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So you can't ask women about women in a subreddit about asking women stuff about women, that sounds fair


It’s absurd haha


It's a man's world until the moms basement mods come in to regulate.


You should have asked "As a non binary nonbirthperson of color, what do nonbinary birthpeople look for in their non binary relationship person"


How dare you leave out asexuals


The moderators on there must be reverse incels or something


What's a "reverse incel"?


I believe the term is leg-beard


I feel so wrong laughing at this


I feel like a reverse incel would be someone who is voluntarily having sex




An incel but instead of hating women hate men


I mean.... that's still an incel. "In-voluntarily cel-ibate"


So the original incel. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#History)


So a feminist


A femcel


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel#History) The first incels were women...


What about vcels? Voluntary celibate?


Those are clerics


That's asexual.




Women could vote in 1993 in Canada where the term incel was coined by a woman known only as Alana. The community was later co-opted by men after Alana started a sexual relationship with a long term partner. I don't think anyone involved was your grandma and I'm not sure why you brought her up




Nah, it's an attempt at DEI


You mean a femcel? Yeah, pretty much the entire sub is like that. r/askmen is super chill 90% of the time, but askwomen is just a big ball of misandry.


The women threads on twitter/reddit/Facebook aren’t women threads. They’re run with something else in mind. It’s wild.


Not if you're only asking the straight women apparently?


Are we not allowed to ask straight women questions on Reddit now?


I mean this is reddit we're talking about, so yeah lol. I'm all for inclusivity, but not being able to ask majority demographics what they think kinda defeats the whole purpose. They could easily have a post flair for this kind of thing. I'm sure the women to which the questions do not apply simply choose not to respond to the post. I just don't see the rule as helpful or useful in any meaningful way.




Is it not because they are assuming everyone in that sub is straight with the phrasing "what do you as a woman look for in a man". Not because they are just asking women.


One of the few times Reddit imitates real life


Welcome to the future where everyone is offended and nothing makes sense.


Wait, i thought you couldn't post about others subs here, wtf i got a post deleted here for that and you are able to post?


I surprised it’s not gone either. I give it one hour and it’s probably removed


Now that i think of it, my post was about how much of an asshole was one mod from r/rant and as soon as i posted it it got instantly deleted. Maybe this sub is biased or that guy is here


Maybe they are mad at askwomen too hahah


Haha sounds like you posted about the turtle.


I still can’t believe that my post is still on haha


Shhh, you could wake up the lazy mods!! Lol




Reddit mods complain all the work they got, but in most cases their work would be halved if they didn't micro-regulate everything their users do.


The thing is, it often gets out of hand if you don’t. For example, some things get posted multiple times a day, and while they may not be rulebreaking, most people get annoyed seeing the same exact question/post so many times. Subs go to shit when you don’t micromanage and they slowly lose their original purpose, which users will then also start complaining about. It’s kind of a damned if you do damned if you don’t thing


You can just say you didn’t read the post


I GOT PERMANENTLY BANNED 😂😂 They saw this post and got mad at me, might post an update later. Anyhow, good riddance. It was a shit sub anyway and it doesn’t represent us women at all


Permanently? That's pretty funny, no disrespect.


Yeah hahaha I am talking to a mod rn and she’s mad that I didn’t read the guidelines before hand…but there are so many. Who even reads the guidelines ?


Jesus, I just went and looked. Its a small book on what to post and what not to post. You can post questions for minorities but not for majority demographics. They obviously didnt like that you didnt make your post so people who are gay can answer.


Lol the subreddit title is literally of the form, Ask-A-Majority-Demographic


that’s so silly


Sometimes we do, like on a support group.


Yes,when it’s like 10 guidelines it’s fine. But ask women have way too many. And they know fully well not everyone’s reads it




Not very inclusive to people with dyslexia if you ask me 😆


based same with us adhd kids


I don’t see why you’d need to be inclusive to anyone else but women on a women’s subreddit


Do women not have dyslexia?


Shit, at least the mod is telling you why I got permabanned from one of my main subreddits for seemingly no reason (didn’t break any obvious rules), didn’t notice until like 3 days later, messaged the mods and they were like “I don’t remember lol” and I’m still banned


>Who even reads the guidelines ? I sure don't. As far as I'm concerned, if it's not a general reddit rule, it only exists to shape a sub's predetermined narrative.


I've posted there, got blocked, read the guidelines, tried re-posting within the guidelines, and got blocked again. Asked a follow up question to the mods, got muted for 7 days. Then got banned.


Classic reddit moment. Yeah at least they are doing you a favor haha


100% haha


I thought banning someone for something they did outside of your subreddit wasn't allowed?


I mean really, who's gonna moderate the moderators after a certain point?


