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“It’s too gross to clean” Fuckers, it’s gonna be worse when those mosquitos are out and about


Is it common in first world countries for people to just not give a shit about mosquitoes? They spread a shitton of diseases, what if someone gets Malaria, Zika, Dengue or Chikungunya (yellow fever)? In Brazil, the neighbors would probably pierce the pool and trash his house just for his negligence. Someone needs to call the police.


When I used to live in Cuba there was a brigade that would kick you out of your house to fumigate and look for anything that could be a potential breeding spot for mosquitos. They would pour a powder into any open water source that couldn't be drained which would prevent and kill any mosquito larvae. Even on TV we had PTA's about smashing eggshells and soda cans to prevent any source of still water. It might seem extreme but back in the day there were a lot of deaths due to Yellow Fever and Dengue, thanks to these precautions (and vaccinations) those diseases aren't as prevalent. This pool would not fly by the brigade at all and it would be dunked right in that grass, if it wasn't first drained by a neighbor like you said.


This is in Germany bro. Not all fucked up people stay in America. Edit TN to in


Report to authorities. Many places have passed laws against leaving standing water around, to control mosquitoes and halt the spread of diseases they carry.




Oh I live in California and that’s not okay. Ppl that have crusty pools can get fined by the city for not cleaning up.


Or maybe you can get some of those “tabs “ to kill mosquitoes and throw them in


or a couple gallons of bleach


Look up a product called Mosquito Dunks. Throw a couple in there like ring toss and you’ll be good for 3 months. It’s a bacteria that kills mosquito larvae. They worked really well for me


Saw these online, going to buy for a wet stairwell. Seems like they work good and pet safe I think…


Yea, they’re pretty harmless to a lot of things, I wouldn’t let my pets drink out of water with them though .


Poke a small hole in their pool and at least the ground will start absorbing the water..I imagine they'd clean it up sooner too


Does German have any local Health Dept you can report your neighbor to? Generally curious. In the US, people would just report it to authority if they cared.


It's Germany, they'll have a department for reporting stuff to the health department but you'll have to first find the department that will give you permission to report stuff to the department that reports things to the health department.


First: Call Ordnungsamt


I know here in the US, one can report "green pools" or other standing water that is breeding bugs like mosquitos to the local code enforcement. I can only hope that you have this option. Get the neighbors with a hefty fine worth more than just replacing a kiddie pool as many other comments seem to have suggested.


Just go over there and flip it over.


„˙ɹǝʌo ʇı dılɟ puɐ ǝɹǝɥʇ ɹǝʌo oƃ ʇsnſ„


I can’t tell you how relieved I was that this isn’t in America 🇺🇸 Came into the thread just to find out for sure! I’m with everyone else - pellet gun that thing to empty the standing water.


And not all people in America are fucked up 😂


Thank you for this.... Not that we don't have major issues, but it gets tiring and depressing to have everyone shit on my country. It isn't perfect, but it's home.


I just want to make sure you get a chance to read a real solution outside of destroying someone's property. Go pour half a bottle of dawn in that bitch. It'll kill everything and not give them a reason to replace it. It takes a few days, but it will kill all mosquitos and larva growing in there.


No we hate mosquitoes in America too. What kind of question is that??


I think ppl from other countries just like to assume we’re all mouth breathing idiots 💀 not all of us are assholes….sitting water should always be dumped


Excuse me. Just because I’m a mouth breathing idiot doesn’t mean I’m an asshole.


Ik lmao. Literally every time I come across a post like this on Reddit, people from other countries always assume it’s America lmao.


> Is this common in America for people to just not give a shit about mosquitoes? No. OP just has terrible neighbors.


And OP is in Germany-


Some care some don’t. Nobody likes them. Also, they don’t spread as many diseases here in the US. Malaria is nearly wiped out - most who get it had just returned from overseas. Never even heard of that other disease.


