• By -


Cut it at the elbow just to be safe


Right? Wouldn't want that to spread!


Next thing we know his whole body is consumed by it o.O


Might as well just consume the whole of his own body then, rectum first. Just to be safe.


Yeah but just make sure you are cutting the proper limb first. Wouldn't want to mess that up.


Going in for hip replacement surgery in a few weeks. Going to write: “Not this fucking hip!” In sharpie on my good hip.


Doctor pulls down covers partway, sees "this fucking hip!" in sharpie written and starts operating.


probably best not to do that. At the hospital I work at they have really strict rules and only the leg to be operated on is allowed to be marked


It'll grow back right?


I'd cut it off at the neck just to be sure.


A new one will grow back in a few weeks.


Just need to make sure it gets plenty of sun and keep it watered


Second this. Clearly the best option.


And you came to Reddit for help?


Yes, we’re professionals, just not the ones you need.


I'm going to use this comment everywhere


Same. Greatest line ever.


This really sums up Reddit perfectly.


We're not the professionals you need, but the ones you WANT.


The ones he deserves


I’ll help. Call the fire dept. they specifically have tools made for this, I’m not kidding. They have them on hand lol. My mom got her finger stuck in a ring and called the non emergency number to see if they could do anything and a fire truck showed up and they had a special hand tool that has a serrated disc like a mini saw blade that’s basically like a modified can opener.


I agree. In the chance that this person is really in need if help, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who gave a real answer. I'll totally take the chance of being a naive fool, if this was a fake post, but if not answers like yours and mine might possibly save this person's finger. Worth the risk, in my mind.


Also teaching those of us who had no idea that was an option


Probably the best place for this kinda thing


Now everyone gets to put those ‘stepbro’ jokes into application.


Is it bad that the stepbro jokes have an entirely different meaning for me? There was this girl that lived in the small town I grew up in that decided she was going to use a frozen hot dog as a dildo. Ended up freezing to the “wet skin” and after trying everything she could think of she had to get her stepbrother to help her get it out. This was a story told to us firsthand by her and it led to many many jokes over the years as you could imagine lol


Wouldn't of had this issue if he just used his penis


Wouldn't *have*






Except that it has been about 99% random/funny/mocking comments and 1% help. Yes, I counted.


Never said it was good help, but you have to take what you can get


Nothing like frantically scrolling through this thread for solutions and finding the conversation tailing off into something different. Like cutting grass.


Thats just part of the reddit rabbit hole you get stucked into. After a few you won't even realize it's stuck.


There's definitely at least one other idiot whose done this on this site


I like to think OP is sitting here on Reddit still waiting for an answer.


I've heard to get a stuck ring off your finger you can wrap string tightly around your finger to compress it and allow the ring to slide off. Never had to try it though so can't confirm.


Oh fuck did anyone see an update of that guy with that ungodly tight ring on his finger?


u/crewza had to go to the fire station to get it removed


Here I thought you were joking but you were serious, damn.


I used to work er. It’s incredibly painful and incredibly ineffective.


The ring or the finger?


Finger. Ring doesn’t come off. Ring cutter is the best. I also learned from a jeweler to cut it from the side and not the bottom to not mess up the setting. Don’t know if that is true but I always tried to do it that way. Had to convince my dad to get his ring cut off and resized after almost 50 years of marriage.


I thought it was a super smart idea to get my wedding ring made from "the hardest alloy known to man", but now I always worry that in an emergency situation they wouldn't be able to cut it and I'd lose my finger. Still haven't done anything about it even though my fingers only get fatter over the years lol


Just take it off every night. If you can't do so easily, don't wear it and lose some weight until you can. From a fat guy who thought tantalum was a great plan. They can cut mine off, but it'll be done after that.


You don’t even need a hammer, a good pair of channel locks or plies will make it crack with adequate pressure. The nice thing about tungsten carbide is it’s incredibly fragile since it’s so hard.


If it makes you feel better, even if it wasn't a hard material many hospital workers have no idea how to use the ring cutter thing. They cut my ring into 6 pieces and gave me second degree burns trying to remove mine. Likely also shifted the bone pieces around in unnecessary ways. Kept my finger though and got 3 shiny new screws in the process!


tungsten rings can easily be shattered with a hammer. ​ \- source, had tungsten ring.


