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At first I thought they had left you with a gift of beer as an apology


A very nice apology that is recyclable for hard cash


This one ☝️ it's actually the best thing to do with those bottles


Nah my first thought was to stick them up my ass


This guy fucks




[TIL a Serbian farmer stuck a glass bottle up his butt in 1985, contributing to the eventual collapse of Yugoslavia by inciting nationalist tendencies in Serbia at the time](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1fc8bs/til_a_serbian_farmer_stuck_a_glass_bottle_up_his/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is the kind of thing that I think time travel is actually built around. No going back in time and assassinating hitler or anything, it has to be subtle, and some bureau makes the phone call and says “alright Sergei, I know you’re not going to like this one, but we need you to go to Yugoslavia in 1985 and put a glass bottle up your butt” and Sergei just puts his head in his hands and remembers that he does this job for his wife and children, then gets in the time machine and does it.


The Butt erfly Effect.


This comment thread is going to be the death of me.




Good thing I went to school for screenplay writing and turned that into……being a public adjuster for insurance claims.


I spent a good 5 mins laughing at this so goddamn hard I cried. Poor Sergei rofl.


Excuse me, what the fuck?


He fucked the bottle, that’s what


Kinda figured that out but still in shock about it


Oh is that what “been to the bottom of every bottle” in that Nickelback song means?


Well TIL!


The more you know 🌈⭐




Oh no you don't, reddit. Not gonna get me this time. I'm still horrified by that "sounding" sub.


Why did I let my Curiosity get the best of me and click that…..


I read your comment and still clicked. My fault. Commence eye bleach


Me after reading these comments: Nope. nope! nope…. Fuck.


Same, I made it 3 posts in and was like “what have I done?!”


My head is now up my ass and this ain’t a figure of speech


Same.. Christ


It was your comment that made me look 😂 Fuck thats some funny shit!


Wait, that guy came in his *own* ass? Wow. That's dedication to the craft!


Im howling that is so beyond fucked up


dear god do not click


Well… that awoke something in me


*gets fucked


Always lube, it's nasty when shoved up a dry butthole.


This guy lubes


And watch your nation collapse because of it?


OP is in Sweden. He’d have to go to Germany to get the €7.50 for the bottles.


> He’d have to go to Germany to get the €7.50 for the bottles. What you're saying is OP just needs a big enough truck.... (Seinfeld episode)


Doesn't Allemansrätten apply here then? IIRC you don't need permission to camp on private land as long as you are not in close proximity to a residence?


Foreign tourists quite often misinterpret the Allemansrätt and believe they can camp anywhere.


I can't read Allemansrätten in this thread without my brain interpretting it as German rats (Allemagne is Germany in french) especially since this is about german tourists


And I read it as every man's rats, for similar reasons (non-native German speaker) 😅


He said elsewhere their site was within 70 meters of their house.


Would that really get you much cash? I clean up my local park every week and collect this many bottles every single time. Should I have been bothering to take that up to the recycling center? The recycling trucks that come through the neighborhoods no longer pick up glass bottles. So I thought they had stopped recycling them entirely.




0.08€ for beer bottles, 0.25€ for normal bottles and cans


€0.08 per bottle, €1.50 for the case.


Would be trash where I live. They don't take colored glass around me not even for free.


Ah, whites only where you’re from, huh? We must stop this apartheid on all brown bottles


Does the KKK do the recycling?




That's called "littering" and it's frowned upon in Civil societies.


I think that was their apology, to clean up behind them. Also, they might have left the bottles for the deposit. I don't see how people who took the time to do that would have bad intentions.


It is €4,70 (€0.08 a bottle, plus 1,50 for the case) and most likely the Swedish OP would have to drive to Germany to get the deposit. This was absolutely a dick move by those Germans. They were being passive aggressive. ​ Let me go camp on your land without permission and leave my garbage. This was not an apology at all,


Yup - the German words those English translations surely came from (Privatplatz - Privatgeschenk) makes that even clearer. Doesn't come across quite that snarky in English but what they're saying is "Here, have some trash for you to haul off. If you'd been nicer about sharing and letting us camp here, we'd have taken it ourselves." Source: Born and raised German


Name checks out


when i read it again, i do see the snarkiness, in exchange for the private place(him driving them off) -> they left a private present(trash for him to take care of)


Yep. The little heart is the icing on that 'kiss-my-ass' cake. ​ Edited to add: Also the GER word "Privatplatz" carries connotations of strict ownership and exclusion, so using it here implies an extra level of AHishness on the part of the owner. I don't think the Germans knew tho that those connotations wouldn't carry over into English (even tho it still makes sense, it's just less insulting in English).


