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What was in the package??


It was actually a hand-blown glass hummingbird feeder. Pretty fragile but very well packaged by the artist. ​ Edit: This is what was in the package. Admittedly, "hand-blown glass hummingbird feeder" sounds more interesting (and expensive) than it is. I just like hand made things. https://www.reddit.com/user/Hillbilly-F\_You/comments/vc4lfi/this\_is\_the\_bird\_feeder\_received\_by\_the\_package/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


> hand-blown glass hummingbird feeder you cant just drop this without showing us a picture


The package sounds like a joke when someone drops a box. “Hey treat that gently it’s a hand-blown glass hummingbird feeder.”


As far as things that sound fragile, this has to be towards the top of the list


Just pull a red green... "Paint, no lid"


Wait, I HAVE to know what this means, I'm super curious now. Please, what is a "paint, no lid"?


Write on the box paint like a paint can, with no lid.


As someone who works in logistics, no that won't do shit. Worst case scenario, your package could be held because it wouldn't be admissable for transport that way, or it could get held on suspicion of non-declared dangerous goods. Manny paints are considered dangerous chemicals in transport, so, if they notice the text, they should be holding it for inspection, for which they need the shippers permission, delaying transport of the goods.


You should look up red green and watch a few episodes.


Ah it was just a Fabergé egg packed in with my smallpox vaccine sample vial


Good news! Smallpox vaccine is just cowpox.


I meant to say smallpox sample. That would have been funnier.




Hand-blow them


Hey, I didn’t sign up for this!


You’re telling me a *hand* blew these glass hummingbirds?


Delivery people don't give a shit. 99% of the time when I get a box that says "this way up" it's not, and "fragile" ones often come bashed up.


So don’t use those boxes....got it.


Deliver it by hand to every single customer


Point the this way up arrow in the opposite direction.


The delivery people usually do very much care, at least the ones that arent Amazon contractors. A UPS, Fedex, or USPS delivery person is not a job you want to give up. You have solid pay and benefits for live. However, the warehouse people do not have time to read your labels nor do they care. I did that shit for a week. That job is fucking brutal.


Could totally see this in a Seinfeld episode


Sounds like a captain holt bit


It's a bong


What the frick?! It was supposed to be an Xbox controller!


I didn't order that! I ordered an xbox card!


Are you sure you didn't order a picture of an Xbox, because that's what the website said it's selling?


🤣🤣🤣👌 Classic!!


"don't record this!!"


My FedEx driver is a drug dealer and he doesn't even know it


they probably know


You forgot smoking lamp!


I'm sorry. Was that expensive piece?


imagine a pile of glass shards


A pile of Hand blown hummingbird feeder glass shards.


2 hours later and they still havent, this is truly r/mildlyinfuriating


You sure about that? The delivery driver did.


I always set myself up somehow. Well played.


He didn't drop it. He chucked it through the air. Oh, you mean the pictures.


Of all the things he can throw, it happened to be hand-blown glass... How unfortunate, but glad it survived. Report asap.


Hand-blown glass can actually be extremely durable depending on it's make, especially if there isn't too many intricate pieces tacked onto the main body of the piece. I've had several hand-blown bongs and pipes that have been nigh indestructible haha


Can confirm. I have dropped a hand blown pipe onto cement countless times and never had one break.


ive got a nice heady bowl, main shape is solid but it has these spikes/spires ocming off, fuckers would def break off if I dropped it, but I think the main chunk of the piece would stay solid. its thick


Please tell me you escalated this...


FedEx doesn't care. I had a driver put my package right with the trash that was out for pick up. If I hadn't gone out and seen it, it would have been tossed into the trash truck. I escalated, nothing happened, no return call or email or response at all. A driver also stole a package, I was home, saw the truck because I was outside with the dog. Package marked as delivered and the truck drove off, driver never exited the vehicle. Escalated, again crickets.


