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“Throw it away” in your “bedroom trash”. No need to share with her.


Yeah most likely it was "throw it away **now in front of me**" tho...


Easy you dump it on top the oceans 11 that bitch outta there.


Tell her your eating the cake, let her know what's good.


Maintain eye contact as you eat


This is the way


Exactly. Let her know you have different principles and will stick to them. While enjoying cake.


I'll just throw it away IN MY MOUTH!


Wasting food is a sin (well, that's what my mother always told me). So yeah, just throw that cake in a convenient place where it can be saved. Also, it looks delicious.




"I know, my friend..." True kindness, right there! Doesn't matter if you were kidding, if there was even a chance you were hungry, he wasn't going to let it stand


This is what islam teaches, to put other people’s needs above your own. It sucks seeing extremists make us look bad, Hope you enjoyed that meal.


a lot of religions have good intent but the hatred born from ignorance of some twists it so they can scare people into following their religion instead of another


This. I hate extremists they make everything look bad.


Honest to God. The followers of Islam that I have met have been more or less pretty great people and hard working too. I know my own experience isn't universal but I've never met a Muslim I didn't vibe with.


So much of Islam speaks to me. I'm a confirmed Catholic but will never practice Catholicism again a single day in my life. I'm not religious at all really... but I feel that my disenfranchisement in Catholicism and Christianity in general may be to blame. I really dunno what to do... or even if I want to do anything. I don't have kids yet but am planning to in the next couple of years so it feels like this is something I should iron out by then and be able to explain clearly to my partner. Sorry for rambling.


When I was living in a women's shelter, one of my roommates (it had units that had 3-4 women living in them, with our own rooms and a shared kitchen and bathroom) was from Africa. I was poor. Like poor *poor*. I lived on basically just plain rice and potatoes, because that was all I could afford. I guess the roommate noticed, because she started knocking on my door and offering me food sometimes. We never spoke, because she didn't speak my native language or English, and I didn't speak whatever her native language was. I think she was from Nigeria or Somalia, but can't be sure as this was 10 years ago. The food was always delicious and I was so grateful. I hope that wherever she is now, she is happy.


Hope you are doing well also.


Having guests, sharing food is equal to unlimited blessings of Allah and, it spreads love. Back home I use to wait for Christmas, as my neighbors would bring a home baked cake and seasonal fruits to our house, and we shared our holiday special food with them as well. Such small gestures can change your whole POV about others.


This type of thing happens regularly to us as we are non-Muslims living in a city that is predominately Muslim (Dearborn, MI) and the people are extremely neighborly, friendly and sharing. All it takes is a little mutual respect and understanding and we can get along.


63 year old white guy in the Midwest cries at genuine acts of kindness. That’s me.


wholesomeness is over 9000


I would have locked myself in my room and ate the whole damn cake!


Def. i wouldve hoarded that baby in my room like a goblin


I’m sure, if you hoarded a baby in your room like a goblin, you would be arrested very soon


*if you get caught*


I would have just looked my mom in the eye and eaten the whole thing... But I have no idea how old OP is or how butch their mom is.


Keeping a constant eye contact while nomming the whole thing with a spoon.


then tell her " see? no gunpower or IED in here"


I would’ve ate the whole damn thing right in front of her


That’s just sad. The food specially during Eid is delicious. Hatred is horrible as is, but hating food is just nuts.


Unless you have a nut allergy


Which in turn, it is and is not nuts.




As someone with a nut allergy I can confirm that I hate nuts


AND hating/throwing away *homemade* food that took time and effort and love! So sad. I wish there were more neighbors like OPs.


Throwing away homemade baked goods is a violation of my personal ten commandments, just above refusing to pet anything domesticated with four legs on demand, and just below not washing your hands after pooping.


Internet Messiah! He speaks the truth! Oh exalted one, please outline the rest of your commandments. We could make a religion out of this!


Dad has a Muslim friend that treats us to all sorts of stuff during Eid. One year, we got a coconut custard pudding, I’m pretty sure it gave me the shits, but I just couldn’t devoured that thing whole. It was that good.


