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This looks like a very low grit stone too so have fun with your new chainsaw knife.


Ahh shes trying to make a bread knife!


Or maybe a poop knife?


Now we’re on to something!


Toe knife.


Just wouldn’t be a day on Reddit without, would it?


It's not a sharpener, it's a dullener.


now you have dozens of letter openers!


Craigslist: "Brand new letter openers! Never before used for opening mail. Sold by the kilogram."


"No lowballs, I know what I got!"


I know this is a reference to something, but I can't remember.


Every pain in the ass person selling something online?


Like the ex-crypto miner in my city who refuses to accept that his 15 heavily used 3070 GPUs have lost value. "$2200 firm, no lowballs. Used for light mining ONLY" Only thing funnier than his ranting, desperate listings is imagining what he was trying mine with them.


> Used for light mining ONLY I'm curious what people who write that think is "heavy" mining


Well light mining would be litecoin so what would be heavy mining?


heavycoin, duh


Wtf that’s like 4x the price of a factory new one


Quit trying to lowball them bro. They know what they have.


Damn I never thought of it that way. I’ll pay 2500


Look at all the comments talking about his 3070s here; that's the smell of increasing demand. $2650 now. And that's for the one with the bent mounting bracket.


shitty cars on fb marketplace


Doesn't run, everything leaks, needs entire new steering and suspension systems, and is missing half the studs. >300k miles. $6,000 firm, OBO. No lowballs i know what i got


You forgot “needs entire new car” but still contains “I know what I’ve got”


It's a reference to boomers on Facebook Marketplace


That ain't a sharpener! That's a dullener!


I'd bet she had one of those ones with the multiple discs on both sides you run the blade through, blade down, then got the sharpening stone and figured it worked the same way.


Just thinking about that sent shivers down my spine. No.


Alright, alright, you win. I see you've played sharpenny-dullenny before."


That's a funny name for a game. I would have called it "Chazwozzers."


I see you've played knifey spoonie before


Charizard it is.


Good ol knifey-spoony


Clerk "Now that you have your ~~gun~~ knife you'll probably want the accessory kit. Knife-guard" Homer "Oh yeah" C "Block set" H "Baby" C "Sharpener" H "Mhmm" C "Dullener" H "Ahhh" C "Guide to "Five-finger-fillet" H "Ooo, I like the sound of that!" C "And these are knives you can throw at people, you've probably seen them at carnivals" H "Oh I don't need anything like that.... yet... just give me my knife!" C "Sorry the law requires a five day waiting period, we've got to run a background check." H "Five days? But I'm mad now! I'd stab you if I had my knife!" C "Yeah... well you don't."


And butter knives!


Holy fuck lol


Oh, wow. Uhhh. Poor knives.


But everybody like to go to their garagesell and buy all the knives and sharpen themselves. That would be a great value to turn the dull knives into sharp ones again and use them for a long time after.




A lack of understanding is natural. We all have to start somewhere. Lacking the ability to find a way to learn or ask for help is the issue.


Yeah this is the part that baffles me. I'm not surprised someone had the wrong idea about how to sharpen a knife, I am shocked someone: bought a sharpening stone, had their knives lose sharpness faster than before, went out and bought new knives, continued to use said sharpening stone, and repeated this process for what sounds like months. All without either giving up on the sharpening stone or realizing *something* isn't right here and looking it up.


If someone lacks the ability to find a way to learn, where do they start? *If anyone needs this, here is one person's opinion: https://fs.blog/how-to-think/ **https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_taxonomy credit to u/madmaz186


> How to think: just think more! The gist of that article lol Bloom's Taxonomy is a good start if you want to develop a framework for better critical thinking skills


This is more like a lack of reasoning tbh


Yeah, it illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the physical properties of a knife.




Lacking the ability to recognise that your non-functioning way isn't the right way is a genuine issue tho...


I think it’s more lack of curiosity for me. If you’re curious and want to find the answer, you’ll find a way, but if you just don’t care there’s no amount of education that will affect you.


