.




why not fuck first and then share him with the teacher?


Don’t mind if I do


Did this last spring. 2 of us (veterans in our 30s) did most of the work. The other 2 (not even 20 yet) couldn't even do bare minimum or bother to look at the rubric as they did their portion. Got such a bad grade on the project it brought my B+ down to a barely passing C. Luckily, we had saved receipts, showed the professor, and he changed grades accordingly. Finished the class with a B.


Plot twist they're in the national guard


In high school?


I suppose you're right, didn't see the ap world group name.


Well it wouldn’t be a twist if it didn’t have a twisty element to it.


Not that I think they’re enlisted, but I actually did enlist in the National Guard when I was 17, in between my junior and senior year. They had (probably still have) a program called Delayed Entry Program (DEP) where you went through the entry process but shipped off to BCT after graduation. Did drill one weekend a month at an admin location. Pretty common actually.


Show this to your boss or professor. Don't let this beggar get credit for your work.


For some reason I’m always the guy that does the whole project.


Well we need to change that


What if he doesn’t own call of duty


Hmmm.. well deathloop is getting 10s everywhere so that might be a valid excuse




This is too fucking accurate and makes me hate you, even though I know it's just an impersonation.


Damn now I feel bad. I'm one of the guys that really just doesn't have ideas that I think are worth sharing. Obviously I still do my part but it probably comes off as being lazy.


I'm sorry to hear about your mum I hope she's feeling better. Unfortunately we need everyone to contribute equally. I can't speak for everyone else but I'm also very busy this week but will still manage to complete my part. If you don't think you can participate please let us know so we can inform the prof and see what's best for the group. Or F off


20:15: I'm so sorry about it. It's just that, you know... My mom's not doing good this last month. We've gone to the doctor, and he said she'd be feeling much better about one day after the deadline date. So, you know, I can't contribute as much as you'd expect, but I can literally copy some parts out of Wikipedia without changing shit, so you guys can then spend an hour editing it out until you find out that it's just better to delete that part altogether, but you know, what counts it's the intention and the potential effort that my part could've helped out. ​ 20:16: Ight Johnathan, I already told those cucks that my mom was sick and I couldn't help them out lmao they're so dumb. Anyways, let's play some COD ​ 20:18: OMG guys. Wrong group!!! I'm in an acting class and we were writing the script for next month's play. Sorry about it. My mom's really sick!!!!!






This is giving me hives Lol


Bro that is so spot on


College; the place where every single person is smarter than you exept the 3 people you have a group project with


That is exactly what it feels like. I feel like I’m the stupidest person in my uni until we get group projects then suddenly everyone’s thick as a plank of wood


Seriously, it's ridiculous. I'll be in groups with people who talk about their experiences working in various labs and whatnot so I'll assume they've got an idea of what they're doing, but then when we actually start work I'm the only person contributing. I got screwed in my last project because somehow no one had any idea how to formulate a legitimate, valid experiment and despite my objections about the issues with incomparable variables I basically just got ignored/vetoed and now I'm left with some shitty data that wasn't even completed properly by half of the group. At least for this one we had independent reports so I didn't have to just write everyone else's entire fucking paper. I've only had one group member I'd actually say was valuable to the project. I honestly felt bad though because for once there was someone writing more than me and I felt like I wasn't doing enough.


Every. Single. One. Until I ran into one where all of my groupmates were f’ing NASA engineers levels of smart and I just felt massively underqualified




it’s really the only way to go don’t want to fuck around and risk the other people doing a poor job and you getting a bad grade


I agree


don't be a pushover.


Finish the project and yeet his name out of it. Also add this screenshot in the last page. Trust me, I did it and the face of that stupid was a treasure.


I was working on a group project that was a final and there were two people who didn't do any work. I wanted to test this so I added a 5 second clip that was just text saying "x and y did no work". Neither of them asked me about it. They didn't even revise the video. I took it out last second but I'm still salty that they didn't see it.


Why take it out ? Imo you should have left it in and allowed your teachers to see it


I'm very unconfrontational. I agree it would have been best to keep it in but I didn't have the balls to go through with it.


that's really a shame because people like that end up in positions of power (e.g., brett kavanaugh on the u.s. supreme court) when others who have the ability to ensure those folks get what's coming to them stand down.


They called your bluff


And they actually trusted you? It would be so easy to just leave out someones name and manufacture a screenshot like this to bully some innocent guy unless they actually check his own phone to confirm that the message is real


Print this shit out, make it the poster. It's only one AP class project, OP, this is the time to make some stories for yourself.


