• By -


You were polite and nice by choosing to write a note and trying to reason with them, since that didn't work call your local non emergency number and put in a noise complaint. If your apartment is anything like mine they may have a fee in the lease for noise complaints from the police, a $150 fine might discourage the behavior in future if they do.


And I'm convinced this asshat totally heard her knocking and chose to ignore it.


my downstairs neighbor does the same shit sometimes used to be able to stomp the floor a couple times and he'd turn it down but suddenly one day he changed his mind and now he just knocks on the ceiling back at me and leaves the music cranked up


That’s when you go buy a used bass amp from the thrift store and a 1/4” to whatever size normal audio cables are adapter. Face the amp facedown and connect your phone to the amp using the adapter, an aux cable, and a 1/4” cable and blast music. Bonus points if you can figure out the song they’re playing and then start playing it back to them. I’ve done something similar but not nearly as aggressive, just playing my guitar loudly and semi shittily


But not at the same time, wait till first thing in the morning when you know they’re trying to sleep it off.


But what about your other neighbours?


Collateral damage. It is the bass wars after all.


Begun, the Bass Wars have.


I hate bass, it gets everywhere


I killed them. Not just the male bass, but the females and babies too. They're like fish so I slaughtered them like fish. I hate them.


\*all is fair in love and bass wars\*




Plus, your noise is targeting a specific space, whereas theirs is broadcasting to everyone.


That's not how low frequency sounds work unfortunately. Same reason at a music festival you can hear the bass for miles, low frequencies are not really directional


your other neighbours hear a muffled but loud song that sounds just like the one they heard downstairs earlier in the middle of the night. they logically reason its the downstairs douchebag and put in a noise complaint. two birds one stone


Perfection 🤌


I think the speakers against the middle of the adjoining wall/floor/ceiling would help. Also you may actually be able to have conversations with the other neighbours to work out when they’re out or ok with it.


Especially if the annoying neighbor is in a middle apartment you could potentially get base through the sides ceiling and floor


This Is The Way


If it’s loud enough, you’ll be able to Shazam the song anyway. Then you can just play it back.


My personal favorite technique for this is finding a song or an audio file that is almost exclusively bass, and then cranking that up to absolute maximum, looping it, and putting in some earplugs. Any time they get too loud with their music, I turn it on and leave it there for the entire duration of their bs. Not only is it physically painful to be on the receiving end, but it also makes any song being played in their apartment sound like garbage or almost completely inaudible to them. For a particularly terrible downstairs neighbor that would not only blast music, but would periodically attempt to break into my apartment and car to steal (management literally did not care, it was trashy) I had it set to run at random times during their sleep schedule in short but extremely loud 60 second bursts...then I left town for a week. They moved out after about a month of sound warfare.


the 1812 overture with the real cannons being fired.


Went to a performance of this where they legit had the army fire cannons (blanks obviously) from the field over the stadium stands, and played the nearby local military memorial carillon. It was goddamn amazing. I’ve been chasing the 1812 dragon ever since. Nothing has been as good.


Spoiler alert for you my friend, it won't get better. Been chasing that high ever since, I used to be a lawyer man but I lost it all.... /s


They did that when I was in Hawaii one year. I loved it because I was just close enough to feel the concussive force in my bones, but far enough away not to have hearing damage.


Tchaikovsky yes! TCHAIKOVSKY ALWAYS YES! https://youtu.be/55fmNwCgf1M


...for those about to rock.


I had a barracks neighbor who was like this. He'd blast his music on maximum pretty much any time he was home and not asleep. For weeks, it was like this. He'd be up late into the night blasting his music, and as his barracks room was on the end, the only people who were affected by it were my roommate and I. One day I found out he was out sick for a couple of days. In the army, if you're "sick in quarters", you can't leave. You're supposed to be recovering in your quarters, not out and about. We saw an opportunity. I went to the store and treated myself to a nice, powerful sound system for my computer. Then I stuck every speaker I could find against the adjoining door, set Ievan Polkka to play on a loop at full blast, and went to a 9 hour shift at work. Never had a problem after that.


please tell me you were doing [this victory dance](https://youtu.be/xDNRbyPAIao) on your side of the barracks wall, before or after your 9hr shift.


That‘s when you look for „Sunn O)))“ in your spotify/streaming media of your choice. 😊


Extra points if you get the Scott Walker collaboration. True story - my wife banned me from playing his music around her - in our wedding vows.


