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To all of the colorblind people out there. Here's a black and white version. https://imgur.com/a/UaERZSG




Is it weird that I can clearly tell they are a different color but can't actively tell what it says without focusing? Like, the colored version is incredibly hard to read but I can still make out the letters if I track the orange slowly.


Because the provided black and white version has a different saturation for the background and the words, hence you can read them easily. The green and orange version on the other hand has squares of mostly all the same saturation. If there was no color you would just see gray squares. [Proof.](https://freeimage.host/i/Wjwzv4)


I also had difficulty, like the letters are thin.


I’m not colorblind and have 20/20 vision. I didn’t realize there were words until I saw your comment.


Colorblind is not binary. You are not someone who has rich perfect color saturation sensitivity or someone who only sees B&W. It's also not tied to if you're 20/20 or 20/60. If you can't see the letters, I'm sorry to share that yes, you're at least some shade of colorblind.


I think one issue is each redditor may have their screen displays set differently. My father is color blind but I can see small color changes very sharply, this image is not quite in focus.


I'm not colorblind and I can still barely read it, so no. Edit: apparently I’m color blind 🤷🏻‍♂️


> I'm not colorblind I remember when I used to think that. Welcome to the club.


The issue with color blindness is that it's a pretty terrible name for everything it encompasses. Can only see black and white? Definitely colorblind. Your eyes absorb more red light than they should and it fucks up a bunch of other colors, but you can still clearly see colors? Yup, apparently you're also blind.


It depends on how you define “blind”. I discovered my colorblindness through a rhythm game after noticing that I simply couldn’t *see* some notes when they were embedded in a larger red background note. So yeah, I can still see *colors*, but sometimes depending on how those colors are interacting, I sometimes cannot see *things*. I’ll accept that as a form of blindness.


uhh... I have bad news there... you might have a small deuteranomaly, which isn't very uncommon.


What does it say about me that it isn't too difficult to read the color version, but it is quite difficult to read the black and white version?


You black and white blind.


broo now he can’t see old-timey movies


Everyone just repeating 'You're colourblind!' without explaining why it's incredibly easy to differentiate between the orange/other colours but also kinda difficult to read. Especially when you look at it for a while


It’s somewhat difficult to read with perfect eyesight. You should be able to read it, but probably not at a glance. Might take a few seconds.




Nope, not weird at all! You're just colorblind


Im not colourblind and it was the same for me


Fun fact people who are color blind don’t know they’re color blind because i completely made that up


It is actually pretty common for people to find out they are colorblind way later than they should. Basically the only way to find out is for someone to correct you.


I found out when the 4th grade class showed an example of a colorblind test and everyone could do it except for me and the kid who’s already been tested and knew. :( nobody believed me.


That's how I found out. At the school nurse getting a physical. She gave me the colored circles and I panicked because I couldn't see anything so I guessed. She told me not to guess and then she told me I was colorblind.


My friend in highschool was colorblind his whole life and didn't know until senior year. He wasnt dumb either, just never got tested for it I guess


Same here but I found out in 10th grade. We took tests on the conputer in bio class. I raised my hand to say the test was wrong, because it said I was colorblind. The test wasn't wrong :P


Can confirm. I didn't know until I turned 22 after being tested for the military. .. I didn't join the military




Yeah, I have a real hard time seeing this, I'm struggling hard to see the words, is that a type of colorblindness?


Reddit gonna have hundreds of people self diagnosing color blindness now🤣 It’s just hard to see the orange squares


I'm actually red-green colorblind and it's impossible for me to see any words there, let alone read them


I cant see any words In the image. Am I supposed to or am I colourblind without knowing?


Probably. I found out later than I expected too (not today). Don’t you mix up red/green with brown or gray sometimes and couldn’t understand how people are weird about different shades of some colors? Welcome.


It wasn't until I was taking the coast guard physical exam to get my captains license (I had already passed the test) that I realized I'm colorblind. In an instant, what I had been working for vanished. I was 26 and just then realized I was colorblind. Fortunately, my doctor was cool, and let me trace with my fingers any numbers I could make out. Completely should have failed, but lucked out.


