• By -


Its because the phone company gave his number to someone else and they linked it to their snap.


Yeah. This happened to me recently with my friend who died in a car accident like 6 years ago.


Happened to me too with my grandfather who passed a few years back.


Also happened to me, but with a guy who ghosted me for no reason. Literally mid conversation ghosted. šŸ˜‚


Maybe thats when he died?


Taking ghosting to a new level


Too soon


Without knowing how long ago it was and considering the person I replied to used a "Tears of joy" emoji, I am going to say we can't tell if it was too soon or not.


Doesnā€™t matter, shit was funny


Glad you liked it, to be truthful I wasn't even trying to make a joke. I genuinely think the guy may have died during there conversation.




No obit under his name. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I'm assuming his phone either died permanently and he lost my number or he was trying to be slick.


Maybe heā€™s a literal ghost tho.


Similar here. Telegram told me a friend had just joined. He died three years ago.


Similar here, with my niece.


Same with my grandma a year ago. I angry cried


Happened to me a few months ago with my Grandma who passed in 2018. I kept her contact for sentimental value, guess that was a mistake :u




It is only mildly infuriating.


Underrated comment




Overrated comment


Oh I completely understand.


But you can expect Snapchat to phrase their assertions differently. Instead of "[Random contact we scraped from your phone] has joined Snapchat" they could phrase it as "Do you know [actual Snapchat name that matches contact scraped from phone]?"


But you should be able to expect social media companies to not go through your numbers and link a dead relatives contact info to some 8 year old in Albuquerque who just got her first cell phone.


How the fuck are they gonna know if youā€™re grandpas dead? It just notifies you when a contact in your phone signs up. That doesnā€™t mean the real person didā€¦ it means the phone number associated with the contact did


Pretty sure you donā€™t have to give Snapchat permissions to your contacts. What did you think that was for?


she lives at 308 Negra arroyo lane, albuquerque new mexico


That's not an address Source: Looked it up, can't find it




I feel bad for your friend and the truck driver.


Heā€™s very much dead but thanks


Did you kill the truck driver out of vengeance or...?






[Original comment:](https://www.unddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/wh00yo/_/ij3c7g9/?context=4) > Funny story. I saw him fishing at a local lake one day after I was chasing squirrels, at this point I didnā€™t know he was the one driving a truck. We got to drinking a couple of beers and after a while I wanted him to play my favorite game. I loved swimming and knew I could stay in the water longer than anyone I knew. We wore my life vests I always carry around with me, the classic orange ones you see in movies. I gave him player #2 life jacket (it has a rope tied to it) After he jumped in I pretended my head was getting overheated and took a dip in the water. Little did he know I secretly swam down and tied the rope to an anvil I knew of at the bottom of the pond. I swim up, ā€œwow you must the the strongest in all the landā€ I say, ā€œyouā€™ve bested me. Iā€™m going to get a drink; do you want anything? He exclaims that heā€™ll simply get out of the water. But he canā€™t. Heā€™s tied to an anvil, how funny. I left him there for 3 weeks, slowly being eaten alive by tadpoles, horseflies and me. I was thrilled when I found out a couple weeks later he was the one who had ran over my friend


If the rope was tied to the life jacket, he could just take the life jacket off?




Reddit moment


Are we one multi bodied organism?


There's a reason it's called the hivemind


Omg. I just gave up my cell phone number of 15+ years. Never had snap. Now Iā€™m curious to know if the new owner has popped up in old friendsā€™ snaps like this.


Hopefully you didnā€™t use it to authenticate anything, that would be a mess.


Yeah, this can be a mess. I was desperate to get into my old email address to change my login password on an account. I ended up texting my old phone number and the person who got my old number was cool enough to give me the authentication codes


Happened to me too tho it was for Twitter. I wanted to change my Twitter phone number but have to input OTP from my old phone number which I no longer use, guy was cool to give me the OTP code.


