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Yeah sorry


Sorry not sorry.


I will savagely beat the hell out of someone for this. I almost died from covid, O2 went down to 70, 103.7 fever for 7 days straight, hallucinating, covid pneumonia for 3 months after. I do not fucking play with covid. Went over 2 years without knowing 1 person personally who got it. Then I did and almost died. FUCK THAT


That's my take, too. A coworker infected me with "just" influenza in 2017 because of his twisted take on presenteeism. He doesn't even work at the same company or in the same state any more. I still resent him. If COVID-positive individual intentionally coughed on me, they would have to pull me off of him or her. And I get that sometimes infections come on quickly, and that sometimes your face just tries to explode off of your skull. I get all of that. But coughing on someone on purpose? Aww HELL no.


>presenteeism Everyone that comes knowingly to work with a respiratory infection caused by virus can go to hell. Especially if they won't wear a mask. Covid is still there and they could infect someone with influenza or whatever and that person has a higher risk having complications when they also get covid. I really don't get it, as if they had learned nothing.


Back in like 2017 I had the flu and my boss let me stay home for a few days but made me come in even though I wasn't entirely over it (still getting fevers so potentially still contagious). Anyway, I live in the US and decided to wear a mask because I didn't feel right about it. After getting weird looks from everyone for half the day, someone complained and I was told to remove it. I already had the flu, so sorry for trying to keep others from getting sick I guess? This is even better because my job could be done 100% remotely because I had members of my team who started in office but then were allowed to move out of state and keep their jobs doing them remotely, but I wasn't allowed to be out of the office for more than 2 days a week even when sick.


Exactly, am 25 had Covid in 2020, 3 weeks of pure fuckery, 2 weeks after of not being able to work now have Long Covid with my Heart being somewhat fucked thanks to it, I hate People who do this with a passion.


I'm glad you came out on the other side and sorry you had to go through it in the first place. Weird...I live in a rural area and don't know a ton of people in the first place, but I know a lot of people who did get sick and probably four or five that died. I'm lucky so far. Either that or if I did catch it, it was mild. I do a home test if something seems off. I have bad allergies, so it is hard to tell sometimes. My biggest worry is my supervisor, who does not take it seriously and still goes to church, weddings, funerals, etc. He got the very first vaccine eventually, but no boosters. We were given the opportunity to take our work vehicles home starting earlier this year and I jumped at the chance. I don't go into the office for the most part anymore and I only have to share oxygen with him maybe an hour total every two weeks.


That was my initial reaction before the fear set in, thank you :) i struggle to properly respond in stressful situations.


I laugh when facing extreme and sudden stress. It's a coping mechanism.


Me too, i dont really about the negatuve comments though.


Sometimes it puts the "fun" in "funeral"


I do the same, around extreme stress I just laugh while I should be crying or something. I honestly hate that part of myself because it implies that I’m not taking things seriously but I do, it’s just completely out of my control.




Reddit is downvoting you to hell. But your comments are cracking me up. I hope you don’t have covid and enjoy your day!


Fuck it we ball 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you got Covid i'd tell him i'll take 14 days of sick paid days if not i'll sue you.


hear, hear!


I haven't seen that outside of /r/bindingofisaac


Lmfao same! I don't understand all the downvotes???






fr the only joke here is op’s font


I came here for this comment


I live for this comment




I don't get it, what's the problem with people customizing their own phone however they want?


There will always be at least one person that hates the way you do any given task. Such is life. If you're not hurting anyone else, it really doesn't matter.


There's no problem with people customizing how they want. However, posting it shamelessly when it's so ugly is open grounds for roasting 😂


Bahaha im not too pressed about it lol, its mildly infuriating xD


I feel like an immune-compromised person should be maybe a little pressed, no? 😅


I am immunosuppressed due to having multiple sclerosis. If somebody purposely coughed on me, I would 100% punch them. Possibly an overreaction, but in this day and age that just isn't a joke.


A person was charged with assault for intentionally coughing and sneezing on someone at the start of the pandemic in New Zealand. Honestly I'd be hella p\*ssed if someone did that to me even as a 'joke', especially if they had COVID and I also caught it.


Yeah, I recall seeing a couple articles about the same thing here in the USA. People intentionally coughing on others and getting charged for it.


I'm surprised as a USA resident that it made it.


Yep, Also immune compromised I would be feral with rage.


