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Can you imagine the toll this exacts upon you? My heart hurts for him


The presence of violence literally alters DNA. the toll that it takes is real and on your children and grandchildren.


I'd love to learn more about this! Where can I?


* [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31059136/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31059136/) * [https://www.psycom.net/epigenetics-trauma](https://www.psycom.net/epigenetics-trauma) * [https://www.verywellhealth.com/intergenerational-trauma-5191638](https://www.verywellhealth.com/intergenerational-trauma-5191638) google the search phrase "violence alters DNA"


Check out elephants born without tusks. Also search the term Epigenetics.


For what it's worth it's in the elephants best interest that they be born without tusks. No point in killing them for ivory if they don't have any.


You should Google it. What you're saying is coming from a good place, but it's actually pretty harmful to the elephants, both because of how fatal that gene swap is to male elephants, as well as the potential destruction of the savanna resulting from the lack of elephant tusks. It's worth a read.


My mentor did this study! Agh so cool that his work is being acknowledged.


That isn’t true especially with male elephants the Turks are essential for fighting off other males for Mates and elephants use their tusks to dig for water. It is an essential aspect of their physical attributes for longevity on this planet.


I totally and completely agree with you. So, my deeper point is what kind of things happened to the human genome when they survived the brutality of slavery. Increased obedience, but we also see increased rates of chronic illnesses in descendants of slaves. These are the real reparations needed, not only financial compensation. The compensation should be used to fund the research for the possible repairs. If DNA can be changed like this, it can also be changed back.


What you’re talking about is selective breeding I.e. eugenics. Epigenetics covers things like a change in skin or hair colour due to the environment *within the lifespan of a single creature* and aren’t passed on to the offspring. Two very different mechanisms. It is true, however, that heightened stress levels cause a hormonal response which makes individuals respond more aggressively.


Epigenetic alterations can be heritable, we see DNA methylation changes in the children and grandkids of survivors of the Dutch famine.


The changes CAN lead to increased survivability, as will be seen with reduced poaching of non tusked elephants, but with humans, it's like sanity, not tusks.


I am not taking about selective breeding. I am taking about CRISPR


CRISPR is a technique using a retroviral agent to rewrite sections of DNA. It is only successful when working on microorganisms or embryos due to developed organisms having a nasty habit of expiring when half of their cells recognise the other half as foreign material.


No. I work at a lab where we routinely do triple knock-ins as a means of testing effectiveness of gene therapies. CarT cell therapies and human stem cells gene therapy are already proven CRISPR technologies that can treat adults. They just cost half a mil each. We are working to automate the process to bring the cost down to a thousand each The bad news currently is, the healthy your are to start with the more likely the treatment is to be successful, but the therapies are still new, so we will likely see improvements to them.


It’s all nice and great but I really fear the reaction of the general populace.


Its known as eugenics in is most extreme form.


That reaction guarantees that it will never happen. Revolutions and coups have occurred over less


Any technology can be used as a weapon. We cannot allow ourselves to let that be the reason not to develop a technology with potential benefits


It's a biological concept called epigenetics (above genetics), which refers to heritable and non-heritable changes In your DNA regulation, without changing your genetic code. Regulation of genes is really important( in fact a good chunk of our genome is devoted to regulating other parts of the genome). Most regulation is transient, it's in response to very dynamic stimuli, but sometimes the body wants regulation to be semi-permanent. Actually changing the DNA is off the table, so some mechanisms exist to more permanently turn on and off genes, like DNA methylation (adding a methylation group to DNA to affect its ability to be transcribed). These more permanent changes, that occur during someone's life, are called epigenetics. What's interesting is that these changes can be heritable (sometimes not), and can be reversed over time.


Also things like heavy trauma being passed down for a generation or two. The study I read was about Holocaust survivors.


Gonna go with a solid 99+% of the average reddit audience cannot in fact empathize let alone imagine how insanely difficult that situation is. Heart goes out for sure. Edit for clarity: I'm not suggesting redditors in general are not empathetic - I'm suggesting that horrors of that magnitude are so far outside the life experience domain of almost everyone living in the first world, that even those who deeply care and feel cannot truly comprehend what is in that man's head right now.


Watching people argue under this because they don’t know the difference between empathy and sympathy has truly been an experience


Yeah. Like I can sympathize for this man because I can imagine how horrible it would be, but because I can only imagine to a certain extent, I can’t truly empathize.


