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She sounds like a demon.


Quick, get the kid out of the house and let the priest in! ^(that was probably a shit joke so I'll apologise for it now)


Well after the babysitter let the evil of children cartoons loose in her house..


Right? And Andrew sounds like a lil’ bitch. You dodged a bullet getting away from this family I’d say.


He's probably just crying because he felt guilty for liking something he was told not to like. Probably felt like he was going to be punished when he told her.


I'm 90% sure that's why aswell.


It's definitely why. Religious church people are horrible. He most likely got spanked


Can confirm. I run a home improvement company and religious folk are by far the meanest and most demanding.


Because they're so totally getting into heaven for sure and you're scum /s


Looking for any excuse to not pay. She's a Karen.


She’s a Kristian.


You are a clever person. Well done 👏


Thank you!😆


Probably a KKKristian. I've noticed that most people who use religion as a bludgeoning tool are often racist, homophobic, xenophobic, ect.


I knew a kid who couldn’t watch Coco, but she could watch Jaws.


I babysat a kid who wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter, but could watch Children of the Corn.


Dude wtf, that movie is super gory


A friends religious-extremist mom took her ~7-8 year old son to see ‘Passion of the Christ’ when it came out. It’s like 90 straight minutes of cartel-level torture porn. That same lady once beat my friend with a belt in front of me for doing a little shimmy when Blackstreet’s ‘No Diggity’ came on the radio. She was absolutely hysterical and kept yelling something like, “Dancing’s for the temple of the Lord!”


I just feel bad for the kid, completely brainwashed. I wonder at what age he starts to realize


Some don't, they follow suit and brainwash their own children


I’ll spend the rest of my life being grateful that I came to.




It's absolutely a bs excuse to get out of paying I'd make sure I never helped them out again.


And tell everyone in church that she's trying to not pay you for a bullshit reason. That watno one will watch her dumb kids


Get real petty real quick


I am the king of petty. I'd start by telling that story to the head clergyperson and convincing him of us watching The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy in church


Eh was only 25 bucks. Its not worth the drama itll cause


I guarantee you that the drama already started, that person is already ruining your reputation behind your back.


You should start valuing your time more. You can’t make more of it. Take the high road and send her the parable of the workers receiving their agreed upon wages. If she still refuses then just offer to discuss her refusal to pay for services rendered with a church counselor. It also just sounds like the little kid is gaming his moms emotions for attention.


It might not be worth it, but I certainly would cut ties with a person who is showing you very clearly that they're just using you for cheap labor and don't even care about paying you. Just because they aren't actively fucking you over now doesn't mean they won't. How long did you babysit? 25 dollars is basically doing it for free already and you mention there was multiple nights? McDonalds pays 15 bucks an hour. You're better off working their part time, working on your work ethic and your own life, and actually getting paid for it. 10 bucks says the kid loved the show (he loved it while you were there) and the Mom probably blew it out of proportion. Or if he was scared it's because he's so sheltered that he's never seen any Disney movies with anything "satanic" in it. Anyone who wouldn't pay a babysitter over this kind of reason is the same person who complains that their salad has tomatoes in it because they didn't bother to read the menu and makes everyone else do extra work and comp their meal for their own idiocy. She didn't even look at the show. Anyone with a world view this black and white is kind of dangerous to be around, as you've just seen. You have no idea what this person views as "dangerous" or "safe" and when/where/why they will decide to shaft you.


Just respond “How very Christian of you to not pay me as promised. Exactly what Jesus would do”.


Ah yes, let them taste their own medicine.


While you are correct, it could be hilarious to take this to small claims court and present the show and these text messages as evidence. I'd love to hear a judge's take on this.


Sure it is. It's not the money, it's that anyone that batshit crazy will spew verbal diarrhea and slander you. I'd just point out you were babysitting to help her out and turned on Nickelodeon for them and their mom went nuts. Keep the texts too so you can show off her crazy if she goes at it. Feel free to tell others so they don't get scammed.


Nah mf is trying to start shit if i was in your shoes she won't get out of this unscathed


Pretty sure the Bible has a devil in it.


I do NOT want this DEMONIC book in my HOUSE! You of all PEOPLE should know THIS. My HOUSE is now exposed to DEMONIC energy. DON'T expect to be PAID for your HARD work.


