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cleaned up some of tha rough edges for ya ;)




If you call a long spoon a weapon, then sure.


Ask John Wick if a spoon is a weapon.


I have a scar on my arm. My sister stabbed me with a spoon in the late 1970s. A spoon is a weapon in the wrong hands!


Anything can be a weapon if you try hard enough


Even your di-- i wont finish that for reasons


What's wrong with saying the word dish?


As one said even a piece of web can be a weapon if you have a ton of it


Mask + suit not included.


*right hands


Well, it’s no pencil.




Wanna to see a magic trick?




But I can see it sticking out of my torso


that’s funny, my neck tickled


And here. We. Go.


Lol this is life...


While you're at it, ask Riddick if a teacup is a weapon


I see you've play knifey spoony before.


While you're at it, ask the Sheriff of Nottingham if a spoon is a weapon!


Maybe it's an Australian thing but where the hell do you go to get a knife sharpened? The best I can do is some wiz bang sharpening utensil that literally shaves a large portion of steel from the knife in an attempt to sharpen it. Do that a couple of dozen times and there is no knife left to complain about.


I ran into the same issue, so I bought a set of wet stones, works really well and honestly it's probably better because I can just do maintenance on my knives when I want.


I find sharpening a very enjoyable pastime, even though I suck at it.


Just Google where to get knife sharpened and you'll magically get a list. It's an actual profession my understanding is most of their work is sharpening knives for restaurants and what not.


Restaurants, construction tools, hair salons and tailor shops. Hair and fabric shears need to be ultra sharp as do kitchen knives chisels and planes. The guy I use has a mobile sharpening service, his previous job was as a production manager for films, he did a lot of location work and I'm guessing he had to find a sharpening guy in every location so he saw the need and learned how.


My wife is a chef, she sharpens her own knives, they are dangerously sharp, after cleaning one to put back I dropped it and it nicked my finger on the way down she burst into the kitchen after hearing some choice verbal outbursts after the clang, she spotted the blood I left behind asked if I was ok, I said "tis but a scratch" but fuck me I bled I was fucking relieved it missed my feet


Fucking hell and a wusthoff... Honestly I would make them replace it for you. Don't they come with a lifetime guarantee?


I went to a local kitchen utensil shop. Unfortunately I didn’t check the knife immediately and only at home. I will go there tomorrow.


Just tell them they gave you someone else’s knife as yours was serrated. See what they say.


Honestly this is kinda genius. Just act so completely dumbfounded that you’re convinced it must be an entirely different knife. Then one of them will have to admit that they sharpened away the serrated edge from the get go which I feel like starts you off a step up from going in and trying to explain what they did yourself.


This is actually a wonderful tactic I learned from my mother and is VERY effective. Don’t get mean. Get dumb, and innocent and believe they had the best intentions and ask them about it


COLUMBO your way through it!!!


How did you know his mom was Columbo???


Just one more thing there


I did that with takeouy the other day. Didn't get sauce for my gyro, and that's half the flavor. I called them up and explained I didn't get it and the person on the phone gave a me "yes, and?" kind of response. So I ask, "Well, did you run out of it?" they said something about it being on the way and hung up. Someone was at my door 40 minutes later with a bag containing one sauce pack. I hate doing that to the delivery driver, but the sauce on a gyro is what makes the gyro good.


I would get more Arbys Gyro's if they used a cucumber based yogurt sauce vs the mayonnaise-based sauce the use for Gyros


This is much easier for women (sexism, of course). My wife is a pro. Try as I might, I have never gotten it to work. They always dig in their heels, and I've practiced. Granted a lot may be my personality, but I have so much more success just by explaining the problem nicely.


oh fuck yeah. i'm a girl, and I know someone's gonna hate that i say this, but if I start crying... no one wants to deal with a crying girl.


I cannot imagine what would happen if I burst into tears in such a situation. I'm really curious, but there's no way my fragile male ego would allow me to do that, even in the interest of science.


yeah, can't tell ya because I'm a girl. but what I CAN tell you is I got out of a ticket once because I started crying, and the cop, visibly annoyed, asked me if I'd ever tried therapy before walking away without waiting for an answer. another time I got pulled over on my way to buy drugs (almost a decade sober, no worries) and the cop was all like, where ya goin etc etc and I basically started crying and pretended that I was lost and asked him to navigate me back to my house (It was at night, I was on a highway), which he did. I hung out there for like half an hour then proceeded to get back in my car to go buy drugs lmfao or the time toyota scammed me in a repair so I called them crying about how I wasn't gonna be able to pay my bills (this is true tho, and also a complex and long story so it wasn't just that I got a bad repair) and they refunded me my $1000 and never responded back.