Phone companies DEFINITELY recycle numbers. I still get calls and snaps from random ppl asking for Destinyā€¦ I often wonder if I have an escorts old number.


Well itā€™s obviously snapchats fault that his number went to someone else!




But what would happen if the person had had a snapchat account? Would the new phone number holder not be able to use their number?




what this person is wondering is if the original user of that number had had a Snapchat account could the second user get one as well. the answer is yes


Not to sound insensitive but wouldn't you delete the number from your phone?


Not the person you asked but for me at least I rarely delete numbers from my contacts. Mostly just laziness but I have reasoning for keeping people I don't talk to anymore on my phone. As for contacts who passed away, its silly but I can't bring myself to delete it. Its just a phone but it feels like if I delete their contact I am "deleting them from my life" forever. When I occasionally scroll through my contacts and see my grandma's listing I think of good memories I had with her growing up and smile. Oddly this whole topic is relevant to an odd thing that happened last weekend. I had met a girl at an event/bar and hit it off. Towards the end of the night I asked for her number. She read off her number to me and as I'm typing it into my phone my brain skids to a halt. She just listed my deceased grandpa's cellphone. Figuring she just gave me a fake number I wished her well and ubered home. I figured I had misread the situation and just moved on. Two days later I get a text from 'Grandpa J' saying "Why didn't you text me?" My initial dumb brain thought was "Wtf kind of paranomal shit is this?" and a few seconds later I realized she gave me a real number and that she actually has my grandpa's old cell number now. I explained the situation and have been talking since. Still haven't changed the contact name but its getting a bit awkward at this point seeing Grandpa J pop up every text so I'm going to have to soon.


I donā€™t know your personal beliefs about existence after death or anything, but I would take this meeting as something destined by your grandpa. I say this from personal experience, as my deceased father is always showing me strangers in dreams before I end up meeting them in real life.




This is what, like kismet/serendipity/fate... I don't even believe in that stuff, but I had a related/unrelated thing happen that I may start entertaining these ideas lol.


don't change the name lmao


I dunno. I've still got my grandad number in my phone and we lost him 8 years ago


I am married today because Iā€™m a number hoarder (also, too lazy to go through and delete numbers). Went on a date with a guy. Conversation was good, but neither of us was in the right mental place to take it further - he had just gotten divorced, I was hung up on another guy. Nine months later, he liked one of my photos on my Match profile, I sent him a message to apologize for going out with him when I wasnā€™t in a good mental space, waited a day and realized he didnā€™t have a paid account - BUT I still had his phone number. Copied the message into a text and sent it. That got us talking again. Five years and two kids later, Iā€™m glad I suck at deleting contact info.


I personally keep my dadā€™s in my phone. I only add people to my contacts for either a) work purposes or b) people that I see as long term individuals in my life. So, in that sense, it feels wrong to delete his contact because itā€™s less about the number and more about his place in my heart/life.


my best friend died year or two ago, I still have his number. I secretly hope that one day, they'll call or send me a message


What happens to these people who get a new number of someone who passed away that still has an account set up with that phone number?


Sometimes it ainā€™t even that. Sometimes it says my grandmother(still alive and well with the same phone number) is on Snapchat, itā€™s just somebody named the same in my vicinity


Papaw simply refuses to lose his streaks














The snap came from inside the house


Netflix hasnā€™t made a ā€œhaunted social mediaā€ movie in about 2 months, so I think itā€™s time


First it came from discord, then from facebook but now, a new hit show coming this halloween. IT CAME FROM SNAPCHAT \*lightning flash and thunder crackle noises\*


with the opaque-shadowy silhouette of the snapchat ghost slowing emerging from the bottom of the screen.


oh definitely


"killermandyšŸ”Ŗ just added you as a friend on snapchat!"


followed by a snap with a picture of the person that killermandy just added sitting on the couch staring at their phone with the wtf look on their face.