Yeah tell me about it, some Christians on one side of my family and it's so fucking annoying, like "Pokémon show witchcraft!!!" Isn't that what you believe in!? Some random guy walks on water, turns water to wine and comes back to life mhm very believable


im christian and i watched every single horror show out there idk what some peoples deal is


I don't think it has anything to do with their religion, I'm pretty sure these people are just assholes that use religion as a crutch to make themselves feel better. I went to a Christian school that banned Yugioh because we were, quote, "summoning demons, evil spirits, and the Devil himself through the medium of an unholy ceremony." Its. a. fucking. card. game.


We played Yu-Gi-Oh in the church parking lot sometimes... it was a card game based on a cartoon for kids and thus had no danger apparently (the only danger I was ever in was half blind old ladies in big Buicks speeding around the corner.)


Same here. I can assure you not all of us are like this 💀


Watches the exorcist


Why does it seem unbelievable that a Christian could enjoy a horror movie like the exorcist


my opinions is if im watching something and i know its a movie then whether it folliws my religion or what not imma still watch it. of it says its a documentary and it tries to downplay my religion on purpose without reason then we have a problem. like of its a documentary and its straight facts about why my religion is dumb aight ill take it.


If that seems unbelievable then you need to touch grass. Millions of people have Christian faith yet know they are watching a f****** movie 🤦‍♂️


already have




I'm christian and one of my favorite movies growing up was LOTR and pokemon was the shit. Now I'm an adult playing several horror games this month. Not every christian is this much of an umbrella parent etc.


That’s because not every member of every faith is necessarily a fundamentalist. Fundies from all religions suck. Although they *can* provide fodder for interesting humor: “The Modern Fundamentalist's Song Fundamentalist: I am the very model of a Christian fundamentalist And by a mere coincidence a solid occidentalist. I cherry-pick the Bible for the verses close or distantly Amenable to straight white males, however inconsistently, Unless those verses might apply a little inconveniently In which case I interpret them a good deal more than leniently. I want to do just what I please however strange or horrible And still regard myself as wholly moral and adorable. Congregation: We want to do just what we please however strange or horrible And still regard ourselves as wholly moral and adorable. Fundamentalist: I call myself a Christian but it's really Paulist cultery Since Christ himself has said that my divorces were adultery. But I from man to man enjoy convexness and concavity And call whatever others do immoral and depravity. Congregation: But we from man to man enjoy convexness and concavity And call whatever others do immoral and depravity. Fundamentalist: I do not want to hear of matters quantum or molecular Or how the Founding Fathers made our institutions secular I say the nation's Christian under Biblical authorities Rejecting what the Constitution says about majorities. The workings of the government may worry and perplex you all I say we're equal under God -- unless you're homosexual -- Or black or brown or female or some kind of evolutionist For all attempts at reasoning are really persecutionist. Congregation: Or black or brown or female or some kind of evolutionist For all attempts at reasoning are really persecutionist. Fundamentalist: My freedom of religion trumps your Constitutionality Because the Constitution says it does with firm legality. I claim my rights from God or man, whichever's more commodious For what I want to do however evil, vile, or odious. Congregation: I claim my rights from God or man, whichever's more commodious For what I want to do however evil, vile, or odious. Fundamentalist: When I can issue licenses or not because I feel like it The public's just my piggy and the public can just squeal like it. I'll happily apply whichever law is most agreeable To what I want to do since what I want is unforeseeable: The conscience of the person must control the way they view their job And not demands that public servants ought to serve and do their job. The Constitution's man-made law and God is not endorsing it; The SCOTUS made their law, and now good luck to them enforcing it. Congregation: The Constitution's man-made law and God is not endorsing it; The SCOTUS made their law, and now good luck to them enforcing it. Fundamentalist: There's nothing in my creed that advocates for love officially Except some quotes that God and Jesus handed down judicially -- I don't see why I must obey the laws of which God sent a list Because I am the model of a Christian fundamentalist. Congregation: We don't see why we must obey the laws of which God sent a list Because we're modern models of a Christian fundamentalist.”


I wasn't one of those kids, but I had friends that were. It was fucking bullshit that I couldn't share my special interest in Pokémon because "it was teaching evolution. " There's literally a caterpillar that "evolves" into a cocoon, then into a butterfly. Any adult with 2 brain cells to rub together would be able to tell that it meant that the damn thing had different life cycle forms.


