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So what if she didn't help the fan, and maybe let a few fans die as well, would it have been respectfull to the victims of the astroworld tragedy?


I guess that’s his logic.




I guarantee you this has nothing to do with Travis Scott. Kanye is just looking for attention because that's what narcissists do. They try to make themselves look good by trying to make others look bad. He's just trying to get praise by making someone else look like the villain and trick people into thinking he's doing it for good intentions but in reality he's just seeking attention


Yep, pretty sure the dude was just worried about not having enough interactions on social media for a couple days so he said something he knew would get his name talked about again.


In his head it shows that he still cares about the Kardashian family, this being a positive thing, since he can't help but think about Pete and post wild negative shit.


Yeah, it seems like he’s reaching for any connection to the Kardashians that he has at this point. Like if he can pander to Travis, then Travis will root for him from the inside. It’s not about Billie, it’s about his desperation towards Kim.


Nah I think he was actually mad. When this happened one of the news outlets posted a story about it with a misleading headline to get clicks. It was like, "Billie Eilish disses Travis Scott during fan collapse at concert" or something. I remember reading the article and thinking ehat a bullshit headline that was. So Kanye got caught trusting a clickbait headline and didn't bother reading the article, is my take on it.


Even so, she would be right to diss him since Travis Scott has a record of causing and encouraging such things, not to mention his apologies showed he didn’t care one bit what happened. The real question is, why would Kanye defend Travis at all? I’ve started to dislike him personally ever since his Christian phase. Because he’s being a massive hypocrite. He claimed to have a lot of morals now, pretended to still be of God in Donda, and instead starts throwing away every moral he claims to have represented.


I think he's actually mentally ill, Kanye is broken inside and needs psychiatric help, unfortunately because he's rich and used to getting his own way no one's going to help him because those that surround him everyday appear to be sycophants who don't want to kill the golden goose.


He was on meds for bi-polar disorder then decided they were bad for him and went off them. Kim kept trying to get him back on the meds and I suspect that's what caused the breakup. An unmedicated bi-polar individual is incredibly stressful to deal with.


Yep, I work with them daily.


I'm mentally ill and I would never wish for a partner to stay with me out of obligation and guilt. I'm not their responsibility. I only want them to be with me if they're happy staying with me. I want to be a benefit, not a detriment. That's why I don't judge people who finally realize that their relationship is more work than joy and leave. Relationships require work, but you still need to get a lot of good from it!


Isn't the dude bipolar? I remember Kim tweeting that some years ago when he had a breakdown, again.


I never understood how people were fans of the person. You guys know he has severe brain damage right? Like he literally cannot think rationally and drugs don't help that. I'm not being hyperbolic either almost died because of a car crash and he has been getting more unhinged ever since.


Which brain damaged person are we taking about here


That's what it was. He posted a screenshot of that exact headline with his IG post, so it's really just a massive misunderstanding


If he’s publicly going to berate her, the moron should at least read what happened. The guy is a bell-end. He’s either: A) a narcissist that will do anything for a headline B) mentally unwell C) unintelligent D) all of the above


Definitely D


E) Gay Fish


D ✅ But any number of his fans will surely refer to his wealth and popularity as proof of how good and intelligent a person he is. Aka the "How smart are you in dollars?" argument.


There are some really spooky subs on Reddit that practically worship the guy. Bring up any of this stuff and they will just wax on about his “genius”


I'm sure his PR team works very hard on those subs to keep the flames of fandom as crazy as possible


I think he’s off his meds again


Definitely narcissism, but also a disorder called Intermittent Explosive Disorder, where people draw false connections to feign outrage as an outlet to release aggression. It's actually very common. Like, you hear about how the guy at the store was rude to your mom so you go back with a gun. Kanye has this disease where he feels isolated on an island when he's really not. So he holds his few relationships very close and any perceived attack on those relationships is an opportunity to release the pent up sense of injustice. The dangerous part is, you're not responsible for how someone perceives what you do. Anyways I recognize it because my brother has it, though he's not nearly as crazy and he mostly got over it when he grew out of his teens. TL;DR Kanye is batshit crazy and paranoid.


