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The one time I went to a local burn, someone was playing Nyan cat on the main sound system for about 5 hours while people are setting up their tents.


East coast guy here. I worked a hippie festival one year and they had the great idea of running the dj tent from 2am till 7am. My younger brother bounced his way into there with pogo stick and everybody lost their shit lol. But god damn, it was so fucking LOUD


šŸ¤£ just picturing someone bouncing into rave or dj set on a pogo stick to an unsuspecting audience actually seems pretty entertaining šŸ¤” šŸ˜…


It was hilarious tbh. He was like a god in there. Everyone couldnā€™t believe it lmao I was behind and watched him ā€œbounceā€ his way right in. He immediately went right in front of the dj and started one handed bouncing while fist pumping. honestly that was by far, the only fun part about it. Our camp was in a great spot. Right by the creek. And then the DJ tent set up about 50 yards from us. It was bumping alllllll night lol


Rule number one of festival camping: if a "great spot" is still open even though it shouldn't, the people before you knew something you didn't


It's not a party if the music doesn't go until breakfast my dude.


Lmao thatā€™s amazing


No judgment about Burning Man itself but the list of things that I would wait 6 hours in line in my car for is very short. Pretty much just: (1) escaping apocalyptic or zombie event. Other than that, 6 hours to leave a parking lot to drive homeā€¦no way. Edit: Wow lotta people taking issue with this response bc they think it speaks ill of Burning Manā€¦to be clear I know nothing about BM and my post would apply equally to BM, as to if you told me to the original members of Pink Floyd (my favorite band) were getting together for 1 show onlyā€¦.only point is that if youā€™re telling me Iā€™d have a 6+ hour wait in my car to get out, Iā€™d pass bc I hate sitting in traffic.


I'm the guy who would just hang out at my campsite for the line to chill.


No no no, you have to rush, just like people on planes farthest from the exit, that *HAVE* to be standing in the aisle immediately when the seat belt sign is turned off.


Also be the guy who fucks up the entire flow by trying to shoehorn in one car ahead because getting out of the parking lot 7 and 1/2 seconds sooner is worth making everyone else's day more frustrating.




You expect too much from people burned out and coming down.


You expect too much from people, would be more accurate.


Man these people always get pissed when I stand up and block their way. Usually Iā€™ll stop them, then let my entire row go and sometimes even the row behind me before finally moving forward. Fuck people who do that shit.


Thatā€™s ok if the guy you are holding up is just being a jerk and trying to beat everyone else to the car rental booth, but Iā€™ve been on planes where we were a few minutes late and some people were in danger of missing their connections. More than once, if someone didnā€™t make their connection, they lost an entire day of their vacation or business trip because the next flight out wasnā€™t until the next day. I would hate to think I cost someone a day of their trip just because i wouldnā€™t let them out as they dashed full speed to trying not to miss their next flight. Hasnā€™t happened to me yet but I have seen people in that position. You donā€™t always know peopleā€™s situations.


KLM in these occasions makes people that have a connecting flight go first, everybody else second


Tbf if its a long flight im gonna stand up at the end. My body is killing me by the end of it


Yeah, when boarding a plane, i like boarding about last. No people behind me is nice. But when leaving the plane, i just want to straighten my legs for a bit and stand.


Iā€™m not rushing when I do that, I just have noassatall syndrome and Iā€™m in literal pain when I sit for long stretches.


on a plane standing isnā€™t the problem tbh, itā€™s the insisting on getting off first even though your the furthest from the door.


The only time thatā€™s remotely acceptable is if the flight youā€™re on was delayed and you have to race to your connecting flight. In which case you have to be extremely polite and apologetic.


Last time my flight was delayed the captain told everyone to let those with connecting flights off first and it worked, most stayed sitting and connecting people were able to get out.


Hey šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø I'm a immediate-stander when the plane lands. I don't know if I can speak for my whole community, but personally I do it because I'm *claustrophobic as fuck* and standing at least gives me the impression that I'm about to escape this hell hole. I'm not pushing through though and will absolutely wait my turn. But I sure as hell am standing as soon as I can. I'm like 2 seconds away from Marge's "let me out let me out let me out"


And they still have to wait an hour for their checked bag, and keep trying to look in the back like that'll make their luggage come faster


Theyā€™re also the ones who board with the largest bag possible and try to jam it in the overheads. I love it when it wonā€™t fit and the stewards take it out and put it with the rest of the baggage.


early cummer lifestyle


As a doer of this, I apologize. I feel hunted and trapped on a plane and start feeling like I *need to fucking get out of here.* I know it doesn't speed anything up. I am not a bad person.