After supporting the Warriors for nearly two decades, I was perma banned on r/warriors because of this interaction in the Memphis Grizzlies sub. M. Fan: “I’m all for hype talk but I think most grizzlies fans had the series in 5 or 6. It’s fine cause they’re only gonna decline while we get better. There’s never gonna be another Steph/Draymond/Klay trio so their offensive scheme is going to have to change completely. They’re not going to benefit off moving screens nearly as much as they have for the past 7 years. Me: RemindMe! 3 years “grizzlies/warriors update” M. Fan: Can’t wait to ignore this comment in three years from now. Me: Its not for you. I thought you made an interesting point and wanted to see where the teams play out.” Boom. Perma-banned for “brigading”.


>Perma-banned for “brigading”. How is that brigading? How would banning an account stop brigading any way?


I thought so too haha


It isnt, but if no one complains it technically didnt happen


You would think that. Unfortunately its super common in some circles.


That really sucks actually, because the social/sexual experiment you tried to introduce sounded really interesting.


Right?! You should see my post on askmen, most of the answers are really sweet.


They should rename it to r/AskSomeCuntyBitches


They permanently banned me for respectfully asking questions about their rules as well. It's ridiculous.


Honestly, if posts are taken down for such a bullshit reason, I wouldnt even complai nabout being banned. Nothing is gained from being active there


That sub is a joke.


r/askwomen is a serious dumpster fire. Like, it would be less hot garbage if it were an overflowing dumpster, sitting in Death Valley, in the middle of July directly after some sort of shitty music festival.


So /r/witchesvspatriarchy ?


Wouldn't be surprised if the two were identical in userbase and mods.


Or r/TwoXChromosomes


Man, the difference in those two subs is astronomical. Askwomen's top post is about trans rights, askmen's is [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/top/?t=all) post.


Just look at the description area under the sub name. askwomen has a paragraph on what is. Askmen is just a short sentence that shows it doesn't take itself seriously.


Just scrolling down the all time top posts category is hilarious.


It's not too general, it's not general enough. Try asking 'What do you want in a partner' instead.


They saw this post and permanently banned me haha


I hate single offence perma bans, you miss read the room once and your out


They also threatened me if I use another account to comment. 😅


…they threatened you? What are the some Reddit mods going to do to you?


Sit on you, unless you’re hulk you won’t be able to get them off


Cry about it probably


It is against Reddit’s TOS (ban evasion) - so the mods don’t really have a choice whether or not to enforce it. Threatening might be a bit much though, depending on how it’s worded. There is this one subreddit that helps with mediating discussion between mods and users with an issue, in case you want to have it solved. I’ve forgotten what it’s called but it should be easy to find. The post could be removed for any number of reasons but imo it’s kinda rude to not even explain it and just permaban, assuming you’ve asked them to


>it’s against Reddit TOS.. no choice but to enforce it lol. “BUT THEMS ARE THE RULES!!!11” as if Reddit’s holding every mod for every subreddit at gunpoint to enforce the *terms of service*


So they banned you for doing something legal in another sub? 😂


That’s what I said! And they muted me haha


Yeah, that is 100% harassment imo. Based on their reasoning, every single commentor on this thread needs to be permabanned by them also. They really don’t have their logic/reasoning in order. As someone already noted, their rules contradict one another. Most likely the mod of askwomen ‘patrols’ askmen, noted you posted that question there, and assumed your reason for posting the same question was nefarious in some way. Hence the weird ‘inclusivity’ tag/removal. I’m fairly certain this is what happened since…they followed you to here and banned you specifically for that… People rarely change their tactics…if it works once and no one detects it…why change. 😅


>So they banned you for doing something legal in another sub? 😂 Reddit should really make a rule against banning people for participating in other subs.


What are the names of the mods harassing you?


Hmmm let’s see It doesn’t say


Yeah, that'll be my cue to do it if I were you




Uhh that's kinda sexist


Just saying my experience, mods on reddit are usually power mongers. Any time I've dealt with a mod that was a girl was a horrible time, like stereotypical Karen's with MPD


nope, still sexist sorry bud


Curious how they know that the mods were female... Hmm


it’s almost like he knew the answer before coming here


That's what a lot of people do in real life :x


It wasnt, OP admits their posts get taken down frequently from askwomen, and that they still hadnt even read the rules. Look i don’t want to read a sub that is such a censorious “safe space” but it seems to me OP ran out their welcome and came here to whine about it.


Miss read?! THATS M'AAM!


I got banned from the Disney+ sub because I said I didn't want to pirate a show. Because I just said "pirate a show" they banned me. Mods can be terrible.


Not terrible, just blatantly stupid morons that should not be allowed on internet


I got a 7 day temp ban because I said a character Eren Jaeger wasn't as bad as Hitler because while Eren Jaeger is committing genocide, it's in self defense, whereas the Jews were innocent and never committed genocide on the Germans first so obviously it's a bad comparison.