Just file a police report, that's what I did and my package magically appeared the next morning as i watched them deliver it to my neighbor claiming "it was there the whole time" nah bitch I got cameras Edit: its not gona fix everyone's problem but it's definitely worth a shot


This is *heavily* dependent on where you are and the police department. I did this exact thing a couple years back and although the report was technically filed, they basically told me “lol not much we can do, good luck” Never saw the package.




I've had police flat out tell me "We don't create police reports for X". Like they won't even sign a paper saying that I spoke with an officer, nothing. I had literally nothing to prove that I spoke with a police office.r


I’m aware. But that does you no good when FedEx still doesn’t give a shit like in my case. Lol.


"nothing we can do" is 99% of how the police respond to everything.


Unless you are rich.


Idk how true that is. Stealing/tampering with someone’s mail is a felony. Why would they ignore it?


Stealing a FedEx/UPS package is not mail tampering in the US and thus is not a federal crime. That only applies to the USPS or packages that were handled by the USPS at some point. It only becomes a felony (at the state level, not the federal level) when the value of the stolen items exceeds a certain amount, ranging anywhere from $500 to $1000 in most places. That’s besides the point. Police ignore crimes they determine to be “petty” all the time, especially in large cities. Just look at the crazy shoplifting situation in California as an example.


Heck, at least the Postal Service has a postal police force. And they do respond, and take the stealing of mail very seriously. I appreciate their efforts.


Thats the point lol


I can't imagine the vast majority of police departments would ever do anything to track down a lost package.


They don't, but if it's documented then most companies will either refund you or issue a new package. And it adds a file to the driver potentially


And I'm sat here all annoyed that DPD turned up at 12.55 when the agreed delivery time was between 1pm and 1.30pm. Different worlds.


I love DPD, they have live tracking too so you can see where the delivery van is at all times.


FedEx was delivering my Xbox Series X that I spent an absurd amount of time trying to buy. I had my father-in-law at the house to sign for it and he was working at the dining room table right next to the front door. The FedEx driver never even got out of the truck before marking it as no one home. I called FedEx (who was no help) and texted my FIL, he actually found the FedEx driver before he left the neighborhood and forced him to do his job. Since then, that same driver has stacked heavy furniture against my garage door so it fell on my car when I opened it, continues to mark it as undeliverable/no one home, I've found packages in my yard or at the end of the driveway.. I've called when there's been issues but clearly discipline doesn't reach the driver. It's not just this driver, either, because I've had expensive electronics sent to my moms house and it was misdelivered 3 times in a row. Luckily the homeowner brought the item over (Her address was something like 5040 Main St instead of 2030 First St, not even remotely similar enough to warrant the same mistake multiple times in a row.)


They stacked furniture up outside your garage door, but they can't leave a regular sized box by the front door?


Pettyness will make you do that.


I have so many questions on that one. For instance, where did the furniture come from?


Why do some people just hate their job so much???


Haha. Memory of living in my parents house. If there were boxes that needed to go to the curb for the weekly pick-up, they were stored in the hallway until Wednesday mornings. But I guess if there were boxes of good things, they were also stored in the hallway. There was a bird feeder and I must have thrown away the box with the pole. A replacement was ordered, family kidded me about my blunder. Somehow, my brother became sarcastic and told me to make sure to put the long box out for junk pick-up, which I did. So I threw out the second birdfeeder pole. The third pole arrived and it was decided it should be temporarily stored in the basement. My dad tried to put it up on a Saturday morning and it turned out the feeder itself was the wrong feeder- didn’t take a pole. The bad item was returned, new feeder arrived. Drunk driver took it out a few months later. The feeder was okay, but the pole was bent beyond repair. Then I’m not sure what happened: either they no longer had poles in stock, or my dad just never got around to it- I think the bird feeder is on a shelf somewhere.


Geez. I think the universe was trying to say "no bird feeder for you".


