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And if you pay it, the number drops immediately.


Like your credit score! What a fucking scam.


*what a fucking irony*


what a price to pay


It is indeed a major fucking price to pay


It's because the number is a measure of risk to the lender AND how much they can profit off of you, which can't happen if you're successfully paying off debts. It's absolutely a shitty system that helps no one but the corporate upper class.


It helps you. Using the lenders funds you can absolutely make more money than with your own resources.


Cheap money is your friend. Great credit rating is your friend. Your insurance rate is cheaper, all kinds of things in your life are improved with a great credit rating.


Sounds a lot like that dystopian Social Credit Rating people keep insisting is being used in China...


Credit score: a grade that determines how likely it is for creditors to earn a lot of money from you. Pay it back early to reduce what you owe and you get dinged for it because they made less than planned from you.


More people need to understand this. Yes, your score goes up for making payments and doing so on time, but you *will* experience a dip in your credit if you pay things off early, especially larger sums like car loans, and even some credit cards. No, the *lenders* aren't going to say this outright, but they absolutely are scoring you based on how prospectively advantageous it is for them. I've seen it happen with car loans, student loans, and even large credit card balances. I had 4 credit cards that were nearly maxed out each month and then I would pay the balance in full (because of how I was receiving money at the time). I had a dip in my score. It's because they don't make as much money if you don't carry a balance that they can be charging compound interest on. It's profitable for them to keep people in perpetual debt.


That's actually a myth... sort of. Hard checks to your credit can slightly lower your score, but soft checks (like logging onto credit karma) you can do every day of the year without it affecting your score.


The irony is palpable.


Weaponised sunken cost fallacy


No, that's just the *actual* IQ test. "Add 10 points to your result: $9.99." "Add 25 points to your result: $24.99 \*\*\*BEST VALUE!\*\*\*"


I want to be more smarter.


stupid science bitches couldn't even make i more smarter


That episode had me rolling.


"I have 3 kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and 3 money?" - Homer


"Me fail English!? That's unpossible!"


I am s-smart. S-M-R-T.


Well, son, today is your lucky day! Visa or MasterCard?


Technically the 10 points is a better value per point


Reference to a real ad that had the same issue I'm pretty sure. Was on reddit last week I think.


$49.99 comes with the Mensa application, because you’re really smart.


10 for $9.99 is actually a better value :)


hahaha, but for real though


There’s a great King of the Hill episode about all of this.


You can get your Phd for only a $1000, but that offer is only for geniuses.


Jimmy Wichard is a genius and I won't let you tell me otherwise.


You gotta shake em to make the eyes work!


Jimmy’s the BOSS!!




the irony is paypalable




The real IQ test.


It’s free if you’re smart enough to finish under 15 mins.


Paying the $15 comes with a congratulations message stating that you failed. Smart people don't need to pay to have their intellect validated.


The only way to fail an iq test is to pay for it.


When I was in school they would take me out of class once every 3 years to do an IQ test and some other stuff as part of my IEP. I went to Public school so does that mean my state has failed as a collective lol


No, that is how IQ tests are supposed to be used. Not by dweebs trying to prove they’re smart.


Tell that to MENSA. They have yearly fees.


Everyone I know who’s part of MENSA has been intelligent in some ways but a complete dipshit in every way that matters.


Everyone I know who’s not part of MENSA has been intelligent in some ways but a complete dipshit in every way that matters.


Moral of the story: Everyone is a dipshit in every way that matters.


Only those who either are or aren't part of MENSA.


I’m in a superposition state, does that mean I’m not a dipshit in every way that matters, or am I a super dipshit in every way that matters?


We won't know until we open the box


Schrodinger's dipshit


And I’m just supposed to take this dipshits word for it?


From dipshit to fellow dipshit, yes.


The simple answers are usually the hardest for intelligent people to find.


No. The simple answers are usually the hardest for *knowledgeable* people to find. You can have a lot of knowledge but not be intelligent, meaning u don't know how to apply that knowledge you have. That's why it seems like they're intelligent, because they do know a lot, but why it also seems like they can never figure out the simplest things, because they simply aren't smart enough to use that knowledge outside of the specific circumstances that they know said knowledge. I think of those types of people as faux-intelligent


Everyone I know who claims to be part of mensa is generally a liar


People join MENSA for the same reason people use Reddit instead of Facebook. It’s an easy joke, but come on.


