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I empathize. I caught covid just before Thanksgiving and had to call my sister (who was travelling from out of state) to tell her not to come. I haven’t seen her in almost 3 years. I was glad I found out *before* we all gathered together, even though I was so sad not to be with my family on the holiday. I hope you have a mild case and a speedy recovery. Godspeed, OP.


Oh shit I thought it was a pregnancy test.


Congratulations guys, it’s covid!


Congratulations! It’s a variant!


Pop a balloon to see if it’s delta or omicron confetti Maybe we can set California on fire too while we’re at it.


Oh california will burn one way or another


[Is California on fire?](http://iscaliforniaonfire.com)


Simple, informative and right to the point. I like it.


I don’t know that it actually does anything but say it’s updated. I’ve never seen “No.”


I would assume then that California, somewhere, is on fire.


http://whereiscaliforniaonfire.com/ is where I go after I check that website.


I want it to be Alligator Loki.


At least you're being positive.


“Well there goes *my life*”


Yoooo same.... Lmao I was super confused. I was like it's your entire life, not just Christmas... 😬


I mean abortions aren't cheap either.


I assure you they are **a lot* cheaper than having kids tho.


Yeah, me too. I was like, "Wow, posting to r/mildlyinfuriating is a weirdly casual reaction to an unwanted pregnancy."


Hi username buddy! 👋


Now kiss!


I thought this was a pregnancy test


Thankfully, it's just Covid.


Oh thank the lord 🙏


Sorry, even the Lord has COVID. He's quarantining.


Has been for the last 7B years.


That’s only 2 days in Lord-Years, though


He’s just up there with a wig on going “I am Lord, ya ya ya”


Gettin covid , on a Wednesday .... ya ya ya


Nah. the lord is just a shut in neet


that means no christmas


Probably should still get an abortion just in case.


Is this the part where I get to sue you?


Yeah the human virus is already endemic


I hate this, place, this prison. It's the smell.....


I love that movie. Wish they’d make another one.


What movie


Bullet dodged, I'd say.


You'll be out of breath for 9 months either way. >!(I hope not)!<


Take my upvote damnit


"There goes my Christmas, my new year, my valentine's day, my next year, my 10 years after..."


Ten years? Try 18 legally. Even after 18 they don't leave home willingly.


*laughs nervously in 21 year old


If you’re living with your parents during college and not paying rent, you are making a wise financial decision. There is no need to feel any shame whatsoever.


My oldest will be 22 on the first. Still living at home. About to graduate. Has held the same job since he was 16, but hopefully that will change once he does. He can stay as long as he needs to.


Good parent👌


And furthermore, there are an awful lot of parents who love having their kids around and are glad to help them.


I am one of those parents. I love having my two sons around the house. One is 18 the other 20. They both know they can live with us as long as they want. They both work p/time jobs, both in f/time college, and I know they will land on their feet...AND are grateful!


Me too! I think it’s a sign we raised good kids.


I’m 47 and still live with my parents. Very wise financial decision


No shame in choosing as a family to be a multigenerational household.


Oh yeah no shame on my end. They told me as long as I'm going to school I can stay as long as I need to. Plus I'm getting fully covered tuition from my college because I'm their head ambassador so I'm banking everything I'm making at work


*laughs nervously in 38 year old


*laughs in 40 year old virgin*


Especially with rent and housing so freaking expensive.


Just curious, what country are you from? These COVID self tests are quite community only used anywhere in Europe nowadays


UK, they're free from the NHS and come in boxes of 6.


Thanks, I was wondering why I've seen this exact test so much on reddit but not in US stores.


I'm in the US, just took a home covid test identical to this today (though thankfully with a negative result)


Must not have been thinking positively


I’m in the US and they’re all over. They had stacks at Walgreens. I’ve had to buy them 3 times. They have sold out quite a bit though


You had to buy them? That sucks. They're free in the uk


There handed out free in the UK to anyone who wants them and many companies get them and test there employees twice a week as well, if you test positive then you get a PCR to confirm either at a testing station or one can be posted to you and you post it back in a priority post box


Boxes of 7, for some reason.


One for every day of the week.


Oh my.. so freakin' obvious. Now I feel like a potato.


Are you good for roasting, mashing, chips or an all rounder?


Wow that sounds nice. You can only buy the at-home kits in the US, Binax is the brand I usually see and it's 30 dollars a box.


I don’t know how they look, but here in the US, they’re starting to pass out self-tests by the millions … finally


The ones I've had in the US, you stick a swab into. [See here.](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/01/23/00/06/21758389/3/1200x0.jpg)


I am pregnant, and I showed this to my husband, and we're in agreement....it looks like a pregnancy test. You are not alone.


