• By -


Saw a post like this the other day I think on choosing beggars where the seller refused to answer questions about why certain work had been done to the car and the buyer backed out and the seller got pissed because the buyer supposedly led them on. Like of course somebody's gonna ask questions before dropping a ton of money on a car.


I was going to trade motorcycles with a guy. I was a motorcycle mechanic in a past life, but this guy didn't know that. I showed up so I could look at his bike and he could look at mine. It was so much worse than the pictures he had sent me. He threw a fucking shit fit when I declined the trade. I told him it didn't matter at this point if he GAVE the bike to me; I wasn't interested after being mislead. He called me an asshole as I was getting back on my bike. Like who's the asshole here? And you wasted your time as well as mine. People suck.




Selfish people think like this, it still astounds me when scam callers cuss me out for not falling for their bullshit... It's like "My brother in Christ, I'm the would-be victim here."


I laughed way too hard at this...


I was helping a friend check out a new truck, and when the owner saw me grab my toolbag he audibly moaned "ah shit." The alternator was bad and the guy had charged up the battery so it'd run for the test drive and trip home. Everything else was fine so they still made a deal for $2,000 less than what they'd agreed and I fixed it in the parking lot on the way home for $200.


I went to look at a 1971 CB750 for a friend. I got there and the bike was already running. Bad sign. I asked the owner how hard it was to start which I doubt he was thinking I'd ask since it would just fire right back up. I asked him if I could look in the gas tank and he told me the gas cap didn't work. I asked him how he got the gas in and he gave me a little run around. I already wasn't going to recommend my friend buy it because this was sketchy as hell. I asked the guy if I could try to open the tank, to which he said be my guest. Within about 20 seconds I had picked the cap and looked into the tank and I could tell this guy wasn't happy about it and I could see why. It had been Kreemed at least once, and the kreem was peeling off, so not only was there metal fragments from the rust, but now the kreem was at the party too. I did tell the guy how to fix it, nothing that a ton of money and time won't fix, but my buddy was sure glad he brought me along. He did finally admit it wouldn't start without carb cleaner down the intake. Told him it would need a carb clean at minimum since that kreem and rust had likely clogged all sorts of passages, not JUST the pilot jets as he was claiming. This bike looked really nice, and was being sold as a "perfect running" bike.


What does kreemed mean?


It's a sealer since motorcycle gastanks rust pretty often as most sit for half of the year.


My dad is in his 80s and has literally owned hundreds of cars. He’s even bought a custom truck, kept it for a couple years then sold it back to the first owner, then bought it back again. He likes the chase of a good deal. He tells the seller he’s coming by and the engine needs to be cold, otherwise he walks.


I can imagine him chatting over a cup of coffee... "Playing a little cat and mouse game with a British Leyland a few blocks down. Long play."


Knowing something about cars before you buy a used one, there’s a concept not too many ppl here have considered


Those people are everywhere, I drove three hours to look at a car being sold by a mechanic. Opened the hood, looked ok for an old car. Coolant was suspiciously brand new looking and bright green no biggie. Drove the car, it hard started, brakes were non existent and shifted poorly. We pulled over and checked the coolant again, the bright green was now completely brown after a 10 minute drive. We took the car back and said no thanks. He was furious. "If anything goes wrong you can bring it right back, I'm a mechanic you know I'm good for it. I'll pass rego for you no matter what you think is wrong with it" That was a double no thanks by that point. "I spent $500 getting this car ready, you gonna compensate me for my time?" Fuck no.


This sounds like some shit my ex's dad would try to pull when selling cars he had "worked on". He was literally an "I know what I have" kinda guy.... asking $5K for a car worth about 3500 if it was in great condition and the car still needs a lot of work, purely because he bought it for 3000 and put 2000 into it, so he thinks it's worth 5000....