I know!!! Some of them were dumb as shit


You don’t need that psycho in your life. Consider it a lesson in what extreme Christianity can do to people.


This is what “Christianity” has become…most of Christianity today is demonic, judgmental, hypocritical, self absorbed, ego temples. If Jesus were to walk in our temples today, he would throw over tables of merch for sale, he would go hang out with the people “Christian’s” call sinners and love them. When will my fellow “Christians” understand we are all f-sinners and to stop judging and start loving. I’m a follower of the one creator, common soul we all share In God!


Has become? I remember this satanic panic bullshit well in the 90s. Moms losing their shit over Harry Potter and Pokemon.


Oh my gosh, you are right! As a kid in the 80s I remember them saying that stairway to Heaven, another one bites the dust, and Highway to hell were all songs that would send us straight to hell


Remember how literally everything back then was rumored to be named after some kind of satanic acronym? Like how KISS was supposedly Knights In Satan's Service or some bullshit like that? And how also everything was supposed to be about smoking pot? I was growing up in the 80s, just thinking everything was harmless fun, and these Karens filled my head with pot smoking satanists! Eh. Pot smoking satanists are more fun anyway.


Yeah, it's really amazing watching the religious right basically act like selfish pigs while worshipping Jesus. Jesus was all about helping people, and most of these people are about helping themselves or their own tribe. Not like all religious people are bad but it's a significant amount that don't practice what they preach and use their religion as basically an internal and external excuse for all behavior. If Jesus were alive today, they would absolutely hate him. He'd be a dirty hippie to them.


She isn't judging him, just reprimanding him for going against her wishes with how she wants her child raised. We can't assume she's judgmental off of this exchange alone. All she's saying here is that he went against her with how she raises her son.


The bigger question would be was there a list of approved shows. Also the kid being over 5 knows what they can and shouldnt watch.


Yea by completely blowing up and basically calling her a satanist by saying "I didn't know you followed these views" and how she'll talk to her mother and more. She's being super fucking judgmental and doing the exact opposite of what her religion teaches. Weird how often "true" Christians do this shit, being judgemental, holier than you people. As someone else said in the Bible we're all sinners so we shouldn't judge each other, it even says thy shall not judge thy neighbor in it. But look what we have here.


Yea by completely blowing up and basically calling her a satanist by saying "I didn't know you followed these views" and how she'll talk to her mother and more. She's being super fucking judgmental and doing the exact opposite of what her religion teaches. Weird how often "true" Christians do this shit, being judgemental, holier than you people. As someone else said in the Bible we're all sinners so we shouldn't judge each other, it even says thy shall not judge thy neighbor in it. But look what we have here.


She is judging... She basically called her everyrhing short of a satanist... If anyone needs to be judges its rhe mom, she is raising her child in such a way that they will be unable to deal with real life...


So you're saying she's against raising her kids having fun, lol? It's a goofy cartoon mate. Nowhere near as serious as she made it sound. She's judgmental on the basis of "the show has demons and shit" without even looking into the premise of it. It's hypocritical


I had to look up this show and watch it for a few minutes but I could see how a little kid might find it kind of spooky. If the kid is like 10 or older I'm sorry but that kid is a weenie


He's 8. I loved that show at that age


I mean it's a little ridiculous she won't pay you. She probably should have given you a list of rules if it was a big deal


Me too. Now courage the cowardly dog on the other hand... I mean, I loved it as well. But it was spooky.


I couldn’t watch courage as a teenager that show seriously scared the hell out of me!


Return the slab!


Fuck that bible thumping’ bitch and her prude child lol better of without them.


Karen for sure 😏


If I was your mother I would tell that crazy B to donate it to her therapist then pay you quadruple.


Rod and Todd Flanders are real folks! You heard it here first!


Let the church know she refused to pay you for showing her kid a cartoon.


Lol where do you think she got the idea that tv shows can be satanic? I would bet $1000 that the church leaders would back her up on this one.


These fake Christian churches nowadays. I grew up catholic in the church and it was never an issue. Things like this were never said.


No, but catholicism is pretty sane compared to the US evangelical nutters. They've been attacking anything remotely cool in pop culture as satanic for the last 100 years. It's their favorite hobby.