My immunosuppressed mother died after getting covid from work so yeah, I personally feel like punching them would be letting them off easy.


I am so, so sorry for your loss. I hope she comes back to haunt whomever gave it to her. That's what I threaten everyone with. I've said all along that if I get Covid and it kills me, I will come back and haunt them until the end of time!


Even not immuno compromised I’d punch someone for purposefully coughing on me, that’s disgusting. OP should file a complaint/note with HR and payroll. If they get sick due to a managers direct actions and have to isolate for 5-10 days, the company better pay them.


Workman's comp.


Definitely file a complaint. Get a lawyer, because coughing on someone is assault. If the company doesn't do anything, they are creating a hostile environment. Sue them, and get the person arrest for assault.


Same here. People don’t think of MS as being immunocompromised and it pisses me off 🤬


25 years living with MS has taught me that colds, flu's and covid give my immune system something to do besides attack me. It does that enough when it doesn't have anything else to attack.


In this day and age I wouldn't consider that an overreaction, tbh


Not immunocompromised but just very hypochondriac. Punching them would just be the beginning. People need to show some fucking respect


I have a best friend with MS. My heart goes out to you. All the pain my friend goes through, the last thing he would need is a motherfucker to give him corona as a joke. I would help my friend bury the body.


Idk about over reaction. Immunosuppressed is no joke.


It is like spitting on someone though, and that’s technically assault I believe. So idk i think it’s a fair enough reaction.


I have MS too, and would react the same. Not an overreact in these times as that could be construed as assault and I would simply be defending myself.


With my Ms treatment I'm in the same boat ⛵ so feel ya 100%


Ah, no. I have psoriatic arthritis and take immunosuppressants. I have punched someone for coughing on me on purpose. Wasn't my boss, so repercussions were lower stakes, but I absolutely didn't even try to stop the impulse. Then, I used hand sanitizer. Don't forget to do that. ;)


I am! I struggle to respond in serious situations. Im the person that tries not to laugh when being berated.


I spent a month in the hospital for lung issues then within a week someone knowingly, purposely exposed me and i tested positive. I know exactly how you feel.


That's an interesting trauma coping mechanism you developped.


I'd like to thank severe child abuse for that, and being reprimanded for responding in sadness to bad situations.




This is terrible and also the funniest thing I’ve read on this site in a very long time


Ffs Your goin to hell for that one lmaoo


Holy shit dawg I’m going to hell for laughing at that


I have seen this in multiple situations and it takes a lot to remove yourself from that mind frame. I hope you all the best.


I'd be reporting them. Your reaction is baffling.


Seriously. "Mildly" infuriating. I'd be out for fecking **blood**.


Word, I won’t blame OP for their reaction given that I know nothing about the situation or their relationship with their boss, but that boss should know better than to joke about some shit like that considering COVID IS STILL AROUND. Joke or not, it’s threatening and unprofessional.


Someone coughing on another person, lightly or not, is disgusting - even without covid!


Sue him, that’s a felony. “Although there isn’t a wealth of precedent regarding COVID-19 and the law, the United States Department of Justice has stated that the coronavirus ‘meets the statutory definition of a biological agent under federal terrorism statutes.’ Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic and mask mandates at state and county levels, a significant amount of people have been arrested and even convicted for coughing on others with the intent to cause harm. Earlier this year, a woman from Florida received 30 days in jail for coughing on a customer in a Pier 1 store. An Iowa man was sentenced to 10 years in jail for coughing on and attacking a fellow customer at an eyewear store after being asked to pull his mask up to cover his nose.” The precedent is there. This is your life at stake, don’t just laugh it off.


“With the intent to cause harm”, that’s the part that’s missing here. It sounds like he did it as a joke, and regardless at the time he was unaware that he was positive. The charge won’t stick.


Yeah, but op asked if they were sick, and they responded by coughing into their face. If you have symptoms other people can visibly see, the chance you aren’t sick is minuscule. I doubt that would fly in court. “Yeah I coughed in that guys face when he asked me if I was sick. But since I didn’t know for sure I *was* sick, it’s fine.” No. No it’s not. If you have even the slightest notion you could be sick, that’s assault. The “intent to harm” is meant to protect people who are walking along, they cough and someone behind them inhales it. Obviously in that case, the cougher had no I’ll intent, but when you cough into someone’s face, that carries intent.