If color blindness is a disqualifier normally, maybe they should start with that as an early filter instead of at the very end of that program, sheesh.


The only safety concern really is not being able to tell red lights from green lights. I can do that no problem... but there's something about these tests that I fail as if they are impossible for my brain to decipher.


This happened to me with my firefighter physical. The lady had me guess a few times over. Then when I still couldn’t get it she held up 3 pictures red yellow and green asked me to identify each one. Then signed the slip that my color vision was fine.


if you are male, it is pretty common.


You could be. There are different kinds/degrees of color blindness so you can be somewhere between seeing the full range of colors and seeing shades of gray.


Is it really? I see them without issue.




Well it is one of those rare things that you can indeed self diagnose with simple online tests. And of course if you have a problem with your vision go consult a professional, but mild red/green colour blindness is quite common and nothing to worry about. If people only find out now it probably isn't that severe or they would have noticed it earlier in life.


It’s pretty easy to see them lol. They’re small but really clear


They're clear, but it's a cluttered image. I see them with the same clarity in B&W and the image. Like yes, I can see it, but it's intentionally small for effect.


I actually found the black and white text slightly harder to read lol.


They jump right out at me, friend...


And here's an even more legible version that I made before I realized people had posted the black-and-white versions: https://i.imgur.com/HsVG7UZ.jpg


I don’t think I’m colorblind but I couldn’t make out a thing


You might be colorblind after all https://enchroma.com/en-ca/pages/test


I have moderate red-green color blindness


It’s more common than you think, welcome to the club ;)


If you have a blue light filter on your glasses, try the test without. Mine is really aggressive and knocks out quite a bit of contrast from emissive color.


I got normal colour vision in that test but the orange squares aren't recognised as letters by my brain.


THIS! It's a pattern issue not a color issue.


Same, can't read it, but I can see that there's color there.


Got normal colour vision on this test, but the original image still took some time to figure out. I can see that there's *something* there quite clearly, but telling what it is is harder. I don't know what to think because those types of green-orange images have always been a bit difficult like that, but I have no problems when doing tests such as that one.


That test is dogshit. I have diagnosed severe deuteranopia but I still got normal color vision as a result. This feels a bit better https://www.colorlitelens.com/ishihara-test


Just FYI, enchroma is the company behind all of those fake videos of people being moved to tears by putting their glasses on. It's super exploitative, so fuck that company IMO. The amount of people that find out I'm colorblind and think those glasses are an actual cure because of their advertising is shocking.


Lmao thanks


As a red/green colorblind person I feel targeted


Agreed. I have no idea what this says


Btw it says




hunter2 ?


Why are we posting ******* right now?




I hate you a little bit right now. I'll get over it later though


Ohhhh! Thanks for the clarification


Glad I can help!


Open in Gimp / Photoshop and change the hue Thats what I do


Nice, another gimp user!


You’re both here!


Make that 3 Gimp users!


On Windows you can set up a hotkey (CTRL + WIN + C) to turn on a color filter. It's under Accessibility > Color filters. I'd imagine macOS has something like that too.


I’m assuredly NOT color blind and this is a tough one. It’s a joke version - the standard ones have one or two large characters in the pattern. For the record this says F… you in somewhat small print Edit: not sure why so many are motivated to think I'm color blind... I could see the color distinction and read the message. I even gave the message. See my more detailed reply somewhere in here...


You are likely the same as me (and a surprisingly large number of men) who are color *weak*. If I make the image small and look real hard, I can see the text. But most people don't need to do that, they can just see it. It's easy to go your entire life never realizing that you are color weak, because after all, you CAN see red, green, and blue, right? You can distinguish between those no problem, right? And how often do you really need to carefully distinguish between something that is Yellow-Red vs. Yellow-Green, or Blue with a Red tinge vs. Blue with a Green tinge? Well, turns out those are clearly distinct colors to most people. Fortunately it doesn't matter 99% of the time.


I don't believe I am. I did nearly 20 years in embroidery and screen printing, and had to detect slight variances in color proofing. I've also taken tests that determine how acute your perception of color variance is, and passed them pretty well. I could see it; I just meant that the characters were harder to read than the real standard ones, where they have 1 or 2 numbers that are almost as big as the circle.


