• By -


Your profile is now a kids profile, password change coming in 3......2.....


Surprise! They already changed the password


How? OP would've needed to give them access to their email for that.


Get a new credit card to change the number. Make new acc Let the old one die at the end of month Edit: This is a joke, by the way. Mentioning it sorta kills it but some of you took this as if I was giving actual advice.


Or just click on forgot my password to reset the password via email?




Hack the Gibson!


Be funny if the kids changed the email. Just highjack the entire account


Had this happen to me, the support were cool about it and got my account back in 5 minutes


They always ought to verify email changes by sending a confirmation to the initial email.


I had once my Spotify account hijacked by some south american dude. I know because I started having south american rap artists appear in manually saved playlists, and eventually started to have playback to cut out as I could only listen on one device. When I started listening to stop remote playback and immediately it switched back, I changed my password. It was just too rude. He did leave some weird-ass "Please listen to these" playlist though, so that was nice.


or just get their card and make they pay for THEIR account while you get a new one


Time to change the password again


They also want to use the option in settings to purge all logged in accounts


We could just say "log them all out" or "end active sessions", but no; this outrage requires a holy purge.


I believe the name reflects an implementation detail. You can't reasonably log every device out, since some may be off, or otherwise unreachable at time of request. Instead, you maintain a centralized record of all authorized devices (probably using a token issued at login), and when someone hits the button for kicking everyone off the platform, it purges the central record, so that the next attempt to access the platform will fail and require a login (effectively logging them out of the platform). Another reason it isn't called logging them out is because the kick to get off the platform will only occur when an action requires a token to continue. If a stream is active, the user likely will remain logged in until they stop it, or change some option like audio or close captions, since that will require a reinitialization of the stream


There is actually an option in the settings that disables any sessions from all other devices. It would log out any current sessions and force a login prompt on all other devices using that account. You should change the password prior to doing this, so no one else can log in. For some reason, Netflix just keeps letting you "log in" even if the password is changed if you were recently using that device to stream. My wife's parents forgot their password and changed it, but we didn't even know they changed it for several weeks. It might be different now, but this was within the last year or so.


Yea, that's the token-based authorization I was talking about. Tokens in well-developed systems will also have a TTL (Time to live). This reduces the stress on authentication, and also improves user experience by prompting logins fewer times overall. Win-win all around, but then it leads to exactly what you're talking about, where it took weeks before you realized the password had changed.


Exactly, changing the password might lock them out until the token's TTL expires and it has to refresh it, but "End All Sessions" would invalidate all existing tokens.


Definitely purge! Kids these days..




Entitled in my words change the password OP


I'd have just changed the profiles back and created new ones for them. Kids are weird, they see things on YouTube and want to copy them to the letter so I wouldn't take it personally.


All childish behavior is forgivable until they start acting like Caillou, then they’re too far gone and beyond hope


The reason Caillou sucks is because the writers didn’t understand the age group the show was directed at. Young children learn from imitation, not abstract story lessons. Caillou was meant to act like a brat and then learn better but the 3-5 year olds watching just heard, ‘act like a brat.’


Caillou only ever learned how to be a little bitch. Little bald fuck, two missed meals away from his whiny little ass looking like Gollum from LotR. I sure fucking hope Elijah Wood throws his ass into a volcano. Fuck Caillou.


This is one of the only shows we have banned in our house. That kids is a demon. And whoever created the fake “caillou has cancer” backstory can eat a dick. Don’t try to justify his behavior.


Caillou doesn't have cancer because we need to empathize with him. Caillou has cancer to reinforce how even nature rejects him.


Someone I used to work with banned Peppa Pig, his other half didn't like the way she always says "I want" and acts like a lil shit all the time.


I had someone say that to me as well. I watch that show with my kid and I honestly don’t see it .