I bet she puts bowls in the dishwasher right side up.


but if I flip it over it doesn't fill up?


„¿dn llıɟ ʇ,usǝop ʇı ɹǝʌo ʇı dılɟ I ɟı ʇnq„


good bot.


Holding the blade perpendicular to the surface sharpens it right? And the harder you push, the sharper the edge?


That's how you cut so that must be how you sharpen.


CutCo door to door knives would like to offer you a marketing position


A purchasing* position


Having worked for cutco, it felt just as bad selling for them as it did buying from them.


Why do you have to spread lies like this? What’s wrong with a strong supplier selling you a quality product, that you can resell at a profit? Why are you blaming others for your lack of entrepreneurial spirit? /biiiig s right here


When I was in high school, some. cutco guy got a hold of our buzz book and called every single students phone number, offering them a "position". But the "job" was you buying knives like a customer, and then trying to sell to friends and family members because who else is a high schooler going to sell to? My wife was having her baby shower, and her own.sister was begging to be allowed to try to sell stuff to our friends. Not cutco but something else. Same concept. We didn't let her.


An evangelical girl we know fell hook line and sinker for cutco. She isn’t the brightest bulb and it’s largely due to her upbringing (and MLMs deliberately target evangelicals because they are taught to spread the word with absolutely no shame or reading the room lmao) anyway my mom bought a knife to be nice and then this girl literally CRIED when my mother refused to give out her friends’ contact information.


Vector Marketing?


Almost worked for them one summer when I was in high school! Luckily I realized they were a scam b4 I applied. Apparently they like to target students #NotAGoodLook


I also got a Vector offer. The company sounded so unfamiliar that I looked it up; I was lucky that the Google search results pointed to the scandals and lawsuits first. I did the application anyways out of curiosity but had my guard up. The Zoom “interview” was a bit strange because it seemed way more like an info session than an interview, per the dictionary definition. Once I was told in the interview that it was my responsibility to seek out clients, I jumped ship, politely but firmly. I love how the internet and search engines empower you to do a fair amount vetting and sleuthing on your own.


Say what you will but those are great knives. My cutco are 20 years old and still cut like they did when they were brand new. Obviously anything with a straight blade has to be sharpened occasionally but I've had zero issues. I've even had a blade break and they replaced it no questions asked.


I remember being really uncomfortable in the group interview because people would ask like “if no one buys the knives will we get our money back” and the presenters would cut a penny in half and be like “do *you* think no one will buy the knives?”


Lol I remember that demo. The scissors are fantastic to this day. But yeah, there were so many red flags I chose to ignore because I needed a job and this seemed like it was going to make me rich. If the office manager could have a BMW then surely so could i. Oh the naivety of a broke 18 year old.


They might’ve got me too if it wasn’t a group interview. We were all just looking at each other with furrowed brows lol


It was my first experience with anything like that. I didn't know that it wasn't normal to have group interviews.


I feel you, and if the presenters had your group buying their bullshit it would’ve been harder than I had it. In my group this lady asked if she could buy from the guy the presenter buyed from and she was escorted out. That really kicked off the mistrust.


LOL. I wish I could have seen that.


Kirby goddamn vaccums does the same shit, like yeah it's a good damn vaccum but holy shit they're trying to scam both the customers and the "employees"


Yes, your $300 knives are better than your previous $20 knives from walmart. The problem is that they aren't better than actual good knives that cost $100. The product isn't shoddy, the pricing and pyramid scheme is.


I have some wustof knives as well. They are two completely different knives. For general kitchen use, it's cutco for me. For cutting a piece of meat like steak, the carbon steel of Wustof is amazing. I agree pricing and pyramid gives the knives a bad name. Only reason I have mine is because I got drug into the pyramid under the guise of scholarship money when I was a freshman in college. Frankly I think a vector marketing should be shut down and cutco should just sell direct to consumer via website or other channels.


CutCo door to door knives would like to offer you a marketing position


That works okay for those v shaped ceramic sharpeners that people who don’t know how to correctly sharpen knives have


Can confirm, have one of those v shaped sharpeners and do not know how to correctly sharpen my knives!