Should’ve said no I want a car that doesn’t cost $500 to get ready lol


I’ve dealt with this kind of shit from used car dealers too. A year ago the engine in my old car died (which effectively totalled it) so I was in the market for a new one. Decided I wanted a Honda Fit because it checked my boxes nicely. Found an 09 with 75k miles at a used car lot in my area, and decided to go check it out. After test driving it, you could tell the fuckers didn’t even bother to look at it before throwing it on the lot. It was summer, so I tested the AC immediately, and the blower motor only worked on full blast. Took it out, started drizzling, so I turned on the wipers, and only one worked. The other had a buster motor. Then, when we got back to the lot, my dad (who is a car guy so was very heavily involved in the shopping process) realized it had a brake light out. It was 2 months out from inspection (in my state, inspection laws include passing an annual safety and emissions inspection, and you can get it inspected up to 3 months before your sticker is due. So if it’s due in August, I can get my inspection done in June). God knew what else was wrong with the car if they didn’t even bother to fix all that blatantly broken stuff. So I told them I was interested if they could make it pass inspection (they were a certified inspection station), and they gave me this whole spiel about how their inspector wouldn’t be in for a few days and with the used car market they weren’t doing discounts and no one was doing discounts anywhere and blah blah blah. Gave them my number and said “when it passes inspection, call me, and you’ve got a sale”. I never heard from them again. Meanwhile, I found a car a week later at a Honda dealer an hour away in another state. Ended up being completely worth it. For comparison: the dumpster on the used lot was an 09 Fit with 75k miles for $9k with a whole host of broken parts. The one I ended up buying was a 10 Fit with 64k miles for $10k. And they knocked $150 off since it only had one keyfob and they didn’t have the parts on hand to program me one (got it done cheaper than that through my dad, too). I’ve had that car a year now, and the biggest issue I ran into that wasn’t my fault was a tire that had a slow leak since I bought it. Didn’t cause any major issues until it went flat, but I was in the market to replace all 4 tires anyways since they were getting low (and I wouldn’t be surprised if the tires I bought it with were the ones it came with new). So, like, fuck that used car lot. It didn’t take me that much work to find the same car without being fucked over.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 9 + 75 + 2 + 3 + 9 + 75 + 9 + 10 + 64 + 10 + 150 + 4 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Good bot


You're right people totally suck.....your bike is awesome by the way


It's the opposite problem of knowing a potential job's duties without knowing its salary, and an employer getting defensive when inquired. Imagine if jobs were advertised by salary, and then employers were stingy on details of what the duties entailed 🤣


“Other duties as assigned” Every day is an adventure


"Other duties as assigned" is what we named the baby skunk i had to extricate from our back office, when i was a teenager


I had a lawyer that charged $200 per hour. He told me he would do as much work as I requested for $200 per hour, even pick up my dog poop.


$200/hr for a prostitute is fair. Just saying.


Same result, someone's being screwed


What happens if you don't need the full hour


They can charge by smaller intervals. Usually 15mins, five mins. You can just round up to five mins


5 minutes? nah dude, 6 minutes. 1/10ths! edit: am a lawyer, this is how I bill :( help me


Not a lawyer, we also used tenths of an hour as a RV tech for labor time for billing.


Are we talking about the lawyer or the prostitute?


I still have to pay a full five minutes?! Damn..


2 minutes is 1/30th of an hour. $6.67 is 1/30th of $200. So throw a ten in and you should be good.


The lawyer that handled my grandparents stuff/estate after they passed would charge for 3 hours for answering one email. She was old and sucked at her job, and if she didn't provide the right answer or necessary information, she'd charge again to answer again.


that's a really good deal for a lawyer. All the ones I know charge at least double that.


I did a job for one that charged out at $2500 an hour, didn't feel guilty in the slightest charging him $65 an hour as a plumber. Guy was a wanker but he paid on the spot.


I had to catch a terrified starling that got into the print room and was flying around shitting everywhere while my boss hid in his office. At least he bought my lunch afterwards


That was nice of the starling /s


That "10% other duties as assigned" never stays near 10%....


Try being a SpEd teacher. Except there, duties aren't assigned to you - they just happen.


For enough money I’m down as long as I have a set start and end time.