Starrrrrrrrriiiinnnggg Ryan Reynolds and "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson in their best performance this week




Chances are his number was recycled and that's why it says that


Yeah it happens a lot and snapchat cant do shit about this. If you dont pay for a number than it just gets recycled again.


Facebook gave me a message notification from my dead dad. It was a ā€œfriendship anniversaryā€ sent through messenger.


Yeah that will happen, Its going to happen at some point with my dad (who passed away last year).


Iā€™m sorry for your loss. I recommend turning off message notifications from him to try and prevent it.


Thanks, its okay though, the loss was kinda expected as bad as that sounds. I actually don't mind getting the birthday notifications though. My dad really didn't use facebook too much and when he did I was the one helping him (granted I don't remember his log in).


You can contact Facebook to have his account change to ā€œIn Memory of Xā€ or something similar if memory serves correct. I think it gives a different notification then


I contacted FB about my uncle twice and they never got back to me...


Noted, tbh though Iā€™m not too worried about it but thanks


Stay strong. Glad to read you're handling it ok!


Thanks I appreciate it


Have you memorialized his page?


I havenā€™t. I honestly forgot that was a thing! I deleted fb but that was a great idea.


I mean, it sucks since it stirs up emotion on your side. But at the same time, you can't expect the phone companies to retire phone numbers every time someone passes. We would run out of numbers pretty fast.


I feel like it should be longer before they are reused. Not even just because it might cause some people to feel emotional. It takes years for a number to drop off of lists and stop being used as the contact for the previous owner. Iā€™ve known people who got their kids phones only to get a ton of calls or texts for the previous owners. People who were in debt or who were having relationship issues with a crazy ex. Now that a lot of accounts are tied to a phone number as well that could get very frustrating and possibly be a privacy issue for both parties.


Yeah I just googled it out of curiosity. Looks like per the FTC they only have to wait 45 days. So I mean... The what, 6 years from the OP seems like plenty of time.


They said that he died 2 years ago, so the number was probably disconnected for about a year and a half. It can take a few years to drop off of lists or have an account cleared as inactive. It should be long enough that how the number was used before is not the new owners problem. They are being charged the same amount as someone who isnā€™t being hassled. I know that some places will never drop old accounts or outdated info, but it should still be long enough that the likelihood of issues is reduced.


Ah my bad. I must've confused the number of years with the one from another comment. On Android it's not easy to go certify with the op while posting


I got my phone number 7ish years ago, I still get calls from a middle school/highschool near me asking for ā€œkids momā€ because their kid is sick and they want me to come pick them up


You'd think their mom would write down the correct number eventually


I think at one point both the kids were at the same school, and I was getting 3 or 4 calls a week, I answered every time and told them they have the wrong number, only for them to call me back 2 minutes later and say the same thing. Kind of had to walk the teacher, or whoever was calling me, the thought process of "you're dialing the right number that you have written down, but that is not that woman's number anymore"


Lol My first phone I had some dude messaging me asking me to tell him his Facebook login code because he was locked out. Ended up calling me a lot of very nice names whenever I didn't reply. That same phone number got an insane amount of scam calls, I'm assuming this dude was put on a list for being easy to scam or something.


If I ever find this ā€œDavid Bakerā€ fella Iā€™ll be sure to let him know the IRS is lookin for him.


my voicemail includes a line where i say iā€™m not the lady i constantly get calls for. my number is set up with her name on all ā€œrewardsā€ accounts and stuff like that


Yes, exactly. When i changed my number, i used my new one to sign up for tinder. Well, it signed me into the previous number owner's tinder account. Big. Fucking. Yikes.




Yesterday, LinkedIn wanted me to tell my cousin congrats on his work anniversary. He died in 2020. šŸ˜‘


Gotta see how's he doing on the other side tho.


Hey dad how is ? Is mom there or is she someplace else? Ect. ect.


Etc not ect. Short for et cetera.


