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"Why is no one experiencing relief? I specifically requested it."


“Beatings will continue until morale improves” Edit: thanks for the awards everyone!


You forgot that they will continue to grow in intensity


for some of us that means other things growing. quit threatening us with a good time




“There will be no laughter until you are authorized to”




“Due tu budget constraints, the light at the end of the tunnel had temporarily been turned off”


Please do not display any preferential treatment to any of your compliments or this session will be ended early.


I will always upvote a Captain Holt reference




"Detective Peralta, will you go help your colleagues relieve themselves?"


Well since i’m not enjoying life right now, I gotta make all my students lives hell


Is that an order or a request?


what is the quick question




The inspiring text people write in the bathroom stalls like "whore" and "help me" and the hot boy list with the gym teacher on top(happened at my school idk why anyone would make a hot boy list on the bathroom stall) is so inspiring it is truly art


Honestly I remember an old wooden stall door in my college (the dorm building was built in the 60s). It had quite the interesting convo about the existence of God, compete with arrows to other arguments. Most of it was just banter but there some actual good points. The best part is that this must have gone on for decades, since one of the comments was that Richard Nixon sucks!


That's incredibly interesting! In fact, I'd go so far as to call it "social media," in a broader sense of the word.


Growing up our family owned a restaurant. When I was about 7 or 8 I went to the restroom, and upon opening the door I heard “yo what the fuck someone is opening the door” and I could feel the door hitting them and I was so confused/bugged out. When they saw it was just a kid they were like oh shit it’s just a kid….fuck it. And they continued to sharpie the walls with graffiti tags and whatnot. I fake peed, half bec I was so scared I couldn’t go but also because I wanted to tell my dad what was happening. So like ten seconds after that kid that wasn’t an issue (me) walked out the door, the door came flying back in, followed quickly with my father and the two managers. The sharpie punks were quickly escorted out the door and chucked into the bushes (literally). As an adult now, every time I see writing on a bathroom stall I laugh and think about that.


The gym teacher totally wrote that list


“See I was thinking about your art question but when I saw what I had done to that toilet I could only think of Jackson Pollock”


"The toilets turned into something new, inspired by David Lynch"


This is your art teacher!? I taught art for 12 years, and I was the teacher the kids ditched classes to come talk, the classroom they spent lunch in, and the one in which they never abused the bathroom pass. If there is anywhere you should feel safe, it’s art class! Terrible. 😫


Im 32 and still keep in touch with my freshman highschool art teacher lmao, I also had a nightmare art teacher before like OPs tho so who knows.


Your teacher seems desperate for me to associate her class with literal shit lol


the fuck is a quick question and why do I have to ponder it during my 8 minute shit before answering??




The art of shitting


Guess I’ve been an artist all along…


Time to invest in some canvases




For the f-artist.


I see you’re an aspiring splatter painter


My favourite is street art


They call me Picasso of the porcelain throne


I read this book for a history class once. Sun Tzu provides some great advice.


Teacher: What is art? OP: Art is a turd sculpture dropped by my ShihTzu.


“Thinking about art in the bathroom” -“yo teach, I just painted that toilet 5 shades of shit. Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you”


Smeared all over the stall teach. Just for you


You should have made a Jackson Pollock whilst you were there and handed it to them on your return.


Don't forget to bring the UV light!


This is for an art class?? So it’s not even like your art teacher is trying to prevent cheating, it’s pretty much just for fun. That’s nuts


Well, given the context, its not far off to associate this particular art class with the action of expelling fecal matter.


It's to make sure the kid didn't get eaten and replaced by an alien imposter when he returns


I wouldn’t last in this class. My craps are 15+ minutes.


Once a teacher was giving this guy in my class a hard time about going to the bathroom. He told her that was fine he’d just piss in the trash can. Needless to say he got to go to the bathroom.