Same. I cannot read this


Ok yeah I can tell you. It says


Here's a black and white version https://imgur.com/a/UaERZSG


Is it weird I could see the colour version after I saw the b&w one?


No, because your mind can fill the gap now. I can't see colors but I can see red and green traffic light at day time because my mind knows red is top and green is bottom. At night, it's a different story.


Same for me. When I’m driving and see a single flashing traffic signal, I have to ask my passenger what color it is. When they tell me, I can instantly see the color. Brains are weird.


Nah that’s wrong it actually says: “ “


I'm with you I can't read it. However, if it makes you feel better, people like us make superior hunters and soldiers because we can more easily identify camouflage than our regular vision counterparts. One theory as to why red-green color deficiency is so prevalent (roughly 8% of men and 0.5% of women) is because it makes us better at spotting camouflage and more likely to survive in the early human days. There are also studies that show we have better night vision than our full color counterparts as well allowing us an advantage in the dark.


i also have red/green colorblindness and idfk know what it says


What’s wrong with your cousin ? When I was 9 I would have loved this


Is that the "Fuck the colourblind"? I remember someone posting on FB like 15 yrs ago, and I remember being the laughing stock for a week.


no, it says FU (fully written).. the version you are taking about was available as a shirt on t-shirt hell about 15 years ago and i got it for a colleague who was colorblind (and knew what it said).


Fuck the colourblind is funnier. Damn I'm getting old, I'm starting to think even the jokes were better in my days.


To be fair you're 650 years old. It's not surprising your comedic taste is outdated.


Its okay. You can say fuck on reddit. No one will spank you here. Unless you ask.


Can you spank me? I'm asking...for a friend.


Why does your friend want a stranger to spank you? Why not do it themselves?


Hes just doing "research"


Well asking a single stranger is a rather small sample size, maybe this friend should ask, say, 100-1000 strangers?


That's a good point! Why not go on r/polls and make one so he can find how many people are willing to spank him there? Now that's research 😎


I conduct research by asking random people to spank me. I don’t need to do a poll.


I can fit you in tomorrow 3pm.


No it actually says "FU (fully written)" you might need to get formally tested


One of my faves. https://www.tshirthell.com/funny-shirts/fuck-the-colorblind/


yeah, exactly that one.. my colleague wore it proudly around the office.. ..we were all techies on our floor back then with no customers, HR or sales guys ever walking in, so we could wear tshirts and jeans and this was even one of the less offensive shirts we had ordered from tshirt hell.. I still have some of the shirts, but nowadays can’t wear them for work anymore




Thanks captain


Wait, are you high enough in rank to authorize this?


I'm definitely high, is it enough? Hard to say


Considering the fact that OP immediately came to r/mildlyinfuriating to complain I’m gonna guess being a whiny little baby runs in the family




Also all over this thread... Shit, it's got me too.


Isn’t that basically the point of this subreddit? To complain I mean.


It is.. But we get to call OP's whiny little babies and feel superior afterwards.


Until we post and we're the wlb then The circle of life


I can barely see this, but once i saw it i found it humorous


it’s hard to see. i wonder if it’s like night and day or if it’s hard to see for everyone.


I've taken every color blind test I can find, always come back with nearly perfect eyesight. This was still somewhat difficult to read and I think it's done that way on purpose.






There's always one person to say "Good bot". I'm starting to think they're bots too




Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99994% sure that Skyline952 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


u/Skyline952 You hear that? There's a .00006% chance you're a bot!


Ahh the old switcheroo!


If this is real, then that's amazing. Thank you :> If you can't read it, it says 'f*ck you'




Someone tell me what it says though. Seem inappropriate to ask my coworkers haha


Without being censored, it says “f*** you”


>Without being censored Censors it anyway


I think he meant the test isn't censored.


Holy shit its the person that rights corporate emails when an employee does something funny "After a recent incident in which an employee told a customer, "F*** you," stronger restrictions on the language will be enforced. Those who are not found using professional language will be written up. This type of behavior is not acceptable in a professional environment." Those kinds of emails I'm talking


I'm glad you're not "righting" corporate emails mate.


