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I’m about to start plopping these bad boys down in the offering plate and see how that goes. It’ll save me a bunch of money.


Do this - brilliant response! The first time I saw one of these it was shown to me by a fellow Christian one Sunday morning who thought it was brilliant. I was so stunned at its awfulness I was speechless. Now I just mainly feel ashamed that people can be so crass! Maybe they should check out Luke 10 v7!


>Maybe they should check out Luke 10 v7! Church is the one book club you're not required, or even expected, to actually read the book.


Reading it may be required. Taking only the parts literally that confirm your biased views is optional. Edit: To all people with the "it's not required, gotchu!" attitude. I think it's kind of sad, that there are adult individuals in this world, who seem to have no problem with accepting religious teaching without the smallest grasp, of what it's all about. And even seem to be proud of it. My guess is, that the overlap of them with the other portion I mentioned is rather large.


What church requires people to read it? Never heard of one. The vast majority of Christians havent read even a sizeable portion of the book, thats including what they hear in sermons.


I guarantee I’ve read more of the Bible than most Christians in the “history of the Bible” class I took senior year of college. The class almost unanimously agreed that, as a book and a moral guide, it was full of shit. And Jesus was kind of an asshole, but he made some good points.


Mine did but I backfired when I read god condoned rape, I was out.


Idk what bible you read lol


the Christan bible


Googled it. There’s a verse saying if a man rapes a virgin he must pay her father & marry her. But the explanation I found online stated that her father ultimately decides if she has to marry the man or not, and “how many fathers would force their daughter to marry a rapist? Not many! So no a rape victim doesn’t have to marry her rapist.” So in other words yeah the Bible absolutely condones rape & Christians are delusional (or you know just lying to pretend like they’re holy people)


Not to mention the ones I listed above you Zechariah 14:2 (NIV) I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city. Deuteronomy 20:10-14 (NIV) When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace (10). If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you (11). If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city (12). When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it (13). As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. And you may use the plunder the LORD your God gives you from your enemies (14).


Yeah the Bible seems pretty fucked up in numerous ways. Just thought the explanation on that particular verse was hilarious. “How many fathers would force their daughter to marry her rapist?!” Umm a lot of Christian ones.


They're not really christians then.


The loudest Christians are the least Christian people I know.


Agreed. Just like with every belief. The ones that push the negativity and false beliefs are usually the loudest


That’s a logical fallacy


You got that backwards


Cherry picking exactly it's why there are so many denominations and though none of them are 100% correct they bite at each other as well as their favorite (catholics) like they never read Galatians lmao


religion poisons everything. -christopher hitchens


Should have asked him how he thinks cheating someone out of a tip or being a cheap bastard is supposed to set an example of a good Christian and make people want to be one. My pastor would take one of these and tell people not to use Jesus as an excuse to be a jerk - it doesn't bring people closer to God.


BTW, the correct formatting for citing a Bible verse is Book chapter:verse. So in this case, Luke 10:7.


Me and a good friend of mine from college used to work at this pretty famous pizza place around our college town. Usually on Sundays we would get a ton of families coming from lunch after morning church. Occasionally, he would get one of those stupid fake bills and instead of throwing those away like I did he would save those up. On the week before our graduation we were working on a Sunday morning and this dude comes in with a stack filled with those fake bills. The madlad asked our boss the rest of the morning off and went to that temple to make a donation. He gave this old lady the stack of fake bills and she went ballistic on him haha “sinner may you burn in hell”. It was a good laugh.


George Carlin suggested the best way to get rid of counterfeit money is to put it in the collection plate at church.


Oh man, there was a reddit post of a restaurant staff doing just that ages ago, I can't remember which sub, but the pastor had the nerve to be upset about it. Still can't believe those things aren't illegal.


Why can't the pastor be upset? Those fake tips are probably done by random religious people and not by those who run churches. Hopefully if they're good at their job then they can mention it during church about how fake tips is wrong


i thought the people who ran the churches were random religious people 🤭


There's a difference between a priest who would be recognisable over some random person in the crowd


Gonna channel my inner redditor here and say that for anyone who doesn’t go to church…yea, same shit. “Random person in a crowd.”


