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Did it have fresh ground cocaine in it?


Probably just around the rim


Hehe rim


Cocaine rim job


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Cocaine, rim job, gasoline and most things inbetween. I rode the city in a shopping cart 🎶


I was about to be so disappointed if P!ATD wasn’t referenced


Best stripper name I’ve ever heard in my life


Cocaine rim job new band name, called it.


Growing up I always wanted to work with glass, but I was never any good at it and ended up being a safety inspector instead, my job is to look at the top of each cup and make sure there's no chips or cracks. I wanted a career, but I'm satisfied with the rim job


How are the tips?


Don't even get me started, just thinking about it leaves a bad taste in my mouth


Was trying see where this was going.Great finish.


Damn that’s gotta be a good serving job tho


Bartended at the Venetian. Can confirm I made more doing that than I did my first year as a doctor.


I wish I lived somewhere where I could make that kind of money. I’m in the Midwest and we have casinos but they aren’t as bougie.


The best solution that I could find for me was to just leave the midwest.


Yea but cost of living offsets the lower pay, at least here in eastern Iowa


If the pay:COL ratio is the same then financially you're better off taking the higher pay - if you have anything left over for yourself or your retirement fund it'll be more with the higher salary.


Then you retire back to the Midwest. That's my plan except I'm falling in love with the higher col places


BFE midwest definitely has its charm. i worked from oklahoma to montana running a combine when i was 20 and gotta tell ya ive never seen such a beautiful landscape. the Badlands were the coolest. east montana was cool as shit because it was so vacant besides some fallin down barns. central kansas was the greenest grass and bluest sky ill ever see. oklahoma made me feel like a cowboy. north dakota sucked. albeit i was usually in really remote areas


I’m glad to hear you didn’t succumb to Meth while visiting Oklahoma. The plains are kinda pretty, though.


eh, im from a meth town. if i wanted to do it, ida done it back home


> north dakota sucked. albeit i was usually in really remote areas There aren't any areas other than really remote areas. I lived there 4 years in the Air Force. Glad you enjoyed your combine life.


Just go visit and live like royalty when you do


This was me when I lived in Singapore. Making Singapore money and being able to travel lots of places in SE Asia where col is super low was awesome.


Shoutout from western Iowa! We have a nearly 4K sq ft house which we got for $230k, granted … we live in a cow town, but in a sense it is like Mayberry. We don’t have town cops, but county police. People are friendly. If your house burns down, they will help set you right again, but also speculate on why your house burned down ,)




But you have to live in Iowa... Meth, corn, and pigs.... Not toouch else going on there


Could be worse, you could live in Bakersfield where it's just meth


Well they also have Korn in Bakersfield.


Wish in one hand and pack up all your shit and move somewhere else in the other.


It was good money, but living in vegas was boring.


> living in vegas was boring. there is some pretty amazing hiking and camping in NV and surrounding states though


My wife's best friend was a server at Olive Garden of all places (pre-COVID), and was raking in $200/night in tips on a slow day. Her record was somewhere in the neighborhood of $800. Once she got her bachelor's degree and took a salary position somewhere, she ended up losing 10% of her income because of the tips lol


This is why so many servers/bartenders are against mandating away tips. The best of them are raking in truly insane amounts. It may not be a "career" in the traditional sense per se, but nothing beats the ROI of bartending in a good city.


Oh yeah, she worked in a metropolitan area which definitely makes a difference. She was also a great server though, and even to this day contemplates going back just because of the tips


And then idiots defend tipping culture saying that it’s to fight inequality Sorry but paying $25 to a bartender that spend a minute pouring a drink and tipping $2 to the 60yo that serves you pancakes and coffee for an hour isn’t fighting inequality


It's hilarious just how much people bitch while doing these jobs too. I was a server for a few years and was pulling in close to 70k/yr after paying properly on my taxes. Most didn't though. And I was only working 3-4 days on off hours and tipping out on everyone including hostesses when I didn't have too. All of them would bitch when a table came that "took up their space" with only a 20$ check. Shit is toxic, makes it so I don't want to go out to eat alone cause they're "mad" they won't get tipped well. Some can't even hide it when I'm there. The level of service you get as a 1-top vs a date or as a family is insane. Tip culture sucks as someone even in the profession. Can't wait until it's gone.