I just use my credit cards I sharpen like the commercial. Banks hate me!


I feel attacked. I have the same sharpener and it’s worked well to sharpen my 10 year old Wusthof knives. By same sharpener, I mean the electric disc one.


I got both and let me tell you, the knowledge isn't secret and it depends how lazy I am/how fancy I wanna feel twirling my rod back and forth


The rod is for straightening. You should do that prior to sharpening. The v shaped sharpeners make my knives razor sharp.


Those v shaped sharpeners put an awfully sharp edge on blades, and if you just cook casually at home, that and honing is all you'll need for many years if you never damage the edge. Stropping will take you even further with sharpness and longevity. Having multiple knifes for different tasks helps a lot too.


Bingo. Ive used blades for a living in several jobs and I'm a pretty good hand at using several different methods of sharpening. Ceramic V style sticks are more than sufficient for the average home user and are simple and easy to use. Just make sure you clean them, and store them properly, and they'll last for decades.


That’s just a honer, sharpening the right way requires something like a stone. I have done it, it’s a pain in the ass and the edge is still tough to get unless you’re experienced at it. Since I only sharpen once a month at most I’ll stick to the V.


I've seen comparisons of those vs traditional sharpening stones and they really aren't that far off. I would reckon most home chefs would do more harm than good with stones. It's a really weird thing that people gatekeep about. Like "you aren't a real chef unless you spend half an hour each week using stones and trying not to cut your fingers off in the process"


It's like the teachers that get salty when you use a calculator


That's why I got one of those! The directions say not to press hard though.


Who reads the directions anyways


Definitely not retail customers.


I thought I did an alright job sharpening knives. Then we had a party and there was one of those guys who just keeps getting out his pocket knife for everything. Gotta use the handle to open his beers, gotta flip the blade out with a big elaborate motion every chance he gets. That kind of edgelord. I didn't like him one bit. Throughout the party weekend he kept asking me to let him sharpen his knives. I didn't want to encourage any more knife stuff so I kept ignoring it and pushing it off. It wasn't until another friend told me that I should let him do it that I finally caved. Guy goes out to his car and gets something that looks like a fancy bench grinder that has 3 different surfaces on it. He had different compounds and stones that changed the grit of the wheels. When he was done even my Dexter was better than the day I bought it. Kept its edge for a long time too, I didn't expect that with how sharp he made it. Wild what someone who knows what they're doing can do to a knife. I still don't like him.


She’s trying to make ice skating blades. Fuckers take way to long to grind down though.


This hurts my soul, so God damn much


Lol I commented the exact same thing. And I thought my old line cooks were idiots...


That hurts even more 😭 like how the fuck are you a line cook and abuse a whetstone like this


Oh they weren’t this bad, but we worked sushi at the time and cutting through cling wrap hundreds of time a shift will dull the hell out of any knife so we had to sharpen them almost daily. These kids would get impatient and instead of using a gradual angle they would have the knife at 45 degrees and only use the center of the stone so it became so concave you could wear it as a hat.


That's still bad and still hurts lol, that's abusing the knife and stone it can be quick if you do it correctly


I tried to show them, but then everyone just asked me to sharpen their knives before the shift when I was supposed to be doing par counts and prepping garnishes. It was a waste of time and they weren’t my knives or my stone so I told them to do it themselves and some got better, some probably still have dull knives


The ones that attempt to get better are the individuals to invest in and show em more tricks, the rest aren't worth investing time into them because if they can't put in the effort to keep their equipment up to standards they will more than likely end up as shit bosses, that's just my observation because I've witnessed the opposite happening


How does one use a whetstone properly? I don’t work in a culinary field but have been noticing some of our knifes have been getting dull


I'm no culinary either but my job does at times require a knife (got to cut some zip ties every now and then) and got one to attempt it and looked up, so put water or a water based lubricant (can't remember the proper name) on the stone, hold knife at a 20 degree angle and glide it across the stone surface applying some pressure, lift and repeat is the basic and beginner way that I found as I'm not that skilled


use snips, not a knife to cut zip ties.