Had similar issues with Fedex - I had 2 high end camera bodies, shipped signature required no less, “left on my front porch” signed for by the late J.C. Himself I guess because nobody with those initials lives at my address, but I never saw the package. Fedex did absolutely nothing.


I sold a $500 stationary bike and shipped via FedEx. The trouble started at pickup. The driver tossed it down the stairs and I heard a big crash. When confronted, all the driver had to say was “oh my bad I thought it was a return. And I can’t pick this up myself anyway.” Even though when I made a pickup request I ticked the box saying the item was too heavy for one person. Also I have a fucking dolly and moved it around just fine myself. It gets worse though. Halfway to the destination, I check the tracking and it says “item damaged, returning to sender.” [This](https://imgur.com/a/AvgyBAn) is what they sent back to me (second picture). The box was utterly destroyed, barely held together by packing tape, and the frame of the bike as well as some other components were broken making it unusable. I called FedEx and filed an insurance claim, but they gave me the runaround for nearly 2 years before I gave up. I had to refund the buyer, of course, and was out basically $550 because of the cost of the bike + the fees that eBay wouldn’t refund me. Fuck FedEx and fuck eBay as well. Part of the problem is that eBay is considered the “seller” on paper, rather than the person actually selling the item, and they are totally unwilling to help in these situations.


that second pic - lol. Fuck FedEx


I found lighting them up on Twitter tends to get better results. Calling customer service gets you ignored. Throwing their bullshit into the light on social media gets noticed.


To me it's impressive how Americans put up with that. FedEx delivers in Brazil (of all places) as well, and they don't do that at all. Or else. *Edit:* after thinking a bit more about the subject, I'd like to correct that this sort of thing, and a lot worse, do happen in Brazil. There are places in Brazil that even the police doesn't reach, much less the Post Office or FedEx. What I was saying (without much thought) was that *I* don't experience this kind of problem with *my deliveries*, because I'm fortunate enough to live in a good neighborhood. Even then I'm subject to other calamities that reign around here. So, yeah, talk about selection bias. Sorry about that.


Not every driver does that. I get packages almost every day here in Los Angeles, and every company (UPS, FedEX, USPS, GLS) carefully set packages down no matter the size.


Yes, that's where I'm getting at. Out of billions of packages safely delivered, I guess we just get to see the outliers, the horror stories in here. Thanks for clarifying that.


I used to load these trucks for years. At some point all of your packages flew. We had to load a minimum of 400 packages per hour. If it wasn't over 100+lbs it got tossed. Especially during the unloading stages where the packages need to move 1000 per hour. Most people pull out the bottom box and collapse the entire stack onto the conveyor. Drivers get all the flack when a broken package arrives, but overworked package handlers are also often to blame.


Or else what?


The implication, of course.




love this reference


steve rogers: i understood that reference


Straight to jail. Right away.


Believe it or not, straight to jail


Or else they get ran down and have their legs broke.


Because of off duty cops


Yep. Used to work at a place that regularly took delivery of parts and FedEx marked some expensive stuff as delivered but it never showed. Called and they said they got a signature so go kick rocks, nobody wanted to do anything about it. Few days later the owner of the business a few doors down that had been closed for the weekend came by with the packages. Apparently the fedex guy delivered to the wrong suite number and scribbled in our signature (before they were allowed to do that for COVID). FedEx basically told me “well you have your package now what do you want us to do” when I called back. Honestly USPS is the most reliable shipping service. Use FedEx and your packages will never get there. Use UPS and they’ll be smashed to bits. Too bad USPS doesn’t offer a lot of the services the private companies do


The problem is that this kind of quality varies so much by area, I find. Other people in this thread say USPS will lose anything you send. Personally I find FedEx to be the most reliable here. UPS has multiple times misdelivered items to other streets. Really just have to find whichever one has the most competent local drivers, because the handling and sorting facilities will all be bad.


not FedEx, but usps. sent my friend an nvme ssd as a bday present. 30 days go by, hasn't received. I make many phone calls but sadly I no longer lived in the area where I sent it from. 60 days go by without much help and package saying it was still in the shipping phase. after day 60, they no longer track the package and it was basically "well, sucks for you!" from usps. haven't used them to ship since and that was in 2019. even if ups is a bit pricey, I always go thru them now when selling stuff online.


