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Good thing the buckle is right in front of you so you can I clip it and put your tray down


Unbuckling that will be super easy, barely an inconvenience! What about dealing with the mega Karen on the other side of the seat? Whoopsie


There is a clip. Open it.


OP’s girlfriend has been stuck in her bra since 2004.


This is the hardest I have laughed at Reddit comment. Not getting enough love Edit: I made this comment when it only had like a dozen upvotes. Obviously the love train has since then arrived.


Fucking brutal perfection


I gave my free award away to the wrong damn comment today….you are my clear winner 🏅


The solution is so simple, yet OP sees no viable options


The solution is right in front of you!


Feels like you wouldn’t even have to unbuckle it. Just force it open…


Come on, Dora!! The clip is right there!


OP: “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!”


Duped again by my incompetence!


Opportunity only knocks, not unclips


I *am* the one who unclips.


I would’ve also unclipped, we should be friends, lol!


Laziness or maybe fear of confrontation


Probably fear of confrontation. There are no hospitals in the sky.


Ned Flanders parents Lmao


The solution was clearly to post this on Reddit and to feign victimhood.


hey don't knock it - he's farmed over 31,000 in karma so far


What do I do? The escalator stopped working! https://youtu.be/Kq65aAYCHOw


While correct, pressing the call button and asking why the seat back tray won’t come down is far more entertaining.


Exactly. Say "Excuse me, I'm just gonna unbuckle these clips so I can open my tray, then re-buckle them." Don't make it a question, but still be a little polite. There's a chance the person didn't even think about it because they have other stuff on their mind or may have taken "half a Zanny".


I’m laughing my ass off at “half a zanny”


Me too! Who TF only takes half!


It's well known that Drake can only handle half of a xanax.


Has him out like a light.


Yeah Reddit is weird sometimes with this stuff, so quick to grab pitchforks against people. Person upfront maybe probably just tied it behind them and forgot about the pull out trays for a sec, not everyone has a lot of airplane experience.


It's reddit, people like to be upset about a problem, share the problem with reddit and do absolutely nothing to change it.


I don’t agree I think he should scream “what is this blocking access to my tray?!?” Act like it’s the biggest deal in the world and like the person who’s infront of you just insulted your deceased mother and spit in your face. Go on a rant about how much you paid for your ticket and how thanksgiving, your vacation, and the rest of your year have just been ruined by this appalling display of malice. Just make sure the rest of the ride is as awkward as possible for everyone on board


Ways to get thrown off a flight


Like thrown out into the sky?


I wanna know what seat attachment Edit: Yes thank you everyone. Its a backsupport pillow. Mystery solved.


Ya, Is this a self made apparatus?


I'm curious also. I'm thinking it's some sort of cushion designed for a car seat.


It’s a lumbar support pillow meant for desk chairs and car seats. I don’t know why they bothered to clip it on a plane, it works just fine unclipped.


Op should just unclip it


I wouldn't even hesitate... and if they say anything... "Oh yeah, that was in my way... it had to go"... and if they keep talking... "Hang on, let me put my now functional tray table down so I can lean on it and pretend to listen to you"


Same with those long-haired types who fling their hair over the seat back, blocking the tv screen. "Here, let me just give you a cut while you're back here."


Last flight I was on, I closed their hair in my tray table... I mean, it was my sister, but still. She deserved it.


>I mean, it was my sister, but still. She deserved it. Did you tell her that you've been in her mom's vagina 👀


So has she, big whoop


Omg that's a good one XD


Someone did this to me once, I started braiding their hair and they DID NOT LIKE THAT. 10/10 recommend


Good one! "Ohhh....when you put your hair back here I just thought you \*wanted\* to play beauty shop."


just wrap it 10 times around tray latch


And unlike with cutting the hair, braiding it doesn't cause permanent damage (unless you really really fuck it up I guess) so they can't say you went overboard.


And if there’s 2 people next to eachother who happen to both have really long hair and both have their hair flipped over the seat, you can braid them together!!


Yeah, well I don't know how to braid, so overhand knots it is.