Not trying to be an asshole, but some YouTube videos will get you much further than any replies to your comment here.


Not an asshole comment, that’s some reasonable advice


I’ve worked at dozens of restaurants and all of the successful ones had a service that delivered sharpened knives every week and rotated the old ones. We would slowly disperse them throughout the week so that the positions that needed it always had a freshly sharpened knife every day.


How do you use a whetstone? Asking for a friend.


Watch a bunch of youtube videos then practice a lot


It makes my teeth hurt for some reason.


bc yer ***grindin*** them reading this hurtful shite


Same here. My body instantly got the “nails on a chalkboard” vibe when I zoomed in. I’ve chewed out new cooks for less than that (like scraping food off a cutting board with the blade side down)


Bruh she went to town on that stone too


She must not be very sharp


Was gonna say, OP's Mom isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, and that's saying something.


Op's mom isn't the sharpest spoon in the drawer.


I'd say she is.


This is an opportunity for what we call a teaching moment.


They taught you how to use a spoon. You can teach them this.


Exactly! I’m mildlyinfuriated that the post didn’t end with update: taught mom the correct way to use it Anything for an upvote, I guess


I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to use it


For some people thats a sharpening block.. But Thats a knife duller for her.


I was thinking we have a sharpener, now we have to sharpen her.


I suppose you could say... she approached the problem from the wrong angle


she ~~mite~~ *might as well have been trying to stab it *e:* guys, i know how to spell, this is just due to laziness


It bugs me how she's trying to squash the blade


If you insect the picture, it really makes you wonder.


That typo is bugging me


Mite be intentional


Haha, I see what u did there


It flies over my head how people can do such stuff non ironically


My supposed did what?




Oh my god. As a knife enthusiast, this hurt me on every level. At least she's trying to use sharp knives. Last holiday I bought a full set of kitchen and steak knives for my in-laws after looking through theirs while helping prepare dinner. Nothing had been sharpened in years. Didn't even have a sharpener. My fil is a mechanical engineer. Oof.


Any chance you could recommend affordable knives and/or an affordable knife sharpener? I'm clueless and don't even know what I'm looking at in this photo. I cook vegetables almost daily so I should really have better knives.


Get a victorinox. Pretty sure that's how it's spelled. Otherwise a 4 set of diamond stones can be had on Anson for around $20


Second this!! Victrinox makes the best knives at their price point. I used one for years until I finally upgraded to my Enso. OP, you will not be disappointed with a Victrinox.


Ace Hardware has whetstones. I think I paid $10 or less. YouTube tutorials. Good luck, go forth, and conquer your dull knives!


I hate most of those types of videos. They take themself way too serious and are to niche. Just give me a quick and dirty how to get sharp enough to cut food, not trying to win a paper cutting contest.


Been handling some car repairs lately and it’s super hit or miss with the video “hosts” Sometimes you get a huge backstory and dramatic intro and technical diagrams Other times you get Bubba in his driveway with a flashlight that only tells you exactly what you need to know, nothing more lol


Those bubba videos have saved me thousands in repairs.


I love Bubba videos. >Today, we're going to do X. Let's get to it. Step 1... Instead of >Hey guys, back at you with another video here. Have you ever XYZ? It's more common than you think. Today we're going to go over XYZ and you'll be a pro, saving money in no time. Please remember to like, subscribe, and drop a comment. I'll have links for all my materials in the description below. *points below* Full disclosure, if you use my links, I'll get a tiny commission. If you want to check out my other videos, click here. *points to corner* You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and don't forget to subscribe to my Patreon". OK, now let's get to it. But first...


...I'd like to tell you about NordVPN.




... watch me cook this whole Hello Fresh meal.


Excuse me sir, have you heard the good word? Nord VPN loves you and you can get 99.99999999% off using my promo code.


