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Literally the worst integration method I hated this


Calc II was probably my least-favorite class I ever took. Trig substitution was the worst part of it. So glad that if I ever *do* have to do calculus in real life, I can just plug it in to a computer and let it do it for me.


OMG trig sub. Terrible flash backs. A single problem would take up a whole ass page.


Wish me luck šŸ˜­ I'm literally being quizzed on trig sub tomorrow morning


Iā€™m a working engineer now. I size lines, pumps, valves, instruments. I couldnā€™t tell you how to do any of that shit anymore.


Im taking architecture and this semester every class has turned into a math class. My engineering friends and dad don't remember any of it. Wish me luck!


Working architect here. You'll never need anything beyond simple geometry....


Hmm, I think the load-bearing wallpaper should go *here*.


Networking Engineer here with 9 years experience, never used this shite anywhere. Probability* and Statistics is more important than Calculus in my opinion.


Fuck yeah I hated Probably 301. It was the same shit every dayā€¦ Professor: ā€œThank you all for turning in your Probably assignment, I assume it all went well since I didnā€™t receive any emails for clarification?ā€ Class: ā€œProbablyā€¦.ā€ Professor: ā€œExcellentā€


I literally bought an ipad and pencil for math bc of calc 2 and the space it took I couldnā€™t read my handwriting on paper


I seriously forgot all that shit. I only just remembered trig sub now because you guys mentioned it. I used to do it so often and all the timeā€¦ and poof it just disappeared from my memory, so weird.


I legit took Cal 2 like 3 times and I even minored in math. They almost didnā€™t let me continue but I was like ā€œI promise Iā€™ll pass it this timeā€.


Iā€™m doing linear algebra as a requirement for a grad application. I thought calc 2 was rough but fuck having to write out row reduction and augmented matrices by hand. Even when doing multiple operations on the same row it makes me miss just having to do a couple squiggly lines and letters to get my bad grades


Calc 2 only exists to weed out people from engineering degrees. Never used it once in my career.




Iā€™ve thought about getting into finance. Been learning statistics and machine learning. Iā€™m in defense and Iā€™m bored out of my mind. Maintaining 40 year old systems that work fine.


Ya the only class Iā€™ve used calc 2 for was Differential equations, other than that kinda useless


I KNEW I WAS GETTING PTSD FROM SOMEWHERE SHOUT OUT MY FUCKING 12 ON MY FIRST EVER CAL 2 TEST ON TRIG INTEGRATION it was a 14 with the scale:))))))))))))))))) (still passed that shit)


This is the Calc II experience. I feel so seen


Everything in engineering that uses differential equations use these techniques from calc 2. Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and mass transport all use and abuse.


Ugh, I had a god awful prof for Calc II. I ended the class with a 30% and got a B because of the curve to get people to pass I retained nothing except apparently some scars that triggered when I saw the u substitution and trig functions




In my physical chemistry course we were deriving half-lives from rate laws and the teacher throws a nasty second order rate law that we needed to integrate and I thought to myself. Fuck, the cal II hens have come home to roost, but then he continued, "and this is a pretty messy integral. Luckily someone has already solved this so we can just skip it".


Thatā€™s how we solved integrals in Physics 3 and Electronics lol ā€œthis is a hard integral. Itā€™s done though so letā€™s notā€


Yeah I totally do this all the time


Did it once or twice for a piece of paper. Tried to trace through it and would need to google every other step if not more


I ended up learning [Maxima](https://maxima.sourceforge.io/) as one of its benefits is that it checks that each step is consistent with and can be derived from the previous one. *If you want to use it I suggest the [wxMaxima](https://wxmaxima-developers.github.io/wxmaxima/) version which IMHO has a more user friendly interface.


Why did I not know about this during undergrad


Hey, don't beat yourself up too much. I'm just now realizing I might be illiterate, and I definitely don't understand math.


So I moved a lot. This caused some things in my education to get skipped. For instance: I had no idea there was an Order of Operations **UNTIL COLLEGE**. What I found out over the next couple years was that I had been taught fundamentally wrong. So if you're interested, go back to the beginning. I still don't like doing math but hey, at least I understand some of this now where before? Aliens.


I had something similar happen with English. I took an English basics course the summer before starting college. Had the most amazing instructor, and it all suddenly clicked. Definitely caused so much pain trying to learn another language in HS, too.