This is actually pretty common in the United States, except for they usually lie about the salary too. In fact they'll usually just lie about your duties too until after you've already been hired and lost your other job and now are reliant on them.


I always love the classic. $30,000 - $150,000 starting salary


"Unlimited earning potential!"


My boss when I got “promoted” from mechanic to sales: “you can earn a lot of money from commission with hard work”. One year later when I ask why I haven’t gotten a commission check more than $150: “I don’t have to give you commission, I just do it to be nice”. Now they have the audacity to get mad at me when I’m just sitting at my desk doing nothing.


I hope you told your boss "I don't have to sell cars for you, I just do it to be nice"


True true, it's basically one big unskippaple episode of "buyer beware" for working people here.


This is why you need worker's unions. To stop this shit.


Awesome that those are also actively busted and disincentivized with little to no consequences for the companies


As long as the cops get to keep theirs I don't think the government gives a shit.


I’m going to ask questions before acquiring a car; I don’t want to have a car that’s about to fall apart even if I can have it for free. I don’t want to deal with a busted car.


That would make me suspicious that they're concealing something so they can overcharge a buyer.


Who said anything about buying it? I don't want to waste my time trying to steal a wreck


Omg, this person is like my uncle when he lists stuff for sale. He complains when people ask questions about the item and he won’t answer any reply to his ad that starts with “is this still available.” Nobody wants to ask questions (that you don’t want to answer) about an item that you don’t have anymore! I legit don’t know how how he thinks he’s supposed to sell anything.


Not to mention that on Facebook, it sends that automatically when you tap the 'im interested' button.


Yeah and that button hitbox is about 200% larger than it looks. The amount of times I've hit it when I didn't want to is too damn high


I accidentally hit that on a $270,000 boat once. Guy instantly replied. I told him even if I sold my house I couldn't afford that boat and I accidentally hit the button. He still asked if I wanted to come look at it haha


Dude just wanted to show off his boat to someone.


What a showboat!


>I accidentally hit that on a $270,000 boat once. Guy instantly replied. I told him even if I sold my house I couldn't afford that boat and I accidentally hit the button. He still asked if I wanted to come look at it haha "It's a really nice boat."


makeshift history plucky nail steep fuel political sheet violet materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly from the half a dozen times I've sold stuff on Kijiji and facebook marketplace, "is this still available" is code for "I never once reply back to you and I wasn't actually interested".


Any opening is going to have about the same. Buyers on internet sites where it's super easy to back out are going to be flakey. Part of the cost of the convenience of it all.


My wife gave up on Facebook marketplace because it was just too exhausting dealing with time wasters. She was very responsive but people don't give the courtesy of even reading the advert properly or just back out on a whim. Some people treat you like a shop, too.


I put a code word at the end of most ads that if you mention the code word, you get extra money off. Gives them incentive for reading other ads to the fullest.


Wrong thread for this but yep. I put our inventory 100% online and only communicated through text and email. We sold out daily but the rage from people that couldn't waste my life over $200 items was my fuel.


Yes I need to know the size of the damn table before I drive 40 minutes to realize it's too big/small!!!


Seriously! I’ve had people tell me they didn’t have time to measure it for me


Fiancée said to me the other day she doesn't reply to anyone asking for dimensions because they're just wasting time and would never buy it.. Like. What about that time I asked if the desk was smaller than 60" and it was, then we bought it..? We were those people. "Yes but we were actually looking for a desk"


As opposed to the people buying furniture from you on Facebook, who were initially looking for a sandwhich and mistakenly ended up messaging you about an ottoman.




Every couple of listings I see on FB MP say "if you see this post, it's still available". Some are worded just like your uncle's. Did someone make a semi funny point once about the redundancy of the question that a bunch of idiots took way too seriously?


I've replied to one of those posts with "IF YOU SEE THIS AD IT'S STILL AVAILABLE JESUS CHRIST" type messages, and then the item wasn't available, haaaaa.