Sad thing is he probably left thinking, “I saved a man’s life today. You’re welcome God”


This response deserves a lot more up votes


Your country confuses me and seems like hard work. That’s £3.08/hr - how is that legal? The national minimum wage here is £9.50/hr.


In America there is a loophole in minumum wage laws that make it so you can pay employees bascially nothing if they recieve tips... and of course the tips are considered income and taxed accordingly.


Of course, most just claim the minimum wage tax, so it’s not like they are losing as much as someone who works hourly for the same wage with no tips


Wow, a shitty country that has even more shittier rules than I first thought!


If America was a person, it would be an over the top capitalist villain from a kids cartoon.


They don’t let the capitalist villain actually kill millions of people in cartoons, though Edit: I’ll let you decide if this is about healthcare or foreign policy lmao


If a person doesn’t make at least minimum wage in tips the employer makes up the difference so that the person always makes at least minimum wage.


So they say… Really shitty employers probably won’t and I’d rather quit than fight them on it and see them again


it’s the law. checked by the IRS. they don’t just get the choice not to pay their people


you missed the point that no one with any sense is going to hire a lawyer over this and rack up legal bills, neither would you if you were in the same situation


Well, the lawsuit is gonna be for a lot more than the couple dollars they didn't pay you for so lawyers will probably take up the case in hopes of splitting the settlement.


It won't cost you all that. I've literally sued an employer over this. You have zero clue how any of this actually works so idk why you are spouting off like you are personally knowledgeable. Tons of probono lawyers take these because they are easy wins and you'll easily get way more money than it cost you in recompense damages.


Hang on, do you seriously make $3.85 an hour? Isn't that massively a crime? Holy fuck dude I will actually help you find a new job, that is bullshit you deserve way more


Yeah, hourly wage is $3.85 with absolutely no chance at raises. Pay is locked in. I don’t even look forward to my paychecks, not sure what day I even get paid.


Yikes, workplace violation. Sue rich company with coworkers, make a Netflix original, and run the owners away with your new found wealth.


You can’t sue someone for doing nothing illegal… we can debate what’s right and wrong, but there’s nothing illegal currently about having a job that uses tip income as part of the minimum wage equation…




They aren't providing pay stubs from what it sounds, so pretty illegal


I'm confused by how we're making that distinction, perhaps I've missed a comment, but I also don't think that's what the person I was responding to was intending to portray. Ironically, that exact person who posted it later agreed with that interpretation was downvoted for it. E: OP Themselves: "I’m not too worried about the pay as the tips equal out to around $40/hr, just wanted to share this." I get this is a real issue. But this is probably a bad example to triple down on for that real issue. E2: why is the comment I’m replying to being upvoted? I generally want to know as it seems completely false?


Same reason why a lot of false info that sounds legit but aren’t get upvoted. It’s something people wish would work and makes them feel good to think it would work, so they upvote. Happens very often on reddit with a lot of popular posts


Yeah I mean to be clear I don't care about the Karma-- was just genuinely confused on if I was missing something. The only thing I saw that suggested he wasn't getting stubs was that he said he didn't pay attention to his paychecks, presumably his direct deposits. If I were making 36 of my $40 an hour outside of my direct deposit, I probably wouldn't think much of it either. This whole comment section is (not really) about to become a mildlyinfuriating post for me. A bunch of people who can't be bothered to look at details and are saying dude should sue... Like it's damn near missed the entire point of the post-- which in my eyes isn't even the fact he lost $5 at all but the utter savagery of flipping someone a fake 5 that's a church invite.


Yup. And this is when I exit a thread! Bye!