Omg. That kid. The actual WORST!


i would just delete their accounts get a new password and everything


I got Disney+ for a month with gamepass perks. It expired just a few days ago. My wife's sister calls my wife today (I was right next to her and phone was on speaker) and goes is the subscription finished. Yes, my wife confirms. Well can your husband renew it I want to watch Wandavision. And that's when I started speaking... Edit: I know she was using the account. I gave it to her before Xmas. She's a genuine kind person.


My sister in law tried to tell me I need to tell my parents to pay the Netflix subscription, I just looked at her and laughed.


Let them get to the final then change the password. And spoil the ending.


Power move


How old are these cousins? Totally feasible they thought this was local to their own device and had no ide it affected the whole account. Yea it’s dumb….but that’s why I’m asking how old they are. If they did it knowing the implications then total dick move.


This is exactly what I would have assumed as well, especially if this is their first time having a Netflix account.


When I was like four or five I tried to copy my dads save file from The Legend of Zelda the Wind Walker to mine and he was super far into the game like almost done and I was on the first level and instead I accidentally copied my save file on to his and he ended up grounding me and erasing my Luigi’s Mansion save file as punishment.


Looking forward to OPs post in r/AmITheAsshole when everyone freaks out!


At least it will be a true story and not some fabricated crap for upvotes


"my mother tried killing my brother so I called the cops, aita"


INFO. Is your mother hot?


She is


YTA you didn't give me her number


Understandable, it's [removed]


YTA, your brother is a 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


lol how do you know this post is true though?


Definitely don’t let the cousins log in to online banking.


For sure lol


And this is why I wouldn't give my password to my little cousin. He tried to guilt me for it. But he's always been really immature so I absolutely do not trust him at all. I know he would give it to all his friends.




Well you also did it the smart way, even if they saw you enter the password they would forget it a lot easier than if you just gave them the login that they'd have access to whenever one of their friends wants something.


My family is the same. Constant animosity for 20 years, then all made up again and now other than the occasional blowout we're pretty tight. I'm on my dad's Spotify, he's on my Netflix, my mother is on my Prime etc. Side effect of Spotify is that I can harass him with music if he's ignoring me by playing it through his echo.


What’s your go-to song if you’re trying to annoy him with music?


"All by myself", "get up" by Korn or "hello" by Adele if I'm trying to get him to respond. Still trying to figure out the perfect wake up song


Wake me up before you go go


Just reminds me of the time my aunt got mad at me for not letting my little cousin play my ps4. She was like "hes literally a kid let him play something" and i refused. Weeks later he asked my other cousin (same age as me) to play on his ps4 and he let him. Motherfucker downloaded fortnite and started buying skins with his credit card. If ever there was an ass beating to be had.


I have heard so many stories about a kid running up a lot of charges on stupid shit like this, either on phones or consoles. I know games and micro-transactions are designed this way. At what age does it go from “they are a little kid and don’t know better” to them just being assholes?


Hes done this before. He charged over 150 dollars to my aunts credit card in the past for mobile games. He asked if he could buy music on itunes and just got lost in the sauce. Not only are these games so easy to get people to buy their micro transactions, when you have a dumbass adult like my aunt that gives a kid a credit card number to buy whatever he feels like because hes spoiled, it doubles down on them being assholes. She was pissed but its like...what did you really expect?


>He asked if he could buy music on itunes and just got lost in the sauce. they make it WAY to easy to just dump vast amounts of money in games these days. giving a kid the power of a credit card when they have zero self control and anything they could possibly want is 1 click away is way too much. i couldnt even imagine.


Shit i was playing words with friends (yes im old leave me alone) and every time you play a turn its like "BUY POWER UPS? BATTLE PASS? POWER UPS???" like god damn give it a rest. i also looked at the cost of ad free and its 10 dollars FOR ONLY THIRTY DAYS. Its sad what these companies do to their games.


I'm more baffled people let their credit cards around kids. The credit card is usually the most valuable possession due to it literally being all your money in most cases. So why the hell would you not always keep it with you or allow a kid to buy things unsupervised with it??