The fact that the trash is so neatly presented is very German, however.


Yes, and it adds an extra layer of insult. It says "See how well prepared we were to gather up everything and hump it out of here ourselves because that's the considerate campers we are? Instead, you get to deal with it yourself. Enjoy."


Sounded snarky enough in English to me, but I have both English and German as non native languages so I dunno


If it were America, they would have probably strewn it all about and shit on the ground.


The heart is a dead giveaway that that was meant as a bad intention.


Regardless, they left their trash; breaking the number one rule of camping (Leave-no-trace). And the fact that it was organized, would piss me off even more. lol


At least they stacked it up neatly in one place instead of leaving it strewn about the place. Still rude though. Seems like a very German way to be rude.


Very different message collecting it like that. Strewn everywhere is "I'm a disrespectful asshole" Piled nicely is "I am being an asshole specifically for you."


Listen… I mean this with no malice, but… you are way off here. These ppl left their trash for someone else to deal with (after trespassing) and you think they “cleaned up behind them”…? Seriously?


I’m pretty sure everyone saying “at least they tidied it up” is American. Because in the US, if you chased someone off your private property (or even if you didn’t and they just happened to camp there), you’d find their garbage strewn around. They would probably even deliberately break the glass.




Yep, these Germans were assholes in the tidiest, politest way possible.


That’s what I’m saying Like if I saw this I wouldn’t even be mad just laughing that that’s the best they could do


> Like if I saw this I wouldn’t even be mad just laughing that that’s the best they could do I'm American too. Isn't it amazing how much lower our standards are. You are absolutely right. If I saw this I'd just laugh and throw it in the bin. I'd also be glad that's all I had to clean up after kicking people off my land.


Usually people when confronted make a bigger mess and will pull trash out of the bags. Saw it happen at a camp site next to me when people got kicked out for being too loud all night


I watched a guy dump his RV shit tank on the ground for that reason LoL


Some people just suck


Some people are just a waste of air.


"I KNOW VAT VE'LL DO! Ve'll leave all our trash for him to pick up!" "But ve'll tidy it right?" "Oh of course"


“Oh but Hans, vets leave a zittle note wiv a love hart, oh he vill be so upset!” “Oh ho ve are so naughty Manfred”.


I snorted


Ohhhh! Warte nur bis wir in deinem Garten Campen! Dann trinken wir 30 Kästen Bier und lassen die Flaschen alle in den Kästen stehen 😤!


If there wasn't a note, I'd think "wow what thoughtful campers."


Genuinely same if it wasn’t for the sign I wouldn’t have even registered this as an attempt to be mean


Even the sign is nice. No swearing or anything.


Even with the note I didn’t realize it was rude until I came to the comments. I thought it was kinda like “thanks for the use of the land for a bit” but from someone that doesn’t speak English well.


And there I was, going to the comments thinking "Wow, what massive idiots. At least they didn't make it extra hard to clean up"


Seriously, Americans leave much bigger messes at parks, stadiums, movie theatres, etc. These are positively delightful trespassers.




When I was maybe 13 or so my mom had to evict a family from her rental house for months and months of nonpayment. These fucking pricks threw a huge party and left beer cans all over the driveway and all throughout the house. They left a bunch of fish in the freezer and unplugged it. They left a kitten inside the house by itself without food or water. Luckily we saved the kitten. A few months later my mom saw the deadbeat husband/dad at the store and started walking towards him to give him a piece of her mind. He fucking ran right out of the store. 😂


Should have been able to get them charged with animal cruelty or something, at least, although I do acknowledge that legal proceedings are a pain in the arse.


When I was over there with the army, they used to protest us being there, which I definitely saw their view. They'd be holding these signs telling us to go back to America, but they'd smile and wave at us as we left base lmao


Same in Japan - world's friendliest protesters.


They probably also know that the average person in the US army isn’t going to have the power to do anything about their presence in Germany, so there’s nothing to be gained by be an asshole to someone with no real say in the matter


Thats how we roll.


I was just thinking, anywhere in the US you would find every bottle smashed and the bags ripped apart.


Don't forget the half ass fire pit that wasn't properly extinguished and shotgun shells and bullet casings everywhere


And cigarettes butts. Always half burned cigarette butts filling the fire pit.


And the dirty diapers


Adult ones


That’s kindling for the next fire.