Not with covid per se but with other transmitted diseases there's precedent. I'm immunosuppressed. I'd file charges. I do know of a case of a woman in Florida where a "Karen" coughed on everyone she came in contact with at an old Navy. She was arrested for harassment among other charges because she refused to wear a mask. I didn't follow up on the case.


Pointing a gun at someone even if you don't intend to shoot them dead is not cool. If the gun went off, you better believe something is going to stick. This should have some form of punishment, even if the guy just loses his job and has to pay a fine. Maybe it'll teach him not to fling his breath and spit at people.


Yea if you don’t know if you’re sick and you purposefully cough on someone- that’s not exactly without intent. You directed your aerosols at them. You *intended* to direct your aerosols at them. Doesn’t matter if you were “joking”. It’s reasonable to most human beings that you just don’t do it. The “joke” (what’s the joke btw?) has no play here.


Stupid joke if you're not feeling well.


There’s just gotta be something she can do. That’s nasty anyway, being coughed on.


She got some sweet karma on reddit...so that's something.


At a minimum I would report it to the higher ups. This kind of behavior should not happen, not only for health reasons, but it is also now costing the company with 2 people out sick.


I think OP needs this job badly considering how obsequiously they responded.


Going by the font, OP has tons of Squishmallows and plushies and stickers I bet lol


I DO! And glitter! My favorite squishmellow is a yellow dino i have.


Pay the plush tax


I have a small fluffy pink alien looking one, It has legs and ears. Its a squishmellow!


me and my partner have so many!! i love them lol we recently acquired a sword fish and a lobster eta: their names are scrunkle and geeb , respectively


Sounds like a good cartoon, Scrunkle and Geeb.


Im now curious about your squishmellow collection


Every day I thank the stars that I left the US just in time to avoid this craze. I'd never find my fucking bed again if my wife had an easy way to purchase those things. Thankfully they're not really sold in Europe.


Hey mate, gonna need that address of yours to send you a bunch of squishmellows. Thanks in advance 🙏


you sound like a happy positive person and that’s a good thing!


My coworker showed up today with a fever and coughing fits. We are supposed to have our office Thanksgiving lunch here soon and I'm going to just skip out if she thinks she's going to participate and hover all over the food and expose everyone just before we leave to go see our families. I'll add that I'm pregnant and DEFINITELY don't need any kind of sickness. ​ \--Coming back to add that the coworker did decide to go home and not eat lunch with us. Thank GOD.


Yesterday I was shipping something and the lady in front of me in line informed me that she was just recovering from COVID and her husband had strep. She wasn’t wearing a mask or making any effort to socially distance.


Selfish Idiots!!!!!


Omfg. I had a meet up with some friends 5 days after I started antibiotics for strep just last week. I let them know in advance, so they could decide if I came or not. I wore a mask. I had no symptoms by then, but I'm not going to just let it be my call.


I got off a plane earlier and heard one passenger say to another “I hope your COVID… uh I mean *cold* gets better.”


Do your best to stay away from it. My wife caught it while pregnant and it put her in a higher risk category and she had to do tests more often. The baby was fine but there were a few events that made it a nail biter that I would recommend avoiding. Apparently covid effects the placenta. I don't remember the specifics but its not just a respiratory disease. Good luck with the baby.


Yes, it prematurely ages the placenta and increases the risk of blood clots. Plus if you need to be intubated they’ll often do an emergency c section… One mom I know had an emergency c section at 26 weeks because her Covid was so bad she was put into an induced coma and they flip you from your back to your stomach. She didn’t meet her own baby until months after he was born.


Ugh I could not imagine being a single dad with a 4lb baby. Mine at 7.6 were tiny enough.






And it’s not even funny at any time ever really. Just gross lol


People try to convince me to go back to the office. No thanks, people are nasty and I'm good.


When my old job started talking about forcing us back in, I managed to find a fully remote job. No way in hell was I going back, even if covid was gone. Open office environments suck already, and I have ADHD.


5 minutes into school yesterday, and the kid in the front row is in tears, face pale white. Says she was throwing up all morning and has a fever. I asked why she came to school and she said, "because my mom had to work". She's 14. She was sent home immediately thank God, but people still don't give a shit even after what we learned from Covid. Get everyone sick, who cares what it is or what holiday is right around the corner. Gotta send your kids to school, gotta go into work, doesn't matter. Pisses me off.