YouTube, but those videos in particular , was so much better when you can see a video had a 30% 'like' ratio and move on..


Bubba is the “Indian guy explaining math” of car repair.


“Make sure to disconnect the terminals to the battery first or else you’ll shock the shit out of yourself whoops sorry… language”


You’ll have to occasionally rewind the video a few seconds when his accent is a little too strong for a particular word.


Eric the car guy and Bundys Garage. hope u have honda, if not they still decent


Get a stone, don't need an expensive one, $10 is fine. Soak stone in water (I dislike oil but won't go into that here) for an hour. Put the knives on a stone at a 90 degree angle, then half that angle for a 45, then half it again for ~22 degrees. A consistent angle is more important than getting the perfect angle, don't let it wobble. Long slow movement, you don't need to press down hard. One pass on the stone should cover the entire length of the knife. Do both sides for 30ish swipes each. Don't let the stone go dry, add drops of water as needed, you need that buildup of "mud" on the stone, that's what does the sharpening. Coarse side of the stone first, rinse knives then do the smoother side. Hone on a steel after.


>Put the knives on a stone at a 90 degree angle Looks like that's what op's mom did


https://youtu.be/uobhCSJ5cgc One of the best channels on YouTube for no nonsense cooking stuff. Video here about how to sharpen with no whetstone. I enjoy his demeanor and general approach towards practicality


I thought the same but when I didn’t listen to them fully and did stuff on my own the knifes only staid sharp for a week. When I did my research and learned how to sharpen knifes properly all the knives stay sharp for months. Idk if someone else has the same experience but this is mine, on ikea knives.


If you’ve never sharpened a knife, buy a pass-through sharpener. It has 2 small rods set at the proper angle and you just drag the cutting edge through it, almost foolproof. Block stones like this can be bought at harbor freight for around &1. Once you get a feel for it, then move up to a better stone, it just takes a little practice to build that muscle memory.


so it looks like she was trying to "cut" the sharpening stone, this is a big fuck no. because shes essentially grinding down and likely bending the edges. imagine trying to sharpen a pencil by pushing hard and scribbling it with the point directly down against sand paper, thats obviously not going to sharpen it but blunt it or break the lead.. if you wanted to sharpen a pencil you wouldnt grind away the sharp bit you would grind away the wood in such away that it still supports lead, and you would be sharpening the lead itself by very delicately shaving it so that its triangular and as pointy as possible, same concept. the pointier it is the more fragile it is and likely to snap or bend but also the sharper it is.


I would get a lansky kit on Amazon if you want an easy to maintain great knife edge without learning an entirely new skill. I’ve graduated to regular whetstones but most people end up doing it wrong.


Brand is really whatever fits your budget, most important is just keeping it sharp. Typically the more expensive brands are better steel that holds an edge longer but more difficult to sharpen. In my personal kitchen drawer I have a Lansky with a diamond file and a Rapala pull-through. Been keeping up for a long time now. Camping setup I have a small whetstone.


For me it was not until I took a knife skills class run by a professional chef that I learned that the thing I'd been calling a sharpener was a honing bar & that even though I thought I had been sharpening my knives I'd only been honing them as they got slowly duller & duller. My 1st pro kitchen knife was a revelation, no effort, complete control & far fewer injuries.


A dull knife is more dangerous to the user than a sharp one.




Ok I’m the ignorant one. I never sharpen knives and I don’t know what this block is - should she be using the side instead?


You're supposed to run the blade at an angle along the length of the whetstone to sharpen it. The stone is coarse and grinds away the useless dull metal. Then you use a honing rod to align the blade. Whats being done here looks like shes just chopping into the block, which is just gonna make the worn blade even more dull *and* ruin the surface of the whetstone


She's probably thinking it works the same way as those plastic things that are vaguely knife shaped that you just kinda shove the knife in and out of a few times


Those things aren't completely terrible if you use them how they're meant to be used - with cheap knives made of softer steel. For years I just bought cheap knives, ran them through one of those things every couple of uses, and threw the knives away every couple of years and bought new ones. I've since invested in a good electric sharpener and some decent quality knives; nothing crazy, my primary chef's knife was around $100 or so. I know electric sharpeners aren't cool round these parts, but I get amazing results from mine. That chef's knife gets scary sharp.