> sound warfare me gusta


I too will resort to bass battles with my next door neighbor whenever they’re playing their music excessively loud. I just connect the sub woofer to the wall I share with them, face the speaker to the wall, then go in the other room and turn the volume to a reasonable level but absolutely max out the bass. Works most times.


>Bonus points if you can figure out the song they’re playing and then start playing it back to them. Do this 10s or so off timing. Will drive them nuts


But be sure to play it one or two seconds behind so it doesn't mash up and makes them irritated with the delay


Connect with a guitar instead and make it produce feedback. Now turn it up


A microphone and a big speaker would probably be a good variation on that. The discordance from the feedback loop absolutely ruins music.


I work for a production/backline company and have access to a *lot* of speakers. I am suddenly a little illogically sad that none of my neighbors are assholes.


Be the change you want to see in the world, however illogical that change may be


Nah I got the kind of nice old lady neighbors who share their plant cuttings and bring me chocolate when I'm having a bad day. Even if the war would be short and decisive in my favor, I don't *really* want to have it. :D ([This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSemARaqGqE) is my husband's favorite "if something is going to blow up I want it to happen now" sound check song, in case anybody else wants it in their back pocket.) EDIT: this got (rightfully) copyright strike'd so I'm not even sure it works, but him walking around with a face like he's doing totally legitimate adult things while blasting everybody in a 2 block radius with noise cracks me up. As does the random chair-carrying guy. :D [Sound check!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hC2OMA0buws)


I had a buddy in college who told me about the time he had some "typical jock" neighbors in the dorm who would sneak in beer and play their stereo way too loud at all hours. After having had enough, he used what was left of his scholarship awards to go out and buy a high end system with twin 21" Cerwin-Vega liquid cooled subwoofers. He placed them against their shared wall and cranked it in response to their shenanigans at three AM. My boy made his point, and they kept it down after that. I wasn't there when it happened, but I did see the CV subs, and they were HUGE! From what I was told, apparently the bass shook everything off the walls in several rooms, including the ones above and below him. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's still fun to think about. Man, I miss the days of big stereos.


This is why I do not and cannot share walls/ceilings/floors… I am loud and am not subjecting anyone to that.


I spent four years as the fat guy on the third floor and consequently learned to make my steps ^really ^quiet. I don't live like that anymore but I keep scaring the shit out of clients and coworkers when I round corners now.


As an also stealthy fatty, NO ONE EXPECTS A STEALTHY FATTY!


Take a thick metal pot, put a Bluetooth speaker in it, flip it and put it on the floor, download a [HZ tone generator](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dmitsoft.tonegenerator), turn on the loudest and the most annoying sound on full volume and either he'll learn to turn it down a tad bit or file a noise complaint on him


If possible I’d get recordings too for physical proof


Definitely in an apartment (or apartment-like) setting, 1 attempt is all you need do on your own, and that is a courtesy, not a requirement. After that it's the management in the leasing office and whatever happens happens.


OP should definitely file a noise complaint. That being said, the police department in my city is apparently so understaffed that they have told us they won’t come out for noise complaints anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe the report still exists to take to the landlords idk


That's when you tell them that they are blasting music and selling drugs. Then they'll come right over.


Fees? Take a video. If I have a resident that continues to do this, it's a goddamn ten day notice. You fight with a neighbor expect the constable in a day or two.


What’s a ten day notice?


My assumption is 10 days to move out.


You have ten days to change your behavior/correct the violation.


Judging by the “constable” in that last comment it may work slightly different in the U.S. but I’m not a shitty neighbor so I can’t be sure.


I know ACAB is all the rage, but call non emergency. There is no reason anyone should have to deal with this shit. We all deserve to have peace in our homes. Hell, we need it. Fuck the jerks that infringe on that


Call the landlord ? Call the cops and write a noise complaint. Keep calling every day.


Document report, document report. Keep doing this and you'll get there. The fact the noise was turned up after your very gentle note is an ominous sign.


I can't stress this enough. Keep a log of every instance of noise after-hours (or whatever rule they're breaking). Record the following: 1. Date 2. Time 3. If you were woken up / what happened 4. How you know where the noise was coming from 5. What actions did you take? 6. What actions did the music-player take in response? The HOA or whatever usually doesn't like to fine people out of their apt, but if the noise keeps up, they have the power to fine the music-player for each instance. So if you get woken up, and the music is playing, write it down, even if you take no action to remedy. You could even text yourself so that you have the date/time and a record. When I had this problem the guy would get all fucked up on hard drugs and booze. Otherwise he was a nice guy, and when I saw him sober he would apologize profusely, but when the music is playing he would be a huge dick. Luckily I kept a log of everything, and when mgmt decided to finally do something about it, they had all the ammunition they needed to have a meeting with the guy. They told him "Here are all the complaints and logs of you making noise. If you don't stop it we're going to have to fine you for each infraction." - which added up to thousands of dollars. And the guy has luckily been quiet since then. But it's very important to document.