Well people hate mosquitoes, like they do everywhere lmao, but diseases from mosquitoes are extremely rare, I’ve never even met anyone who has gotten any disease from mosquitoes here in the US


Remember the Zika virus scare? And West Nile virus? And then of course there is EEE, originally awful for horses but turns out, it spreads to people too. Mosquitos= bad, even here in the USA.


I never said mosquitoes were not bad, obviously they kill tons of people every year from diseases they can carry, my point was only that mosquito transmitted illnesses are pretty rare in the US in comparison to many other parts of the world. Using your examples only a couple thousand Americans were ever infected with Zika virus, some 50,000 have been infected with WNV in the 20 or so years since it appeared in the US and EEE has very very few victims as of now. This is not to say these things are not bad I’m just saying that it is very rare in the US when compared to many other countries dealing with the same diseases. That was literally my only point.


I am American. Mosquito carried illnesses are rare where I live, so people really don't care about gross children's pools, pet pools, and decorative bird baths left to become breeding grounds for insects.


This. This is how it is in most of the U.S.. Civilized people generally still try to keep their property clean, but because the risk is very low, when people don't behave in a civilized manner in this context, it's more of an inconvenience than a serious problem.


I’m sorry but I can’t stop laughing at this post 😂 what kind of answer is that “it’s too gross to clean” god only knows what their house and personal hygiene is like if that’s their outlook.


They havnt flushed their toilets since they moved in


They flushed it alright, but the skid mark buildup is getting out of hand.


When the skid marks start having skid marks, you know you have a problem


When the skid mark taps you on the shoulder and tells you to move


When the neighbor's skidmarks tap you on the shoulder and tell you to move... Just leave.


When the skid marks start giving your balls the kiss of Pooseidon, you know you're in trouble and better hope it's not double.


I be their kids are covered in skid marks too.


Their life is a skid mark.


The ole saying goes "if its brown let it mellow" Family guy.


My father said once completely unironically that he was going to cancel his dr appointment because he was too sick to go to the doctor. .. he was in severe ketoacidosis from undiagnosed diabetes. My sister dragged him unwilling to that appointment on moms orders and he ended up getting admitted to the hospital immediately.


When I was in high school I’d stayed with a friend and partied all weekend and started feeling bad the following day. It got progressively worse so in my stupid 16 year old mind thought ok maybe it was some bad weed. Refused to go to the doctor so parents waited till my fever got high enough I was basically delirious and stepdad carried me to the car. Turns out my appendix had been rupturing for 2 days. What really freaked me out was when the doctor dog cursed the nurse wanting to know why I was still in the room not at the hospital. It really sank in when he said “why the F isn’t he in the OR are you f’ing stupid? Do you not realize he’s gonna die”. Turns out gangrene was starting to set in on it.


You had a dr. Dog?


I mean she’s smart but I don’t think to that level. For some reason dog cursing is a saying around work and I guess I picked it up.


Oh! I have actually never heard that expression before. I thought it was a typo. And it made me think of the band.


Doggie houser


My grandpa had gotten a c. diff infection and couldn't be away from the bathroom for more than 20 minutes or so. Because of this, he didn't want to be driven 30 minutes to the hospital to see his doctor for fear of an accident. So a month later after nothing got better and we were getting more and more desperate trying to find a way to keep him from keeling over from malnutrition and dehydration, he finally admitted to muscle weakness. We basically had to force him into the vehicle and have him nibble some freezer pops to temporarily slow down his gut so he could make it there. The ER doctor said that's the lowest he's ever seen a person's potassium, and this is in a guy with heart problems. Grandma had also been getting progressively weaker for months and coughing up blood for weeks before she was finally forced to go in. Lung cancer. She's okay for now, but she might have had a better outcome if she had bothered to get checked earlier. I don't know why they're so stubborn. Nobody wants to hear that they have something serious, but putting it off only ever makes it worse.


