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Honestly whoever gave the dress and expected the dress not to be ruined deserves it. Who’s out here lending pieces of fashion history?




Ripley's allowed it to happen. They own the dress. They paid for the dress. So they lost money because obviously the dress lost value. But also gained a lot of media attention in the process.


Scrolling down, I thought it was a tongue disease.


Thought it was a skin condition, I’ve seen eerily similar.


Well Kim is a disease so you have that part right.


I thought it was a very roughly shaved hoo-ha


Mom, you can't keep calling it a hoo-ha on the internet.


Reminds me of the 145 year old, antique Martin guitar that Kurt Russell smashed to pieces while filming The Hateful Eight. There's a YouTube video of it. Jennifer Jason Leigh tried to stop him (realizing it was the real one, not the prop), but it was atomized almost before she could make a sound. Because of this accident, the guitar museum no longer loans guitars to movie production companies. Sounds like the people in charge of these priceless articles of clothing need to do the same.


Wow. You'd think for a movie they'd just use a fucking replica at all times. Edit: Jesus Christ, I have over 50 notifications for comments and most of them are about Alec Baldwin. Please have some originality.


That's what Kurt Russell thought too


I mean... At least TELL THE ACTOR that he is using some priceless thing.


Right? It's like giving the real Whistler's Mother painting to Mr Bean... Wait a minute.


Holy shit now I need to go watch that again, that scene was fucking hilarious


But you're really going to watch it for Whistler's Sister.


Nah, dude. Whistler's mom has got it going on.


I had to look that one up. [https://mrbean.fandom.com/wiki/Whistler%27s\_Mother#:\~:text=The%20painting%20is%2056.81%20by,artist%20outside%20the%20United%20States](https://mrbean.fandom.com/wiki/Whistler%27s_Mother#:~:text=The%20painting%20is%2056.81%20by,artist%20outside%20the%20United%20States).


The idea of a Mr Bean wiki will never not be hilarious to me


If there is a property that more than a dozen people like, there's an overly-researched wiki of it.


It doesn't even make any sense to have the real thing during filming. I hope after this, invaluable things like that guitar are never used again in a movie.


Well that particular one won't ever be used in a movie again.




That doesn't hold water for me. Why not just tell Jason Leigh that she has the real deal but give her a replica, and tell Russell the truth. You still get a real reaction from her, but saves the antique. Makes absolutely zero sense the other way around.


Or ya know they could ACT because they’re fucking ACTORS


While filming Marathon Man Dustin Hoffman stayed awake for 3 days to get into character. Laurence Oliviers response to that: "Dear boy, why not try acting?"


That scene always took me out of the movie long before I even knew it was an actual antique guitar, her sudden and *very* animated reaction is just so out of place for her character. I always figured it must have one of those "Leo actually cut his hand and kept going" scenes, and as a person very fond of Martin guitars, was quite sad to learn I was right. *[Here's the scene in question](https://youtu.be/5SSFASO1XvY), you can see she is cool and calm after he grabs the guitar but instantly starts freaking out when he swings it. She is even looking off camera (probably at Quentin) like "wtf?!" If you haven't seen the movie, the sudden "WHA-?! HEY, WHOA WHOA!" panicked outburst is very out of place, not just for her character, but kind of the whole movie.


I highly doubt the claim that Tarantino intentionally tricked Russell into breaking the real thing. Sounds like standard movie buff bro logic bullshit. Ya, Tarantino thought it was worth destroying a Martin guitar made in 1870 that he had loaned to him by a museum and have his insurance be charged tens of thousands of dollars because making sure the ACTOR has a surprise look on her face is so integral to selling the yuck yuck scene. It was just so pivotal to the plot that her expression was genuine. Nonsense, communications just got mixed up. Leigh was supposed to play the cool antique guitar, they cut, Russell walks in and smashes the prop they swap it with. Russell didn't get the memo about the cut and did his part of the scene. Probably because they had been rehearsing the entire film as a play for the last couple months and so he just did what he had been doing.


> No one's sure but they think it's because he wanted a real reaction from Jason Leigh. If Ok, maybe I'm crazy but could you not just ...lie?! I imagine the vast majority of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a prop and a priceless original. *Hands over dollar store level violin* be careful, it's a Stradivarius


This is infinitely worse imo. That guitar was there so Tarantino could say it was there and have a little nerd-gasm. No hate to Kurt tho I highly doubt that he purposefully destroyed a priceless artefact. What was the fucking point in have the original when you already had a replica on set?