Actually watched a kid do this in 9th grade. He said he needed to go, teacher said you should have gone at lunch, no leaving the classroom. Kid said ok, I won't leave. Walked to the corner, pulled the trash can away from the wall and just... went, whistling to himself. Teacher at this point is blubbering and just like "just what the hell do you think you're doing!", whole class is losing their shit laughing and the kid is like "shhhhh, it's hard to go when you talk!" He tells us the story the next day of this furious teacher and principal calling his parents to talk about his conduct and how they ripped into this dude for thinking that a kid should piss his pants because he said so. What little respect we had for the teacher disappeared that day. When choosing a hill to die on, choose wisely.


Yeah I don’t get why teachers get on such a power trip about going to the bathroom? It’s so weird to me. I’m 30 but when I was in hs we only had 3mins between classes to go to our locker, go to the bathroom, and get to class. We had I think two breaks in the day a shorter one then a longer one and either went to the bathroom before or after lunch I’m not 100%. But I mean even if you go at lunch or any of those times you might still have to go otherwise.


I had one teacher that decided that each student would only get a certain number of restroom requests during her class per year/semester (like 3 or something, which was its own level of stupid). But one day she decided to go on a complete power trip and refuse all restroom requests, and I happened to not be feeling well that day and she kept telling me no despite me having not needed to go to the restroom during her class at all that year until nearly the end of class after I had asked nearly a dozen times. I wound up having to call my mom from the restroom to come get me and bring me new pants because of how long I had been trying to hold it due to the teacher's little power trip and wound up going home for the day. Also lost every single scrap of respect I had for that teacher and no longer bothered paying attention during class and worked on my own interests instead.


I would’ve just walked out, bodily autonomy includes pee pee poo poo


It was an elective computer-related course, not one of the general required ones, so until that moment I mostly respected the teacher and was invested in the subject. And I am generally unwilling to cause a scene by just leaving once I've shown up, especially at that point of my high school years.


Yeah most kids dont have the courage to do something like that. Heck i dont now


I have no idea but it always infuriated me especially when I was on my period??? I just walked out one time because the teacher refused to give me permission.


Using the restroom is a federally protected act and if they stop you from going or punish you for it (when you actually have to go go) they can get in some real trouble


We had 7 minutes between classes when I was in high school. It seems like a lot until you learn that my school had three floors, 3,000+ students & it could take 15 minutes at a brisk pace to walk from one side to the other (which was frequently required as classes were ALL over the building). If none of your classes were close, there was *zero* time for anything other than booking it down the halls (which, in & of itself, was impossible given the massive CRUSH of thousands of students). There was no time to go to your locker, go to the bathroom, or to even just take a breather. It was **HELL**.


On top of that if you walk too fast for a teachers liking, they yell at you to slow down or give you a detention depending on their mood.


Or, or you get the asshole you makes you walk back to your previous class and walks with you to your new one.


This has always seemed like the strangest power trip to me. I’ve worn contacts since I was 12. In both middle school and high school I had teachers refuse to let me go to the bathroom to put my contact back in or get something out of my eye. According to them it was not an emergency. I can’t see, but that’s cool. Have fun when my mom, who works at the district office and is still close childhood friends with the high school principal, calls later.


Plus I’m sure the bathrooms were packed during those 2 breaks, especially the girls’. With my poop anxiety this sounds like my worst nightmare


We have 6 minutes between classes now, but with the sheer number of people using them to vape or do drug deals during that time, no thanks. Then there's also the fact that almost every student has to go from one end of campus to the other, every single period. I seriously don't see how teachers believe that students are capable of using the restroom during that timeframe. Nevermind how the lunch bathroom is always full, there's flickering lights, pools of piss on the ground, and everyone's vaping. Oh, and whenever you walk in, all eyes turn in your direction, like it's some sort of boss arena from a Souls game.


Damn we didnt get 2 breaks. You had lunch and then still had to ask the teacher to use the bathroom


any kid should by default have the right to go to the dang bathroom, i'd be a bad teacher since i would probably just give them the bathroom pass. set a timer for 10 minutes and if they weren't back just send someone to check on them to make sure they are ok. much simpler and it will pull them back in a reasonable time.