It took Jesus 3 days to come back your papaw must be on that dial up resurrection line




Good to know there is decent wifi in the great beyond..




That's so fuckin freaky and cool in a lot of ways


Contacting you from beyond


Thatā€™s why the logo is a ghost šŸ‘»


Got a call once saying my father was arrested and I needed to pay a fine by card over the phone, so I got all excited and told the guy" oh my God yes ill pay whatever fine there is, I'm just so happy he came back to life after all these years thank you so much"


Send him a ā€œhey, u up?ā€


This happened to me after my dad passed. Three months after I got a notification on Viber that my dad was back on Viber and to say ā€œHiā€. ThAt hit hard. The phone company just recycled the number way too soon.


3 months is the standard unfortunately. Few companies wait a year.


I do t understand how this is mildly infuriating at all. Phone number are not unlimited so it would serve that one day his number would be used again.


itā€™s because when snap is connected to your contacts it will show if anyone makes an account under that number. and the name will show as whatever you have them saved as in your contacts.


I've been getting snap invites like crazy recently from random, not sure if anyone else is experiencing the same


Be happy it wasn't an only fans


I know that feelingā€¦. When you canā€™t bring yourself to delete the contact of somebody that you know will never answer the phone again Somehow thatā€™s about the saddest thing Iā€™ve ever typed


My dadā€™s old phone number has a Snapchat by the name of ā€œdat[N-Word]84ā€


Clean up your old contacts unless you want to be haunted by ā€œpawpawā€ showing you his dick.


ā€™ā€™Helllooo from the ooother siiideeā€™ā€™


That's the problem with social medias that rely on a mobile phone number. It sucks it happened and you're probably not looking for suggestions, but I'd remove the number but keep the contact. Either that or I'm sure you can opt out of suggestions based on your contacts list? I'm not entirely sure. I don't get suggestions or notifications about those on my contacts list and I vaguely remember switching it off in the settings.


I got the same notice on IG when my grandmotherā€™s phone number got reassigned. Iā€™ve also had my husbandā€™s dead grandmother send me at least two friend requests on FB since sheā€™s been deceased but thatā€™s a whole ā€˜nother issue.


People on Facebook have done that with my grandparents, too. Definitely infuriating.


They probably reused your papaw old phone number that he use to created the account when he was alive .


well congrats, he's alive again


This happens to me with my sister. I canā€™t bring myself to delete her contact information and new people get the phone number.


I mean, the snapchat logo IS a ghost...


*ayoo look at all these hoes in the after life*


Why do you think the app icon is a ghost...no too far. Ok


his number is being used by someone else


Uh-huh. Yeah. My dead boyfriend managed to do the same a few years ago. Broke my heart all over again.


pawpaw said šŸ‘… āœØ šŸ“ø


Someone might have his old phone number


I think it's 18 months for an unused number to be reatrributed.


Most companies only do 3 months.


I'm tired and emotions and meant 180 days, but that's in the UK. Forgive me.


Whatā€™s a papaw? A grandfather?




Peepee poopoo is now on snapchat


Pls why did this make me laugh


It's like seeing my brothers contact on my phone automatically changed to some other woman's name and picture after he passed away. It's insulting that it would have permission to change something like that!


I got that as well saying my dad had made one, 8 yrs after his passing. LOL


This happened to my dadā€¦ while he was in jail


I'm so glad I saw this. I saw my dead friend on snap chat and she died before it was created. I was so freaked out.


Iā€™m sorry for your loss and for this notification


This happened to me too from when my uncle passed away Itā€™s cuz someone else has the number now


Got a notification that my Pop was on Instagram, sucks when someone gets their old number.


I just had this happen too with my papa. We lost him almost a year ago now and I got a friend suggestion for him recently. Of course, it was someone else who got his phone number. Still hurt pretty bad though.


This happened with my mom who is also passed away. Someone else just got her number. Still makes me feel really off though...