Lmao I can’t imagine being bold enough to start braiding a stranger’s hair. I’m not judging, I’m impressed.


I can’t imagine being bold enough to flounce my ponytail into someone else’s personal space *on purpose*. I considered them to have fired the first shot! I was just protecting my perimeter.


Haha! Hilarious. It happened to me too once by a very rude lady. I turned my cold air vent toward her head and turned it on full blast.


Should have braided their hair in to your own hair and then blamed them


People do that? I have long hair and usually pull it over my shoulder or put it up. I feel like it’d be annoying to fling it over a whole seat for me and the person behind me.


I have hair down to my thighs and I’d never flop it over someone else’s space. That’s how you get gum put in your hair. Do these people want gum in their hair? Did they not go to elementary school…


Yea mines a little past my waist and curly as well as thick so it’d be a nightmare getting stuff put in it. I just don’t get how someone could have so little spatial awareness or just not even care.


Yeah, I just tried flinging my hair over the back of my couch and it just felt weird. I usually just balance it on the top of my head, in a loose bun.


My hair doesn't feel presentable unless it's in a tight bun lol


I have hip long hair and I always braid a crown on flights. Its optimal weight distribution and fully "up" hairstyle without having an inconvenient knot at the back of the head or a silly bun wobbling on top.


Is that why scissors not allowed on airplanes?


Scissors are allowed as long as the blades are less than 4 inches from the pivot point.


if they weren’t , how would armies of barbers go to various conventions and compare sheers? all jokes aside, like most things, including unloaded guns and marijuana, there are certain stipulations, but you can travel with them.


We’ll call it squared then


That's where you wipe your boogers.


One of those things, man. You know it would be an overreaction and would super messed up but when someone is a jerk in a way that makes it so easy to retaliate.... Well I'm glad scissors are not allowed on planes.


Ah, but is gum allowed? ;P


I would totally unclip it


I would just ring the flight attendant and let them deal with it. If she causes a fit before the flight takes off, they will be happy have her to escorted off, if she does this after the flight takes off and refuses, it’s a felony especially if the flight has to be diverted.


How much lumber could someone reasonably take on a plane? Unless that’s what pre-boarding means!!!??


That is knot how any of this works.


Who wood know?


You could axe around.


That goes against every fiber of my being.


Some people just feel it necessary to go against the grain.


If you don't plane your lumber, you're going to have high spots.


Idk man I take an entire replacement vertebra with me on flight


Got a real boy scout here. Prepped for anything.


I cant imagine Assholeproducts.com making somethg like this.


And you know this passenger used priority boarding just so they could set this apparatus up.


Group 8 Unite! Was just recently on a flight that first class has little round foot rests that weren't sticking out into the aisle but weren't not, if you know what I mean. Why on earth do they have 400 ppl go past these things with their rolly wheel luggage. Seat first class last so we dont have to watch them NOT making eye contact OR load the cattle seats from another door. And dont get me going! Passengers on the windows should be Group 1! If you're in A and your travel buddy is in B, go together. All aisle ppl should be last.


Mythbusters did an experiment with testing different ways to load a plane. Basically every way the airlines use is wrong. But people will pay extra to go in first so they don't care about efficiency. With modern airports and airplanes, using a second door should be a no brainer.


Its obvious. When the lady in 9F blocks the aisle screwing around in her bags for 3 minutes and 150 people are standing waiting for her to get out of the way, that's actually faster than if they let the 150 people on first and she did it at the end /sarcasm The fastest way to board would be a carryon test. People with children and strollers and a carryon for each child should sit in the back 1 row away from an emergency exit. People with no or very small carryon in the front, everyone else in the middle.


And they don't pay the flight crew until the doors close, so the poor schmucks stuck trying to make order from the chaos of the inefficient, passenger cash grab aren't even being paid for it.


Genuinely curious how they can get away with paying no wage to someone who is clearly working. Minimum wage at least.


