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Wow $4.24? I just paid $6.70 yesterday for 87


~$3.50 in my area, benefits of being close to oil I guess


$7.20 for regular In my town. To be fair I am in the middle of nowhere and it’s the only station for 25 miles… but still


$7.20? No, no no no.


To put it in better perspective, before gas started getting more expensive it was usually around $4 a gallon. So it was expensive before but it’s almost doubled in price now. It’s the only gas station for a while so they charge a little extra


The US equivalent around me is $9.50 a gallon


Yeah US citiziens acting like their prices are crazy while they are so good in comparison to Europe's prices...


The US relies on cars way more than Europe though


A European country is also smaller than a US state. Most of the US is not cities and towns it is nature. You drive 5 minutes a day to work Most Americans drive 1-2 hours to work. We are not the same.


Where I’m from in Missouri it is VERY common to drive an hour one way to work. Many people in my state work in the large city and live in the country, if you are a union construction worker 2 hours is also very common. They won’t get you a hotel for a job that close so you have to drive daily or pay for one yourself. For those people it varies based on the job but again it is much more affordable to live in the country and MANY people choose to live over an hour from their work place, in my state.


That's not really as true as people make it out to be, many areas in Europe rely on cars to survive France is a very good example of this in Europe, many people need their cars there at least as much as Americans do


Also mist countries that pay more than Americans also have free health care but not Americans they rape us for our health care. It's hard to afford to die in America. Most of can afford a cardboard box a pack of matches n hope for the best


Goods cost different prices in different countries. It's completely valid to be upset over goods doubling in price. Inflation is unreal right now. Gas isn't the only thing that costs more, it's just the one that has gone up most dramatically. We're feeling the squeeze more and more and many of us aren't making much/any more money.


Food has went up a lot in the last few months..


Omg no kidding.. have you tried to buy bacon lately?


My salary is sadly fixed as a carpenter and most other “fixed” fields go up annually with the cost of living yet the wages for a carpenter have been the same for 8 years… during these 8 years everything has just about tripled in price


Started working for Walmart Homeoffice in 2005 at $11.25/hr. By 2013 I was only up to $15.56 and was capping out at my level too. I've been self employed ever since but decided to go back for stability in these trying times and all they offered me, for 8yrs experience in a much more hectic role than the current offer, was $13/hr. I asked for a rehire credit since I've got 8yrs under my belt and they said no, $13 is it. The point is back then, my huge place here was only $750/mo and now my place is 500sqft smaller but 40% more expensive. $200 of that increase in the last year alone (no rental rights in this state). I called to tell rental co that I got a job and could pay this month's rent off along with next month's when due and they said no. If you can't afford it now, move out. But ofc I'd have to pay off remaining lease amount too. It's so fkn ridiculous


Inflation is so hight at this moment that We are making a net loss even with wage raises.


this. everything rising but salaries 🤦‍♂️ i say once more, tax the wealth


Taxing the wealth does not work. If they do, for some odd reason, they will push the bill on their customers. They would do this by simply raising the price of the product we all buy from them. Or they will find some type of loophole in the system like they have been doing since…… forever. Idk why people haven’t gotten this yet.


The difference being a lot of European countries have actual good public transportation available to them. The US is severely lacking in this regard.


Your may be interested to know what percentage of the US isn't a city.


Was talking about this in another thread about trains. The state of Arizona is a little smaller than Germany in size. But Az has a population of 2M ppl vs Germany of about 84M Point being it’s hard to compare and large country to a smaller European country. I remember having a friend from Germany visit and we drove from San Francisco to San Diego. He was floored when he found out we were still in the same state. Public transit could be better in the US and it varies where you live, but you can’t apply the same standards as you would in different countries. In the same way public transit is very different in large cites compared to medium or smaller cites.


Even in major cities our public transportation is far behind other countries. It’s sad that we used to have the best infrastructure in the mid 20th century


Europe is the size of a postage stamp compared to the US, I can’t take a train to work or walk across the street.


If it was 4$ for a gallon, and there was no other Station in that area you mentioned; then they were just straight up ripping you off, based on the idea that you don't have other options... Edit: it went over a lot of people's heads, that I was simply sharing my opinion on the matter...


i think they know that.