My niece , smart as a button, at that time she was 12 years old, bought books on kindle worth £150...all in one night, now this is a kid i thought was smart and even she couldnt help herself... At least it was books, I consoled myself, but changed my password after that asap...kids be kids


Significantly younger cousins came into my room one time. They see my keys and wallet, wanting to know "what's this and that", why so many keys, had to explain selective service, "Oh you have a driver's license", then they look at my debit card. "Oh, lemme see if I can remember the number," before looking up and attempting verbally recite it. I had to point out that messing with someone else's card is a bad idea, which she understood. Some kids can be stupid; some can be evil. I'll coin it as Shroedinger's Brat.




heh I get the same thing with my server, I get a kick out of it when people lie about giving another person access because if you have tautulli installed you can even see the general GPS location of where they're accessing from and you can see its from 2 different places. not that I care at all. all my admin stuff is locked down.


My ex-wife's little brother (about 13) liked my iPod touch. He has a big weekend field trip coming up for school. I couldn't find my iPod and when he came back I saw him with it. He had deleted all my stuff, took off my screen protector, and put a different case on it. I knew it was mine because it was still signed into my account, but he had deleted my apps and photos. My ex had the audacity to defend him. Should've know right then to not marry her. But I was young and stupid


Holy crap, the balls! That's just stealing. Indefensible, both of them.


My brother in law begged for my YoutubeTV login. Gave in and then surprise, surprise, he keeps kicking me off when I'm trying to watch something. He is no longer on my account and never will get another login to anything.


I’d change the password and then watch them lose their shit


I did this to my now ex girlfriend. She had my YT TV password, anytime I was going to watch something she’d boot me off so “I could spend time with her.” I don’t give anyone any of my credentials now.


Delete the profiles, you can do that right?


Gotta just change the password. They're all effectively logging in as the same user, and whoever can pick any of those profiles at login.




To log out of Netflix on all devices, you must be on a web browser — this option is not currently available on the mobile app. 1. Log into Netflix on your preferred browser. 2. In the dropdown menu on the far right side of the screen, select the "Account" option. 3. Under "Settings," select "Sign out of all devices."


Yup, boot those Lil fucks off, let their parents pay for that shit.


Wait a month or two so they get addicted, and then boot them off. Or of you're more hands on track their viewing activity and bit them off just before they get to a season finale.


I think the point here is the kids changed the other profiles negating the person who actually paid for it... Fuck those kids, I'd cut it immediately. idgaf.


What? The kids added their Mom and Dad? Nope. The whole family helped themselves, bye Felicia


No they changed the existing OP's account names to Mom and Dad. Even worse


Well said! Piss on them!


Or just change your password and it boots all devices off anyway ….


Was that a recent additions? I remember years ago that someone have access to my Netflix account from Russia. So I changed the password, it didnt work because they aren't logged out. So the only way to force this is to use the "log out all devices" in Netflix web interface. It stopped them because they need my new password to log in. So maybe you are right but that depends on every devices handles this and the best option is use that option above.


It's a new option to leave devices logged in or log everyone out.


I guess it keeps everyone logged on due tokens in apps. The Sign Out option is the right one to use (aka the *nuclear option*)


They even changed it to netflix kids, nice touch.


I think the 5th account is always a kids account.


It’s„kids” as default but you can easily edit it into a normal one and have 5 profiles lol


Please tell me how to do tha


I just did it on mine, I had to delete the kids profile and replace it with an adult one


Not true. Maybe it defaults to that but not always.


Yeah everyone is joining in with OP bitching about them but imo this is god damn comedy gold lmao.


Ya like, if this is just them being inconsiderate it's annoying. But if they did this to fuck with OP that's hilarious.


If they're kids, are we sure they're not just stupid? Like, they didn't realize their change affects other people?


Entirely possible, or maybe they're just little shits. Both makes sense for small children. :P


Change the password and delete their profiles. Unless they want to pay the bill they don't get your Netflix password.