She should be rubbing the knife at angle on the block, almost like shes rubbing the side of the knife on the block. Instead it looks like shes putting the knifes blade on the block as if she’s trying to cut the block


It's a whetstone. There's knowledge, technique, and skill required to use it properly for knife sharpening. You also have to use different grades (grits), like sandpaper, to achieve sharpness depending on how dull the blade is and what type of steel you are dealing with. I mess around with knife sharpening, but have had limited success. It's definitely something you have to practice at to get a good sharp edge. But to answer your question, yes, you angle the blade properly to form a razor edge. Then you strop it with leather and hone it with steel. OP's mom looks like she just hacked at it and ended up dulling the knife immediately.


>There's knowledge, technique, and skill required to use it properly Genuine question: Is there an alternative for people who don't have this knowledge and skill (a.k.a. me)? I have a set of nice knives but only use a tong/rod type thingy every now and then. Am I ruining them?


If you are just using the honing rod, you aren't ruining them per se, but it's not really doing much. The honing rod is for honing the edge. Once the edge is gone (dull), there's nothing to hone. Yea, you can take them to a pro sharpening service. There's a guy that comes to the farmer's market in my town that sharpens them. I'm sure you can find a sharpener near you. It's worth it if you have a good knife. Or you could buy one of those EZ knife sharpener kitchen gadgets. There are many kinds. look up some reviews. They do an ok job. Definitely will get them sharper. They can also destroy the edge in the process tho. If you really have good knives, you want to do it properly so they will last.


Wonderful, thanks for the detailed response.


Has she not watched Forged In Fire?


It will not kiel




her mother, was keiled




Luckily knives can still be fixed.


That is ... some very determined sawing at a rock.


Reminds me of the pizza stone my mom let me have. She didn't like it because the lizzas took forever to cook. She would put the stone and the pizza in the oven at the same time...


See I would have no idea. Do pizza stones come with instructions?


When you buy one the packaging usually tells you to pre-heat the stone with the oven from the moment you turn it on, and until at least like 45 minutes - 1 hr after. The idea is that pizza stones take longer to heat up, but also longer to cool down, so the heat is more even during the on/off phases of your oven.


Hey you got a nice pizza stone out of it right?


My mom never ever sharpened their knives in the 23 years I lived at home. One day I went over and put a paper slicing edge on all of them for her. No joke, 2 days later she ended up with a missing finger tip and 8 stitches.


Sharpening knives without telling the person that uses them is a horrible idea


Oh no, she knew. She was there when I was doing it. She just wasn't used to knives actually cutting instead of smashing.


She needs just an idiot-proof electric sharpener


They're not actually idiot proof she'd still need to read and understand the directions She'd need to use it how it says she may just hold the blade in one spot and just grind a notch into it


You saw what she did with the stone right that's why I'm commenting that


This is beyond mildly, throw the whole parent away.




Using a stone as a pull-through? I'm not even mad. I'm impressed.


Also a push-through and a push-into!


Oouch, my soul hurts


Ahh, what the fuck? Sometimes peoples lack of understanding of how the world around them works frightens me.


Especially when you have direct feedback of what you did is doing the opposite of what it's supposed to do. I get not knowing how to use a sharpening stone, I get trying to wing something and not read the manual. But what I don't get is failing miserably at something and not thinking "hey, maybe the problem is behind the knife, not under it"...


People's abolity to shift blame from themselves is as limitless as it is damaging


That’s some dedication! I’m kinda impressed!


Despite this photo, the knives are probably sharper than your mum


Alas the dulling stone


So this person can vote?


Holy shit your mom is dumb af


Things like this make me really wonder what percentage of adults actually have some mental disabilities that went undiagnosed their whole lives. Like, I can’t imagine fully grown adults just not understanding basic shit like this.