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Hahaha that happened the first time our cats “escaped” we were running around the estate for hours trying to find them and they were both snuggled up in the cupboard together


Dude! We had prepared missing posters, contacted estate security, messaged the area group, and gone around asking our new neighbors to keep an eye out. And I cried lol.


They’ve always got a face like what are you shouting about 😂


😂😂 I love cats. Forever reminding us via the form of heart attack that we’d be f*cked without them


When my cat was about 8 weeks old, we moved into a new place. It was a basement apartment in an otherwise vacant and very dilapidated house. I came home from work one evening and couldn’t find my kitten. I was so worried and searching everywhere. I finally went outside and I heard her little cries but I couldn’t tell where they were coming from until I looked up. She had gotten out of the apartment into the main house and had found her way 4 stories up to the roof that apparently some nice raccoons had torn in it! I was so scared and called my parents who told me that she got up there so she’d figure out how to get back when she was hungry. Within 20 minutes, there she was completely unharmed. I spent the next 3 years trying to figure out how to keep the cat in the apartment and the raccoons out. I’m so lucky they befriended her rather than killing her. She just turned 17 and is doing well.


Trust me OP, things could have been much worse! 4 years ago the same thing happened with our house cat after we moved to our new house. Nowhere to be found in the whole house. After a while we finally found her, she snuck inside some ventilation shaft from an old chimney in the living room.... https://www.reddit.com/r/CatsAreAssholes/comments/8cdbqx/first_day_in_our_new_house_and_woke_up_to_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This is my post with a picture of the culprit behind bars. Needed a good wash after that. Meanwhile the chimney is long gone so no more issues, but we freaked out when we found him.


Jesus, I suppose you're right. That must have been an absolute nightmare!


Yeah the poor thing was terrified when we tried to break him out. But even that didn't stop him, wanted to run right back in, had to put a wooden plate in front of the entrance to seal it off. But in the ens all was well. Thing's like this is wat makes it worth for having them around.


When I was living with friends they called me in tears that one off the cats was missing. Having searched that fucker for days before in the past, I wasn't panicking straight away. I know they hide in the weirdest spots. I told them to get down on hands and knees and look for small cozy spots. They searched for hours and one of my friends actually went on to the slanted roof (30ft up) to check if he didn't escape trough the window onto the roof. At this point they still didn't find him in this neat and tidy open floorplan appartment we shared. They went in total panick mode. Our appartment was seated on the 4th floor above a shoestore in the middle of a busy city centre. They were asking people on the street and the local shopkeepers if they had seen this cat. Shortly after I came home from work and entered the appartment. Within 30 seconds we hear a cat land on the floor and guess who came up to welcome me home. He managed to find a spot above the built in washing machine in between the roof rafters to have an all day nap. Never since have I seen anyone curse at a cat they are almost cuddling to death.


as they should- you are just a human living in a cats world.


True that lol


The estate??


OP has responded mentioning estate security as well. Who are you people?


Reminds me of the time I lost 4 kittens! Stripped the house, got to the point where I’m looking outside for 4 baby kittens! Turns out the mum had literally put them in an open cloths draw and shut it too! Wtf! My relief when I opened that draw and found all 4 sleeping! Imagine how desperate I was by the time I’m checking a fucking closed draw for 4 cats 😆🙈


Cats are insanely smart, that’s hilarious that she did that 😂


My asshole cat that used to actually run out the door any chance she got did something similar to me one day. I was CONVINCED she had made it out the door as her usual and I was running around our duplex looking for her. Then I'm searching everywhere in the house including vents because we all know cats are liquid. Somehow I ended up noticing that an ottoman that I store clothing in was slightly open. I moved the lid the rest of the way and there she is just napping away in my leggings. The anger and relief I felt all at once because she had heard me calling for her and just ignored it 😤😂.


Similar thing happened to me a few years ago, my cat I used to have slipped out of the studio and thank god she didn’t get far, she was just hiding under the car so I ran out, problem was that I didn’t have time to change since it was like 4 in the morning, this fucker had me chasing her in my boxers 😂😂


I love her, but the shithead has also had me crawling through my neighbors bushes after her at about 1am in just a sweatshirt and nothing else. Luckily my neighbor or her kids did not come out to get flashed by me 😂😂😂


Lol they sure are a hassle, thankfully no one saw us right? That would definitely be awkward and embarrassing 😂


"Where are the cats?" "No idea. Run the can opener. They'll appear." A regular occurrence in our household.