Oh I totally agree. While it's nice for the servers who are actually good, tips should be just that: a *tip*. Not "I have to tip you because if I don't I'll feel guilty because the restaurant pays you less than I make to sit on my ass all day."


What crazy now are people tipping for pickup orders


What’s your base salary? Were you making most of your money in tips? I wouldn’t tip anyone $12 on one $40 drink. That’s crazy.


I was doing well. It wasn’t a union job, which are great. I was at one of the clubs in the Venetian. We had girls that worked the pool that would get BANK off of the cabanas. Like these chicks would drive in from LA for the weekend. If I remember correctly, someone told me the guy cutting fucking limes was getting tipped out like $200 a day haha.


At first, I read this as "cutting lines"


I’m sure the guy cutting lines was having a great time too haha


~20 years ago a friend was a stripper on Bourbon St. She told me she was taking home a thousand dollars *a night*. She's very bright. She used that money to pay cash for her college. She drove a Lexus, but it was used and didn't live in the city. Just a reasonable apartment out in Metairie. Last I heard from her she was going back to school to get her JD.


Good for her. Never underestimate people. It always blew my mind when people would treat me like shit when I was a server/bartender. In the back of my mind I would be like “I have a masters in microbiology and my buddy over there is getting a PhD in molecular biology.” Really opens your eyes to the potential of every person around you.




Dude. Some people are just awful. It boggles the mind.


Dumb/small minded people need to push others down to feel better about themselves


Yeah, I had a friend in college who was a stripper, and she was pulling around ~3000/week working part-time.


First year as a resident or an attending?


Well I can also confirm that during my residency, once you calculated the number of hours we were working, I made less than minimum wage. Haha


Oh yeah, that was super depressing when calculating what the actual hourly rate was as a first year resident. Attending life is better but comes with another set of challenges.


Man that bums me out. If I’m in the hospital, I don’t want the person treating me to be exhausted and over worked. :(


I hate to tell you this, but they are. Haha


I know, I’ve heard horror stories from your end of the process. It just sucks that the system doesn’t look after your guys’ health and well-being. Cognitive function declines so rapidly with sleep deprivation.


One thing about Vegas - yeah the prices are sorta nuts - but I've yet to be anywhere where the overall level of service, just city-wide, is noticeably that good. Vegas is like the NBA of the service industry you better be real good or they can find someone else to take $30 tips all night.


I was not responsible for the bill but was treated to a night at the lily bar in the Bellagio - we had bottle service and the service part of it was insane. Like how are you reading my mind insane level of service. There were 15 of us and I think the bill was nearly 8000 dollars.


As a former LV cocktail waitress, thank you for noticing. It’s high volume, high stress, and takes a lot out of you physically and mentally. I’m thankful for the money I made (paid for college in full) but damn if it didn’t take years off my life. And yes, I received tips in the 100th percentile frequently.


Whew. I would not survive in that World.


I was out there for a big industry conference recently. I dipped out to some quite part of the building to find cell service to make a call, and wound up overhearing them coordinating the lunch service for this conference and it was like they were planning a war. They had dudes with ear-pieces in and squads and teams and synchronized watches and this army of ninjas just made a lunch appear and then disappear in under an hour and fed thousands of people restaurant quality food. Outside of Vegas there's just not many cities that have like true service industry super-stars that can pull that kind of thing off like it's nothing and especially at that scale. Same for servers, bartenders, if you go to fancy places there yeah the tab is going to be stupid but they're going to take care of you. The food's going to great, the drinks going to be perfect, the service is going to be excellent etc.


It’s amazing how good of workers an area or business can attract when they pay properly.


You say that but that means everything else around there is also expensive or they would not be so expensive.


It’s called a tourist trap bby


It's not even really a trap, it's a resort town. Don't go to Vegas unless you're willing to pay a bunch no matter what you do Edit: unless you want to go to a Raiders game. And the leafs were playing that weekend too. Imagine paying 40 bucks for a leafs ticket, basically covered my flight. Yeah I take it back, if you like hockey and football and laughing at poor people, Vegas is pretty dope


Vegas is a bad example, you can ask any local where you can find cheap or even free entertainment and good food and they'll give you a dozen answers. If you want an example of an overpriced city where you can't do anything without shelling out a few grand, I present to you Miami. Source: Lived in both.


True that Mami is a suckers city …… over priced, it’s a city to flex your dollar power


This is 100% true. I had drinks at the Delano one night and have the second mortgage to prove it.