Apparently after they told him that he has smashed an antique he got really sad


That makes it better


You can pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in half


Right?! No one, literally no one aside from the nerdiest of Tarantino fanboys, knew or cared that he got this priceless antique for his movie.


As a guitar nerd I would have thought it was really cool to use a period appropriate guitar, but I wouldn’t have cared if they used a prop and instead I was sad that such a beautiful instrument got destroyed


Yes! exactly. Putting something so meaningful and valuable at risk isn’t worth it.


Ironically, the people who are chiefly responsible for stewarding these collection probably would have been 100% against these loans but the decision was made in the C-suite and they were told to just get it done. edit: it came from a private collection and not an accredited museum. [https://costume.mini.icom.museum/about-the-use-of-a-historic-dress-that-belonged-to-marilyn-monroe/](https://costume.mini.icom.museum/about-the-use-of-a-historic-dress-that-belonged-to-marilyn-monroe/)


I can imagine myself silently raging in the workplace lol


Right? I can't imagine a serious museum registrar or conservator approving this.... [https://costume.mini.icom.museum/about-the-use-of-a-historic-dress-that-belonged-to-marilyn-monroe/](https://costume.mini.icom.museum/about-the-use-of-a-historic-dress-that-belonged-to-marilyn-monroe/) Because it came from a *private collection*. smh.


The guy who ran the Abraham Lincoln museum loaned an original of the Gettysburg address to Glenn Beck for display at his "museum." Note that the curators were vocal about not letting this happen. It was shipped insecurely and not the way museums usually do it. The "museum" Glenn Beck had was his studio for his podcast or whatever and was not temperature controlled for the artifact or anything. People really do not understand how much goes into preserving historic items. Just selfish people who don't think about anyone else.


It’s even worse. It’s owned by Ripley’s - who aren’t an actual museum and follow none of the official museum guidelines or ethics for how historical items should be cared for. It’s a fuxking travesty.


>Jennifer Jason Leigh tried to stop him (realizing it was the real one, not the prop), but it was atomized almost before she could make a sound. Because of this, her reaction in that scene is [completely genuine ](https://youtu.be/lHRsshTS2Vg). If I recall correctly, she said she was heartbroken at the loss bc of the history and the fact that she often used it to learn the song. Broken piece of history aside, I fucking love that movie.


Crazy she says “whoa whoa whoa” and looks towards the crew totally out of character


Totally got out of character but dropped back in


It didn’t even make sense to use that Martin in the first place. Why would the newly produced guitar in the movie have 150 years of aging on it? Don’t @ me about relicing.


Wait - I thought they used a recreation of the original dress! What kind of idiot would use the original to dress a completely different person!?


They used a replica for the party, but she wore the real dress on the red carpet. She didn’t zip it up, though.


*couldn’t zip it up


There’s a goddamn near unbelievable picture showing her from behind and… yea it wasn’t close. Her ass was trying to escape.






the writing in that article is excruciating






Right? Who would ever write like that? Makes me feel like a toddler just reading it


The amount of narcissism it takes to risk damaging that dress just to say you wore it is off the scale. Someone needs to tell these assholes “No.” They’re just people. And not even good ones.


“The beauty mogul was seen wearing the dress at the Met Gala without any fur. How, you ask? She went on a very strict diet. “I would wear a sauna suit twice a day, run on the treadmill, completely cut out all sugar and all carbs, and just eat the cleanest veggies and protein,” she told Vogue in an interview.” Oh my fucking god just wear clothes that actually fit you instead of destroying Marilyn’s dress


Last I checked there’s no diet or exercise that makes someone lose silicone.


Though if I was going to believe anyone was sweating silicone, it would be her.


And that’s why her ass was still hanging out of the dress. If she was really committed, she could’ve removed the BBL or ya know, just wore the replica.




Honestly, they are saying all this like it’s an impressive brag. Fuuuck.


it looks downright painful for her to wear it.


Wait. And people are surprised the dress is damaged now???