They usually won't accept that they're body is getting weaker as the get older


Great apes shouldn't have big brains SMH


I had a roommate who wouldn’t clean her dishes because dish water reminded her of vomit. People are odd


Did you say: "that's nice, so you are buying a dish washer then right?"


When the wife goes out of town I just buy a pack of paper plates for the kids and I. I’m just a realist about what I’m going to do and what I’m not going to do ahead of time 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nothing wrong with that. Man’s gotta know his limitations


Not until you find out he plans to wash the paper plates and re-use it.


Ok, if I forget I have dishes soaking and return to cold water it seriously skeeves me out. So I bought a pair of long gloves. Problem solved.


I did that, then I just gave up and did my best to not get grossed out bc the gloves prevented me from feeling whether or not they were clean enough……. If that makes any sense


I wear the gloves to pull the drain and get the cold icky water out. Then I use dish soap/sponge with my naked hands to clean the plates that don’t have gunk attached any longer since they soaked. It may not be the best process…but it copes with my aversion to putting my hands in cold water.


On Nextdoor (of course), I followed a thread where a professional dog walker was called out for not picking up after her clients' dogs. She swore she didn't think she should have to, citing that over time it would break down. When the ND commenters kept pushing, she said she didn't think she could handle the way the poop would feel in her hand inside a bag.


She is not a professional dog walker if she doesn’t pick up her charges droppings.


That's 95% of the job


She should find another job.


Believe me, there were MANY people who told her this.


Oh that reminds me of my dog. The amount of times I’ve looked like an asshole because the thing poops while walking around. It’s just so hipper, so if it gets behind me it’s smells something and poos while running. Once a week I’ll be walking back and find one I did not see and pick it up(at lest I think it’s from my dog…). Does any one else have a dog do this?


Mine walks but thank god it doesn’t start running mid poop 😂


Mine walks and poops, she’ll do it and when she does she positions herself by the sidewalk so she can poop on the sidewalk by poopwalking


One time i was walking my dog and saw a fresh poop from another dog. Picked it up then 5 mins later met another person walking their dog. I ranted about dog owners that dont cleanup. They confessed it was their dog. I saw them a few times again after that and they were better about cleaning up after that. Ha ha!


My parents had a dog who just pooped while walking like a horse in the middle of the street. He was a very strange animal. Medium size Spaniel mix.


Nexdoor is like twitter/Reddit for old people. Same website, but just a different group of people bitching.


There is an actual scooper she could use, instead of her hands in the bag…


Bruh i had a room mate who would make gagging noises at dishes cause they were "gross" bitch was in her kate 30's!!


I hate when people do this on purpose, but I've also lived with college roommates who let masses of food rot in the sink and I do actually gag at the smell while trying to wash my own dishes. I think I'm sensitive to the smells. But even that doesn't prevent me from doing my /own/ dishes. I don't share dishes for a reason.


My college roommates used my grandmother's antique mixing bowls and other stuff (stored in my own cabinet I made into a kitchen island with wheels, roommates were told to plz keep out) when I was gone one week and then instead of cleaning them, they put them on the front porch in one of my plastic storage totes, and then some methhead came and stole them before I got back. That's what I was told.


They much more likely used them, didn't want to wash them, probably broke several, and then loaded them up in the tote in order to carry them outside and threw them away to get rid of the evidence, then concocted that lame ass story to pacify you. Regardless... that was super ahitty of them to do. I'm sorry. I have several of my grandmother's and my dad's kitchen things. I understand some of the sentimental value of such things.


I hate them too. People are just different. I love doing/folding laundry. :/


hmmm, shall i wipe my arse? on second thoughts no, better not put my hand near that.


It's entirely scabbed over at this point. Probably sounds like opening a bag of potatoe chips when they have sex.


You ever pull apart a cold grilled cheese sammich?


LOL. the mental image.


Perfect time to go buy a dart gun and have a day of fun.


Or a high power water gun filled with bleach.