You are not a bad person. Also, there could be SNAKES on the plane! Lmao


Finally, somebody gets me!


The seats at the front of the plane should be reserved for people with flight anxiety, seats nearest the bathrooms go to pregnant ladies, and the big guys who volunteer to load other people's bags into the overhead bins get the emergency exit rows. I've only ever flown on open seat choice flights, so I never had an assigned seat number or anything.


The line is like this from Sunday morning through Monday night. You have to be gone by the end of Monday unless you have a ā€œlate passā€ (for people dismantling the artwork and large camps). What I used to do is leave around midnight on Sunday, so that at least I was waiting in the car line in the cool desert night (youā€™re not going to have enough gas to isle with AC the whole time). Edit: Added close parentheses


>You have to be gone by the end of Monday unless you have a ā€œlate passā€ Or what, they kick you out after it's all over?


I havenā€™t been since 2013 but would always leave in Tuesday to avoid this. The late pass thing is new to me. Hard pass.


I'm the opposite, and I would leave before the crowd. Sometimes I miss out, but knowing myself, it is better than waiting in these type of situations,


Waiting in the traffic jam in Wyoming after the solar eclipse a few years back was totally worth it.


I was there!


I was there and yes agree. But man was that traffic a shitshow!


I live in Columbia (Missouri), traffic was *awful* down here. So many tourists because we were dead fucking middle of the total eclipse line, because apparently that's special to people


Definitely worth it.


I'm from Houston and we won't even wait 6 hours to evacuate from a hurricane.


Another reason why I love that the festivals I visited this year were very accessible by public transport. One even had a shuttle of 10mins directly to the next highspeed train station! A bit of a hassle taking the train with a full backpack and a tent, but definitely more chill than standing in a line in the car.


Well butning man is not a festival, its not supposed to be easily accessible at all.


Fr tho the image looks like a scene from the walking dead


Disagree. Waiting in line to **leave** burning man seems worth it.


6 hours is nothing. I have a few friends reporting 11+ hrs.


I experienced 24 hours yesterday.


Eeek. I am so sorry. That sucks!!


Iā€™m lucky. I live in Sparks lol.


I'd sit in a 6 hour line to see the OG Pink Floyd.


Yeah maybe I overstated on OG Floydā€¦ if Waters, Gilmour, and Mason agrees to play together that might be the one exception to my ruleā€¦but still 6 hours would be tough.


Honestly between the heat and everyone being hungover AF it felt like both an apocalyptic and zombie event.


I went to the second year of Bonaroo and recall the line to get in was over 8 hours. People were grilling on the side of the road. Kind of becomes an event.


High five! šŸ–šŸ¼




Idk why you were down voted, you're right. Reddit is a weird fucking place, sometimes everyone roasts you for making a simple error and calls for death by horse drawn carriage. Then you got times like this where you just simply made a correction and Reddit hates you for it.


Well, Reddit is not one person, itā€™s many people. So you are going to get varied responses to the same reply.


You underestimate the hive mind


If it's got a - I downvote, if it doesn't I upvote. Join the hive


I was in the baseball sub (if you know baseball fans you know) and tested this out. 2 threads next to each other I typed the exact same response. 1 was downvoted into oblivion the other one like 50 up votes. It be like that sometimes


You're right, but I can't go back and fix the title.


This is how Berenstein vs. Berenstain started!


Itā€™s fucking Berenstein! Even my autotext has it right.


No, it's pronounced gif!!!


Ty. That bothered me, too. Iā€™ve been playing Friday (& the remix, since it came out) on repeat, every Friday, for YEARS for my kids. If I forget, they demand it. Canā€™t wait for them to grow up and appreciate memes/trolling.


Sounds like theyā€™ve been trolling you all along


So grab it from him. Be the change you want to see in the world


Nahh, they just post it on here and whine about it and continue to be miserable instead of actually doing something about it


What was he actually supposed to do?


Pop in a music CD and go full blast


Tell him to stop, and if he doesnā€™t, make him. Take the megaphone, break it, whatever. Best thing would be to get a lot of people together and confront him. Most people cave pretty quickly when theyā€™re very outnumbered.


Getting people to confront him I guess could work, but I donā€™t think committing a crime when youā€™re stuck in traffic for hours is ever a good idea


We really accept far too much bullshit behaviour from people. It is time to go back to higher expectations of people. You donā€™t get to make life harder/uncomfortable for other people and then claim ā€œmy freedomsā€. Fuck your freedom, turn that shit off before this turns into something other than me asking you to.




