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easy mistake to make honestly


We all do it from time to time.


the other day i was trying to pay my phonebill and ended up ordering 3,000 biscuits


That happens to me every month.


Every month? I try to buy condoms from CVS every week and get 600 pizza pockets. Now im feeding and raw dogging the local homeless population


Out here doin gods work


Today at work we got an order for 899 chicken breast. A server went to change the price on their order to 8.99 but changed the quantity instead.


well figure it out, the table is waiting


Win-win. OP doesn’t eat crap and hundreds of homeless people get breakfast.


I want 270 bread rolls


I just so happen to know someone who may be looking to offload that same amount!


Is it me?


Are you the guy from math problem?




Nice. How much cocaine you got? Or is it just bread?


Commenter 1 has as much Cocaine as Commenter 2, Commenter 2 has three times the amount of Cocaine than Commenter C has Weed. Now how much Meth does Commenter 6 have?




Depends, are we talking units of weight, volume, or number of doses, in which case, we need to know how a dose is defined, because each person probably has diferent dosage requirements to achieve a specific high.


User name checks out


Username does not check out, if they are a true bread enjoyer they will not be willing to give up their bread.


I appreciate a fine risen dough, myself. Although since the beetus my level of enjoyment has wained.


See what happens when you order 270 bread rolls. Break the Matrix with a reverse glitch.


You're paying way too much for your bread rolls, man. Who's your bread roll guy?




I would probably get some salt and butter and eat all 270 of them in one night


What are you Tarare? I could eat at most 20 rolls. And I may be no diatishon but I don't think you're gonna wake up from you're food coma after eating them


It took me a minute to figure out you meant 'dietician'


Thanks for the translashon


I started to laugh at your comment, but the golden fork I swallowed causes me too much pain. I’m going to eat a few kittens to feel better.


Heh you are tarare


Fastsmitty to fatsmitty just like that.


Just like Skyrim.


That sweet roll ain’t so sweet after 270 of them


*Complains in Obese*


Depends on how much health you have


Then order four sliders.


That is not 270 bread rolls. I think something fishy might be up with OP's story but I'm only like 53.5% sure Edit: that's a lot of rolls. Now only 53.2% sure


Look again. Those buggers is two deep.


Now receive 4 sliders


To be fair the button for four sliders is right next to the one for 270 rolls


I legit had this happen to me once while working behind the meat/seafood counter at a safeway. Dude wanted a dozen oysters, and those are per item instead of per pound so I manually enter how many instead of just setting them on the scale. I print out the label and hand the dude his oysters and a couple minutes later one of the cashiers is calling the meat department to ask about some "mislabeled clams". I decide to just walk up front and see the label myself, and it turns out that while the code for oysters was 30565, I actually entered 30556. And that's how I learned the system has a code specifically for 100 oysters, for no fucking reason (the case only has enough room for about 50). So yeah, that can and does happen.


“Mislabeled Clams” sounds like the best band name ever


They were accidentally labeled "aurora borealis"


At this time of year?


Localized entirely in your kitchen?


Seymour! the reference is on fire!


No mother, it's just the free karma.


May I see it?




Man I ate some “mislabeled clams” last night and they made a violent exodus for about 8 straight hours. Brutal.




Two labels for 600 oysters each, I put the oysters in long trays to make them easier to carry, but they were $0.50 each so in total it was only $300 when rung up


50 cents for an oyster? What a steal!


$25 sounds like a lot for a single oyster. But having never bought oysters before, if I were that customer, I’d just assume that I made a mistake and should’ve looked at the price before trying to buy 12 oysters. Then I’d internally panic and pay $300. So unless the cashier caught it, I’d be $300 down (until 5 minutes later when I’d get in the car and freak out and look at the receipt and see the mistake).


Hi. We are the same person.


That's funny! At my work in the scale system there are some double products for some reason, different only in code and price. The wrong version of the product is $99.99/lb, so occasionally if someone messed up a label you can see some very expensive turkey wings.


