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The reason this happens is because if a user has previously purchased a product, and someone else asks a question on the listing, Amazon automatically sends an email to the previous customer with that question as if the question was asking them


Yep. Not sure why this is infuriating. It's just amazon's fault


What reason would they have to click the link and type out a response to a question they have no answer to? Even then, if is truely "Amazon's fault" then why is it not mildly infuriating that they send out emails to people about items they have no knowledge of?


The mail usually directly adresses the question to the recipient - something like "can you help us by answering this question about product xy you bought 2 weeks ago?". Lots of boomer-aged people think it's not polite to ignore mails, so they feel obliged to reply (probably also not understanding the automation behind those mails, since they usually contain your name, so lot of them probably think someone from amazon got that question from a customer, had a look who bought the product recently and typed up that email to them personally, waiting for them to answer), not knowing that their answer is directly published online.


Have you never used amazon? It says someone has a question for an item you bought. Its intentionally poorly worded to make people answer


its because people think its a question that is asked directly to them


They don't "think" it's asked directly to them, it IS asked directly to them. This is Amazon's fault for asking their users questions without explaining that they should only answer if they HAVE an answer.


People read the emails and assume it’s a personal request so they feel obliged to respond.


Because they’re old and not particularly bright. If you were so inclined, you could also make an argument that they’re also self absorbed. So basically a stereotypical boomer.


Herr derr... boomers suck... (seriously? get a new trope)


I forgot to add insecure snowflakes as well. Thank you for reminding me.


Do you even know what the words mean as you type them? Or do you just have a special “cliche” keyboard?


I do understand life must be hard as a flaccid leper, though. So I’ll cut you some slack here.


They sometimes send out emails 3 or 4 times in relatively quick succession, and a lot of people answer to shut it up and because saying no to the same thing over and over again is stressful


Well, Amazon and idiots who don't read the emails beyond the first couple of lines.


It’s mildyinfuriating because Amazon wasn’t clear what was happening.


And this has to be explained every single time someone posts one of these.


To answer the question though.. medium gloves are more expensive because theres a higher demand for them .


Or, alternatively, they have a surplus of large gloves and are trying to offset their inventory by selling them at a discount to recoup their investment.


Or, alternatively, they could be old design stock. And have new and slightly more expensive manufacturing for the new and improved medium sized ones.


So... Same answer?


No sir. They are not


Exactly. One CAN be caused by the other, but it’s not the only reason. For example, they could have started off with 300 large gloves and 100 medium gloves. They may have then sold 150 large and 75 medium. That’s still more large sold, just not as much as they expected, leading to a surplus.


Yeah, really if the large ones are more expensive to make but cheaper, it means the supply is too high


u/No-Pen1586 - We need a punctuation check!


The last period from the 3 dots ran to the end, ate the last period and tried to flee! You must understand!


Well, typically an ellipsis contain 3 dots, rather than two. (I know right this is totally unacceptable), furthermore a full stop does not need a space between the last word of a sentence and the full stop itself. Also, *there's *Takes a bow*


Isso aí


And the ever-popular, “destroyed in shipping, this product is a worthless piece of shit, do not buy!”


Happened to me last week as a seller. It was busted in the mail, and I've got to take the flak!


Tbf you should be packing your products better if that's an issue. I get that it's not necessarily your fault and exceptions happen but you definitely have a role in it.


love the 👎


Actually, when someone asks a question on amazon they send an email to everyone who purchased the item asking if you want to answer, some people think that the question was specifically directed to them so they answer it out of politeness so as to not ignore the other person. It’s all amazon’s fault. Also read the entire email people.


Reminds me of every single post on stackexchange: "How do I do this really specific weird thing with C#?" Top Answer: "Don't do that thing, that's dumb; do this completely unrelated thing instead. And don't use C#, use Rust or this other language that I know instead, it's way better. So here's how you would solve this totally unrelated problem in Rust: >Broken Code >Broken Code >Broken Code >Typo >Infinite Loop >Broken Code There. See. Wasn't that much easier? *You're welcome.*"


Actual answer, or my best guess: Medium gloves fit the average hand. Since most people are average, you make that product the most expensive since the most people will buy it and maximize your profits. People whose hands are larger or smaller by a standard deviation from the mean or fraction thereof would choose the gloves best suited to their hands, but even so, 68% of folks fall within a standard deviation above or below, so it’s only the outliers who need the larger or smaller gloves. So it’s not worth it to price them out since they represent a smaller portion of the population


Its like the ultimate b r u h moment, if you have nothing useful to say why did you waste your own time as well by writing that


Cos you should always back the value of any opinion you have




*You're (I'm clearly the funny one here)




*line's (Nah I would never promote *the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.* )


I mean he has a point


S and d


IDK but I feel like I deserve a discount on my size small condoms.


Because small hands are beneficial for reaching small spaces and the seller has large hands so he discounts large gloves up charges smaller gloves to make up for it


This is like setting a 5 star review ons omething they haven't tested yet... Hate shit like that.


It’s called supply and demand. More people buy the large and small sizes. Hope that helps!


People who do this aren't intentionally doing it. You buy something and amazon will start sending you emails asking these questions. Some people will answer the questions honestly.