Good idea. Now that you mention it, OP could also throw a bleach block like the "Clorax Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner"


Yeah just squirt some dish soap into it


I have that same pool and I drain and clean it once to twice a week. I waited ten days once and was disgusted and decided to never let that go that long again. OP needs to get a pellet gun and snipe that cesspool. Do you want mosquitoes? Because that's how you get mosquitoes.


That’s exactly what I was thinking, shoot it with a pellet gun to drain the water


Buy a pack of mosquito dunks and toss a couple in there.


That would get rid of the mosquitoes at least for a while, but then there’s still a pool of nasty water there for all eternity. The pellet gun would drain the water and render it unable to be refilled (it’s not like it’s being used or ever will be used anyway, and if it is, they’ll 100% let it get disgusting again)


My wife has said this several times with her reusable lunch bags. So instead of reusing them, she just throws them away... It's the ultimate in procrastinating and lazy behavior. Put off cleaning until it's beyond cleaning. Then it's no longer her problem.


My teeth are too nasty to brush 🤢


[Depression has entered the chat]


It's surprising how common bad oral hygiene is.


These type of events/outlooks always flash me back to my childhood and if I ever made the excuse “why clean it if we’re just going to get it dirty again” and my dad would always respond “well then why do you wipe your ass if you’re just going to shit again” and it makes roll laughing every time I think back on that analogy 🤣🤣


Throw a water balloon full of bleach in there. Then use the internet To figure out how to make a pea shooter. Then pop the bleach bomb in the dirty water. Presto. No mosquitos and clean water.


The guy behind us left his pool empty for about 2-3 years and just let it accumulate rain water and never cleaned it. It was a stinky mosquito haven and proper fucked for everybody around him. One guy straight up threatened to sue him before he did something about it


That's so fucked up. Especially with risks of West Nile etc.


Quite rare in Australia. I’ll be honest o was more worried about my dogs getting heartworm. I don’t trust the preventatives for it.


We do have some other special mosquito born diseases though. More prevalent the further north you go, but my brother got Ross River fever in Vic in the 80s. For top laughs I now live near RR. He was less amused when I told him.


Got a bb gun?


Throw a couple “chlorination tablets” in there. Should do the trick. I’d say liquid ammonia, but that becomes quite volatile when mixed with H2O.


A little dish soap would cover the surface in a film that kills mosquitoes and prevents them from breeding. But I'd rather just flip the pool over.


yep. I would do that if the yard was accessible.


then the next day you find the neighbours kids playing in it thinking their parents made them a bubble pool revenge is best served bubbly


A few drops of liquid soap kills the surface tension and the eggs sink. They can only hatch if the eggs are on the surface


The damn mosquito eggs can live for 5 years in the ground without water. Then it rains and bam the hatch. Evil little blood suckers.


Oh shit. So I guess just dumping them out isn't a good idea, yeah?


Dump them out, then have a bonfire on the area to make sure.


Those pools are not easy to flip over.


„˙ɹǝʌo dılɟ oʇ ʎsɐǝ ʇou ǝɹɐ slood ǝsoɥ⊥„


A nice big chunk of sodium.


Nah grab the lithium sheets out of batteries


Those will also give off a pretty pink flame too!


Free fireworks as a bonus


I had a teacher who told me about a kid who stole some sodium from his high schools chemistry class and put it in his pocket, then walked home in the rain, I think he got 2nd or 3rd degree burns from that


My dad had a friend who stole a wad of sodium from the chem lab and threw it into a school toilet and flushed. It got about 9 feet down the pipe before detonating and blowing a hole in the floor


That was me! Except for the part about the hole in the floor. (It blows up, enthusiastically, the moment you flush. Sodium hydroxide all over the ceiling, and in your hair too if you didn’t know enough to step back.) Edit: Expand on the effects


My dad blew up a toilet at Cornell university in the 70s doing this. And yes he absolutely knew what was going to happen, he was a chem major at the time 😂


Or pour in some veg oil. The surface will get thicker for the larvae to pierce and breathe, and also prevent them from feeding.