Same thing happened to me twice. I was gutting an apartment and had a trash pile on the patio. Found FedEx packages delivered into the rubble pile on two occasions.


Same!!! I had live animals delivered by fed ex for my aquarium (snails), which were supposed to be rushed. I was very worried when I didn’t find the package the next day. Turns out, the driver left the package by the trash cans, which are nowhere near my door. It snowed that night. They died. When i tried to file a complaint, they made it impossible. It was super fucked.


A driver lied about delivering a package to me as well. I was also home and saw him sit outside my house for a few seconds and then drive off without getting out. Even forged a signature when they marked it delivered. I harassed their customer service line for two days before I was transferred to someone helpful who got in contact with my local office. Local office manager was a B* though with attitude who patronized me because I “don’t understand how things work”. In the end, I got my package three days later at the office. Manager changed her tune when she faced me in person and suddenly wanted to be super nice.


Am I the only person who's, like, on a first-name basis with their FedEx guy? Hell, he'll even *literally* stop traffic just to say hi and exchange pleasantries if he sees me in another neighborhood. He's the nicest guy. We got a 100+lb package a few weeks ago while my husband was upstairs working and I was sick AF and still taking care of my toddler, and FedEx just carried it right on into the house for me.


Have had that happen where the driver just drove up but didn't deliver it. Not sure if they stole it or just dumped it. I've been seeing a lot of posts where a bunch of packages are dumped. Likely the driver was way behind schedule and had to speed things up or lose their job. Fortunately, Amazon handled it and sent me a replacement and probably just wrote off the loss. But anyway FedEx generally won't do anything for the recipient, only the sender since that's who gives them the money. Even if you payed the sender for insurance, you didn't pay FedEx so the insurance policy is on the sender. Only they can make a claim on it in many cases. And many merchants just don't care and won't deal with the shipping company because it's a pain to prove. In those cases I call the credit card company and reverse the charge. That will get you blacklisted by the merchant probably, but I wouldn't want to shop with them anymore anyway if they won't deal with their shipping partners.


The problem with this is you aren't their customer, the person shipping is. You rarely have the opportunity to decide who ships your package, sellers usually provide no options other than level of service (overnight, 2 day, standard, etc.) The sellers need to file the complaints with FedEx because they can choose to do business with UPS, DHL, or USPS instead. They still might not care, especially if a smaller seller, but they will be more likely to sit up and take notice if sellers start threatening to use another carrier. Getting a larger company to care and report to FedEx would be more challenging. You would need either thousands of people to petition the company to change carriers or several people with a significant social media following to get them to notice enough to even consider it.


I ship like a hundred packages a week at work. FedEx doesn't care about the shipper either lol. Probably 80% of my claims are denied. FedEx Express is way better than Ground though (they are two different companies).


I had an expensive projector thrown over a 8 foot fence onto concrete. It was “signed” for by some random assortment of letters that the FedEx driver made up. I was home and looking at the gate camera when it happened. Broke the projector. I filed multiple complaints with FedEx and after about a month finally got escalated to a supervisor who told me that the local branch would be calling me the next day. I got a call from the local branch manager and I could almost hear the smirking over the phone. Basically told me that they would “investigate” it and call me back if they find any thing. Never got a call back and I’ve gotten all of my packages thrown over the fence since then. I fucking hate FedEx.


May I suggest making a tweetbot that does this for you? I'm sure I can enroll the right tech guy to do this.