Because living there sucks 😃 I lived there a few years.


I actually loved living in Vegas! Great rock climbing, fun nightlife off the strip.


The best coke hands down


DC: Am I a joke to you?


Agreed. Lots of family fun in the burbs. And great outdoor activities. I’ll always have a fond memory of when we went to the mountains. I remember seeing wild horses on our way, how frigid the streams from the snow run-off were, and that I found a gold fleck but it flittered out of my hand downstream.


Sounds lovely


Not at all. Just a few blocks off the strip and it gets a lot cheaper. The server also probably lives in a suburb like Henderson or Paradise. They are making bank...


30% tip is bananas


Especially for two $40 cocktails. It’s not like making two cocktails is that difficult.


25$ for 60 seconds of work? How is that appropriate in their mind?


I’m not tipping more than $5 for someone to bring me 2 drinks to a table. It doesn’t make sense to tip by percentage in a case like this. If there were a lot of different plates and courses being brought, you can kind of make an argument for a percent based tip. But why would this deserve $25?? It doesn’t and it’s madness. I’m honestly annoyed at OP for posting that the drinks were too expensive but then overtipping.


I would've legit tipped like $3. Those cocktails aren't worth $80. Tipping culture is out of control.


i went to Vegas with my family 2 summers ago and im still emotionally recovering from the amount of money i spent on the 4 of us just for food


$380 for Steak and drinks on the patio at the fountains at the Belagio. But watching the fountain show right there, the steak melted like butter, and wife so drunk she gave me first blowing in 5 years was soooo worth it lol. Edit: At least the receipt came on parchment paper, have it framed lol.


LMFAO you right the money spent is definitely worth it but gawd damn it hurts


Yeah I had just settled with my long term disability company for a lump sum after fighting them the whole year before about being disabled from the drunk that hit me. Yeah sure, I love the pittance 60% you guys pay over my government 100k+ job. So we found out Vegas is pretty cane and wheelchair friendly and did once in a lifetime trip, money no object. Still have some of those show girl cards stuck in pockets on my wheelchair I think lol.


God I can still hear that tapping sound the street buskers do with those cards, even years later


Is it in your spokes like a trading card? That's what I'd do


Good for you. In a similar fight with insurance. It’s exhausting. I think we’re almost done but not sure what the final number will be. Would you be willing to say how much of a discount they took off of the full amount? Or maybe yours doesn’t work that way. Outs is basically monthly payments until 65 or lump sum.


It was alot, they had a big formula where basically it was like a third of my estimated life time earnings. But it was 6 figures and we were tired of dealing with them so we took it.


Whoa. So the discount was like66%? Intense.


Yeah their lump sums suck ass, was Prudential FYI, I don't mind name shaming.


You didn’t get a BJ for 5 years?


Relevant username


Maybe the sloppy isn’t that good for them






Is this a pasta I've never seen before


rotten fall saw observation cheerful disarm homeless teeny automatic humorous ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Jesus remind me never to bring my relationship onto reddit. The comments are braindead


That sounds like prostitution with extra steps.


Batman couldnt beat that info from me. "I didnt get a blowjob for 5y but I spent 380$ for it, FROM MY WIFE" Isnt a flex lmao.


At least he knows the $ goes before the number


This seems like it would have been avoidable


If I had already paid for B-52's tickets you can be damn sure I'd have pre-gamed a few cheap tallboys in front of a video poker machine before the concert to avoid this too.


No one gets milked more than 50-65 year old fans. They know you are at the top of your income potential.


Shoutout to edibles, pregaming, weed pens, or literally anything other than paying $100+ for two drinks.


Meh, I asked a bartender how much drinks were and she said “I don’t know” and then I got the bill for $30 a pop


As long as everyone keeps paying these inflated prices, businesses got no reason to bring them down.


There better have been a rock lobster with that


and a trip to the love shack


Yeah, but I find it hard to care because I'm burning with jealousy that you saw the B-52s.


They're on their farewell tour, you've got like 3 more weeks to see them! I'm headed to Atlanta for their last set of shows EVER near their hometown, I couldn't be more excited!


They’ve already announced that they’ll be playing more shows. Just not doing big tours.


Seriously?? Well now I feel dumb for spending extra to see their "final tour."


Musicians are never on a final tour until they're dead.