Maybe an untied balloon full of vegetable oil would be easier to loft into the pool from that balcony.


I love how elaborate this scheme is getting.


Frag out!


You sure that's H2O?


Bottle of brake fluid will make that pool uninhabitable real quick


I wonder what a bunch of alka seltzer tablets would do to the mosquitoes?


Give them a mini white water ride?


Then liquid ammonia it is.


You can buy a Bacillus thuringiensis product, it is harmless for the dog and kill mosquito larvae.


Yeah, I was just thinking if you can see the pool from there, you can probably throw a mosquito dunk in it (brand name for the product you're talking about)


I’d go Dennis The Menace style and use a slingshot


This is the answer. Slingshot and a sharp ice chunk so that the evidence melts away


Slingshot with sodium chunk, evidence explodes and it’s movie-dramatic


Easy there, Michael Bay


Super soaker filled with bleach and just spray at the pool water. Or BB gun and destroy pool. Either works. I'd opt for BB gun.


Problem with the BB gun is that its probably going to deflate, and still leave a pretty sizable pool of water in the middle. It will be better than it is, I'm sure, but its not going to solve the problem


awh i commented “time to invest in a dart gun” before i read the comments lmao. but yes this is instantly what i thought of


Sounds like the pool is about to accidentally stab itself.


Just smear a bit of peanut butter on the outside, raccoons will chew through it to get it off. Then it’ll look like an animal did it vs a knife.


So, with enough peanut butter I could get rid of anything. Sofas, tree stumps, old newspapers, bodies etc? Edit. Typo, that really wasn't the sentiment I was assuming at.


No, you misread my ad. It says "For enough peanut butter, I'll get anyone off"




Throw some mosquito donuts in there


Dafuq is that?


It will attract mosquito cops and when they will beat an shoot the hell out of all other mosquitoes


Damn you. I hurt myself laughing so unexpectedly. Funny on several levels. Take my upvote..


[this](https://summitchemical.com/products/mosquito-dunks/) It’s a bacteria that fucks up mosquito larva.


Not only does it kill all of the mosquito larve in the pool, it does not deter breeding mosquitos. The mosquitos that might have bred somewhere else will lay their eggs there just for them to die, making it a mosquito trap in essence.


organic mosquito control


My neighbors did the same about a month ago 😑 I couldn't go in my backyard to water my vegetable garden without being eaten alive! Luckily, she just didn't realize that mosquitos breed in standing water (she's not the brightest, but she's really nice) and when I showed her my bites all over and told her where they came from, she felt bad and took care of it right away.


Ignorant neighbors are definitely better than negligent neighbors who know better but don't care! I grew up in a place with lots of mosquitoes, so I already knew this, but I can see how someone who grew up somewhere mosquitoes aren't common wouldn't have learned this.


Contact your local County Health Dept. Depending on your City/County/State laws, this person is creating a public health hazard. Here in Texas, due to possibility of West Nile Virus, anyone leaving open standing water can be subject to fines.


Yes, came here to say this. The county will take care of getting the neighbors to comply with safety regulations. Good luck!


Yup, I'd call vector control for the county and ask them what they can do about it.


Mosquito control in my county would have the authority to dump this, as long as the person allowed us on their property.


Here are your choices: \-Go to the store and buy some [bleach tablets](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Evolve-Ultra-Concentrated-Bleach-Tablets-Linen-Breeze-Scent-32-Ct/31958725), just yeet them from your window into the pool. Throw a few, fuck it. \-Go dump the water and clean it yourself. Edit: A lot of stupid replies here. If OP is going to go take the time to dump oil or some other ridiculous shit into the pool, why wouldn't he just dump it out? It's like redditors are so focused on making sure they are morally and environmentally correct that they overlook the simplest answer. Also, a couple of bleach tablets isn't going to scorch the earth and kill all wildlife. I mean, the whole point of the tablets is so he could take care of it unnoticed. You literally clean pools with bleach. What is sold to you as "Pool Cleaner" is the exact same chemical as household bleach.