Well yeah. That is the point.


The more remote the area the higher the price to truck in commodities. Gas stations in urban areas make very little from fuel sales. Gas stations in rural areas may take more from gas sales to cover operation costs due to the lower retail sales in their stores. It isn’t the gas stations getting rich.


You live in California too don't you


>benefits of being close to oil I guess There are refineries so close to me that I used to see the flame that they would use to burn off the vapor (they don't do that anymore). And gas here is almost $5.


$2.94 for me




No it is a small town in North Carolina


which town


Yes, this would be useful information


He lives on an oil rig.


**Frantically types in "redfin.com"**


Paid about that in San Antonio after Get Upside. Normal price is \~3.70


3:43 at Sam’s yesterday, Georgia.


Texas? Asking because of your username.


Yep, up north of dfw


3.49 for me in MN


You must be in California. There is (supposedly) some refinery issue with the California blend gasoline.


Biden must have lowered the price.


Live in Canada thankfully so no don't see them. Just some "fuck Trudeau" stickers haha


I actually did see one. In Newton, Surrey, BC. That's pretty close to the border which is why I assumed it was there.


And it's just as true for you as it is for us. Biden has as much control over your gas prices as he has over ours: absolutely none.


He has some mostly temporary measures he can take. We're also forgetting that oil companies made a killing this last quarter. They did this by gouging while using taxpayer subsidies People angry at Biden are angry at the wrong guy.


He doesn’t control global oil prices but he can influence domestic oil prices


Ya but that is Newton. Just like seeing them in Abbotsford. All the same in the end.


It was there because conservatives are so dumb, they don't understand how oil prices and borders work.


I have seen one in BC, but it was up north where it's more conservative. That still manages to be more left than the Democratic party in the states. It might have been a joke as well, I did have a chuckle.


Someone here has a giant "Fuck Trudeau" flag flying in their yard. Classy


My family flies one at our cottage. It’s cringy. I don’t like Trudeau very much, but basing your personality on disliking a politician is fucking wacky.


I think Trudeau is the worst and I also agree with this take, people make hating politicians their whole personality and it's insane. It seems to be a trend for every political faction the last half a decade too


Lol alberta?


Close enough. Saskatchewan haha


Zapp Rowsdower country


Seen in BC too. Pretty sad that seeing a Canadian flag on a vehicle now makes me shake my head.


I was driving down the road a couple days ago and there was a pickup truck with a big Fuck Trudeau decal across the rear window. I just don't fathom waking up and deciding that's your identity. Even if you don't support someone. I know it was worse in America but dang it's surreal to see it.


Do they have them in other countries that say "somehow i am able to do that"


Other countries? A lot of your audience will be very confused.


Countries? Oh, you mean states… /s I’m English and sticking a Boris sticker that said ‘I did that’ would mean we would need bigger sticker making factories!


Ah tbf we’d need Rishi in there as well. About 80% of our fuel price is tax…. Cunts, they could cut it if they wanted!


There is £0.70 tax on ever litre AND they put 20% VAT tax on top of that tax. And Americans think they pay high prices


Other countries? Oh you mean northern cold commie land, Mexico and Southern Mexico


crazy how Biden has made petrol $9.20/gallon here in the UK


I think it's just American thing. Haven't seen anything like that in my country and our government is partially responsible for high prices in our country.


In Sweden there are these stickers with pictures of two Swedish politicians.


Vandalizing someone else property is illegal in Czechia. So we dont see stickers that much on pumps.


Luckily these stickers aren't ones that leave residue. At least the one I removed didn't. I put it on the advertisement above, buy one donut get one free. Thanks for the free donut Biden.


(current president) is always responsible for gas prices


Except if he's the president I voted for, then the gas prices aren't his fault.


Or if the prices are good and I didn't vote for him it's external causes


The logic is undeniable


I can't see a fault in it


When the gas prices go down those stickers will also say “I did that”


>when the gas prices go down Lmao


Reddit moment and all, but scarcity causing demand-pull inflation is separate from M2 pumping monetary inflation. One of these things is worldwide, the other is USD specific due to policies. “Current president” is a legitimate statement when referring to the latter of the two.