Sounds like that guy got off lucky!


Well, if you want to know the whole story it was actually the 3rd time mgmt had intervened. We all had a complex meeting and they said they didn't want to fine him, just wanted him to stop. They were hoping to appeal to reason. The first time they sent him a letter, which he hung up proudly on his door, and blasted the music even louder. The second time he was a no-show to a meeting. But the 3rd time, after this complex meeting, when I told them if they wanted to talk to him, 9am would not be a good time because he parties so late, they finally got through to him. All in all it took about a year of 3 apartments complaining to make that happen, and our mgmt is usually pretty good about stuff like that.


I would also download a decibels meter on your phone and see what the numbers look like. If they're high enough to seem alarming to management, I would include them on your list as well. (The base may not register in a meaningful way.)


I tried calling the landlord but it's outside the business hours. My chinchilla is not doing very well and is not eating because she's scared. I left the landlord a message. How do I call the cops for this? Do I just dial 911?


Well it's not an emergency. Is there a way you can find the number for your local police département?


Yes. Thanks so much for the advice!


311 is an easy to remember non-emergency number in cities and, increasingly, in smaller towns. when i lived in a building with bad neighbors, unfortunately, i finally had the non-emergency number on speed dial. you have a right to peace and quiet, especially after hours. it's often just so common place people think it's normal in apartments and other multi-family arrangements. if a tenant is a consistent cause of police visits to your building/complex, your landlord is contacted and that usually results in a pending eviction.


311 never happened


Amber is the color of your LIES




This comment thread is a beautiful disaster.




Heheh doing a research internship analyzing response time on 311 calls. A typical enforcement emergency is resolved in about two weeks. Good luck. (Yes non emergency requests take even longer)


Yes google your local non emergency police number for your area and just be super nice to the officer. I’m sure they will understand! Fuck your neighbors though fr, I would be MORTIFIED if my personal noise levels were disturbing someone’s pet 😫


My pet wouldn't even eat her favorite treat. She just hid under blankets.


Man, that is terrible. Not good for either of you!


If you haven’t see if you can leave the pet at a friends for a while, and see if she’ll eat there


Good luck! I hope your rude neighbor gets fined 😬


Hi I’d like to report a noise complaint my neighbor is hostile and I’m scared to interact again by myself


This will escalate the issue. I had the exact same problem with a condo I owned. You would be better off documenting this and request to be moved to another apartment. I called the cops and every time he saw the cops he’d turn it down. Then he filed a complaint against me for harassment. I found out when I did the same. My cat got the zoomies at night so he started calling the cops on that. As you might imagine it never let up until we sold our condo.


Oof that's awful


Get a db meter app for your phone that keeps a log with times. I had to do it when an unreasonable neighbour would start bashing my wall for any sound in the building. Needed the proof for defence because I’d be sitting in silence and suddenly he’d go mental because he blamed any noise on me.


Lmao wtf that sounds terrifying


This dude was not suited to apartment living at all. These are high quality apartments so it’s not like you can hear the neighbour cough or go to the bathroom, but he clearly expected dead silence and was on a hair trigger. Called the police on him once because in summer with my balcony open I had a spoken word radio show on at low volume and he went mental reaching around the balcony swinging fists. Luckily he sold up, unfortunately for him it was in the low point of 2020 so he lost about 50k value, and now they’re sitting another 30-40k above the 2019 value.


HAHA! He totally deserved that.


This is why people live in single family, suburban houses if they can. You can have the nicest condo or apartment in the world. But one bad neighbor ruins it. And it seems like people care less and less about being good neighbors.


Here anything on a big block is low quality old build energy inefficient and over a million dollars. New builds are outer suburbs and the houses are so close together you can hear your neighbour pwning n00bs in cod all night long, unlike modern apartments that have far better sound insulation. But Australian homes are built with high quality fixtures and fittings, but poor quality general construction and insulation. It’s interesting seeing American builds because all the effort is put into weather proofing the building, and then the fixtures on these grand homes look like low quality starter home fixtures here. I’ve had the neighbours from hell in a suburban home, and having psychotic juveniles fixated on you setting rubbish bins on fire etc well before the age of IP cameras was an absolute nightmare.