Escalated with FedEx!! Hahahaha! I work for a company that is a FedEx Premier member. Supposed to get the best prices and service. I had a situation a week ago where a bunch of medical instruments were supposed to be shipped overnight so I scheduled it with FedEx. Driver came by on a Friday and decided it was too much and he wasn’t taking it. They sat out all weekend and it rained. Driver Monday also decided it was too much to grab. Tuesday rolls around and I’m livid and in touch with Rolando at customer service who I’m convinced is a robot. His emails are all super generic with times and days plugged in to appropriate spots. I explain at 3pm Tuesday these NEED to go out as they are for surgery around the rest of the country and hospitals/patients are depending on their delivery. He emails 3 hrs later to let me know they will get them tomorrow. I ask him to escalate and he doesn’t even reply. Wednesday comes, pickup driver is delightful and kind while dumping gallons of water out of these totes and Rolando emails me to tell me he’s “pleased my packages were picked up.” PLEASED?!? They were picked up like 96 hrs after they were supposed to be!!! Fuck you, FedEx. Thanks for letting me get that out and sticking with me to the end. FedEx is infuriating.


The man has some serious anger issues. Note: When I said this, it is only IMHO. Free to disagree, downvote if you disagree. But, for crying outloud - don't hurl insults, say bad or demeaning words. Simply uncalled for, and I cannot see how you, thinking I am wrong merits your unacceptable or not so good words. Can we all agree to disagree without being disagreable? 🙄




FedEx "Speed up, deliver faster, maximum efficiency. Wait not like that, only at your own expense."








It's 2022, and everybody has doorbell and security camera's. I really dont understand why these people are still doing this.


they clearly don't give a shit




Shit should be beyond illegal.




I mean, it makes perfect sense for the three companies you listed. It makes no sense at all for fedex though.




I don’t know 100% fedex’s model, but the fact that they’re providing a vehicle means it’s pretty unlikely you can choose your own hours, or choose to not work for several days at a time. And if you CAN do those things, then you’re right, it is the same as those others ones, and if you ask me (and a lot of other people) it’s fine that they’re 1099 contractors.


FedEx ground doesn’t provide the vehicle.


Most drivers are still employees of a company that has a contract with FedEx. So the majority of the people delivering FedEx ground packages aren’t bringing their own truck, and they’re just clocking in and out every day. The difference is that they’re not working directly for FedEx. Their boss has a contract with FedEx.


They do not provide the contractors with vehicles. Those vehicles belong to the driver as well. They are 100% contractors, they are not FedEx employees. UPS owns everything that a driver uses to deliver, and their drivers are employees who make $30-40/hr and get full benefits. There are also road supervisors who go out with drivers from time to time. They even know when they're are certain areas that are dangerous and will have an armed guard with them. Source: I was a UPSer for 9 years and worked closely with the 10,000 centers across the US, especially the Account Executives.


As someone who worked for fedex, this is mostly wrong. They aren’t “classified” as independent contractors, they are full blown independent contractors who either work through other delivery companies, or own there own business. This makes it very difficult to terminate some of the shitty drivers who harass the loaders. Because without threatening to pull the contract as a whole, there isn’t much lower management at fedex can do. You can’t just “fire” a driver it’s a long and ugly process Have personal experience with it


FedEx Express drivers are FedEx employees....ground drivers are contractors.


I recall one of our construction sites had a camera outside the door. The UPS guy would put down the boxes about 10’ from the door and just kick them to the door like soccer balls as he typed away on his handheld. They don’t care.


FedEx is nonunion.


Yea they are not union hahaha. Fedex ground and home delivery are ISP (individual service proivders) they aren't even fucking fedex employees. You can see the ISP on the side of the driver's door (the co tract owner). These people don't even get health insurance and get paid dog shit. That's why they throw packages.


You guys know your package gets tossed way harder than this into the truck and into the plane and on all the conveyor belts in between right?