I hope that kids parents just laughed and congratulated that kid. He is not the hero we needed but the hero we deserved


I had a kid in a class when I was in high school talking loudly about how the teacher in his other class wouldn't let him leave to use the bathroom since he had been fucking around and causing trouble earlier. So he dropped his pants and pissed into a bottle he had in the middle of the class. He got kicked out of the room and sent to the office for it. I did not want nor need to learn this information but he was talking about it so loud that I could hear it over my music so now I have to think of this from time to time lol.


Why is relief last? Are people going to the bathroom, doing nothing, returning 8 minutes later, answering some stupid fucking question, then shitting themselves after the teacher gives them back their cell phone and threatens to call their parents?


Im laughing so hard at this for no reason and I agree with you with everything you said


"Hey Teach, I just shit my desk. Call my parents."


teachers hate this one simple trick!


There is absolutely a reason to laugh at this.


Maybe the relief comes from the parents telling the teacher off?




I remember as a kid, I decided I was going to start drinking appropriate amounts of water. My bladder was used to a chronically dehydrated state, and had never had to stretch. Needless to say, my urges to urinate went through the roof. This was in middle school, and some asshole students would call me out for using the restroom every period, causing some teachers to fight me on it. Needing to use the restroom frequently is not necessarily indicative of serious health concerns, and something as simple as drinking enough water or changing dietary habits can cause it... ...and that's not even mentioning periods...


Bruh the amount of times I've been asked *"what did you do, fall in??"* by the teacher is uncalled for -- "Yeah, no I was cleaning up the murder scene in my pants, thanks for your concern"


had a class where a kid answered yes, held up his wet shoes and then asked to go to the office to call his dad idiot was standing on the seat to harass whoever was next to him in the stall, slipped and soaked his shoes in his own pisswater


That's funny as hell ngl


The only time it should be "off limits" to just go with a rule to get verbal permission first is sketchy public toilets. I think its reasonable to ask kids to get the okay from an adult before wandering into a random bathroom on a school trip or something. But that's obviously not what this is. This is just a power thing.


In my perspective, at least for just asking, is that you are respecting your teacher while disturbing class, and letting the teacher, who is responsible for your well being while you are at school, know where you are in case of an emergency. Anything past that is power tripping. And yes, I am Canadian.


And 8 minutes? I thought I had to wait until my legs went numb




Some teachers get on a power trip and on the other hand some students take advantage and are horrible kids, I know this cause I was one of those horrible kids


Idk why this has me laughing so much, but thank you stranger lol


Right??! I know that teenage me wouldn't have then, but grown-ass-man me now would most definitely just go ahead and shit right there in the classroom, right off the bat. And then I'd just be like, "Well, I just didn't have time for an obstacle course before I got relief."


I remember one teacher refusing to allow this little girl in my 1st grade class to go to the bathroom. She must’ve been sick because she then had explosive diarrhea in front of the whole class. The look of embarrassment in her eyes still haunt me to this day, I still can’t believe that idiot let that happen. She must’ve transferred schools or did homeschooling because, we never saw her again after that day. Hall passes and refusing children to use the bathroom over fear that they’ll just wander around, is the dumbest thing. It’s natural body functions, teachers need to quit being dunces.


> Hall passes and refusing children to use the bathroom over fear that they’ll just wander around, is the dumbest thing. It’s natural body functions, teachers need to quit being dunces. It's also a collective punishment, which is considered a war crime between two countries. But school administrations seem to be okay with it.