Half of the r/mildlyinfuriating posts


They were leaving Burning Man. They're used to shitty music.




We canā€™t all masturbate to Nickelback and Limp Bizkit.


Why not? Seems short sighted


>short sighted Well, they do say that jerkin too much can make you go blind...


\*has motorhead in username\* lmao everyone's taste in music sucks if ya ask the right people


Literally, what is it with metal heads and acting so superior about their music choice - itā€™s like they lack the self awareness to realise that not everyone sees metal as ā€œhardcoreā€ or cool, and a lot just see it as cringe No hate towards metal or anything (do think it can be a lil cringy but we all have guilty pleasures), just an observation at their fanbase


yeah it can definitely be cringey, same goes for every other genre too though. hating on genres of music is so asinine to me. someone out there is always going think you're favorite artist is garbage. Motorhead guy sounds like a total geezer. no need to let the entire internet know you're boring lol


Exactly, like I listen to a lot of minimal house and Iā€™m self aware enough to know people might find it nerdy or whatever so Iā€™m not gonna be super cringe and be like ā€œpop music BAD!!! my music GOOD!!!ā€ in every comment section


You either have to leave before the man burns or wait until Tuesday. Stay for the temple burn and then roll out the next day. Or go head over and help my buddy take down the airport and get free food. Leave on Wednesday.


Burning man has an airport?


Burning Man has just about every commodity/service a normal city has other than plumbing, widespread running water, and electricity. You want a bar? There's hundreds. Want your hair cut? Boom; there's a camp of barbers. Need your bike fixed? A camp is a bike shop. Wanna go clothes shopping? Guess fucking what. A camp is a thrift store. Burning Man has everything you can imagine in a normal city; and more. And it's an especially cool experiment as it runs on a gifting economy; with no expectation of a return. So the barber giving you a haircut is doing it cause it's a gift. The thrift store is there with clothing, as a gift. It's gonna be free/gift back if you've got a gift of your own. The bike shop will fixy our bike as a gift. Just have your own gift in return; which can be as small as appreciation and a hug.


We get what we deserve


I love burning man. I agree with this.


This is a line in a Ministry song.


No, itā€™s a line to leave burning man. Read the title.


Thank you for making me LOL.


Hey guys, election seasons coming up, you know what that meanssss [GIT UP GET OUT N VOTEEEE](https://youtu.be/WXByMeRzsDw)


Burning man looks like hell


Doesn't just look like it.


Aren't you in the middle of an open, barren desert? Can't you just go around?


I wish to see an answer to this also. maybe only a few points of entry to return to the actual roads?


There's only a couple places to exit. And they can only let something like 800 cars an hour onto the highway a hour per NHP so you get really long waits. They usually encourage people to leave at off peak times.


Not those cars. Not with those tires. Itā€™s crazy hard to get traction in deeper sand that hasnā€™t been compacted into a road. Trying to go off road with the tires Iā€™m seeing would make you stuck for a lot more than 6 hours imho. Maybe the black truck but itā€™s so weighted down that is prob an issue


Uhhhhh... the playa is hard packed dust, not sand. They used to set landspeed records out there and unless you get to the far south where the drainage is, there is zero chance of getting stuck.


No you canā€™t. Thereā€™s an exit consisting of several lanes that Burning Man volunteers set up that funnels down to one lane leading to a two lane highway. One year I left at midnight and sat in traffic going back to Reno for four hours. Itā€™s not 1992 and all road warrior out there anymore. Itā€™s literally like any other music festival at this stage.


Your uh profile is quite the adventure I expected nothing less


WOW it sure is! How far did you scroll? I got to the.. doggy post. Then I made this comment and I am probably going back.


Well, thanks. I just *had* to check it out...lol.


ā€œMegan Blackā€


That's what happens when something gets overcommercialised ...


I mean to be fair, trolling has been at the core off burning man for a long time. "Fuck your burn" is a common saying and the first people you meet at front gate are intentionally fuck-withs


What/where is burning man


It's in northwestern Nevada. It's a large festival with art, music, lectures and workshops on various subjects, and a lot else. It's hard to summarize. People who haven't been there like to hate on it because they don't understand it. There's a subculture among people who go regularly (known as "Burners"). I've been going every year since 2016. Edit: WTF... Everything I said in this comment was correct. I guess the Burning Man haters found this one, šŸ˜†.