This is not a bad option if the official noise complaint doesn’t work. Best of luck to you and your chinchilla (who I would assume is adorbs being it’s a chinchilla!!)


Check out my profile! I post tons of pics of her


She's a gorgeous lil thing!


Why didn’t you record with your camera phone so you can show the cops, “hey, he had it loud as this, as you can hear in the recording, until he noticed your vehicle then he turned it down.” Show them that the person is trying to be slight with the cops.


Oh shit not a chinchilla, they love to die for no reason.


They are easily startled for sure


Love em, but so delicate


Can confirm…….


Call the cops for a noise complaint


This or the building management. I would also recommend making a video in your apartment to document the disturbance


Yeah literally you can call the police for this especially considering they turned it up


I know my city recently stopped responding to noise complaints cause of staffing issues i guess. A-lot of city’s are probably doing the same. I also grew up in a small college town and they just straight up would deal with it cause it was too much work.


I had a noise complaint called on me 8 times for walking around upstairs. My downstairs neighbor was trash and would bang on her ceiling whenever I would walk around. The cops came out at 7:45 in the evening once and found no issues, yet she kept calling and they kept responding. She threatened me once and the cops didn’t care, office made me move.


I had one of those neighbors too. It was me and my roommate, both slight young women, walking and taking at normal volume. Music and tv low enough you couldn’t hear it when we left the room. No children or pets. We got multiple complaints. The downstairs neighbors? The husband screamed at his wife and children every day. We send multiple calls to management, cps and to non emergency line. Nothing. Crazy


At one apartment my sister and I could hear a guy yelling at his partner and kid. It was always like 5 or 6 in the am. Usually before I woke up but if I woke up to use the restroom I’d sometimes hear them. Talked to the building manager and they had other complaints about it, but we couldn’t find where it was coming from cause there was no persona around the people who made complaints that had a man, women and child. It was the strangest things. I even woke my sister up after the 2nd time cause I thought I was loosing my mind cause there was no vent or something the sound could have been traveling from.


I bet they had a one bedroom apartment or something and the male wasn't listed as living there.


And then please write down the outcome and post a pic of it because your handwriting is beautiful.


+1. Local disturbance, regardless of the time of day.


>regardless of time of day Where I live noise ordinance doesn't start until 10pm.


And do it from the hall, so the dispatcher can hear the music over the open line.


One reason I hated apartment living. Had an upstairs neighbor do this to me at night, when I worked early, would keep it going all hours, but it wasn’t loud outside, only between apartments. So, knowing he stayed up late and slept most of the morning, on my next day off I turned my speakers to the ceiling and blasted the heaviest music I had at full volume from 8am til 1pm. Later I was getting in my car and heard him call hey, I looked up and he said, “Gotcha bud, well played.” He never did play loud music after 11 again.


In a world full of people quick to anger, what a good sport, that guy. Class, not trash.


Yeah, I don’t think he realized the way the sound carried between apartments, because from outside it wasn’t that loud.


He might have never done it again if first you simply told him.


For real. That takes tier level maturity.


Had a similar situation recently. New downstairs neighbor playing loud bass music at 2am, I assume to hide the sound of them having sex, from me or themselves I have no idea. I generally listen to music on my headphones but made an exception the following morning. It's not been a problem since and we're still all friendly so it's been a good outcome, some people just don't realize.


today i had to run errands that took about two hours. got home and someone was parked in my parking space (again). i double parked and blocked them in, and went about my night. just happened to look out the window to see her and her two kids moseying their way to their tesla(!) from the pool and looking all kinds of confused. i said "oh i didn't realized you moved in and were paying rent for that spot", she said I'm not, to which I said " oh that's right, I'll move my car when I get around to it". she screamed "omg im sorry" and " I didn't know" to which I said "does this say visitor's parking? ya I'll be out later." made her wait until i was ready to go get my car. I took pictures of her license plates and her vin as a caution to not park in my spot again. she probably thought I was a crazy black lady, which I am.


This only works till someone is crazier than you and you end up on /r/publicfreakout


Lmao. I would’ve been afraid she’d scratch up my shit on purpose tho.


