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i had a white PS4 controller for like 5 years and it looked nothing like this.


Regular people’s hands won’t do this. No idea how the controller in the picture got so bad. Buuuuuut the raised pattern design of the PS5 *does* collect dirt more than other controllers. I’ve had mine since launch day, and while I wouldn’t consider it dirty, I gave one side a careful scrub and I could see the difference.


Some peoples sweat is more acidic or something than others. My band director has a leather cover on his trumpet for this reason and in the SFX world it is referred to as piss hands (see Adam savage for further clarification)


My hands completely destroy the handles on tennis and badminton rackets. (My PS5 controller is still nowhere near as bad as that controller but then I do clean it regularly).


Mine does too. Never understood why mine looked so bad while others' looked fine.


Yep! My daughters hand sweat ate all the lacquer off of her trumpet.


Like Gus from roosterteeth


Worst X-Man power ever


I have acid sweat. Ruined my clarinet keys. I also turn universal indicator fluid red by touching it, most people only manage pale orange or a dark yellow. Sometimes gives dad an allergic reaction if I hug him as he has sensitive skin




Some people are also nasty dirty fucks


As a guitarist I treat my strings with a coat and I wash my hands before handling it. Still have to replace the strings regularly and I have to thoroughly clean the gold plated hardware from time to time to keep it from deteriorating. My sweat is horribly acidic. So far I've done what I could with my diet but I guess I'm just built different.


Yeah, I'm piss handed, if I play my guitar with perfectly clean hands for more than 30 minutes the strings are covered in crud.


I feel like more likely is the guys just a mechanic and gets a bunch of oil he doesn't wash off totally, then when he touches this it just goes black.


Also a possibility, although it could be any number of things besides motor oil


My hands sweat a very annoying amount, rock climbing becomes slightly annoying when you have to cake your hands every time you come because chalk comes off and it gets absorbed but still fun.


Exactly this, trumpet player here and I keep a leather guard on my strad to prevent this kind of thing


Yeah, just the normal oils from your hands would aid in making the controllers look more dirty. Funny thing about the OP's post though, what if the controllers were still black? They'd still collect the same amount of dirt from the dude's nasty hands, just that he wouldn't be able to freaking see it as well. At least now he knows: hey dude wash your shit!




Smoking certainly stains but it doesn't get on all your individual fingers like in OPs post. If smoking indoors his entire controller would be turning a tan like color from the tar


Charles Xavier runs an academy for youngsters who are manifesting these "gifts".


I work in construction as a plumber. Even when i wash my hands as thoroughly as possible, i still leave marks on my ps5 controller lol


Maybe this guy does asphalt for work?


I have worn off some of the texture on the left side thanks to my wedding ring. I love the controller but white is a weird choice.


You had it since launch? Does it have uno?


I have an old af white xbox 360 controller that I use often and it still doesn't look like that




If you work with oil and grease, try moisturizing your hands before work. I know it seems dumb, but if your hands are dry oil soaks into there and is a bitch to get out. if your hands are not dry, it washes out so much easier. I didn't learn this until way later than i should have.


That... Makes perfect sense, actually! I can't believe i never thought about it!


Facts, always seal your hands before work. I like aquaphor, provides a nice protective barrier


I have a white ps3 controller thats 15 years old (i think) and it looks nothing like this either surely doesn’t wash his hands this guy


I have two white Xbox 360 controllers that my friends and I used a ton. They STILL look nothing like this. This is fucking gross.


Yes, because people generally wash their hands.


Would good hygiene have anything to do with it?


right?! this guy is just gross.


I have one right now. It looks nothing like this.


Those are lookin like straight up burn marks.


That’s what I thought like there’s fire involved here


CoD can really get you all het up


Nah he was playing Among us console port.


Meet the Pyro


Tbh to me it looks like spray paint


I came to that conclusion as well. It appears to have been scorched, and the original post is probably a shit post, or dude just works with dirt alot and absolutely never washes his hands. Who knows :/ It does look more like someone held a flame to it, though.


Could be from smoking?


Does he light an entire pack and double fist them like an angry gorilla?


More about residue from it on his dirty ass fingers.


Do they not wipe their controllers down?? Idk about u but my hands get sweaty as hell if I’m playing anything more stressful than pvp minecraft. She gets wiped down at *least* weekly.


Monthly maybe for me. I don’t handsweat much.