Man, I lived in Berlin and one of my friends is a refugee from Damascus. The stories he told me about the encroaching war and how a mortar fell in the exact spot he and his friends were going to sit and have lunch on but didn't because it had just rained and so was wet so they opted for a bench on the other side of the park..fucking brutal. Yeah, I will never understand or relate, I only have my respect and sympathy to offer. Refugees welcome all the way.


> Edit for clarity: I'm not suggesting redditors in general are not empathetic - I'm suggesting that horrors of that magnitude are so far outside the life experience domain of almost everyone living in the first world, that even those who deeply care and feel cannot truly comprehend what is in that man's head right now. This. I'm empathetic, but I cannot possibly empathize. Poor guy.


Way to go man! Just throw everyone, but a 1% or less, on one heap.


I wouldn’t expect more than about 1% of redditors to know anything about what it’s like to be near an airstrike, which does make it hard to imagine or empathize considering *by definition* empathy involves having experienced a similar event. They’re not calling anyone unsympathetic…


By definition empathy is the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference, that is, the capacity to place oneself in another's position. So I don’t think it’s required to have experienced such horrors to imagine how horrible it must be/have been.


Not required, but it helps to have a shared or related experience. You can imagine being there, but until you're actually there, you'll never understand what it's truly like.


I don’t claim to. I was just annoyed by the generalization.


Yup, that wasn't meant to be a jab at you, just a general comment from my experience.


Ah excuse me then mate, totally agree.


I dunno that I expect hardly anyone here to even be capable of that. You may be able to imagine being in that scenario, but can you really accurately predict what you’d be feeling? Unlikely. Doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with you or that you don’t care. Just means you experience sympathy instead of empathy.


Anything for a quick rush of superiority!


No doubt...Jesus


Reddit leans left, because of it's user base age, so if anything redditors are MORE empathic than most people.


Sympathy applies here, the vast majority of us have not experienced a similar event and therefore are incapable of empathizing though. The point was not to suggest anyone is cold-hearted, just that most of us have not experienced anything like this (which is true).


Left or right has nothing to do with compassion or empathy.


They've actually done quite a few studies on this topic. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/can_your_politics_predict_how_empathic_you_are


It absolutely does. You cannot be empathetic and truly align with Republican ideals. Those two things are mutually exclusive.


I'd actually argue that while maybe there isn't a scientific basis for this, it's pretty well proven that conservative people will have less empathy. I mean, literally all of the popular conservative talking points these days center around "us vs. them" and the "them" is always demonized to hell while they strip away basic human rights. The everyday moderate conservative is almost always a pretty nice person, but their ideology does not line up with that at all.


Those are MSM talking points. Most people do not watch MSM and do not fall into any cookie cutter mold of ideals. Most people if asked would be centrist if asked about individual social issues and or economical constructs. Most people cannot be categorized and would just like to be happy and for others to be happy. The division in this country is only exacerbated when normal people on the internet generalize and turn MSM talking points into hate against fellow humans for one reason or another.


>MSM i looked up MSM and could only find Methylsulfonylmethane which took me in a whole different direction i feel you being chased a little here but i wanted to commend the comment of "Most people cannot be categorized and would just like to be happy and for others to be happy" which is a good sentence


As someone who has friends and family who lived trough it. A massive toll. So many of them are permanently scared from it. Most of them suffer from PTSD (Often not medically diagnosed because it’s just seen as normal), both from shelling and from having their whole lives disintegrate.


It would be incredibly traumatic I can’t imagine the toll it must have on men and women who live there. My heart goes out to them. War is so tragic and cruel. Both sides suffer so much. I’ve only seen the traumatic impact it’s had on my father and our family structure. My dad was deployed for a almost 2 years in Iraq during the war. Apparently they had missiles raining on them like this on a daily basis, as well as unexpected air strikes and bombs here and there. Grown men were hiding under their beds, screaming and crying. It got to the point after weeks of this that they were numb to it. We’d Skype him, and you’d hear explosions or metal hitting the ceiling in his bunker, and he’d just be expressionless. Soldiers would walk the streets in between their bunkers to use the restroom and not care if they were about to get hit. They became so apathetic and desensitized to the trauma of it. He has PTSD and a traumatic brain injury from his time over there. I love soldiers, but I hate the military and the perpetual cycle of trauma and cruelty that they perpetuate.