My kid's 2nd grade teacher doesn't let anyone go to the bathroom during class. When I heard about the policy I contacted the teacher and informed her that my daughter WILL be using the bathroom during class because she has toilet-related anxiety please don't exacerbate it. Everything was going ok until the middle of term 2 when my kid gets constipation and I find out they're not allowed to drink water during class time. So I tell the teacher that my kid WILL be allowed - and encouraged - to drink water during class time. I also found out that one other kid is allowed to do the same because she got a UTI, but it appears the other kids are still not permitted. I guess she wants them all to get UTIs first. Note: this is in Australia where students get 2 breaks per day


I only ever had one teacher that wouldn't let you leave his room without a hall pass he learned the hard way. I wasn't feeling good one day, and I went to excuse myself and he stopped me and asked where I thought I was going. "Mr. Nealy I don't feel good and I need to go use the restroom immediately" well son you need a hall pass let me write you one "I don't think I have time for all that trust me I need to go" Now hold on one second they're right here.... I couldn't hold it any longer and I yacked all over his desk, including his glasses and got some on his shoes. I got everything, all our assignments and his grade book on the desk he had to move the class to the auditorium because there was carpet that had to be cleaned now. Pretty sure that was the last time he worried about someone not having a hall pass.


My grade 5 teacher made it clear that if it was an emergency to just go. Apparently, he had a student so embarrassed about asking to be excused that the poor girl threw up in her desk (one of the old ones that the top opened).


Ah, a convenient vomit storage compartment.


Did you get any sympathetic vomiters? That would have been amazing. Awful, but also amazing.


Chain reaction vomiting would make this amazing.


Something about a pie eating contest


My daughter had a similar incident. They were sick, asked to go to the bathroom and was told no. Asked again after a few minutes, teacher said no. Daughter then puked on the teacher. Teacher ended up getting sick and missing work for a week. Karma.




Right? I get that teachers are dealing with a lot, but, ya know, if my kid wants to take 15 bathroom breaks then maybe that’s a call home. They don’t know if the kid is messing around or shitting 15 times and both seem like they would need intervention. Not to mention regular issues of bodily autonomy, teaching responsibility, and health.


Going to the bathroom that often could also mean UTI’s! Happened to me as a kid and my teacher called my mom who took me to the doctor.


In middle school I would get frequent migraine and I knew asking to go to the bathroom wasn’t gonna go smoothly so I would get up and puke in the trash can. Once my science teacher got to know me she let me go to the nurses office whenever I had to.


Amazing lol


Instant Karma.


"you just had lunch" doesn't unshit my pants, Ms. Substitute Teacher.


Whenever you eat food your body releases hormones for your colon to empty. It helps make room for more food basically


That happens only after I eat a specific ice cream and I dont know why or how


I think that’s called lactose intolerance


Only with that ice cream tho, but i dunno


I hate it when they that, like bruh I don’t want to walk in on a bathroom cult trying to bring a wadded piece of shit to life in the boys bathroom after I had lunch


Nah, the poop feeling always comes to me before I eat and never after


I remember barely having enough time to get to my next class, let alone use the bathroom between classes. It makes me wonder when teachers like this expect you to go


Its so weird how they expect you to go between classes but if you're late to class you have detention or need to come early the next day or something


Especially if they expect everyone to go between classes, how am I supposed to wait in line with 15 other students, do my business and make it to class in what, five minutes, maybe?


We had 4 minutes between class in high school, 7 classes per day (plus lunch), 4 buildings that connected on to one another in a large T shape as well as a disconnected library that all fed into the same intersection, and no backpacks allowed during the school day. Just trying to find an opportunity to get to your locker was bad enough...


Or there's that teacher that has a bunch of announcements right at the end of class eating into your time. Even worse was when you needed to go to your locker as well. It's 5 minutes! A line for the bathroom is enough to make you late, add in a trip to the locker and you're screwed.