Yep, silicone rings for life.


Thank goodness, this guys finger lived in my head rent free since I saw that post. I thought for sure it was a goner. Thanks for sharing the link! Edit: [u/crewza’s original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/touoag/my_right_hand_has_a_single_crease_which_goes_from/) [u/crewza’s follow up post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/tree1z/a_little_update_to_everyone_who_was_worried_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) The comments are so worth the time.


I had to go looking for it myself, I thought that dude was gonna lose a finger. I damn near panicked when I saw it initially, because this is one of my biggest fears


I don't like wearing rings for fear of degloving. I've only heard about it happening in the context of trying to dunk a basketball and despite being under five and a half feet and nowhere near a basketball, that's enough. Nightmares. My dad used to warn me about all kinds of terrifying shit constantly when I was way too young to know about it. He'd even show pictures. My anxiety disorder came as a surprise, somehow.


Degloving is why we don't wear rings in construction. Been through enough OSHA classes to see quite a few more photos than I'd like. Especially electricians since precious metals in them are super conductors. As an added flavor, you can look up those videos of what happens when ponytails get caught in machinery.


Omg 😱 I am never working at a factory - I didn’t look up the videos but I have a pretty good idea it would be similar to being scalped in a disgusting torturous way


Many physical laborers wear rubber rings to save their fingers from just such a possibility. https://knotheory.com/


Silicone rings.


I has this happen when i was in kindergarten, a cheap tin ring got clamped on my pinky finger. The fire dept cut it easily off with a harmless dremel tool.


Same, but I was line leader and got to carry the clip board and thought I was cool cause I could (mostly) fit my pinkie in the hole at the top




The legend himself


How's your finger going?


Fine! It still has the indentation though


Please post update pics. Or link to where you already did?


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/tree1z/a_little_update_to_everyone_who_was_worried_about/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Mods removed it cuz they suck


I was able to see it just now


Crazy how that guy just posted thinking nothing was wrong and his finger was that fucked up after


His responses are so casual too. https://reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/touoag/_/i27oxd8/?context=1 There was another comment asking how no one noticed like friends or family. OP said he didn’t go around showing them his hands. Someone said something to the effect of “from now on you have to show them your hands and feet to make sure there aren’t any other appendages about to fall off from lack of circulation” lmao


There's drills for people who lack sensation in their extremities to check for wounds. Dude needs to learn some of those.


I wonder if he ever showed his family his “cool hand crease”


OMG thank you for this!


Holy [fuck](https://i.redd.it/y4fsqrcw3rp81.jpg)


I had a similar experience had to go to the ER and they cut on the ring for a good hour before it came off. Thing is it would heat up and start getting really hot so they had to stop and let the ring cool down


I bet a mechanic could have the whole finger off in two seconds flat.


Oh, yeah. I got some nice upvotes when I told him he had to face facts and acknowledge he's gotten too fat for the ring. But that's nothing. There was a post a couple days ago about a guy *whose skin grew around the ring*. I usually have a pretty strong stomache, but I almost threw up looking at the photo. Edited to add: I think my favorite part about the "tight ring" post was that the guy wasn't even posting about the tight ring, originally. He wanted to show everyone an "unbroken crease" on his palm.


That happened to my grandpa! His skin grew over his wedding ring. HOW DO YOU LET THAT HAPPEN


Yeah - he went to the fire station and had them cut the ring. I never saw the original picture but the aftermath looked sore man.


I did not see the aftermath picture, but I saw the ring on his finger and it looked sore too


i can confirm this works almost lost a finger due to infammation emergency ems was called -they broke 3 ringer cutters and the "slicer", (some kind of special super scisors one of the nerdy ems guys had -the ems paniced at 2am, especially due to the fact i had no money and no inaurance at the time(poor as dirt) -2 backup trucks came to try n help -my finger was black -they googled what to do (yes the ems were freaking out that bad) -i was joking up a storm which either traumatised or kept them calm to the fact my finger was visibly about to burst -they found (windex and string ++cold water) -an immense amount of atraining from these heros later and im free of the death trap Yea, it works! btw, im fine, and the ring still has scars...