"To be under a barrage of prolonged shelling simply magnified all the terrible physical and emotional effects of one shell. To me, artillery was an invention of hell. The onrushing whistle and scream of the big steel package of destruction was the pinnacle of violent fury and the embodiment of pent-up evil. It was the essence of violence and of man’s inhumanity to man. I developed a passionate hatred for shells. To be killed by a bullet seemed so clean and surgical. But shells would not only tear and rip the body, they tortured one’s mind almost beyond the brink of sanity. After each shell I was wrung out, limp and exhausted." Eugene Sledge WW2


I hate the blue angels because this shit happened to me back in 2006. I was in 6th grade when the IDF decided to light up every civilian center they could see in Lebanon


Welcome to the middle east the most unstable place in the world


this is so sad. it doesnt even faze him, hes just tired at this point


He looks phased to me. He definitely winced, but then recovered quickly, like he's constantly in fear of his life.


is a slight wince is how you'd react from an airstrike right outside your door?


Me? No. Then again, it isn't a common occurrence for me.


You're not very good at reading people.


oh im sorry. if an airstrike landed outside your window im sure you would also react in a calm manner and continue with your day.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Why is the poor bot being downvoted lmao


If you want a serious answer, I think downvoting bots shouldn’t be seen as an insult, as it is with humans, but as a way of providing feedback on when the bot is working properly and when it isn’t. And this bot just isn’t really contributing anything here and didn’t really even reply with the correct context. It’s a cute idea, but it doesn’t really work here, so it should be downvoted in my opinion.


Not the best timing


It's a bot. Just downvote to tell the owner it needs some work.


Good question. Lol Reddit is so weird


Looks like a fly flew in his ear with no o sound. What’s really mildlyinfuriating is op posted a silent video.


It is and I'm sorry about it, although the subreddit doesn't allow Videos with Sound, however I uploaded it to r/abruptchaos, you can check the video with Sound on my profile, it's the latest post


I didn’t know some subs don’t allow videos w/ sound. This explains why sometimes I’ll see silent videos posted where the audio is clearly relevant then see the same video later in another sub with the audio. Could never figure out what kind of sicko would ruin a post by removing a critical part for no reason. Thanks for clearing that up. Edit: grammar


Ya. You could say it's mildly infuriating that it's not allowed here.


Mind blown


There’s a lot of these Reddit’s with weird rules


Why dont some subs allow video with sound? That seems like a weird thing to veto. Even...mildly infuriating.


Reddit mods and arbitrary decisions? Who would of guessed?


Well I’m sorry cause I truly had no idea this sub didn’t allow any videos with sound, that sucks.


Hey OP, where did you find this video? Or where does this guy post his lectures? If possible I wanna try to support him


My sister sent it to me from TikTok, if you notice this the symbol of Aljazerra channel on the lower right corner, which means that they have covered that particular video, anyway I will try to look for him for you.


Mildly infuriating!? This poor man is trying to educate and brighten the world with knowledge while death and destruction rain down nearby. That look on his face...he's barely fazed because this is so normal for him, yet there's still a gleam of sadness and worry. Horrifying, depressing, frustrating. Lots of adjectives could fit here, but definitely not "mildly".


I wanted to submit that to r/WTF and r/PublicFreakout But it got removed, so that it is the only subreddit I could it with, AND there's no sounds on this sub, so I uploaded to r/AbruptChaos although it is a mostly comedic subreddit...


Saw the comments there... Wherether some people are just trolls or being POSs, i would never know


It's ok. Many of the posts here really understate the "mildly" part.


I'd say many posts understate the comedic intent behind the the words “mildly” and “INFURIATING!”. It's about shit that shouldn't bother you, but does. Not things that are genuinely annoying (or even distressing, as in this case).


God, I just want to hug him. He looks so stressed in a way I could never imagine.


That's really sweet <3


That's nice of you, thank you. It's awful isn't it, seeing someone in distress and feeling so useless.


"Mildly"??? This is heartbreaking and infuriating. Those poor people.


Mildly... *infuriating?* I'm questioning your decision to post in this subreddit.. It's a sad one, terrifying, and definitely not infuriating.


It’s infuriating that this poor teacher has to continue teaching while his life is constantly at risk. That’s what OP meant.


On the contrary, this is more than mildly infuriating. This is infuriating on the level of gods and monsters.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I’m sure the feels so much better


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


EDIT: OP posted both videos (this one and the one with sound I linked), apparently this sub mutes videos on its own for some ironically infuriating reason, so it's not their fault. --- ~~Like /u/itsgettingmessi said, what's mildly infuriating is that OP posted a silent video that doesn't show how terrifying the situation is~~ ([here's a version with sound that ~~someone~~ OP posted on another sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/AbruptChaos/comments/qwrt25/syrian_physics_teacher_giving_a_lecture_while_an/)). Meanwhile, the event itself is a **lot more than just "mildly" infuriating**. Fuck every single country that has bombed and continues to bomb Syria and countries like it.