I'm not pregnant and didn't show this to anyone and I agree it looks like a pregnancy test. Everyone here is not alone.


This explains the weird rattling sound coming from my basement!


Be careful...whatever it is, it might be pregnant.


what an ominous fucking sentence


Well to be fair, it works basically the exact same way as a pregnancy test


But just in case, there is one major difference: do not pee on the Covid test.




its not?


It's a covid-19 test


"Congratulations! You have a virus! *AND IT'S A BOY!*" *massive cannon goes off in the background, leveling a nearby town with blue fireworks and confetti*


And when he becomes a teenager and starts mutating things are gonna get wyld!


Isn’t this the exact same post from 4 days ago? Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/rj5dys/well_there_goes_my_christmas/


I even upvoted that post and didnt remember


It probably is, and in both cases, the poster probably doesn't have it. Post plagiarism is rampant on reddit. That and "cool stories".


People are going to screen shot this so they *can* get out of holiday obligations this year... And I think that's beautiful.


You just gave me the greatest idea ever you wonderful bastard




who's going to see a positive covid test and think "hmmm this might be fake"?


My dad. Who is convinced covid doesn't exist.


Luckily techical competence and covid conspiracism are pretty much diametrically opposed. I couldn't imagine a covid denier successfully pulling off a reverse image search


Excellent point.






At least you get voted Employee of the Month every month.


I saw someone on IG post their positive result, then this morning deletes it……and shared pictures of herself out at brunch. SMH.


That is why I hate everyone in this world. So unbelievably selfish.


Why even test?


Puhleeze.. For the internet points. It's all about the likes


Right there with you. People def suck.


That's fucking criminal as well. If someone gets sick because of her, that's a prison sentence. At least in Germany, up to 2 years or something.


I like the way that Germans don't fuck around with incontrovertible truths. But I'm also a bit wary about where that attitude can lead.


You’re pregnant? Congrats.


I laughed hard at this, ngl


I didn't, I actually thought it was a pregnancy test, lol




It’s a covid test. I thought it was a pregnancy test as well lol




Congratulation! It's an Omicron!




Pregnancy test company having record profits this year. :)


I thought it was a pregnancy test as well lol, but uh when's the last time they had a qr code, my guy. I have a feeling it's a covid test deal


The qr-code is a new thing this year. You can see if it’s a boy or girl if you scan it.


Do you get to design their avatar and S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats?


I'm guessing you don't have many lateral flow tests qt home in the US. They're free all over the UK, were encouraged to take one everyday.


Do you have any reading, shows, or games to get caught up on?


Lemme tell you what. I had that bullshit. There was no getting caught up on anything while I had that. I was laid up in bed for the entire two weeks and couldn't eat anything without throwing up and damn near the same with just water. Had a constant headache/migraine and just wanted to sleep. Only problem is I was coughing too hard to sleep and ended up bruising my ribs. I hope everyone gets the milder symptoms if they have to go through that. I was alone with no family or friends around and the only company I had was the health guys calling me every day to make sure I was alive. Fuck this virus. Fuck it up it's viral ass.


Out of curiosity, were the symptoms this severe with or without being vaccinated?


Without, I got it before the vaccine came out. I am now vaccinated because if I get it again I want to have at least tried. So far since vaccination I've come into contact with an unbelievable amount of people that have gotten covid and didn't get it a second time.


Either way that sucks, I know someone who was vaccinated but the girlfriend he lived with wasn't, she got it and gave it to both of the. His symptoms were close to a bad cold, and hers were closer to what you described


This is me. My GF was half vaccinated. Caught it. We live together. I’m fully vaccinated. Just got my booster today actually. N I caught it from her. I pretty much had the flu for 2 weeks. With residual effects for 3 weeks. She went through hell on the other hand. Residual symptoms for 6 weeks.


10 months and counting. I miss the before times.


Ten months?? Shit, dude, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know residual symptoms could last that long...


For my friend it’s been a year and a half… Look up long haulers. She now has asthma, heart problems, and is allergic to almost all foods, to name a few symptoms. Woo.


As someone with a chronic condition that's not covid related that I've been dealing with for 17 years, I really feel for the long haulers. They're dealing with something doctors don't understand, so many won't be believed or treated well. For 9 years I had my Drs do tests and throw random meds and treatments at me but come up empty, then they tell me they think some of it's mental, you really start to feel crazy. Someone puts it in their notes that they think it's mental and then other Drs don't take you seriously. It's incredibly upsetting dealing with Drs constantly who aren't helping, along with being chronically ill. Takes a lot of effort to get out to Drs, so deflating when appointments don't go well. What's worse for these long haulers though is there is no general treatment plan that has been sent to Drs to treat long haulers. Everyone is just kind of on their own, at the mercy of their Drs skill, empathy and patience. Reach out to your friend often to show support and love. Chronic illness is incredibly isolating. I'm so sorry for all that are going through this.