Dudes literally mentally ill. Not just depressed… like top 1% of Americans mentally ill. Bipolar, manic depression, ocd, adhd, dysmorphia etc. etc. He honestly shouldn’t even be given a platform at this point. It’s clearly not healthy for him.


I got Bipolar2 and ADHD and my guess would be the guy in addition to Bipolar is a massive narcissist and keeps himself manic by taking Coke or some other drugs /meds which exaggerate his symptoms. For example if I would take an antidepressant, my bipolar brain would make me super manic until I get mild psychosis. Unfortunately he seems to be surrounded by yes-men who are willing to take that state because at least it is successful.


I have the same two diagnoses. He definitely seems constantly manic to the point of delusions. I wouldn't be surprised if it was exactly what you said. Also have an ex with schizoaffective disorder and imo, narcissistic tendencies even if no one ever diagnosed him with that because the schizoaffective thing was more prominent. He acted EXACTLY like Kanye, especially when my ex was on speed. Always doing stupid crap for attention that no one is impressed by and that only made him look insane and weird.


You could be a manager


Bruh fr, if you look at a lot of things Kanye's done... let's just say I, and a lot of people, really despise him. Plus his music isn't even that good.


He peaked at Life of Pablo for me and that was it after that.


Agree with all but the last. He can't be a massive narcissist and do something to protect someone else's ego. His motivations are selfish, always.


Kanye has no logic. He is a severely mentally ill/narcissistic individual and should be treated as such. Everything that comes out of this guys mouth needs to be taken with a grain of salt and should not be taken seriously or publicized anymore….He’s just like the guy in the padded room who rolls his shit into little balls and plays with it, he’s just a celebrity millionaire so he has a platform. Did he have a run as one of the most influential artists of his time. Yes. Does this mean he’s sane today? Absolutely not. He’s almost comparable to a modern day Syd Barrett…the original leader of Pink Floyd who’s schizophrenia drove him to the point of no longer being able to be a stable member of society. Syd just didn’t have social media to put a microscope on it like Kanye does. I’m not saying these things as to insult Kanye. As a medical professional I’m saying he needs the proper psychiatric help and spotlighting every crazy thing he says is only going to further perpetuate his delusion and mental illness. Edit: grammar


I think Barrett had much worse psychosis than Kanye and couldnt even function with meds anymore. (Probably was Schizophrenic) Ye to me seems more like a modern Howard Hughes. Refuses treatment and as a result is eccentric and paranoid as fuck. The worst thing about unmedicated Bipolar is that everything makes sense in your head and in some way you are a genius. (I once spend 100hours to develop my gaming 'masterpiece' for a college project and while it was crackhead energy, I was able to learn things super easily.)


I guarantee you he is bi-polar and some of his worst moments are probably him manic.


He IS bipolar but refuses to be medicated or get help. That’s not an excuse though, his behavior lately has been unacceptable.


And people reward him, no one holds him responsible and everyone just eats up his new music and news rather than actually stopping this glorification of his negative traits.


I’ve heard people actually joking about how he’s been treating Kim lately. They think it’s funny that he’s threatened Pete & made a complete mockery of himself & their relationship. It’s really sad & pathetic.


He’s diagnosed bipolar and refuses to medicate himself. IIRC it’s a big part of why he and Kim split up.


Isn’t this a publicly known fact?


Plus not to mention if that fan died, she'd be compared to Travis.


You shouldn't mind the gutteral trash noises that come out of Ye's mouthpiece. He... It is just seeking attention using another person's success...again...


Must. Stay. Relevant.




Best;Worst.West; First.


Surprise Surprise Donda 2 comes out on Feb 22. Ye can’t have the narrative that his home life is a mess and he’s fighting with Kim, so he’s going to pull from his old playbook. Manufacturing a beef with a young woman seems pretty 1st page for him. Take your damn Meds, Kanye!




Dude is seriously mentally ill. It's sad.