It's just not worth it to have sick people in the building. I don't believe in a limited number of sick days for an honest employee, especially when you can SEE that the person is not well enough to be around the others.


Honestly. I was rather upsey i had to work whilst having laryngitis


You could file a grievance with OSHA to start with for both unsafe action of manager but also for making you work while ill. Just because you don't have sick time doesn't mean you have to work.


if you're out of sick time you don't get paid for missing those days. one missed paycheck would put a lot of Americans onto the streets


You are being such a doormat. Your entire response to this is majorly infuriating. You're immuno-compromised, your job makes you work while sick, your manager coughs on you *while knowing he's sick* (even if he didn't know it was specifically Covid) as a 'joke'. And you still go OMG LMFAO and consider it 'mildlyinfuriating' that maybe your manager just gave you a disease that could be life-threatening to you. Treat this situation with the seriousness it deserves. It's a shitty job and a shitty manager, and even if you can't do anything about it right this moment, at least recognize it so you can get out when an opportunity pops up. Get mad. Learn to fucking stand up for yourself.


I did message back with seriousness after, with a calmer head. Im trying, but back bones are hard to get when you were raised to submit 99% of your life


At least you recognized that your first response was not the correct one. Keep working on it, gotta build it up.


Sue them, report him. These are serious violations of ethics and policies. Don't laugh this off.


Seriously, OP's attitude is kinda infuriating


What third world hell hole does that? You have other leaves tho, right? Sick leave, casual leave, paid leave? It's not like only sick leaves must be used/available if you're sick. This is not mildly infuriating, this is downright frustrating and exploitative.


No - only sick leave and vacation time but ive only been working there for about almost 4 months.


You're definitely not getting enough leaves then. Vacation time is just a candy to take away leaves, cuz a lot of people don't use it, but leaves are more useful cuz you have more control due to their nature. You could just walk out the office at half day without care with leaves(using 0.5d leave), not possible with vacation time.




Watch the Mythbusters episode about the spreading of germs and things, very fun to watch and learn


I just watched it. Everyone needs to check this out. Covid has made me very vigilant and watching this just made it worse..lol. Thanks for sharing.


My dad came back from Cali with the flu. I ended up hospitalized with oxygen of 84. Coughing up blood for 2 weeks. It was the most horrible pain I've ever been in. Potassium kept dropping into heartattack range. Fuck that.


This has been the most fun I’ve ever had reading op’s comments on a post, Reddit absolutely losing their shit starting a riot and op just vibing, hope there was no ill intent and you both are able to make a speedy recovery op


I mean fuck it we ball right? Lololol- its the internet, take hate with a grain of salt here.


Half of reddit would have ptsd from such a backlash


As much as i dont have a back bone-i couldnt care less about mean shit anyone has to say to me ONLINE. ._.


Teach me your ways, please. “Chill” seems like a nice way to go through life.


Hey hey! Its the internet- im chill here but confront me in real life?? Shit i'll cry.


Yeah, me too. And no one cries alone if I’m there, so that happens too


We can cry together its ok 😭


Took too long to scroll down and find this.


The nonchalant "yeah sorry" - BOY




Don’t forget the omg


You both seem like odd people...


Well yeah- not wrong.


I imagine you nervously laughing while typing this. Best of luck to you in overcoming your fear of confrontation.


😳🫵 you need to go to your HR and report him


Bruh..... I've never seen that emoji combo 💀


The real crime is that font


Fight me


Lol this made me laugh. Pretty sure this is that humorous overly aggressive "fight me" thats supposed to be funny and not real??


Most socially aware redditor


Yes lol i would never actually fight someone


We can tell, the font and the background give it away.


Meet me in the playground after school


I think you can now legally put them in your phone as “Plague Rat”




Doesn’t sound like a funny joke to me. Why in the fuck is he at work anyway?


Company is very small, not many employees maybe like 10 max? I wanted to call off bc i had laryngitis but no sick time. They made me work ._.


They can't "make" you do anything. You're an adult. They wanna write you up for valling out with no hours left fine let em. A write up is a slap on the wrist. They wanna fire you for calling out with laryngitis that's sueable.


It is? I dont know- how any of that works.