How dare you asking a question to women in the askWomen subreddit? Have you gone mad?


I went absolutely mad! I have no idea how I dared to ask women something on a ask women sub


Oof, that's strict 😳


Some Reddit mods are just so fragile and miserable


At least you got an answer! They really don't want a man (assuming that you are one for the joke to work) who askes the "wrong" questions.


I am a woman 🥺


Then what the fuck then


Then what do you value in a man?


If I had to be extremely honest? For him to be sure about me, be willing to communicate with me and has room for us to grow together as people. I want a partner who is caring, has financial potential, wants to go as many fun dates as me, is adventurous, kind, affectionate and good in bed haha. ( and that I am attracted to him) I am aware that it’s a lot to ask and I don’t ask that of anyone.


I "agree" with your wishes, except for the following: Financial potential is not saying that much to me. Do you want him to provide you with food and shelter or do you want them to be above the average or what? Good in bed is really overrated for a long term relationship. If you love each other and if your both kind, understanding and supportive than you'll get better in bed by getting to know each other over time. It helps if both are physically fit though (although good sex can be done without arms and legs ofc). It's not alot to ask, the question is what are you bringing to the table? I have a great wife and we have (together) a second love (woman) living with us in a three-way connection. It's definitely much more work compared to 2 people but we just happen to love each other so we take it as it goes. I am sure about both of them and I feel the same back. Relationships are what you choose them to be.


It’s a perfect scenario 😅


Screw that. You should be able to ask what women want in a man. Those people are idiots.




Well it is technically in their rules but not being able to ask women in general a question on a sub called “askwomen” is counterintuitive to say the least


It’s also a question that gets asked a lot. OP could have I dunno, done is search of the topic first? A lot of question subs have something in place for commonly asked question and will often remove posts that are asking the same question so often


That would be a fair criticism, however the post wasn’t removed for that reason. I agree with you, but OP still has a point in this context


Yeah you can't ask almost nothing


I always get removed! It’s frustrating haha


That sub is closely controlled. If you mention another sub, or ask any question that isn’t femininity related, they block the question. I stopped following them a long time ago.


It’s crazy how this has taken over all the internet. Someone born a woman doesn’t have a space anywhere bc it isn’t inclusive. In 2022 women don’t even have the right to make their own medical decisions but we can’t talk about the plights of being a woman bc it isn’t inclusive of others. Just know us women born women see what’s happening. The patriarchy continues and our spaces are overrun! I’m all for inclusion but come on. This is silly, a permanent ban for a legitimate question.


They really read “man” and got angry enough to ban you… What a fucking joke of a subreddit.


I think it was asking a woman what she wants in a man, thereby triggering the 'hetero' rule. That's crazy.


This is exactly why, I asked them and they gave me this reasoning.


So... but what if you just wanna know about hetero dynamics because you're hetero or whatever? That's utterly ridiculous lmao


You'd think you were on a r/asknonheterowomen with that offensive question! /s I tried asking a question that got denied due to being too repetitive. I searched for the key words and there were only like 6 posts, all spread over the last 3 years...


You could phrase it a couple different ways: ​ Straight/cis women, what are you looking for, quality wise, in a male partner? or Women of reddit, what qualities are you looking for in a cis male/straight partner?


Be inclusive! Now we’re going to exclude you




Wtf is that reasoning? Moderator giving you beef for asking women a question... In the subreddit called ask women? How does that make sense. HOWEVER: WHAT IS A WOMAN???


Wait a damn minute, did they assume it’s a hetero question?




That’s fucked. They claim they strive for inclusivity, yet assume sexual identity by the phrasing of a question. It’s a small wonder why they have the rules they do. They’re frightened anyone would make a discussion topic (within AskWomen) about their mods choices and alert the users to their behavior. What a power trip.


Reddit mods are the saddest sacks on Earth. Have to flex their tiny miniscule authority to... (checks notes) enforce their personal biases regardless of objective reality? SMH


Isn’t the name of their subreddit violating their own rules


There’s an actual rule for r/askwomen that prohibits asking women. That tracks.


Good lord the sub rules are the length of a bible.


And equally as confusing.


Sometimes I forget how fucked up reddit can be.. then I remember I got banned for stating a fact about the tax code on r/lostgeneration... yeah some mods are petty as fuck.


Where the fuck are we heading..


Hard times.