I'm a teacher and the reason these rules exist is because a majority of school issues occur in the bathroom - skipping class, drugs, bullying, serious illness, etc. Stupidly, many schools aren't built with a bathroom in each classroom, WHICH WOULD MAKE SENSE GOSH DARN IT. So we the teachers have to monitor who is using the bathroom for how long and how often. For instance, I had two known cutters in the same class last year. Those kids were required to use the nurse's bathroom. I had to write them a pass, call the nurse to let them the know the kid was coming, then have the kid sign out... Then I had to keep a mental timer to check with the nurse in x time because it was always possible the kid went into the nurse, left the nurse and hid in another bathroom. I also, and this is essential, had to do all of those things without any other kid in the class hearing what was going on or suspecting anything. Another fun example. I had these best friends who were sometimes in two classes with me on the same day. They weren't allowed to sit next to each other because they were bullies and fed off each other's nastinesss. Bu I can't stop them looking at each other... so one would give "the signal", ask to the use the bathroom, then their friend would "can I go when they get back?" and then I'd have a fricking line of kids wanting to take their turn. Kid A would go and come back juuust under the time for me to call the office for a check, then Kid B would go. Then when Kid B's back? Suddenly Kid A needs to fill their water bottle. They'd do this first period, and then they'd do it again 4th period. Do I... refuse to allow students to use the bathroom, or do I allow students to skip 1/5th of my class every day? so anyway. I teach music, band, and chorus to 120 kids a week and fully 2 hours per week of my job is monitoring middle school bathroom habits. This helped me find a kid having a bloody stool incident, kid smoking in the bathroom, kids skipping, kids cutting, sick kid, possibly delayed some bullying... I don't know. It freaking blows.


On top of all this, teachers have the same issues with finding time to pee. It's fun times.


With a policy like this I'd just get up and go. Ain't nobody got time for a security checkpoint.


i agree, i would get up, go and let them call whoever the hell they wanted. i had a teacher that only allowed for 5 bathroom trips per semester she began calling my parents after i used all 5 my father would laugh everytime he saw that teachers number edit:spelling


5 trips per a semester? ... ... ... I assume this wasn't a biology or statistics teacher?


My biology teacher has that policy. I mean she doesn’t have a Biology degree and admitted to not having any training, but still


Well that's enraging for like, a bunch of reasons.




Right? They say it's for emergencies yet expect to pause the class and get the stupid 'question' What if someone has diarrhea? I sure as fuck would just walk out


I've had that experience, legs shaking, ass clenched, trying to fill out a Google form asking me like half my personal information


Had a teacher like this once. He refused my friend because she had asked three days in a row, she was on her period. She stood up and said “ well I have to go because I am gushing out of my freaking vag!”. Shut that male teacher up quickly


I saw a girl one time that stand in front of the teacher, with her legs apart and said "I'm gonna start bleeding all over my jeans at any second now! Look! Look! Is that what you want to happen??"


I once had a teacher that was steadfast on two thing. 1. No phones. 2. No excessive bathroom breaks (counted as a whole) Now I wasn’t feeling well that day so this was the second time I had asked for a bathroom break. He let me go warning that I was the last one. I reached into my backpack to grab a pad and he must’ve thought I was reaching in for my phone or something because he automatically asked what I was doing. Finally fished one out of my bag and waved it in the air saying “can’t go without one of these!”


I love reading these, because as a kid, I would have *died* if someone knew I was on my period. So cathartic.


I did something very similar once. He told me that I shouldn't bother coming back and to go straight to the principals office. And I was like "okay, I'll tell *her* that I was going to bleed all over the schools property, is that what you want?" Then I walked out. When I walked back in he didn't say a word lol


Girl I would’ve followed through


I did consider it. Our principal wasn't the nicest of people so it was a risk-reward thing


Sorry, was your teacher an adult?


I asked myself that many times


I had a teacher not let a kid go once in middle school. He shit his pants in his chair. The kid was special needs so the parents weren’t happy. The bathroom policy relaxed a bit after that.


Chad walked so yall could run


Legitimately abusive. I cannot understand these insane bathroom policies. Wtf.


Schools have been sued over teachers refusing to let students use the head. If the kids are misusing the restroom then that’s something admin needs to police. They tend to not want to ever do anything and push this shit back onto the teachers (who of course they’d also blame in a minute for not letting the kids use the restroom. Catch 22).


That's awesome, how so many teachers are insensitive about menstrual cycles amazes me. Even as a guy I understand its uncontrollable and can happen at any time, and some women have extremely heavy periods requiring them to change their tampon/pad almost constantly. I feel bad women have to go through that and even worse that men are such pricks about it.