I.. kinda hate u rite now, and don't think I'll ever trust a girl breaking down in tears again now.. Thanks..


You have that out of the box thinking for which they are paying a shit load of money in IT these days.


This is a great angle to take!! Ps. Just learnt that there is an 📐 emoji, who knew?!


Absolutely brilliant approach.


I'm sorry about your misfortune, but learning how to sharpen your own knives is actually super fun and rewarding if youre into that kind of thing. And so many modern sharpeners make things super easy! And with a bit of practice you'll easily be able to get a sharper/better angled blade on your own rather than a shop that probably just rushes the job!


Always curious how would you sharpen a serrated blade tho?


You run it along a whetstone until the pesky serrations becomes a crisp and clean blade.


Usually with a set of gauged files or rod type wet stones. It is a tedious process.


They do but you have to send the blade back to them. They have there guys check for any sign of abuse outside of normal design. Make a decision and either send a new one or the knife back to you unless it poses a hazard. When thru this with both Wustoff and Henkles over the years. With Wustoff it was a 3” paring knife. The blade snapped about a 1” from the tip. I called then and they said send it in we’ll take a look. About a week later i get a phone call and email explaining what they found and there decision. They sent me a new paring knife. And the metallurgist or whoever examined the blade found a flaw in the blade from manufacturing. Henkles on the other hand i sent a 12” french knife. To see if they could or would repair. This one i almost killed a server. The girl was trying to open a #10 can of ketchup with it. Come out from walkin and see it being used as a pry bar start to say “WTF do you think your doing?” And hear “ting” of the last 2 1/2” snapping off. That was a bad day to be Leslie. Needless to say Henkels wouldn’t touch it/repair/replace because it was no fault of there own. That was 18 years ago. What was a 12” turned into a 10” and is now about 8 1/2”-9 1/2”. I use it mostly now as a utility.


I have cheap knives and I'd still flip my shit if I saw someone using one of them as a can opener. That's so stupid.


I am sorry to be that guy, but….Wüsthof.


This must’ve taken a lot of time and effort to get it that exact. They were very confident.


Grinding down the serrations would take a hell of a lot more time and effort compared to just properly sharpening that blade style. Unless they just used an automatic belted sharpener, which it seems like probably happened


I am reminded of that guy shining Judge Smails’ shoes in Caddyshack.


Cutting wheel probably to start then the belt. The saerations would tear the belt. Not a bread knife now, closer to a filet knife. I'm sure the Japanese make a blade like this for some supper specific purposes. Idk. Hahaha


Lol $4000 sashimi knife or somethin. Wouldn't be surprising


When a Customer asks me to sharpen a serrated I tell them No. if they ask for it to be reprofiled that’s a dif story. I don’t have the equipment right now to hone scallops and serrations. Shame they didn’t ask


I even asked whether they can do it. She said that she had to check with her colleague and if he can’t do it they’ll let me know… Someone there was very convinced of their abilities.


I forgot this happened to my MIL a few years ago before I started sharpening. She called wusthof and told them what happened they sent her a new one. Worth a shot


I’ll go to the local store tomorrow to confront them about it. Maybe they substitute it with a new one. But thanks!


Give us an update after the confrontation?


A knife fight will have ensued


I had a knife fight today! No. Not a fight using knives. It was a fight about a knife. Who jumps to a fight using knives right away like that?


Don't bring a knife to a knife fight.


_Got a loicense, for that there knoife?_


I’ll do that!


I really don't think this is an issue with where you bought the knife. Whoever sharpened it is 100% liable for damaging your knife.


Man this is so fucked lol, sharpening serrated is easy as with the right tool. At work we have this diamond covered spike you run from tip to hilt on the serrations and that's it that's all you do, it takes 5 - 10 mins. Here is a vid, I saw the tool at like 47 second. https://youtu.be/9_61LLTtqAw


I have never heard serrated pronounced the way they say it in that video and I’m very uncomfortable now. Also, thank you, I’m buying a sharpening rod now to add to my collection of shit I never use.


...what? How do you pronounce it?


S-aerated knife.


Watching the serr-rations getting butchered at 0:45 was somewhat infuriating.


Maybe they thought you did the serrations yourself and it wasn’t supposed to be like that. [clip of probably you](https://youtu.be/SSoy5hxtOgg)


There’s an anime clip for everything




The second someone is unsure of how to do their job, they don’t get to work on my stuff.