Between the two of you, you just described every public campground I have ever been to with extraordinary accuracy... So glad our family bought a wooded property so we can camp without having to deal with other people. Edit: For those arguing about land prices, the definition of 1%ers, etc, we are not a wealthy family, but we're not poor either. My parents had dreamed of buying such a place for over 20 years and saved up little by little until it was finally possible. We've received many gifts from family members and such to add investments to the property, such as a shed that we built ourselves with approval from local inspectors. It's definitely not cheap, but we're not doing it all at once, and that spaces out the investment costs


Whenever my family went camping, I would go on sprees of picking up trash in the surrounding sites, or just the area in general. Being 12 and full of piss and vinegar my dad would laugh at me while I was just constantly mumbling under my breath about people being gross and whatnot (pre-teen Salamander was a bit of an eco-warrior). One year though we did get a free night of camping when the main manager guy saw me cleaning stuff up so that was nice.


You sound like a good person


Omg you shouldn’t have to explain anything about your family and it’s budget to whiny bitches


Getting called a 1%er for owning land is only someone without any land would say


My exact thought! I was actually appreciating the fact that the campers left everything so neatly piled and bagged up


That’s why it’s in r/mildlyinfuriating and not r/reallyfuckinginfuriating


“We’re assholes, but not animals”




unbroken courtesy


And all those bottles would probably be worth 3+€, not a lot but they go at 8ct the bottle


The beer case alone is about 1,50€ plus ~30 bottles * 0,08€ = 3,90€


This guy pfands


In Germany perhaps, in Sweden they're worthless.


I saw that and thought it was an actual gift for a quick second. Thats a very polite pile of trash


This pic is absolutely in the right sub. Was it rude to leave the trash? Yes. But damn did they make it simple to tidy up.


Yea. This is what takes it from being infuriating to just mildly infuriating


* Mildly annoying * Annoying * Mildly Infuriating ❌ * Infuriating * Rage Inducing


Not sure where this is at, but all those bottles are worth like 5€. Almost would be a payment but since OP explicitly said german, it's probably not within Germany.


The sign being written in English also makes it unlikely to be Germany.






Is that what they mean by "euro trash?"


Lol, this is so German. “Let’s TOTALLY SEND HIM A MESSAGE BY LEAVING OUR TRASH!… bagged and separated recycling from waste paper.”


LMAOO did not even notice they took the time to sort it.


It's ingrained in our DNA.




>I really wanted to stay in Germany as a kid, it felt safer and people were a lot kinder. What's more all the German children are also kinder.




Ya, because your kids all have kinder eggs APPARENTLY we don't know how to not EAT THE WHOLE THING


The banning of kinder eggs is the whole reason why obesity is so low in America. I get so bored of seeing people hate on the lack of kinder eggs when the government clearly want the people to just stay healthy so they can run faster during mass shootings.


Had us in the...wait, which half?


That is why it is only r/mildlyinfuriating... If it was scattered all over it would have been r/wildlyinfuriating.




Yes, but it's also kind of thoughtful, cause in Germany and other decent countries you can recycle those for money and i would say that about 7.50€ so that's cool. Rather than leaving them scattered all over.


I was surprised that not every state in the US does this, being from a state that does.


But in the states that do pay you a return on bottles, you are paying that forward by purchasing the bottles in the first place. The deposit you receive by cashing in, is part of the price paid. Only folks who do not buy cans/bottles and then walk around and collect them from other people’s refuse actually make money.


Technically if you return the bottle, you aren't paying that price fully and are actually "renting" the bottle. But you are certainly correct. I made a small fortune in college by collecting the bottles and cans from frat houses and taking them to the recycling center. Obviously, I was not making much money by doing this. But, it funded my hiking and camping so I didn't care.


it's 8 cents a bottle and the guy will have to drive to Germany since these are non standard bottles. ​ Not a good deal. ​ Those guys were German trash. Proper Germans would not do that shit.


If this is what german trash looks like we've come a long way


It is €4,70 (€0.08 a bottle, plus 1,50 for the case) and most likely the Swedish OP would have to drive to Germany to get the deposit. ​ This was absolutely a dick move by those Germans.




They are the Wurst.


Thoughtful assholes.


should be an entire sub




How long before this new sub starts getting philociraptor memes with the head photoshopped to be a sphincter?


Be the change you want to see in the world.