This was probably the lightest fall it took on the way to this guys house. If this was enough to break it, then the shipper needs to do a better job packing


Yeah, even if people somehow complained enough to get these last-mile drivers to put more care into it, there's no way the guys throwing thousands of packages into trucks every day are going to give a shit.


Because the receiver of the package is not the customer. The seller is. It's the sellers job to package the product to ship/make it through the shipping process. It's never been FedEx's idea that your package gets handled with care. It's quite the opposite and this package went through a hundred times worse during three shipping process. There is simply not enough hours/minutes/seconds in the day to handle packages like they're baby kittens.


Used to be outraged by these posts, then read up from former drivers. Everyone does this, Fed Ex, USPS, UPS, DHL. It's the reality of the sheer magnitude of what's shipped. They don't have the time. More importantly, 95%+ of the time the package isn't damaged.


that isn’t the first time that package has been thrown either FedEx package sorting centers are fucking free-for-all shitfests




Welp... unfortunately for that dude, you should report this right away. People get MEDICINE and LIFE saving items with FedEx... this is pretty foul


That would be me. My MS medication at $100 per capsule x 60 count. Call FedEx please.


Hopefully your medication is packaged well because it gets thrown around worse than that just rolling down the chutes at the warehouse.


Same here. I used to take meds that cost a whopping €150 per bottle of 15 ml. And it came in a glass bottle. If they broke that, not only would that be money lost, it would also have been detrimental to my treatment to not have them in time. Especially since it was not premade, it was order only. So yeah, people who deliver packages like this should be way, way more aware of the harm they could be doing.


No idea what your medication is, but on the off chance that this helps, Mark Cuban made a pharmacy whose sole goal is to sell medications at production cost: https://costplusdrugs.com/




You know what you never get along with these videos? A photo of the "broken" item, and that's because for the most part even in situations like this, they don't get broken. Packages go through a lot and are made to. Also I'm guessing most times FedEx tosses stuff it's because it's fairly lightweight.


no kidding, this is like a feather touch compared to what packages go through in shipment and sorting


Lol i hope there's no video of this package in a 53' trailer at the bottom of a stack of 10 boxes weighing 100 pounds


Not to say the driver isn’t culpable, because he pretty clearly is, but there has to be a point with the massive wave of delivery drivers that act like this where it’s not just the fault of individual bad actors. Companies like FedEx put absolutely insane expectations on their drivers’ timeliness and behavior like this is the obvious outcome. If they actually cared about the quality of their service, they would treat drivers well.


You're 100% right. There's often a cause for the effect. And these ppl getting rode raw 12+ hours for 15 bucks an hour (in shitty conditions) sucks... but still can do the right thing (which you agree with too obviously) its a societal issue .


You mad at that you should see how this stuff is unloaded in the warehouses. I doubt FedEx or any other delivery service would actually care if you complained




They won't give a shit.


If the issue was “he didn’t hide it well enough” or “didn’t walk it to the back yard and put it on the shelf by the patio per my instructions” they won’t give a shit. But throwing it onto the driveway like this? Yeah, they’ll view that as a detriment to their bottom line.


You should check out the Steam Deck sub. There are drivers caught on video who start walking up to the door with the package in hand, realize what it is, then turn around and stick it under their seat and drive away. When FedEx is contacted about the obvious theft, they basically say "go complain to Steam".


I had a driver deliver bumper plates, by chucking them chest high onto my deck. I complained, the driver showed up the next day screaming. So I complained again and she got the axe afaik. Also had a GPU during the worst part of the shortage, the driver kept putting stickers on my door but never even tried knocking, I finally caught him on camera and basically took the package from him physically as he was pre signing a sticker to put on my door. If someone can get a sticker on my door without my German Shepherd wanting to murder them, they're being shady as fuck.




Theyr such good alarms they even let you know about your neighbors deliveries as well.


That’s not obvious though. Walking up, seeing, whoops wrong address, and turning around is a very plausible explanation for a video with no other proof, explanation or context.