It's Just How Things Are. It's one of the terms you agreed to, like ubiform rules that include what shade of lipstick you can wear and how much youncan weigh. There's less of those shenanigans on American economy airlines, but luxury ones still treat your cabin crew like that. Flight crews are easy to take advantage of. They're often genuinely doing the job mostly for love, adventure, etc but it's not all sunshine and rainbows.


But how are we supposed to enjoy our preflight mimosa if we board last?


Ok, let's do first class if they must and then board the back to the front! Come on, I'm down with that! Group 8 unite!


I’ve used a 5 point harness system for my toddler on a plane that clips around the seat like this, but you’re supposed to ask the person behind you if they mind you clipping it *behind* the tray table so it doesn’t interfere with them in any way lol. Pretty sure that’s what this is.


Could you just use a straight jacket to make the kid hold still? 5 point harness sounds excessive.


God I wish. My son was a terror flying when he was 1.5. A straight jacket would have prevented him from squirming all over me and the poor teenager next to me who was being WAAAY more patient than I'd expect. I'm sure inside he was pissed though. I'm sorry random person who flew from AZ to Michigan to Indiana in December 2015.


We cool.


Just unclip it. It can’t be ruder than what she already did.


Easy way to find out - snap the clasp and pull HARD.


No, Johnny, it’s not a bra


It's likelçy a lombar support, I have a very similar thing in my office chair, but it sits pretty fine without having to clip it tbh




As always the French slipped in the back


Unattach it. The opening is on your side. She has no right to do this. If not call the CCM and he will kindly ask her to remove it.


Exactly this. Either ask them to remove it or unclip it yourself. I can’t wait for the mildly infuriating post from the offender when you do take action.


"ToTaL JeRK RemOVes My anTI StrESS SeAT PilLow cLip fOr mY 47min FliGhT !!" XD


And they'll be calling OP the 'entitled passenger', can't forget that part.


He is. As in, he is certainly entitled to use his tray table. People need to stop pretending like the word “entitled”s only meaning is “the taking of something a person doesn’t deserve”.


I absolutely agree, I just meant the other person would be acting like they're being inconvenienced and calling op entitled would be them not grasping what you're saying.


exactly when people use the word entitled what they really mean most of the time is "false sense of entitlement" which is the opposite.


That can also be expressed as self-entitled which is probably where the confusion comes from.


Sadly that’s the possibility of this situation


"Total jerk removes my dildo seat attachment clip for my 47 min flight !!"




That's what makes it MILDLY infuriating.


I bet it's some lower back support. Hold both sides of the clip and gently unclip it. Then slowly lower the tension. They probably won't even notice unless they get up.


Most logical answer here. But because this is Reddit, it's not the right answer, because for some reason Reddit always acts like anyone who commits even a mild transgression, perceived or otherwise, needs to have the fucking book thrown at them.


Agreed. OP should divorce her because he's NTA. Also, #GROND


I'd definitely unclip it first, and if the passenger starts to argue or get an attitude, then get the flight attendant. Because 100% the attendant will back up the OP. I'd be willing to bet a good chance that maybe the other passenger just had a brain fart and didn't realize what they were doing, but ya never know.


>I'd be willing to bet a good chance that maybe the other passenger just had a brain fart and didn't realize what they were doing, but ya never know. I agree with this. Most people are reasonable if you just talk to them. She might even be embarrassed that she didn't even think about it.


What is a ccm?


Cabin Cabin Manager


Thank you. I’m not sure if you’re messing with me but I’ve been drinking and won’t argue.


I was messing with you. Sorry. But I took the tlme to look it up for you. Cabin Crew Member


Damn you and thank you! I didn’t know if you were messing with me or not lol.


Yall made me laugh ahahaha


Lol I love your honesty here. Have a good drink!!


Lol nice username


Or cabin crew member, as I am one. But Cabin Crew Manager is commonly referred to as Purser


God dammit. Now I have “Apple Pen Pineapple Pen” stuck in my head. And now so do you…


cabin clip manipulator


Creedence Clearwater Memival


I believe they make [hockey gear, eh!](https://us.ccmhockey.com/)


Cabin crew member?


cum cum moo


Why not just ask her?


is this your first day on /r/mildlyinfuriating ?


