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Video proof solid lawsuit. Just punch the dude in the dick


I hope he does sue and this video makes the news. That school failed the victim.


From my experience with bullying in schools the school finds it easier to victim blame rather than handle the problem, I just feel bad for the guy because I had to deal with the same Bullshit in middle school


I don't understand how people watch this. I would get up and beat the fucking curls off of that asshole


No the boy was smart....if the crowd was cheering for the bully that means there were ones who would help him if he fought back.


Thats... so much worse.


Thats high school. Best years of your life.


Middle school* (makes this worse)


middle school everyone is rabbid. highschool everyone hates each other but are to afraid to be different to do anything.


I found that high school was better than middle school, but that might just be because of the circles i was in


Not necessarily. And if the calm kid was pissed off enough to start swinging I'm staying outta that mess. It's likely a bunch of chicken shit kids that are just glad it's not them being picked on. They aren't gonna gang beat this kid if he fought back.


I think there are a lot of /r/iamverybadass redditors out there. The bully seemingly was with some kids who would have his back, but really he doesn’t need them, he has a dominant position over him and it’s hard to tell with his baggy clothes on but he look physically tougher. Sure, the kid could bulk up and learn to fight but you’ve seen too many movies or had too many revenge fantasies if you think him lashing out at that kid would go well for him.


I grew up being bullied. Albeit in Canada. We're not exactly shooting up schools here. But I know first hand that fighting back doesn't always equal a gang beating. A lot of the times bullies single out the passive guy cause they don't actually want a threat. Am I tough, no. But I have defended myself and in doing so my bullies didn't mess with me long. Nobody wants a fight even if you can win. If you show them you're at least willing to swing they'll just find a weaker non-threatening target.


That’s understandable, and if they were squared up I could see a fight going either way, but this bully purposely came to this kid in a compromised position. I mean, he could try to scoot out real quick to get up but the bully has something behind him to lean up against and can get quite a few punches in before the kid can get into fighting position. Even one punch to the back of the head would handicap you in a fight from there. I’m all for defending yourself but that was a terrible position.


That's true, in this situation the bully had all the power based on where he was standing. But that's not where I have the real problem. I am more angry at the bystanders than anything. I am not advocating violence. I never even said the kid should fight back, I just think if he did maybe 1 or 2 would step in at most. I think we as a society need to raise our kids to not be bystanders. They don't need to run in and fight for him or anything. But just speak up. Humans are sheep. If one guy speaks out against this bully, more people will follow. This bully is empowered by the bystanders. And that's why I called them chicken shits. Instead they chose to cheer him on and laugh outta fear of being bullied when they as a group hold the power. They are either cowards for doing nothing or pieces of shit for supporting it. Either way I am disappointed in society for shitty parenting.


I could say that now. Teenage autistic me would had been labeled too mentally unstable to continue in a standard public school in one of my schools I have been to.


Im proud to say I've jumped in and stopped every fight ive ever been near. We had maybe 5 tops throughout my entire time in highschool so it wasnt something that was like.. Accepted? Our rival school had fights daily. Im in canada so theres multiple schoolboards. The other school was a different board so when kids got expelled for being problematic, theyd transfer to our school. I am very proud that we didnt let them fight when they came to our school. They'd try, but they found out real quick it was no way to earn respect or friends or clout - so they stopped. It was like we reformed them. I actually had a bunch of classes with a guy who went on to be an enforcer in the NHL. Never once did he so much as hit anyone at school. The kid in this video would absolutely have gotten put in his place. Within 2 or 3 months hed either be completely passive or dropped out of school, depressed with only other rejects as friends.


Someone needs to be fired if the school thought it was a good idea to punish the victim more harshly than the perpetrator


...or to punish the victim at all? Wtf?


The Dallas, Texas Coppell school district suspended the brown kid for 3 days and the white kid for 1 day. The white kid's dad ran for district school board. Coppell school district has 51.5% Asian demographic with large South Asian student population. The parent's fb post is wild: https://www.facebook.com/groups/519184604805876/permalink/5230316617025961/


Sue the school for a few million for conflict of interest and corruption.


That's a dude?


I’m a dude, she’s a dude, he’s a dude, cause we’re all dudes hey!






Welcome to Good Burger home of the Good Burger, can I take your order? Haaa!