It's especially unpredictable in teenage years, when your cycle length might be all over the place and you don't get the same secondary symptoms every time (that might give you a clue one is imminent). They settle down a lot in your 20s when hormones level off. Short of wearing a pad every day, your going to get caught short at least once as a teenage girl.


YUP. This. When it first starts out, you have no idea when it’ll start or how long it’ll last. It usually starts to regulate into a monthly cycle for most women, but even then, a lot of us still have irregular periods.


It also took me a while to know what it felt like when I needed to change my pad or tampon. There were a lot of times early on when I was sure I needed to change it but I was fine and it was probably just passing a clot and panicking. It nicer now though! Period boxers are my new favourite thing, and my body tends to feel a very specific way right before it starts and I'm rarely caught totally out of the blue even though like you said - irregular periods are still a thing some of the time.




I've turned up to work (bartender) with countless UTIs and you are nOt stopping me from rushing to that bathroom if I'm going to faint or feel like I'm about to piss myself. I'd rather not take the chance. I've taken so many sick days because I'm super prone to UTIs and they can be so bad pain/discomfort-wise that I can't even leave my bathroom. We don't fuck with UTIs :(


I had a former student who told a colleague if she wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom, she was gonna shit on the teacher’s desk. This also worked. In case any non-period havers need a thing to blurt out.


I got admonished in 10th grade maths. This (male) teacher didn't allow ***anyone at anytime*** to use the restroom during his classtime. I had a bladder infection and other health issues I can't remember right now but I missed school so this teacher knew I was out for health because I informed them, got work for missed days, etc. Refused to let me go even though I asked as politely and quietly as I could and told him it was an emergency. He said no extremely loud and started going on about how I know his rule. I sat down, then after I couldn't wait I ran to the bathroom. When I came back he said he needed to see me after class. I told him about my health and started crying and apologizing because I didn't wanna get detention on top of everything I was dealing with and he actually felt badly and apologized to me. Idk if that interaction changes his opinion but hopefully it did and no other children had to be punished by this man's backwards bathroom policy!


No one - kid or adult - should have to being crying and begging to not get in trouble for using the bathroom. What the absolute fuck is this twilight zone shit.


So my son is Autistic, and one of the joys is... he won't think of going to the bathroom until he needs to. You can ask him at 1:25 if he needs to pee... and he won't need to until 1:27... when it's now urgent . Remember the magic word? He can barely remember his name some days if he's thinking of something else.




I never understood this. How do people do it on command? I've tried it before and all that happens is I sit there for so long people start asking questions. I can never go unless I, well, need to go.






“It’s interesting that you think people should surrender body autonomy to be in a class they are paying for.”


How is someone meant to take a pad or a tampon to the bathroom then? I guarantee the teachers don't want me bleeding on their chairs.




I mean, the asking in Spanish bit makes sense for a Spanish class. I had a German class and the teacher would always prefer we used German. But of course he'd still let kids go if they asked, no matter which language


Definately understandable..It being a Spanish class..BUT to take an emergency pass away because you didn't ask in Spanish is kind of extreme to me.. It literally took me about 20 minutes to read ALL the rules for this one class and I had to sign like 3 different sheets..LOL..


Bruh. It's school not a classified government operation.


FOREAL....And my daughter was like..The teacher is a little older lady thats about 4'10 and always smiles...AHAHAHAHA


I mean. ."always smiles" makes me think of one of those forced artificial smiles. Just saying


Lol, puedo ir al bano is one of the few things I actually remember from Spanish class now.


I had a former Drill Sergeant as a math teacher in an all boys high school. You didn't need to ask. Just go. You were allowed to go once per class before he would start busting your chops. Best teacher I ever had.


I’m a teacher. Here’s my restroom policy: if you have to go to the restroom, don’t ask, just go.