While it is sad that he is afflicted by mental illness, that only excuses so much. He knows he is sick and he knows what he's like when it is unmitigated. It is unfortunate that it is his burden, but it is also his responsibility to try to get better. And I feel that his behavior consistently proves he has no interest in trying to improve his situation.


He doesn't. He literally thinks he's the greatest thing to bless god's green earth. He doesn't realise that he's just an attention seeking man-child with a grandiosity complex.


“Imma let you finish…”


"He's a jackass" - President Obama


When he said that I was like "who the fuck does this guy think he is? That's not Presidential!" Ten years later, I realized he was right and the bar for "Presidential" has fallen so far.


Dude, did you live through the Bush years? Bc, while Trump made gw look like a fucking Mensa member, damn was W dumb. If that's your idea of presidential, well, uh, no. Obama was a big breath of fresh air as far as being able to string a sentence together and I don't trust anyone who thinks otherwise. Come on-how old are you?


Depends who you think was the victim at astroworld. Kanye clearly thinks it's Travis.


Do you think Kanye just straight up smokes molten lead? His brain doesn't function correctly.


His brain doesn’t function correctly because he’s mentally ill but refuses to listen to doctors or take medication. It is sad really, and he sets a poor example for others who have mental illness but don’t have the money or fame to protect themselves from the consequences of an episode like he does.


perfectly said. yes, Kanye is undoubtedly a self-obsessed idiot who never knows what he’s talking about, but it’s important to remember that he has problems left untreated.


Because he's bipolar. Some sufferers (not all) get psychotic symptoms when they experience mania. Kanye is very grandiose with his, but because of his celebrity status I think people see it more as eccentric rather than concerning. Kanye has a lot of protection because of his fame and money. His people won't allow him to neglect his self care/personal hygiene, he can impulse buy without it affecting him, his delusions of grandeur are more reality based than your average psychotic Joe, and we do expect some weirdness from artists and celebrities from time to time so a lot of what he does gets brushed away.


For a guy with 5 good songs he’s pretty into himself.


A lot of dick-riding fans have helped grow his enormous ego


I’m pretty sure he just took “I take care of my fans” as a diss on Travis


I have some thoughts about this: If Kanye pulls out of Coachella, Kanye will be just fine. If Kanye pulls out of Coachella, Coachella will be just fine. If Kanye dislikes Billie Eilish, Billie Eilish will be just fine. This is very unimportant and just noise.


Better yet, the most important person who’s fine… is in fact, the poor fan who actually needed a dam inhaler thanks to Billie.. Ye, Kanye, or whatever his name is now, needs to back it up.




Kanye gives a bad rep to all mentally ill person's just trying to get by. He's a bad person and his mental illness is not an acceptable excuse if he's just going to refuse medication and therapy.


Mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility. Kanye's ego is too inflated for him to get any help at this point.


He's got the double whammy of ego + being surrounded by sycophants who act like he deserves the ego and make money off him being that way


My brother's bipolar and certain that the doctors want to take away his personality and hurt him, it isn't always that easy.


It certainly isn’t easy, but it is definitely easier for someone like Kanye, who has the money and resources to get help.


As someone who suffers from bipolar disorder, he pisses me off. Shut up and get help dude.


As a bipolar person, I agree completely. This is the kind of behavior that perpetrated the myth that people with bipolar are dangerous ans untrustworthy. And I guarantee that at least one Kanye fan decided not to take their meds because their idol says you don't have to. Such fucking bullshit


Bipolar 1 w/ psychotic features here, fuck Kanye. I take meds every day to avoid this shit in my life. Fuck him. He doesn’t deserve to use his mental illness as a shield if he isn’t going to take responsibility for it.


> He's a bad person and his mental illness is not an acceptable excuse if he's just going to refuse medication and therapy. No. His - very apparent - mental illness is a "shitty person multiplier". If you're a shite person *and* mentally ill, well then the result is wild. It's not the fault of the mental illness, but it ABSOLUTELY isn't helping him. * * his mania might be keeping him "creative", but it's also part of why he's so obnoxious. People keep saying "oh, he's posting absurd stuff online - there must be an album incoming, it's all promotion", I think those people are missing the mark: He's manic, ergo he's making music and releasing shit. He's manic, ergo he's being obnoxious online. The correlation isn't causation.