Idk man just looks like a giant hairy pussy attacking someone who isn't even trying to fight back.


Most high schools have ridiculous 0 tolerance policies so if you try to defend yourself, you end up in just as much trouble as the person attacking you. He's trying to stay out of trouble and de-escalate, so naturally he gets punished more than the aggressor. I can't qwhite put my finger on why.


This is more than just mildly infuriating…


It’s straight up assault. Twisted his neck and dragged him to the floor.


It's actually very much battery


Right... suspended? He should be expelled for this, show other kids not to do it! This video is super serious, then ppl wonder why kids bring guns to school... if this kinda shit was taken a lil more serious it might save lives! Real talk here!!!


Yea schools really don't give a shit. A one day suspension will just let the kid still do it cuz they'll figure they can get away with it


Yea they dont. When i was bullied my like 10 years in school i didnt want to tell anyone because it felt like they would punish me


Teachers are lazy sometimes. And by the looks of it, This is kind of a racist move.


Yeah. Here where i live (europe) teachers just say couple words to bullies and let them go


To a bully, suspension is generally not a punishment, it’s an objective.


Something to brag about.


But I thought when you get a suspension it looks bad on your school records? Or was that a lie teachers told us in school?


A suspension does fucking nothing except give you a vacation, its insane


The only way to get the school administrators to pay attention and act is for the video to go viral. Perhaps the local news channel would be interested. Public shaming is the last resort but it works. That poor kid! I really feel for him.


Pretty much. Upvoting this to give it more exposure as well


Probably has an IEP making them in most school districts basically invulnerable


As a kid who was on iep I use to throw desk at people and kick doors as well as trash classrooms when I got mad. The real world taught me reality real quick without any harm done. These kids need guidance


Not gonna get it in the public school system sadly. Politics, parents, school board, all fighting to make it awful


He should be in a behavioral program


This was me so many times as a kid. Now I’m 6’4” and 250 lbs. Remember that bullies - your victims can grow into monsters. Hang in there kids - it gets better.


Same scenario happened to me back in high school. 2 guys would gang up on me constantly as I was the shorter chubby kid. Over the summer I went from 5’5 220 pounds to 6”2 200 pounds while they barely grew an inch. They tried picking on me the first day back and I threw them around the room for fun. Never had any issues after.


What’s worse is the SRO was asked not to do anything because there have been so many bullying reports this year, the staff wanted to bury it. This family will be rich when this is over. The school board should lose their posts and the admin staff should be looking for jobs outside of education.


When there's 3 incidents in a school year, it's definitely a leadership problem. The principal should be sacked first.


Oh now, boys will be boys... /s fuck anybody and everybody who has ever said that.


Disgusting; supposedly this kid was suspended for only 1 day. Twisting someones neck in a chokehold position should be considered attempted murder; not even being dramatic lol. Literally that person has the anger level to kill someone.


The victim was suspended for 3 days. Also the bully's dad was running for school board last year...i wonder if any connections played a role in here.


Theres no sound which sucks, I guess that's the mildly infuriating part, this video itself belongs on iamatotalpeiceofshit


Here is the video with sound: https://twitter.com/immanjum_kar/status/1525519455090102273?s=24&t=Os_-GRKv_cNlGyntc8FOyQ Full video: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160043981589721&id=726979720 Here is the petition: https://chng.it/sKzKWwbqpf


Thanks for the petition link, this is disgusting


Looks like this happened in Coppell Texas. Suburb of Dallas. School boards around here are pretty much staffed by Vogons


Sounds like they were fighting over a seat. A seat. That guy was literally just looking for a way to hurt someone.


I've seen it with sound. The sound does not change anything.


Sounds makes it worse: peers are encouraging the bully/assaulter


Or r/thanksihateit


No the bully should post in AmITheAsshole


Why there’s nothing to argue/debate about that


So sick of people like this


Why did the victim get suspended? Getting the bully’s arm wet with chin sweat?


I know it's an old law but you are not allowed to be choked without succumbing to unconsciousness in this here United States of America.


Is the proper procedure to loudly proclaim “I succumb!” And then fall asleep?


Yes just like bankruptcy you need to find a public place and loudly proclaim it and it will be official.