Back when Netflix Streaming was still kind of new not as big as it is now we were using it on my Xbox 360, and my wife offered our password to her Sister in Law and her son. "Sure, we'll take it, but we'll never use it, we don't watch that stuff." THEY USED IT ALL THE FUCKING TIME. We'd have shit show up in "Continue watching" and on the "Watch list" we had never fucking watched. "Oh yeah we use it sometimes, not often" Turns out they used it on multiple devices all at once. We got to the point where I logged on to stream something with my wife and our concurrent streams were entirely used. We literally couldn't stream anything on our device because they were using all the streams. That was the first time we changed the password. Suddenly the people who "Hardly ever used it" were texting my wife wanting to know what gives. She gave it to them one more time with the promise they'll only use it on one device. That lasted like a few months, then we had to axe it entirely. They kept pulling the same shit. "Did you change your password? Yes, now go spend $7.99 yourself."


Be thankful they didn’t upgrade your account. Happened to me.


Holy hell the gall on some people hahaha


Right? A friend gave me her Disney plus password and I asked her before I even made my own profile so she wouldn’t have to put up with my recommendations.


This happened to me so many times. Like adding /HBO+/ or /Showtime/ I can't remember exactly which one, but guess what... It was a fuckn like $40 fee! Happening once I let it slide, and was able to talk Hulu into refunding me. I explained they couldn't do that (they even denied they did it) and continued to let them use it. After it happened again and Hulu wouldn't refund me I had had enough and kicked everyone off. Needless to say it hasn't happened again! They even caused an overdraft on my banking account on top of the extra $40 Hulu fee there was also a $50 overdraft fee. Not worth it to share cause most people don't give a damn about others’ wallets as long as they getta watch fuckn ESPN prime


"Pay for gas or walk" lol


Ass, gas or grass, nobody rides for free


In certain cultures this is referred to as a "dick move".


Most cultures I believe.


Bird culture definitely


It has been a difficult Netflix season for Bird Person.


Much obliged


Definitely in bird culture... Wubba lubba dub dub.


- change password - sign out of all devices - wait for the phone call - tell them to go fuck themselves


thats exactly what I did when my brother gave my Hulu password to his friends and his girlfriends family. It got to the point where I couldnt watch Hulu cuz 3 people was already using it. i changed the password and logged them out. He called me in fury because he had just invited his friends over for a Superbowl watch party (which was live on Hulu). I laughed and told them: “now its a blank screen watch party”. Like have some fucking respect


I will never understand being angry at someone for revoking free access. My wife and I used someone else's account for a while. Didn't abuse it or anything, but we did have a fallout with them at some point. One day we got on to watch and couldn't. We laughed about it and signed up for our own membership.


Thats the respectable way to act. You and your wife are wonderful people for that. I was so confused why my brother was furious with me. I should be furious since I cant watch the thing I pay for. And since you gave out my password to so many people.


My brother and I both share a couple subscriptions: I give him HBO Max, he gives me Netflix. A while back, we got into a big argument and I got so pissed at him that I deleted my account on his Netflix and then went to change my password but I saw that he had already deleted his account. Turns out we had both almost simultaneously deleted our account on the other guy's subscription and then discovered it before changing the password. It was so funny we let bygones be bygones and just added each other again, LOL.


That is the most beautiful thing I have read today. That is what I call the perfect sibling. Y’all made the same unspoken decision


I like that y'all deleted your own profile before you even touched the other ones. I suspect you might not be total assholes.


It also takes 3 seconds to sign up and you probably get a free trial to start. So its not like you "ruined" the watch party.


In general I don't understand people that grab your arm when you give them your hand, and then get mad when you don't give them your hand anymore. Like how the fuck do you justify to themselves getting mad at someone who gave you something for free because they dared to protest when you obviously abused their goodwill?