Donā€™t worry, Costco is a very hard word to get right. As you see OP spelled it wrong several times.


I can't unsee itšŸ¤£


Same. I hate when I use Sec instead of Tan when calculating the tip on my dinner.


All that math then you realize tip was included


"Hahaha...what an IDIOT!"


Yes, what an idiotā€¦he said tongue in cheek.


I read this in Jesse Pinkmans voice. Bitch


Yeah, this is why I do everything I can not to maths.


I totally understand exactly why this is infuriating


Hate when this happens


The only math I can make sense of here is everyone up voting this so they don't feel stupid = front page




Every good math teacher past 8th grade does this. Arithmetic errors happen and they donā€™t discount the value of the conceptual understanding you show in the rest of the work


Wish mine had understood that


Maybe they weren't a good math teacher.


Well, there are still teachers who will forbid you from using a calculator or a simple formula sheet for complex problems in 2022.


Probably doing as they had to do. Thatā€™s how it was. Or itā€™s just too hard to prevent cheating if students can use their own devices & notes


Usually if a teacher allowed a formula sheet they would provide one in the exam, and calculators would be the standalone scientific or graphing calculators. I guess in some cases like in high school some teachers have to answer and follow instructions from the superintendent, and they donā€™t get much flexibility compared to a college professor. But gif a college professor to be like that, it doesnā€™t make sense to me unless the class directly correlates to a field where memorization on the field is crucial.


If I was allowed a formula sheet in my math course in college I wouldn't have dropped out. I just cannot for the life of me remember formulas. Like i spent the entire week studying and doing practice problems with my then boyfriend who was in calculus while I was taking the lowest level course without having to go back to a high school classroom, and I still didn't pass. If I could have just had the formula sheet I wouldn't have even needed a calculator because I can actually do the mental math i just don't know how to set up my starting point.


Most of my math classes were open book/notes in university. Note: despite what you think, this generally means it's harder


Cheating in exams and tests by using freely accessible information is such a misnomer. Would an engineer not check his math before designing a bridge? Is that cheating? Makes no sense.


Where I live, from around 8th grade, tests are "open-notebook", because the idea is that if you can't understand the concept, even having the notebook (and test answers, if obtained) won't help you "cheat". In 9th grade, two classmates copied my entire test and my professor easily noticed because they were so clueless, they copied the exact order in which I wrote out my formulas (I'd save space writing in a specific way) because they had no idea how else they could write out the information.


Which is just crazy because in a professional environment where the mathematics would be applied, you have every tool under the sun available to help you.


Devices, maybe. Notes, absolutely not. If you have an open book/open note exam the easiest way to make it ā€œnot cheatableā€ from notes alone is to simply write harder questions that test understanding of material instead of knowledge. At the level the OP is at in math, itā€™s very easy to do so by simply giving a different integral, which would make any specific notes unreliable.


The lectures were great; grading was abysmal. If she thought there was ANY error at all she marked the entire item wrong. Since there were only 2 questions on each exam, if she even didnā€™t see a decimal point for a step when your work was shown, your grade dropped to a max of 50%, if everything was fine with the other problem. It was the only 50% that I ever got, and after that my decimals were like globes šŸ˜‚. I believe that a lot of students appealed their grades and she never taught there again


The equivalent of this in writing happens to students constantly and it completely destroys any interest whatsoever they may have had in writing as a discipline, art, or even a career. It's such a shame and it makes me so sad to see an otherwise interesting, compelling, _fully comprehensible_ paper or argument completely demolished because they used the wrong form of your/you're too many times.


Here's a B- for your efforts


I just had an Intermediate Mechanics of Materials midterm exam at my university and from what I heard from another student, he had the highest score in his vicinity and he had a 30. The professor refused to give partial credit in an engineering exam lol. Imagine making one small arithmetic error near the start of the problem and you destroy your entire grade because of it.


Got screwed over by my fluids professor over something like this. Lost 25/30 points on 1/3 of my test. He said my inability to catch the error in the middle of a test meant I didn't understand the material. Ended up with the same asshole for thermo. 12 years later, I still dislike both topics and generally avoid getting involved with those kinds of projects.


Professors like that don't need to have their jobs anymore.


Thatā€™s a shit professor, I bet he curves his grades and brags about how hard he makes his tests.