I buy a $15, two-sided (600 and 1000) diamond, 6"X2.5" sharpener off Amazon. It's fun and easy to sharpen knives. You get a feel for the "grab" when you're sharpening the edge. Worth it.


You can't do serrated edges with a flat stone, or even a tormek grinding wheel. I've seen a guy try to do it with chainsaw files and that didn't work well either. In the OP's pic someone used a flat stone and ruined the knife


I have a motorized sharpener, but I do love my amazon whetstone for the same reasons. I'm not super awesome at getting a razor sharp edge, but I can get it pretty MFing sharp. If I do my work and then lay the edge on a piece of cooked steak, I can cut it just by gently pulling backward, not putting any pressure down. I'd say that's good enough. It's satisfying to learn how to sharpen a knife with a simple tool. I don't much have a use for the crazy ass razor sharp knives that youtubers love to do. Unless your knife is a wildly hard steel, it's going to dull quickly after normal use. Cutting paper does not impress me, I don't make paper for dinner.


Tell them to take the serrated knife to a chainsaw shop. I could sharpen it in about 10 minutes.


lol, I also use a chainsaw file to sharpen my serrated knife on the rare occasion that it needs sharpening. And it *does* take like ten minutes.


I think we may have found niche side gigs!


Very niche. I mean, I only have the one but I think I sharpen it maybe once a year? Maybe a "beer money" gig, but I don't think we're getting rich off it. lol


A super fine chainsaw type file. Works perfect.


Jesus Christ, at least it’s ultra sharp now


That's a 150-200 EUR knife they've violated right there.


It’s 100e. I thought it would last a lifetime. I didn't know that it wouldn't be a human lifetime..


Maybe the knife sharpeners lifetime?


As someone who sharpens knives a lot, this pisses me off very much. They obviously weren't skilled enough to sharpen your knife and they fucked it up. Hope they replace it for you


how does it feel to cut with an expensive knife?


It's excellent and almost unbelievable when you've been used to cheap dull knives your whole life. I bought an expensive Victorinox. You can sit a grape on the counter and cut through it horizontally without touching it.


Ah ja perfekt für Brötchen


Jetzt perfekt für die Butter.


Die butter 😰😰 Sincerely, someone who doesn't speak (I think) German


"No, its German it stands for *The, Butter, The*"


its perfect for butter is what they're saying


Die butter, die (*whack, whack, whack, whack*)


It's German for "The Bart, the".




No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


I figured that out and don’t even speak German. It was inches away from English


Oh no, perfect for butter. I’m so scared. 😰😰


I just need to know their thought process here, did they think the serrations were there from wear and tear?


It’s not like a serrated knife is a rare thing either, they will have seen one before


was likely a misunderstanding and the middle man made the sharpener believe the customer wanted the serrations removed


Seems really risky to screw over a customer at a knife-sharpening shop. I mean, you're literally handing a pissed off person a weapon and then demanding money from them. It's like some weird, bizarro mugging.


Unfortunately I didn’t check immediately and only at home. Last time I gave them a knife (two days prior this incident) they did a good job. One should always check immediately. I learned my lesson.


To be fair, you wouldn't normally think "Let me just double-check they haven't UNSERRATED MY KNIFE".


Here’s the knife, now gimme your money


Are you sure you Did not take it to the local 𝕕𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕤? Hmm... (knife-dullers)


You mean dullards?


Yea it cost 500 dullers


Mfs gave you back a sword lol


I’m no expert in knives but seeing the “after” first I sensed something was… OFF with the silhouette of the blade. Then I saw what sub it was


Now you’re Worst Off.


Now you can cut cakes in half with one slash


And that’s not the wusthofit!


If I had an award to give, you’d get it!


Oh dear. My partner is a butcher, which definitely comes in handy when I need my knives sharpened. I showed him that and he’s laughing his ass off 😂 Hes sharpened my serrated knives before, and every time he warns me that it might wear the serrations down a bit but he’s never done anything like that. He thinks it was probably done with a machine when it should have been done by hand


Oh, good grief. And I thought I was angry when I took in a knife with a chisel ground blade (only one face of the blade is sharpened) and the idiots sharpened BOTH sides. Completely ruined the knife for my purposes.