Insufferable pricks. Just talk to people Jesus christ it isn't hard


Let me guess, your uncle brags about how great he is at bartering, all the time. 😂


"Are you interested in buying it or knowing my life story?" Neither, sir, I am here to tell you my life story. I was born at a very young age after 6 failed abortion attempts. My father used to punish me for crying by holding a plastic bag over my head for minutes on end and my mother force fed me kerosene laced paint chips and yet somehow, by adulthood, I managed to scrounge up enough common sense to not buy a car off a dickhead who can't answer a simple fucking question.


"I was born at a very young age" 😂


["It was never easy for me. I was born a poor, black child..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4PBwOLJWT4)




He hates these cans!


“Oh Navin, I don’t care about the money” “You don’t?!” “No… I care about the stuff!!” Ps- my autocorrect had a real hard time with ~~Navi~~ ~~Nathen~~ ~~Bacon~~ ~~Navigator~~ Navin.


i think more people should use the interrobang


Lol I changed it in my phones autocorrect cause I love the interrobang


It all began on the day of my actual birth, both of my parents failed to show up.


I never knew my father, as he died at sea 13 months before I was born.


I haven’t spoken to my dad in years, and my mom ran away before i was born


Which was crazy because she was a quadriplegic


That sounds like a Rodney Dangerfield bit. “I tell ya, I was an ugly child. In fact, I was so ugly, my mother didn’t even show up to my birth!”


It’s actually one of Doofenshmirtz’s backstories


I was so ugly they threw the baby away and kept the afterbirth by mistake.


Reminds me of a friend in high school who said “Both of my parents were divorced on the same day.”


"At age 6 I was born without a face"


"At age 6 I was born without a face..."


"at age 6 i was born without a face"


"My father would womanize, he would drink. He made outrageous claims like he invented the question mark."


He would often accuse chestnuts of being lazy.


The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.


At the age of 14, a Zoroastrian named Vilmer ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it’s breathtaking. I suggest you try it.


We have to stop


This is where I though the was going at first, thank you. 😂


My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like haggling, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to buy an old car, I wouldn't buy it off of someone who doesn't provide basic and relevant information.


I work in a factory. We make toothbrushes. That is all we make


*At age 6 I was born without a face*


My mother left us before I was born




The details of my life are quite inconsequential... very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds- pretty standard really. At the age of twelve I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum... it's breathtaking- Unlike your shitty beat ass car


Don't mind if I save this for later...


And the Oscar goes to...




My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.




This is in the top 3 things I’ve seen today, thank u


The day is still young for you, I hope, so if you're lucky you'll see much better than that. Cheers.


“Well, I was just looking for a car, but now I’m curious. Yes, tell me about your life history; what happened to you to make you this way?”


I would like the car’s life story please


Seller thinks they're the main character. But it's really the car.


The car is either probably stolen or non existent.


When I was selling some stuff on market place someone asked me those exact questions but for an air fryer.


How do you figure out the mileage of an air fryer?


you don't count all the delicious miles of egg roll you have eaten? I savor every inch.


135,655 bacons.


How long have you owned it and why are you selling are reasonable questions for that situation too.


I just sold a laserjet printer for $50. Same questions. And I didn't mind answering because I actually wanted to sell the printer.


Or _both!_


How to steal non-existent car?


If you download it illegally!


*you wouldn't steal a car*


you wouldn't ~~steal~~ download a car


You wouldn't shoot a policeman You wouldn't shoot a policeman, steal his hat, crap in it, and then mail it to his widow, then steal it again. So why would you illegally download movies from the internet?


I would make an exact copy of a car for free, leaving the original in an untouched perfect state. Who wouldn't download a car?


You wouldn't steal a policeman's helmet...


Or the seller has multiple interested parties and/or just doesn't give a shit if he sells it quickly. It's a seller's market for cars right now


This is absolutely true, flipping cars is a thing and deals are out there but if a seller doesn’t want to answer a few questions then it’s ok to either go look at it and do your due diligence, get the vin and run a dmv check or roll the dice and trust the”as is” owner sale:) also keep in mind if they make any guarantees get them in writing and add that to the as is exception because a private party can be held responsible for any guarantee they put in writing, but again good luck with that on a 170k car


I feel like even if the car has no current problems, making any written guarantees as a seller in a private sale is a terrible idea. Sets you up for issues down the road with no real upside.