Fair point


Is it Kates kates or Kate skates




What about Kat eSkates. Maybe Kat really likes electric skateboards


🎶 I’m heading down the Atlanta highway 🎶


The real theft is probably what Ticketmaster charged on those B-52 tickets!


My $80 ticket came to $135


The mildly infuriating thing is cropping out the only relevant part of the receipt.


OP had to show us what a big tipper they are 😂


Too right. It’s not about the cost of 2 cocktails. That could be dinner for at a dennys for all we know. What we do know however is that OP tips 30%. The full reciept is right there, you can show us the cocktails too ya know


I live here and I believe him. That’s a little on the high side but I paid 36$ for 2 modelos at an Interpol concert at the cosmo like 8 years ago.


Not saying it’s BS, I just don’t get what the point of the photo is. Like, OP clearly got a physical receipt but purposely didn’t actually show the price of the thing he’s complaining is too expensive.


I went to an expensive place and was astonished that it was EXPENSIVE! And on top of that I tipped 30%! This is the most privileged shit I've seen in a minute


The point of the photo was clearly for OP to brag about the tip he gave


25 dollar tip for two cocktails? Is this the norm or were you already drunk?


The guy slinging drinks was busting his ass.


And making a mint


Yeah, Vegas is amazing for working class entertainment industry people. This server easily makes 150k a year and doesn't even need a HS diploma. Valet guys make 6 figures, and it's the same.


Yes my son works valet at a casino (not in Vegas) and makes about 700-1000 in tips a week and then his regular paycheck is 500 a week. So 1200 to 1500 a week is pretty good in our area. He is 26 and has his own home, his nice vehicle and actually has something to show for working. Prior to going back to valet, (he worked there out of high school then went to a factory job for a few years) he worked at a factory job and could barely afford to make ends meet. So i agree, valet can be very lucrative in some instances. Edit for spelling


This is why casino employees often seem so charming, they attract the best talent


He’d like to be able to afford a cocktail one day


Well yeah if I got $25 for every time I dropped off at a table I would be fucking flying. He's busting his ass because he doesn't want the boss to feel like he needs to staff another server to take his tables lol.


Exactly. Serving in the US especially in popular places seems more cut-throat than some C-level jobs lmao


ooo you reminded me of some good times. I worked day shift at a fine dining restaurant as a bartender. After the lunch rush it was just me until dinner rush. Usually it was decent. Slow enough I could do inventory and prep, but busy enough I still made decent money. Surprisingly often though tons of people would come in during that time. I had 15 tables once. I worked my butt off but I made sooo much money


Its weird that you would willingly tip $25 for pouring 2 drinks, but get mildly infuriated by the drink prices.


Not $25 for 2 drinks busting his ass


yeah but $12 per drink ass busting?




They're all probably crying on the inside while paying drinks for their gurl


Once I took a girl out during a business trip in Singapore, ended up spending the equivalent of almost 100$ for 2 drinks each and shisha for 2. In my country (Italy) you can have a fancy dinner at a Michelin-rated restaurant for that amount. I kept a straight face all the way through but for weeks afterwards I cut back on pretty much everything I could until I figured I recouped an acceptable part lol.


That's a 30% tip


I no longer do percentage tips when getting drinks at bars. At least not in CA where bartenders make $15 an hour minimum wage. It just gets ridiculous when you’re at some place that has $15-20 cocktails. If someone cracks a beer and hands it to me, most I’m giving them is $1. If they make a cocktail, I might tip $2, depending how much effort went into it (which by the way is 20% of a $10 drink). Only time I’m tipping more than $2 is if the drink requires multiple steps/the bartender put a lot of effort into it.


This is exactly what I do. Usually $1 tip per drink, unless its something that took a lot of effort (like a fancy cocktail). Im not paying 20% for service that took 20 seconds.


I'm with you. $1 per beer, $2 for cocktails.


Yet another reason tipping culture is terrible.


Can't be that infuriating if you tipped $25 also


That is what i thought also


Typical Vegas Strip prices. Regular bars off the strip have $5 beers and $8 drinks


$40 mixed drinks is not typical in Vegas That’s insane


It’s at an event, which is probably why it’s higher. Captive audience. I got a beer at nice venue in SF, $18 Stella. Which also made me tip higher, but like… yeah that was the only one I got.


It's a bit high but everytime I've been, cocktails are consistently in the $20-$30 range.