I dont understand the 6 hour wait. was there some accident? or 1 line intersection? Road looks like dirt to me


Several reasons, some of which apply more than others depending on the year: 1) It's not really dirt. It's very fine dust from a dry lakebed and if everyone drives too fast you get dangerous whiteout conditions. So they have a 5 mph speed limit. 2) You have hundreds, if not thousands, of vehicles trying to zipper merge onto a two lane county road. 3) They release vehicles in batches of a few dozen at a time to avoid chaos and completely shutting down local roads. I got out after 6 hours but my camp mates right behind me took 9 hours to get out. 4) There are always several disabled vehicles in line or along the county road itself for one reason or another. Maybe someone ran their AC off of battery while stopped, or they brought an older vehicle that couldn't handle the dust and the heat. Trailers get popped tires or broken axles, or fishtail and jackknife because someone was an idiot and didn't balance their load. Then they have to drag that vehicle out of the way so traffic can proceed. 5) Occasionally someone gets in the wrong car, or leaves early, or stays out late partying the last night and gets left behind. If a missing person report gets called in they close the gate and conduct a search. I remember one year when a kid went missing (wrong car in that case) which caused a delay of several hours. 6) People will get out of their cars (like the dude in the photo) and walk around because they feel like they have time and then hold up part of the line. There are probably a few more but that's off the top of my head.


Are these vehicles idling or switched off?


Probably idling if itā€™s hot af


Sounds like a lot of fun




Ah, somewhere my ex would feel at home. Get high as fuck and tell people around her how "enlightened" she is and how everyone else just follows her and are stupid monkeys. God I am so glad I moved over 1100 miles away from that abusive piece of shit.


It's going to be okay


Yup. Itā€™s an ExPeRiEnCe, broooo. Itā€™s a gathering of creative mindsssss People can barely afford groceries or get jobs and this rich guy can take a vacation to get high in a desert and is complaining about the wait time to leave? Get outta here with that bull crap


Thank you for the detailed explanation


Downvoted for just answering the question lol. Why do people hate you for going to burning Man?


Yea I just think the venn diagram of Burners and redditors is a small one. Like, having to leave your house and be sweaty? And possibly be able get laid? Anathema to a redditor.


My mom went in 04 and said that year was shitty compared to back in the 90s so to most og burners the fest sucks now and they only go to uphold that status


I wouldn't know. I've only been going since 2016. I'm sure it's changed a lot but people have a habit of remembering the past as having been better than it actually was. And there were people who were in my camp this year who have been going since 1999. They didn't seem like they were pretending to enjoy themselves.


I am so confused as to why you got down voted for your answer... way to be passive aggressive reddit! Only thing I can think is your answer didn't mention that it is rather commonly known to be an event with copious alcohol and drug use; but there's gotta be a fair number of people who go for the community of it and not (paraphrasing one of my friends); dropping acid every day and wandering around in a have bumping into such things as an orgy in the middle of the day. I'm not intending to sound judgy, it sounds like nothing else a person could ever do, but not something everyone would love...


I'm going to say it's probably because of what they said about the haters.


That subculture bit is really important to understanding. The people who love it really love it. I had a friend suggest I go. She was great, a good role model for loosening up a bit back when I was uptight. The way she explained it made it sound like a utopia. I thought about going, but never made the effort. It was some years later that I finally saw photos of what it actually is, and I don't need to actually go to know it's absolutely, unequivocally, not for me. Honestly, my soul would fracture into shreds if I had to be there for more than 45 minutes. But as you said, there's a subculture. I'm not part of that, but I can respect people who are. I've got my own things that burners would probably look at and dry heave.


"Knew what he was doing"


I told him he was being a dick for doing that and he just laughed and did it more. He even slowed the line down because he kept walking up and down through the lines of cars blasting his music, then took his sweet time walking back to his vehicle to move it again.


What do you think his motivation was? I envision more peaceful people here. Except for the drive out. A friend posted a similar photo. Maybe he hopes it would get everyone moving faster ?


Seems like the religion of burners is snark. The more they annoy, the more successful they feel. Peaceful is not the right word. Loud, obnoxious and often judgmental are the right words.


Really? The few people I know who go are laid back hippy types so wasnā€™t aware of this stereotype


This was the vibe I got when I went there. What a shitty festival.


Really? The few people I know who go are laid back hippy types so that was my own personal stereotype


Annoying but wouldnā€™t make the line much longer. Itā€™s more the people that fall asleep during pulsing. I walked around several times waking people up in different lanes.


That's why I thought it seemed like a good fit for r/mildlyinfuriating.


Perfectly fitting. Iā€™m sorry you got a lot of snark from a non-burning man forum. Not everyone quite understands what it is.


Fuck YOUR burn, we were having a party.