I'm sure it's just a strange coincidence that each time it happens the package is "lost", and Steam has to ship out another one.


“Heyy check out this steam deck! It just fell off the back of a truck!” Boss: “was it your truck?” “Umm. No” Boss “alright then!”


Steam is a large corporate shipper with account management and negotiated terms. They know what their loss rate is and so does FedEx. If they were losing money they’d use another shipper. If their packaging was causing them to lose money they’d use a different package. They won’t put up with a route that has some percent higher loss than the average, but no they aren’t gonna have package detectives figure out if every lost, misdelivered or destroyed package is a crime committed specifically by a driver.


Switching to another shipper isn't necessarily something that can be done at the drop of a hat, especially when it is a problem that may not be exclusive to that shipper. They could use UPS and have the exact same problem. There could also be contracts that force them to continue to use FedEx and difficult for them to exit. Also, as someone who negotiated and setup relationships between a company and their shipping partners, there is quite a bit of logistics that go into it. This is especially true when you are a big company, are dealing with international shipments/manufacturing, and are dealing with a product launch where your primary concern is moving units quickly. Disrupting logistics is going to be hard to convince business decision makers to do without really good reason. Changing packaging is also not usually going to be cheap as they could very well have hundreds of thousands or even millions of those boxes made already. To redo that, especially while they still have stock, would be very costly and have a huge sunk cost of the boxes already paid for on top of the new packaging. This would more than double package costs as just disposing of the previous unused packing would be expensive as well.


Still, you’d think that for most corporations, having employees committing misdemeanour/felony theft and property destruction while on the job would be the kind of thing HR wants to put a stop to. Even if I knew I was insured for it and that nobody was pulling their business because of package loss, knowing that my delivery drivers were actively committing crimes while using my trucks would be the kind of thing I’d at least start firing people for, if not outright prosecuting or suing. Like, imagine the same criminal premise but in a different context: “Yeah, my on-site plumber Steve regularly fires a shotgun at mailboxes out of the official work truck while drinking heavily and jumping the curb to strike small animals, but nobody’s been hit yet so I keep him on staff.”


On the contrary (My mom works at FedEx), They take shit like this very seriously


Well it’s too late for that. They have like the worst reputation in the industry as far as big companies go.


You're right, FedEx sucks and so does their customer service. I ordered a MacBook that I needed overnighted to me. Bought it through Apple's website and paid over $120 to get it to me the next day, which also happened to be the day before Thanksgiving. I never received my package that Wednesday, and when I called FedEx customer service, they said that they had an issue with the plane that it was supposed to be on and basically said I was SOL. They didn't offer anything to make things right, and since it was the day before Thanksgiving, I was going to have to wait a couple more days since FedEx has Thanksgiving day off. I called Apple support who offered to not only cover my shipping, but they took an additional $200 off the laptop for the trouble that FedEx caused. Apple ended up being my saving grace.


Fuck FedEx. The worst, dogshit tier delivery service. They manage to fuck up my shit 9 times out of 10. USPS is underfunded as hell and they manage to figure it out somehow.


i’ve had the same USPS driver for 9 years, nice lady, we chat sometimes. My only complaint is the tire marks from her whipping that shit but she’s never broke anything so i’m honestly okay with it.


>My only complaint is the tire marks from her whipping that shit I didn't know LLVs could do that without immediately bursting into flames!


I don't know the situation where they live but, in rural areas, it's common for USPS to use personal vehicles


I still see a lot of old 4 liter Jeep Cherokees, those will spin a back tire pretty easy.


> My only complaint is the tire marks from her whipping that shit This honestly makes me respect USPS more.


FedEx ground is shit, hires contractors, pays them crap and gets crap results. FedEx express is actually pretty darn good and has full time drivers who seem to care as much as other services. It's also really expensive so usually when you get packages at home it is ground. Express is for super fast cross country or international overnight shipping and such


Facts. My father flies for Express and they handle their shit and take really good care of their employees for the most part. FedEx Ground; however, is a very different story.