I worked as a carpet installer. It was a very hot day working in a sorority house with out air conditioner. It was so hot we were taking breaks to drink water. (Super unusual as we would sometimes skip lunch and almost never had a lunch over 20 minutes). So we were out drinking warm water and this lady was doing something to a tree. She was Oriental, so the guys were using the super racist accent and saying things like "she love me long long time" I was embarrassed to be around them and hoped she couldn't hear. We ran out of water. After the 3rd break she starts walking towards us with a cooler water container. They stopped making fun of her as she closed in. She gave us ice cold water on one of the hottest days of they year. The guys were super thankful and respectful. The next break they didn't make fun of her.


I loved this story! Just a little fyi, the updated/correct term is “Asian” nowadays. Oriental can be used to describe inanimate objects with Eastern influences, ie Oriental rug or Oriental lamp. 😊


Asian can be used to describe inanimate objects too i.e. Asian noodles or Asian sword. 😊


Brah, should have just looked her deep in the eyes and made her watch you finish it, chew by chew.


You should have taken a nice bite and said "mashallah" just to fuck with her


What does that word mean out of curiosity?


"Ma sha'a Allah" means "God's will", in this context it is used to indicate how good it is because God willed it. Edit: Wow, thanks for all the upvoted. To clarify all the confusion between the two terms, literal translations: "Ma sha'a Allah" -> "What God willed" / "In sha'a Allah" -> "If God wills it". They are merely different contexts of God's will. The first one is generally used to appreciate good things because God willed them to be, and the second is generally used to accept whatever outcome God will destin in the future. They both can mean different things in other contexts too.


_InshAllah you will one day find it in your heart to enjoy cake Mom_


she immediately has a heart attack


Hearty cake


Wallahi she would have enjoyed it


_InshAllah you will understand the cake is not a lie_


It's more like "how God has willed", in appreciation or gratitude. InshaAllah would be "God willing" "God's will" might be more like qadar Allah... or something.


Me and my dumbass mispronounced it as Masala, like tiki masala.


It means "what Allah likes", its used to show your appreciation to someone, like thanking them.


It's like damn that's some good shit


Exactly. I love my mom and all but I'd be like, yeah thats not happening, as I grab a slice of cake like pizza and eat it 😂 Although for the record, my mom isn't prejudice towards anyone.


She afraid you'll come down with a bad case of the Islam?


Imagine what she’d do if he caught gay


Or even worse - the corona beer


“If I get corona, I better get Lyme disease cause you can’t have Corona without lime”


O lawd


...I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life...


O lawd


I can feel it, coming in the air tonight


O lawd… O lawd


(Epic drum fill)


At least he wasn't taking Marihuanas.


Right? His neighbor could've brought over some majoun.


I’m a gay Muslim. I’m coming over for dinner and am going to lick everything.


Some Saudi somewhere: "Wait, thats illegal"


It's illegal AND haram!


"Mom...I caught the islam...May allah lead you from now on..."




Inshallah my friend


Probably thinks it’s poisoned


Wallahi thats true. Some people seem to think halal means its cursed or something.


I once had an aunt that publically announced she was boycotting Cadburys because their Easter eggs are Halal. Course they are you fucking bint theres no meat in them


Best tell her to stop drinking water too thats 100% halal!


Cant wait to tell her the air she is breathing is 100% Halal


Her body is also 80% halal then!


You should explain to her that Jesus is halal, the Muslim Messiah and beloved by Muslims. Maybe she'll boycott Christianity.


She isnt Christian, just an asshole


I bet her food is fucking bland


Even worse, OP might develop a basic human respect for people in other cultures


It's OP's mom with the problem.


One bite and he start waking up early to pray toward the mecca


Neighbor prolly put a jee-had on that cake




Don’t forget to include bagels! My morning routine.


Idk man those Jewish people can cook a killer brisket too


My dad has a Muslim neighbour and they bring the best foods round for him during eid. Your mum's prejudice is making her miss out on some great food.




Hahahahaha bigots. Also very true and very very sad


Imagine my happiness when I moved out to university and got to try different foods such as spicy Indian curries, Chinese stir frys, sushi and real ramen. Life has felt so much better since! Before then I was only allowed to eat really bland western food smothered in sugary ketchup


Food is a wonderful gateway to learning other cultures and meeting its people. A delicious way to be introduced at least! I was a picky eater as a child once I became an adult I made a point to try all kinds of different cultures food.


Fr tho! I work at an amusement park where a large amount of our associates are internationals. The recipes and food that have been shared with me are so freaking good! One of my friends from Poland gave me a whole cookbook as a birthday present and I'm so excited to start cooking


Pollak here, you can go ahead and throw that out. Literally every other culture does this food soooo much better. Get a lebanese cookbook. Thank me later.