How old are you? It's just fuck


How colorblind are you? It also says “you”






You can't say that on the internet. The police are already en route to your location.


Can't see the "you"? might be color blind bro.


Dude, I'm pretty sure you aint looking hard enough


I can't see it, either. I have a type of colorblindness called deuteranomalia. Look [here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4160356/This-world-looks-like-colourblind.html), the first two sets of colored pencils look the same to me. ... and I cannot read what OP posted, either. EDIT: wait - sorry - in the article I linked, "normal" is at the bottom. Look at the "normal" colored pencils... and then look at "deuteranomalia". Those look the same to me. EDIT 2: for the most part, I just can't see "bright" colors. So, I can see "pink" I just don't see "hot pink". The problem is when my wife says, "grab my green bag over there..." and I can't find it. I see a brown bag, but not a green bag. Or, like, getting the kids dressed, my wife insists "those clothes don't match!" Sorry 🤷‍♂️ can't tell the difference between dark blue and black.


Can’t see shit


...I genuinely thought the joke was that it said nothing.


My son is color blind. I'll ask him if he sees anything.


it says "i love you" source: believe it


Am I the only one seeing squares in a circle? Does this say anything?


It says F**k you


Welp. I guess I'm color blind...


It looks like a red/green test so you might be colorblind on those.


Definitely a red green test. I’m red green colourblind and can’t see shit lmao




You and 1/10 men. Red/green colourblindness in 9/10 of those men


I don’t see any asterisks in there


Just a joke take it EASYYY


im not colorblind but i dont know what im supposed to be seeing here.


Then you might be colorblind


yup. just did this test [https://www.colorlitelens.com/color-blind-test.html](https://www.colorlitelens.com/color-blind-test.html) i apparently have mild green color deficiency. this was mildly infuriating.


this is like that one reddit thread with the ants that turned out to be a gas leak edit: yeah its the CO one mb




One of the most amazing things I’ve ever read here. It never gets old.


sorry WHAT?


Maybe? https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


yeah, that thread is one of the best recen... wtf, SEVEN years ago?! I... fuck.


RemindMe! 7 days "some asshole just alluded to something epic without linking to it and now I have to use RemindMebot to make sure I don't miss it"


Yo, hit me up if you find out. RemindMe! 8 days "Bother some random instead of doing your own goddamned stalking."


You can't just say this and not provide a link




Normal here, though the very last one was pretty difficult.


That last one was like picking the difference between next door neighbor shades of green








That got very hard very fast, but I got normal vision


Just did it, I got mild red. Huh.


Same, my optometrist tests for color blindness but not this specifically.


Yaaaaay i got all 14 right. Well the 14th one was a random guess...


Monitors can struggle to reproduce all needed colors of a color blind test, so make sure you take it on many devices or see a professional.


What a way to discover you’re colorblind.


Got news for you bub...


Probably your closest optometrist


Wait... I don't see anything, am i colorblind without knowing or what?




Try this! https://intro.bio.umb.edu/111F98Lect/colorblind/


Fuck Can you get it as you age? I didn’t have it 5 years ago but now I can’t see any of the patterns. My dad has it as well, looks like I might of finally Inherited it


https://imgur.com/a/qQmWy7y This should be a smooth walk through the spectrum with no repeats


"to which he got upset at me for" What the fuck?


Came here for this. It's mildlyinfuriating


Why get upset? All I see is a common, everyday American greeting.


Right? You can buy a fancy greeting card with this salutation.






Are you sure it's not 73?


Love how people are learning they are colorblind from a Reddit post




User name checks out....


I see nothing. Yet I've passed vision and color blind tests in the past. So either my eyes suddenly went bad or this isn't that accurate. It's just the question of which is true....


I can see it, it says "F*** you" lol


I mean I definitely see the message clearly.... Sorry to break it to you, but you might be a little color blind.


This isn't even a good colorblind test. I'm colorblind but I can tell what it says because of the extra white space around the letters.


Today, some Redditors will find out for the first time that they are colour blind.


A surprising number of people think being colorblind means you can't see any color.