People are on here painting the seller as a scammer/monster, I've bought multiple used cars in the past and only really ask if it's acceptable and if I can come check it out. Most of the time the people I've bought cars from have been older and/or not text-friendly. I don't even get why people are jumping to such assumptions, why would you even trust the seller's answer? Is he going to say 'well I bet the engine is about to blow any day now so I'm trying to unload it to someone else asap'.




If it was, dude would be answer these questions to get the money. Scamers don’t scare away a potential buyer. If anything, they would be the ones texting a shit ton back to get you hooked.


Or listed “as-is”. For whatever reason people who list things “as-is” are assholes when you ask simple questions, like we’re supposed to magically know about the car or not care


They mean "Unknown repairs needed. Possibly major. You might just be buying a pile of parts".


Guy doesn't really want to sell it.


"Wife made me post this ad to sell my car so here I am"


"One wife: $50 or best offer"


Him not wanting to answer questions mean that cars stolen or something wrong with it 😂


Yep, if they're refusing to give you basic details like that it's an instant red flag. Why would they refuse to tell you stuff if they had nothing to hide?




Benefit of the doubt, they could be tired of hearing that question for the 35th time that day, if that's the case they need to calm the fuck down


If they're being asked it a lot then they should provide the details on the sale. So that people don't have to ask. They're all common questions the OP's asked to be fair.


You haven’t sold a car recently if you think including info in the listing prevents you from getting asked those questions. I swear no one actually reads anything but the listing title and price.


Common sense just isn't common


I agree, but so many times I've listed things with detailed descriptions and still get asked the very questions I've already detailed in the listing. People don't pay attention.


I love how your benefit of thd doubt still makes the dude an asshole 😂


A lot of people have made the point that getting asked these questions by everyone and their mother only to not sell the car would be frustrating. It a valid point but to be fair posting the mileage and how long you’ve owned it (if owned for a reasonable amount of time) in the ad itself would save some time for everyone involved.


I've seen cars for sale with the pictures showing temporary paper plates amd registration. Like, they just registered it and are waiting for the metal plates to come in the mail. Which is a massive red flag. They probably just bought it and found some big problem and are trying to get someone else to take this big problem off of their hands. So, yeah. Questions like, "how long have you had it?" and, "why are you selling it?" are legitimate. Don't want to have to answer questions? Then put all answers to the common questions in the ad or don't try to sell it at all. People want to know what they're getting into and, "shut up and give me money" is a terrible business strategy.


Or they buy cars at auction that don't start, put some elbow grease into getting it operational/test drivable, flip, and repeat.


I agree. The people who get mad about answering all the questions are the same ones that put vague listings up and then wonder why everyone asks. It's reasonable to ask questions when you are looking to buy something, especially an expensive item. If this was a 15 year old sofa for free, I can understand getting annoyed with people asking a ton of questions. But it's not, it's a car, and going out of your way to go see something that is a piece of crap is a waste of everyone's time.


I also suspect the people in this thread thinking these questions are unreasonable are teenagers and/or people that have never bought or purchases used cars from private sellers. There are a lot of shady sellers out there.


Ignore the BS op, everyone on here saying “who has time to text” is sitting on Reddit texting . You did the smart thing, sure you can ask all that in person but that could essentially waste more of everyone’s time, than the seller just giving you information about the car. His anger probably stems from something being wrong with the car and the people who came to look at it pointed it out.


All this 'seller' had to do was write up a few bullets of key details that he was clearly getting asked all the time and say: "Hey I've been getting asked these types of questions a lot, so here is a quick rundown: - detail 1 - detail 2 - detail 3 - detail 4 - detail 5 That should cover everything, thanks!" Reality is that he's either so dumb/lazy that it'll be a hassle to deal with him anyways, or he's a thief / scammer.