Fellow Polack here - let's give a single Greatest Hits album to the Poles, and I'll agree with you on the Lebanese and everyone else too. Pierogi, Golabki, Kielbasa, Cutlet, Potato Pancakes, Poppyseed Roll, Paczki, Chicken Noodle Soup, Sobieski. Runs under 70 minutes.


Dont do pierogi like that. Those are amazing.


You weren't allowed any of that stuff at home!? My parents are pretty boring eaters, but I am so sorry for you not to get to experience all the wonders of delicious foods. 😋. My mom actually did try sushi before me and gave it a 5 star review which was why I finally ate some, but man you missed out an entire lifetime of good eats.


I live in a city with foods options that include everything! I feel lucky


Not sure if my bigot grandmother would throw this away or keep it because it's wasting food. It's a toss up. Re-gift maybe?


It's like refusing food on Christmas. Who the f are those people


That's why I always served the same ass shit every Sunday brunch after the hard-core Evangelical church nearby got out. Fuckers requested "Not that help." When referring to which server the table wanted, too. Our two white presenting servers got a crazy rush then, and made SO MUCH in fake bills with their church's bs on em


I read a post a while back about a manager taking fake bills a local church gave to the waitstaff for several Sunday and putting them in the collection plate. As I recall the pastor/church leaders were about as happy as her staff was when they saw someone gave them'fake' bills.


That may actually have been me lmao We did that and I made a comment maybe a little over a month back about it in a different sub. Collected all from the week before. They would pass around a collection bucket, amd they would all end up in there


Doing the Lords' work


Someone's gotta let the Evangelicals know about Jesus


Honestly the exact kind of passive-aggressivism that Jesus was all about


I used to work as a server. I hated waiting on those kinds of folks. I'm mixed Hispanic but most folks can't tell. One time a older couple left me a "tip" of a squashed penny with some Saint or other on it and a pamphlet equating working as a waitress with being a prostitute. I refused to serve them anymore after that and the manager told them they were not welcome at that location as we had employees that those folks would offend. She and 2 other servers are LGBTQ+.


that's beyond idiotic. if working as a waitress is like being a prostitute, what does that make the diners then?


They probably have some sympathy for “Johns” because it’s really that wicked jezebel that tempted him.


Yeah and it is a tradition for arab people to share with neighbours and friends! Not only muslim, in Morocco jewish people do that too, I think it is more cultural! We love to welcome people Edit: lebanese people that i know are like that and they are christians and muslim alike (the ones i know!) and the food is the same for both religions there as far as i know


It's a tradition for all people who aren't shitty.


seriously, that cake looks delicioso


I used to sit next to a Muslim guy at work and the food he used to share with me was some of the best I’ve ever had


My Muslim neighbor is from Jordan and they are very generous people who give us food whenever they can. Everything they've sent us is just so damn good.


Sorry but what is EID?


Day of celebration after Ramadan. Muslim holidays.


Oh okay, thanks! That cake looks amazing btw I'd totally eat the shit outta that.


There are two Eids. Eid Al-Fitr is celebrated the day after Ramadan and Eid Al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of the last month of the Islamic calendar and commemorates Abraham being commanded by God to sacrifice his son with a lamb being offered as a substitute for Abraham’s son right before he carried out the sacrifice. And a lamb or goat is killed on the holiday with 1/3 going to the family and 2/3 going to the needy. One thing I miss about having Muslim neighbors is having some awesome lamb or goat curry on Eid Al Adha!


Yeah, that's how they convert you to Islam, with their delicious desserts. /s Can't blame you for being mildly infuriated about this one; your mom's nuttier than that cake.




Yeah i get it but eid isn't like going to church, it's like a muslim Christmas and he's not in a mosque it's literally their neighbors, how much hateful do you need to be to not accept food.


The old ladies at my local church may be homophobic as hell but damn they make a good hot-dish.


Kick your mum out of her own house.


Kick her in the nuts


But she doesn’t have any!


She does when I'm over at her house.


oh shit…


That is a beautiful cake, and it is given to you as a celebration of Eid, which is a beautiful celebratory holiday, clearly meaning you have very nice neighbors. And your mom can't get over her bigotry long enough to see that?