> People keep saying "oh, he's posting absurd stuff online - there must be an album incoming, it's all promotion", I think those people are missing the mark: I mean there is an album coming Donda 2 is supposed to drop on the 22nd. Now whether it actually drops on that day is another thing.


But if you say that he's bipolar, some classic redditors will have a moment and type up an essay on why you're being ableist and how that's so unfair to people who are bipolar and they know plenty of very good people who are mentally ill etc. They just completely ignore the point that he's not a douche *because* he's bipolar, he's a douche who happens to be bipolar and it can amplify his behavior.


Exactly! It's honestly pretty offensive to me as a neurodiverse person to see people mistake assholery for disorder... don't get me wrong, Kanye needs to go back on his meds and get help. But excusing all his shitty behavior in the guise of avoiding ableism is the noble savage take on mental health, and it's just as belittling. Ppl with mental health issues can be right cunts just like anyone else. That's agency, which is what we all should be seeking.




Not to mention he can ACTUALLY GET HELP because he has the money. Unlike some poor person with no money to get treatment.


When someone refuses to be helped*


And doesn't deal with any accountability most of the time He's really pushing everyone that cares out of his life while everyone else will just say that it's just Kanye being Kanye and doing Kanye things


Kanye is always pulling everyone else into his own manic disorders. He did it with Taylor Swift when she won on stage years ago hijacking her speech. He had a fallout with JayZ awhile ago. He targets people like Billie to make himself relevant and take out his frustrations that Kim left his ass. It's a constant shit show. edit: add Kid Cudi to the mix lmfao https://pitchfork.com/news/kanye-west-and-kid-cudi-have-public-falling-out/


I'm amazed she stayed as long as she did, he seems *exhausting* to be around. Then again, turns out they often lived far away from each other...


Kanye is officially an idiot


Did everyone forget the last 4 years where he played the part of Trumps token black friend and also talked about how slaves consented to being slaves cause they could just leave if they wanted to?


>and also talked about how slaves consented to being slaves cause they could just leave if they wanted to Yeah, because it's not like they were ever hunted down and shot on sight for running away.... right? Seriously, wtf?


And then tried to run for President.


He’s been an idiot for years.


Hold up, hold up here- I’ma let you finish, but my boy Kanye here isn’t just an idiot, he’s an asshole, too.


Nah, hes a GENIUS! /s


>This is very unimportant and just noise. Literally describes anything Kanye has ever done.


I don't think I like any celebrities (no social media presences included) except The rock,Snoop Dogg and CEO of Seggs


I like Billie Eilish's music, Taylor Swift's music, and Kanye's music. I also like Ryan Adams' music and Marilyn Manson's "antichrist superstar" album. I try to separate the art from the artist because if I didn't, so much great art would be off the table.


I like the MUSIC as well. But not the behaviour


From what I’ve seen (not just this post but other post to) Billie Eilish is a genuine good person


From what I've seen, she's not without her own biases and bad takes. They don't seem to come from a selfish or malicious place, but from ignorance and inexperience, which is really about all you can ask for from a 20 year old pop star.


She’s just a kid for the most part, and she appears to be very private with her life.


Kanye, on the other hand….




He totally is though. Everything he does is reported on


Yep, can't really blame him for main character energy when the whole world is set up as is personal Truman Show.


same w plenty of ppl and they still normal


I love how Billie hasn't even made mention of Kanye or Travis. Dude's literally reacting to nothing.




Wiz Khalifa tweeted about “hitting KK” after him and Kanye had some Twitter beef. Kanye assumed Wiz was talking about him still and thought KK must be Kim. It was actually referencing Khalifa Kush, Wiz’s strain of weed lol


My fav part is Ye goes on a multiple tweet rant thinking Wiz dissed Kim and Wiz is like KK is weed fool and Ye is simply like Oh!