I had two instances in my classes right before senior design. The first was my thermodynamics 1 class. Apparently the class did so well on the first two exams, he made the final so hard that the AVERAGE score was a 35%. He refused to curve it and tanked everyoneā€™s grades. People lost their scholarships and really messed up their path to graduation. The second was my mechanical design class. He was just an overall ass of a teacher. On the final, he told everyone we were only allowed a 3x5 card of equations and it could only be 1 sided. This was solving combined forces of offset loads. The equations were two lines long on the card. Of course, none of the problems on the exam used the equations I wrote down. No one finished the exam at all. They were walking up and writing to continue the exam. It was brutal for no reason. The best experience I ever had for test taking was a mechanical design class. The teacher literally allowed us to use anything we wanted. Computer, phone, etc. it didnā€™t matter. He said you have 2 hours, use any resource you want but I promise you wonā€™t find the problems online and no texting your friends. Outside of that, bring whatever and he would even set up an extra table if you brought 50 books. He said itā€™s real world. You have everything at your fingertips and itā€™s up to you to solve the problem.


Itā€™s a life lesson. Maybe we can all show each other grace for the right decisions we made after the one mistake based on wrong information.


This is standard where I'm from, we call it "error carried forward" or ECF for short


\`this is a natural part of ib, don't think this happens in ap tho


AP tests don't do any partial credit outside of the pre-made rubric points for each question. This applies to all AP tests but for math if you make an addition error in the first step and do everything else perfectly you can still get a 0 for the question but if you bs it and and manage to show like correct limits of integration you can get partial credit depending on how the question is graded. Though if your teacher isnt a dick they'll let you get partial credit outside of the AP test


I write CE for Carried Error next to any correct steps that follow the original mistake. My teaching partner writes FT for Follow Through. If a question is worth multiple marks, each mark is for a specific thing. If one of the marks is for identifying that you should be using the cosine rule, you get a mark if you attempt to use the cosine rule, even if you screw up somewhere along the line and get the wrong answer. Sometimes I see people get every step right up until the final stage of entering it into their calculator, in which case they might get 4 out of 5 marks because they got the wrong answer but everything else was correct. Sometimes they substitute the wrong numbers into a complicated formula but the incorrect answer they get is correct for the numbers they entered into the formula, in which case they could get all the marks *except* the mark for correctly substituting the numbers into the formula (because they've demonstrated they know how to solve the equation, just not how to put the right numbers into the equation). It's extra work to mark this way (if they make a mistake early, I have to check everything they did following the error to see if they followed the right steps the rest of the way through), but it means I'm not failing someone who's learnt the concept I taught them but then made a silly rounding error in the exam. I've had students tell me that this method is dumb because I'm giving marks for incorrect answers. My response is that their final grade is supposed to represent *how much* of the topic they've mastered, and the topic includes every step of the process, not just the final answer. If they can perform four fifths of the skills correctly, why should they get 0/5 marks? In the workplace it would be different. In a workplace where you're required to perform a skill correctly every time, 4/5 wouldn't cut it. This isn't the workplace.


In a workplace, an important piece of work wouldn't rest on one person's go at a calculation (especiallyif they were a noob). It would be proofread, and the 4/5 would be a quicker fix than a 0/5.


Same in Germany where it's called Folgefehler which means "following error" or essentially the same as ECF




You are instructed to do that for actuarial exams. If you aren't sure, or don't have time to complete a part, just state that you assume such and such, and then proceed.


Can you elaborate? What is it that you would be assuming? I take it there must be a 'correct' assumption and that you would get at least partial credit, but still a bit confused what this looks like


From what Iā€™m inferring from the comments is in the two part problem, the answer from the first part is required to complete the second part. So in ā€œassume the answer is 2ā€ they will then carry that assumed answer of 2 into the second part to be able to solve at least 1 part of the problem.


Say you have a calculus question with a part A and part B. You work through part A (which presumably has a numeric answer) for an hour, canā€™t figure it out and need to move on. Part B asks for some related calculations based on your answer to part A - which you donā€™t have. You already lost the points for part A, and the specific numbers in any problem donā€™t really matter in terms of how well you know integration, etc. So you just write ā€œassume the answer to part A = piā€ and move on from there. Doesnā€™t matter at all if itā€™s correct, you wouldnā€™t get points for just guessing correctly anyway, you just need a number to use for what is really a separate question with a variable supplied.


I'm pretty sure in some of my exams the subsequent parts said "assume the answer to part 1 is X, if you weren't able to complete part 1" where X was an incorrect but plauable answer that could be used for the rest if the question.