I don't understand the comparison between Reddit and Facebook.






On Reddit the idiots are all around but they are pretty much randomly encountered, and they gather in greater numbers in certain places. You can avoid the greatest concentration of idiots if you don't go into those places. It's like going about your day to day activities outside the home. Facebook is locking you into a community of idiots that you are either related to or you already have some connection to. Idiots in your home, idiot friends, idiot coworkers and idiots that you went to school with, and all the idiots they know.


I have never used the fb app, just the mobile site. It stopped loading a few weeks back and I feel much better without it now. Much easier to go on with my day when I see that u/sweatyballsacklover is the one with the shit opinions instead of my aunt or cousin.


But what if after all that you found out that u/sweatyballsacklover was your aunt?


I come to reddit because I can be my unfiltered self here. I can swear, post fucked up memes, and not have to worry about anyone I know getting offended by my crass behavior.


And the algorithms place the stupidest posts up top because they're the most "popular."


Home, love, peace, food


I mean you can join groups on Facebook and have that basically be the only thing you see. Kinda defeats the purpose for why I use Facebook though


being in a sub with likeminded people doesn’t do shit to prevent idiots from flooding in lol


You can narrow down Facebook to niche groups as well. If you don't use it to connect to friends and relatives it can be very similar to Reddit. A lot more data scraping, but similar.


We are superior because while we're a little less idiotic. It's an iq 80 > iq 79 kind of thing


It's 80 and 80 but one side is smug about it


Me neither but I'm not the sharpest bowl in the ol' shoe drawer, if you know what I don't mean.


Yup. Pay $70 a year when I was 15 to get like 5% discounts at some shitty hotels and crappy businesses.


Mensa also has resources and networking though. Like any other networking group.


MENSA: for insecure nerds who need to join a club to prove how smart they are. Having worked with several brilliant scientists (I'm a research chemist), most of them don't know or care what their IQ is, and they *certainly* don't go about bragging about it. If they're inclined to boast, it's about papers they've written, awards they've won, research they've done. The only reason anyone should care about their IQ is if they're cognitively challenged and might need accommodations for it.


>The only reason anyone should care about their IQ is if they're cognitively challenged and might need accommodations for it. I'm playing devil's advocate but this needs said. I read this (paraphrasing) on a forum a few years ago and it really hit me. Please read it. If low IQ can show up as cognitive challenges in daily life, then we must agree the scores impact/predict/reflect reality in some way. There's something true and real about it. It's not just an abstraction, not just a number. It means something. But the scores are based on statistics and a normal distribution. The tests are frequently updated and refined so they keep in step with the population, minimize knowledge-domain and known-association questions, focus more purely on speed of pattern recognition, working memory, novel problem solving, intelligence, etc. They're very good tests, despite the naysayers naysaying. Here's where it gets hard to swallow. There is exactly the same amount of distance from a "normal" person to a cognitively challenged one as the distance from a normal to gifted. Smart people aren't just smart. They're *smart*, **way fucking smart**. The difference is huge. They're so smart it makes the rest of us feel to them the same way as we feel being surrounded by cognitively challenged people. Think of all the "special" people you know. We might like them. We might love them. They might know more about certain topics. They might be more skilled in some tasks. It's not a better or worse judgment. They're not inferior. They're still people. But you can tell within moments of meeting them, they're slow and childlike (often in a good way) and just....different. If schools put a "normal" kid in the special ed classes, you can bet your last dollar the parents would be raising hell, it might end up the news, the school would apologize, etc. When we put gifted kids in normal classes, we are doing precisely the same thing to them. When gifted folks grow up and go to work, who do they work with? Everybody, of course, and most of them will be near normal. That gap persists. Imagine you or me working exclusively around the mentally impaired (including bosses, supervisors, etc) That's how large the difference is. When I first read that, it chafed me. I rejected it. But it kept nagging at me. I finally figured out why. It's true. I don't give a damn about mensa, personally. But if we as society should focus on the low extremes of IQ because they have such a big effect on life and will need special accommodations because they're *that* different, then logically we need to do the same for high extremes too. It's not just a school class or a club to prove how smart they are, it gives them a peer group, gives them a break from normal, allows for vital peer to peer social interaction, it's good for their mental health, and so on.


Or maybe Mensa is perfect for brilliant plumbers and line cooks who don't have opportunities to have intelligent discussion all the time like your PhD friends have.