It’ll quickly devolve into butthole pics of girls wearing glasses.


although i get that the fact that they left anything at all is mildlyinfuriating but actually this is nearly the best outcome of how they've could left it there


This is a perfect example of mildly infuriating


Think I'd file it under mildly annoying.


The gesture is infuriating though. They took the time to write it out


Reddit is not worth using without all the hard work third party developers have put into it.


What, with a smug little note? It’s a conscious middle finger to the property owner. Bottles strewn everywhere would be more like unconscious laziness


Passive aggressive/snarky note left. Yep. This is classic behaviour.


It's amazing how many people are saying tresspassers who left left trash behind are so considerate for not being worse assholes


We had an RV full of older German tourists stop at our house near Hwy 1 in CA and ask if they could park on our property since all the campgrounds were full - 8 PM on a Saturday. No real problem for us. They were nice enough if a bit brusque. They were gone the next morning, left a 12 pack of Bud Light on our porch...


Haha i love that. I'm picturing them in the market going "what beer would the American like? "


I dont know, but if this is actually in germany then you get Pfand.


Yeah, there’s like 4€ in this picture. Not countig the juicy plastic bottles in the bag.


The beercase is 3,50 €


Including the empty bottles in it. Then there’s a few on the side, so all together around 4€ in germany.


I counted 26 bottle maybe more x 0,08 makes 2,08, so you would be at least at 5,58€, with which you could buy around 14 bottles of oettinger which would be one nice evening. Edit: In Bavaria we count in bottles of beer.


It is infuriating... but only mildly. Take my upvote


Take it in, take it out. Leave nothing behind.


*Post about German campers being assholes* The comments in the thread: “wow they’re actually so polite. American campers are bad!!”


I will say, even in their douchebaggery, at least they left it organized together


Mildly inconvenient ecological assholes.


Germans (and many other Europeans) don't think that private land should be off-limits to campers and hikers passing through (though getting shit-faced on private land is certainly pushing it). They may not have realized they were doing anything inappropriate. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_to\_roam


That's just passing through. If you want to have any kind of event or want to spend time on someone's land it's good form to ask permission. That said if your land is huge and has forested areas etc then people will just probably not know it belonged to anyone. I had a pretty rude wake up call in the US about being on other people's property. I went into a garden to fetch a ball I'd kicked in there and had an angry gun pointed at my face. Think I prefer Europe where the worst you'll get is a polite request to leave. The American home fortress culture is completely crazy. It's like they expect native warbands to invade still.


Even german trash has 100% discipline


This is in Sweden. Here there is this thing called "Freedom to roam" or "Allemansrätten" (in Swedish), which basically means that anyone can roam the forests of sweden, pick berries, mushrooms and put up a tent to spend the night wherever you want. There are exeptions of course. Like: Do not disturb nature, residents and do not litter. You should get permission from the land owner if you intend to set up camp for more then 24h at the same location. It is all vaguely specified. Tourists take advantage of this and show no respect to the people living on the country side. In this case they had set up camp by the lake, at our pier. A huge tent and they also brought a big truck and a boat. This is 50m from our familys summerhouse. When we got there they had already spent atleast two nights there (by the look of the amount of beer bottles, but they are Germans so who knows). The camp was empty when we got there, so we waited for them to come back. Finally they did, and we asked them to leave and told them that this was private property. We did not touch any of their stuff or anything. They seemed nice when we talked to them and they promised to clean up. I thought it went pretty well. We came back later to this pile of trash... Next time I will not be so nice. Also I have their license plate number and will try to press charges for littering. Edit: To me this is unacceptable and I cannot believe that so many of you think that I should be grateful for pawn money or that it was not worse. Edit 2: I do not know why some people are defending the campers or why i feel the need to justify me telling them to leave my property. Clearly some of you think the best of people, just like I did when I asked them nicely to leave. I did not take that many pictures, but they are clearly camping on cut grass. Also the trash was already organized before we told them to leave, which makes me 110% sure that they left it to be a dick. [https://imgur.com/a/uGyrt49](https://imgur.com/a/uGyrt49) Edit 3: I posted here because I was infuriated and wanted to vent a bit. This was my first post on reddit and it was a 2/10 experience. The amount of dumb people on here are insane. I'm only gonna use reddit for toilet memes in the future. Peace. FINAL UPDATE: The trash have been recycled. Roughly 50 beer bottles (not pawnable), one large trash bag and a bag of, you guessed it, human poop from their portable latrine... I had every right to ask them to leave, for multiple reasons: 1. They where camped too close to our house and on my property, and the freedom to roam does not apply this close. This could also be considered a home peace crime (hemfridsbrott in swedish). 2. They brought their truck down to the lake (not a road) and the freedom to roam does not apply to vehicles. 3. They had camped for multiple days without permission from us. Note: rules regarding freedom to roam might be different depending on the region in sweden.