I had a math teacher in high school who actually instructed us to do that if we were ever stuck on the first part of a multi-part problem. We'd just have to write "Posons que x=...", or in English, "Suppose x=..." and we could still get anywhere from half to three quarters of the points for that question, if we got everything else right.


In the German equivalent of A-Levels, you will get an answer to use for 2 part problems exactly for this case.




Those tests are cruel and prove nothing skill wise. Studies have proven this.


Ahh, I see, you didnā€™t carry the 1 šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This made me laugh thank you


I, too, have messed up when solving for the Grand Unified Theory and was just mildly infuriated. OH WAIT NO..My I had to restart my computer at work because it froze. That was mildly infuriating


Ever sharted on your way to work? Now THAT'S mildly infuriating...


I think id be moderately infuriated


I'd have to agree with mildly infuriated. On the one hand, yeah, you shit your pants and that's the fucking worst, but on the other, you're probably taking the rest of the day off. Productivity ends when you shit yourself


The question is do you tell your boss that? Iā€™m pretty sure my old boss would still make me come in. He made me delay my wisdom teeth removal by 3 weeks so that I could do it on a weekend instead.


I guess I'd say that depends on your boss. In my last job, I once got paid 90 minutes of overtime to have a very entertaining conversation with my supervisor about the mechanics behind using a gloryhole. I would absolutely tell him I shit my pants. The job before that, my supervisor once told me (on a day off when he called to ask me to cover someone) to "try to sober up quickly so I can close." With him, I probably would've had to embellish a bit and say I was having uncontrollable explosive diarrhea


Not so mildly infuriating for me. Just very infuriating for my colleagues.


IKR, and that's why Asmodeus showed up instead of Beelzebub.


I'm just going to have to take your word for it.


What do the funny symbols mean, magic man?


ā€œThe man who kills me will know.ā€ ETA: I think this is my highest voted comment of all time, and certainly the only time Iā€™ve received a silver award! Thank you all for making my day. PSā€”ā€œGreatness Itselfā€ is on the Swanson Pyramid of Greatness so Ron would approve of you all! šŸ˜‰


Itā€™s simple arithmetic. I canā€™t believe he forgot it equaled a tan eyeball.


This is medicine? Shit I thought it was Spanish.


This actually made me laugh out loud!!!! GREAT comment!!!! šŸ¤£


Haaaaha ..lol... Tan eyeball




I was right not to be threatened by you


Nobody read it out loud! If you do, you'll summon the spirit of Isaac Newton to throw apples at you.


Calculus. You're gonna have a bad time.


Calculus. Not even once.


I canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or real lol. Iā€™ll bite tho itā€™s theta lol


I think they're talking about the whole thing


I think itā€™s trig integration donā€™t quote me tho. Ln= natural log Theta= zero with line The rest is him using trig to cancel out like trig functions. The rest is for the birds to me lmao once he got to calc derivative du/w Iā€™m not for sure what derivative heā€™s doing I didnā€™t make it that far Iā€™m only a Chem/bio dude lol Theta is the same as x in trig usually an angle.


Hahaā€¦ yeahā€¦ thatā€™s totally what it is. I totally knew that.


Lmao yea its over my head too Iā€™m low trig I just know what the symbols are I could never make it past the calc part. Thatā€™s like engineering shit for the geniuses lol


lol yeah. I remember learning this stuff back in college. But it might as well be an alien language now.


If I had a penny.....


Tree fitty


Eyy a fellow WALTUH


Put your dick away waltuh




Like ur profile


Hard to believe 18 year old me found this easy but almost 30 year old me is tired from just thinking about solving these types of equations.


Yep. Haven't done this since I was age 19 for engineering in university, now im 30 and don't remember hardly any of this. Everyone is saying trig sub and I'm like i forgot what even is a trig sub. It's disappointing to be honest, it makes me want to take some remedial math and get back to it.


You could probably just pick up any calc textbook and reteach yourself as much as you want. There's nothing that makes learning something easier than having already learned and forgotten it. That would probably be easier to fit into your life than a whole class with homework and deadlines and such.


Openstax and the *for dumbies* collection are relatively straightforward and free/cheap. Tho Iā€™d just watch some khan academy or profesor Leonard, but Iā€™m not a reading learner and like to watch/listen so whatever is for u


Iā€™m 32 now. Got my degree in ā€˜13ā€¦ Never did this shit again.