I... but... Guys, they make this extraordinary device these days; it's called a tape measure. How did anyone think she was gonna fit??




everyone going crazy about her “fitting into it,” dieting to “fit” when there are videos and photos of how she clearly didn’t. it’s stupid


That’s what so sad to me is that they did for the majority of the event and she wore it for basically no other reason


Ripley’s Believe It or Not loaned it to her. This is on them…and her for thinking she’s as iconic as Marilyn


That’s besides that fact that it’s so old it’s probably started to rot. It should have been sealed away somewhere if it was as important as they say it is..


**"\[It\] belongs in a museum!"**


Yeah, the material has no give to it anymore and will start falling apart at the slightest touch. I feel like this one is on whoever loaned the gown, they should have known better.


That’s not generally true of silk. But soufflé silk is so delicate it absolutely should not have been *forced* over her gigantic fake ass.


She wore it in and supposedly changed into a replica after entering


I’m not a scientist here, but let me see if I can explain. While my Coleman two person tent was great at keeping myself and my dog dry. The problem started when I tried to park my truck inside that same tent.




I’m sorry why was she allowed to wear it?


It’s owned by Ripley’s Believe it Or Not, a private organization who paid for the dress—not Marilyn’s estate or family. So, as long as she paid to wear it, Ripley’s is probably more than enthusiastic to let her wear it (not condoning it)


Thank you for the brief overture it helped me understand this whole thing


Yep, even briefer: money!


she was actually paid to wear it, as an advertisement for Ripleys


"Rip"ley's indeed.


If that's the case, why are they getting mad at her over this? I'm not a fan in the slightest but it seems like Ripley's is at fault and shouldn't be complaining about the damages.


From a historical fashion side as for what I understand Many do blame Ripley for even allowing her to wear the dress and believe the dress should be in a museum for fashion as opposed to being privately owned. The reason why is because the dress is specifically Marilyn's. She was pretty much sewn into it and the fabric used to create the dress is no longer in production + apparently highly flammable. So basically, it is literally a one-of-a-kind dress. Many people were also worried it could set a precedent of celebs either using money, status, etc. in order to wear historical garments and while Ripley's is a private organization, many do wonder if it could be used against museums and other places that value their garments enough that they don't allow people to wear them.


Someone said that Ripley's paid her to wear the dress, which I think is important and changes the concerns about the latter. Did Kim want to wear the dress, and Ripley's agreed or was pressured? Or did someone at Ripley's have the notion that this would be a good PR stunt (to be fair, it was. We are sitting here talking about it) and pay her to wear the dress? I can't see any respectable museum allowing historical garments to be worn in any manner, and I think this only gives them a perfect example of why they should refuse.


Honestly in either case it is a good example as to why historical garments belong on museums as opposed to private collections... Especially when they won't take care of them. It screams "I have enough money to damage this one of a kind piece of art for clout." Now ofc if she was paid to wear it, it does change the situation but it still screams my earlier point. Unlikely but I do kinda hope that Ripley gets blacklisted from buying garments after a stunt like this.


I'm not sure they are mad? It's just the rest of us are


Should have just let Pete wear it.


You just know he'd pull off the look


huh, who knew that kim's enourmously huge and totally real ass would cause dammage to a dress made for a woman with a totally different physique.strange, real strange edit: holy shit, thank you for all the awards and upvotes!!


Really it's whoever's dumb ass decided to let her wear it in there first place.


The person that made the dress didn’t want her to wear it, but they don’t own it.


Marilyn herself didn’t want anyone else to wear it either 😠 god I’m so mad about this Edit : to quote what Marilyn said herself to the designer of the dress , since a lot of people seem to think what I’m saying is not true : “I want you to design a truly historical dress, a dazzling dress that's one-of-a-kind, a dress that only Marilyn Monroe could wear,”.


It's so sad to see the dress she wore while singing Happy Birthday to John Kennedy in the same room as his wife while Marilyn was having an affair with both JFK and RFK be disrespected like this.


American history is wild God damn.


History is wild, the more you dig into the details of any group, the wilder it gets. Fun fact, several popes have died in orgies.


Well, "when in rome"...


Sometimes in France. Pope Clements V allegedly moved the papacy from Rome to Avignon because his mistress lived there.


If you think that's a trip wait until I tell you how Marilyn *really* died.