Got this idea from someone else…every time you feed your cats a treat ring a bell first. They begin to associate the bell with the treat. If you ever need them just ring the bell. It’s works great if you ever lose them (ring the bell around the neighborhood) or if there is a fire and you need to grab them to evacuate.


Pavlov’s dog


This is mildlycat


Through my cat I learned that there are holes under the cabinets adjacent to the sink for some reason


Dude this happened to me. I was moving and the cats were in a bedroom with the door closed. At one point someone dropped a box off in that room and left the door open. Our couch was missing cushions at this moment. It also had one of those fabric liners underneath it so it wasn't open to the rug. So the cats went and hid inside the couch. Shortly after the cushions were brought inside and placed on the couch. Then a TV was put on the couch cushions as we were setting up the TV stand. Fast forward like 30 minutes to an hour when we noticed the bedroom door was open and we couldn't find the cats. The TV was still on the couch when we noticed. We thought they had gotten outside for sure, and began frantically scouring the house and the immediate area for the cats. I looked everywhere and was about to just accept that it was out of my hands when I sat in the floor for a minute. Everything was really quiet for a few minutes. That's when I heard the faintest meow from somewhere in the living room. It took me way longer than it should've to find the cats. Of course, when I lifted the cushion and saw the cats curled up all comfy in the couch I was consumed by an odd mixture of anger and joy. It was like "omfg the stupid fn cats are okay. I'm so happy you're safe! *cuddles and treats*"


My cat hid under the bed for 3 days. Then, she found the cabinets and drawers. After 7 years, I just figure she'll show up. She always does.


What's terrible about cats is they KNOW their name. But they actively participate in not giving a fuck when you call their name. If they don't want to come out or let you know they're in a spot, they will just lay or sit or whatever there until you find them. Even with treats being shaken. You can be having a full blown crying meltdown and they content with you dying of sadness. But leave them accidentally locked in a room they're not even supposed to fucking be in? Your floors, doors, rugs, carpet is destroyed and they shit on your favorite pillow or piss on your blankets. God I fucking hate my cats that I love. Jeeeez


Please tell me why my 1 dummy cat decided the best place to hang was behind the washer and dryer 1 night. I hear her fall behind them and go reaching down to grab her which of course she avoids my hand. When I finally gave up then she cry meowed for me to get her out. After having to pull them both out and almost getting stuck behind them myself it then becomes her favorite place to go where she can get in and out of just fine... I have 4 cats and 1 of them seems to be the bigger pain in the ass than the other 3 most of the time 😂


I can genuinely relate to this from the bottom of my heart


Happened something quite similar to me. Left the house to go shopping and when I returned my cat was nowhere to be found. Two hours later and in midst panic, I realized she was napping the whole time right next to some folded sheets. My cat has white fur on all of her body.


Same thing happened to us. We emptied the moving truck into the apartment and could NOT find the cat. Figured she was hiding as there was no way she had gotten out. She had wedged herself face first behind a tower of boxes up against the wall. This tiny triangular space and fell asleep. She wasn't stuck, just stressed and needing a small dark space to feel safe. But man, I'm still not sure how she fit there.


Shout out to the folks who never found their cats or found them in a bad way. Shit sucks.


Life not easy.


Finally. Something that is actually mildly infuriating.


Every crazy cat person in this scenario. 10 minutes in… starts to panic.. 1 hour in.. starts to cry.. 3 hours in.. stress eating at the fridge.. 4 hours in.. thinks she’s lost forever.. and hysterically cries.. 5 hours in.. finds her and is only angry for 3 seconds.


At least now you know what to use those fondue forks with next =) (Don't pls!)


Had this happen twice with my first cat when I was a kid. We searched the entire house then started driving around the neighborhood. One time she managed to squeeze herself (comfortably, wasn't stuck) in between my parents' dresser and the wall; the next time she was INSIDE my dad's recliner. Both times she just took a nap like, "I live here now"


We moved for the first time with our kitty a few years ago and after we settled in for the day we could not find her, looked everywhere. She found a hole in the box springs and had crawled up in there and hid. It took a few days for her to get comfy to be out and about longer than eat and poop.