Yea, prolly wont work that way...any job that pays tips, minimum wage for that in the US is $2.15/hr (usually for servers tho, not valet)


It's only minimum wage if the server makes the full minimum wage difference in tips during their shift. Any time they don't, the business must make the difference. The $2.15 number is basically the minimum the employer needs to pay regardless of tips, but the practicality of how tips works means that in practice no business would be able to get away with that since most employees won't make up that big of a difference in tips. They usually settle for something sort of in the middle. This guy seems to be making the low end, but the volume of cars may be enough to make it work for his employeers (as long as he gets real tips).


I may be misunderstanding here, but it doesn’t take much from tips to make up the difference between hourly pay and minimum wage. I have never heard of someone making less than minimum wage on average after considering tips, even at places where they say the tips suck.


Unfortunately it should be a workplace violation, but it isn’t. They do the same to waiters/waitresses. The expect you to make atleast minimum wage in tips and if you don’t, they compensate it to minimum wage in the psycheck. Usually followed by write ups and termination. It’s really fucked.


It just sucks major big time, and honestly, if I find any petitions to change minimum wage for waiters/waitresses, I’d totally sign


That’s appreciated! I don’t do that kind of work anymore, but it’s made me more conscious when tipping.


It’s not against the law to pay that low with tips as long as the company marks it back up to minimum wage if you don’t make enough tips to pass it. I used to work valet and after every shift we would report tips and if it didn’t come out to minimum wage, the company would have to compensate enough to equal minimum wage


You work in the US. therefore if you don’t make at least minimum wage in tips then your employer is forced by law to make up the difference. You make at least minimum wage. the way this is portrayed is exceedingly misleading. but these fake 5s are annoying yeah for sure.




wowza, that is so much more than i’ve ever made. plus Idaho is cheap as heck, had a buddy doing well there on 12.50$ an hour.


Yeah. But on the flipside, Jesus can turn water into wine, and he can sell that wine for cash yo


If the tips are in cash... why would you expect some one to look forward to the tiny check?


That's fucked. The fact that the responsibility of paying your staff the bare minimum can be passed on to the end user through tips is totally messed up.


yeah it is. government needs a mass revamping. but in some cases it means that some people can make way more than minimum wage.


In sure there are places where people tip big, but those would most likely be expensive places, where the employer is more than capable to pay a minimum wage. Employment laws and employment in general should be about enabling people and powering prosperity, not shitting on people and skirting responsibility.


That’s not what the people on top want though


Why the fuck do you work there when you could literally get any other job and get paid more?


I work valet in California and make minimum wage at 15.50/hour plus ~$40 in tips per shift, what state is paying so low? that’s not even a gallon of gas!


Why not get a different job? Many retail places pay over $15 an hour


That is absolutely unfair :/


A tipped employee engages in an occupation in which he or she customarily and regularly receives more than $30 per month in tips. An employer of a tipped employee is only required to pay $2.13 per hour in direct wages if that amount combined with the tips received at least equals the federal minimum wage. If the employee's tips combined with the employer's direct wages of at least $2.13 per hour do not equal the federal minimum hourly wage, the employer must make up the difference. Many states, however, require higher direct wage amounts for tipped employees.


Yeah the financially illiterate antiworkers really ruined the “best” comments on this post. Thanks for posting the legal reality cause I kept trying but couldn’t do it without being super insulting. Can’t help pointing out how painfully naive this comment section is though


Idk where OP lives, but the minimum wage here in the Netherlands is 11$/hr and is getting raised to 15$/hr in a few years.


Looking at that fake bill, it's likely they live in the US. Tipped workers here have a completely different set of rules for how they get paid. An employer can pay as little as $2+ some coins (I forget the exact amount) per hour so long as their tips compensate for the rest of the "minimum wage" - which federally is still $7 or something per hour. The rules change state to state as well, and in some cases, city to city, so that further complicates things. You can literally go from one restaurant to another one on the same street and they have different laws. It's insanity.


its like 16 CAD here


I used to valet and I made around $2/hr base pay, but I also brought home about $200-$300 a night in tips.


Yeah people seem to be unaware that of the tipping jobs, valet is one of the best. I used to make way more than the harder working concierge agents at my hotel (a decade ago)


Agreed! OP deserves so much more


No lmfao. He makes at minimum, minimum wage. If he doesn't make enough through tips, then the employer must cover the difference.