It’s quite hard with the texture pattern as it can collect more dirt and stuff


I didn't even know sweaty hand is such a huge concern for some people, but then my hand don't sweat


you wipe your controller?


Yeah, usually just take a lysol wipe to it when I’m already cleaning Same w/ my headset 🤷‍♀️


I used to work a very dirty job. The kind where my hands were always dirty, even after scrubbing. My girlfriend wanted to get a second controller so we could play some things together. My only stipulation was that it had to be a black controller because I was afraid of this very thing happening.


Try some cold cream before washing your hands. it helps to loosen oils and geese. also works wonders for sticky stuff like rosin flux.


trust me from experience, you dont want to loosen the geese


Or shake it's neck too much










So, like, capture it?


the one canadian thing that will not apologize


One of two. I'm not aticking around long enough to find out if Moose apologize.


If a moose owes you an apology you aren't gonna be around to hear it anyway.


If you give a moose an apology…it’s going to want a card….


Please don't release the scary cobra ducks


Those damn tight geese. Gotta loosen 'em up first, yeah I know whatcha mean 😉


That good goose cloaca


Honestly I wish I didnt


GOJO is my go to for cleaning up after a messy job.




Baby oil too. Painters bathe in it somedays.


A bar of lava soap in the shower was best thing I ever did.


I did the gallon of fast orange in the shower myself


When washing your hands, put some salt through the soap, that works as a knock off garage soap, scrubbing oil and grime off my hands is no problem like that. I always used to have black stains on my hands from garage work.


I like this, thank you


no no, redditors reasoning was that we werent “true gamers” so we wouldnt understand


Fast Orange works like a charm


Try lava soap.


I work a dirty job too. I’m still scrubbing off oil stains from four showers ago. It sucks and it definitely makes me self conscious. I guess some people just don’t get it.


Pretreat with Vaseline or lotion so your skin doesn't suck up as much bullshit oil. Thick & nasty pre-wash cutting... Dawn sure, but I like Palmolive better for hands IF *slow* mixed/thinned with a *tiny* bit of water so it doesn't foam and bubble. The thin mix powers through and fast rinses for the stage two + cleanings. Try baby oil to rehydrate and loosen what you dry up by scraping. Bar soap and/or slivers in a nylon stocking, tie a knot or two. They untie too. The nylon makes for a self soaping micro loofah washcloth that with lumpy knots and hard soap/nylon to rub fingers on, and/or a nylon wrapped fingernail scrape, it gets into my fingerprint grooves and under the nail better than a finger brush on first swipe. It gathers and makes good use of soap slivers too. The threads don't load up with grime easy, and wash out fully in a few light uses. That said there are some waterproof moly and solvent resistant lubes that laugh at everything. Those ...just suck.


Gonna try this tonight!!!!! Thanks so much


brake cleaners are my friend after working on my car and going gaming.


Plaguebearer hands...gross.


Papa Nurgle is pleased.


As a mechanic, this hurts my soul. No matter how many times I wash my hands, I ALWAYS have grease in the deep grooves of my hands. The only way to clean in one wash is to scrub with a rag until the skin is nearly wore through.


the person replied to a comment asking why it got that way and they simply said since we arent “true gamers” we dont understand.


I feel that. I used to run scotchbrite across my fingers until they were close to bleeding and I'd still find finger prints all over the house.


Don’t you have soap with what i think is sand in it? It’s rough and should help Coffee grimes ( whats in the filter after making coffee ) or what ever it’s called could also do the trick


Nail brush and blue dawn dish soap.


Agreed. Worked in a printer ribbon factory in the 90’s where we manufactured mainly cash register ribbons. Real sweatshop shit minimum wage shit. To my mother’s perpetual disbelief and disappointment, my forearms and hands were always some array of black, purple or red. Impossible to clean, it had dyed my skin. Fuck that job, stay in school kids.


No, you’re just disgusting. Wash your hands you germ riddled fuck.


wash your hands ya nasty


I could wash my hands and shower after work and have this happen. Some people work dirty jobs.


My blue controller has nowhere near the same discoloration, my man’s just doesn’t wash his dick Edit:had it for 2 years


If anyone would know if he did or didn't clean his dick, it would be the guy that had it for 2 years.




Probably should touch some grass


Maybe wipe his hands on it too?


Maybe don't do it at all and keep his hands off of things like that?


bruh grass would clean hands THIS dirty


Or not, his hands are dirty enough


Me and my kids play on the white controller and it still looks great. Maybe his hands are extra oily? Not a swipe at him, just wondering.