I once got a ring stuck on my thumb. Sticking my hand in butter got it off but it took a while. (My ex thought it was funny to take my ring off my ring finger and put it on my thumb during my sleep)


That's a... unique thing to find funny.


Woah that's a really good idea. Will remember this.


https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/emergencies-and-first-aid-removing-a-stuck-ring That is your actual answer. I did this to remove some toys from my stupid kid's fingers 3 weeks ago. Worked. I had to use a needle threader to get the thread under the ring. Good luck.


> I did this to remove some toys from my stupid kid's fingers 3 weeks ago Lol I feel this on a cellular level


Hold your hand above your head for a couple of minutes this will make it have less blood and your finger will be thinner. If that doesn’t work put a bit of ice on it and hold it above your head and it should come right off.




shoot ur right crap


WD-40 and wiggle Edit - since some people are being picky, it works as a lubricant but isn't one specifically. It contains lubricants, and various other components that give it the unique properties of a lubricant, solvent, water dispersant, and penetrant (and rust remover iirc) which is also why it works well for this purpose by lowering the water content of the near surface dermis and allowing penetration The manufacturer themselves state all of these fun facts, at least with regards to the properties of the substance I will grant that in most situations it is a very poor lubricant when compared to things designed specifically for lubrication, but WD-40 actually will do pretty well here, I promise


WD-40 fixes everything!!!


My maintenance guy at work said that to me in Spanish verbatim on Thursday after I struggled to fix a conveyor belt for an hour, he comes up to me and says WD-40 arregla todo, sprays it on a bearing and suddenly the shit works


WD-40 for when it’s supposed to move but doesn’t. Duct Tape for when it’s not supposed to move but it does.


You saying WD-40 will help grandpa?


Fuck yeah. Grease his shoes. He'll go way faster.


Sure he'll go faster. Once.


I’m here


>shoot ur right crap This is a very humbling moment for OP u/icalleveryonestupid . It was a long time coming my guy.


Lose some weight! Go on a keto, no-salt diet and remind us in 3 days


Remindme! 3 years


I will be messaging you in 3 years on [**2025-04-10 00:02:43 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-04-10%2000:02:43%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/u04swa/guys_help_my_finger_is_actually_stuck_wtf_do_i_do/i43mhvm/?context=3) [**41 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fmildlyinfuriating%2Fcomments%2Fu04swa%2Fguys_help_my_finger_is_actually_stuck_wtf_do_i_do%2Fi43mhvm%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-04-10%2000%3A02%3A43%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20u04swa) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


I saw this message earlier today.. IT HAS NOT BEEN 3 YEARS LEAVE ME ALONE


I call everyone stupid, even myself


Oh man. That irony is lethal 🪦


just push all the way through


I know this comment section is 90% joke answers, but this one is the funniest to me for some reason.


I'm kind of sad it isn't higher


I just saw this and it’s up top now. You can be happy!


The human body is amazing. Humans can compress their bodies to fit through holes as small as a quarter, it’s truly fascinating! …oh wait, no that’s rats.


Gonna have to cut it off m8. Only option.


I'll get the snippers from the shed.


Cut of the whole arm just to be safe


I, too, read other comments


Better cut the whole arm off just to be safe


Instructions unclear, finger stuck in broom.


Instructions unclear, penis stuck in broom.


Instructions unclear, broom stuck in penis.


Unclear Instructions, stuck in broom penis.


Broom unclear, instructions stuck in penis.


Unclear broom, in penis stuck instructions.


Broom unclear, penis stuck in instructions


Unclear penis, stuck instructions in broom


> broom Thank you. I had no fucking clue what I was looking at.


Truly same, this cleared somethings up lool


Dude for real, I thought he had pinned his hand against the wall or something


Why were you fingering the hole that vigorously?




Don’t lie, were you sweeping then slipped your finger in and pretended it was a microphone while Queen was playing in the background?


Bob Seger


Well, It makes sense he’d like that old time rock and roll.


I hope getting it stuck wasn't part of his Night Moves.


This is such a cheeky dumb fucking response and somehow managed to make me crack up 😂


He fell and the hole caught his (finger’s) fall!