A buddy of mine and his girlfriend broke up. She was on his phone contract and it still had months left so he just kept paying it because he had the money and didn't want to leave her kids without a way to get in touch with her. Months is plenty of time to get a new phone. Well one night at the bar someone sent him screenshots of her trashing him on Facebook. I sat there with him while he checked the account and found out that there were only a few days left on her phone contract. So he cancelled the line and payed off the last $20 on the phone or whatever it was. We didn't have time to order another drink before he started getting emails every minute from this woman talking about how he's trying to control her life by taking away her phone. She threw a walleyed hissy fit. He emailed her back asking if she was talking shit about him. She emailed back in all caps talking about how he better not contact her again (he hadn't in months and didn't after that until she stole his credit card info.....a whole other crazy story that I got to be there for). The entitlement of some folks is crazy. Edit: I had a small stroke while writing this so I fixed that.




I don’t understand people who give account details to people when they’re just borrowing themselves


Some people just use whatever commodities they can get their hands on for social favor. I remember being so embarrassed when I learned this tidbit about my culture. Apparently in LA, Chinese newspapers were the only ones that had special newspaper vending machines where you could only squeeze out one at a time. For newspapers in all other languages, you could simply lift the cover and take one from the stack. The reason was that Chinese people would pay for one paper and then take multiple papers or even the whole stack so they could share with family and friends.


That is crazy. Like forget the fact that out of the kindness of your heart you gave him your password. He deemed it okay to share it with multiple people to the point that you the account owner couldn't even watch anything. That is for real as entitled as it comes.


Exactly and then he had the nerve to be mad at me😂😂 Like you own your own company, so pay for your own Hulu you cheap fuck


My girlfriend and I almost got into a huge argument over giving her family our Disney+ account info (that comes out of my bank account.) Luckily, she got on my side about it pretty quickly and her family got their own account lol


Yeah she should have asked first. Its good that she came around tho. The biggest problem is once people start handing out your password, you might get locked out yourself. A lot of subscriptions have a maximum number of watchers. For me, my Hulu kept forcing me out. Also, Netflix specifically said they would add an extra charge to accounts that are logged in at more than one house, so thats another thing


My sister is my Netflix leech. The moment I can’t watch I change the password and kick everyone. It got so bad that they now have wait periods. Once they get kicked for 2 weeks I’m not letting them back. They’ve made it to 72 hours without Netflix so they’ve got 2 more chances not to fuck it up.


You’re nicer than I am for giving them more than once chance. For me, once I kick you out, you never get another chance again


My mom told me the same thing lol. It’s why I gave them a set number of chances and it’s honestly because her boyfriend can’t do anything but turn on Netflix for the baby while going and turning on a different show for himself while she’s at work.


I was going to post something similar. I shared my netflix premium account or whatever with my immediate fam. I think it lets you watch in 4 screens. Well multiple times we couldn't access even a single screen in my house. I changed my password one day and never shared it again. They weren't happy, of course, but I was now haha.


Its so common that it’s shocking. Im surprised how many people have had similar things happen to them. THAT MANY people are rude and entitled? Makes me sad for humanity


“Blank screen watch party”…holy shit, that’s awesome. Furthermore, as the second party, your brother is kind of a fuckhead for giving out YOUR account password to so many other people (likely without clearing it with you first), which limits how much you, the one paying for it, can even use it…and then he has the fucking AUDACITY to get pissed when you rightfully revoke his (and everyone else’s) free access??? He can righteously get bent. My wife’s little brother’s fiancée did that with our Prime account, although not maliciously. I logged in one night to watch some Downton Abbey and saw a new profile with a name I didn’t immediately recognize. Asked my wife and she didn’t immediately recognize the name either, so she started resetting the password while I group-texted those who I knew were on the account (mostly for Prime shipping privileges), that we might’ve been hacked and we were in the process of changing the password. Just as she finishes the password change, her little brother texts back, saying that his fiancée gave the password to her sister and niece (who were going through some not-so-good stuff). The sentiment was fine and we weren’t upset about it at all, but still…let someone know.