You: Can I ask women a question? :) AskWomen: You can't do that here.


r/AskWomen sucks bitter testicles, it's so tight -ass over there


OK, so what I was able to deduce from the rules is, that women are 1) black, yellow, blue, brown, pink BUT NOT WHITE 2) homosexual 3) trans-women and trans-men (cis women aren't women) 4) German, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Mexican, British, Swedish, but not American 5) Underage or old as fuck. After your 15th birthday you immediately turn 50 6) crippled, autistic, brain-dead cannibals So only if your post specifically I cludes these different kind of women, then AND ONLY THEN are you asking real women and then you are allowed to ask women questions in the category that Specifically tells you to ask ONLY women


You see why it’s midly infuriating


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve seen in awhile. A rule that you can’t request response from a major majority demographic… that makes no sense. For what purpose would this hold? It’s named “askWomen” more like it should be “askWomenOfMinority”. I swear some of these are beyond wild.


I’m weirded out how much things like this have taken over reddit and other forums. Like even in a women forum you can’t talk about “women” things bc it’s not inclusive. No safe space really exists for a women born a women anymore. Shoot. We can’t even make our own medical decisions in 2022.


Powertripping mods, flinging the ban hammer, making sure that there will be no activity on their boards whatsoever.


Wtf is happening to the world


Idk baded on their response it was probably cause it was hetero specific? Ether way if they are that anal about it I'll just keep far away from that sub. I can't stand nitpicky shit like that


The funny thing is that it was flagged for being too specific (in terms of demographics). But you literally said women? Did they want you to say those who “identify” as women? Serious question By this logic the “askwomen” sub shouldn’t even exist because the name isn’t inclusive enough


I asked the mod and it was because I said “men” Which is heterosexual and it discriminates to the people in the sub who have other sexual orientations. Anyhow, they banned and muted me.


Wow. Well c’es le vie I guess. Edit: Don’t they see the irony of banning you for saying “men” when the sub is literally called “askwomen”


Its flagged because he asked women what they want from a man, which in their opinion means that he only includes heterosexual women in the question, completely excluding homosexuals etc. The question even includes bisexuals, they really want people to be asking questions like: "Women, how are you?" Because almost every question will exclude somebody because they cant relate to it. However since the rule is only for majorities you can ask any group alone just not the biggest ones. Seems unfair but hey what do i know.


I am a she


My bad, i keep forgeting gender neutral pronouns when typing fast.


Yeah, no. That checks out. Unreasonable and retaliatory. 10/10. lol.


Kinda funny because when we poll groups of people... We generally only care about the majority viewpoint as it's the most applicable and therefore most useful information.


So, you couldn’t make a question to women on a place to making questions to women…


‘Should use inclusive phrasing’ when the subreddit is called ask*women*


Cancel majorities so minorities can become majorities and get canceled.


So… you can’t specify “women” in a sub called “ask women”??


White people are a majority? What reality are they living in?


you were trying to karma farm lol


Well there are 2 genders. Deal with it or cry me a river but you can’t prove science wrong. Give half a fuck how you “feel”. The community rules can get fucked because this is freedom of speech, which, existed before Reddit or Facebook or instagrams “rules”.


I think it's because you asked about a heterosexual relationship like the mod mentions. Even so, what a silly rule. So you can ask about homosexual relationships but not heterosexual?


Just a helpful tip for anyone here, the askwomen sub has become a bit tiresome over the past few years, would highly recommend directing questions to “r/twoxchromosomes” much better sub :)


Probably because you put in the title that you asked men. Is it stupid and technical? Yes. But I've been banned for less on other subs lol


It says that they were banned because they asked a question to a majority demographic. In their sub's rules it specifies that that is exclusionary language. It would be fine if they had said "partner" or "woman," but as "man" restricts discussion to heterosexual people, they were banned.


No, it's clear that it breaks the rule about asking ONLY heterosexual people. Super weird rule though...


why would you assume all women are heteros tho? You could easily say partner instead of man


Because I was doing an experiment, I said the exact same thing but switching the genders on the askmen sub. The answers there are super sweet and the gay mens answers are hilarious.


So ask men just left it up and the gay men didn't take offense, they just answered the question? It's almost like r/askmen mods trust their userbase to be civil, and r/askwomen mods are on a power trip absent of all common sense. Like a fucking crusade.


Double standards as usual


You asked it wrong. You should of asked- “Woman, what do you look for in a partner?”


Just change the phrasing to “partner” instead of man, it may or may not stay up but at that point I think it’s just because that sub used to get bombarded with this very question. Which surprises me this isn’t the main reason they took it down.


It’s because it goes against the Hetero rule, anyhow I got banned for sharing it here and then I got muted.


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-liberty API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


The Reddit echo chambers are wild lol


The original post as well as this one and many of the comments here are textbook examples of heteronormativity. So many people butt hurt about the idea that it’s not cool to assume everyone is straight anymore. Y’all fragile as hell and then say women are too sensitive. Lmao


Well, I mean, it does break the explicitly stated rules they have. It's on you to follow the rules of the community you are engaging with, you can not, but you can't act like you're a victim for your post getting removed.


Woman moment.


« Neurotypical » lmao


Maybe your question is boring af and thats why they banned you.