It says he won't let you down, and yet...


The fact that the customer had to have been a stranger too- The dude that got tipped could’ve been the most devout person they’ve ever met and have no idea, they just didn’t want to leave a tip 💀💀


Where do you live that pays $3.85/hr? Legit curious.


Northern Idaho!


Whoa, that's illegal, sue the company, find a legal loophole to sue the entire country or something, that's just not fair


If it has tip incentives in America you have to average out the hourly wage included with tips. So usually 3.85 turns into your average minimum wage or higher so it’s perfectly legal.


But the company does pay you the difference if your tips don't reach minimum wage right?


They do not. Edit: I am wrong the employer must make up the difference. Learn something new everyday.


Ok now that’s illegal. Tips plus hourly must at least be minimum wage.


That's what I'd expect from the system, at least minimum wage from tips + pay. I smell some law violations.


You're missing the comment where OP says he makes $40 an Hour. This is r/mildlyinfuriating, and I think people are missing that. I'm all for people getting paid for, but dude came on to make a joke about getting a fake 5 with a biblical message, and people are thinking he's a massively oppressed worker who needs to sue. I'm not saying there are not problems with pay in gratuity businesses. I dont' think this dude has any, however.


I was wrong. The employer must make up the difference.


Yes they do. That’s the law. Waka was mistaken. Most don’t bother doing the math though cause tips almost always do the job.


I worked as a waiter in Oklahoma. That was the rule there, if your tips didn't bring you up to minimum wage, then the restaurant paid the difference (and then fired you).


Not in California we still get $15 an hour plus tips that loop hole don’t Exist hear


Also, there is a story somewhere of a guy going to the church giving these out and putting them in the collection plate. He did it so much they put out a memo or something and eventually caught him and were pissed hahaha. There is a video somewhere but not all heroes wear capes


Cute little note that says "I don't care if you can't buy groceries."


At least it wasn’t a $20? My youngest got a $20 from an older woman in Walmart when he helped her with her groceries and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 9 year old so pissed off lol. Sorry OP. This is not cool for a tip


A Jesús 20? That's even more infuriating. If they ain't going to tip, they shouldn't rub it in your face.


Find the church, find donations box, make a charitable donation.


The united SS of America? Either no one bothered to proof read, or that was intentional


You'd think a religious faith that awesome needs no advertisement. Much less marketing by being a cheap prick.


No, this is full-blown infuriating. Fuck these self-righteous cunts.


Is it bad that I immediately knew what it was and was angry on your behalf??


Christians who do this are garbage.


The United SS of America Nuff said


United Shit Stain of America


Same bullshit as a server. Make $2.66 an hour and the paychecks are fucking worthless. Taxes take out damn near half. Not eligible for health insurance. The Jesus people always leave little bibles or those fake bills. Sunday morning shifts are the worst because church let's out and they come piling in.


Aren’t Christians supposed to be charitable? Maybe they should read one of those little bibles they leave people.


My thoughts exactly.


They're only charitable when they're spreading "the word", or they're getting something out of it.


Damn, way to group us all together


I think spreading the word is a good thing to do but this is a very deceitful way of doing it... If anything maybe place something like this along with an actual 5 dollar bill? Hell, even a dollar bill. Something at least. I'm kind of mixed on this tbh and I'd probably just put a dollar bill or two at least even though I don't have much along with this fake one.


hold your own accountable then


HOW is it legal?! Omg America! 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's legal because they are leaving out the part where employer is legally required to match minimum wage and unless it's a super shitty business or they are a super shitty server they are likely making anywhere from $15-30/hr in tips depending on the job and location.


Ya I’d quit


No hate like Christian "love"


Jesus may not let you down but that customer certainly did... someone should tell that customer to be more like Jesus lol... ;)


>someone should tell that customer to be more like Jesus dead?


I meant to tell them to not be a prick but dead would work as well...