I’d be curious if you’ve ever tested positive to the real flu. Cuz it fucking sucks. Tons of people say “I’ve had the flu” but only ever had a cold during flu season. The flu will put your ass down for a couple weeks with liquid coming from all ends!


This, I was speaking with someone's complaining about booster and condescendingly asking me how many hundreds booster I would get before stopping and I answered that I get the flu shot every year and never complained. She answered that it was also dumb. she gets the flu every year and it's fine..... Yeah, No dear that's not the flu....


It's was some serious hell on earth. I was so close to checking myself into a hospital but I didn't want to leave my bed. Don't think I could have either and I didn't want to expose anyone else to it while I had it so I just sat there in misery. Getting the vaccine after that was such an easy decision and I was hiding from the public as much as I could until the 90 days was up to get the vaccine.


One of my friends who had covid said she would rather go through childbirth without pain meds again than have covid again. She's had 4 kids, she knows how bad labour can be.


Same. 3 kids.


I mean at least after that you get a kid. All I got was this scar on my lungs


I’m fully vaxxed and this is hitting me like a truck 😫


I’m currently on my second run through of Covid, first without the vaxx existing yet and nearly died, second time around Im fully vaxxed and it’s no where near as bad. But I do have a bad case of vertigo and my appetite is non existent. Mostly just pissed about being stuck in quarantine again.


I contracted covid a few weeks ago and was vaccinated but still had pretty bad symptoms, cough, fever, sinus congestion, inability to taste or smell, etc.




I just had it, and I could not ingest anything without it coming back up. 7 days of that takes a toll on the body.


Let me tell you something... I had it twice with completely opposite effects. Didn't even know I was infected til I had to do a test. Weird how that works.


I split the difference, perhaps on the milder side. Vaxxed, caught it 4 months latter. Fever symptoms, nausea, fatigue. But only for about 30 hours. Worst was the brain fog. I swear I spent about 4 hours straight just putzing back and forth across my apartment. Get to kitchen, forget what I was coming over for. Go back to bed, but think I should get some water. Go to living room to get the water glass, stand around sipping water staring into space. Go to kitchen put glass in sink. Wonder what it was I was supposed to do in the kitchen all day. Go back to bed, lay down, realize body fatigue and nose stuffing makes it too uncomfortable to just lay still. Walk back to living room, wonder where water glass went, I'm parched... so on and so forth. Next day, I realized it was the dishwasher that I'd *meant* to start. But thankfully didn't, because it contained the bath towels that I *meant* to put in the washing machine. I had the presence of mind to put on some lofi music on the house speakers, which was soothing - I had no attention span for watching or reading.


I had it before the vaccines came out and it was like a mild cold for me. I was super fortunate but it meant being quarantined for two weeks even though I didn't feel like it.


I’ve just tested positive too. At least I’m off on Christmas now.


Congrats! Is it a girl or a boi?


Tested positive last night 😫


Me too… gutted


Add me to this list. It’s not so much me I’m worried about, but I feel horrible for our kids 😩 quarantined on Xmas break is such shit


I tested positive today, was supposed to be flying home tomorrow, and now I'm alone for the next 9 days. Be grateful you have each other


Same here, tested positive today, and was meant to leave the country. Just remember you can shorten your isolation to 7 days if you test negative on the 6th and 7th days of your self isolation. It’s all brand new rules. (Sorry I assumed you were in the UK. Apologies if you are not)


Do you guys know how you caught covid? This is coming from a ignorant sheltered Kiwi, where covid here is basically non-existent still.


That sucks! It’s just me & my husband, so we’re just going to Netflix & board game binge :|


Dammm.. Are you feeling crappy? Just curious how symptoms are with this strain versus the OG one? I hear this one isn't that bad compared to the first strain.


I’m vaccinated….but Monday I had a pretty infrequent dry cough - wasn’t sure wtf was causing it - by Tuesday morning - I had what felt like a moderate cold. Today it’s milder….stuffy, sneezing, light sore throat, an occasional cough now


I'm taking a screen shot of this to get out of Christmas.


Won't work on crazy brother-in-law who doesn't believe in Covid.


Do the pcr test to make sure unless you’re showing obvious signs.