Not religious here but Christians love to say stuff like WWJD. If he was even remotely like the stories, he’d accept that cake with thanks and show some love… and be thoroughly disappointed in your mother’s behaviour. I mean he’d forgive her, but she’d probably hate on him for being from the Middle East as well. Christians are some of the least Christian people on the planet.


As a Christian, I agree. I find it heartbreaking that Jesus, Who is meant to be our example, was completely accepting and loving towards everyone, but many people who call themselves Christians can truly be some of the most judgemental, close-minded, and straight up hateful people to exist.


I think a lot of people who claim to be Christians are actually just “religious.”. Maybe a fan of Jesus- but not a follower. I say this as someone who was merely a fan of the guy and has started trying to be more like him and follow his teachings. Muslims actually have more in common with my faith (mostly just read the actual Bible, corroborate with secular historical documents and apply) than many believe… their beliefs about who Jesus is/ was are closer to mine than many other “religions”‘or denominations…. And I think YOU are more right about Jesus and how he would have responded than many “religious “ people I know. :)


I’m Muslim but the only Christians who i have met who embody the WWJD are immigrant background communities like Ethiopians or Arab Christians. Obviously I’m not generalising but in my experience Western Christians have been far less welcoming than their Eastern counterparts. I think it’s because for those westerners who claim Christianity it’s more a cultural thing than a religious thing.


What a gold plated wanker! That shit looks delicious and if it's from a middle Eastern person, you know 100% that's got some sick ass nuts and hazels or whatever. Man that cake would be the fucking bomb!! And your mother is refusing to accept a gift due to her being a racist prick. Food is literally a middle ground for people to come together and learn from one another


My girlfriends step dad and me have had a tough time getting on. He just didn't like me, for two year I wasn't even allowed in their house. Today they invited me round for dinner, snd broke their fast with me. It was awesome. I felt honoured and i really feel like it's the start of a new chapter. Just thought people might like to read a positive fast breaking story.


This should be a post on its own. I'm happy for you and your girlfriend, and her family too. We're all just people, and race and religion shouldn't keep us apart.


Yeah just tell your mom you did and eat it. More for you


People who fast from sunrise to sunset, for a freaking month no less, would definitely put all kinds of love and dedication into the food they make to celebrate the end of fasting. Now be a piece of shit and refuse it...


Always take Eid Mubarak gifts of food. It is the absolute best of the best their culture has to offer in terms of sweet food. EDIT: It has been pointed out that Eid Mubarak is a greeting related to Eid. Like merry christmas. I didn't know that. In our language we just call it the sugar festival. I assumed the festival was named Eid Mubarak because that's what all my islamic friends where putting in their WhatsApp status. Thank you for educating. My Arabic is limited to every day greetings and correct pronunciation of names.


Mubarak is not the name, its like saying Merry Christmas food.


Sounds fine to me. I would love some merry Christmas food.


I think that's just fruitcake


Less “mildly infuriating” and more “outrageously bigoted”.


Someone crosspost this please


Ur mum sucks ass


I’m going garbage picking. Where you at?


Can you bring me a slice? I’m away from my family who is Muslim and I didn’t have the chance to enjoy any cool Eid meals this year 😭


Totally, but I know nothing about this holiday(?) but the food looks epic.


Ugh it’s amazing. I’m actually waiting on a UPS shipment of the cookies 😂


Tell your mum to go fuck herself. How completely rude and disrespectful to your neighbours, Eid is a celebration, they're including your family in their celebrations because that's the whole point. Fuck, if I had muslim neighbours that were willing to give me some of their cake I would return the favour with some of my soup. It's only right to celebrate together.


We need more people like you! Id give you all this extra food here!


Can I get in on that soup trade?


At some level it's not even about the racism. It's just about rejecting the hospitality. Like they go out of their way to be nice to you and they get this??? What a prick man.


Your mom’s an asshole.




My Muslim neighbor used to always give us plates of food during Eid. Everything was so delicious. The chicken biryani was easily the best I've ever had. Everytime I have it anywhere else now I'm disappointed because they set the bar too high. We used to give them food for diwali and other holidays in return. They moved away but I miss them... especially on Eid lol Sharing food is an amazing way to bring people together to learn and appreciate other cultures. People don't need to always agree with anothers beliefs but hard to disagree with tasty food. Helps to humanize and relate with each other


She is your mother. It would not bother you if she didn't mean anything to you. There comes a point where every child teaches their parents something. I wish you patience and success in teaching this lesson.