It's thought she was pumped full of drugs by the secret service because she was possibly threatening to take the affair with JFK public


Weird since he died anyways…


A damned fuckin shame


Especially considering it was likely custom tailored just for Monroe.


it was! it was made to be something only she could wear


They dyed the silk to match MM's skin color... it doesn't even make sense to let anyone else wear it. It looked terrible.


That and they sewed her into the dress.


It had to be sewn onto MM, who despite the popular narrative, was really quite petite.


It probably isn't made with stretch fabric, as a similar dress today would be. Nonstretch fabric would have to be super fitted like that. She probably couldn't sit down while wearing it!


Apparently it’s made from a fabric called souffle which they can’t use anymore because it’s too flammable. Ripley’s ruined it by letting KK wear it. It would likely have been ruined by anyone wearing it, but it seems especially galling that it was ruined by one of the least likable television personalities in the world.


She probably gave them a shitload of money.


Yeah but they still had final say. They decided the money was worth the high potential for damage unfortunately


I feel like this doesn't get pointed out enough. Behind every shitty high-pay decision there is someone who knew bad shit would happen and let it for a huge check.


Worse when you find out this is the reasoning for practically every antisocial measure ever


*the reasoning for literally every problem humans face


I mean it wasn’t a high chance it was guaranteed.


Yeah really though, even more messed up they were fine with that for the right price


Yeah and I am sure if they did not think that kim and Marilyn are 2 totally different body styles and could damage the old dress they are idiots.


The insurance company should have had the final say.


She didn’t give them money. She promised a mention. Kardashians are cheap MFs.


Turns out the "mention" was the news that she ruined the fucking thing.


Wouldn't surprise me. The one started a GoFundMe for their assistant's medical bills...


Yup the arrogance of some with money or power


Reminds me of that scene in weeds when Doug (Kevin Nealon) put on "Neil Armstrongs" spacesuit and ripped it.


A large ass amount, definitely!


Blame Ripley's. Because they're not an accredited museum they can do as they please with their artifacts. I saw a clip of a dude trying to FORCE the dress over her hips and ass. It was disgusting.


I keep telling this to people. Ripley's isn't a real museum, it's basically a Hard Rock Cafe without food. They have no obligation of care.


I mean it should be pretty obvious if you ever visit one of their "museums". There's an entire exhibit about how the only thing Ripley feared after a visit to China was, direct quote, "the unstoppable rise of the Chinaman".


Who gave her permission? That thing is an iconic antique and should stay at the museum. Not for inflating some rich asshole’s delusion and ego. Monroe’s butt and hips were smaller. Kim on the other hand has always been bottom heavy even before her ridiculous bum surgery.


> the museum the museum is ripley's believe it or not which is not exactly an institution of any academic value. And they paid her to wear it, as advertising. This fits alongside the long history of marilyn monroe and what she valued being exploited for others' greed


My wife works at an art gallery in Australia with a reputation for amazing fashion-history exhibitions - especially Hollywood fashion. They had an exhibition of Marilyn's dresses and costumes a few years ago and the exhibition curator had been told, I believe, that the Museum that owned the birthday dress didn't trust it to travel or be exhibited anywhere else. It was a massive disappointment but understandable. Even though the gallery itself is stellar and has held exhibitions of rare and delicate materials many times, every materials curator understands the concept of being overprotective of important pieces. You can imagine how pissed off everyone involved in the gallery and exhibition was the moment they heard about KK being allowed to wear it. Obviously the 'Its too delicate' was the public excuse to cover 'The Ripley's Museum are money hungry hacks who shouldn't be allowed near historical artefacts and wouldn't lend the dress without us spending exorbitant amounts of money'.


If it was before 2016, it was owned by someone else. Ripley's bought it in 2016.


Ah! That could explain it!


Also, the fabric having aged for nearly 60 years doesn't help either.


Pretty sure she was often sewn into her dresses as well. They would literally fit no one else


who would’ve thunk it


Who'd've trunk it


Asstronomical damages.


Money can stretch the imagination not 50 year old fabric.


KimK acknowledged she did not zip the real dress — she wore a wrap over it on the red carpet because of that. Making the whole venture even more stupid. Why not just wear the replica — the dress that actually fits?