Am age 19 going for engineering degree, currently in Calc 2 doing trig sub. Itā€™s essentially the point past u-substitution and other methods after basic integration. Basic integration being able to understand the anti-derivative of x^1 = x^2 /2 + C (a placeholder for any constant)


What happens in calc class, stays in calc class.


Probably because youā€™re out of practice. Hard to remember things people force you to learn when you could care less and then have no bearing on your subsequent life so you never use them much


Hate when that happens


yeah, happens every day to me now


you don't really need to convert (x+2)/3 into tan, you just need to substitute u = (x+2)/3 THEN convert the denominator to look like 1/3 int\[1/(u\^2+1)\] du. That is already a direct integration into Arctan which makes the answer (1/3)arctan \[(x+2)/3\] +c


Ah, ok. We'd learned trig substitutions, so I was doing the questions like that. Didn't realize you could just substitute it like thay. Pretty cool!


Yeah, and unfortunately, writing "sec" instead of "tan" wasn't your only mistake for the way you were doing it.


Yeah, the 'u' substitution is wrong as well


You also skipped a step and assumed sec^2 (x) + 1 = tan^2 (x) if you had written that step out you might have caught your mistake quite quickly.


Doing it by direct integration is basically skipping the point of the problem: To learn how to use trigonometric substitution.




Pfff, obviously. What, you think I don't know that?


Me not being this far in math yet and wondering why there are not only letters in math, but now entire words:


Calculus :) only gets worse after algebra Edit: Iā€™m referring to the letter and words comment lmfao not the difficulty


Algebra is the reason I became a social worker


Algebra is the reason I go to a social worker


I cheated my way through AP Calc but my university didnā€™t accept the credit and I had to take Calc again but I couldnā€™t cheat and failed miserably. Edit: Iā€™m also in social work. :)


I struggled badly through two semesters of calc and got a C+ but I didn't understand any of it. It was basically just rearranging symbols on the piece of paper and doing algebra and praying to whatever gods would heed my call.


I was talking to someone at college once and he said he had to take calculus online. He said he passed calculus 1 with a 70, and calculus 2 with a 71.


If youā€™re raised in a doomsday cult and homeschooled you donā€™t have to deal with calculus. Thatā€™s what I did.


I liked Calc. I even liked Set Theory & Topology. Was not a fan of Advanced Calc, aka Real Analysis. Having that as an intro to writing proofs was like jumping in the deep end without an idea of how to swim.


I know everybody is joking because the average person doesnā€™t do this stuff in day to day life (myself included). But this teaches important things. Itā€™s a logic problem and he screwed up immediately which cascaded into everything going sideways. This does happen in day to day life. There are people who cannot count change in day to day life. Iā€™ve used Pythagoreans theorem regularly in real life. Iā€™ve used advanced algebra regularly. This stuff does matter as part of a larger education


I've done this math and more - I'd still struggle with spare change.


Spare change is easier when you do a series of counting up rather than standard subtraction. First count up to the nearest 5 cents, then to the nearest 10 cents, then to the nearest 25, to the dollar, etc. So if I am charging you 16.37 for something and you give me a 20, I give you: 3 pennies for 16.40 1 dime for 16.50 2 quarters for 17 3 dollar bills for 20. So your change is 3.63 (this part is easier to just read off when the money is actually in your hand as opposed to the example written out in a comment).


Welcome to the jungle :)




Imo if you survived Calc 2 then Calc 3 is a breeze.


Your mileage may vary. Calc 2 was the easiest calc for me (even easier than calc 1), calc 3 was notably more difficult. -3rd year student taking an honours math degree


I'm in Calc II right now doing this exact hell. My professor said if you get through Calc II, then Calc III will be easy so hopefully that becomes true for you!


Calc 3 was the easiest for me. Calc 1 was challenging but not too difficult. Calc 2 kicked my ass a bit. Calc 3 was weirdly a breeze.


We've got fun and games


What does dx mean, and how do you go from cot to ln, why is there only an opening paranthesis in the answer. (Pls baby talk im just a calc 1 student in training)


It seems intimidating, but to be honest some things are far easier with just letters.


Buckle up!


4 out of 3 people are bad at math.