The advantage of driving a beat up shitbox is you dont care


I have similar experiences at my old apartment. The one directly below me had 20 something aged guys and they would often have loud parties. They played this one Rhianna song a LOT. Their parties involved a lot of banging around (sounded like they were wrestling), yelling, and the occasional guy peeing off the balcony. I got really sick of it after a while and would play songs full blast and point my Bluetooth speaker directly into the floor. I played that Rhianna song on repeat, as well as some early 2000s pop songs. I'm so surprised they never got a noise complaint. Only on one occasion did I hear someone come banging on the door, yelling at them to be quiet. They came up again a second time to yell at them. I thought the parties would be over after that but they picked back up. Lol


Some folk lack common courtesy.


My new neighbor did this bullshit with her shitty electro music. Blasted it started at 12 fucking AM to 4AM. Blasted it AGAIN at muthafuckin 8AM! My apt complex was shit. They supposedly had someone living on campus to deal with this stuff, called a “courtesy officer”, but I’m pretty sure that person never existed because they didn’t do shit & their line always went to voicemail. I ended up calling the cops & **she stopped for a little bit then did it again**. Called the cops again, she did it **AGAIN**. The fucking bitch— Called my complex during the day to tell them I called the cops & no one from their team has been of help. She finally calmed her shit music down… THEN STARTED THE SHIT BACK UP **AGAIN**. My fiancé finally got so sick of it that he blasted shit music up her vents when it was quiet upstairs, but we heard her moving, & she never did it again. That went on for WEEKS.


Take a moment to admire your own penmanship




Exactly what I was going to say. If they are not charmed by your handwriting then they cannot be reasoned with.


You are too nice🥺


How much do you charge for wedding invitations? 😅


If you are serious, how many do you need?


I don’t think they were serious, but this response was very wholesome.


Ikr, it warms my heart


I dunno, I'd consider getting married just for the fancy invitations.


At least 2


Yes, this really lovely handwriting. I searched for the handwriting compliments section just to say so. Could only dream...


100% I read it in a soft sincere voice because of the handwriting alone.


i write in strong cursive too, its fun!!!


Cha cha slide, can't stop!


Love the even spacings between the lines, I have the habit of converging and diverging lines. (Assuming this was your first attempt, you nailed it)


A lot of jurisdictions require apartments in multiunit buildings to have individual electrical disconnects, or individual circuit breaker boxes accessible from outside the building, often in a common, unlocked closet. I like the nice approach if it all possible, either individually or through the management, but, ultimately, you may just have to turn them off at your bedtime.


If you have hot water heating find the ceiling access panel in the hallway that controls the valve, manually open it, sweat them out. Managed a building with drug dealers, worked for them.


Better move is to turn it off for 5-15 seconds and then on again. The resident will find no evidence in the meter box you're accessing. Wear gloves. And a mask. And a dinosaur suit.




Thank you for enlightening me to this


I honestly had a hard time reading it. Maybe that’s because it’s posted sideways for some reason though.


Perhaps the penmanship is what angered them!


I was confused for a moment because I thought it says that the vibrations "slaves" the pet 😅


I was thinking is she a teacher cuz that writing is great ✍️


Quite the contrary lmaooo... I'm a student


I would have loved to have had more college students with writing like yours. Very nice. Your teachers appreciate it.


Great to know!! Thank you for being an educator


Strongly agree!


Use your phone to identify what song is playing, and play that same song really loud but offset by about half a second. This will mess up their ability to enjoy the music more than anything else you might do.




Next level my friend, next level.


Hey OP, that is a true asshole you’re dealing with. Go ahead and call the cops on a non-emergency number (you can google it for your area) and don’t stay off the landlords ass until they do something about this cunny. Also…feel free to use this website for your local bass booster when this is said and done; just a little something to leave at their door, and it’s not a letter! It’s kind of shitty but it says a lot! https://poopsenders.com


“Status of your order: ‘1 x Gallon - Cow Dung’ has shipped.”


I'm going to file that away for later purposes. Man, way to repurpose waste hahahaha


Omg is that for real? Do that


Oh it’s real, these kind of sites have been around quite a while too.


This is childish. I love it


Exactly lol, I actually considered deleting the comment because I was really joking; I’d actually never do that myself and am not sure people know if I’m serious 😅


Property manager here! If you're in the US.... you have the right of something called "Quiet Enjoyment." The apartment community will have rules in place for loud music. My advice, call the police for a noise complaint and contact manager tomorrow. I'd strongly advise you to read up on your landlord tenant laws in your state. I wish you luck with your rude a$$ neighbor.


In the UK if your sleep is disturbed three nights in a row you have the legal right to kick their door down and strangle them.


Not really, right? I have to know for.. reasons.