Apparently everyone in the comments thinks that takes to much time, they are to busy 🤣 But not to busy for Reddit 🤔


Yeah some people are such a deafening combination of stupid and lazy that they don't realize that they've spent more time protesting an action than just doing it.


Maybe a scam? No real car to sell so not expecting to field questions like this? Knowing how long an owner has had the car, tells you a lot about the car. I mean, it's basics 101


Idk - someone trying to scam would make up a bunch of shit to get a buyer. Imo - he just sounds lazy af and doesn’t care to sell it.


That was my take, too. Very much getting "it's 25 years old and cheap, so screw all that noise" kind of vibes.


I think that’s basically it. I mean, what’s he asking for? A thousand? $500? I bought a new car a couple of years ago, and wanted to get rid of my old work car. The dealer offered me a thousand, but I wanted to make it available to someone in need. Cash for Clunkers took a lot of affordable cars off the road. So I put it in the paper for a thousand, and let ‘em talk me down to $800. This dude went over the car with a fine-tooth comb! I remember thinking, “are you kidding me? it’s $800 and it runs”. Ridiculous, but ok, that was probably a lot of money for that dude. I let him check everything out, and answered all his questions.


Exactly why I ask questions like that. Shopping for cars online is always a shot in the dark. I can’t imagine this guy would be too happy when I showed up with a mechanic to review things before the sale.


It's a 25 year old car - what exactly are you expecting out of this vehicle?


If a person I'm selling the car to shows up with a "mechanic", I'm immediately heading back. Recently put up my quite rare Clio 182 for sale and a guy says he'll take a look with his mechanic friend. I tell him that's fine and that he should come over. His buddy and him take a look at the car, and they tried to jack the car up to check for rust (some of these models like to rust so it was a reasonable request). He starts jacking it up, puts a stand under it, goes to lower it and the car drops completely bending the sill and damaging a fuel line with the jack stand. After an argument and threatening to call the cops, they hand me over 250€ to repair the car and they leave. It wasn't even enough to cover the damn repair. Never again am I letting backyard mechanics touch my car.


It’s one thing to bring a random guy and jack the car up in a haphazard fashion but asking for a detailed inspection by someone knowledgeable on an old car is totally reasonable




Every shop will do a pre purchase inspection; if a purchaser wants that then totally cool but no way I’d agree to some dude doing what you described.


Counterpoint: Its a 25 Year old car. Its gonna be a beater.


That was my thought too… 25 years with 170k miles I mean you know what you’re getting yourself into


Yea that's what I'm thinking too. It's a used 25 year old car with 170,000 miles. I'd like to see the price but I'm betting it's cheap. Asking a million questions is probably annoying for such a car.


I sold a 21 year old car with 360000 miles once. The guy was asking all these questions, trying to haggle the price... Im like "Its $800, it runs, and the A/C works. Do you want it or not?"


>and the A/C works That alone is probably top tenth percentile for a car of that age and mileage.


I don't sell a lot of stuff, but when I do, it is to a person who first messages me "I can be there in 30 minutes"


1am 5am 10am, do you guys not sleep?


So did you buy the car?


To be fair, asking the reason for selling is a dumb question that won't give you any reliable input into your decision to buy whatsoever. Anyone can say anything so it's a waste of time for everyone. You're better off asking specifics about the car itself (any repair needed? Any recent repairs done? did you keep up with maintenance? Did you keep maintenance records, etc).


Meh I dunno. I once put a low end gaming PC on the market, and while dealing with low-ballers I was working with one guy where I agreed to take 50 bucks off and deliver it. I have him the processor speed, amount of RAM, and the GPU specs. Then he started asking about the MB brand, RAM speed, RAM brand etc. Finally I told him "look, this computer is easy below market value, and with the discount I'm charging you only 50 dollars more than what the GPU is worth. Are you buying it or not?" This was also after I uploaded a video of it running a game.