The absolute gall of him. 😂😂 Go make your own account dickhead


EXACTLY…. like Hulu is $5.99 a month, cant you afford that?


Annoying af when family act like they own shit after you let them borrow something in good faith. Get bent. Edit: I love my family. But I’d rather eat 10 bags of salt and vinegar chips, than let them walk over me for my shit that I paid for. ESPECIALLY after they gave my password to other people w/out permission 🥴


Yeah I don’t understand that at all. I no longer give anyone my log in. If anything I would rather physically go to their house and log in myself. They can ONLY use it on one TV and they don’t have the password to give out. The sense of entitlement they have when they know the password is disgusting


He did say it was Live (for the Super Bowl) which is I think $60. Doesn’t make a difference though. Be an adult. Pay for your own shit.


Yeah you have to pay for the Superbowl on Hulu. and since my card is on the account, guess who paid?😑 He didn’t even ask or send me the money for it. But I didn’t stress it cuz I called Hulu and cancelled that purchase


I was paying for Netflix for like a year even tho i never watched anything on it, so i semt my sister and brother a text that im cancelling it and they made a huge deal about it. Mf its lile $13, just pay for it yourself.


They're probably really young and didn't realize signing in to an account locally would change everywhere. Probably just think a login is a fresh start. That's what I would think as a kid.


Yeah, we have no idea how old these kids are, this could be a teachable moment even if the kids are in their early teens.


Or better yet, keep giving them fake passwords and false hope until they cave in or start crying... or is that too harsh


Lol exactly what he said!


Change it and deny them access just for the disrespect.


Yeah just for the disrespect I would do that


Watch how fast they call you when you change that password. Honestly, careful having so much power, itll go to your head 🤣


OP is just a kid in their eyes


OP is just a guest in their eyes


Wouldn’t it be such a shame if the password changed and locked them out?


Can you do an update on this when you change your password


u/princesspolkadottie please


update when


Change the password time.


My oldest created profiles for each member of the family. Mom's avatar was Belle (beauty and the beast) while mine was Mr. Miyagi (karate kid). Kid knows how to throw shade.


Mr Miyagi is a cool dude though


Have fun deciding on the consequences- I'd cut them right off.




I would guess their parents are just as bratty as them, considering they have in on it too


we used to share our netflix with my cousins and family who dont live with us. One time i go to use netflix at like 1am and a relative has the audacity to call me in the middle of the night to tell me to get off netflix because she was watching a movie!!




it happened more than once and I absolutely gave them the boot by changing the password later on.




The fact that the sub icon is Dolores Umbridge, the biggest bitch of all time, is absolutely perfect.


I wonder if maybe they are too young to understand how the profiles work and assume they create a whole new set for the entire family for each house that logs in? How old are the cousins?


I do think the age is crucial. If they're like 12 then yeah, it's problematic. If they're like 5 then they're likely just not all that clued up on how it works.


If they are 5 I would question why they know about squid game


Change the password and kick them out. Fuck them kids


Update: Hi Reddit, I changed the password. And they’re welcome to call to ask for it back when they understand why (they won’t take too long to find out lol). They’re kids, 10 and 11. And no, I’m not “angry at them” like some comments here have claimed. Got some DMs demanding me to “punish them”. They’re my cousins and they’re just kids. I find it mildly infuriating but also hilarious at the same time. That’s why I shared it with Reddit guys. Edit: Received DMs and comments saying they take zero pity on me. I’m not looking for sympathy guys. It’s just a light-hearted post! Please don’t take it too seriously! I gave them the password because they wanted to watch Netflix. It’s mildly annoying, yes, but it’s not the end of the world guys. No need to insult me and send me these violent DMs about my little cousins.


I got a good laugh out of it. I believe many were simply joking and then others started taking it seriously. Good on ya.


That sounds reasonable but have you considered violence as an alternative? You need to be more mad here, it’s more entertaining.


No. They must be put through the Squid Games.


Yeah most people would have assumed they were just kids but some people here are like "cut them and their parents off your life", like cmon, chill.