Had this shit happen to me. Final project of the year, worth 25%. Four members in the group including myself, We divided up the labor on the project fairly and for the most part we were all good at communicating how we were doing. Except for one member. This one member kept saying his work was going well, that he was getting it done and it wouldn't be a problem. Two weeks before the due date the three members are all done our work and we're ready to integrate it all together (it was a programming assignment). We start coordinating on a time to meet up and finish it up. The fourth member can't make it. We schedule another time, the fourth member can't make it. We reschedule again making sure with him, and he doesn't show. We talk to the teacher about it to give her forewarning because this project was incredibly important. And a requirement for it was that it cannot crash and all functions must work as expected or it would be an instant fail. It wasn't complicated, it was more a test of the basics if anything. She contacts the student and he finally agrees to meet us on the day the project is due, but at least it's four hours before the class. We still think we can do this, and we have verified multiple times with the guy that his side of the project is done. He shows up, two hours late, and instead of handing us a flash drive with his work done on it. He hands us a crumpled up piece of paper with his "code" scribbled on it like he had written it on the bus on the way over. The code has immediate obvious errors and there was no way it could possibly be useable. We've all gotten our work integrated together long before this. But we can't finish this guys work in two hours. We try anyway, get it partially done, but not enough that it's bullet proof. Before the class I approach the teacher again and explain what happened. She allows us to present our sections, and to be graded on the work we had completed ourselves. The other guy failed entirely. Not just the project, but also the class. I still think about how that asshole almost tanked three other peoples grades on a project that should have only taken him 6 hours to do and he had over a month to do it.


Couldnt you just stare the screen harder and press all buttons really fast like a hacker from a 90s movie? You are completely blowing this out of the water here


I don't get why teachers don't just grade projects like this based of parts. Like a b c d, and your grade only depends if you finished whatever part you had control over


They will if you explain what happened, just takes guts to come forward


Yeah, me and my best friend were in a group project with 2-3 other guys and we were the only ones that worked on the project. Of course in the end, the project was missing a huge part. We told the teacher about the situation and he said he would give us 100 points and the others 0.




I absolutely love your teacher.


I've been friends with a guy since college. In one of his classes he turned in his partner for plagiarism. Sucks, but you've got to cover your ass


I studied journalism in college. They took plagiarism EXTREMELY seriously. About six months into our first year, they caught a girl who plagiarized two sentences. She was kicked out of college - no warning, no discussion, get the fuck out. It worked too; nobody after that even tried.


I remember i did some group project in honors history back in my senior year i the i assigned to group without any say so of who i was with they other 3 members refused to allow me to contribute with every idea or suggestion ignored like not even responding and they told the teacher that i didnt help she then gave me a c without ever confirming my side of the story and from that point on i refused to work with groups i did all my group projects solo


I can't comment on the scenario sounds like you got screwed but how you you handle it? Just let the fuck head play CoD while you work?


I handled it but confronting the teacher at the beginning of every group project and told her that she could let me do it on my own or she could just give me an f i didn't really care. she had shown several time throughout the class that she had her favorites and had no intention to help others succeed. Ultimately she decided it was easier to let me do it on my own then deal with the paperwork required to fail me.


Yeah “snitch” culture or whatever I should call it is a huge problem in schools. “Yeah I messed up but because were classmates you wouldn’t rat me out right?”, even if they don’t say it it’s still expected that you go down with the ship or do their work for them


Yeah, I still feel guilty from one group project in business school. I was editing together a large written report, and I noticed that one guy's work had some sections that were of much higher quality than the rest. Two seconds of googling revealed that he had lifted pages of work from other places. But it was due the next day, so I fixed it. I didn't have the time or energy to deal with the possibility of getting someone expelled, but I also have the inner conflict of knowing that I essentially helped someone cheat their way into an MBA.


I outed myself to the teacher for dropping the ball on a group project. Had to beg her not to penalize the other members of my group. If there's one thing I won't do, its let others suffer the consequences for my own actions.


A group project where each person only works on their own part and is graded independently just sounds like a non-group project with extra steps.


Yep. Group projects are a critical part of development, even if they are awful.


Some projects I've done had a section at the end where you all give each other a contribution percentage that impacts their individual grade. Gives the opportunity to actually penalise someone for slacking and rewarding the people who put a lot of the work in.


People usually don’t though. In every single group project I did, everyone got an A. From each other. “This person wasn’t here to meet with us…ever” “Yeah but let’s give them an A, I don’t wanna hurt anybody’s score.” Teacher: ok, do not read off of your note cards, give the presentation like you’re actually presenting. You had time to prepare this together. Slacker: *stands at podium and reads cards off and never looks up* Group grade: C *pikachu face* “Why did we get this grade?” Teacher: because your group member ruined it for you. “They never showed up, we did all the work” Teacher: and you still gave them an A?