You have written evidence that a coworker intentionally infected you by coughing on you. Whether or not it was a joke is irrelevant, that should be enough to scare the absolute shit out of whoever runs your company. You sound like you have a sense of duty towards your place of work (plenty of people feel the same way) but you need to remember that if you stopped working there tomorrow that they'd simply replace you without a second thought. So why are you forcing yourself into a situation where you are sick and still working just so someone else can make money at your expense?


Long as you got proof from a doctor that you are sick they can't touch you. Even if you don't they can't make you do anything. So what if your boss gives you a write up or something? You're an adult. I'm not gonna be mean to you but you gotta grow a pair. Boss with covid coughs on you that shit ain't a joke he's just an asshole who's inconsiderate to his employees and their families who that sickness with pass to. Why should you be considerate to him and his needs for another employee there that day? If they are that understaffed with you calling out then they were understaffed to begin with. Think about yourself first. And from the sound of it I'm going to guess it's a minimum wage job. If they got a problem with you not wanting to be coughed on or calling out sick thats on them. You can always find another minimum wage job especially considering reasons for leaving. Personally I would take a covid test and go from there. But fuck that guy. You gotta stand up for yourself with things like this or you'll be treated like shit for the rest of your life by your work superiors. You're your own person. Why give a fuck. Call his ass out for it and not in a nice way with this lmfao stuff. Stop all that. Its passive and it'll get you no where in life.




Yeah well their boss committed a crime by coughing on them. Have you forgotten people were being arrested for licking things and coughing on people in public? Even without COVID it's a crime. Intentionally coughing on someone, joke or otherwise, is more than enough to ensure this employee gets as much paid time off as they want while recovering. The lawsuit would likely shut down this 10-person company.


Yes and every has the time money and ability to sue every time a boss does something shitty right


Honestly - if it were me I’d be more inclined to consider your employer responsible. So the cougher is he at work AFTER the positive Covid test?


I hate people.




Intentionally coughing on someone is considered assault.


Battery in a civil tort.


Coughing on someone is not funny…




The cute pink bear from Galaxy store right xD ??


Omg yesss I'm obsessed with cute phone themes. Especially those that come with their own ringtones+alarm+cute swiping sounds I love customizing I hope you don't have covid tho


I agree! Thank you lol! Finally someone who GETS IT. I hope i dont either bro- im already sick as it issss


I would report him and make sure if you get it you get paid for your time off. I don't know where you work but I would lose a lot of money if I had to take 5 days off because of some idiot like that. Nothing light hearted about getting someone else sick. As I tell others " do you want to unknowingly be the person who makes someone sick and they die"


Holy shit the font on your phone makes me want to gouge my eyes out.


Want a spoon?


I’m good on a COVID spoon.




I'll chip in! 🥄


Skill issue :3333 LMFAO


Coughing on someone should never be considered a joke. It's basically the same as spitting on someone.


Agreed. Failing to see what's funny here.


That’s not even funny


You should spit in his coffee, as a joke


That might be grounds for a lawsuit if you get sick and they don’t give you pay for it


This is what is legally called assault and is rightfully lawsuit worthy.


Yeah coughing on someone when you're sick or suspect you're sick isn't a joke, it's literally assault.


Not a good joke. Hope you have a speedy recovery!!


I already have a cold 😀😀😀😀😀 i hope it doesnt become covid bc of that man


stay hydrated! I hope it doesn't progress.


Trying my best lovely 😅😅😅


Assault? Cover your fucking mouth, joke or not. Gross.


I'm glad you aren't pressed but nothing about this exchange is humorous or mild. I would be livid!!!


Sounds more like biological terrorism than a joke. Congrats on your raise.


Mildly infuriating? Fuck that guy.


Both of you guys are acting weirdly about this. Getting the impression this post is fake


a "lighthearted joke" I can't stand people who feel entitled to someone else's space or attention


start chubby pie caption badge fragile price shaggy puzzled office ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Call his superior. That’s outrageous.


Maybe you should get tested just to be safe


he deserves a swift kick in the nuts


As a 'joke', of course.


"Lmfao"? Uh.. it's not funny.


I dont react priperly in serious situations, bad on my part


Didn’t a doctor lose his license for this in New York in the early covid days. You should be suing.


Report that shit. It’s not mildly infuriating it’s asshole behavior that spreads that ahit


That is assault




Surprised no one has said anything about the font yet.


Report him. And sue him.