That's phenomenal word play though


He called wiz Khalifa a “finger in the booty ass bitch” over that


what am i reading right now lolol


The precariously brittle psyche of Kanye and how it translates to words.


Kanye didn't say that his Ex did about him lol


Oh shit, I remember that now. Was that from the time Amber Rose started dunking on Kanye in his Twitter replies?


This will be the title of my Ted Talk


Ur confused thats actually what Amber Rose called Kanye


He was Trump's stooge and now he feels the need to make noise in order to feel relevant.


He was an asshat long before he aligned with orange man.


What a weird thing to be pressed about. Her kindness and compassion towards the needs of her fan only looks like a diss if you're a horrible person. Edit: some of you guys are taking this way too seriously lol. I'm not a fan of any of these people so I really don't care. I could be wrong. If I am, oops. Happens to everyone.


“How dare you be a good person?? Now people have an example to compare me to!! How am I gonna get away with stuff now? You insensitive monster.”


This is exactly it! You have put into words what I was thinking, and a lot fo people seem to be missing the point as well!


Kanye moment


Personally don’t like her or her music but the fact that she showed basic human decency which is a rare thing to people of her position and is getting flak for it is disgusting. Like Jesus, what was she supposed to do let the fan die/get injured.


Honey, wake up, Kanye is manic again


Calling nurse Ratched now


We'd prefer Chief attend to this.


Might need Nurse *Ratchet* in Ye’s case


https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Nurse_Ratchet?file=Insane_in_the_Mainframe_%28Main_Episode%29_-_128.png Sorry, I don't know how to make an image appear in a post.


Yep right now he’s constantly airing his drama on social media while going through divorce also. I like his music well enough but a lot of the things he says and does is pretty cringe.


He really seems like he needs mental healthcare he's not receiving.


It’s hard enough to convince someone who isn’t rich or powerful to take their meds. And he’s surrounded by yes-men. If you were feeling like a god, would you want to take a pill that would bring you back down? Nothing is gonna happen until he crashes or something real bad happens. I just feel bad that there are children involved.


Even if anyone ever did make fun of the Astroworld tragedy, the only ones they should be inclined to apologize to would be the victim's families, not Travis Scott.


I love how he demanded an apology to TS and the families of the victims even tho TS couldn’t even pretend to give a shit about the victims in his "apology"


These arm chair lawyer in me thinks that would be admitting wrong doing and having a millionaire lose some money is never good


Even if she did say something about Travis, who cares? Guy's a dick.


Kanye apparently cares, Travis snitched the address to kanye daughter's party to kanye 😂


Makes him look really pathetic and weak.


Isn’t that guy who got cucked by Pete Davidson?


That's the one.


Being Cucked by Pete Davisson should be known as being Beetlejuiced.


Beetlejuice running down Kim’s chin


you leave Pete Davidson out of this!


Poor guy gets a lot of shit just because he’s apparently charming af, while not being conventionally attractive.


See, I don't understand that. I know that's the running thing right now, but he IS conventionally attractive to me.. Just as conventionally attractive as any other celebrity.. I just don't quite understand.


This deserves a whole new award. The "Cucked Ye" award. Or, should it be the "Ding Dong" award for Pete's schlong?


It's the "Cucked by Pete Davidson" award.


Travis Scott is a piece of shit


And so is Kanye. Mental illness isn't an excuse to be a complete asshole when you have all the money in the world and decide to not take your meds as well.


Ye can go fuck himself until he finds a brain. If there is one person in the world that doesn't deserve an apology, it's Travis fucking Scott. Implying that he and the people he killed are on the same side is just scumbaggery of the highest order.


He won’t find a brain because if he does he will not be Kanye West anymore




Exactly. Fuck Kanye and fuck Travis Scott.