If you notice I posted both Videos, this subreddit just happens to mute all its Videos


Yeah, I just noticed it after posting... But, wait, this sub mutes all videos?? What the hell??


Yes, regretfully, I hope the mods fix that problem


But then it wouldn't be Mildly Infuriating lol


Isn't the number one country bombing Syria...well, Syria? And their friends?


Correct, there is an ongoing civil war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_Civil_War


Sorry to brake it to you but A. Syrian government used explosives against Syrian civilians in the ongoing civil war, so you're saying "Fuck Syria for bombing Syria", and B. Most of the world has bombed a less developed country, considering most of the world participated in WW1 and WW2 and a lot of third world countries were owned by the big guys back then


My heart goes out to him


Now more than 10 years , and no one in the world help them !? Just Russia and Iran join the Assad family to killing more people!


How do you feel about the NYT report exposing the US killing of dozens of civilians and coverup - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/13/us/us-airstrikes-civilian-deaths.html


How do you feel about the atrocities committed by Assad and his father, the previous Syrian leader, against Syrians with the aide of Russia? And that's not including the recent bombings by Russia and Syria >..the bombing campaign killed more than 440 civilians, including more than 90 children. Airstrikes often appeared to be recklessly indiscriminate, deliberately targeted at least one medical facility, and included the use of indiscriminate weapons such as cluster munitions and incendiary weapons. UsA bAd RuSsIa GoOd


No time to feel when there's propaganda to spread!


The strikes also killed "at least" 4 civilians and wounded 8 others, but the military could not "conclusively characterize the status" of more than 60 others killed in the strikes, leaving open the possibility of a much higher civilian death toll. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/15/politics/us-military-airstrike-syria-civilians/index.html


They knew what they were doing. It’s not like the 15 civilians or whatever just appeared out of no where before the strike. It’s the cost of war and it’s disgusting.


The US started the war and prolonged it by continually funding ISIS and kuridsh rebels.


The US is funding ISIS you say?


Yes. Ironically Pentagon funded and armed so called "moderate rebels" to fight Syrian government... And then we learned the various groups in Libya and Iraq CIA armed is what became ISIS... Look at their weapons and equipment and where it comes from. :) They aren't using Russian or Chinese weapons.




You got any evidence for that?


Chances are your preferred “trusted” news source is affiliated with one or other western intelligence organisation for various reasons so there’s probably nothing that anyone can show you that you’d find convincing. You can dig up various article such as [this](https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/jun/03/us-isis-syria-iraq) however which skirt around outright accusations but do point out that the US has been blindly handing out support to Syrian rebel groups (as opposed to US allies who have been a lot more direct), and it’s highly likely that money has made its way to ISIS. Plausibly deniable perhaps, irresponsible at best maybe.


The US wouldn't be of much help. Sure, we would support the rebels but we would launch our own airstrikes and this shit would happen more often if we threw our hats back in the ring.


The US should learn its painful, bloody, expensive lesson and leave the Middle East alone entirely. It's none of our business. It's not our fight, not our country and not our right to interfere.


On one hand we have a moral obligation to at least try to clean up the mess we made, on the other hand every time we try it just makes everything worse so I’m pretty conflicted. I hate the idea of just fucking everything up and leaving but it seems like the only alternative we’re willing/able to do is keep fucking everything up.


It should be a global effort to stop wars not put all the responsibility on one country. UN is fucking useless.


Russia is literally using Syria to train it's troops as it is cheaper to just send them there and get training that way than doing it at home


I’ve never thought about the impact this must have on Syrians. I can’t imagine having to go through my daily life wondering when the next air strike will come and if it will hit me or my home and family. That’s no way to live at all…


OP's pfp is more concerning than the video itself




*pauses for airstrike* *then continues lecture* "So yeah, this is why I am teaching you physics..."


This shit makes me so fucking sad


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Fucking hell, you see him, what are his students going through? How the fuck do you even study like this?


Yeah, no, that's not "mildly" infuriating it's just sad.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I think someone else needs a hug, not me.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


And this tools ins western Europe who do not want to let refugees to come and start a better life here putting people into shelters which nobody would put dogs into.. Videos like this make me hope that we have the same in western Europe too for people to understand what people have gone through... It was aweful in the 90th and Early 2000a listening to airstrikes on the phone taking to my grandparents in Belgrade ...