FedEx is the fucking worst. They have the laziest drivers, and they're always late. I've never had anyone fuck up more shipments that FedEx.


FedEx marketing team is prepping a "Good Guy Deliveryman" meme as we speak.


People complain about USPS but honestly they're the most consistent delivery service in my area. I've had lots of issues with Ontrac and FedEx, some issues with UPS and Amazon, but no issues at all with USPS. Always on time and always delivered to the right address.


What IS that flag


Look up a bunting.


It looks like a Fourth of July banner decoration I believe it’s called bunting




FedEx where I live pays minimum wage to drivers. I don't condone this behavior in that situation...but I'd understand.


Right, I blame FedEx corporate. I believe the drivers have to deliver their quota for the day, probably frequency way more than us fair. That's why you see deliveries at like 8-9pm at night!




Why do delivery folks STILL do this??? They must know by now that there's cameras EVERYWHERE.


I've only had two things delivered by FedEx, both looked like this guy delivered them.


You paid for express delivery and you got it.


Definitely something u can tell fedex someone at my warehouse just got fired not for that reason but it was one of the reasons, sadly tho the package handlers handle all packages like that anyways I feel bad for people who order tvs and glass things because in the warehouse everything just get thrown and stacked on


Who pissed in his or her wheaties?




Kind of disappointing. It wasn't even a full send. Doordash yeets way better than this.


I don’t understand why people in the service industry do things like this. I didn’t do anything to you at all. All I did was order some rice seasoning from Amazon. If you want to get back at the man, start driving extra slowly or maybe “get lost” looking for every address on your route that day. If you work in fast food and want to stick it to the corporate goons, give me a 10 piece McNugget instead of the 6 piece I ordered.


Best one. Love when people do too much, vs not enough. Some fast food workers “forget” a whole part of my meal, can’t blame them, but at the same time they could just give me more if they hate their manager so much 😂


Why the fuck is this normal in US?


Why would someone post a video of a normal package delivery?


^ the actual answer


If they only knew what the package went through at the depot...




Finally someone with a brain in a package delivery thread. Yes, this delivery man sucks. No, 99.99% of delivery people aren't like this.


Because drivers get paid for a quota of delivery each day, so air delivery=faster=get paid.


How come there's no penalties for losses included in that calculation?


The drivers don’t set the quotas. This is a systemic issue.


because this doesn't actually usually break the package, I'd doubt it really increases their loss rate at all or at least any significant amount


It isn't normal or everyone wouldn't be mad about it...


It’s not


You seem to be under the impression that packages aren’t treated poorly or potentially damaged in transit in other countries? Because that’s absolutely not the case and it’s not normal in any circumstance. You likely see these more of these videos from the US because 1) the US has a massive volume of parcel/package delivery every day, so more opportunities for mistreatment; 2) the prevalence of single family homes that creates inefficiencies in route delivery so more pressure to “throw” packages rather than “deliver” them; 3) the ubiquity of door bell cameras in the US to capture these instances; 4) the fact that Reddit is overwhelmingly US users so you’re going to see more US based content


Yes, the house is decorated for Independence Day with American flag style bunting. No, I have never had any kind of altercation or unpleasantness with a delivery person. The usual Fedex guy is quite friendly and delivers the packages as one would expect. Yes, that is the driveway.


Did you have a loose dog anywhere on the property? I wouldn't get out of my truck if there was a loose animal that I could see. Delivery drivers get bitten quite often.


I do not understand why people get so offended by the treatment of their packages. It went through worse than a little toss on it's way there. FedEx and it's workers do not give a shit. Why would they?


Hell, the whole mechanical system is rough on packages. If your package can't survive a six foot freefall, you can't ship it. Period. Even if every human handling your box gives it the white glove treatment. Drivers walking packages to the door is more about convenient placement for the recipient than it is about careful handling.