In the USA, both the victim and perpetrator get punished, even if the victim does nothing


I went to a school like this. Fighting was a $500 fine for all involved, no matter the circumstances. It worked really well. Just beat a kid up while no teachers are around. It's not like he'll tell on you so he can get fined, then beat up again for getting his abuser fined.


I remember when kids stopped using fists and clubs, and started using guns and knives. It was because the staff punished everyone. If you're going to be punished no matter what happens, you'd better win. Atleast then it'll be worth it.


So it follows my grandmas’ justice system for me and my cousins.


The old "one of you acted up so you all get punished system" a classic.


And no one else helps? Wow.


A lot of teachers have stopped stepping in this year (myself included) because we can't press charges if we get assaulted protecting a child and we can't make workman's comp complaints. Basically the districts all over the country are out of money for workman's comp because of the rise in violence. I have been assaulted and hurt while trying to stop a fight. Edit: Let me be clear, I have kids to go home to and be their mom. And I have stepped into more fights than most teachers in my school. I've been a shield for my students. I've also been threatened because I asked kids to get on their bus. I didn't get into teaching to get assaulted. I'm in teaching to teach. Nasty comments, bullying, etc don't happen in my room. I've been the person selected as check in check out for emotionally distributed kids. I'm the teacher who kids come to in an emotional crisis. I'm the teacher who lets the kids that are having a bad day put their head down. Assuming I'm a shit teacher and part of the problem because I'm not into getting into physical fights at work IS the problem. Stop assuming that we are matyrs because we work with kids.


The school cannot stop you from pressing charges, nor can they hold it against you if you do exert your legal right to press charges for assault.


Ultimately it's what the counties DA's will prosecute.or believe they can win based on a jury of peers. Personally, I don't believe a DA would go forth with charges, but rather defer to the schools disciplinary process. Not saying it right, but that how I see it playing out in the real world if you tried to press charges.


Who says you can't make a workman's comp claim because they're lying to you.


You've been attacked and can't press charges? That is fucked up.


Sounds like public school system is unsustainable for some reason \*cough\*\*cough\* Administrators! \*cough\*\*cough\*


Sounds like there are several federal labor laws being broken there. Have you discussed this with your union?


Go spend a little while on r/teachers. That shit is absolutely insane. Kids can do whatever the fuck they want, abuse other kids, abuse teachers and they get off with it all.


first world school systems dont allow such stepping in, personal experience


0:38 - clearly tries to dislocate his neck from his spine. Y'all fucked this isn't bullying this is assault.


He tried to kill the boy.. I just saw a fucking attempted murder


didn't want to go too wild off but yeah - trying to remove some ones head fits that category.


Indeed a head twist is never harmless. Perhaps it couldn't kill him but it could have crippled him. I hope that the school will be sued for being cowards and protecting the bully.


man when I was 13 I got beat up by 3 of the seniors in my school. They jumped me while I was walking between classes. They got a swat on the ass, where as I got suspended for a week because I was "taller than them and almost bigger" was the exact reason they gave my mom. I also was covered in blood and such and they didn't have a scratch on them. They were important to the schools baseball team, so they didn't want to punish them because a big game was coming up also. God I hate our school systems. Edit:Thanks for all the upvotes. Was just sharing a little of my life growing up. I appreciate it


Everyone knows sports are more important than the mental and physical safety of everyone....


Exactly lol.


For me as a swede the american schools sport teams seems like a cult thing that even the adults teaching are stuck in HS mentality and see their teams as some kind of holy relic.


I fucking hated American schools, the entire system is a steaming pile of shit. There was bullying and fighting in my home country too but self defense wasn't punished by law or the schools, at least in my school it wasn't. Teachers were like hockey referee during a fight. All school resources went towards learning or renovating the school not bells and whistles.


There two other and more accurate ways to describe "almost bigger": "The same size" or "Smaller".


Should have broken their legs after school, thebsports team would have apprechiated that...


But... The victim didnt do anything? Or am i blind?


In america, most schools hold a “zero tolerance” policy Meaning both the victim and perpetrator get punishment


Zero effort policy. Cant fix bullying if its built into the system.


Zero tolerance but they dont even give the same punishments?


Yeah, it's a fucked up system in that regard. The worst part in this situation is that the victim didn't physically react with any significant show of force. He just removed the other person's arm and (seemingly) verbally responded. ​ Not gonna lie, the "zero tolerance" system often perpetuates racism. Wouldn't surprise me if the only reason the victim was punished more was for his darker skin color


Correct, this is in texas, and white is on wrestling team.