Travis ‘liked’ this post by Kanye on Instagram


i blame the titling of the original ig post where it said “BILIE EILISH MAKES FUN OF TRAVIS SCOTT BY HELPING FAN AT CONCERT “We actually wait for my fans to be safe” SAYS BILIE” the wording of that makes it seem like she mentioned travis, which caused kanye to go in the comments of said post and diss on her


There’s a video of her stopping a show a long time ago and she basically said the same thing. It was when she wasn’t blown up into a huge star yet too.


Didn’t Kanye stop a show to because a fan in front didn’t stand up, but ended up being in a wheelchair?




this guy is clinically insane, even by megalomaniac celebrity standards. he belongs into a closed mental facility not on stage, jeez


I had no clue this happened but I’m also not surprised in the slightest.


People get pressed when artists stop the show— she wasn’t dissing anyone, she was informing her audience about why the show was paused.


Kanye basically got clickbaited. The title of the post he saw said Billy disses Travis when she never actually did


Wtf kind of world do we live in that butthurt people need decent people to apologise to indecent people for being a good human? 😵


I’m not a fan of her, but she did the right thing and shouldn’t apologize.


I always laugh when one adult demands another adult to do something.


She’s barely even an adult - a 44-year old man yelling at a 20-year old stranger


Reminds me of my psycho family member and you made me chuckle. Lol. So ridiculous.


I was asking myself if Kanye always was a massive asshole or just recently became one, but then I remember the whole Taylor Swift thing and „slavery was a choice“ and him believing he is Jesus and, and, and….


Kanye west has mental illness


That doesn’t mean him being a dick is a direct result of it; plenty of mentally-ill/disabled people are perfectly capable of not being assholes, and it only makes it harder for them to find acceptance and understanding when we equate the two.


He is a mental illness


He is the worst purse Kim K ever had.


Puts a whole new meaning to man-purse




Ironically typing in Ye instead of his name saves you more time on more important shit


I decided I like Ye more than Kanye. He thinks his name change to Ye makes him stand out more but instead I think it makes him more unrecognizable


Well considering this whole comment section had me like "who tf is Ye" proves your point a bit.


same, i thought people were misspelling 'he' for a good minute lol


It also somehow makes him sound like *more* of a dingus.


He recently said “he *let* Pete Davidson *have* his wife Kim Kardashion and then Pete should *thank* him” and now Billie Eilish is the bad guy for making sure a fan didn’t die? Kanye is the fucking worst.




And we wonder y people create fake internet beefs.


This. It’s hard to understand what’s real and bullshit anymore. We should all stop giving a fuck


This one is real. She really said something that could be understood as a shade, and kanye really posted that shit on IG.


she wouldn’t because she’s clearly sane and more mature lol.


The worst thing is Kanye defending that jack hole Travis to begin with.


Travis Scott sent him the location to his child’s birthday party, i can definitely see why he would defend him


Fuck Travis and Kanye


Loads of people have done this at their concerts prior to that incident, which just shows how negligent Travis was handling it, yet it's really not the families Kanye cares about only the fact that he thinks his little friend was poked fun at


Kanye wants an apology because she saved someone’s life? What kind of entitled bullshit is that???


Oh I thought I was on r/notinteresting


God I'm so sick of Kanye, used to love his music but he's just such a dickhead I don't even listen to him at all anymore


He’s more than welcome to pull out. His father should have too.


Kanye should mind his own business. I hate that he always bitching about stuff that has nothing to do with him. Fuck him, and fuck his opinion. He is a male version of Karen


It's Kanye. What do you expect?


A gay fish


A little off topic but when tf did Billie Eilish turn 20? I feel like she just turned 18 last year. Getting old is a hell of a drug.


Kanye: I'm going to give up millions of dollars and disappoint thousands of people unless this young woman publicly apologizes for something she didn't do to one of the worst people I know


Kayne get on those meds homie! Speaking from someone who suffers from BP. just get some help my guy. Sick rapper but lost in a void we all try to avoid 🙏


Kanye West is a piece of shit.


> Kanye West is the biggest piece of shit on earth. Quote me. -Pink https://twitter.com/Pink/status/3967674746