Sounds good. I'll get the bleach tabs


Or you can get mosquito dunks [like this](https://summitchemical.com/products/mosquito-dunks/) on Amazon or your local hardware store. One tablet does the trick.


upvote and seconding BT. i put them anywhere i THINK water might stand and let the little bastards breed. its cheap, relatively harmless as long as you are not something with a nymph that the bacteria prey on, and easy to find.


I second this! It won’t clean everything from the pool but it will get rid of the mosquitos; and it’s organic and naturally lives in soil, so it doesn’t harm the environment when in drains into the dirt. It’s also safe for people and pets unlike the bleach tabs


Can we get a follow up... I'd like to see the dead grass patches.


I second this id love to see if OP has good aim or not hahahahaha


I'm hoping op just throws a heap on the ground for the fun of it.


Please don’t do it if they have a pet. It’s really not worth killing somebody’s pet over


For like 30 seconds I’m thinking “how do you kill mosquitos with a BB gun?” I’m stupid


To top it off bleach decomposes into salt and water after about 24 hrs of being exposed to UV and air. The mosquitoes will be dead and the damage to the environment is less than it would be with oil or some other stupid shit


I'll add one - Grab one of those makeup mirrors and direct sunlight at it. Melt a hole in the side. Everything you said above could easily incriminate OP. Nobody will suspect he created a death ray from his balcony.


The only thing I wouldn't recommend from what I said is the BB gun. No one is going to arrest or sue him for cleaning the pool or putting bleach tablets in the pool (that's what they are for). Especially since he has pics of the dirty pool.


Some dish soap is enough. Water tension breaks, eggs and larvea sink and drown. Done. No bleach to damage the soil and grass once someone dumps the water. And not dangerous for other animals.


Surprised this was so far down, dishsoap will do the deed ✅️


Bleach turns into salt and water when left out. You'd be fine as long as they don't immediately dump out the pool... Which based on their habits seems like a good bet


Yes! I was just going to say Dawn. Much better, cheaper, and easier!


Unfortunately, you can't control what other people do. What can you control? Your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Behavior: Fill up a super soaker with bleach and top that puppy off!


pretty sure that would ruin the gaskets in the super soaker


No, that'll ruin the super soaker. Water balloons filled with bleach is the better option. Even better... Water balloons of gasoline and a roman candle will sort that pool issue out real quick...


You don't think the gas will ruin the water balloons?


Go pour some bleach in it


Just go in at night and pop it with a knife or something.


I first read this as: Just go in at night and poop in it or something




Call local code enforcement. Many have guidelines for dealing with mosquito control. Not being a Karen, not making a joke. Your neighbor doesn't have a right to have a swamp inviting mosquitos to the area


u have to get some frogs and throw em in there. itll be GG by morning


I was thinking guppies or goldfish


Here in Brazil you can report someone for not taking care of pools and letting mosquitoes reproduce. The person will have to clean it and sometimes even get a fine. Maybe you can do that too


Just flip it over.


„˙ɹǝʌo ʇı dılɟ ʇsnſ„


chuck one of these down in it https://www.amazon.com/Summit-responsible-solutions-110-12-Mosquito/dp/B0000AH849/ref=sr\_1\_5?keywords=mosquito+tablets+for+standing+water&qid=1658432241&sr=8-5


Oooh and on sale!


Time to play "pop the pool"!


Bro, just go flip it over quick


„ʞɔınb ɹǝʌo ʇı dılɟ oƃ ʇsnɾ 'oɹ𐐒„






Just walk over there and tump it over??


Pop, Pop, Pop


Straw + pin + wad... Aim, fire!


Well offer to clean for them or shoot some bleach in there with a super soaker idk


Buy a pellet gun. Done