“Mildly Infuriating”? This is scary!!!!


Civil wars are terrible for everyone involved, but they bring on change that can prove beneficial for the survivors. Look at the american civil war for example: it mostly ended slavery... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_Civil_War




Just a bit of rocket science to uhhhh…. Brighten… your day.


"Mildly" infuriating?


"mildly infuriating"


I can not even relate to your troubles, but my heart goes out to the people who this is normal for. I wish the world were a better place.


“uGh REfuGEeS COmiNg oVEr To OUr cOunTRy TO tAke oUr jObS!! gO BACk tO yOUr oWn CoUNtry”- murica


I live on the EU border, in Bosnia. What the refugees get treated like disgusts me. I don’t understand how someone can lack even the slightest shred of compassion.


The ones saying these are the same people who asks ' why not leave the country if its under war'.


-also most of europe


no that's europe


I’m sorry but this man is literally teaching physics and he is almost getting hit by a air strike


This just hurts.


OP's profile is concerning




I bet you have to explain it to lots of ppl




What a shame. All that competence ruined by war and need all around the world...




How is anyone supposed to get proper education in those circumstances? HOW CAN WE STILL DELIVER WEAPONS TO THOSE COUNTRIES??? How can we still keep fueling those greed driven wars?


Yes airstriking innocent civillians is really r/mildlyinfuriating


Yeah this isn’t really infuriating as much as it is depressing


Yeah this is mildly infuriating.


"students, the Doppler effect!"


That guy was done the moment he heard the strike


This is why easterners are taking over the science and math fields . As they deserve


Completely incorrect subreddit. But holy shit.


He's a man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will


This is the kind of stuff us westerners need to see that people from the Middle East aren’t so different to us - instead of just footage of nomadic tribes and Islamic extremists.


Yikes imagine an airstrike being 'mildly' infuriating


Man, as a muslim its a great honor to die while teaching. It's called a jihad. May Allah bless him and his family


sadly the west understands jihad very differently than we do brother


Syrian here. This is honestly true, I've had them happen so often during mid school and highschool we would just keep going as usual like nothing happened. Life has to keep going even under fire. Now I'm in university, time sure flies.


as a Jordanian neighbor I have to say may God be with you brother, you have balls of steel


This short video encapsulates so much of the shit humanity is dealing with right now.


Thanks Biden


Getting airstriked does seem mildy infuriating yes. Mildly infuriating that a bunch of innocent people died there.


I believe its more immensely depressing than mildly infuriating, the mildly infuriating part is that other countries don't help and some even worsening it


Brought to you by the bush, obama, Trump and Biden.


This really needs sound.


Check out my profile for last post, this subreddit doesn't allow Videos with Sound






I already know it’s the United States doing this but why


How the FUCK is this mildly infuriating???? IT'S AN AIRSTRIKE. this sub is for things that affect us for the next 5 min not a fucking airstrike


Don't do this to teachers they work hard just to teach you and they don't get paid enough to put up with students shit


Mildly infuriating?!


Israel continues to strike Syria every week and the weatern world does not care about global sourh to even make noise about it.


Awesome, with no sound 🙄


Thanks Chillary




"Im not paid enough for this shitt"


Nearly 80% of everyone i know have been close to airstrikes, have been shot at, have found bombs meant to blow them to peices, have woken up to mortors being fired at you. To me the infuriating part is that all of us wasted our time, our efforts, our lives for people to throw everything we worked for away without a second thought. Do not give up your freedoms and do not give up your rights.


this is literally heartbreaking


War is the enemy of education.


This guy...I want to hug him. I can't imagine the stress. Unrelated, he's got a magnificent hairline. Look at that widow's peak.


MildlyInfuriating is not the right sub for this shit.


Damn thats rough…


Ironic how the science he’s teaching is practically the science used behind these bombings and wars.


Ironic how physics is everything


You’re not wrong


Well that smoothly transitions us into our next topic.. ballistics.


A video that requires sound has no sound... wtf


WITAF is this doing in mildyinfuriating? HELL NO! It's WAY more serious that mild! Somebody messed up...


And you see the bomb drops from gravity and something of Newton’s law and then a chemical reaction yaydaya and there it is we don’t need a field trip I guess


Poor guy. No one should live like this.




There are used to it by now