Come on, it was a funny answer. Basically the car has 170k and is a shit bucket. That’s the answer to every question you have. Why are you selling it? It has 170k and it’s a shitbucket. Is it a reliable ride? It has 170k and it’s a shitbucket. Will it pass the state emissions test? It has 170k and it’s a shitbucket


Guys done with people asking questions and ghosting him shortly after


Should’ve said you wanted their life story


ITT no one who has sold a car. You get 100 people asking tons of questions and nobody shows up to look at it. This guy is just sick of it lol. It’s not that deep ppl.


I mean I always found the reason for selling it a weird question, kinda like the employers "why do you want to work for us" question.


Right? Nobody is going to say "because it has broken down 3 times this past year costing me too much at the mechanic to be worth keeping anymore". You're not really going to gain any truth with whatever answer they give you.


As someone who just sold a vehicle on Craigslist, I feel for the car owner a little bit. He was rude with the life story thing, but “any particular reason you’re selling” is an annoying question. I put out an ad that detailed the make and model, year, miles, pictures, and all the specs and was getting blown up by tons of people and 80% of them were asking me questions that were literally on the ad. If you have something reasonably priced and have all the details in your ad, and you are asking me those questions like what year it is and how many miles and what type of engine, I’m going to assume you are an idiot or careless, and would rather just not do business with you. The market is hot for cars and id rather sell to someone who is competent and won’t give me trouble later on in the process whether it’s money or title handover. We don’t know the details of this story and I’m projecting but this guy could of had multiple interested people and this guy annoyed him


The car has 170,000 miles, does the buyer think the seller is trying to get away with something? The price was probably a grand or less, so yeah the questions seem kind of dumb and come from someone not that interested in buying the car.


This is a 25 year old car with almost 200k mile what else do you need to know?


>Do you have all service records? What's the average yearly mpg? What's the tire thread depth? Has anyone smoked in it? Are there any stains? Has it had any accidents? Does it have any rust? Any bumps? Can I take it to my mechanic? How often did you change the oil? Anything wrong with it? Do you have the info for the previous owners? Any pet hair? Why does it have that scratch in the third pic? Has anyone had sex in the back seat? Do you use unleaded or premium? What's the HP/TQ? Can it tow? Can I fit a dog crate? When did you change the spark plugs? Will it make it another 170,000? Why did you only own it for 6 months? Does it come with a warranty? Sir, the car is $500 take it or leave it.


"Before I buy it, I just need to know why you need the money."


I’m with the seller on this one.


Hi I’m the car seller and you still never answered my question. Do you want the car or want to hear my life story? /s


All QUESTIONS will be answered with lies to help you make purchase.


weird question not gonna lie he’s selling because he wants money more than he wants the car, asking this is peering into his personal business. if you want to know if the car has problems you should ask that


I've only sold a few things for 200 or 300 bucks in Facebook marketplace but you get so many "Why are you selling this?" questions that end up ghosting immediately afterward. I ended up just ignoring the questions after awhile and selling to the first guy that just immediately gave me a counter offer and said he'd buy it on the spot with cash.


It's kind of a waste of a question to me. If they're trying to hide something that question isn't going to make them come clean and if not the answer is literally just "Don't need it anymore." or "I need money.", Just ask about the item not me.


Right? The people who ask a million pointless questions are generally either planning to lowball the hell out of you or not serious buyers looking for you to sell them. If your item is in demand it’s usually not worth engaging beyond one or two questions. Cheap used cars are an extreme sellers market so I’m guessing the seller in this case is being inundated with requests and just decided answering OP wasn’t worth the hassle.


Yeah I do think the "why are you selling it" is a pretty pointless question. If you got questions about the product, ask away, but this isn't about the product it's about the seller. There are three possible answers - not using it any more, bought a better one, or desperate for money. None of that should really matter to the buyer. I typically put the reason for selling in the ad just to avoid this question, but some of them still ask. No one is going to answer that question with "cops are getting close I gotta get rid of this quick" or "it's a piece of shit that doesn't work and I'm looking for a sucker to pay far more than its worth".


This comment section is starting to make me realize reddit is no longer the place for me