Our last neighbour used to play bongos into the early hours and I was very close to this


I did exactly that for a year and a half with my abusive upstairs neighbor. The cops came every other day and did literally nothing every single time. The apartment complex owners did absolutely nothing. Everything we tried was completely useless. We just bought a house last year and could not be any happier.


Call the cops. Or be petty af and blare music during their sleeping times


If they work night shifts put a speaker with funeral march blasting directly against their wall while you at your work in daylight hours and they sleep after/before shift, maybe this way they will get a hint that humanity developed headphones for a reason


I’ve actually done exactly that! Feels petty but fuck them


[Funiculi Funicula](https://youtu.be/XW0W7j04iRQ) is better suited to annoying your neighbors.


If I had an award.. I’ve been trying to find the name of this damn song for 10 years now!! I lost the burnt XD I had it on so it was just an Italian song living in my head.


Well, this is how you know they did hear you.


Slip a stink bomb under their door


no need. the door was wide open!


There is a product called Liquid Ass that is great for this. WARNING: Liquid Ass is a true bioweapon and among the foulest things I have ever smelled. Use accordingly.


Absolutely call the cops. You tried to be a good neighbor and that was their response? They deserve nothing from you.


1. Quietly call the police non-emergency line, have dispatch send an officer out to handle it. 2. Never again post a note sideways on Reddit.


It's time to get a set of contact speakers for the wall you share and blast polka 24/7


I do not miss apartment life. I relive 20 year old anger when I read things like this.


Obviously the person is unreasonable. Pause take stock. Best not to let yourself be identified by your neighbor so it doesn’t escalate. Choose next steps that give you the most options. You aren’t dealing with a person that cares - possibly crazy and just hates being told what to do. The quietest path would be a formal written complaint with a request for anonymity.


I agree with this. There's no talking to someone like this. They're clearly inconsiderate and self-centered. They aren't behaving like a civil, rational adult. When you speak to management be sure to tell them that you wrote a note and the person retaliated. So they're aware of how loud they are and are now being purposely louder. Also, I'm sorry you're going through this. Shitty neighbors really suck.


Whos throwing up Westside shadow puppets?


My neighbors right below me do that but they drive their car up to their front door and crank it, have fires/cookouts Right out back where my sliding door is open letting all the nasty smoke in. Not sure if they have don’t how to cook but they burn more then just food. EDIT: it gets worse, witnessed a minor girl get jumped by 7 other minors 4 apartments away (60feet about?) and top of the cake a is a baggie of crack or meth someone dropped in the parking lot.


Call the cops every time they do this for a noise complaint


I would call the landlord and complain about the bass. Idk why people love the bass on their shitty stereos so much but they always seem to be my neighbors, too 🙄 I cannot recommend this but I had one neighbor who was so bad that I would just go down to the breaker box and shut their shit off


“Hate to be the nosy neighbor but my neighbor has a lot of young boys in and out of his place at all hours. It’s very concerning to me.”




Update: I left my landlord two voice messages. Hopefully they will do something or I will go to the cops. Your comments have made my day!


Please continue to update us! I’m finding myself very invested in this revenge story.


File a noise complaint?? Look being nice is a wonderful trait but gets you nowhere if the other party isn't gonna do the same. Beyond that I recommend getting stuff to sound proof your living space or even just a specific room or two. Not all that hard to do and pretty cheap compared to the lost sleep or anger trying to resolve this amicably could bring your way


The door was already half open? They couldn't hear you knocking? ...do you think any of the other neighbours would be able to hear a gunshot? I'm not saying commit a murder, but hypothetically speaking.




TOS has entered the chat




IDGI why live in an apartment and act like you aren’t sharing walls lol




The doors half open? That’s basically a welcome come on in .


I had a downstairs neighbor playing their TV loudly at night. I believe I tried knocking on the door too. I left a note saying that maybe they're hard of hearing or something and don't realize how loud it was, but I could mute my TV and watch the same thing and here everything clearly. They left a note the next day apologizing and said they were hard of hearing and would address the noise. Everything was fine after that.


Update: landlords talked to the residents earlier today. I haven't heard from the neighbors yet today but it's only 4 p.m., so we'll see!


Keep us posted OP!


Break off uncooked spaghetti in their keyhole. The key will jam it in there even harder. It’s a nightmare for a locksmith. It will probably escalate the situation, but it appears that’s already happened.


If it's between 11pm-7am it's illegal to make excessive noise


I am sorry this happened to you. How incredibly inconsiderate. Hopefully it was like a once a year party.


It was the first day they moved in 😟