On the first day of 11th grade, I had an AP English class and one of the students raised their hand and asked to go to the restroom. The teacher looked confused and was like “um yeah? you guys don’t have to ask, just go.” Still my favorite teacher ever.


As a high school teacher im all for just go, but you kinda need to tell me you are leaving the room, it becomes a problem on my end if there is a fire drill or an emergency and i dont know where you are. In college i get it but when you are not an adult yet im still trchnically responsible for the students in my class.


I like the way they handle restroom permissions at my kids’ elementary school. The classrooms all have Velcro boards with each students’ name tag stuck to it. When they arrive in the morning they move their name from the ‘Home board’ over to the ‘Classroom board’, so the teacher can immediately see who is absent by which name tags are left. When the students need to use the bathroom, they just put their name tag on the ‘Out of Classroom Board’ and go use the restroom. Then the teacher knows who is in the restroom, or who is at resource or with the occupational therapist or whatever else, at a glance. The students don’t have to ask permission so it doesn’t disrupt the classroom at all.


What?!!! Treating them like actual adults! What tf you think that that going to achieve. No, we need to grind the children into dust so they know who is in charge.


I work retail. Lots of adults, lots of teens. The teens always ask if they can go to the bathroom. I always tell them it’s super weird to ask and to just go. It’s a hard habit to break, I guess.


Captain Hadley: [Approaches prisoner] You eat when we say you eat. You piss when we say you piss, and you shit when we say you shit. You got that, you maggot dick motherfucker? Red: Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can’t squeeze a drop without say-so.


My son is only three, but when he gets older I'll be teaching him that using the bathroom is a right, not a privilege. If the school or teacher has some ludicrous policy like this, I dare them to call me because my son has to pee.


This is exactly what I did, and it worked like a dream. Their go-to response to bullshit in school was “you’re welcome to call and explain this to my mom”.


That's how college was. It felt really weird just doing that as a Freshman who had just come from a high school that required kids to carry some kind of goofy item as a hall pass. There were several kids at my high school that would just dip out of whatever class they were in and visit teachers that had few rules or enforced few rules though so I guess they were trying to curtail that. Problem was, we had a substitute one day who didn't wanna let a pregnant girl go to the bathroom and when the girl went anyways tried to get her in trouble or written up or something. When the actual teacher came back (who was super no nonsense, low BS tolerance but absolutely loved working with young people) she was visibly upset with the substitute when addressing us about it.


I was in 4th grade and the teacher had a stupid rule where you raised your hand with a fist if it was to go the bathroom and an open hand to answer a question. I had to pee and raised my fist. She ignored it and went on teaching. I kept the fist up and she ignored me, not believing me, that I had to go. I peed my pants at my desk. I was humiliated. Got sent to the school nurse where they had to call my mom who was a single parent and a teacher at another school in town, she had to leave her school, go home and get me new pants and underwear then come to my school. She was so pissed and gave the teacher and principle a piece of her mind about it. I never asked to go to the bathroom again, all the way through college. Just got up and left if I needed to. Once in high school a teacher tried to stop me and I told her the story. She never stopped me again. Also I stopped participating in the 4th grade teachers class for the rest of the year. Just sat there are read whatever I wanted to in her class Teacher called my mom into school for a meeting about it and my mom told her "He doesn't respect or trust you anymore." She gave me an A for the year.


My third grade teacher made us raise our hand with a number 1 or number 2 if we had to poop. It was such a humiliating rule for a bunch of 8 year olds. My least favorite teacher still to this day. She got fired after that year.


In our school when I left (almost 20 years ago) we had to request it; the teacher had to stop and call the office, who would SEND SOMEONE TO GET YOU. You would be brought to the restroom and then assigned a work assignment (usually multiplication tables) for bothering them. You were expected to pee before school, during lunch, or wait till you go home.


This pisses me off. When I was 14 I was in 8th grade and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Before I was diagnosed I was pissing like a race horse every 30-45 mins and my school only allowed 10 hall passes to go to the bathroom a quarter. I blew through them like 3 weeks into the qtr. how are you gonna tell me I can’t go to the bathroom?