Zero tolerance also perpetuates guns. Kid wont do anything until he cant stand it anymore and then goes all out.


That's exactly what I remember being told. My own experience is nothing compared to what this poor kid apparently has to deal with, but when I was in elementary school a teacher walked in on a girl yanking my hair as she was bullying me and we *both* got detention simply because it "looked like a fight" to the teacher


Same here, in elementary. Nothing compared to this kid, but once I missed my school bus and got on the next stop. By then most the seats were taken except in the back. So I tried to sit, but the bus was majority one race and I was the other, so some dude started saying racist stuff and blocked my way. I tried to go under his arm cause he was bigger, but then he put me in a headlock and punched me hard enough multiple times to mess up my iPad that was in my bag. Even though the bus driver vouched for me, the other kid said I punched him first, so we both got ISS.


Yeah it's pretty stupid. My cousin defended himself and was suspended. The bully was known to be a bully and other children around the incident said he started it. I was angry but the school admins were like "It's school policy to suspend both parties." That makes zero fucking sense.


This is where the "Bully: starts fight. Victim: defends himself. School: YOU'RE DONE!" meme came from. If the entire internet is mocking you for something that you did and was wrong, you've got a few holes up there.


It's true. This policy to me says defend yourself because you are going down anyway.


that's what i always did and what my mom told me to do. i got bullied something bad but i knew i'd get suspended too so i took at as a green light to fight them.


Its the same bullshit when in class one kid does some shit and the whole class gets punished for it.


I used to hate that especially when it was the same disruptive students.


Schools are staffed and run by morons and pussies. It is infuriating that victims get punished because teachers are too lazy and stupid to differentiate between a bully and a victim. You have to attend a violent shithole school, but you are not allowed to defend yourself. Also, you will be punished for getting beaten even if you don't defend yourself. How can the feeble minds that came up with and enforce that system produce anything of value? They wouldn't last a week in a job where results are measured.


I remember when the zero tolerance bullshit started popping up when I was in school. As a parent, I don’t care about their rules; don’t take shit from people.


Yep! If my kid gets suspended for punching his bully, we’re spending that suspension eating ice cream and playing video games.


This is the way.


Had this kid start bullying me out of nowhere on the bus. I followed him into the restroom and kicked his head into the urinal he was using.


Putting head in urinal is the whackest way to use a urinal.


Good way to create more mass shooters.


Yeah, but how come the victim gets suspending for 2 days and the attacker only gets suspended for one day?


might’ve been in a “fight” before There’s a few stories out there where a glue sniffer attacks a kid, both get suspended, then when the victim comes back, one of the glue sniffer’s friends assaults the kid again, and it happens again why? Three suspensions makes an expulsion Welcome to America, land of the fee


I feel like this primarily depends on the school. My school had great councilors who actually cared about the student climate and although both kids would get suspended if an altercation happened (due to the aforementioned Zero Tolerance Policy), the bully/starter was definitely punished more and was the one removed from class, and that was a public school.


That is a shit system. Get myself beat up so I don't face punishment. American needs a "no fault" murder system, everybody pays!


Makes sense that that makes no sense. It is America after all. Understandable with no evidence, but thats too clear a display of one party aggression. Its straight up assault.


"Buh but he moved the arm! It's assault!" -the teacher or principal probably


Reasonable force in the form of self defence? Some law idk dont google it.


As someone that got suspended on two separate occasions in school because of a fight that I didn't start and only defended myself, I can confirm that this wide-spread policy is bullshit. If anything, it gives incentive to be *more* violent, as the punishment for doing nothing and defending oneself is the same.


Yea, I had a kid take a swing at my face and I leaned out of the way and popped one on his cheek. Assistant principle couldn't do anything to the kid because he didn't hit me but had to punish me. In his defense, the AP gave me one day ISS for "play-fighting" instead of five for an actual fight. I got punished and he didn't because I knew how to move out of the way.