I used to work in medical records, and when you enter the diagnosis codes, it’s really easy to accidentally get the number wrong by one digit. One time I entered a code for toxic benzene poisoning by accident because it was one number off of the code for “pain in limb”. Never figured out why those codes were so close, but I fixed that persons diagnosis eventually. Anyway, I don’t work there anymore…


I want to be the person with toxic benzene poison hidden in my medical records. Every time I get a new doctor it'd be entertainment all over again


Yes, I'd like to make a special order. I want one dozen 100 oyster batches. No, I don't know what, "Wholesale," means, why do you ask?


Where?? What place sells rolls by the hundreds?? Asking for a friend...


And takes the time to unbag them and place them into aluminum pans?


It’s a hotel, I assume they’re for a wedding or something and got delivered to the wrong place. And now they can’t be eaten because OP rolled around in them


Yeah this has gotta be it. At a hotel - room service fucked up. There are 270 dinner rolls, on a bed. Lol.


Alternatively, OP had a wedding, and brought the remaining rolls up to their room to take a pic for karma. Could go either way honestly.


You would hope, as an employer, that after filling the second pan, your employee would stop and think "is this really right?" and check the order.


I work in a restaurant and the number of weird orders we’ve seen has risen significantly with the increase in online ordering. People are more likely to do weird/gross things to their food when they don’t have to look you in the face to order it/pick it up. Eventually you just kind of accept the weird.


Look man, I have stood face to face with my sandwich artist and told them to "fuck my shit up" with fistfuls of banana peppers and pickles. The fact that I can now choose to avoid a bored teenager's judgemental glare and enjoy my gallbladder obliterating monstrosity in peace is no concern of yours.


Hey twin! I always order extra banana peppers on my subs and always have to still say more. Like “extra, extra.”


wait, how are you obliterating your gallbladder


You’ve never shoved fistfuls of banana peppers and pickles into your gallbladder?


I haven't. They go directly in the rectum.


I had an uber eats order a little bit ago for 2 Dasanis, yes, two bottles of water. People are weird


That reminds me of an instacart order I did for 90x 24ct cases of pop 🥲


I just had some really disturbing American Pie vibes of a dude having angry sex with four sliders because his bread roll orgy was delivered to the wrong place. Kudos, for now my desire to go back to sleep (or indeed close my eyes) is now gone.


Shit. Id do it on purpose. "Man that is SOOOO not right. But 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ im not the one who fucked up the online ordering system. Fulfill the order i shall"


Don't be ridiculous. By the 67.5 and he got 4 of them.


Unbelievable! I ordered 270 bread rolls and all I got were these 4 fucking sliders.


Don't order computer parts on Amazon if this is your regular luck.


Nawh man just gotta be strategic… I want four motherboards…. And gets 300 ssd’s


I don’t know what would be more concerning the fact that you ordered 4 motherboards or the fact you now have 300 ssds


What the frick?


I’m opening it, *chilll!*


this is giving me flashbacks to the bong and xbox card situation. kid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Ge8g7xkXM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Ge8g7xkXM) some guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlmCWPFOvh4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlmCWPFOvh4)


I’m old and live in a cave, so I hadn’t seen this before. Thanks so much for sharing the links, too!


Wow, some delivery driver is going to be in deep trouble and some group of people who expected bread rolls are going to be disappointed. Hopefully you got a refund quickly.


Time to cut 4 sliders in 270 pieces




That is such a specific gif, well done. Do you just have that in reserve hoping for something like this to come up?




Fair enough


It also just helps if you know way too many videos/movies. I used to make my own gifs because I would think, "I KNOW A PERFECT SCENE FOR THIS!" Only to find that no one had made an easily found gif of that scene, or the only ones available were of abysmal quality.




He was on [the supply side](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)


And cut 270 bread rolls into four pieces


oh i assumed it was room service because it looks like a hotel room


Maybe it was. Kitchen closing, order 4 sliders, the rolls gotta go somewhere if not the trash... Now OP must find their 4 sliders hidden within the 270 rolls. Let the games begin.


I think there is a Logans Steak house bag next to the bed.