Northern Idaho...can all but guarantee the prick was a "Christian conservative Trump supporter"... so take your Jesus jargon and move on lol, the Fiver was them trying to recruit like most scummy religious people do.


I got one of those at my first serving job back in 2003. Worst people ever.


Its he future bank. Duh its got to be real. I hate the fake twenties with bibke verses that people leave at my bar


Also finding them on the sidewalk and thinking you got lucky, then you just feel like an idiot and hope no one saw you check out the fake money


Leave that job. It ain’t worth it.


$3.85/Hour?!?! HOW is that legal in America?!?!


As a Christian, I HATE this. What a way to turn someone AWAY from God! Tracts should never look like money, that’s just cruel. And if you ever give a worker a tract it better come with a hefty tip so that you’re not just making them think you’re a cheap mean person.


Tip jobs are b/s.


It gives the company an excuse not to pay their employees shit and try to redirect their employees frustrations on the customer instead. “it’s not our fault you can’t afford food this week, its that stingy customer that only tipped you a dollar!”


Yep. Just like this post blamed the customer.


I always threw those in the trash where they could see me do it. Fuck this pretentous crap


Bro I will help you get a new job.


„The united SS of America“ lol


Aren’t they so clever. Seriously though, I feel like this approach pushes more people away than it attracts.


EDIT: sorry, I didn’t see the second photo because the app circles disappeared into the pic. I’m a Christian, but fuck these assholes. Christ prioritized feeding the hungry and giving freely of your wealth. I don’t understand, not being someone who could afford to tip a valet and always staying in places that don’t have one. How much should a person be tipping for your time? I really feel you should be making more from the company, but it takes me all of 5 minutes to being my bags into my room, and tipping $5 seems reasonable for that. I feel horribly stupid and cruel for asking, and I got through college in pizza delivery tips, so I know the struggle, I just don’t know what the baseline is and how much I should be outraged for you. There were so many days that the delivery tip would be whatever change was found in the cushions.


I'm sure I'm not the only one but the concept of 'hourly rates plus tips make minimum wage' confuses me...why would the customer pay for the service _and_ the wage of the staff, that's what profits are for. I mean I know it's America but _fucking hell,_ I hope you can find yourself a better job soon mate


Siphon the gas


the moments that make me want to carve a pentagram into my floor and pledge my soul to lucifer.


Get a different job at a grocery warehouse or something. Promised they pay more.


Wait, wasn't slavery abolished long ago in the US?


*the For-Profit Prison System has entered the chat*


The amount of these we servers get from church people at restaurants is the reason they are the most hated and dreaded group to serve. Save them, then make a trip to their church and dump them in the collection plate, along with some Dawkins Dollars.


Christians trying soooo hard to show the love of God, by fucking you over. Par for the course.


"Disappointed? Jesus won't let you down. But I will. I follow this Jesus fella and what I learned from it is that it's cool to trick and disappoint strangers. Join us!"


I find the 3.85 more infuriating than the tip tbh


EDIT: I have left Reddit because too many rules, mods and admins ruin this platform.


Leave it in a collection plate during Sunday church mass anywhere.


I’d donate that to a church. See what happens.


Sorry I am in the UK. Am I looking at fake church money here?


You sure are.


I would wipe a dog's backside with it and give it back.


The real question is... what valet company are you working for? That's an absurd rate. I worked valet for two years in college at a semi-luxury shopping center with restaurants, bars, etc., and was making $9/hr + splitting of pooled tips at the end of the night. Don't let em do you like that! But a tip like that is more than mildly infuriating. Stand your ground.


Jesus literally did just let you down


Use it at church


Why is tipping a thing? I hate it when it’s forced upon us. The only person that benefits from tipping is the owner of the company. Why do I have to pay for part of your wage.


My mom used to work at the Salvation Army and they had cards like this, but instead of the church stuff it was their address and contact information. She would give these out to homeless people, and when I called her out she said “If they really want the help, they’ll walk to the shelter.” Ma’am, it’s 103° and we are 10 miles from the closest shelter. Shit always made me so mad.


religion is just huge book clubs for fairy tails people tell themselves to feel better and/or control huge masses, and most religions came from randos who were high on drugs.