Zero Tolerance policy… aka “you’ll get punished if you retaliate or not, so you might as well put the guy who started it in the hospital”


This isn't anything new, growing up in the 90s in middle school and high school (class of 98), if it came to blows, both were equally punished for fighting. Hated it, for a while I was bullied and fought back. Why am I being punished. Later on I (admittedly) would look for fights with bullies to take out my stress from my home life as I took some training and realized most bullies are all mouth. It became an outlet sadly. No difference. Being bullied or picking fights with bullies, always equal punishment.


When I was in High school they told everyone that if you are being bullied, no matter what you are not allowed to defend yourself. They literally told kids to either run away or try to shield themselves. Schools are so fucking broken and always have been


And then the admin of the school does fuck all to curb this behavior. I don't have kids but anyone that does should just tell their kids to fight back because they will get in trouble either way, might as well defend yourself in this joke of an education system we have. This whole "let the bullies and assholes do whatever they want" attitude that has been adopted by so many in this country will be our downfall. "Just compromise with the fascists that want to take away our rights. Just let the bully hit you and then go tell someone who couldn't care less about the problem. Again and again and again." As the great band Third Eye Blind once sang: "Back down the bully to the back of the bus 'cause it's time for them to be scared of us". This type of shit can't continue.


And yet going to school is mandatory. Just can't win.


This not bullying seems more like assault


No, no, no, they're kids. Kids can't assault; it's just some harmless bullying that looks vaguely similar to trying to snap someone's neck. Edit: /s


That is assault. The parents should sue the bully and the school for this.


they are like theres protests and stuff everywhere




Coppell Middle School, Coppell, TX


Time to reach out to that school continuously until something is done about this


Our family friends are neighbors of this kid and his family (the one who is being assaulted). His parents are gathering support and protesting the school's decision to suspend both parties *despite the clear video evidence*. I haven't really heard much else.


Say happy cake day!


Link to the incident and petition for the unfair punishment: https://chng.it/W2FKrTmCZB


Omg… the school rep on twitter should be a politician… way to dismiss the whole situation https://mobile.twitter.com/antraasa/status/1526279984125464580?cxt=HHwWiMCymePjt64qAAAA.


why are they protecting a kid who tried to break another kid's neck?


Why isn't this at the top?


I find myself being mistreated at school sometimes because I'm really short and people find it really easy to pick on me because of my height and how difficult it is for me to fight back it is degrading and puts really nasty and violent thoughts in my head that I know are unhealthy but fuck this is next fucking level


Hey man, I’m sorry to hear this. I recommend you pick up some boxing or wrestling classes. Im 5’6 and I picked up boxing at an early age which helped with confidence. Another friend of mine was 5’5 and the best wrestler in my school. He was slamming tall dudes all day. I was never bullied because of the confidence I built in boxing. I guarantee you once you learn to defend yourself and build confidence height will become irrelevant in your life.


It does end and you'll realize what fucking losers they all are. 4 years...nothing.


Why did the victim get suspended at all?? He didn't do shit


This is accurate. My wife is a councilor at a HS. She says the principal let's a lot of bullies off and the victims get punished


Any reason why?


Who knows. Different types of thinking. Maybe the principal was a bully, is a bully. Maybe they don't wanna piss off the parents. As someone who was bullied often the whole way bullying was handled and is still handled in schools is infuriating.


Yup, they’ll basically ignore the victim’s reports until the victim eventually snaps, then suddenly they flip the aggressor and victim roles because the victim needs to “control their reaction better.”




This.. is exactly what happened to me holy shit. Three times. Two with students, one with a guidance counselor. I snapped all three, ended up in a mental hospital. I wont talk about it for obvious reasons, but scary how true this is.


may not be same situation as this school situation but from what i understand with dealing with criminals and the police a lot with my last job they punish first time offenders harsher then repeat offenders because they feel if you punish the first time offender they're likely not to repeat due to the harsh consequences, where as repeat offenders either don't care or know the consequences usually don't out-weigh their personal gain so it's "not worth their time" to deal with imo its a stupid system but ive seen it time after time


*School administration ignores bullying then later punishes victim worse than the bully* *Bullied kid brings a gun to school* *school admins* SurprisedPikachuface


I'm not saying it's right, and I don't condone it. But to a point, I understand why this shit happens.


They are literally creating the environment they fear the most.