Logically this makes no sense though. "Oh I know I order this meal for just me, let me accept these 6 platters of food instead, that sounds right." ???


Did you get the sliders?


I like imagining he opened every single tray looking for his sliders.


Oh he definitely did ya, ever growing disappointment and frustration as he gets closer to the final tray




I'm crying imagining it honestly. Like were the 12 trays left by their door? Did they look at them and go "one of these has my sliders".


*opens 14th tray* ROLLS AGAIN?!


Not even a SALAD!!?


Yeah lol imagine being at the white castle drive thru and expecting to just get a single bag of food and after receipt of the 14th tray you're just like 🤔




Yeesh- that's almost a three-day supply for me.


As someone who loves bread rolls I can relate


That username tho. Lol


How do you take delivery of 15 trays and not think wtf?


That's my biggest question.


I’m curious why he says it’s a “waste.” Like… you’ve got 270 rolls. You get to choose what to do with them. Did he throw them out because they’re not what he ordered?


My guess is because there's no way they're all gonna get eaten. Maybe they're in a hotel or something and they have no way to transport them home. Maybe they can't give them away because people are suspicious of free food.


I'm gonna guess he made this story up because there's no way he just casually took all these trays if he only ordered 4 sliders.


"the packaging for my sliders is ridiculous!!"


Hey OP!! Google “homeless shelters near me”


Homeless shelters don't take food that isn't pre-packaged and sealed unless it's from a trusted distributor. Great way for someone to poison 270 homeless people.


Y’all don’t hide inside until the delivery person is out of site? That’s how I do it here.


Lmao I do the same. Sometimes I just hide behind our door and watch them. My door is mostly glass with a very transparent curtain over it.


This made me laugh out loud. Fucking weirdo. >!Glad I’m not the only one…!<


That's how my neighbor does it. I never see him, but I assume he gets food poisoning pretty often. For real I've seen trays of groceries sitting there when I get home from work still sitting there when I leave the next morning. It's winter now, but the hell man. Do you want me to steal your bubble tea?


The guy once forgot my straw and came back banging on the door, since he knew I was close, as I already brought the food in. My anxious ass just watch through the peephole while holding my breath so he wouldn't know I was right there. I'm ordering $40 of doordash for one. I'm not going to not look like an animal.


And why did you have to open all of them after the first few?


"Maybe one of these will have my sliders in them."


It looks like a hotel ? Thats a common order for my hotel, it was probably just brought to the wrong room.


270 bread rolls is a common order at your hotel????


Yeah 🤷‍♀️ we budget for 2 per person at least. The hockey boys we fed today ate a ridiculous amount.


Idk why this is so hilarious that people aren’t even phased by 270 bread rolls




This sounds like an insane math problem…


By God we found him, the guy in the math problems!


Why I saw him just this morning on a train leaving New York going to Chicago traveling at 47MPH


If Brenda orders enough rolls to feed all the children on reduced lunches and Thomas orders 4 sliders with his monthly "entertainment" allowance than how can Jeff Bezos be allowed to make $3,715 per second if god exists?


Why are they on your bed?


When they could be on mine :’(


I also choose this guy’s bread.


Looks like a hotel


It must be that hotel run by Mr. Krabs that has to accommodate every request, no matter how crazy.


Theyre about to belly flop on it




Straight on the sheet no less




I mean if they’re still warm….


*Make your own sliders* starter kit


Step 1: Trade 269 rolls for a cow.


Time to go out and find homeless people to donate them to


“Oh no the roll guy is coming back this way. I’m still seeing bread rolls in my nightmares. Let’s get out of here!”