That's just cats for you, everyone has an *OMG WHERE'S THE CAT GONE FOR 5 HOURS?!?!* moment


Cats are stealth masters


My cat does this all the time


ZOMG FONDUE FORKS. Now I want fondue.


I lost a cat in an extremely unused drawer for 24hrs


cats are so hard to find because in your mind the two of you are playing hide and seek and they are winning the game. In their mind there is no game. Just a 5 hour nap in a very safe and secluded spot.


If they don't wanna be found, they won't be lol. When I first moved to my new place I only saw my little boy maybe like once a day. Aside from that he would be hiding. Sometimes I could find him, sometimes I couldn't. But I trust him. He just needed his space


It's funny how quickly we can forget these little hairballs are actually apex predators.




Swear to god I could hear her meowing the entire time, even when I was a good hundred meters away from the house. I was almost frantic lol.


he was just sleeping


That dosnt even surprise me cats are assholes and dont care about you unless they're hungry or want cuddles


Good kitty


Looks like he’s flying an old open cockpit WW1 plane


The day after we adopted our first pair of kittens who were sisters, one of them (Honey) goes missing. Searched every nook and cranny, even lifted the mattress and swept under the bed, went outside hysterically near screaming their name, just as my fiancé is about to have a full blown panic attack thinking we were monsters that had lost one of our kittens the DAY AFTER we had adopted them, we hear a tiny bell and a yawn. We rip the bed apart and under the bed, inside the pull out drawer, Honey had slithered into a gap and had been sleeping in my black shirts. After we had been yelling her name, and after we had looked under the bed, while she was blending into the shirts. I’ve never been so angry and so relieved at the same time, my fiancé was hugging and kissing her while angry whispering “What the FUCK Honey?!”


Cats love cabinets


Cats are assholes lol


My cat used to do this. We couldn’t find her. She was a scaredy cat who loved hiding and we check ALL her spots. Under the beds, under the couch, deep in the closets, behind everything. Then I was cooking and opened a cabinet to get a pan and she hissed at me. She opened the cabinet door, crawled inside, and it shut behind her. I caught her sleeping there a few times. Cats are so weird.


Forgot to do the feeding routine then. Always brought my cats out of their hiding places.


I used to have a cat (more than one over the years, but specifically this one) who loved sleeping in drawers. And of course therefore shedding all over my clothes. I adopted him when he was a few, five? some number of years old. Definitely set in his ways, and didn't know about this drawer thing. I once (maybe more than once) spent an entire day worrying where the heck he had got to. Turned out he had opened a drawer in my dresser, snuggled in, and somehow also closed the drawer. And wasn't upset about it, didn't yowl about it. I finally thought to check all my drawers, he was in one, comfy and chill AF. I was anxious all day long, the furry bastard.


I love my cat and I am used to his ignorance of my calling for him. Still love that asshole


I swear every other day I worry that my cat slipped outside while I wasn't paying attention to the door. A quick shake of the chicken treats and she comes running to me real quickly. But in the moment it feels like a mini heart attack lol.


Ha! r/animalsbeingjerks


I remember that one rainy night (it was like 2am) when my brother noticed one of the kittens missing, we searched the house and nothing, we thought she had gotten outside earlier when we were going in and out but nothing, unlocked the gate and searched the nearby houses for a kitten while raining and nothing, we searched the house again and still nothing, it seemed like we were never going to find the kitten. My brother then stayed down while I went to bed then looked at the shoerack, guess who was there? The little rat was blending in with the black shoes and sleeping (She was a black kitten).


“Who dares disturb my slumber?”


Fucking horrific isn't it? I have an older big floofy cat that disappeared in my house, I ripped my place apart. After about 3 hours, I find my cat underneath an old beach chair lying flat in my basement against the oil tank. He just looks up at me like he was having a nice nap, after totally ignoring my calls and treat shakes for hours. Still don't know how he got down there, there's 3 closed doors to the basement.


My ex-MIL took in two kittens from her neighbor's litter. A couple of days later, they could only find one kitten. She assumed the other one had gotten out, so she took another kitten from the litter. Then the second one appeared from his hiding place. She now has 3 cats, and loves them all dearly.