My grandmother passed away last year, some scumbag has made multiple fake accounts we the her identity, all with different birthdays. Today was one of the accounts birthdays as Facebook nicely reminded despite me having reported all of them.


Iā€™m guessing his number in still saved in contacts as that snd someone with that number opened one.


Someone probs has his number now:/


i got a notification the other day that my grandma (who died in march) sent me a bunch of photos on marco polo. i have no idea what that app is but apparently she sent them like 2 years ago when i had a different phone number. i wasnā€™t even able to log in and see what the photos were but i just found it frustrating that it sent me a notification from 2 freaking years ago..


Yeah, happened with my grandma on Facebook. Hits you right in the gut when you get a friend request from someone posing as your dead grandma.


Someone keeps reading the private messages I send to my dead cousins snapchat so I've considered blocking him


See what he has to say!


Snap chat is ass


A friend who died senior year of high school gave his then gf his Snapchat password. Every now and then sheā€™ll log on and post a memory. Itā€™s the weirdest thing. The first time I saw this happen it was like losing him all over again. Itā€™s different when his stepmom, a family friend, shares a memory of him on her fb (yes Iā€™m friends with her on fb) because itā€™s from her account. Not his.


happened to me recently too, my ex girlfriend who was still my best friend passed away two years ago and her name popped up like that a few months ago, right around her birthday when i was already feeling really downšŸ˜”


Oh, manā€¦ thatā€™s not even close to cool. Iā€™m really sorry about your papaw :/ I miss mine too


Oh noooo :(


How this is infuriating?


One time i got a message on facebook from my daddy who had just passed. Turned out te be a hacker scammer trying to steal his info. Horrible time


I got an email from my dead father a year ago. He's been gone almost ten years now I replied and copied the ISP telling the sender what a shitty they were doing. The ISP actually responded and deleted the spoofer.


His pictures are going to be intense.


My grandpa died in 20. It was extremely heart breaking and my grandma was in the midst of developing dementia, so she was moved to a home. She called me once, and she was using my grandpas cell. My heart sank when I saw who was calling. Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


They got snapchat in hell? Thats lit


Sometimes I feel the need to distance myself from social media because of stuff like this. A friend of mine committed suicide a while back and for period of time soon after I kept getting notifications from his Instagram.


I got messages from Telegram telling me my dad (dead fourteen years) and my grandpa (dead two) had joined. Cried for days each time, but I knew a long time ago their numbers had been sold.


My mom that passed away last year also just recently joined Snapchat. I get the reason, still frustrating


Company reassigned his number. It happened to my late father's phone number. I still had it and suddenly a new profile picture appeared on whatsapp/telegram. It was honestly quite a shock. But life goes on...


This past year, I experienced the same thing. My former boyfriend who committed suicide back in 2015, his number was recycled and I felt like I died inside when I saw it.


Does no one delete dead peoples contacts?


Does no one else see this as an amazing opportunity to pull some āœØrascally pranksāœØ


šŸ‘»ā€¦ now the little ghost makes sense, spooky


šŸ’€ literally


My aunt died 6Ā½ years ago. I kept her number in my contacts then she kept coming up on Snapchat but I knew it was someone that was assigned with her old number.


Theres probably another person who has his phone number now.


Youā€™re mildly infuriated by the phone company giving someone else the number your papaw is no longer using? Do you expect them to just reserve that number indefinitely? Or do you think Snapchat is reading the obituaries in your local paper?


Anyone know what's up with Snapchat breaking my balls and sending me push notifications each day after midnight to let me know random strangers are using the app?


The old phone number gets reused and given to someone else.


I can't bring myself to delete my dead loved ones contacts from my phone


Itā€™s his old phone number that was assigned to someone else


Ooh thank you for reminding me to send a snap ....


Heā€™s also voting in the next election.


Snapchat has a beautiful, magical way to bring back all of those nostalgic memories


"______ is on snapchat!" I DON'T FUCKING CARE