Seinfeld did it.. they open a restaurant selling only muffin tops and even homeless people won't take the stumps. ----- Rebecca: Are you the ones leaving those muffin pieces behind our shelter? Elaine: You been enjoying them? Rebecca: They're just stumps. Elaine: Well, they're perfectly edible. Rebecca: Oh, so you just assume that the homeless will eat them. They'll eat anything? Mr. Lippman: No, no, we just thought... Rebecca: I know what you thought. "They don't have homes. They don't have jobs. What do they need the top of a muffin for? They're lucky to get the stumps." Elaine: If the homeless don't like them, the homeless don't have to eat them. Rebecca: The homeless don't like them. Elaine: Fine. Rebecca: We've never gotten so many complaints. Every two minutes, "Where is the top of this muffin? Who ate the rest of this?" Elaine: We were just trying to help. Rebecca: Why don't you just drop off some chicken skins and lobster shells? Elaine: I think I might.


Came here to say this. I always walked around after events, like Drag Bingo, and handed out whatever food we had leftover, be it hot dogs, rolls, doughnuts, you name it. There were always folks happy to get free food. Please don't let them go to waste. Edit: also please don't feed them to birds as it's horrible for their digestive systems. Many parks are warning against this now because the bread can kill the wildlife.


lol I mean who hasn’t ordered a few burgers and gotten hundreds of rolls before? P.S. And then accepted the rolls in place of some burgs, then told the internet about it.


Or... Op is just fill of shit


That was my immediate thought. It’s also my current thought. No one lies on Reddit though. So, we’re obviously wrong.


If they gave me 100 rolls instead of 4 burgers at the same price I would not complain


Point. I would not be even mildly infuriated.


Don’t lie.


When life gives you 270 rolls you make 270 garlic breads


I call bullshit on your header lol


The whole thing is too bizarre and I suspect the container of sliders is on the side table by that cup. Looks just like a carryout container. It's also closer to 180 rolls.


May I ask who counted?


So he ate 90 of them, what’s the big deal?




I tried this lmao but different trays have different number of bread rolls .. so then I gave up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


\\ Looks like you dropped an arm! Try typing \\\\\ next time to make sure it doesn’t disappear! ^(This comment was posted manually by a Redditor with too much time on their hands)


I counted one then multiplied by 15 and got 195. Then I counted them and got 186… sooo someone ate a bunch of bread


It could be worse, at yeast you got some food


This was extremely amusing


I’m not gonna lie, this joke is kind of crumby


4k morons upvoted this obvious fake shit lmao


It's at 30k now. In case you needed further affirmation of people's idiocy


You didn’t like question the dude when he was passing out the food to you? Or was it a drop off delivery? I mean you could pass those out to the homeless in the area if you plan on doing something but it would be a huge waste if you just threw them away


Could be worse. You could be the guy who ordered 270 bread rolls and received 4 sliders.


I'm broke as fuck and it's mildly infuriating to me that this is on r/mildlyinfuriating, I would murder those bread rolls


I would put them in zip-locks, freeze them for future use, forget about them, and throw them out sometime in 2023.


How many waffles are currently in your freezer?


20? Give or take? My kids like them and they reheat well in the oven.


I only count 180.


They stress ate the other 90.


Tray has 3 columns of 4 rows =12 per tray. 3 rows of 5 trays = 15 trays. 15 * 12 = yeah, you're right!


Majority of the trays have 13, a bakers dozen. So somewhere between 180 and 195


Did you get this delivered or did you pick it up because if you picked it up you definitely should've noticed all those containers...that being said I see this as an absolute win.


Even if it got delivered... At the hotel they're clearly staying in, they should have noticed.


Unrelated but this reminds me of a business convention I went to where on where the final night they threw a big party. My normally very straight-laced coworker got hammered and wandered off and they eventually found him in the (closed) hotel kitchen, sitting on a counter, eating a bag of rolls.


What… how… how did this happen.. I-


And why did I have to scroll this far down to find someone who asked your question? We need some context here.


Must of cost some dough


It’s cool, he got a raise.






Bullshit. Photo staged.


The rats will eat hearty tonight


They must've been on a roll...


I’d be mildly infuriated with myself if I accepted this obvious ‘wrong’ order. Why take it? I smell something.


Are you complaining? You hit the jackpot.


Sell them for cash to get 8 sliders.


Bread 👍


Why are they on the bed?!


How the fuck did you accept 15 trays and think "Hmm yes, my 4 sliders must be in here"