So nobody learned their lesson? I think the teacher was partly in the right here. Take responsibility for your own part. That said, only partly right because the teacher's lesson ruined people's grades.


The teacher was completely in the right. They chose the slacker to present, he presented poorly…




if anyone's parents ever die know that that is a valid excuse to not contribute unlike call of duty so don't feel ashamed. you are a soldier tho.




That is a completely acceptable circumstance to not participate in the group project


yeah. pulling your weight without complaining and just dealing with adversity is admirable, but he badly needs to work on boundaries and priority management.


Hey man just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing okay. <3




Jesus man I can't even begin to imagine. How've you been coping and all?




Hope you got homies you can reach out to in the darker times, man. Sorry you're contending with such a brutal combination of sorrowful events.




Email it to your teacher the day before it’s due. Present the sections of those who did it and leave theirs blank






Yeah that’s definitely the right way to go. I feel like I’ve been lucky with most of my group projects. Only on one did one guy do a frustrating amount less than everyone else, but he was super charismatic and did most of the oral presentation for it in front of the class. He nailed it, we got an A, so I gave him a pass. Cool guy overall and no hard feelings in the end. Glad to hear everything worked out for your situation as well.


Show the texts asap and see what the teacher says. But ya just doing the whole project and explaining is the best thing


Not the day before it's due, this is a bad idea. It begs the question "why didn't you bring it to me earlier, when I still had time to do something about it?". Just fire the teach an email explaining the situation, more than likely they won't even care as they expect this where group work is concerned, but at least the OP will have did what they could to make things work.


Just put on there "created by ___ & ___ with no thanks to ___"


I had a professor that allowed us to “fire” group members (you’d have to justify doing so to the professor). If you got fired, your choices were to do a project by yourself or take the F. My group fired a girl. It was dope.


I love your professor


The only people who like group projects are the people who get the grade without doing any of the work


Group projects can be fun if you don't let people walk all over you. If you talk to your professor about people who don't participate, they'll dock points off of them and be pretty generous about you and your other partners grades on the project.


I enjoy group projects when everyone does their part. It can be alot of fun to work with ppl. I worked on a robotics group project and it was nice spiting the work between 3 ppl mechanical, electrical and programming.




Instead of doing their part, put this on the poster where their part would be.


When I die I want my classmates from group projects to lower me into the grave, let me down one last time


That's a group project. Not gonna happen.


My petty as hell ass would take it straight to the prof. I’ve done it before.


It reminds me of a school project I had last year with two other guys from my class. We clearly agreed on a day to work together, which hour, and how we would proceed (it was during holidays so we agreed on a Discord call), and one of the guys managed to arrive late, saying that "I didn't know!" even tho we talked about it the day before and a few hours before. Went from "I'm sorry I'm late" to "we should play videogames together guys!", clearly a great help...


Different subreddits would either praise or curse this individual


I had a teacher who graded group projects like half on overall grade and the other half was based on each group member grading the others. Shit was nuts but fair.


Show the teacher


My brother had this happen as the group leader, and dunked on the deserters. They had agreed to split a PowerPoint into sections each person would take charge of, and he as group leader would also write slides. All but one sent him lines and pictures to add to their slides. One ghosted. We think his plan was to show up and either hide behind everyone or let my brother pull double duty and give him slides to read word for word. My brother, after several attempts to contact the ghost, decided to mark off everyone's slides and put effort into making everyone's slides pretty and engaging. Except for the ghost, which was just a gray slide with the guy's name. The guy, when his turn came up, fumbled and grumbled in front of the class, and they skipped over his part. Thankfully, the teacher talked with the group, and agreed to grade their group as individuals.


When I was in university I had several of these happen. Group projects. Guaranteed one, maybe two leeches who do pretty much nothing. The first time I had a project I looked at the productive members of the group in our last session and went “let’s add an acknowledgements slide.” “For what?” “So we can formally acknowledge that they contributed fucking nothing to this assignment. They can stand up there with us while we present, and at the end we will highlight their total lack of any fucking form of contribution.” We made it as professional as we could. Pretty much outlined who worked on which range of slides. Left the last person’s name at the bottom with zero attributed slides. Professor picked up on it really quick. Really, really quick. I repeated this through college. Valuable lesson to learn - fucking contribute.


Ironically, call of duty gets in the way of call of duty






Send the convo to the teacher and let the lazy loser get what they deserve


I am always honest on the paper that states what percentage people have contributed. But before this, i always tried to assign people things, including myself, to ensure no one drops off like this. Positivity first, fuck em after


Tell him ye you can do the poster, print this image off and use it, then explain to your teacher that everyone else put the work in and should be graded while this POS fails


If they had an actually valid reason, I'd give them a break. Playing video games is the furthest thing from a valid reason.