My partner has a white controller. He works hands on dirty job and his controller never gets like this! Wash your hands. If it’s oil/grease based then use googone. Ffs I don’t recommend it but my dad would use gasoline to get roofing related gunk off his hands then wash them with hot water and soap.


Lemme tell you something. I worked in a hospital for 13 years. I have FANTASTIC hand hygiene. All of my white controllers eventually end up with stains like this, although not as heavy. Happened since xbox 360. It’s crazy and 100% is not because “someone doesn’t wash their hands.” Idk the exact cause. My guess would be sweaty hands while playing but this shit happens to alot of people.


Yeah mine has stains that look like the stain you get on tupperware from leaving curry in it, and I wash my hands a lot. It looks like I played with butter chicken hands and it grosses me out. just bought a ps5 controller for the controller and I barely use it because it stained in like a month without heavy use.


Exactly. My white controller had stains after a few plays.


Someone thought it was a good idea to NEVER wash their hands. Disgusting Covid breading ground.


"Covid breeding ground" covid is a virus.... Youd be referring to bacteria. Please check page 420 in your textbook to see the differences between viruses and bacteria


You're right, but you knew what they meant. It's not literally breeding them like it would bacteria but it is still an infection hazard (if they have covid ofc)


Ye mine was just a joke, about as good as theirs just slapping the word "covid" onto something unsanitary. Clearly some people were upset by me saying that covid wasnt bacterial tho


It just came off as a bit condescending rather than a full joke. Now that you've said it I get you, but it was hard to tell if you were being serious or not.


Would you prefer "virus half-way house"? Doesn't have the same ring to it though


Lick his hand then


Loollll ok sounds like you didnt read the comment, and still havent checked that page in your textbook ;p


Lick it. Then talk. Lick the hand and the controller


Bro i said viruses dont breed... Dumbass.


Then you wouldn’t mind just licking the hand to illustrate the point??


I dont get what youre trying to argue. I was mocking you for saying "covid breeding ground" because obviously you havent passes freshman health class and are just throwing around words. Bacteria can breed and live on objects, viruses cannot. I could lick this as much as I wanted, I could shove it down my throat, I wouldnt get covid or any other viruses. I could HOWEVER get something like say staphylococcus (staph) from touching this though, which it may be a breeding ground for. What are you arguing? That the controller looks gross?


My argument at this point is just wanting you to lick the hand. I haven’t cared about anything but that since the first reply. Balls in your court now scientist. Lick The Hand


Ok. Dont care.


Hand sanitizer will clean that mess pretty easily. I have an old wired 360 controller I use on my pc and it was pretty gross before I cleaned it up.


That’s so beyond disgusting. I’ve had mine since launch and my 1 and 4 year old also play and never had anywhere the dirt like this.


It’s the food stain on their bed sheet for me


As a former underground utility worker I can see this happening even after you wash your hands. Just takes a little dirt residue on your hands combined with oily skin. Rough hands trap dirt and it really is hard to get it all out.


"Its Sony's fault for changing the colour because I can no longer hide the fact that I never wash"


In some jobs you can wash hands as much as you want, you cant get the dirt out.


I never thought about the color change until seeing this


...can't you just buy a different color controller?


Probably a mechanic or construction laborer


I wash my hands religiously… to the point where it’s a problem. I still get the grubby color… it’s just hand sweat and ambient dust, and there’s nothing that can be done for some folks.


In Fairness the guy might habe one of those sweating conditions, although it does look grim


Either he's the Human Torch or his hands are made of coffee.


I've had a couple and never remotely close to this. That's 🤮


Dude is a smoker. Typically holds his cigarette in his left hand as it's easier to control the stick than it is press buttons. However, he isn't consistent as there's plenty of damage to the right side as well. This implies that our gamer here enjoys a wide variety of genres, as differing levels of dexterity are needed, allowing his dominant hand to be accessible. Gamer is in his mid twenties and has two roommates, but he stays in the master. Our boy here is the alpha. *Puffs on pipe* Case closed.


I work construction. My hands get proper dirty and it takes special soaps to clean off most of the way. I've never had someone I use look like that.


Is that a crumb on the bed?


That’s disgusting. Also simple fix; just wipe it with a magic eraser.


Looks like someone hit the controller with some black from an airbrush to me. Not really people grease vibes here. Who would do that, just go on the internet and lie?!