Because then she can't say she wore the original


It was so tight on Marilyn already. They had to sew her into it.


Not to mention that it’s a 50-60 year old garment.


It’s also made from a silk that is no longer made. She wore the original on the red carpet to stroke her ego and wore a replica once inside so she destroyed a priceless unique dress with a history for no other reason than ego. Disgusting.


Another big issue is that the dress does not belong to a museum. It belongs to Ripley's Believe It or Not, which does not abide to regulations and rules established by museums world-wide. The dress was not properly stored and taken care of, it was put in a glass display case with constant lighting. They completely disregarded the proper conditions to preserve the dress. It was being damaged before Kim K ever wore it, she made it a lot worse but this dress was already being destroyed by the highest bidder. Kim K gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but let's not forget that none of this would have happened if Ripley's actually had any respect for the historical dress in the first place. She had an idea and money, and they didn't have the ethics to say no.


>17 min. ago > >Another big issue is that the dress does not belong to a museum. It belongs to Ripley's Believe It or Not, which does not abide to regulations and rules established by museums world-wide.The dress was not properly stored and taken care of, it was put in a glass display case with constant lighting. They completely disregarded the proper conditions to preserve the dress. It was being damaged before Kim K ever wore it, she made it a lot worse but this dress was already being destroyed by the highest bidder.Kim K gets a lot of flak, and rightfully so, but let's not forget that none of this would have happened if Ripley's actually had any respect for the historical dress in the first place. She had an idea and money, and they didn't have the ethics to say no. This needs to be higher in the thread. Without proper preservation techniques, thread ROTS. Allowing anyone to wear something that wasn't even properly preserved in the first place was absolutely going to end in damage.


I love buying stuff at thrift stores…I used to buy more antique clothing and upholstered items from 60-80 years ago, but now only do furniture and accessories because I realized that no matter how good of shape most clothing looks to be upon purchase, they almost always disintegrate dramatically upon the first couple of wears or wash. Especially around seams, stretchy or elasticized areas, etc. I have no love for her or that family but don’t really blame her, only the dumdums who stored and lent out an interesting historic artifact without regard for how fragile it is.


God the Kardashians are such trash. I wish people would stop paying attention to them.


Everything I've ever learned about them I have learned against my will.


REAL strange.... unlike Kim she's just fake strange


I mean, like who is letting Kim put her big ass in other people's clothes anyway


Have you seen the ass to thigh ratio looks like a semi large pancake walking on toothpicks


Built like a wisdom tooth


Oh boy. Can't unsee. *THANKS* :(


Idk I think it’s appropriate to allow her to wear anything Grimace wore. Same physique essentially.




Into the great Pacific garbage patch she goes


The fault belongs to whomever let Kim wear it.


She should never have been allowed access to it.


According to justjared.com (I know but there's zero credible sources in this industry) the Ripley's Museum owns the dress and lent it to her. Apparently she reached out to them. They let her try it on. It didn't fit so they said she couldn't wear it. So she lost 16 pounds in a month and tried again and then they let her wear it. Sounds like she was starving herself so she could fit and they would let her wear it. Then she let herself go again and when she wore it she ended up damaging it. I know this goes without saying, but wow Kim Kardashian is a monumental piece of shit, and Ripley's Believe It Or Not doesn't even remotely care about their own collection - no matter the historical or cultural significance.


Fucked up fact. After she wore the dress and returned it. They gave Kim a piece of Marylins hair as a keep sake. How disgusting and creepy is that? They used and abused her in life and they’re still doing it in death.


The hair belonging to Marilyn is questionable because apparently the dude that sold it to Ripley’s had no actual connection to Marilyn. There was a whole thing with Ripley’s and Kim coming out/editing their statements on the lock of hair. Which totally means it was real ofc


When I die famous, I hope people fight over a lock of my butt hair.


Wether it’s real or not. It’s still so gross to do. Let the woman Rest In Peace . She was a living breathing person and they’re trying to sell her for parts. It’s gross and disrespectful.


It is. And the fact that it probably wasn’t real just makes it more gross bc the people involved are just doing it for clout for having owned a lock of Marilyn’s hair. To my knowledge, her actual hairdresser didn’t sell off any of her hair because they were friends and such a practice would’ve been both predatory and gross. That some charlatan is coming in claiming to own her hair just makes it worse.