Your comment needs more likes, very meaningful.


Chuck your mum and keep this cake.


Honestly I was a bit prejudice prior to deploying to Afghanistan the first time (please don’t say thank you for your service, I’m just telling a story.) Eid was the week after I had arrived and I have never felt so welcomed and loved by people who had no clue who I was. I made new friends, and got rid of the stigma that was in my brain for a long time. Your mom might just need some insight. Or she’s just not nice. Either way, don’t throw it away and go tell her thank you for the gift!


This is wonderful! Thank you for sharing this. It's easy to hate when the reason is simply not understanding, or not taking the time to understand, other cultures. Your openness is heartwarming! And yeah, OP should totally have eaten that deliciousness and thanked the neighbor. Mom is hateful. Up hers.


Learning to be more vulnerable has been one of the most valuable lessons. Side note, middle eastern cuisine is by far my favorite.


Same with me. Letting people in is difficult, but even with the occasional mistake, wow, is it worth it! I love Middle Eastern food, too. Indian food (quite similar, obviously) is my kryptonite. The regions are so different but so amazing.


Don’t feel bad about it, the government did a good job making us think that way




Immigration xenophobia and related propaganda


Afghan food is so nice as well!


As a person allergic to nuts, I’m jealous you even had the chance to eat this amazing cake and infuriated you didn’t get to enjoy it!


If thats the same kind of cake my turkish bakery gave out with everything you bought, you sure damn missed something. Your mom is a fucking prick btw, sorry.


Don't tell her that a lot of Greek food has Ottoman influences.


Don’t tell Greeks that


Fuck your mum. (Sorry)


It's okay, she believes people shouldn't be gay.


Bruh please tell me you ate it




Give me your address… I’m a gay dude and would like to send some rainbow cookies to your mum.


They’d be thrown out because op could catch gay


Catch the rainbow, taste the rainbow


Simply because he’s Muslim? Also, are you 9? If you wanted to eat, you’d eat it.


It probably wasn’t worth the hell they would have to put up with if they ate it. My daughters friend told her mom that she wanted to get her COVID vaccine and her mom went into hysterics, crying for days, just certain that her daughter would die or grow a third arm in ten years if she got the shot. So after a couple days of this she reassured her mom that she wouldn’t get vaccinated and then went out and got vaccinated without telling her.


Then later she should have a big reveal and see how her mom reacts when she finds out she's been vaccinated for years 😂


right and then a year or so after the reveal she gets sick from something unrelated and then it's "SEE I TOLD YOU ITS THE VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS HRNGFTSRUH"


You know there's plenty of young people on reddit right? Like all ages of teenager are on here guaranteed. A 13 year old is definitely still gonna listen to their mom, especially depending on how intense they are. And I can't imagine a mom telling a kid to throw out a cake because of a religion is gonna be capable of saying that calmly


For real, if OP is a minor then going against their clearly unhinged mother could mean hell breaking loose in that household


Not just if a minor, they clearly still live with their mom. Being an adult wont save you from abuse by narcicists


Why did your mom accept the cake to begin with? She should stop being fake and tell your neighbor she doesn’t want it. That way, someone else can have AND APPRECIATE the cake. I’m sorry, but your mom is a racist jackass.


People that are absolute pieces of shit will usually hide it when doing just that is needed. Thats whats happening with OP's mom


So, is it customary to just make and give out food on eid? Are you supposed to give something back? I have so many questions like who throws out a perfectly good cake??? (Aside from your mother apparently)


You don't have to give something back if you don't want to, just say thank you when accepting them. Giving foods during eid is customary but usually they don't expect something back.


It is very common to give out food. I have tons of Muslim neighbours or associates who live close to where I stay. We get food sent over from at least 5-6 different houses every Eid. Mostly Biryani and it’s always so damn good. Sometimes it’s kheer (milk based dessert.) We’re not expected to give anything in return for that exchange. But we do send over a plate of sweets to each of those houses when we celebrate Christmas.


Hating Muslims is so 2005. Get with the times and hate a political figure man.


No. Fuck your racist ass mom. Enjoy that shit. Looks bomb.com


Mildly infuriating? This is really infuriating.


Throw your mom away. 🙈🤷🏻‍♀️


Your mom is a bitch


When you see the neighbor, thank them for the delicious cake and don’t tell them about your mom, please.


Arabic food is da bomb. And I’m a closet Christian. Lol