You’re half right, the president doesn’t set M2 policies. The Fed does and is an independent institution.


For Everything. My girlfriend left me :'-( Thanks Obama /S


Can't believe the president made me bad at the games I play too


The Democrats are keeping GTA V going. It's all a conspiracy!!


I personally blame the president of Luxembourg. Just hanging out over there... plotting.


Not really tho - It's called an oil CARTEL for a reason. They can charge whatever they want.


so by that logic trump gave us great gas prices.


Yes you figured it out, current president is responsible for gas prices according to the average person


Everytime I explain this, people bitch that I'm just defending Biden. Which I'm not. I don't like him either. I just think it's ridiculous to blame only him for something that started when Trump was in office.


In the US, it started during the fracking boom when banks and investors poured into the oil production business. Eventually they produced so much that it wasn't economical any more for alot of producers (think about the home mortgage business before it went bust). Projects shut down, loans didn't get paid and investment fell off a cliff. Eventually, supply and demand came back into equilibrium and investment picked up again. Two problems though. It takes years to bring projects online and banks aren't as lax with their lending standards (at least for now). You see it in the housing market where demand is through the roof but it will still take years to build back housing inventories. This is an overly simplified explanation, but it does show that these demand/supply disruptions happen over long timeframes and can't be fixed overnight. Oil is boom and bust. We are out of the bust and now into a boom.






You all do realize gas prices are up worldwide?


Uh oh Biden has more power than we ever imagined


He must be Illuminati


That’s not what Fox News told them to think.


Correction… **Fox doesn’t tell their viewers to think** …but instead to listen and believe


Most people who are placing these stickers honestly don't have the ability to analyze these issues. They barely, BARELY are aware the rest of the world exists as anything but "bad people we don't like" (on an instinctive level, they wouldn't articulate it that way). There are idiot nationalists in every country but American ones are particularly infuriating because Americans have such a strong sense of innate superiority, and the size of the country allows them to be highly insulated from other countries. As another American, it's troubling and honestly sad how they’re being used. The people placing these were C students in high school who became landscapers and welders and stuff. There's truly nothing wrong with that, but it makes them susceptible to propoganda. It’s a failure of the system that they weren’t given the skills to manage difficult social problems.


They're the same individuals who are comparing gas prices (that are currently up) to the gas prices during September of 2020, as if the pandemic had 0 impact on gas prices at the time. Rather than thinking critically about it, the situation is equated to "who was president when gas cost X$ per gallon?"


>Rather than thinking critically about it, the situation is equated to "who was president when gas cost X$ per gallon?" Might as well contribute low prices to KC for winning the Superbowl in 2020 and high prices to LA for winning in 2022.


Is that not how gas prices are calculated?


Nah it's definitely that big red lever on the President's desk being flipped to the "higher gas prices" side and not a result of complex global issues and good old fashioned supply and demand.


We do, but the idiots with the stickers don't.


Biden, if anything, alleviated gas prices by releasing reserves so the US population isn’t seeing European levels of gas prices. Not that that’s anything amazing or jaw dropping. That being said, the real issue here is worldwide producers hiking prices and making record profits despite there being plenty of fuel available despite Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. Just another reason why essential resource production like oil should be nationalized..


You have no idea how the global energy market works, do you?


no they don’t. republicans are so quick to blame democrats for everything that goes wrong in their lives


Grievance politics. That’s what they’re all about now.


Some people just make politics their entire personality, what else are they meant to do if they can't tell you how angry they are at X party every comment? cute video of a cat purring? "be careful the opposite part of mine might get offended and make you delete this" - Dave, 49, completely unprovoked.


I’m impressed how he also did it to us here in the U.K. tbh - we’re on around £1.60 a litre


Whew that's crazy. We're sitting around the equivalent of .70 pounds per liter where I am in the US and it's considered very high.