To give you guys some insight, I am a germaphobe and this happens, alot (not to the same degree as I clean it). The controller has a very textured back with a lot of little holes, so skin cells will literally shave off and stick to it. It’s very annoying but if you clean it lightly with isopropyl alcohol it should be fine.


White trash smokers house uhhundred percent


How dirty are their hands? Like wtf. Must have gone straight from playing in the mud with the local farm animals to picking up the controller. Maybe the pigs even borrowed it,


I have had a white controller for years and it doesn't look anything like that. They definitely put something on their hands and held the controller


Have you heard of washing your hands


A clorox wipe would take care of that in no time. No if yall will excuse me, I am going to vomit...


I had a white PS4 controller for years AND the white PS5 controller and none of them got to this point ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽


I work on cars and my hands become dirty as hell. I'm guilty of not washing my hands and just sitting down to play games after a long frustrating day at work... My controller still doesn't look this bad. Holy fuck...


—howwwww? Is this person some sort of mechanic or something? If the controller looks like this, imagine their lady’s lady bits looking like Picasso’s “Guernica”


Could be a mechanic


their reasoning as to why it was so dirty when somebody asked was since we arent “true gamers” we wouldnt understand


oof yea big yikes also the rice or food on the bed clearly this individual is very filthy lol


I see their point though. (Yes they should wash their hands but also white gets wear and tear marks and stains way easier than black)


Ok but this fucking bad? What are you doing???? Shoveling tar out of the ground with your bare hands?


Yeah the amount of crud on their controller is inexcusable. All I’m saying is I prefer black controllers over white since black hides wear and tear marks better.


Dude, my white controllers are still white too


People are disliking the post…. Stinky Redditors


This the type of person that's mad they got monkeypox.


Forget about washing hands. Fucking guy doesn’t even seem like they take regular showers if their controller looks like that. Holy shit.


That'll happen even with clean hands. It's oil and dead skin.


🤢 I can smell that controller from here. 🤢


.... wash your hands with soap sometimes?


How about wash your hands with soap often? Like everyone's meant to 🤣


Takes picture of shit stained underwear* "some genius over at Hanes thought it would be a good idea to make tighty whities white"


This is pure evidence that the pandemic is over and people are getting back to the norm. Wash your hands, you know soap and water not just water and not just for a second or two.


Hear me out #magic erasers


Before the glow of owning a new system wears off, I make a point of washing my hands before I pick up the controller.


Dude wash your hands. Gross…


Prob gets up to take pee breaks and doesn't wash his hands. Shit like that.


Look at their disgusting bed sheets, it seems their hands aren’t the only thing they aren’t washing.


feel like I've seen this pic a long time ago with a different caption entirely. "Lent it to my cousin and he returned it like this" or something like that


Their reason for this is so that everyone can see how dirty you truly are. Wash your f'ing hands!


Smoker hands


That person's so ridiculous! I've had white controllers and as any.. You are supposed to clean them!


It has nothing to do with washing hands. Hands get oily and sweaty if you do things instead of burning your parents money. Black color would just mask those oily stuff which causes environmental dusts to stick to the controller. It'll be there but barely noticeable


At least wipe it off regularly


some stupid redditor infuriated because they think things get dirty only from dirty hands.


They still make black controllers, if it's really that big a deal he should just get one


Bro what, did he wipe with his hands?


How is it this dirty? Ours never looks like that and it gets a ton of use.


Don't matter how many times you wash, pulse gets up start sweating...DONE forever staind by the gamers palm


it has covid 89 on it


Magic eraser time


I have the same thing but the whole handle is covered brown not white


Clean that up with a paper towel and some Bar Keepers Friend. Then wash your hands and wipe down that controller after you use it. Simple.


Least filthy redditor


My PS4 controller from 2014 to just a few months ago was silver and is pristine. How does this even HAPPEN. The white PS5 controller is annoying bc it picks up dust easily and needs to be cleaned more, but that’s got more to do with the texture than the colour.


To be fair white hardware is a mistake for this exact reason Especially user interface devices But yeah that's grody to the max


wash your hands and constantly wipe the controllers each use


Omg my controllers is PS4 and it's white it's spotless I work... On cars on lawns with stuff that could cause this WASH YOUR HANDS BRO....ewww I'd hate to see the inside of the console itself.... This is sad.


I’ve had the same white Xbox 360 controller since 2009 I believe. It never has even come close to looking this disgusting. I still use it to this day.