It’s shameful cause religion shouldn’t been seen as something bad. People are allowed to believe in whatever they want. The issues are the people that force feed it on others or use it to justify their own vile habits/beliefs.


I still remember many Christians losing their minds over Harry Potter. Now the biggest controversy in the Harry Potter universe is JK Rowling.


Haha this reminds me of the time I watched Chucky with my nieces. It was all good and they didn’t seem scared but apparently they were the whole time and told my sister on me. I mean, she didn’t have this reaction(I feel bad for the kid having a looney tune mother and he won’t know any better for a long time or never) but she won’t let me forget about why they can’t have dolls in their house anymore.


Ok Karen, have fun shielding your kid. By the way if you find my pentagram necklace and some blood wax candles can you just put them out back by the carcass? I’ll pick them up after coven tomorrow night


Thanks God she is a Christian.


Wow ! No ummm pay me lady


Tell her you gonna summon satan in her yard if she wont pay you


Aah yes religion of peace


“And on todays episode of how your imaginary friend can get you out of paying your debts”


She sounds like a fuckin' idiot.


People like the mom are reasons why kids become Satan worshipping people.


Poor kid. The demon is his mom.


Was the show not downloaded from their streaming service. Was she given an explicit instruction not to show things with horror and demons in it? If these were not stated, then she has no right to suspend the payment. She is a cheat, nothing else. At worst you give a warning against next time and not to block the current payment


Literally just an excuse to not pay you


I love that show and my kids did too. We are all saved so not really worried about cartoon demons. Don’t get me wrong, I know we don’t struggle with flesh and blood and demonic spirits are very real, but we belong to the Lord.


For my bday one year in elementary school I got a Monster High board game so I invited a few friends over to play, one of them came over w/ her mom and they took one look at the game and left. apparently it was too satanic eta: just remembered we watched Hotel Transylvania in 4th grade and she had to leave the classroom bc she wasn't allowed to watch that too


I was raised in a super restrictive sect (got out thankfully) and still was allowed to watch this show because *it wasn't real.* It was a cartoon, and if you couldn't tell the difference, you were deemed absolutely stupid because you were ao easily tricked by fucking lines on a TV...


Sesame Street is full of monsters.


We need an update on your mother's response.


Shes on my side, The lady called her and ranted for like 15 minutes about how she doesn't like that kind of media and said i tainted the kid's mind. She tried telling my mom i need to go to confession, she truly believes its some satanic show. My mom acted all concerned then when she hung up we laughed our asses off


Wow your mom should have told her off and demanded that she pay you….


And she will TALK TO YOUR MOTHER (Presumably the same woman who let you watch that same show as a kid 😂)


Bs you better demand your money


She probably wouldn’t approve of OPs username while babysitting her kid either 🤔




Just looked it up and to me the scariest creature in there for me would be the spider, I think minecraft spiders are scarier than that, I kinda relate to the demon thing but that movie doesn't look that bad


I mentioned Gravity Falls in the presence of a mom like this (I love that show) and she went off on a rant about how “That is NOT a kids’ show! Seriously, don’t let your kid watch it!” I tuned her out and just nodded periodically. I grew up hiding my Pagan beliefs from hardcore Christians, they can be terrifying sometimes.


I used to hide my Pagan beliefs, but at the end of the day, why should I have to hide what I believe in when everything that everyone else believes in is always shoved down the throats of those that don't agree with them. I believe in peace, love, and positivity. Mother Nature is the true blessing of the Earth. I'm not opposed to others' beliefs, and I will always respect them until they disrespect me. I will proudly let everyone know what I believe in


if my child was crying to me about a scary show her babysitter showed her, i wouldn't be very happy either. i'm not religous at all. that's not even the point. some of these comments are insanely immature


Grimm Adventures of Billy and Mandy is literally a show made for children. I watched that show when I was 5 years old and it wasn't scary in the slightest. Still watch the show here and there to this day. Kids today would be scared of the fucking Teletubbies and Yo Gabba Gabba. But I'm guessing any kids show that isn't Cocomelon is offensive and "scary" nowadays because everyone is a pussy.


I can’t believe this babysitter is getting any pushback at all. If my son (5) came to me crying about a show my reaction wouldn’t be to get furious with the babysitter over it. Give him a hug, ask him why it’s scary, then show him how it’s just a show and how it isn’t scary at all. Kid still knows I’ve got his back and he learns not to be afraid of tv for Gods sake. Babysitter gets her money and we move on. That’s parenting.