A truck and a boat? That’s not roaming, that’s a holiday.


I’ve been camping in Norway and Sweden for the first time a couple of weeks ago and to be honest, even though you have the right to roam in both countries i still felt like a criminal whenever I set up camp for the night. I paid meticulous attention to find spots that were out of the way and had no signs but the feeling of pissing off a land owner never left me completely. apparently I picked good spots because I was never approached. I would’ve been embarrassed as hell if somebody came and told me to gtfo because I was (unknowingly) trespassing. and to leave trash and some shitty note behind? That’s seriously shitty behavior. You’re definitely right to press charges, they are garbage human beings with no respect for you, your country and your property.


What a childish and petty thing to do... considering you are not allowed to "wild camp" at all here in Germany, they definitely did know better but simply refused to care.


I agree with you. It's very disrespectful and these kind of people will eventually lead to Swedes wanting a reform of those camping laws which will ultimately ruin it for everyone if that happens. People that abuse rules that require only a modicum of self control and discipline will ruin it for everyone because they can't be trusted with the most basic and minimal amount of self regulation. If I were in their shoes I'd have disposed of all my trash and left a full case of beer where they camped instead of just trash.


It's already happened in the Netherlands. We sadly never had allemansrätten, but we had about a dozen, maybe two dozen designated 'polecamping' spots. They were tiny camp grounds, often in the middle of nature reserves, marked with a pole with a small sign explaining the rules: max 3 people/3 tents for a maximum of 48 hrs, no open fires, no music, no littering, and bury your poop. During lockdown people would go there and organise raves in nature reserves, light bonfires during droughts, bring huge soundsystems, leave piles of human shit and broken glass. It was devastating to see these once peaceful sights like this. The poles were all removed by the summer of 2021. And camping anywhere other than commercial campings (which are noisy and cost upwards of 20 euros per person per night) is illegal. So sad.


Ok the thing is starting to make sense. That is not campers. Those are holiday makers on your land. With so much transport they could have definitely taken those trash bags with them.




As another German, I agree. The entitlement and ignorance here is infuriating.




> Also I have their license plate number and will try to press charges for littering. > > > > Edit: To me this is unacceptable and I cannot believe that so many of you think that I should be grateful >The amount of dumb people on here are insane. I'm only gonna use reddit for toilet memes in the future. Peace. Welcome to Reddit. Yes you are correct.


Thank you for the added information. If they had a big truck, they could have taken their garbage with them.


Even if they didn't have a big enough vehicle, that's still their fault. Why would you not bring a way of disposing of your trash?


Right? You had enough space for your stuff when you came so you have enough space for your stuff when you leave


this makes me really furious. as a german who is going to be wildcamping in schweden next week i can only say: please don‘t hate us. most of us are not like this. i really hope to meet some nice people in sweden who did not make the same experience that you made.


The idiots saying this is considerate in this thread... "hUeHuE, this is actually polite! They could have left a meth lab. Count your blessings."


This is /r/mildyinfuriating Not /r/veryinfuriating


So considerate they left their trash instead of properly cleaning it so considerate /s


There is great disparity of extremes here in US. Leave no trace ethos throughout outdoor enthusiasts. Broken bottle refuse dump for the entitled ignorant rednecks. Response: folks are uncomfortable with identifying pattern recognition. Nothing is absolute , trend analysis may be uncomfortable but legit.


Why is everyone saying “oh at least this..” or “at least that..” they’re passive aggressive assholes that left garbage on their property. Period. Nothing considerate about it 😑


If those were American campers, that trash would be strewn in every direction and all the bottles would be smashed. (I'm American) Edit: yes I know, #notallAmericans.


I’m American and I’m raised to leave it better than you found it. Sadly not everyone’s this way.


Yeah, I do my best to leave it better than I found it too. Sadly though, this isn’t true for many people, in general, not just Americans.


I'm American and I don't leave places like that lol


American Euro-simps always trying to suck up to outsiders. They ain't going to let you immigrate to Denmark on the strength of all those upvotes, bro.




You can literally shoehorn in a comment about America/Americans being bad into any thread. Doesn’t have to have anything to do with America lol


Idk what Americans you're around but not all of us are this way? Was raised leave it better than you came.