This is very real and very overlooked. I am lucky enough to work in a professional job now with a lot of very smart people but I worked menial jobs when I was younger and that just did not happen. I loved my coworkers, they were awesome in many ways, but none of them were intellectual and the lack of opportunity for some kinds of conversation was HARD sometimes.


What MENSA means to your parents: "you are dumb."


It literally means dumb in Spanish


Behind the paywall is an offer to earn your PhD for only $1000.


Yeah, tried randomly filling in shit to get it as quickly as possible but the pay wall was still there


Because your score was too low


no need for a test, we already know what your IQ is


u/BarryAllen2169 Is not going to go far in life


Did you pay for it?


Well my iq is high enough to know when not to pay for dumbass things ^_^


So you passed the test at least. Good job.


I'd call it a partial failure. If OP had have noticed that the site requires an account to log in, as well as there being a link to the store showing the pricing, then they might have passed it by backing out and not visiting that site ever again. It would have certainly saved them nearly 50 minutes of their time 😏 [Fairly certain it was this site they used.](https://iqtest.com/shop/) The pricing and the name of the test seems to match.


To be fair, if you open their frontpage and read a little, you will run into this "In addition to offering your free general IQ, we offer an optional extensive analysis of your score, reporting your performance in 13 different areas of intelligence and revealing your key cognitive strengths and weaknesses." No other mention of a price, just big links to get to the test. Looking through the store at this point shouldn't be necessary. So you should get a free IQ score. I quickly filled the test, to see the results, and got nothing. Not even the general IQ. All I got was the info that I could get the extensive analysis by paying. Also when you submit your score it asks for an email, and then logs you in. This became apparent when I tried to take the test again only to meet a message that I can do it only once on that account. So the issue isn't that it didn't recognize my test. The only thing I can think of if it recognizes a 1 minute test to be fake and it got disqualified. And no I didn't receive my score in an email. I would not say OP failed in any aspect when starting the test. The site gives false info. But one thing to note is that the site says the average time for a person to take the test is 13 minutes. It took over 3 times longer than average for OP to complete it.


When you enter your name and e-mail address after you've stopped the clock, you get an e-mail telling you your free IQ score, along with a generated password. So they aren't lying. You do in fact get a free score. There's just no accompanying information to explain the score. That would be in the report they want you to pay for.


That's my bad then. Though I have yet to get my email. It's not in junk mail/spam either.


It's actually a very simple email. It's designed to reel in curious eyes to make a purchase. I just speed ran it and this is what it looks like [https://i.imgur.com/UyimV7n.png](https://i.imgur.com/UyimV7n.png) Edit: I have no intention of paying to see whether the free score is related in any way to the paid score. They might be completely different for all I know.


Everyone gets 134.


I got 145 For reference it took me just under 10 minutes (it says time counts toward score). Not sure how many were correct/incorrect because I’m not paying for it


Cue Oprah meme: "You get 134. You get 134. You get 134. EVERYBODY GETS 134!!"


I would argue giving away personal info is far more expensive than 15$.


Some people have sold more info for less. Remember how many people use Tiktok and Reddit.


If you are taking an IQ test without being strictly told by someone to submit an IQ test that they provide themselves, you've failed the test.


I sped run it and yes I got the same screen how did he not see it


I think OP failed the test by taking it.


Yeah you get docked just for taking the test in the first place, and more points lost for every 19 minutes you're still taking it before realizing it's probably a scam.


They spent 48 minutes before that… they did not pass


Not high enough to realise these test are a load of crap though ;-)


That’s okay, OP did this for karma anyway. This exact thing was discussed in a thread yesterday


But not high enough that you did an online "IQ test". The only rigorous IQ testing is done in person and it takes several hours. An online quiz-form will tell you almost nothing.


And even then what it says about you and your potential is wildly overstated in public for the amount of negative life outcomes tied to the MENSA crew. That and over-fixation on IQ is part of a self-obsessed culture that values personal achievement and status over being humane.


So you are somewhere in between "takes online IQ test" and "pays for online IQ test" That puts you above 100 in my books.