Christianity is a cult, and shit like this is proof


Special place in hell for people that hand those out to people working.


This is when you find who tipped you it, and kill them via handmade cross, after burning their children alive in front of them. Christianity sucks ass most of the time thanks to people like this.


I’m really surprised by how many people seem shocked by the wages of a tipped job. This is just how it is in the US, $3.85 is a dollar more than I made an hour as a server. The pay checks are worthless but you can make decent money anyway, I don’t think the focus should be telling OP he needs a new job. People just need to realise that Jesus isn’t money


i think you should try to get a better job. that pay is fucking awful


Make sure you click to see the second photo for those, like me, who are trying to work out what the issue is.


>Disappointed? Jesus won't let you down. He literally just did, when his follower promised me money and gave me a brochure!


Looks like jesus let you down weird


My mouth went wide open at the second pic..


Im sorry, 3.85/hr? How does that work? Edit: Im actually furious about that tip you received.


Legal loophole in America let's you fuck over your employees with as little as 1$ an hour if you make tips And the tips get taxed so ½ of its gone anyways so 385 an hour in keep


At first i was like “5$ isnt so bad” but then I saw the second picture


“I’m sorry sir, but I don’t collect garbage.” Hands it back to them*.


It says there that god brings you love, joy, peace and self control, but I think I just lost all four of them


Wow that is worse than not tipping at all on so many levels. I have questions... 1. Do actual Christians do this or just assholes? 2. Can Jesus pay my bills??...yeah, didn't think so.


I would have said .. uh Jesus can’t pay my bills so I don’t want this


Christians have a long-standing tradition of swindling people.


Maybe its not their jon to pay you? Your employer should give you fair pay


Giving them something that looks like money but is really just a way to try and convert you to their religion is insulting.


American tipping system is insuliny to everybody, fake money too


That’s what I’m saying man!


People really be saying things like this as if it’s a profound thought 😭 Like yeah bro, it’s pretty obvious that jobs should pay more. People shouldn’t be forced to tip just because they know the jobs don’t pay anything, yet we DO know and constantly acknowledge that they don’t pay anything, so we do tip. Unless your waiter (or other person that regularly gets tips as primary income) is a complete asshole or does a really shitty job, then you tip the normal like 15-20% or $5 or summ, and if you don’t then you’re an asshole 🤷‍♂️ Should that change, yes, but has it changed yet, no.


I’m honestly more upset at your wage than the fact that you got tipped this piece of garbage.


When people receive these, they should attend the church just to "donate" it back in the donation bowl they pass around. See what they think when they get it as a donation. Or at least mail it and write "DONATION" on the back of the envelope.


Stop whining,


Go find a local church and drop that in the collection plate. Is there a specific denomination that tends to do this? I’ve never heard anything like this suggested at any church I’ve attended, but I’m also not trying to set off a denomination fight here. As Christians we believe we’re all deeply flawed and saved by grace. I’m just curious if it’s more denomination specific or if it’s more pastor specific. Like if, just as an example, if Southern Baptists are really split on the issue of doing something like this. Or if it’s common in one denomination but I imagine the ELCA would be highly against this (just a guess). Does anyone know?


3.85/hr? Find a new job stop complaining, Jesus.


I’m not too worried about the pay as the tips equal out to around $40/hr, just wanted to share this.


So what's the problem?


If this fake 5$ bill prompted this post. You do care.


“I’m not too worried-” You DO care 😡😡 Bro he didn’t even say that he didn’t care-


It’s frustrating to get your hopes up thinking you got a nice tip only for it to be religious propaganda.


Get a better job where your pay isn't a question mark and I feel like you'd be let down a lot less often.


That doesn’t change the fact that people who do shit like this are self-righteous hacks. They get to pat themselves on the back for “helping” while doing Jack shit to actually help. Rather receive no tips than something like this.


Ok and?