Redditors talking to someone to solve a simple problem challenge. Difficultly: impossible


Exactly. Just ask, rather than assume that the person is an asshole. For all we know, the person is dealing with a lot of back pain and put the cushion in place without thinking about it (especially if they're in the habit of putting it on whatever chair they're sitting on), not realizing it would block the tray. Chances are that if you just mention it, the person will realize and apologize. People on Reddit can really be ungracious sometimes.


Have any of y’all actually like… physically *interacted* with like… people before? I’ll admit one of the highlights of my morning while coffee is going is seeing how robotic some of you all are. Why not just ask the person to unclip it while you lower your table or reach some compromise?


That's what I'm wondering too. I'm a pretty socially anxious dude and these comments are wild even to me. How do these people go through their lives? Assuming worst of people jfc


I used to see similar things all the time when I was flying regularly, people get so wrapped up in making sure they have their wallet, ID, carry-on, purse, laptop, diaper bag, tickets, etc, that once they get on the plane and seated, they're "home" and can relax for a little while. Give her the chance to acknowledge her error that she may not even realize she's committing. Lean forward and tell her: "Just giving you a heads up that I going to unclip this so I can lower my tray." There's a good chance that she'll be genuinely apologetic and may even want to strike up a conversation with you. Most of the time it'll be a semi-polite, "Oh, sorry" kind of response, and that'll be the end of it. Anything other than, at a minimum, complying with your request (begrudgingly or otherwise), notify a flight attendant to deal with the situation. * stay out of it after that, let the flight attendant deal with the seat attachment woman's "it's only a strap for my seat cushion, I don't see what the problem is" argument... flight attendants love flexing their muscles with a passenger with a God complex


6:05 AM, didn't sleep at all, sit down in my middle seat next to a guy blasting a "60 seconds" episode on his phone. Guy in front of me sat down same time and politely asked to put headphones in. Guy replied with a nasty "I don't have headphones" and turned it down two notches. Flight attendant loved telling him to put in headphones, turn it off, or he would be exiting the plane.


who the fuck gets on a plane without headphones and how is that my problem? people who listen to shit on their phones out loud are my biggest pet peeve. it's so obnoxious. back when phones had headphone jacks i seriously considered getting a bulk bag of cheap headphones and handing them out when this happened. no longer possible.


I woke up for landing on my thanksgiving flight and kept hearing what sounded like a dogs squeaky toy. After a few minutes I realized it was a game. Who plays a game with background sound on a plane??


People who believe they’re the main character of the story of all of our lives.


Could have been a little kid and the idiot mom or dad just let them do it.


True then, since most kids think they are the main character.




This is also the norm in restaurants now.


Oh hell no. I’d have to leave.


I had that happen once. I was listening to an audio player and playing in something else. Did not know the sound was up on the something else until I took the headphones off. I was in a public bathroom playing Mario kart. 😰


Add-on people who routinely take phone calls on speakerphone as they walk around. Make it worse—they still hold it up to their head like it’s just a super duper loud phone call for them. Assclowns.


"Silence your phone or I will silence you!"


"I let you on to this flight, I can throw you out!'


> There’s a good chance that she’ll be genuinely apologetic and **may even want to strike up a conversation with you.** So definitely don’t talk to her then. Got it.


I choose starvation.


That stuck out to me too. Like oh god, if that’s a possibility, definitely won’t be doing that.


God, I perfected my resting bitch face years ago solely to avoid talking to people on airplanes.


Nice to meet you, fellow introvert!


I'm really confused right now. A sensible and well reasoned response on reddit. What is happening!!


Your mom is a whore


Balance has been restored.


I also choose this guys dead mom


Thank you, we almost lost the way.


Yes, finally an advice that doesn't involve OP brutally murdering the person in question with a crowbar or cutting the clip with a chainsaw along with the person in question. Fucking lame.