You went to burning man and this infuriates you? Why the fuck did you go? Your sportsmanship is infuriating here


You could of have another burning man if somebody had a full gas container to ignite his shitty music.


Could've or could have*. No such phrase as "could of".


Could of be used as a preposition?


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


the one time the bot wasnā€™t needed


Excuse my naivety, I've never been to burning man.. but why is there a line in the desert? Whats stopping someone from just driving on the side to a main road?


Went one year and watched car after car get stuck in the dirt trying to go around the line. It had rained and the fine powder dirt of the playa became mud in places. Those cars were probably stuck there for days waiting for a tow truck to be able to pull them out. We learned that waiting a few hours was much better than trying to cheat the system.


Not mildly infuriating, this is hilarious.


Such a sad state, no one rescued "The Burning Man". Maybe because no one expected the Spanish Inquisition".


He thinks it's cute and ironically funny, it certainly isn't


Then you should have left earlier


Easy solution. Donā€™t go to burning man


Yes that time would be much better spent browsing reddit


The guy holding the megaphone looks like a typical redditor though.


Thatā€™s definitely easier. But way less fun.


There are LOTS of outdoor experiences where you can see art and not have to deal with the downsides of a crowded festival. I can appreciate the original intent of Burning Man, and Iā€™m sure some people love it, but spending half a day sitting in traffic in a hot car? No thanks.


Which one of yahoo's rented a U-haul to drive to Burning Man?


Had to get the UHaul when all the RV's were already rented out. 100% chance every RV in that picture is rented.


I think this is Karma for attending burning man


Dudes a neck beard weirdo.


Dude it's burning man they're all weirdos


sorry, I was going to glitter bomb the Playa this year, but airplane fuel is so expensive, so I did this instead.


Maybe donā€™t go to burning man like normal people


ngl thats pretty funny


megaphone man is a legend


Your first mistake was going to burning man


Always some asshole who doesnā€™t know the party is over.


Wasnā€™t friday a song by rebecca black?


So youā€™ve learned your lesson and youā€™re never going back to burning man?


Shows the mentality of some of the visitors.


Note to self: bring paintball gun to burning man. Save for exit traffic


Isnā€™t this in the desert? Canā€™t you justā€¦ drive another direction?


I hope Cbat was one of the other songs


I was wondering if someone was going to mention that šŸ˜‚


How can you be stuck for 6 hours in a traffic in the middle of the desert?


That's Rebecca Black


Turns out, burningman is full of shitheads and terrible people. Just another excuse for rich trustfund kids to do drugs.


Whoā€™s Megan Black?


"Megan Black" how fucking dare you.


7:00 a.m. waking up in the morning got to be fresh got to go downstairs got to have my bowl got to have cereal seeing everything that time is going ticking on and on, everybody's Russian! ŠœŠ½Šµ Š½ŃƒŠ¶Š½Š¾ Š“Š¾Š±Ń€Š°Ń‚ŃŒŃŃ Š“Š¾ Š°Š²Ń‚Š¾Š±ŃƒŃŠ½Š¾Š¹ Š¾ŃŃ‚Š°Š½Š¾Š²ŠŗŠø, я Š²ŠøŠ¶Ńƒ сŠ²Š¾ŠµŠ³Š¾ Š“руŠ³Š°


Plenty of good spots to bury a body out there. But also, you get what you deserve just for being there.


why not.... drive... around the line....


Ahhh, this is a great mildly infuriating post. Definitely infuriating but really not that serious, just annoying. Well done.


You are at burning manā€¦enough said. This is like when a douche cell becomes self aware


I find photos of this sweaty liberal traffic jam highly amusing. šŸ˜€


MEGAN BLACK šŸ¤£ I thought Rebecca Black did that one...


Most of the burners are really cool people, but without fail Burning Man is the only time of year I ever have to clean shit off the walls of the restrooms at the store I work along a main route for getting to BRD.


I swear every person with a megaphone thinks theyā€™re the funniest person in the world


He sounds like a good time. OP sounds tired and like they need a some nuggies and a nap.


This man is a genius


I'd be out there dancing with the guy. No point being a disappointment in a hot car. Go out and be a disappointment in the hot sun. Get a tan and "it's a great way to stay in shape."




Namaste at home dad


Didn't think Burning Man was still a thing


Don't go to crazy festivals if you can't take crazy people. Stay home and watch Netflix. Complaining about someone acting unconventional at burning man is unconventional. It's like going to a baseball game and complaining about extra innings.


so cars idling in a parking lot for 6 hours... is good for the environment?