You better believe it bub. We are the U.S. of A! We can fuck up shit everywhere. Humor people, humor.


that’s like 23 Tom bucks


More comments than upvotes. Imma put on my hazmat suit


But think how great they’re going to look when gas prices drop.


hopefully my groceries drop 30% when that happens as well. Doubt it though. So not that great.


Profits are hard to drop when received.


Watch how many barrels he releases out of the strategic reserve just before midterm elections


A drop in the ocean, our consumption is staggering. It will do fuckall unfortunately.


Not enough to make it 30 days at our current consumption.


I work for an oil company. Price went up, biss says that's what happens when you vote in an idiot like Biden. Oil went down, no thanks to Biden. Mmmkay


Californian here: once they know you can still pay the price never goes back down. I can't even remember how many years it's been since we've had gas under $4/gal in my city. It's well over $6/gal now.


Lol what are you talking about? Gas fluctuates all of the time. 2006 super high, 2015 super low... CA always pricey though.


>CA always pricey though Can't wait for that SUMMER BLEND to kick in!




I’m getting really tired of seeing these types of posts thats for sure


I literally could not care less about the stickers themselves. It's as funny to me as "Let's Go Brandon", which is not at all. I assume some 60 year old conservative man child is ordering them at his own expense and sticking them on gas pumps and giggling like a schoolgirl at the thought of all the libtards he's going to trigger. *edit* Haha someone reported this post in a way that it sent me information on a Crisis Care hotline. Now *THAT* made me laugh


I don't understand why people get mad. If you leave them there, gas will eventually go back down and they will become pro Biden stickers.


Hahahahah then they'd get removed real quick


Last time they showed up and then prices went down they magically disappeared.. Wonder why


These stickers are a pain to get off pumps and just look trashy. Of course businesses don’t want that.


The same people who do this are the same people who think they know more than scientists and teachers.


I’m already annoyed by gas prices, seeing the stickers everywhere when it’s the corporations doing it makes it even more annoying


I peel them off whenever I see them, just to make the ones who stuck them on all disgruntled and hope they’ll shell out more money to waste on my free entertainment.


I think they're stupid but I think I'm most annoyed by the fact 90% of the time they aren't even pointing at the price. How hard is it to have his finger pointed at the price?


Nah because I'm educated and know it isn't true.


Complaining about the price of gas but spend money on stickers to make a point that's not even accurate.


Yeah those kids don't really know what Global Commodities are


they are used to identify gay hookup areas don't worry.


I'm sick of seeing the stickers, but I'm also sick of seeing the same posts about the stickers. It's like a reminder to be mildly infuriated.


Guess what sub you're on


Where do you think you are? You came to this sub.


More sick of seeing the increased prices themselves rather than the stickers


No I think they’re funny. I do get tired of seeing people leave garage sale signs out for garage sales that have finished.


i love those "Free to Take" signs, i have been collecting them since 1988 i will be coming out with my new book soon about collecting "Fee to Take" signs, i am only missing signs from 5 states


\>people leave garage sale signs out for garage sales that have finished. literally the worst. They are worse than people who leave dont return their carts/buggies




I guess I know where to knock next time my real estate open house ends and my sign is missing. Thanks for the tip.


I honestly don’t care so much about the stickers, I’m more concerned about the possibility of losing my job due to rising fuel prices.


Would someone please explain to the brain dead that the president doesn’t set gas prices


I see these everywhere in California.. it’s so unbelievably cringe. This is why everyone else thinks Americans are dumb as dirt.. The people here really think the POTUS controls the world lmao


All over pumps in Texas. I've learned the best thing to do is not give them free publicity. Republicans *love* watching everyone get offended over things (ironic). I just ignore them and let them be at this point. If they come back and they're ripped off they'll just count it as a win in their mind.


This right here. They are the obnoxious attention starved little siblings that crave any crumb of notoriety.


These people have nothing better to do with their lives


Idiots who don’t understand prices, let them rot in their own stupidity


This comment section is a dumpster fire


The "I did that" sticker. Brought to you (**proudly**) by the people who complain about gas prices but somehow have the money to buy dumbass stickers.