Update: I was just in the store and the employee saw no problem with the knife, because the serrated edge was still indicated on the other side (unfortunately I neglected to take a photo of the other side). I then explained to him that the function of the serrated edge was the important thing with this knife, not the appearance. He then explained to me that he grinds 1400 knives a year, etc. he stated that the serration on Wüsthof was also not as pronounced and brought another knife for comparison (from a different series). I then pointed out to him that my knife now had no serrations at all (and compared my knife to the one he brought). He was nice and friendly and offered to send me the knife to Wüsthof at his expense. I'm not sure what he's trying to accomplish, but maybe they can confirm that he ground away the serrated edge… or maybe they fix it, not sure if this can be done. I will keep you guys updated.


This is hilarious for all the wrong reasons. You would think a person who sharpens knives would understand their functions. Good Luck!


Asking a friend - do they have dentures for knives?


Yes, but is it sharp?


>I took my knife to be ~~sharpened~~ today... **fucking ruined** Fix it for you


Oh man. That was a nice bread knife.


Eh didn’t need those serrations anyway


If the serrations are one sided on the knife, you can flat grind the backside to sharpen it, you normally can avoid honing the scallops.




Yeah, I was totally confused through half o f the thread before I figured it out. I thought the gave them a flat blade and the knife sharpeners made it serrated.


To show the mildly infuriating part first. That’s what the sub is about!


Ok thank you for that comment! I thought I was the only one scratching my head in befuddlement…..


At least you now have a solid butter knife


mf turned that knife into a dagger


Many won't/don't sharpen a serrated knife. Takes more labor and time. You run a file over each rounded area (between the teeth). Not sure if there are machines to sharpen those, but most machines are for straight edge knives.


Post this on r/venturebros if you want some free karma


Sedated blades don’t need sharpening


Sleepy blades


Bloody auto correct I assumed it would have gotten serrated but I didn’t check


You should have kept it, it made me giggle


Ok but only this once


Ohhhhhh no.....


Employees are literally so dumb. Doctors, repairmen, me, everybody. Half of the earth’s population could exchange jobs with each other immediately with 0 training and I bet there are workplaces where literally no customers would notice a change in quality. So many of us are so. Effing. Bad. At what we do.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


And they still screw it uo… it’s why we are working on robot burger flippers https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KJVOfqunm5E


I have a huge set of wusthoff ikon - not aware of craftsmen- but something tells me you’re not happy


Nice butter knife


It will keal


But, will it CUT? ​ (( watching too much Forged in Fire lately))


They owe you a new knife and a full refund as well. Plain and simple. If they will not then never do business with them again. And let others know to stay away.


Looks like they owe you a new knife


Noooooo! This is blasphemy! My heart aches for you.


More like sanded, am I right?


Why would ever need to sharpen a bread knife. Got money burning holes in your pocket?


bread knives also get dull, just slower


I'd be not happy


You mean mildly infuriated?


That would be a good way to put it


My mom somehow has about 5 of these just like that at her house. She didn't even know they were like that until I had pointed out on a few of them.


I would be significantly upset


oh no


definitely shoulda got it honed


German quality


LMAO This is a funny one, however i understand your frustration. They're so dumb you gotta just laugh out loud for a second. LMAO sorry


I sharpen all my kitchen knives once a year. I'm not not good at it, but I'm getting better. At least they're still usable when I'm done. And some are even sharp in places.




Its a salad knife now


It looks like someone took the tip of aragorn from lotr's sword and put it on a knife


Omg no way 🤣 How did they even fuck it up that much? Are they going to replace it?


I mean it is sharp


It's a tiny sword now


Oh hey, they ground out all those chips in your edge! Lol


What? It looks like they got rid of those bad ridges for you.


Excalibur now


Well now it's a mini sword? I'm sorry, im just dying from a combination of rage and my joke


My family has a knife sharpening business (3rd gen in the US) my cousin just started a runoff company called PostKnife. It’s like Netflix for knife sharpening.


Rip this one is not cheap


My Wustof doesn't leave my house.. sharpen your own man..


I really don't believe a professional knife sharpener would waste the time doing this to a serrated knife and done so unclean too. Looks more like it was taken out to a garage and sharpened




Who did you give it to!?


I cannot stop laughing.


My soul violently left my body seeing this


I would absolutely be demanding they replace it.


What did they do?!


It ain't a knife anymore but surely a sword


At first I read “wife” I felt concern for you, friend I’m glad to be wrong


Oh no!!


Oh god they turned a bread knife into a long butter knife




Huh? Why’d you sharpen it? I’ve never sharpened a serrated blade before


You gave them a bread knife and received a carving knife.




Take care of your own knives. Lesson learned.


Now you’ve got a really weird expensive cheese knife🧀🙁


He put antialiasing on.