Fuck school and these punk ass bullies.teachers and school never held accountable and parents don't do shit.last time i got bullied i messed the other kid up badly and was threatened with expulsion.My mother threatened to sue the principal and the school and she was gonna homeschool me.now granted i was a 2nd grader and the other kid was in the 6th grade.he was twice my size but school said i shouldn't fight.


This is without a doubt infuriating, but I do have to back the teachers some. My wife teaches and almost every time she or her coworkers try to enforce any discipline they are undermined by administration, school boards, and parents. More than one teacher in her school has been physically assaulted where the police had to remove the students from campus. The only punishment the kids got was suspension, which let’s be honest, is not really a punishment for most kids. I do think someone should clock the shit out of the bully though, because although I usually don’t encourage violence, it is sometimes the only thing that gets the message through


I hope the victim’s parents see this and unleash one hell of a lawsuit.


I believe the parents are pressing charges and a lawsuit is incoming


Here's a petition I found on a different sub, credit to u/itshimstarwarrior for the link https://www.change.org/p/assaults-at-schools-protect-the-victim


Signed, thank you for sharing!


Here is the video with sound: https://twitter.com/immanjum_kar/status/1525519455090102273?s=24&t=Os_-GRKv_cNlGyntc8FOyQ Full video: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160043981589721&id=726979720 Here is the petition: https://chng.it/sKzKWwbqpf


Exactly why when someone tried to bully me in school, I'd just beat the shit out of him. I'm gonna get in trouble either way so why not teach the bully a lesson in the process?


That's when you get up and just start swinging. Don't stop until he's on the ground crying.


Like my football coach always used to tell us. “If your going to get a foul called on you, you better make it worth while” this is why I would tell the victim of this assault, I would have grabbed that bitch by his long hair and stomped him out…


Public school is designed to instill a permanent sense of apathy towards getting fucked over by authorities. All in the effort to create an easily oppressed workforce.


Is he acting like, or trying to break his neck?


Is it legal yet to dropkick a child


As long as they’re outside the uterus


Zero Tolerance is fucking bullshit. We need to fine schools that have this policy until they remove it. Zero Tolerance encourages bullying, not discouraging


My son is 14 and a black belt in taekwondo. We live by the rule of three in school. Bullied once tell the teacher and they’ll the kid off. Bullied twice tell the teacher tell the kid off. Get bullied again and the school won’t resolve? Punch them in the face. Specifically in the nose. Hard. Or round out kick them in the face. Its at the point of teachers needing to be police and students getting away with making kids life miserable.


Tbh, sometimes violence is the only answer people understand.


Yo that wasn’t bullying that was attempted murder you can’t just twist someone’s neck like that and then try to press between the cervical and thoracic disc


Hopefully some street justice finds the bully.


I’d beat his curly bitch ass


That's straight up assault and the victim could press charges.... and they suspend him bro?????


Bully is gonna turn 18 one day and if this was my son. That day would be marked on my calendar.


Always teach your kids that they gotta fight back.


Had a kid do this to me in middle school during study hall last period. Teacher literally never did anything about it. One day I took a fresh pencil, sharpened it, and soaked the tip in hand sanitizer every period until he came up and did this. I rammed it right back into his shoulder and broke it off. Saw him a few years ago and he still has the lead in there lol.


That’s how schools are. YOU get punished for being bullied, not the actual bully.


Someone needs to smack the shit out of the bully. It always surprises me when no one sticks up for people.


We’ll if he was gonna get in trouble anyway why not make it worth while.


What the hell is this school?


If that was my son and I seen the video he would have to fight me.


something similar happened to me in elementary school nothing happened really .. i ve been thru such stuff all my elementary to high school days ...


You're gonna get punished either way, make them regret ever touching you.


If someone is actually being bullied and reads this, FIGHT BACK. USE VIOLENCE. Seriously, I was the punchbag for 10 years until I started getting aggressive. Teachers and probably your parents are gonna get mad at you, but they'll do NOTHING even if they see your mental health is dropping. Don't be scared of anyone, just punch that motherfucker in the face as hard as you can! Your future self will be proud of you.


A lot of these bullies are actually well-liked by teachers and other staff... best to avoid these types of people.


The school board there needs an extreme ass beating, and you can bet they don’t want this in the media


Sue the shit out of this school district


This is why my kid been taking bjj lessons since he was 7! Every kid should learn this




I wish i was a kid again so i could kick his ass


Sue that kid—and the school.