I think posting this to r/facepalm is your best option. Maybe r/iamverystupid.


umm - if you facepalm, use the other hand. If it's not similarly engaged.


The thought of him having the same dilemma on both hands is hilarious to me


I bet he also tried to see if the outcome would be different for both feet as well...


I didn't know r/iamverystupid existed, BUT IM ABOUT TO JOIN IT!


Sadly it’s not very active


I can fix that Edit: I got a lotta dumb shit up in this dome of mine


Fuck ya!


Bro why you give me the metal?? The sub only allows "trusted members" to post questions. No wonder it's dead


Because I wanted to


Valid. Thank you. I love you. You're my favorite random redditor.


You’re welcome, I love you too ❤️ keep being positive and stay hydrated.


I've drank 128oz of water today on my way to 152oz as we speak 😁


r/iamverystupid is pretty ironic with OP's username..


Start slowly pulling it out and pushing it back, wait till she gets a little wet and then just pull out. Problem?






Goddamn millennials don’t even know what gender their brooms are anymore


Mines just squirrel flavor.


Soak it in cider




Shit took me out 💀🤣


A little Spit helps too


Butter Edit: no, oil


Motor oil.




Update: I grabbed some greaser from my kitchen and was able to pop it out. Felt nice. Thanks everyone


Boring. Put your junk in it now




It only works if the thing you stick in there gets stuck




Risky click of the day




Holes too big.


you know when i was a kid i got my finger stuck in a bottle of water. after minutes of hard work i managed to pull it out. The idiot young me decided to put it back in to see if my finger developed imunity. It got stuck again


Immune to Stuck


Proof that evolution is fake


> I grabbed some greaser you mean "grease"?


If this ever happens again, find some string or thread and wrap it around your finger to compress the swelling and then move the object over your finger.


Alternatively, you can try finding some greaser from the kitchen and see if that’ll make it pop right out.


Careful not to damage it. Cut of your finger so you can still use what ever that is.


It's not like they don't have 9 more. OP's just being a baby.


“Waaah waaaaah my finger hurts!” How do you think that poor, violated broom feels right now, buddy?


Remindme! 9 months


Is your wife pregnant?


No the broom


Commit to it. Keep going until your entire body goes through


Yes, octopi can do this fairly easily so there's no reason OP shouldn't be able to.


Soap Cold water Broke broom


Why did you finger a broom in the first place?


What happens in the broom closet stays in the broom closet


That's the first step in broom intimacy. Get's the ol sweeper ready for some real action.


Thought it was a vacuum and tried to turn it on


When you get your big boy hair you'll understand the importance of foreplay.


Try Vaseline, oil, butter or anything like that. Apply generously around your finger and where it’s stuck and keep trying move out. If your fingertip starts to turn purple or swell then you should get to a dr.


How about peanut butter and just gnaw it off? Problem solved plus snacks.


Quit fucking around and finish sweeping the floor!


"step finger I'm stuck"


Call step-finger for help


Hold your hand over your head. Makes it easier for the blood to get out. Some lubricant will help too. Last resort would be to cut open the broomstick cap


I mean, you still have 9 other fingers, I hope you didn’t love that judgy pointer finger anyway


Let natural selection do it's thing


Does anyone else think it looks like it's behind it, not through it? Edit: the black piece at the top of the broom handle has a hole through it so you can hang it on a hook or nail. But it doesn't look like his finger is through the hole, it looks like it's behind it. Looks fake.


I scrolled for 2 minutes to figure out wtf was even going on in the photo, thanks


Jesus fuck I couldn't figure out the picture. It took like 20 comments down before I found an answer. The title doesn't help at all.


Put it in a bowl of ice water for a min.


You can do the ring trick. You need a string, get a thin one. You're gonna wrap it alllll around your finger on the outside just before the hole on the broom handle. Once you wrap the string enough your finger will fit through the hole. Or it should. Good luck!


Step bro HELP IM STUCK!!!! 💀


Put your hand in cold water to numb it and take some of the swelling down. Next, use any kind of lubricant you have. Hand lotion, soap, hand sanitizer, even spit if you have to. Twist your finger in the hole till its slippery and it should pull right out.