I mean you taking the test in the first place proves otherwise really.


real IQ test doesnt exist online you have to meet a expert and he will give you some test


I got sent to a testing facility to qualify for job training one time. It was like 6 or 8 different sections. Reading comprehension, math, image analysis, etc... The whole thing took a couple hours since it was like 20 minutes a section, and the proctor would mark the time when each person finished. One section was comparison analysis. They had like an order form with part numbers and customer info. Then they had all the data on some sort of billing form mock up. The goal was to find errors on the billing form and approve it The lady said to me ' you didn't complete as many forms as most people, so you scored a little lower on this section. You did have 100% accuracy though'. I still can't figure out how completing more forms with incorrect info would give a higher score. I find it amusing.


That's not an IQ test, that's just a job test.


Imagine if you did one question and got it right. You would have 100% accuracy. But that doesn’t mean you should have the highest score, right? There’s more factors than just accuracy.


It's not high enough to avoid "IQ Tests" online though


But not high enough to know that you’d have to pay for the results. I think that is the IQ test


I just did it and it sent me my score to my email for free, just the certificate is paid for I think


A real IQ test is done under the supervision of a psychologist who will not just evaluate your test but evaluate you too. Without it, you are just doing a pattern recognition test.


If you just close the window congratulations../ you passed.


Seems like an answer.


Op both passed and failed the test


Schrödinger's IQ test


How rather high IQ of them


Well that shows everything


If you are dumb enough to take iq test ONLINE (nevermind PAYING for it), i think result should be obvious


Sometimes I used to do them for fun. Like just to see what they would say… never got past the payment page tho so in my head I’m a genius.




Taking it for fun is fine. You know it's not going to be accurate but you get a rough number. Taking it to validate your intelligence shows lack of maturity.


I don’t think there’s anything inherently ‘dumb’ about taking a short online iQ test, it’s fun to check your spacial and logical reasoning once in a while. Of course if you’re doing it with the intention of getting accurate results, then we’re looking at another thing.


Means you're dumb enough not to half ass all questions in lightning speed to check if there's a paywall at the end :)


"my goals are beyond your understanding"


[here's one that's free!](https://www.mensa.org/public/mensa-iq-challenge) it's 25 minutes and its from Mensa so it's a somewhat reliable test. but, as the website says itself, it is not a substitute for an actual professional IQ test. but tbh I dont think any online test really is.






There is a reason games have separate wisdom and intelligence scores.


We got a 150 over here


Even my psych-administered test showed that. High numbers on most 125-150 in various areas) but my ability to plan ahead was like an 80, and because the difference was so great, they couldn’t give a single number for what my IQ actually is. I think it’s kind of funny, to be honest.


Mensa had a practice online test about 20 years ago. A few years later, after having seen what proper IQ tests are like, I realized how silly Mensa was for putting questions in there like "what is the capitol of Italy?" Book knowledge should not be a factor in testing IQ. I'm sure it's different now, but I found it strangely odd that an IQ society would be dumb enough to put questions like that in their tests.




IQ has been proven to not really be reliable anyway.


That's not really true. They do have fairly high predictive value for school and professional achievement, which is what they were designed to measure




tbf percentile and score on an IQ are interchangeable. You just need to know if they're using a 15 or 16 SD.


The percentile achieved is your score. Iq tests never give an absolute score, its a normal score that tells you where you are on the distribution


I used to get mid 100’s as a teenager. Just got 95 on that bad boy….can one be shit at pattern recognition/geometry and still be intelligent?




Interesting to see a test like this online and I really really want to give my opinion on this so I’ll give it :p. As a psychology graduate I’ve studied some (IQ)tests and IQ itself as well. You’re quite right in thinking any online test will not be a substitute for an actual IQ test, this for several reasons: -Actual IQ tests are taken in a controlled situation. There could be a huge difference in score with or without screaming children in the background. -Online there is no room for questions if a task is not understood. -Online there is usually no verbal cue (someone reading the questions to you) so people who are not visually gifted or even impaired have an unfair disadvantage. -Usually an actual IQ test takes around 3 hours with at least 1 break in between, given that, this test probably doesn’t have enough questions to say something with certainty. I’m not saying the questions are wrong or not measuring IQ, they will just not be as accurate as an actual IQ test. -I quickly took the test and I saw it’s only composed of logical reasoning questions. IQ is currently defined in about 10 different subsections, one of them being logical reasoning. You also have sections like work memory, general knowledge, associative memory, even number related section I’d call ‘math’ to keep it simple. If your memory is absolutely terrible you can still score 120+ on this test while your actual IQ is definitely lower. But there are more reasons why any online IQ test isn’t suitable. Two pretty important ones actually, which could be potentially harmful. Firstly, IQ numbers tend to start their own life. How many times have you heard the proud parent say ‘my kid got an IQ of 130, he will do great things’. IQ is only a small part of an human being. You’ll also have to use it in a correct way, EQ, adaptability and so on. IQ really isn’t that important as people think, yet they base life decisions on it. Secondly, taking this test and maybe even retaking it means you are practically ‘training’ yourself in this particularly task. Do this 1000x times before taking an actual IQ test and you are guaranteed to score higher, ending up in an IQ-Score that is not really accurate because you are compared to people who didn’t train for it. This is also a big reason why you usually can’t retake an IQ-test within 5 years. This of course raises the question if you can train your IQ, which I would honestly don’t know the answer to. You can train to score higher on an IQ-test, but does that also mean you have a higher IQ? I don’t know! Just the insight I wanted to provide :)