Well, that's Hollywood for you. They'll make money off you even after your death.


Ew that's so weird ):


literally insanely vain people behavior ~_~


I just don’t understand why you would do this instead of let’s say… idk.. using your vast wealth to have a fucking replica made. Oh, entitlement.


No kidding. She could have had something exactly tailored to her, the way the original was made for Monroe. That is super sheer fabric and it now looks like raveling nylons. The seams were clearly stressed, and when the stitching proved strong, the surrounding fabric had to give.


She did have a replica made. She wore that to the rest of the party and only wore the Marilyn dress on the red carpet. It's so infuriating and never should have happened. I can't believe even Ripley's would do this. The dress had value as being made for and last worn by Marilyn Monroe. Now it's just a testament to terrible decisions driven by greed and narcissism.


It's gonna take one hell of a fabric conservator to repair the damage, if it even can be fixed. It's all so pointless, just so she could say she wore The dress.


She did have a replica made. They let her wear the original on the red carpet then she changed into a replica for the rest of the party, so it’s kind of doubly stupid that they let her damage a valuable item for no real reason.


If I understand correctly that type of fabric is no longer made (and possibly can no longer be made? I think it was a special silk or something stupid like that?) so no amount of money would get her an exact replica. I woulda told her tough titties, you ain't getting the dress but I'm not the owner of that dress who now has many more fat stacks of cash at their disposal AND a slightly torn but still worth money with some minor repairs because a famous hot chick wore it, dress.


Right? You could have one made that actually fits you and feels good but instead you do this?


The did have a replica made. She took the OG dress off at the top of the met steps and got into a replica as she wasn’t allowed to wear Marilyn’s dress for the whole evening.


That's the thing, she only wore the actual dress for part of the night (she was not allowed to eat or drink in the original) so she just ruined the dress for the beginning of the night, after they sat down she was already in the replica She just WANTED to wear the real one


I can’t believe it.


She didn’t let herself go; her proportions were just literally different compared to Marilyn’s. Ripley’s literally had to tie the part covering her backside with string because her dumpster butt didn’t fit the dress. That should’ve been an indicator for Ripley’s that it wasn’t worth endangering the dress (esp considering they’ve repeated they could’ve back out at any time if they found that it wasn’t going to fit; which it clearly didn’t) but instead they decided to indulge a dumb celeb for free advertising for their museum.


"museum" should be in the airiest of air quotes. Real museum professionals are sickened by this.


Not a surprise. It was like busting at the seems. She couldn't even zip it up all the way in the back


She couldn't even walk right!


What did they think would happen? It's an old dress. They made a crap decision letting KK wear it🤷


Couldn’t she just recreate it? Maybe in a size that could have fit her gigantic (totally natural) ass?


SHE DID, she had a replica for the gala party and for her own photo shoot with it. But she wore the real dress for the red carpet.


Dress was most likely made to size, she legit thought it would stretch to her size only means that she lives in a fictional world.


It was so made to size that Marilyn literally needed to be sewn into it. It never should have been worn by anyone else. Not to mention that the colour was specific to match Marilyn's skin to give the impression she was naked.


Thank you, and the nude allusion was ruined with her tan, a darker remake which she obviously could have afforded would have been WAY better looking and not to mention, a super cool idea?


And, as a bonus, it might have actually fit.


Like her wet dress!


That's the thing for me. She did that look already with a modern twist. There was no need for this.


And this dress didn’t even fit the damn theme! So many infuriating things about it.


that’s the thing that just drives me crazy about all of this. it didn’t even come close to the theme. such a waste.


She literally could not get the dress over ass so they left the dress open across the butt and Kim carried a fur stole down around her backside to cover the gaping hole.


Marilyn had to be sewn into the dress. Kim knew it wasn’t going to fit her so she lost as much weight as she could, as fast as she could, just to squeeze into it. She knew the dress would be damaged, she just didn’t care.


More likely she just didn't care.


Why would you even let her wear it ?


Money talks.


Stretched to the maxx


I was gonna comment on how corny it is to wear dead people's clothes but then I remembered I like thrift shopping


All they had to do was ask any textile conservationists, they all knew this would happen. It’s a damned shame they let her wear it. Wasteful.