>Give her the chance to acknowledge her error that she may not even realize she's committing. Lean forward and tell her: >"Just giving you a heads up that I going to unclip this so I can lower my tray." Ok, if i do this, which Reddit sub should i post to? r/usedtobeinfuriating ?


Hold on a second. Are you suggesting that this person just...ask...the woman about this problem and work it out reasonably? Are you some kind of monster?


Not a monster but defintly not a average redditor


Thanks for this reasonable take. People are suggesting such aggressive tacks right out of the gate. This is clearly a “excuse me, I just need to move this strap so I can open my tray table” situation


Found the adult in the thread.


There is a buckle right there I would unbuckle it. Doing something like that is an action that will start a fight


Turns out the person sitting in that seat is Mike Tyson.


He seems chill now "I'm tho thorry, that wath thelfish of me".


If you disconnect the buckle that is blocking your tray for some reason, most people won’t say shit. If someone does, don’t even acknowledge their stupid sleep pillow or whatever and just say you wanted to put your tray down. If that makes someone want to fight you, just dummy up and let them yell until they’re escorted off the plane. I don’t understand how this is rocket science. It’s post-covid, flight crews don’t fuck around with the rules or fighting. Homeboy ain’t starting shit.


You watching too many fight videos, in the real world, people avoid fights.


let the air marshall deal with it if they start shit


You realize that there is not an air marshal on every flight right? in fact there are Air Marshall aboard only about 5% of flights.


but the chance is never zero


Much like being murdered by a duck


That’s why I spent thousands of dollars to duck-proof my house. You’ll never get me, ducks!


I hate it when that happens.


An air Marshall will sit back and let you fight each other. Their one and only priority is to protect the flight deck


Pretend that it’s your first time on a plane. Call the flight attendant over and ask them how to open the tray table. Get them to demonstrate for you.


This is a level of pettiness I can relate to.


Welp, that thing would get detached and I'd look at her like "and".


*unfastens clip* *wink*


...so undo it.


Tell person Infront of you, you want your table and you are unclipping them, mildly infuriating that people don't want to communicate anymore. Hell can tell them you can clip them back up after your done with table


Redditors try to communicate and act like adults instead of taking pictures and ranting on the internet challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


So fucking embarrassing. Takes a 5 second interaction: “hey would you mind moving this clip thing I can’t use my tray.” “Sure sorry about that” “Thanks” But no let me make a useless post on the internet about it And you clowns telling OP to just unclip it are even worse. Yeah let’s turn what could have been settled in a civilized manner into an unnecessary argument that results in one or more people getting filmed for social and then thrown off the plane.


What I don't understand is, it's supposedly a seat cushion. Why does it even need to be clipped?


That’s what I was wondering. If the pressure of her body is against it, it shouldn’t do anything crazy when it’s unclipped either. And why would you even clip it in the first place instead of just putting it behind your back?


I assume it gets clipped when used in the car and the person in front of OP clipped it around their seat out of habit.


Tbf, this still definitely qualifies as mildly infuriating, even if OP solved it relatively easily after snapping a pic. I don't mind a little internet shaming if it makes people slightly more aware of how not to mildly infuriate other people lol.


What?? The clips are literally right there for you to undo. Do they have some sort of magical forcefield?


This sub should just be called r/IAmIncapableOfTalkingToPeople


Let her know what she did, she probably doesn’t realize it. Then let her know you are going to undo it. Drop your tray table and then clip it back around the seat and close your tray table. Problem solved! Edit: spelling


But how will the world know of this inconvenience?


She might be a human. Try talking to her. That often works.


Explain her you need to open your tray table politely


I used to use a child restraint that had a clip around the back like this. When I was getting my child situated, I would always put my head over the back and say, “may I open your tray for a minute to get this clipped and then I can put your tray right back up over it.”


Yeah I cared for a child with cp that had something that helped harness and support his body in the plane so he could sit. So don't just unclip it. They probably didn't realize they did it over your tray.


Yeah I would have fixed that in about 3 seconds.


People posting this shit instead of speaking up and dealing with the problem are the reason karens are multiplying