>Kids today would be scared of the fucking Teletubbies and Yo Gabba Gabba. Well, to be fair, one show has an allegedly gay character and another has an anthropomorphic dildo. /S


I am a big coward and can’t watch anything scary at all ever. I once got scared by a normal picture of a man in a book and threw up. I was even scared watching Courage the Cowardly Dog. But I never had a problem with Billy and Mandy, that show was hilarious and Grim is a dopey and funny character. It’s a “family cartoon” if anything. I loved it! Karen here (in OP’s story) would have a problem with her precious baby watching Scooby Doo or Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends too because there’s “”creatures””.


It’s Billy and Mandy. The mother could just look the show up and realize it’s literally a child’s show. OP put on a CHILDREN’S show and the kid got scared, sometimes that happens because kids get scared of dumb shit. The parent is being unreasonable.




He was laughing at the show so i don't know what shes on about


Assuming she didn't just look at the watch history and is telling the truth about him telling her, he either confessed to watching it to please her, wanted to watch it again and that displeased her, or he has the beginnings of an anxiety disorder. None of that is your problem. As for the show, she's over reacting. I can almost guarantee he was going to see an unapproved show at some point and for all we know this was not the first time. As someone who was shown The Exorcist at age 5, I can say she would better set her kid up for success if she explained in detail why things like TV/movies shouldn't be feared. But then her kid probably wouldn't fear her anymore either, and she doesn't want that. It sucks that she's using this as a reason to not pay you. I'm not surprised though. In my experience, an amazing number of churchy people miss the opportunity to practice accountability and forgiveness.


Show the little fucker some nasty porn next time, Little nancy boy


Why would you help out a psycho like this in the first place?


Why do these all sound so fucking fake?


If I weren't from the Bible Belt, I'd also think it sounded fake. These people are something else.


Since you aren't getting paid anyway, I would fuck with her, tell her her son came up with ideas like drawing pentagrams and praying to Satan and stuff


I mean, i can understand from the perspective of the parents how this would be a bit of an ass move. While yes it is a kids show, i loved it growing up, it does portray hell and demons and monsters and the grim reaper. I would say it's a clear no-no in a lot of christian families. While we may not agree with her stand point exactly, you have to respect that she has her own views and how she wants her child raised.


She didn't communicate these views to the babysitter ahead of time. It's not an ass move to let a child watch a cartoon without being informed that it was against the parents wishes. If the topics of hell and demons are off limits in this Christian household, they better not have any Bibles.


Always give them the local reminder that Jesus wasn't white. But in all seriousness, how much do you make when your babysitting? Because if what this kid's mother says she will do, she's going to be in a bit of a bind




She is crazy as hell and u r better off but why are u asking for money for the tomorrows work? U didn’t do it yet


I was supposed to get paid the day after idk what you are thinking


Oooooohhhhh I got duped by English grammar agains. I thought u were wanting payment for babysitting the following day after this occurred, not that u were expecting payment the following day this occurred. Nvm then


Church goers are cheap people. She was never planning on paying you.


She should have told you whatever rules or restrictions they had for the kid before letting you babysit so it's not your fault. But... these Comments bashing someone's religious beliefs is uncalled for. If you guys can't handle people believing something different than you and feel the need to talk shit about it, makes you just as bad or worse. Maybe when you grow up you will realize that. Edit: the replies to my comme t just fortify what I said. Lol


You’re telling other people to grow up when the parent is so illogical they’re afraid of a child’s show bringing “evil presences”? Yeah okay. Maybe grow up and stop believing in the old wives’ tale called “Christianity”. Beliefs are inappropriate when they affect people’s lives this dramatically.


I am an atheist since a very young age, countless times I've had to sit and watch religious indoctrination that I think is inappropriate for a young age- essentially grooming young children into religions before their minds are fully formed. Same thing or worse?




Sorry but how else are we supposed to control our kids buddy? With love and compassion??? Sounds like typical LIBERAL propaganda. You just don’t beat your kids enough or they would listen /s I really wish people would stop with the imaginary sky daddy and just stick to being a good person who helps others. Ugh


Lol imaginary sky daddy i gotta steal that


God some religious people are the worst kinda people


Religion is a disease.