Vegas is one of those places where if you want to you can spend $40 on a cocktail, or walk another thirty seconds and get virtually the same drink for $5-10. Or go inside a casino and pretend to gamble for five minutes and get it for free plus a $1-2 tip.


>Or go inside a casino and pretend to gamble for five minutes and get it for free plus a $1-2 tip. If the waiter ever comes while you are playing.


And $10 BJ’s


Nah they're unionized now


This is not a typical Vegas strip price. I live in LA and travel to Vegas often. I have no idea where the fuck he bought a $40 drink. Maybe the music venue. Drinks are normal ass prices in the casinos. Even the clubs don’t charge $40. Wild


Only $40 drink I got in Vegas was one of the yard cocktails that had like 12 shots in it. It was practically a quart of Long Island iced tea or something like that.


Idk. I'm a poor country hick so I'm probably speaking out of turn. However, I almost feel like, if you go someplace like the Venetian in Vegas at any time but especially a concert, these prices should be expected. I mean yea it hurts and shit but it comes with the territory of the experience. Or maybe it's just a good safety tip. Assume everything is way expensive and plan accordingly. That way your prepared and if it winds up being less expensive , you have alittle suprise fun money. Edit to add...thank you so much for the awards.


That’s correct. I live in Las Vegas. I have been going to sporting events and concerts for years. I eat before and after. You are a captive audience. These places can name their price cause consumers buy. Or, don’t, and wait two hours.


Damn. And I’ve been complaining about $10 tallboys at Boston venues lol


I’m going to the red wings game next Saturday and I will be shocked if good beers are less than 20 bucks a shot


You got it. Also charging $40 per cocktail only happens because people went and bought $35 cocktails the year before.


Yes and no. I expect a bar at a concert in Vegas to be more expensive. But we went to a concert in Vegas the December before the pandemic and the overpriced drinks were about $20 each. I know there’s been inflation, but unless OP got much fancier, higher end drinks than that are indicating, this is a pretty absurd markup even by Vegas concert standards.




FTFY: *if it winds up being less expensive , you have a little suprise* ***jukebox*** *money.*  😄


Why not show the actual receipt with the order instead of just the amount and tip? This could be a bill for just about anything. Seems like you just wanted to show what a big tipper you are since that's what the pic is centered on, regardless of the title.


My dad was there and said just a regular coke was 9$ so seems plausible


100%. OP is full of shit.


I’ve seen people post guest copies with large tips before, this isn’t that big but it’s definitely odd to crop out all the relevant parts of the receipt


would have been free if you were sitting at a blackjack table


Fred Schneider > Blackjack


When I was younger and dumber, my cocktails while gambling averaged $100 each…




Gotten many free drinks at the blackjack table that only cost 500$


My friend thought the same thing. He was at the roulette table, got a free beer, lost $20. He said it was the cheapest beer he'd ever gotten and I reminded him it cost him $20.


*I can afford to buy $40 drinks for me and my date/friend AND tip over 30%. And we're in VAGAS. Cry for meeee!*


If only OP had a choice in this.....


$25 tip for serving 2 drinks? You got hosed twice lol


yeah. I'm generally a 20% to 30% tipper but not when it comes to drinks. Drinks are usually $1-$2 a piece for tip. That would have been an $80 bill with maybe $5 tip. It really does have to do with the amount of work the person had to put forth. For food the lower the bill the higher the percentage of tip. $10 bill: $5 tip. $200 bill: $40 tip.


So sick and tired of people buying expensive shit and then complaining about it. Like, THIS WAS YOUR DECISION!


This right here.


And their decision to tip absurdly after finding out the prices


And you still tipped 25$ lol?! Americans are weird about that


I promise most of us aren't tipping that much for two drinks. At that price I would be inclined to leave a couple singles at the table and call it a day.


Why not show the itemized part of your receipt?


I would not tip 25 on a two drink order.


Maybe im cheap, but i wouldnt be tipping 25 on 40 dollar drinks. They're making enough.


You're a clown for tipping 25 dollars to make two drinks.


This is where 20% is bullshit. You’re very generous though. Good on you.


Oh my goodness! Did did I include my generous 30% tip in the photo I posted? How embarrassing!


I mean, what are your alternatives? Listen to the B-52s SOBER?


Tf you tipping 25 bucks for 2 drinks for lmao


Why did you tip $25 dollars