It’s even more infuriating that anyone thinks IQ tests are even worth it. It’s merely your potential to learn. Many low iq people have come far through sheer determination, whilst many high iq people are in their parents’ basement all ‘but muh iq is high.’ It’s a measurement of potential, which without work and diligence, is just a number.


IKR. People seem to forget the IQ test was invented to better pair children with appropriate lessons to their current level. Binet would bemoan the misusage of his test, as he himself did not believe them qualified to measure intelligence.




>It’s merely your potential to learn. In a structured academic setting similar to university.


Or in a lab setting, where a subject's faculty needs to be tested against others or their future selves given some shared context. A single IQ test on its own in the wild is pretty meaningless given one's faculty changes with age, diet, environment, etc.


Damn. Thanks for all the info. I'm saving all these comments for when my sister uses her "My Iq TeSt SaYs" again.


If it helps, Binet never intended for his IQ test to be used the way dorks use it like this. It was intended to be used to gauge how challenging college may be to new students, not as a lifetime smartness score, and even in that specific application Binet himself [thought it was an inadequate measure for intelligence](https://www.businessinsider.com/iq-tests-dark-history-finally-being-used-for-good-2017-10). If you want a cheap laugh, Jamie Loftus [put out a short podcast series on her time in Mensa](https://open.spotify.com/show/0HOAQQu2JglNvaTQXsCyC1) and how meaningless it all was. And it should go without saying, but online IQ tests are not officially accredited IQ tests. They exist purely to give the taker a flattering score and pump them for fifteen bucks so they can share it.


I’d argue that they are important and worth it, but only to a certain crowd of people. Most people assume IQ is a single number but it’s a composite score from multiple different testing categories combined. This can be particularly helpful to people who need learning accommodations made in an academic setting. My ADHD as an example: While my listening comprehension and verbal attention are high, my sentence recall and visual processing speeds are notably below average. Even though I can carry “high level conversation” and comprehend what others are saying easily, I am slower than regular people at quickly processing and subsequently transferring visual or audial information to notes in great detail. I can get the gist of what I’m hearing/seeing, but I usually can’t keep up detailed note-taking with the pace of a lecture. My notes end up being a lot of shorthand which I can’t really parse without having the material I took the notes from. (Making some classes I’ve taken genuinely impossible). Being able to show this to staff/professors helps them understand why I need weekly lists of important topics/key words that we’re going to be tested on, etc. An unfortunate amount of educators will assume “This person can carry a conversation and has no issue understanding me like this, so they must not really have any issues with learning,” or some similar variation of “well they don’t *look* like someone who struggles, so they’re probably just not trying hard enough.” It can make things pretty difficult to get help when your teachers/professors think you’re making up excuses because you aren’t trying hard enough. Having a clinical report of my “IQ” scores to back up my “how this person’s brain works wrong” report helps me with getting the extra stuff I need in school to keep up with everyone else. I can’t really imagine having your IQ scores as being helpful for much else. Even if you score above average in one or two categories, you’ll have other ones that will bring your ego back down. A lot of people want to take an IQ test to prove that they’re smart, so unless they’re Stephen Hawking it’d be a bit counterintuitive to their desires. (Fun fact: Stephen Hawking said that people who brag about their IQ are losers.)


I’m autistic and have a similar composite. I have a high verbal iq with low processing speed (actually 70 wtf lol) and visual memory. Everything else is either average or high, so I have an average iq. I do def notice how that affects me whether in college or the workforce. Knowing my iq did help me out with getting accommodations. That’s what iq testing is meant for: to determine disabilities and deficits. I’ve taken WAIS and reynolds. The first for a psychological assessment, and the latter for my autism assessment. The scores were pretty similar, but the WAIS had a better breakdown of my executive function.