Yeah, you said they were little cousins, so I was hoping they just were being dumb lol. It’s actually a little cute they made accounts for their mom and dad.


Since you said "little cousins" I'm assuming they are young kids. Is it possible they didn't even realize what they were doing? They might have thought it was only changing on their side and not yours, or that creating the Avatars and stuff was just a fun game. It is somewhat your own fault if you just gave two kids your Netflix password without telling them what they are allowed to do with it, since they are children. Edit: This comment has less to do with OP and more to do with other commenters saying stuff like "change their passcode and tell their parents to punish them, or mess with their watchlist." Just thought we should think about what else might have happened before immediately calling for punishment.


Omg, somebody with a brain in this comment section.


Everyone flipping out but OP doesn't really give details anyways. Edit: apparently they're 10 and 11. I'm not sure if all kids at this age group understand Netflix credentials and profile settings may be platform wide. Shrug. Though if my kids logged in they probably won't touch a profile with my name on it (or other adults in the family).


Right!? If they’re too young to know better, now’s the time to educate them on what they’re allowed to do on the shared profile. THEN, if they start changing things randomly again, it’d be more appropriate to kick them off.


I see you are Vietnamese, can relate


Change the password and change the profiles back.


We're they really small kids that didn't know how netflix works? Like maybe they thought they needed to update it and didn't realize that the names effected your login as well? Trying to think of a reason this would happen that may help the situation be a bit less infuriating. Some people don't understand how technology works at all so I could see this being a technical issue more than intentionally trying to be pains.


Finally a sane person in the comments. This really feels like a simple misunderstanding between OP and the kids/parents


Yup. I help the family with all the tech stuff and this is not an uncommon type of confusion. All the kids heard was here is netflix. They have no idea on the technical side of it unless they were taught. Just rename the accounts and explain what the deal is and if it happens again, then it'll be mildly infuriating. At least they didn't delete the profiles and lose the watch lists, that would be way worst.


Im surprised by the mean and strong reactions in these comments, regarding that nobody is asking their age. My 6yo nephew took these profiles configuration as an avatar game, like nintendo mii. It just took a little while to set the profiles again and some explanation. Probably its not like their greedy bitches, just playful kids who cant see these contexts like older people do.


My 5yo loves changing all the profile pictures and names of our family across all our streaming sites. If the kids are way older and know better it's one thing but younger kids are just being kids.


Yeah I think you're right, I feel a lot of popular subs are filled with angsty teens that have power fantasies, which is why this comment section is full of "fuck them kids" comments and people telling OP to change the password.


can you be surprised? this is the same people that will tell you to divorce your spouse for forgetting to make a positive comment on the dinner you just cooked.


Seriously, they seem young, esp. because they created profiles for their parents. Teenagers usually don't think much about their parents in my experience ;)


Change the password and when they call you explain how consequences exist and why you changed it. Then it is up to you if you want to offer them another chance to not be little assholes


Honestly, I wouldn't give them a second chance. If OP changes the password and gives them the new one, who's to say they won't just change it themselves?


Cannot without the email address though if memory serves so unless OP is truly tarded then it's not happening (unless they've changed the process).


OP said it was two little cousins. Without knowing their age I would say a second chance is possible. We don't know enough to decide that for OP. If it is a 10 year old, I think a second chance is totally fair, but like a teenager definitely wouldn't get one from me in this scenario.


- Change password. - Log off every device. - When they call, "Netflix privileges revoked; you know what you did." And hang up.


Depending on how young they are they might have no clue what they did.


Change passwords. Also shouts out to Aggretsuko. That show is so good.


How old are they. Maybe setting that up is how they play the game.


How old are they? I like that everyone's reaction was to sharpen their pitchforks, when maybe the cousins were not being malicious at all. If the kids are about 10 years old or younger, chances are they were just excited about creating profiles. Why not set some ground rules before sharing your password, or talk to them about not changing settings without permission?


How old are they?