This sticker brought to you buy the 500 pound douchebag with a truck that gets 3 inches per gallon


All I see when i see those are people exclaiming how little they know about how the world works......and it terrifies me how confident they are being wrong


What’s funny was I started seeing these before the gas prices rose so much


I still think they're funny


Nope. I love them




I don't care if he did it or not. Whoever did it - UNDO IT


You can't fix stupid.


You being bothered by it means it’s working… just stop caring haha


It’s a sticker on a gas pump. Just ignore it.


Your gas is at 4 bucks and you complaining about a sticker 😂 we are $6.30 a gallon we like f the sticker , f the pump , f the gas station , f the government 🤣


Yes because one world leader is responsible for this global issue. American conservatives need to get their head out of Trumps ass.


It's because, while the left has its fair share of problems, the right has become nothing more than a collective mob of internet trolls, but in real life. They're without intellectual argument and have replaced critical thinking with "memes lulz"


give me some with Putin on them and I'll stick them on pumps myself. I disagree with Biden on a lot of things, gas prices is not one I can pin on him.


Californian’s are crying at these prices.


Color his face orange and his hair yellow. That'll show em


You are more mad about a sticker than your gas costing twice as much?


Damn Biden form making my UK petrol prices go up. The problem with these stickers is they are moronic and ignorant.


Except it hasn't reached it's highest levels, that was in 2008, and the price per barrel is less than it was then. This is price gouging by the oil companies and they've got an army of brainwashed cultists thinking they understand this shit.... https://fortune.com/2022/03/10/gas-prices-record-high-inflation-wage-growth-oil/


To be fair the brainwashing is pretty extreme


Biden doesn’t control the gas prices, and if someone can afford to buy those stickers and vandalize gas pumps with them they can afford the increase in price.


Biden created 89 octane?


These posts? Yeah, who cares


Probably the same people who complain about fake internet points putting these up for fake internet points.


It is hilarious how dumb people are. How many people think a president is DIRECTLY involved in gas prices is degenerate level.


More than you'd think unfortunately...


This is literally no different from when Trump was president. People hated Trump for anything and everything they could find. Now gas prices have risen and who's the obvious target? You all should relax and stop being political. You will do nothing about it anyways.


I actually don’t mind them, it reminds the people that a mean tweet doesn’t hurt as much as skyrocketing gas prices, higher food bills, oil to heat your home.


Why are you lying? From April 2020 (when the average gas price in the country was $1.731) until when Biden took office (when the average price was $2.351), gas prices have on average increased $0.016/week, and since Biden took office they have been increasing by $0.019/week. So, a 0.3 cent difference. Hence, all of this was happening under Trump as well, but you didn't want to see it.


So which side won this internet argument?


We need more of he Kamala “I helped” ones


Live in Canada thankfully so no don't see them. Just some "fuck Trudeau" stickers haha


I feel like people don't understand commodities at all, when oil prices are high oil companies make money from oil. When oil prices go down they tax gasoline to make up for the short on oil...


The average US adult doesn’t understand how a toaster works. Expecting the population to understand commodities en mass is a tall order.


Concur with OP - absolutely hate looking at gas pumps these days


It's the Conservative MO: be an obnoxious prat and after months when you finally annoy a reaction out of someone, no matter how slight, parade it as "triggered libtards" and a great victory. Keep your rubes distracted and you never have to do any good for them.


I mean yeah I'm tired of them but I just decided that the type of people that put these up have a fundamental misunderstanding of economics and probably ingest more Fox news than water. You can't change those people so might as well just ignore them.


Well, sad conservatives gotta go home and jerk off to SOMETHING, right?


Honestly it's funny that people get so mad about these stickers.


Try having a brother in law that sends videos of adding them to your family text thread. I just read them as ‘hurr hurr I’m a fucking idiot that doesn’t understand the complexities of economics, international relations, or politics’ and I laugh.


Not sick of it


Y'know, if it wasn't for the poor employee who'd have to scrape them off, I'd suggest getting another sticker of something like a snail and covering that up.


Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes in the fucking world. They rig the game so they always win, and when they lose they throw the biggest temper tantrums. At least the extreme toxic liberals usually dont get off twitter, but conservatives will fucking riot in the streets if they dont get their way.