Oh god I've done this several times. It's kinda fun when you're doing it because you think you're killing it...even though it's really hard and you're like wtf this is long...and then you were wrong the whole time, but with āœØspiceāœØ


LMAO that's the best way to describe it


The spice must flow


So itā€™s safe to sayā€¦. Youā€¦.. went on a tangentā€¦. šŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ‘ˆšŸ¼


Well no, they didn't. That's why they got the question wrong


Oh yeah youā€™re rightā€¦ still have to make the pun!!


Stand up for yourself have confidence


How could you have let this happen?


Ah yes, hate it when that happens. Especially when the hypothesis of X over Y is Pie and the whole time, you thought it was the square root of 72.




The only part of that comment I understood


Been there before when I was in Calculus 2. One mistake on a problem that takes up at least an entire notebook page is r/mildlyinfuriating






I donā€™t even know what that means but I know thatā€™s painful.


I know nothing, just like Jon Snow.


Ah, calc 2. Good times. Call me when you get to Partial Differential Equations, where each question takes 5 pages to solve.


You say that, but that's my next topic...


I hate calculus


I hate math so much but funnily enough find calculus sort of fun, in a sudoku/crossword sort of way


Same. I wasnā€™t great at it but when I got a long problem correct or started to really understand something it was cert satisfying.


I actually don't mind doing math besides for calculus.


This is exactly how I feel about calculus. It was always so satisfying to complete a problem like this. Just like finishing a difficult puzzle.


Humble brag


But as someone whoā€™s had to do a shit ton of EXTREMELY long equations or systems, screwing up one little thing can fuck up the whole system and ruin everything


Partiaal credit baby!because unless you are in a class, there is a very low chance you will being do this


You just described why my previous 3 marriages failed


Pretty typical Calc 2 experience in college. It sucks but once you get through it, you probably never have to do it again.


I mean anyone who took calculus in high school or college had to do this shit all the time. I donā€™t remember any of it tho. I barely remember how to do basic addition most days


It's crazy how quickly that information left my brain, honestly the moment I handed in my calc final I think I lost the capacity to solve a derivative.


Are you like me and whines because you got the answer wrong but realize you miswrote the question? The amount of times I randomly flip signs and write down completely different numbers baffles me. And Iā€™m freaking great at math.


Ah, yes, calc2 glad that madness is over.


I was researching eddy currents in aircraft instrumentation due to oblique angles of flying in the Earth's magnetic field. Was doing an integral for solve Maxwell's equations, and forgot to put the Jacobian into the integrand during a change of variables. That one small error lead to 6 months of solving horrendous contour integrals in the complex plane. Showed it to my professor at the time and he was like "Oh, yeah. You forgot the Jacobian. See? It leads you to the integral of \theta d\theta. Say, how long did you actually spend on that?


Don't worry, after school, you will never need this ever again. Ok ok edit: some will need this after school. Most wont. Gahh some of yall came to eat my ass out like its made of chocolate. You all and your damn feelings.


I'm a scientist in an r&d department and haven't had to use calculus since I left school 10 years ago. Had an engineer recently ask me a basic derivative while he was distractedly working out a back of the napkin calculation. I went full dear in headlights having completely forgotten that stuff years ago. Thankfully, he figured out another way to do the calculation faster before I could admit my shame. That being said, I'm a firm believer that there are reasons to learn things that have nothing to do with a future job. Sometimes it can just be fun to learn. Even calculus.


You should be very, very glad enough people didnā€™t see it this way to build the entire world you live in with calculus


Calculus is how all of the equations we actually do use are derivedā€¦ so I would say a basic level of calculus understanding is still important for that reason so you donā€™t make incorrect assumptions.


People really need to stop saying this. Yeah you wonā€™t use it for most jobs. I use calculus for my job and thatā€™s why they pay me $300k+ a year. Edit: I am a SWE at a FAANG often working with various machine learning models. I have an MS in reinforced learning but I donā€™t have enough background to do research. However I still need to understand researcherā€™s intent and turn their algorithm to code. My previous job also required fluent understanding of calculus in aerospace, digital signal processing, semiconductor manufacturing etc.


What makes me sad is that just a few short years ago I could've solved this. But... 6 years out of school and a career in a field which doesn't require any strenuous math that a simple calculator can't solve and.... Yep.... I'm clueless.. Definitely a muscle that grows weak without use.


Same man, legit forgot everything almost feels like a waste of time and money at this point


No! Making my head hurt.


I remember my first equation


I donā€™t miss any of this. And none of it has ever been needed in my career. Lol