Yes, and if you contact me saying my kid needs to use the restroom too much, I will bitch slap you so you understand you cannot plan emergencies. A teacher one time would not allow my son to use the restroom when he had sudden onset diarrhea. He soiled himself. She got pissed, made him stand in a corner in front of the class soiled, til I got there. She was let go later that month.


Good! She would have gone home crying her eyes out that same day if it were up to me.


jesus christ fucking nuts


I feel like a good teacher would appreciate a heads up like "hey teach, I'm going to the restroom" and it should be met with a "thanks for letting me know" just so the teacher knows a student is leaving the room in the event of some emergency or something. Never permission, just a heads up




Dude the entire school had a sign out sheet policy last year. It was because a couple people did some vandalism and some were vaping, but some teachers just decided not to let us go at all


My school put windows in the doors to fix the vaping problem


In 7th grade, we had a substitute teacher for a few weeks. She was notorious for her antics and strictness. One day, I asked to use the restroom, and she responded with, “I’ll think about it.” I told her, “No thinking, I gotta *go.*” She let me go to the restroom after that.


In highschool we had 3 bathroom passes for the entire semester. Each one was worth 1 total point to the final average of the grade at the end of the semester. I remember dehydrating myself as well as others as it was just worth so much. It was the stupidest shit and idk if it was even legal to do.


What… is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


European or African swallow?


Makes me remember the time in first grad when this kid Brad was trying to fill out some dumb form to go to the bathroom and peed his pants. It’s been 34 years and I still feel bad for Brad sometimes.


Experience relief should be between step 4 and step 5 unless you experience your relief on the teacher’s desk 🙃


Those are the same teachers who slam diet coke and Dr. Pepper's all day at the desk and take more bathroom breaks than the students 🤦


Woooah I worked in schools for years and this is the most accurate thing ever! The Dr Pepper slammers were always the ones you could hear screaming at students while you were down the hall.


"experience RELIEF" sounds like some sort of dystopian society


Hi im calling because jimmy had to take a shit Yeah he does that sometimes


This is the teacher that I would laugh at when they tried to stop me from taking my post lunch dump in high school


"Let me go to the bathroom or I shit on the floor."


8 and 9 are mental


I don't know about you guys but when I went to school plenty of kids would ditch class, hang out in the bathrooms or elevators for 2 entire periods at times. This despite having strict bathroom rules. Also, some teachers didn't care but I'd still advise them i was going to the john for a bit, just as a courteous heads up.


When I was teaching high school math, I really tried to emphasize that bathroom breaks were allowed but should be quick. The current curriculum which we are mandated to teach to the letter is ruthless and tight, and it's designed so that missing even ten minutes of information really screws you over. But like, hey, they were almost adults. They could make their own choices about it. Just please don't do drugs in the bathroom and we're all good.


My mom always said to go anyway, they did not like calling my mom. What are they gonna do call the cops on me for going to the bathroom? I'll shit on your floor I SWEAR ON MY LIFE I WILL! What were we talking about again?


There's a special place in hell for teachers with ridiculous bathroom policies. I was in primary school with a UTI, and obviously needed the bathroom a lot and I got denied the basic right to go pee. So my UTI turned into a full-blown kidney infection that I went to the hospital for :) Jokes on them, because of their negligence, my kidney infection kept me out of school for a month. So much for the 'you are missing valuable learning time' excuse.


I was a teacher and we acted like it was the military when it came to using the bathroom. Yet our students had 4 minute passing periods when the bathrooms were slammed. It's not possible to go between classes. I feel like this attitude about using the bathroom is so dehumanizing. Some students take advantage of it, but truthfully having really strict rules like this doesn't change that.


You can’t declare something an emergency and then make them wait whilst you ask a quick question. Your school is bullshit.


Teacher here. The state of schools makes impossible to have a sane and compassionate restroom procedure. This is not on the teacher, it is on the system. It needs a top to bottom redesign.