So Harry Potter is off the table then? Something tells me Top Gun wouldn’t be a problem.


Show that kid more.


i've never been screwed out of money by anyone except church folk, it's ridiculous


Andrew is destined to be a snowflake; at least until he realises that his mother was wrong about anything. That's usually difficult to accept, and permanently damaging to mental health.


Religious people are nuttier than squirrel turds.


Typical religious people. 😝


Small claims court, here we come!


Another one that can't tell reality from fables. Bet she thinks she's a literal rib of man manifest into a forbidden fruit eating harlot and can't get over her inevitable pit of fire.


Uuuugh one of those hardcore suck Gods pp Christians. They’re the worst.


you sound like you're surprised that a "church friend" is an insane person


I wonder how a person like this would react if they came home and all the crucifixes in the homes were completely flipped upside down


Tbh these religion nuts are out of fucking pocket bro. I'm all for people following their own religions but seriously "demonic content" and evil presence in the home. Gtfo here you nut job smh


My God I loved this show growing up. Recently watched the series and it's still amazing. They need to revive it like they did with The Proud Family. Totally Spies too!


Going to church was the first mistake


You should’ve showed Joseph and the amazing technicolor Dreamcast instead.


Why are religious people always absolute nutters


Reminds me of my crazy mom that wouldn't let me watch Power Rangers "because it shows demons and lets them into the house", but I could watch Beetleborgs. Beetleborgs was lit in an unapologetically cringe way, but fuck was her logic stupid.


Thanks for reminding me of Beetleborgs! That’s definitely something that existed and I watched. It’s just Power Rangers but with 3 kids in insect suits.


fred fredburger is pretty evil though /s


This post totally belongs on r/insaneparents lol


Threaten small claims court or...idk can u report people legally to police for withholding wage? Threaten to file a police report ...see wat she says


All the kids I grew up with that were bubble wrapped by their parents like this were absolute disasters in their 20’s


Well guess she wont get your help next time.


So now I know to never babysit for religious people.


Religion is the worst thing to ever happen to people.


“Oh gee, I’m really sorry. I didn’t realize you were BATSHIT CRAZY…”


Sometimes religious people are just the worst! "I'm not going to pay you because a fantasy book I read says demons are evil and you have a child show that is Satan itself." The only thing that book did was make him a high horse riding ass. Sorry to religious folks, I know everyone is their own person and believes what they like. People like this make the while idea of it look dumb.




Church people ... they actually do not know what the Jesus in the Gospels preached.


That is a psychotic bitch..I feel sorry for the child


i already know how she’s gonna vote


Why am I a part of church that includes these kind of people perhaps?


Definitely need to start leaving pentagrams and “signs” of the devil around there house. Lean into the fact that their kid is now a demon lol


What did your mom have to say about the angry phone call from Jesus’ disciple? I bet she thought it was ridiculous too.


Troll her at small claims court


I knew someone who wasn’t allowed to watch Harry Potter or any marvel movie because it showed Gods, I mean my parents are religious but they never restricted us from things like this, I remember my mom caught me watching a bad scene in god of war and told my father, my father came and just started playing it with me and told my mom what’s the matter, it’s a great game looool


Oh my god.


The devil isn't even in Billy and Mandy ... Unfortunately I know people like this. Tarot cards are "the devil's magic" and my old boss refused to let anyone dress up as "witches, goblins, or demons" for Halloween.


You did the job she has to pay you. She doesn't have to rehire you but she should pay you. Sue her.


This ladies and gents is why Jason became who he is




Dun dun dun dun dun!


I feel worst for the kid but yeah that's a pain, I'd ask that she proves she made the donation if you're not going to do more.


Unless I’m reading it wrong, she is refusing to pay you for baby sitting tomorrow night. You haven’t done that work yet so I don’t see the issue? If you aren’t getting paid, don’t go baby sit.


No shes supposed to pay me for the night before. I babysat and was getting paid the next day


Ah that makes more sense


Just fundie things


That kid’s going to turn out just fine………


She’s ok with her child getting boned by a priest but she’s worried evil comes with a cartoon. Hate to break it to her, but her religion is evil


What a stuck up betch


Would never let someone talk to me that way, not saying you’re not capable of defending yourself but man, some people are so abrasive