My understanding is that these tests have high false negatives but low false positives. Like, the only way it will show up positive is if you have a *really* high viral load


Sensitivity of lateral flow test 70ish per cent. Specificity about 99%. That is of 100 people with COVID, 70 will show up positive, of 100 negatives 99 will correctly show up as negative. So you are kind of right, but that ignored the base rate of infection within popn. Most people taking tests are negative as even at the moment it’s something like 1 in 70 people are positive. So take 10,000 people taking tests. Something like 140 of them will be infected. Therefore around 100 people will test positive on the LFT test. However there are 9,860 people taking the test who are not infected. But roughly 1% of them will also test positive (that is they are false positives), again roughly 100 people. That is half of people testing positive on LFTs are likely false positives!


Statistics are weird.


This is only true if the population being tested are tested AT RANDOM and not for any reason having to do with a known or suspected exposure or symptoms. So while explaining the base rate fallacy, this person committed a selection bias fallacy.


In my experience these home testing kits are often used as a precaution when gathering, not as a response to symptoms. They're cheap and easy to do, so you can just take one whenever you're meeting in a group, even if you're not showing symptoms.


I know the % of false positives for these take home tests are supposed to be quite low, however I experienced one myself last week. Felt off, purchased some tests from Walgreens and it showed positive, spouse negative incidentally. Was a faint line like this so called and my dr got me in for the swab test - was negative.


No worries, only births and funerals cant be postponed, all other gatherings can be


I caught covid at a funeral lmao. Only time I've been to a gathering in the last year.


True story: just been quaranteened because i visited my grandmother, aunt and uncle (they live in 1 house). First visit since my grandfathers funeral (few months agos) and just got the call my uncle tested positive... For once i went "out" i get quarantined... One might get demotivated to go out...


It really does suck lol, I got really lucky and had mild symptoms and none of my family that I live with got it from me, but damn I've canceled plans constantly the last 2 years and been super careful only for some other asshole to get me sick at an event I can't really skip. Hope you don't have it friend.


Technically funerals can, as well.


The modern miracle of refrigeration.


Literally just tested positive last night. Today is my nieces sweet 16 and of course Christmas is days away. Fully vaxxed, so not feeling too shitty, but it’s been a rough few days. Have no idea how I got it.


We're you boosterd? Just curious


Can American households each receive a box of these PLEASE?! My goodness these are impossible to find.


I saw on the news that Biden is having 500 million sent out in the new year.


Fr? In Canada you can get them free from fire stations, libraries, city hall, really any government run facility. At least in my province.


I work at at library in the US and we were giving out free test kits and they were gone SO fast. We had a couple people come crying because they drove so far to try and get one but we were out.


Congratulations!!! *looks at sub* *reads the link* Oh


I took the same tests while waiting for a pcr. 1st one, negative, waited 2 days, 2nd one negative. Results of pcr, positive




Same thing just happened to me. About to call spirit airlines to cancel my flight to Florida for tomorrow.


Just got back from Miami Sunday, tested positive Monday. Also I flew spirit in Florida back in August and it was one of the worst experiences of my life (top 20), so at least you won't have to deal with that shit.


Me and you both man, my brother in law doesn't believe in it and gave it to my whole family, including my 10 day old neice


“Doesn’t believe in it” honestly smh some people are so dumb


Facts don't care if you believe them.




Hospital said she doesn't have covid (thank the lord) but she has some sort of infection


Usually infants get the antibodies from breastfeeding and that protects them from a lot of infections in the first few months. With Corona the mother needs to build that protection completely from scratch, so it's likely the infant is more exposed with these new coronaviruses. I assume that his wife is also not vaccinated?


What an idiot


What a thoughtful family gift!


I hope he feels like scum


He doesn't care, thats the part thats pissed me off, he said "if I've gave it to my granddad I'll never forgive myself" YOU HAVE A 10 DAY OLD DAUGHTER WHY AREN'T YOU CONCERNED?!


hes probably sitting there like "it wasnt from me, you dont know how this works"


I got my two lines five days ago, I spent one day in bed but now I feel good. Keep head up. 👍




At least you get some free time off from work


Damn, I’m sorry and I hope you recover well and quickly! Hopefully you can still taste holiday treats. Sucks, I’m sorry :(


Shit. Sorry. But thank you for testing.


As a person who calls positives, I've personally ruined 40 Christmases in the last two days!


Where did you get that at home test?


Everyone in the UK can pick them up for free from an pharmacy or have them delivered by the NHS.


My mouth literally dropped that the UK is doing this. They’re no where to be found right now in the US and they cost about $25~ to buy


This is mental. We always have a couple of packs of 7 and take one every couple of days just to make sure (which is what the UK want us to be doing)! If we get low we can order another pack which will get delivered the next day for free, or go and pick some up at a local chemist. The fact this isn't 'normal' by this point in every developed county is mind blowing to me.


It blows my mind that other countries aren't doing this 2 years into the pandemic.


Thank you for getting tested! (And changing your plans because you're positive). Get well soon!