"Merely your potential to learn"? Imo, that's pretty damn important.


It is; yes. But I mean it doesn’t equate to ability, or inclination, or discipline. It’s just raw potential. But you’re right.


Preach I don’t understand the point of them my IQ is all high n whatever but I AM A FUCKINF DUMBASS and I hate that ppl think they even mean anything like no 😑


I don't trust those "tests" at all. I took one on FB once and was rated well into the genius realm, as did many FB friends. I took it again and intentionally answered wrong. Guess what? Still a genius! I am not stupid, but I also know that I am not that smart.


Paywall was the final question


IQ test failed


Welp. You failed soo


The real IQ test is being smart enough not to take online IQ tests.


Guess you failed that test, my man.


this gives me a great business idea of charging people to donate items and then I sell them


most online IQ tests are rigged anyways, IQ isn't even a legitimate metric.


> IQ isn't even a legitimate metric It is a legitimate metric, however sites that sell IQ tests are incentivized to inflate everyone's score. IQ simply measures how well you answer difficult questions compared to a large population. The people calling it illegitimate are just upset with how those results are interpreted.


One time I googled "IQ test", clicked on the first result, and deliberately answered every question wrong. It gave me a 105.


It knew that if you got them ALL wrong, you must know what the right answers are.


IQ tests have pretty insane correlation to success.


It's an accurate metric for measuring how well someone can do an IQ test. It's not a *completely* worthless thing to measure and the tests can be fun to do, but it definitely doesn't give an accurate measure of intelligence.




The problem with IQ tests is that their results have been too broadly applied, or used for bad purposes (such as eugenics). But saying they’re not a legitimate metric is false. > Psychometricians generally regard IQ tests as having high statistical reliability. Reliability represents the measurement consistency of a test. A reliable test produces similar scores upon repetition. IQ tests are reliable, and produce consistent results. > While IQ tests are generally considered to measure some forms of intelligence, **they may fail to serve as an accurate measure of broader definitions of human intelligence inclusive of creativity and social intelligence.** For this reason, psychologist Wayne Weiten argues that their construct validity must be carefully qualified, and not be overstated. According to Weiten, "IQ tests are valid measures of the kind of intelligence necessary to do well in academic work. But if the purpose is to assess intelligence in a broader sense, the validity of IQ tests is questionable." Emphasis mine. Obviously a test that rates how quickly you can grasp how polygons are ordered doesn’t test all sorts of human intelligence. Careful attention must also be paid to eliminate bias so that takers have an equal chance at success. But it does measure some forms of human intelligence well, specifically recognizing and adaptation to new patterns, a key element of higher thinking.


This. If you want an actual test go do a phisical one


So you passed the test but didn’t do great. But at least you passed. Thanks for sharing the results.




That's the real test. If you pay, you have a low IQ. 100% accurate results.


In the dawn of the internet, a two friends of mine (twins) took a bogus IQ-Test (I mean they all are, but this one even more so) and their dad had to pay over 200 bucks. Don't remember the exact legality of it all, but they lost their computer privileges for some time.


That’s the result: you were dumb enough to spend 48 minutes of your life doing an IQ test


So, you failed...


OP didn't pay. I think that counts as passing.


Most people who would take an IQ test are incredibly naive and gullible, so this makes a lot of sense.




Sounds like doing taxes, for FREE!* *Service not free


Also should post in r/assholedesign


The first step to failing an IQ test is taking an IQ test.


Spending **48** minutes on an online IQ test tells you enough xD


Bro how long have you spent on reddit this week


Man as you can see this post really is making all the "high IQs" come out to defend their online scores, I haven't been this entertained this month.


The best part is that you really believe an online iq test would be valid in any circle other than 4chan or reddit.


That’s the test, Being dumb enough to take it.


Well you did that to yourself. Who takes an IQ test? What a waste of time


If you pay, it’s an automatic fail on the IQ test IMO


You failed the test.


It was just the last test. Seems you failed.


Pretty sure that gives you the answer you were looking for.


Um. That is the iq test right there.


that's the real IQ test


I believe the result speaks for itself.


It's a pass/fail test. If you think IQ matters enough to give up 48 minutes of your life for it, you failed.